@phdthesis{Stieb2011, author = {Stieb, Sara Mae}, title = {Synaptic plasticity in visual and olfactory brain centers of the desert ant Cataglyphis}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-85584}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {W{\"u}stenameisen der Gattung Cataglyphis wurden zu Modellsystemen bei der Erforschung der Navigationsmechanismen der Insekten. Ein altersabh{\"a}ngiger Polyethismus trennt deren Kolonien in Innendienst-Arbeiterinnen und kurzlebige lichtausgesetzte Fourageure. Nachdem die Ameisen in strukturlosem oder strukturiertem Gel{\"a}nde bis zu mehrere hundert Meter weite Distanzen zur{\"u}ckgelegt haben, k{\"o}nnen sie pr{\"a}zise zu ihrer oft unauff{\"a}lligen Nest{\"o}ffnung zur{\"u}ckzukehren. Um diese enorme Navigationsleistung zu vollbringen, bedienen sich die Ameisen der sogenannten Pfadintegration, welche die Informationen aus einem Polarisationskompass und einem Entfernungsmesser verrechnet; des Weiteren orientieren sie sich an Landmarken und nutzen olfaktorische Signale. Im Fokus dieser Arbeit steht C. fortis, welche in Salzpfannen des westlichen Nordafrikas endemisch ist - einem Gebiet, welches vollst{\"a}ndig von anderen Cataglyphis Arten gemieden wird. Die Tatsache, dass Cataglyphis eine hohe Verhaltensflexibilit{\"a}t aufweist, welche mit sich drastisch {\"a}ndernden sensorischen Anforderungen verbunden ist, macht diese Ameisen zu besonders interessanten Studienobjekten bei der Erforschung synaptischer Plastizit{\"a}t visueller und olfaktorischer Gehirnzentren. Diese Arbeit fokussiert auf plastische {\"A}nderungen in den Pilzk{\"o}rpern (PK) - sensorischen Integrationszentren, die mutmaßlich an Lern- und Erinnerungsprozessen, und auch vermutlich am Prozess des Landmarkenlernens beteiligt sind - und auf plastische {\"A}nderungen in den synaptischen Komplexen des Lateralen Akzessorischen Lobus (LAL) - einer bekannten Relaisstation in der Polarisations-Leitungsbahn. Um die strukturelle synaptische Plastizit{\"a}t der PK in C. fortis zu quantifizieren, wurden mithilfe immunozytochemischer F{\"a}rbungen die pr{\"a}- und postsynaptischen Profile klar ausgepr{\"a}gter synaptischer Komplexe (Mikroglomeruli, MG) der visuellen Region (Kragen) und der olfaktorischen Region (Lippe) der PK-Kelche visualisiert. Die Ergebnisse legen dar, dass eine Volumenzunahme der PK-Kelche w{\"a}hrend des {\"U}bergangs von Innendiensttieren zu Fourageuren von einer Abnahme der MG-Anzahl im Kragen und, mit einem geringeren Anteil, in der Lippe - dieser Effekt wird als Pruning bezeichnet - und einem gleichzeitigen Auswachsen an Dendriten PK-intrinsischer Kenyonzellen begleitet wird. Im Dunkeln gehaltene Tiere unterschiedlichen Alters zeigen nach Lichtaussetzung den gleichen Effekt und im Dunkel gehaltene, den Fourageuren altersm{\"a}ßig angepasste Tiere weisen eine vergleichbare MG-Anzahl im Kragen auf wie Innendiensttiere. Diese Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass die immense strukturelle synaptische Plastizit{\"a}t in der Kragenregion der PK-Kelche haupts{\"a}chlich durch visuelle Erfahrungen ausgel{\"o}st wird und nicht ausschließlich mit Hilfe eines internen Programms abgespielt wird. Ameisen, welche unter Laborbedingungen bis zu einem Jahr alt wurden, zeigen eine vergleichbare Plastizit{\"a}t. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass das System {\"u}ber die ganze Lebensspanne eines Individuums flexibel bleibt. Erfahrene Fourageure wurden in Dunkelheit zur{\"u}ckgef{\"u}hrt, um zu untersuchen, ob die lichtausgel{\"o}ste synaptische Umstrukturierung reversibel ist, doch ihre PK zeigen nur einige die Zur{\"u}ckf{\"u}hrung widerspiegelnde Plastizit{\"a}tsauspr{\"a}gungen, besonders eine {\"A}nderung der pr{\"a}synaptischen Synapsinexprimierung. Mithilfe immunozytochemischer F{\"a}rbungen, konfokaler Mikroskopie und 3D-Rekonstruktionen wurden die pr{\"a}- und postsynaptischen Strukturen synaptischer Komplexe des LAL in C. fortis analysiert und potentielle strukturelle {\"A}nderungen bei Innendiensttieren und Fourageuren quantifiziert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass diese Komplexe aus postsynaptischen, in einer zentralen Region angeordneten Forts{\"a}tzen bestehen, welche umringt sind von einem pr{\"a}synaptischen kelchartigen Profil. Eingehende und ausgehende Trakte wurden durch Farbstoffinjektionen identifiziert: Projektionsneurone des Anterioren Optischen Tuberkels kontaktieren Neurone, welche in