@article{FortmannDammannHumbergetal.2021, author = {Ingmar Fortmann and Marie-Theres Dammann and Alexander Humberg and Bastian Siller and Guido Stichtenoth and Geraldine Engels and Janina Marißen and Kirstin Faust and Kathrin Hanke and Sybelle Goedicke-Fritz and Christoph Derouet and Sascha Meyer and Regine Stutz and Elisabeth Kaiser and Egbert Herting and Wolfgang G{\"o}pel and Christoph H{\"a}rtel and Michael Zemlin}, title = {Five year follow up of extremely low gestational age infants after timely or delayed administration of routine vaccinations}, journal = {Vaccines}, volume = {9}, number = {5}, doi = {10.3390/vaccines9050493}, year = {2021}, }