@article{LeichSchrederPischimarovetal.2021, author = {Ellen Leich and Martin Schreder and Jordan Pischimarov and Thorsten St{\"u}hmer and Torsten Steinbrunn and Martina Rudelius and Daniela Br{\"u}nnert and Manik Chatterjee and Christian Langer and Sarah Keppler and Sofia Catalina Heredia-Guerrero and Hermann Einsele and Stefan Knop and Ralf Christian Bargou and Andreas Rosenwald}, title = {Novel molecular subgroups within the context of receptor tyrosine kinase and adhesion signalling in multiple myeloma}, journal = {Blood Cancer Journal}, volume = {11}, doi = {10.1038/s41408-021-00442-2}, year = {2021}, }