den Zentralkomplex ziehen. Der Verhaltens{\"u}bergang wird von einer Zunahme an synaptischen Komplexen um ~13\% begleitet. Dieser Zuwachs suggeriert eine Art Kalibrierungsprozess in diesen potentiell kr{\"a}ftigen synaptischen Kontakten, welche vermutlich eine schnelle und belastbare Signal{\"u}bertragung in der Polarisationsbahn liefern. Die Analyse von im Freiland aufgenommener Verhaltenweisen von C. fortis enth{\"u}llen, dass die Ameisen, bevor sie mit ihrer Fouragiert{\"a}tigkeit anfangen, bis zu zwei Tage lang in unmittelbarer N{\"a}he des Nestes Entdeckungsl{\"a}ufe unternehmen, welche Pirouetten {\"a}hnliche Drehungen beinhalten. W{\"a}hrend dieser Entdeckungsl{\"a}ufe sammeln die Ameisen Lichterfahrung und assoziieren m{\"o}glicherweise den Nesteingang mit spezifischen Landmarken oder werden anderen visuellen Informationen, wie denen des Polarisationsmusters, ausgesetzt und adaptieren begleitend ihre neuronalen Netzwerke an die bevorstehende Herausforderung. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus k{\"o}nnten die Pirouetten einer Stimulation der an der Polarisationsbahn beteiligten neuronalen Netzwerke dienen. Videoanalysen legen dar, dass Lichtaussetzung nach drei Tagen die Bewegungsaktivit{\"a}t der Ameisen heraufsetzt. Die Tatsache, dass die neuronale Umstrukturierung in visuellen Zentren wie auch die Ver{\"a}nderungen im Verhalten im selben Zeitrahmen ablaufen, deutet darauf hin, dass ein Zusammenhang zwischen struktureller synaptischer Plastizit{\"a}t und dem Verhaltens{\"u}bergang von der Innendienst- zur Fouragierphase bestehen k{\"o}nnte. Cataglyphis besitzen hervorragende visuelle Navigationsf{\"a}higkeiten, doch sie nutzen zudem olfaktorische Signale, um das Nest oder die Futterquelle aufzusp{\"u}ren. Mithilfe konfokaler Mikroskopie und 3D-Rekonstruktionen wurden potentielle Anpassungen der prim{\"a}ren olfaktorischen Gehirnzentren untersucht, indem die Anzahl, Gr{\"o}ße und r{\"a}umliche Anordnung olfaktorischer Glomeruli im Antennallobus von C. fortis, C. albicans, C. bicolor, C. rubra, und C. noda verglichen wurde. Arbeiterinnen aller Cataglyphis-Arten haben eine geringere Glomeruli-Anzahl im Vergleich zu denen der mehr olfaktorisch-orientierten Formica Arten - einer Gattung nah verwandt mit Cataglyphis - und denen schon bekannter olfaktorisch-orientierter Ameisenarten. C. fortis hat die geringste Anzahl an Glomeruli im Vergleich zu allen anderen Cataglyphis-Arten und besitzt einen vergr{\"o}ßerten Glomerulus, der nahe dem Eingang des Antennennerves lokalisiert ist. C. fortis M{\"a}nnchen besitzen eine signifikant geringere Glomeruli-Anzahl im Vergleich zu Arbeiterinnen und K{\"o}niginnen und haben einen hervorstechenden M{\"a}nnchen-spezifischen Makroglomerulus, welcher wahrscheinlich an der Pheromon-Kommunikation beteiligt ist. Die Verhaltensrelevanz des vergr{\"o}ßerten Glomerulus der Arbeiterinnen bleibt schwer fassbar. Die Tatsache, dass C. fortis Mikrohabitate bewohnt, welche von allen anderen Cataglyphis Arten gemieden werden, legt nahe, dass extreme {\"o}kologische Bedingungen nicht nur zu Anpassungen der visuellen F{\"a}higkeiten, sondern auch des olfaktorischen Systems gef{\"u}hrt haben. Die vorliegende Arbeit veranschaulicht, dass Cataglyphis ein exzellenter Kandidat ist bei der Erforschung neuronaler Mechanismen, welche Navigationsfunktionalit{\"a}ten zugrundeliegen, und bei der Erforschung neuronaler Plastizit{\"a}t, welche verkn{\"u}pft ist mit der lebenslangen Flexibilit{\"a}t eines individuellen Verhaltensrepertoires.}, subject = {Neuroethologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Fleischmann2019, author = {Fleischmann, Pauline Nikola}, title = {Starting foraging life: Early calibration and daily use of the navigational system in \(Cataglyphis\) ants}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-15995}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-159951}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Cataglyphis ants are famous for their navigational abilities. They live in hostile habitats where they forage as solitary scavengers covering distances of more than hundred thousand times their body lengths. To return to their nest with a prey item - mainly other dead insects that did not survive the heat - Cataglyphis ants constantly keep track of their directions and distances travelled. The navigational strategy is called path integration, and it enables an ant to return to the nest in a straight line