@article{RascheKumarGershneretal.2019, author = {Leo Rasche and Manoj Kumar and Grant Gershner and Rohan Samant and Rudy Van Hemert and Anke Heidemeier and Constantin Lapa and Thorsten Bley and Andreas Buck and James McDonald and Jens Hillengass and Joshua Epstein and Sharmilan Thanendrarajan and Carolina Schinke and Frits van Rhee and Maurizio Zangari and Bart Barlogie and Faith E. Davies and Gareth J. Morgan and Niels Weinhold}, title = {Lack of Spleen Signal on Diffusion Weighted MRI is associated with High Tumor Burden and Poor Prognosis in Multiple Myeloma: A Link to Extramedullary Hematopoiesis?}, journal = {Theranostics}, volume = {9}, number = {16}, doi = {10.7150/thno.33289}, year = {2019}, }