@techreport{TeichmannReinders2009, author = {Teichmann, Franziska and Reinders, Heinz}, title = {Familienkonzepte Jugendlicher}, isbn = {978-3-923959-60-0}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-3376}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-39924}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Expertise zum Forschungsstand im Auftrag der Hessenstiftung Der Band gibt einen {\"U}berblick zu bisheriger Forschung in Deutschland {\"u}ber jugendliche Familienkonzepte. Betrachtet werden dabei 30 Studien des Zeitraums 1998 bis 2009, die bei Kindern oder Jugendlichen durchgef{\"u}hrt wurden. Der {\"U}berblick macht dabei deutlich, dass bislang kaum systematische Befunde dar{\"u}ber vorliegen, welche Gestalt Familienkonzepte aufweisen und welche Entstehungsfaktoren hierbei zu ber{\"u}cksichtigen sind.}, subject = {Familie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Schnabel2011, author = {Schnabel, Eva}, title = {Alcohol and driving-related performance - A comprehensive meta-analysis focusing the significance of the non-significant}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-69959}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {The present work reviews the experimental literature on the acute effects of alcohol on human behaviour related to driving performance. A meta-analysis was conducted which includes studies published between 1954 and 2007 in order to provide a comprehensive knowledge of the substance alcohol. 450 studies reporting 5,300 findings were selected from over 12,000 references after applying certain in- and exclusion criteria. Thus, the present meta-analysis comprises far more studies than reviews on alcohol up to now. In the selected studies, different performance tests were conducted which were relevant for driving. The classification system used in this work assigns these tests to eight categories. The main categories consist of several sub categories classifying the tasks more precisely. The main categories were: (1) visual functions, (2) attention (including vigilance), (3) divided attention, (4) en-/decoding (including information processing and memory), (5) reaction time (including simple reaction time and choice reaction time), (6) psychomotor skills, (7) tracking and (8) driving. In addition to the performance aspect, the classification system takes into account mood and social behaviour variables related to driving safety like tiredness or aggression. Following the evaluation method of vote-counting, the number of significant findings and the number of non-significant findings were summarised per blood alcohol concentration (BAC) group. Thereby, a quantitative estimation of the effects of alcohol depending on the BAC was established, the so-called impairment function, which shows the percentage of significantly impaired findings. In order to provide a general overview of alcohol effects on driving-related performance, a global impairment function was established by aggregating all performance findings. The function is nearly linear with about 30\% significant findings at a BAC of 0.05\% and 50\% significant findings at a BAC of 0.08\%. In addition, more specific impairment functions considering only the findings of the single behavioural categories were calculated. The results revealed that impairment depends not only on the BAC, but also clearly differs between most of the performance categories. Tracking and driving performance were most affected by alcohol with impairment beginning at very low BACs of 0.02\%. Also psychomotor skills were considerably affected by rather low BACs. Impairment of visual functions and information processing occurred at BACs of 0.04\% and increased substantially with higher BACs. Impairment in memory tests could be found with very low BACs of 0.02\%, but varied depending on the kind of memory. Performance decrements in divided attention tests could also be found with very low BACs in some studies. Attention started to be impaired at 0.04\% BAC, but - as in vigilance tasks - considerable impairment only occurred at higher BACs. Choice reaction time was affected at lower BACs than simple reaction time, which was - together with the critical flicker fusion frequency - the least sensitive parameter to the effects of alcohol. To conclude, most skills which are relevant for the safe operation of a vehicle are clearly impaired by BACs of 0.05\%, with motor functions being more affected than cognitive functions and complex tasks more than simple tasks. Generally, the results provided no evidence of a threshold effect for alcohol. There was no