using its home vector. Cataglyphis ants mainly rely on celestial compass cues, like the position of the sun or the UV polarization pattern, to determine directions, and they use an idiothetic step counter and optic flow to measure distances. In addition, they acquire information about visual, olfactory and tactile landmarks, and the wind direction to increase their chances of returning to the nest safe and sound. Cataglyphis' navigational performance becomes even more impressive if one considers their life style. Most time of their lives, the ants stay underground and perform tasks within the colony. When they start their foraging careers outside the nest, they have to calibrate their compass systems and acquire all information necessary for navigation during subsequent foraging. This navigational toolkit is not instantaneously available, but has to be filled with experience. For that reason, Cataglyphis ants perform a striking behavior for up to three days before actually foraging. These so-called learning walks are crucial for the success as foragers later on. In the present thesis, both the ontogeny and the fine-structure of learning walks has been investigated. Here I show with displacement experiments that Cataglyphis ants need enough space and enough time to perform learning walks. Spatially restricted novices, i. e. na{\"i}ve ants, could not find back to the nest when tested as foragers later on. Furthermore, ants have to perform several learning walks over 1-3 days to gain landmark information for successful homing as foragers. An increasing number of feeder visits also increases the importance of landmark information, whereas in the beginning ants fully rely on their path-integration vector. Learning walks are well-structured. High-speed video analysis revealed that Cataglyphis ants include species-specific rotational elements in their learning walks. Greek Cataglyphis ants (C. noda and C. aenescens) inhabiting a cluttered pine forest perform voltes, small walked circles, and pirouettes, tight turns about the body axis with frequent stopping phases. During the longest stopping phases, the ants gaze back to their nest entrance. The Tunisian Cataglyphis fortis ants inhabiting featureless saltpans only perform voltes without directed gazes. The function of voltes has not yet been revealed. In contrast, the fine structure of pirouettes suggests that the ants take snapshots of the panorama towards their homing direction to memorize the nest's surroundings. The most likely hypothesis was that Cataglyphis ants align the gaze directions using their path integrator, which gets directional input from celestial cues during foraging. To test this hypothesis, a manipulation experiment was performed changing the celestial cues above the nest entrance (no sun, no natural polarization pattern, no UV light). The accurately directed gazes to the nest entrance offer an easily quantifiable readout suitable to ask the ants where they expect their nest entrance. Unexpectedly, all novices performing learning walks under artificial sky conditions looked back to the nest entrance. This was especially surprising, because neuronal changes in the mushroom bodies and the central complex receiving visual input could only be induced with the natural sky when comparing test animals with interior workers. The behavioral findings indicated that Cataglyphis ants use another directional reference system to align their gaze directions during the longest stopping phases of learning walk pirouettes. One possibility was the earth's magnetic field. Indeed, already disarraying the geomagnetic field at the nest entrance with an electromagnetic flat coil indicated that the ants use magnetic information to align their looks back to the nest entrance. To investigate this finding further, ants were confronted with a controlled magnetic field using a Helmholtz coil. Elimination of the horizontal field component led to undirected gaze directions like the disarray did. Rotating the magnetic field about 90°, 180° or -90° shifted the ants' gaze directions in a predictable manner. Therefore, the earth's magnetic field is a necessary and sufficient reference system for aligning nest-centered gazes during learning-walk pirouettes. Whether it is additionally used for other navigational purposes, e. g. for calibrating the solar ephemeris, remains to be tested. Maybe the voltes performed by all Cataglyphis ant species investigated so far can help to answer this question..