@phdthesis{Doerfler2010, author = {D{\"o}rfler, Rainer Michael Manfred}, title = {Synthese, Charakterisierung und Reaktivit{\"a}t zinnverbr{\"u}ckter ansa-Halbsandwichkomplexe von Molybd{\"a}n und Wolfram}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-53315}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden neuartige Distanna-ansa-Halbsandwichkomplexe mit Molybd{\"a}n und Wolfram als Zentralmetallatome hergestellt und charakterisiert. Die chemischen Eigenschaften der Verbindungen wurden bestimmt, und ihr Verhalten bei Erw{\"a}rmung und ihre Reaktivit{\"a}t gegen{\"u}ber Gruppe 10-Komplexen und elementaren Chalkogenen untersucht. Als eine weitere Ausgangsverbindung wurde die dilithiierte Molybd{\"a}nspezies Li[(η5-C5H4Li)(CO)3Mo] ∙ 4 THF in guten Ausbeuten dargestellt. Diese beiden hochreaktiven Verbindungen wurden durch Umsetzung mit (Me2NBBr)2 erfolgreich zur Darstellung der Diboranyl-Oxycarbin-Komplexe [M{κ1-CO-B(NMe2)-B(NMe2)-(η5-C5H4)}(CO)2] (M = W, Mo) verwendet, die jedoch nur eine geringe thermische Stabilit{\"a}t zeigten. Durch Reaktion mit [(Ph3P)2Pt(η2-C2H4)] konnte durch Komplexierung der W≡C-Dreifachbindung die Spannung des Molek{\"u}ls signifikant reduziert und damit die µ-Diboranyl-Oxycarbin-verbr{\"u}ckte Platin-Komplexe [M{η1,μ-CO-B(NMe2)-B(NMe2)-(η5-C5H4)}(CO)2{Pt(PPh3)2}] (M = W, Mo) isoliert werden. Die Synthese von Distanna-ansa-Halbsandwichkomplexen mit tert-Butyl-Gruppen am Zinn f{\"u}hrte {\"u}ber eine zweistufige Syntheseroute nicht zum Erfolg, obwohl mit der Synthese der Komplexe [(η5-C5H5)W{SnR2(CH2I)}(CO)3] geeignete Ausgangsverbindungen dargestellt werden konnten. Diese wurden jedoch durch die Reaktion der beiden dilithiierten Spezies mit tBu4Sn2Cl2 in guten Ausbeuten dargestellt. Beide Verbindungen wurden vollst{\"a}ndig charakterisiert und kristallografisch untersucht. Die Verbindungen [{κ1-SntBu2-SntBu2(η5-C5H4)}M(CO)3] (M = W, Mo) zeichnen sich trotz enger Winkel innerhalb des Henkels als unter Schutzatmosph{\"a}re bemerkenswert stabile Verbindungen aus. Die an beiden Komplexen durchgef{\"u}hrten Polymerisationsversuche f{\"u}hrten nicht zur erw{\"u}nschten ring{\"o}ffnenden Polymerisation (ROP), sondern zur Zersetzung der Verbindungen unter Spaltung der ansa-Br{\"u}cke, was durch DSC- und thermogravimetrische Analyse bewiesen werden konnte. Die Reaktion mit vierfach homoleptisch koordinierten Nickel(0)-Komplexen f{\"u}hrte selektiv zum Austausch des zur Stannylgruppe trans-st{\"a}ndigen Carbonylliganden durch einen Liganden der Nickelverbindung. Durch Umsetzungen mit elementaren Chalkogenen wurde jedoch gezeigt, dass der Austausch eines Carbonylliganden durch ein tert-Butylisonitril die Reaktivit{\"a}t im Hinblick auf eine Insertion in die Sn-Sn-Bindung entscheidend erh{\"o}ht. Im Falle von drei Carbonylliganden am Zentralmetallatom war die Insertion nur f{\"u}r den Wolframkomplex m{\"o}glich. Auf diese Weise konnten zahlreiche Insertionsprodukte dargestellt und vollst{\"a}ndig charakterisiert werden. Die NMR-spektroskopischen Daten sowie die Strukturen im Festk{\"o}rper beweisen den nahezu vollst{\"a}ndigen Abbau der Ringspannung durch die dreiatomige Br{\"u}cke. Bei Zugabe von [Pd(CNtBu)2] erfolgte spontan die Insertion in die SnSn-Bindung, wodurch die neuartigen 1,3-Distanna-2-Pallada-ansa-Halbsandwichkomplexe [{κ1-SntBu2-{Pd(CNtBu)2}-SntBu2(η5-C5H4)}M(R)(CO)2] synthetisiert wurden. Diese Reaktion ist die erste oxidative Addition einer Halbsandwichkomplex-ansa-Br{\"u}cke an ein Gruppe 10-{\"U}bergangsmetall. Die Molek{\"u}lstrukturen im Festk{\"o}rper zeigen ein nahezu perfekt quadratisch-planares Palladiumzentrum, wodurch die Winkel innerhalb der ansa-Br{\"u}cke an den Stannylgruppen bis auf fast 120° geweitet werden. Es wurde ebenfalls versucht, die Darstellung von ansa-Halbsandwichkomplexen durch die Kopplung bzw. die Verbr{\"u}ckung von Bis(stannyl)-Halbsandwichverbindungen zu erreichen.}, subject = {Halbsandwich-Verbindungen}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Goebel2009, author = {G{\"o}bel, Thomas}, title = {Wolfram-Ruthenium-Zweikernkomplexe mit verbr{\"u}ckenden Bis(thioaldehyd)-Liganden}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-39912}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Wolfram-Ruthenium-Zweikernkomplexe mit verbr{\"u}ckenden Bis(thioaldehyd)-Liganden: Synthese und Reaktivit{\"a}t in elektrophilen und nucleophilen Additionen.