driving-related performance category for which a sudden transition from unimpaired to impaired occurred at a particular BAC level. In addition, a comparison was made between the present meta-analysis and two reviews of Moskowitz (Moskowitz \& Fiorentino, 2000; Moskowitz \& Robinson, 1988). Moskowitz reported much lower BACs at which performance was impaired. The reasons for this discrepancy lies in a different way to review scientific findings. On the one hand, Moskowitz focused on significant findings when selecting studies and findings for his reviews. On the other hand, the evaluation method used by Moskowitz ignored non-significant findings and counted each study once at the lowest BAC for which impairment was found. Those non-significant findings are as important as the significant ones in order to determine thresholds of impairment. Therefore, in contrast to Moskowitz, the present work describes the effects of alcohol with functions considering also the non-significant findings. The significance of the non-significant is emphasized with respect to the selection procedure as well as to the evaluation method.}, subject = {Trunkenheit im Verkehr}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Jelting2019, author = {Jelting, Yvonne}, title = {Systematische {\"U}bersichtsarbeit zu dem Thema: Patienten-kontrollierte Analgesie mit Remifentanil versus alternative parenterale Methoden f{\"u}r das Schmerzmanagement w{\"a}hrend der Wehent{\"a}tigkeit}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18419}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-184193}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Es stehen mehrere analgetische Strategien zur Schmerzlinderung w{\"a}hrend der Geburt zur Verf{\"u}gung. Zunehmend wird Remifentanil, ein kurz wirksames Opioid, aufgrund seiner besonderen pharmakologischen Eigenschaften als alternatives Analgetikum verwendet. Ziel dieser Dissertation war die systematische Beurteilung der Wirksamkeit von Remifentanil, appliziert im Rahmen einer intraven{\"o}sen patientenkontrollierten Analgesie (PCA) f{\"u}r Wehenschmerzen, zusammen mit der Analyse potentieller unerw{\"u}nschter Ereignisse f{\"u}r die Mutter und das Neugeborene. Durch eine systematische Literatursuche verschiedener Datenbanken im Dezember 2015 wurden randomisierte kontrollierte Studien identifiziert, die Remifentanil (PCA) mit einem anderen Opioid (IV/IM), einem anderen Opioid (PCA), mit epiduraler Analgesie, mit Remifentanil (kontinuierlich IV) oder mit Remifentanil (PCA, anderes Schema) bei geplanter vaginaler Entbindung verglichen haben. Zwanzig Studien mit 3569 Frauen konnten eingeschlossen werden. Die methodologische Qualit{\"a}t der analysierten Studien war m{\"a}ßig bis schlecht. Das Risiko f{\"u}r Bias hinsichtlich Verblindung und unvollst{\"a}ndiger Berichterstattung von Daten wurde in 65\% bzw. 45\% der inkludierten Studien als hoch eingestuft. Insgesamt ergaben sich Hinweise darauf, dass Frauen in der Gruppe Remifentanil (PCA) zufriedener waren als Frauen in der Gruppe mit einem anderen Opioid (IV/IM), allerdings weniger zufrieden mit der Schmerzlinderung als Frauen, die eine epidurale Analgesie erhielten. F{\"u}r den fr{\"u}hen Endpunkt f{\"u}hrte die Anwendung einer Remifentanil (PCA) zu einer gr{\"o}ßeren Schmerzlinderung als die Administration eines anderen Opioids (IV/IM), wohingegen eine geringere Schmerzlinderung im Vergleich zur epiduralen Analgesie erzielt wurde. Die Datenlage in Bezug auf maternale und neonatale unerw{\"u}nschte Ereignisse und Sicherheitsaspekte war limitiert. Es gab keinen Hinweis darauf, dass Remifentanil (PCA) im Vergleich zur epiduralen Analgesie mit niedrigeren Apgar Scores einherging. 156 Bei der Verwendung von Remifentanil (PCA) forderten weniger Frauen eine zus{\"a}tzliche Analgesie verglichen mit der Verwendung von anderen Opioiden (IV/IM). Demgegen{\"u}ber forderten mehr Frauen mit Remifentanil (PCA) eine zus{\"a}tzliche Analgesie verglichen mit der epiduralen Analgesie. Die Evidenzlage zeigte keinen Unterschied hinsichtlich des Risikos einer Kaiserschnittentbindung zwischen Remifentanil (PCA) und anderen Opioide (IV/IM) sowie Remifentanil (PCA) und epiduraler Analgesie. Basierend auf den Ergebnissen dieser Dissertation l{\"a}sst sich zusammenfassend sagen, dass es {\"u}berwiegend wenig aussagekr{\"a}ftige Evidenz f{\"u}r die Praxis gibt und die zuk{\"u}nftige Forschung die aktuelle Datenlage {\"a}ndern kann. Die Qualit{\"a}t der Evidenz ist haupts{\"a}chlich limitiert durch die schlechte Qualit{\"a}t der Studien, Inkonsistenz und fehlende Pr{\"a}zision. Weitere Studien, die insbesondere maternale und neonatale Sicherheit (m{\"u}tterliche Apnoe und Atemdepression, Apgar Score) untersuchen, sind erforderlich, um die optimale Art und Weise der Applikation von Remifentanil bei h{\"o}chster Wirksamkeit und vertretbaren unerw{\"u}nschten Ereignissen f{\"u}r die Mutter und ihr Neugeborenes herauszufinden.