}, subject = {Cataglyphis}, language = {en} } @article{HabensteinThammRoessler2021, author = {Habenstein, Jens and Thamm, Markus and R{\"o}ssler, Wolfgang}, title = {Neuropeptides as potential modulators of behavioral transitions in the ant Cataglyphis nodus}, series = {Journal of Comparative Neurology}, volume = {529}, journal = {Journal of Comparative Neurology}, number = {12}, doi = {10.1002/cne.25166}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-244751}, pages = {3155 -- 3170}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Age-related behavioral plasticity is a major prerequisite for the ecological success of insect societies. Although ecological aspects of behavioral flexibility have been targeted in many studies, the underlying intrinsic mechanisms controlling the diverse changes in behavior along the individual life history of social insects are not completely understood. Recently, the neuropeptides allatostatin-A, corazonin, and tachykinin have been associated with the regulation of behavioral transitions in social insects. Here, we investigated changes in brain localization and expression of these neuropeptides following major behavioral transitions in Cataglyphis nodus ants. Our immunohistochemical analyses in the brain revealed that the overall branching pattern of neurons immunoreactive (ir) for the three neuropeptides is largely independent of the behavioral stages. Numerous allatostatin-A- and tachykinin-ir neurons innervate primary sensory neuropils and high-order integration centers of the brain. In contrast, the number of corazonergic neurons is restricted to only four neurons per brain hemisphere with cell bodies located in the pars lateralis and axons extending to the medial protocerebrum and the retrocerebral complex. Most interestingly, the cell-body volumes of these neurons are significantly increased in foragers compared to freshly eclosed ants and interior workers. Quantification of mRNA expression levels revealed a stage-related change in the expression of allatostatin-A and corazonin mRNA in the brain. Given the presence of the neuropeptides in major control centers of the brain and the neurohemal organs, these mRNA-changes strongly suggest an important modulatory role of both neuropeptides in the behavioral maturation of Cataglyphis ants.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Habenstein2021, author = {Habenstein, Jens}, title = {Neuropeptides in the brain of \(Cataglyphis\) \(nodus\) ants and their role as potential modulators of behavior}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24961}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-249618}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {An adequate task allocation among colony members is of particular importance in large insect societies. Some species exhibit distinct polymorphic worker classes which are responsible for a specific range of tasks. However, much more often the behavior of the workers is related to the age of the individual. Ants of the genus Cataglyphis (Foerster 1850) undergo a marked age-related polyethism with three distinct behavioral stages. Newly emerged ants (callows) remain more or less motionless in the nest for the first day. The ants subsequently fulfill different tasks inside the darkness of the nest for up to four weeks (interior workers) before they finally leave the nest to collect food for the colony (foragers). This thesis focuses on the neuronal substrate underlying the temporal polyethism in Cataglyphis nodus ants by addressing following major objectives: (1) Investigating the structures and neuronal circuitries of the Cataglyphis brain to understand potential effects of neuromodulators in specific brain neuropils. (2) Identification and localization of neuropeptides in the Cataglyphis brain. (3) Examining the expression of suitable neuropeptide candidates during behavioral maturation of Cataglyphis workers. The brain provides the fundament for the control of the behavioral output of an insect. Although the importance of the central nervous system is known beyond doubt, the functional significance of large areas of the insect brain are not completely understood. In Cataglyphis ants, previous studies focused almost exclusively on major neuropils while large proportions of the central protocerebrum have been often disregarded due to the lack of clear boundaries. Therefore, I reconstructed