@article{KleinschnitzMenclGarzetal.2013, author = {Christoph Kleinschnitz and Stine Mencl and Cornelia Garz and Solveig Niklass and Holger Braun and Eva G{\"o}b and Gy{\"o}rgy Homola and Hans-Jochen Heinze and Klaus G. Reymann and Stefanie Schreiber}, title = {Early microvascular dysfunction in cerebral small vessel disease is not detectable on 3.0 Tesla magnetic resonance imaging: a longitudinal study in spontaneously hypertensive stroke-prone rats}, journal = {Experimental \& Translational Stroke Medicine}, doi = {10.1186/2040-7378-5-8}, url = {http://www.etsmjournal.com/content/5/1/8}, year = {2013}, }