}, subject = {Remifentanil}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Marker2020, author = {Marker, Caroline}, title = {On a meta-level: Contributions of meta-analytic summaries in media psychological research}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20917}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-209173}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The rising use of new media has given rise to public discussions about their possible negative consequences. The social sciences have answered these concerns, providing many studies investigating different media types (e.g., social media, video games) and different related variables (e.g., psychological well-being, academic achievement). Within this big body of research, some research results have confirmed negative associations with frequent media use; other studies have found no or even positive relationships. With heterogeneous results, it is difficult to obtain a clear picture of the relationships and causalities of new media. The method of meta-analysis allows a synthesis of all existing data, providing an overall effect size as well as moderator and mediator analyses which might explain the heterogeneity. Three manuscripts present meta-analytic evidence related to a) the relationship between social media use and academic achievement, b) the relationship between video gaming and overweight, and c) the relationship between social media and psychological correlates. Manuscript \#1 found small relationships which depend on the usage pattern of social media. The relationship is positive, as long as social media use is related to school. Manuscript \#2 showed that children's and adolescents' video gaming is independent from their body mass, while adults who play more have a higher body mass. Manuscript \#3 summarized existing meta-analytic evidence that links social media with psychological wellbeing, academic achievement, and narcissism with small to moderate effect sizes. All three manuscripts underscore the potential of meta-analyses to synthesize previous research and to identify moderators. Although meta-analyses are not necessarily superior to other approaches because of their limitations (e.g. limited information or quality of primary studies) they are very promising for media psychology. Meta-analyses can reduce complexity and might be helpful for the communication of research results to the general public.}, subject = {Medienkonsum}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{DanglgebStimmer2022, author = {Dangl [geb. Stimmer], Magdalena}, title = {Die Wirksamkeit von Schienentherapie und okklusalen Einschleifmaßnahmen unter Ber{\"u}cksichtigung des Chronifizierungsgrades Craniomandibul{\"a}rer Dysfunktionen: Eine Systematische {\"U}bersichtsarbeit mit Metaanalyse}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-25675}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-256755}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Hintergrund: Die fehlende Diagnostik des patientInnenindividuellen CMD-Schmerzchronifizierungsgrades k{\"o}nnte Grund f{\"u}r die Heterogenit{\"a}t der Studienergebnisse zur Effektivit{\"a}t von Schienentherapie und okklusalen Einschleifmaßnahmen sein. Ziele: Dieser Systematische Review mit Metaanalyse hat als Ziel, die Effektivit{\"a}t von Schienentherapie und okklusalen Einschleifmaßnahmen bei der Behandlung von CMD unter besonderer Ber{\"u}cksichtigung des Grades der Schmerzchronifizierung zu untersuchen. Literaturquellen: Die Datenbanken Pubmed/MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane Library, Livivo, OpenGrey, drks.de, Clinicaltrials.gov., sowie zus{\"a}tzliche nicht gelistete Literatur wurden hierzu durchsucht. Auswahlkriterien: Analysiert wurden randomisierte klinische Studien, welche erwachsene PatientInnen mit einer schmerzhaften CMD untersuchten, die mit einer Okklusionsschiene oder okklusalen Einschleifmaßnahmen in jeglicher Kombination behandelt wurden. Die Studien wurden nach Hinweisen untersucht, die vermuten ließen, dass die ProbandInnen unter einer chronifizierten dysfunktionalen CMD Schmerzen litten. Anschließend wurde die Effektivit{\"a}t der Interventionen im Hinblick auf den erfassten bzw. vermuteten Chronifizierungsgrad differenziert