}, subject = {Metallorganische Chemie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Bera2005, author = {Bera, Holger}, title = {Halfsandwich tungsten complexes with a silanol-functionalized cyclopentadienyl ligand : synthesis and reactivity}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-13778}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Within the studies concerning metallo-silanols, halfsandwich-tungsten complexes have been silanol-functionalized at the cyclopentadienyl ligand. The stability and the condensation behavior have been investigated. Thus, it was shown that these complexes are stable enough for isolation but they are reactiv enough for time-effective condensation reactions with diverse chlorosilanes, chlorostannanes or metalhalogenides. These processes are characterized by an increased reactivity in contrast to metallo-silanols with a direct metal-bonded silanol group and proves that the separation of the silanol group has to be regarded as a successful manipulation. In addition, this modification allows a wide variation of the ligand sphere of the metal which was shown by H/Cl exchange, methylation, silylation or phosphine substitution. These changes evoke a small but significant influence on the silanol group. For example leads an introduced phosphine to an enhanced stability of the silanol function. A further separation of the silanol group from the metal by an additional alkylidene spacer leads to the complete lost of the stabilizing effect of the metal fragment and generates silanols which show a condensation behavior very similar to those of ordinary organosilanols.}, subject = {Wolframkomplexe}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schmitt2005, author = {Schmitt, Rainer}, title = {P-H-functionalized Phosphenium Tungsten Complexes : exchange reactions at the phosphorus and cycloadditions with heteroallenes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-15818}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {...}, subject = {Phospheniumkomplexe}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Held2005, author = {Held, Constanze}, title = {Anionische Wolframcarbonyl-Komplexe mit Thiolat-Liganden}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-17632}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Siehe S. 132 im pdf-file}, subject = {Wolframcarbonyle}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Boras2002, author = {Boras, Mihael}, title = {Prim{\"a}r-Phosphankomplexe und sekund{\"a}re Metallo-phosphane des Molybd{\"a}ns und Wolframs}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-1281}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Cyclopentadienyl-Triscarbonyl-Prim{\"a}rphosphankomplexe des Molybd{\"a}ns und Wolframs lassen sich leicht aus den komplexen Metallhydriden mittels Hydridabstraktion und Zugabe des entsprechenden prim{\"a}ren Phosphans synthetisieren. Die so erzeugten prim{\"a}ren Phosphankomplexe lassen sich mit Triethylamin in die entsprechenden sekund{\"a}ren Metallo-phosphane {\"u}berf{\"u}hren. Aufgrund ihrer ausgepr{\"a}gten Nukleophilie k{\"o}nnen die Metallo-phosphane einer Vielzahl an Oxidationsreaktionen unterworfen werden und reagieren mit sanften Oxygenierungsmitteln wie 1,1-Dimethyldioxiran zu den entsprechenden Metallo-phosphanoxiden oder mit elementarem Schwefel bzw. Selen zu Chalkogen-phosphoranen und verwandten Verbindungen. Die oben beschriebenen Prim{\"a}rphosphankomplexe stellen Ausgangsverbindungen f{\"u}r die Reaktion mit elektronenarmen organischen Mehrfachbindungssystemen dar. Dabei wird durch die Zugabe katalytischer Mengen einer Base wie z.B. Triethylamin intermedi{\"a}r das korrespondierende Metallo-phosphan generiert das als Nukleophil an der Mehrfachbindung angreift. Abschließende Reprotonierung f{\"u}hrt zur Ausbildung eines sekund{\"a}ren Phosphankomplexes, wobei formal eine Insertion des unges{\"a}ttigten Systems (z.B. Maleins{\"a}uredimethylester) in eine P-H-Bindung erfolgt. Auch Metallo-phosphane k{\"o}nnen f{\"u}r Insertionsreaktionen genutzt werden, wobei mit elektronenarmen Alkinen der Aufbau von Phosphabenzolderivaten gelingt.