a three-dimensional Cataglyphis brain employing confocal laser scanning microscopy. To visualize synapsin-rich neuropils and fiber tracts, a combination of fluorescently labeled antibodies, phalloidin (a cyclic peptide binding to filamentous actin) and anterograde tracers was used. Based on the unified nomenclature for insect brains, I defined traceable criteria for the demarcation of individual neuropils. The resulting three-dimensional brain atlas provides information about 33 distinct synapse-rich neuropils and 30 fiber tracts, including a comprehensive description of the olfactory and visual tracts in the Cataglyphis brain. This three-dimensional brain atlas further allows to assign present neuromodulators to individual brain neuropils. Neuropeptides represent the largest group of neuromodulators in the central nervous system of insects. They regulate important physiological and behavioral processes and have therefore recently been associated with the regulation of the temporal polyethism in social insects. To date, the knowledge of neuropeptides in Cataglyphis ants has been mainly derived from neuropeptidomic data of Camponotus floridanus ants and only a few neuropeptides have been characterized in Cataglyphis. Therefore, I performed a comprehensive transcriptome analysis in Cataglyphis nodus ants and identified peptides by using Q-Exactive Orbitrap mass spectrometry (MS) and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) MS. This resulted in the characterization of 71 peptides encoded on 49 prepropeptide genes, including a novel neuropeptide-like gene (fliktin). In addition, high-resolution MALDI-TOF MS imaging (MALDI-MSI) was applied for the first time in an ant brain to localize peptides on thin brain cryosections. Employing MALDI-MSI, I was able to visualize the spatial distribution of 35 peptides encoded on 16 genes. To investigate the role of neuropeptides during behavioral maturation, I selected suitable neuropeptide candidates and analyzed their spatial distributions and expression levels following major behavioral transitions. Based on recent studies, I suggested the neuropeptides allatostatin-A (Ast-A), corazonin (Crz) and tachykinin (TK) as potential regulators of the temporal polyethism. The peptidergic neurons were visualized in the brain of C. nodus ants using immunohistochemistry. Independent of the behavioral stages, numerous Ast-A- and TK-immunoreactive (-ir) neurons innervate important high-order integration centers and sensory input regions with cell bodies dispersed all across the cell body rind. In contrast, only four corazonergic neurons per hemisphere were found in the Cataglyphis brain. Their somata are localized in the pars lateralis with axons projecting to the medial protocerebrum and the retrocerebral complex. Number and branching patterns of the Crz-ir neurons were similar across behavioral stages, however, the volume of the cell bodies was significantly larger in foragers than in the preceding behavioral stages. In addition, quantitative PCR analyses displayed increased Crz and Ast-A mRNA levels in foragers, suggesting a concomitant increase of the peptide levels. The task-specific expression of Crz and Ast-A along with the presence in important sensory input regions, high-order integration center, and the neurohormonal organs indicate a sustaining role of the neuropeptides during behavioral maturation of Cataglyphis workers. The present thesis contains a comprehensive reference work for the brain anatomy and the neuropeptidome of Cataglyphis ants. I further demonstrated that neuropeptides are suitable modulators for the temporal polyethism of Cataglyphis workers. The complete dataset provides a solid framework for future neuroethological studies in Cataglyphis ants as well as for comparative studies on insects. This may help to improve our understanding of the functionality of individual brain neuropils and the role of neuropeptides, particularly during behavioral maturation in social insects.