betrachtet. Die Effektivit{\"a}t wurde bzgl. der folgenden Messparameter untersucht: aktuelle Schmerzintensit{\"a}t in Ruhe, maximal aktive Kiefer{\"o}ffnungskapazit{\"a}t, Kiefergelenkger{\"a}usche, Palpationsschmerzen aus der Kaumuskulatur, Depressivit{\"a}t und somatoforme Beschwerden. Studienbewertung: Nachdem die eingeschlossenen Studien ausgewertet, in ihrer Qualit{\"a}t bewertet (Risk of Bias-Tool des Cochrane-Instituts) und die Daten extrahiert worden waren, wurde eine Metaanalyse mithilfe des Review Managers (RevMan 5.3) des Cochrane Instituts durchgef{\"u}hrt. Ergebnisse: ProbandInnen mit funktionalen Schmerzen nach den hier definierten Kriterien erfuhren bis zu 6 Monate nach Behandlungsbeginn eine statistisch signifikant st{\"a}rkere Schmerzreduktion (p<0,00001) sowie niedrigere Werte der somatoformen Beschwerden (p=0,01) und Depression-Scores (p=0,002) als Probanden mit dysfunktionalen Schmerzen. Dagegen verbesserte sich die Kiefer{\"o}ffnungskapazit{\"a}t in dieser Subgruppe nicht statistisch signifikant mehr (p=0,40). Im kurzfristigen Zeitraum von bis zu 6 Monaten konnte die Okklusionsschiene verglichen mit einer Placebo-Schiene st{\"a}rker CMD-Schmerzen senken (p=0,0002), wohingegen der Effektivit{\"a}tsunterschied der Messparameter Kiefer{\"o}ffnungskapazit{\"a}t und Kiefergelenkger{\"a}usche nicht statistisch signifikant war. Im Vergleich zu keiner Behandlung war die Okklusionsschiene im Zeitraum bis zu 6 Monaten statistisch signifikant effektiver in der Schmerzreduktion (p<0,00001); 6 bis 12 Monate nach Behandlungsbeginn war keine signifikant bessere Effektivit{\"a}t in der Schmerzreduktion zu verzeichnen (p=0,07). Die maximale Kiefer{\"o}ffnungskapazit{\"a}t zeigte in diesem Vergleich kein statistisch signifikantes Ergebnis im kurzfristigen Zeitraum. Die Schmerzreduktion im kurzfristigen Zeitraum {\"a}hnelte derer anderer aktiver Interventionen. Als Kointervention bringt die Schienentherapie in keinem der untersuchten Endpunkte und Zeitr{\"a}ume einen statistisch signifikanten Mehrwert mit sich. Eine erh{\"o}hte Vertikaldimension k{\"o}nnte die Effektivit{\"a}t der Okklusionsschiene verbessern. Ansonsten ist die Effektivit{\"a}t unterschiedlicher Okklusionsschienen vergleichbar, unter Ber{\"u}cksichtigung folgender Beobachtungen: eine ARS senkt die Schmerzen einer arthrogenen CMD (p=0,001) und eine Stabilisierungsschiene die Schmerzen einer myogenen oder gemischten CMD (p<0,00001) effektiver als keine Behandlung. Intraorale Adjustierungen eine Verbesserung der Schmerzsymptomatik erzielen (p=0,01). Die langfristige Effektivit{\"a}t der Interventionen konnte aufgrund der geringen Datenlage nicht ausreichend untersucht werden. Registrierungsnummer der Review bei PROSPERO: CRD42019123169.}, subject = {Gesichtsschmerz}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Held2024, author = {Held, Helena}, title = {The effectiveness of non-occlusal therapies in relation to the chronicity of temporomandibular disorders: a systematic review with meta-analysis}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-34799}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-347990}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Background: That a differentiated treatment of subjects with low and high levels of disabling pain might be necessarily has only been suspected but not sufficiently confirmed so far. Furthermore, the effectiveness of extraoral therapy methods for TMD is still controversial in the literature. The present work could make an important contribution to this. Objectives: Five systematic reviews with meta-analysis were conducted to investigate the efficacy of extraoral therapies (acupuncture, laser, medication, psychosocial interventions, and physiotherapy) in the treatment of TMD in relation to the degree of chronicity of pain. Literature sources: With this objective, the databases Pubmed/MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane Library, Livivo, OpenGrey, drks.de, Clinicaltrials.gov. were searched. Criteria for the selection of suitable studies: Adults suffering from painful TMD and treated with either acupuncture, laser, medication, psychosocial interventions, or physiotherapy. The studies were then examined for evidence in the subjects' characteristics suggesting that they were suffering from chronic TMD in terms of pain dysfunction. These included a high score on the GCPS, resistance to undergone treatments, multilocular pain, depression, and regular use of pain medication. The effectiveness of the five interventions was then differentiated according to the suspected degree of