@phdthesis{Rebhan2010, author = {Rebhan, Benjamin}, title = {Untersuchung des Blutdrucks und der Endothelfunktion ETB-Rezeptor-defizienter M{\"a}use unter Salz-angereicherter Di{\"a}t}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-51972}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {ETB-Rezeptoren nehmen innerhalb der endothelialen Regulationsprozesse eine zentrale Rolle ein. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde der Frage nachgegangen, welchen Einfluss eine Salzbelastung auf den Blutdruck und die vaskul{\"a}re Funktion von ETB-Rezeptor-Knockout-M{\"a}usen hat. In diesem Zusammenhang wurden m{\"a}nnliche ETB-Rezeptor-Knockout-M{\"a}use parallel mit Wildtyp-Kontroll-M{\"a}usen 15 Tage lang mit Standard- bzw. salzreichem Futter gehalten. Der systolische Blutdruck wurde ebenfalls dokumentiert. Nach 15 Tagen wurde den narkotisierten Tieren die Aorta descendens entnommen. An isolierten Aortenringen wurden in der Organkammer die Endothel-abh{\"a}ngige und -unabh{\"a}ngige vaskul{\"a}re Funktion untersucht. Die ETB-Rezeptor defizienten M{\"a}use bleiben - unter einer Haltung mit Standardfutter - normotensiv. Eine Hypertonie entwickeln die Tiere erst bei Verabreichung von salzreichem Futter. Die Endothel-abh{\"a}ngige Gef{\"a}ßfunktion ist jedoch nicht nur bei den hypertensiven Tieren ver{\"a}ndert, sondern bei allen ETB-Rezeptor defizienten M{\"a}usen - unabh{\"a}ngig von Salzgehalt der Nahrung und Blutdruck.}, subject = {Hypertonie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Harth2010, author = {Harth, Stefan}, title = {Molecular Recognition in BMP Ligand-Receptor Interactions}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-52797}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Bone Morphogenetic Proteins (BMPs) are secreted multifunctional signaling proteins that play an important role during development, maintenance and regeneration of tissues and organs in almost all vertebrates and invertebrates. BMPs transmit their signals by binding to two types of serine-/threonine-kinase receptors. BMPs bind first to their high affinity receptor, thereby recruiting their low affinity receptor into the complex. This receptor assembly starts a Smad (Small mothers against decapentaplegic) protein signaling cascade which regulates the transcription of responsive genes. Up to date, only seven type I and five type II receptors are known for more than 30 ligands. Therefore, many BMP ligands can recruit more than one receptor subtype. Vice versa, receptors can bind to several ligands, indicating a highly promiscuous ligand-receptor interaction. This raises the following questions: (i) How are BMPs able to induce ligand-specific signals, despite forming complexes with identical receptor composition and (ii) how are they able to recognize and bind various binding partners in a highly specific manner. From the ligand's point of view, heterodimeric BMPs are valuable tools for studying the interplay between different sets of receptors, thereby providing new insights into how the various BMP signals can be generated. This study describes the expression and purification of the heterodimers BMP-2/6 and -2/7 from E.coli cells. BIAcore interaction studies and various in vitro cell activity assays revealed that the generated heterodimers are biologically active. Furthermore, BMP-2/6 and -2/7 exhibit a higher biological activity in most of the cell assays compared to their homodimeric counterparts. In addition, the BMP type I receptor BMPR-IA is involved in heterodimeric BMP signaling. However, the usage of other type I receptor subtypes (e.g. ActR-I) building a heteromeric ligand-receptor type I complex as indicated in previous works could not be determined conclusively. Furthermore, BMP heterodimers seem to require only one type I receptor for signaling. From the receptors' point of view, the BMP type I receptor BMPR-IA is a prime example for its promiscuous binding to different BMP ligands. The extracellular binding interface of BMPR-IA is mainly unfolded in its unbound form, requiring a large induced fit to adopt the conformation when bound to its ligand BMP-2. In order to unravel whether the binding promiscuity of BMPR-IA is linked to structural plasticity of its binding interface, the interaction of BMPR-IA bound to an antibody Fab fragment was investigated. The Fab fragment was selected because of its ability to recognize the BMP-2 binding epitope on BMPR-IA, thus neutralizing the BMP-2 mediated receptor activation. This study describes the crystal structure of the complex of the extracellular domain of BMPR-IA bound to the antibody Fab fragment AbyD1556. The crystal structure revealed that the contact surface of BMPR-IA overlaps extensively with the contact surface of BMPR-IA for BMP-2 interaction. Although the contact epitopes of BMPR-IA to both binding partners coincide, the three-dimensional structures of BMPR-IA in both complexes differ significantly. In contrast to the structural differences, alanine-scanning mutagenesis of BMPR-IA showed that the functional determinants for binding to both the antibody and BMP-2 are almost identical. Comparing the structures of BMPR-IA bound to BMP-2 or to the Fab AbyD1556 with the structure of unbound BMPR-IA revealed that binding of BMPR-IA to its interaction partners follows a selection fit mechanism, possibly indicating that the ligand promiscuity of BMPR-IA is inherently encoded by structural adaptability.}, subject = {Knochen-Morphogenese-Proteine}, language = {en} }