@article{VujanićGesslerOomsetal.2018, author = {Gordan M. Vujanić and Manfred Gessler and Ariadne H. A. G. Ooms and Paola Collini and Aurore Coulomb-l'Hermine and Ellen D'Hooghe and Ronald R. de Krijger and Daniela Perotti and Kathy Pritchard-Jones and Christian Vokuhl and Marry M. van den Heuvel-Eibrink and Norbert Graf}, title = {The UMBRELLA SIOP-RTSG 2016 Wilms tumour pathology and molecular biology protocol}, journal = {Nature Reviews Urology}, volume = {15}, doi = {10.1038/s41585-018-0100-3}, year = {2018}, }