chronicity. Effectiveness was assessed by the following outcomes: patient- related current pain intensity, MMO, pain on palpation, temporomandibular joint sounds, depression, and somatization. Study evaluation: After the assessment of the studies, the quality assessment (Risk of Bias Tool of the Cochrane Institute) and the extraction of the data were conducted. After that five meta-analyses were carried out for each of the five interventions using the Review Manager of the Cochrane Institute (RevMan 5.3) Results: Acupuncture and dry needling were statistically significantly more effective in providing short-term pain relief compared to the control group in patients with low disability pain (p=0.04) and (p=0.02), respectively. Acupuncture or dry needling did not show a significant result in the improvement of MMO in the short-term period. Laser therapy is more effective in relieving pain (p<0.0001) and functional outcomes (p=0.03) in the short term compared to placebo for low disability pain. Botulinum toxin (p=0.003) and NSAIDs (p=0.03) showed significantly better short-term improvement in pain intensity for high disability pain. Low disability pain is significantly better treated by psychosocial interventions than by other treatments in terms of long-term pain relief (more than 12 months) (p=0.02). Patients with high disability pain had significantly lower depression scores after psychosocial interventions than after other treatments (p=0.008). Physiotherapy showed a statistically significant short-term analgesic effect in patients with high disability pain compared to placebo (p=0.04). Manual Therapy (MT) showed a statistically significant short-term analgesic effect in high disability pain compared to the control group (p=0.01). Patients with low disability pain showed a statistically significant short-term pain-relieving effect with the single intervention of MT in combination with exercise compared to the control groups (p=0.003). A statistically significant result in the improvement of MMO was found in the short-term period in low disability pain for the single interventions of physiotherapy (p=0.008) and physiotherapy in combination with another treatment compared to other treatments (p=0.03), MT compared to the control group (p=0.03) and physiotherapy compared to splint therapy (p=0.03). Clinical conclusion: Individual interventions of the five extraoral therapies confirm the hypothesis that painful TMDs respond differently to established therapies depending on the degree of chronic pain-related disability and that the prognosis of therapy is significantly influenced by the degree of chronic pain- related disability of the condition, according to the GCPS. Registration number of the review at PROSPERO: CRD42020202558 Keywords: meta-analysis, systematic review, temporomandibular disorders, extra oral therapy, acupuncture, laser, medication, psychosocial interventions, physiotherapy, low disability, high disability, pain, chronification}, subject = {Metaanalyse}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Reis2024, author = {Reis, Stefanie}, title = {Sicherheit und Wirksamkeit der halbtherapeutischen und therapeutischen Antikoagulation bei hospitalisierten Patientinnen und Patienten mit COVID-19: eine systematische {\"U}bersichtsarbeit und Meta-Analyse}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-35960}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-359607}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {COVID-19 Patientinnen und Patienten haben ein hohes thrombotisches Risiko. Die Sicherheit und Wirksamkeit verschiedener Antikoagulationsschemata bei COVID-19 Patientinnen und Patienten sind unklar. Acht RCTs mit 5580 Patientinnen und Patienten wurden identifiziert, wovon zwei RCTs Antikoagulation in halbtherapeutischer und sechs RCTs Antikoagulation in therapeutischer Dosierung mit der Standard Thromboembolieprophylaxe verglichen haben. Die halbtherapeutische Antikoagulation kann wenig oder gar keinen Einfluss auf thrombotische Ereignisse oder Todesf{\"a}lle haben (RR 1,03, 95\% KI 0,86-1,24), kann aber schwere Blutungen (RR 1,48, 95\% KI 0,53-4,15) bei mittelschweren bis schweren COVID-19 Patientinnen und Patienten verst{\"a}rken. Therapeutische Antikoagulation kann thrombotische Ereignisse oder den Tod bei Patientinnen und Patienten mit mittelschwerem COVID-19 (RR 0,64, 95\% KI 0,38-1,07) verringern, kann aber bei Patientinnen und Patienten mit schwerer Erkrankung (RR 0,98, 95\% KI 0,86-1,12) wenig oder keine Wirkung haben. Das Risiko schwerer Blutungen kann unabh{\"a}ngig vom Schweregrad der Erkrankung zunehmen (RR 1,78, 95\% KI 1,15-2,74). Die Evidenzsicherheit ist immer noch gering. M{\"a}ßig betroffene COVID-19 Patientinnen und Patienten k{\"o}nnen von einer therapeutischen Antikoagulation profitieren, jedoch ist das Blutungsrisiko erh{\"o}ht.