}, subject = {Cataglyphis}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Grob2022, author = {Grob, Robin}, title = {The Function of Learning Walks of \({Cataglyphis Ants}\): Behavioral and Neuronal Analyses}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-29017}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-290173}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Humans and animals alike use the sun, the moon, and the stars to guide their ways. However, the position of celestial cues changes depending on daytime, season, and place on earth. To use these celestial cues for reliable navigation, the rotation of the sky has to be compensated. While humans invented complicated mechanisms like the Antikythera mechanism to keep track of celestial movements, animals can only rely on their brains. The desert ant Cataglyphis is a prime example of an animal using celestial cues for navigation. Using the sun and the related skylight polarization pattern as a compass, and a step integrator for distance measurements, it can determine a vector always pointing homewards. This mechanism is called path integration. Since the sun's position and, therefore, also the polarization pattern changes throughout the day, Cataglyphis have to correct this movement. If they did not compensate for time, the ants' compass would direct them in different directions in the morning and the evening. Thus, the ants have to learn the solar ephemeris before their far-reaching foraging trips. To do so, Cataglyphis ants perform a well-structured learning-walk behavior during the transition phase from indoor worker to outdoor forager. While walking in small loops around the nest entrance, the ants repeatedly stop their forward movements to perform turns. These can be small walked circles (voltes) or tight turns about the ants' body axes (pirouettes). During pirouettes, the ants gaze back to their nest entrance during stopping phases. These look backs provide a behavioral read-out for the state of the path integrator. The ants "tell" the observer where they think their nest is, by looking back to it. Pirouettes are only performed by Cataglyphis ants inhabiting an environment with a prominent visual panorama. This indicates, that pirouettes are performed to learn the visual panorama. Voltes, on the other hand, might be used for calibrating the celestial compass of the ants. In my doctoral thesis, I employed a wide range of state-of-the-art techniques from different disciplines in biology to gain a deeper understanding of how navigational information is acquired, memorized, used, and calibrated during the transition phase from interior worker to outdoor forager. I could show, that celestial orientation cues that provide the main compass during foraging, do not guide the ants during the look-backbehavior of initial learning walks. Instead Cataglyphis nodus relies on the earth's magnetic field as a compass during this early learning phase. While not guiding the ants during their first walks outside of the nest, excluding the ants from perceiving the natural polarization pattern of the skylight has significant consequences on learning-related plasticity in the ants' brain. Only if the ants are able to perform their learning-walk behavior under a skylight polarization pattern that changes throughout the day, plastic neuronal changes in high-order integration centers are induced. Especially the mushroom bogy collar, a center for learning and memory, and the central complex, a center for orientation and motor control, showed an increase in volume after learning walks. This underlines the importance of learning walks for calibrating the celestial compass. The magnetic compass might provide the necessary stable reference system for the ants to calibrate their celestial compass and learn the position of landmark information. In the ant brain, visual information from the polarization-sensitive ocelli converge in tight apposition with neuronal afferents of the mechanosensitive Johnston's organ in the ant's antennae. This makes the ants' antennae an interesting candidate for studying the sensory bases of compass calibration in Cataglyphis ants. The brain of the desert navigators is well adapted to successfully accomplish their navigational needs. Females (gynes and workers) have voluminous mushroom bodies, and the synaptic complexity to store large amount of view-based navigational information, which they acquire during initial learning walks. The male Cataglyphis brain is better suited for innate behaviors that support finding a mate. The results of my thesis show that the well adapted brain of C. nodus ants undergoes massive structural changes during leaning walks, dependent on a changing celestial polarization pattern. This underlies the essential role of learning walks in the calibration of orientation systems in desert ants.}, subject = {Cataglyphis}, language = {en} }