}, subject = {Metaanalyse}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Pollerhoff2024, author = {Pollerhoff, Lena Katharina}, title = {Age differences in prosociality across the adult lifespan: Insights from self-reports, experimental paradigms, and meta-analyses}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-35944}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-359445}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Human prosociality, encompassing generosity, cooperation, and volunteering, holds a vital role in our daily lives. Over the last decades, the question of whether prosociality undergoes changes over the adult lifespan has gained increased research attention. Earlier studies suggested increased prosociality in older compared to younger individuals. However, recent meta-analyses revealed that this age effect might be heterogeneous and modest. Moreover, the contributing factors and mechanisms behind these age-related variations remain to be identified. To unravel age-related differences in prosociality, the first study of this dissertation employed a meta-analytical approach to summarize existing findings and provide insight into their heterogeneity by exploring linear and quadratic age effects on self-reported and behavioral prosociality. Additionally, two empirical research studies investigated whether these age-related differences in prosociality were observed in real life, assessed through ecological momentary assessment (Study 2), and in a controlled laboratory setting by applying a modified dictator game (Study 3). Throughout these three studies, potential underlying behavioral and computational mechanisms were explored. The outcome of the meta-analysis (Study 1) revealed small linear age effects on prosociality and significant age group differences between younger and older adults, with higher levels of prosociality in older adults. Explorative evidence emerged in favor of a quadratic age effect on behavioral prosociality, indicating the highest levels in midlife. Additionally, heightened prosocial behavior among middle-aged adults was observed compared to younger adults, whereas no significant differences in prosocial behavior were noted between middle-aged and older adults. Situational and contextual features, such as the setting of the study and specific paradigm characteristics, moderated the age-prosociality relationship, highlighting the importance of the (social) context when studying prosociality. For Study 2, no significant age effect on real-life prosocial behavior was observed. However, evidence for a significant linear and quadratic age effect on experiencing empathy in real life emerged, indicating a midlife peak. Additionally, across all age groups, the link between an opportunity to empathize and age significantly predicted real-life prosocial behavior. This effect, indicating higher levels of prosocial behavior when there was a situation possibly evoking empathy, was most pronounced in midlife. Study 3 presented age differences in how older and younger adults integrate values related to monetary gains for self and others to make a potential prosocial decision. Younger individuals effectively combined both values in a multiplicative fashion, enhancing decision-making efficiency. Older adults showed an additive effect of values for self and other and displayed increased decision-making efficiency when considering the values separately. However, among older adults, individuals with better inhibitory control were better able to integrate information about both values in their decisions. Taken together, the findings of this dissertation offer new insights into the multi-faceted nature of prosociality across adulthood and the mechanisms that help explain these age-related disparities. While this dissertation observed increasing prosociality across the adult lifespan, it also questions the assumption that older adults are inherently more prosocial. The studies highlight midlife as a potential peak period in social development but also emphasize the importance of the (social) context and that different operationalizations might capture distinct facets of prosociality. This underpins the need for a comprehensive framework to understand age effects of prosociality better and guide potential interventions.}, subject = {Altersunterschied}, language = {en} }