}, subject = {{\"U}bergangsmetallkomplexe}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Moigno2001, author = {Moigno, Damien}, title = {Study of the ligand effects on the metal-ligand bond in some new organometallic complexes using FT-Raman and -IR spectroscopy, isotopic substitution and density functional theory techniques}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-3101}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2001}, abstract = {The present studies which have been performed in the work-group C-2 (Prof. W. Kiefer) within the program of the Sonderforschungsbereichs 347, deal with the FT-Raman and -IR spectroscopy on new organometallic complexes, synthesized in the work-groups B-2 (Prof. W. Malisch), B-3 (Prof. W. A. Schenk), D-1 (Prof. H. Werner) and D-4 (Prof. D. Stalke). The FT-Raman spectra recorded at 1064 nm led to very useful and interesting information. Furthermore, the DFT calculations which are known to offer promise of obtaining accurate vibrational wavenumbers, were successfully used for the assignment of the vibrational spectra. For the first time it has been possible to ascribe exactly the n(RhC) stretching mode in the vinylidene rhodium(I) complex trans-[RhF(=C=CH2)(PiPr3)2] by using isotopic substitution, in conjunction with theoretical calculations. This is also true for the complexes trans-[RhF(CO)(PiPr3)2], trans-[RhF(C2H4)(PiPr3)2], trans-[RhX(=C=CHPh)(PiPr3)2] (X = F, Cl, Br, I, Me, PhCºC) and trans-[RhX(CN-2,6-xylyl)(PiPr3)2] (X = F, Cl, Br, I, CºCPh). In addition, the comparison between the n(RhC) wavenumbers of the complexes trans-[RhF(=13C=13CH2)(PiPr3)2] and trans-[RhF(CO)(PiPr3)2], containing the isoelectronic ligands 13C=13CH2 and CO, which have the same reduced mass, indicated that the Rh-C bond is stronger in the carbonyl than in the vinylidene complex. Besides, the n(RhF) stretching mode, which has been observed at higher wavenumbers in the FT-Raman and -IR spectra of trans-[RhF(CO)(PiPr3)2], showed that the carbonyl ligand is a better p-acceptor and a less effective s-donor than the vinylidene one. Moreover, the comparison of the n(CºC) and n(Rh-C) modes from the FT-Raman spectrum of the complexes trans-[Rh(CºCPh)(L)(PiPr3)2] (L = C=CHPh, CO, CN-2,6-xylyl) point out that the p-acceptor ability of the ligand trans to CºCPh should rise in the order C=CH2 < CO < CN-2,6-xylyl \pounds C=CHPh. The investigated sensitivity of the n(RhC), n(CC), n(CO) and n(CN) vibrational modes to the electronic modifications occuring in the vinylidene, carbonyl, ethylene and isonitrile complexes, should allow in the future the examination of the p-acceptor or p-donor properties of further ligands. Likewise, we were able to characterize the influence of various X ligands on the RhC bond by using the n(RhC) stretching mode as a probe for the weakening of this. The calculated wavenumbers of the n(RhC) for the vinylidene complexes trans-[RhX(=C=CHR)(PiPr3)2], where R = H or Ph, suggested that the strength of the Rh=C bond increases along the sequence X = CºCPh < CH3 < I < Br < Cl < F. For the series of carbonyl compounds trans-[RhX(CO)(PiPr3)2], where X = F, Cl, Br and I, analogous results have been obtained and confirmed from the model compounds trans-[RhX(CO)(PMe3)2]. Since, the calculated vibrational modes for the ethylene complex trans-[RhF(C2H4)(PiPr3)2] were in good agreement with the experimental results and supported the description of this complex as a metallacyclopropane, we were interested in getting more information upon this class of compounds. In this context, we have recorded the FT-Raman and -IR spectra of the thioaldehyde complexes mer-[W(CO)3(dmpe)(h2-S=CH2)] and mer-[W(CO)3(dmpe)(h2-S=CD2)] which have been synthezised by B-3. The positions of the different WL vibrational modes anticipated by the DFT calculations, were consistent with the experimental results. Indeed, the analysis of the band shifts in the FT-Raman and -IR spectra of the isotopomer mer-[W(CO)3(dmpe)(h2-S=CD2)] confirmed our assignment. The different stereoisomers of complex mer-[W(CO)3(dmpe)(h2-S=CH2)] were investigated too, since RMN and IR-data have shown that complex mer-[W(CO)3(dmpe)(h2-S=CH2)] lead in solution to an equilibrium. Since the information on the vibrational spectra of the molybdenum and tungsten complexes Cp(CO)2M-PR2-X (M = Mo, W; R = Me, tBu, Ph; X = S, Se) is very scarce, we extended our research work to this class of compounds. We have tried to elucidate the bonding properties in these chalcogenoheterocycle complexes by taking advantage of the mass effect on the different metal atoms (W vs. Mo). Thus, the observed band shifts allowed to assign most of the ML fundamental modes of these complexes. This project and the following one were a cooperation within the work-group B-2. The Raman and IR spectra of the matrix isolated photoproducts expected by the UV irradiation of the iron silyl complex Cp(CO)2FeSiH2CH3 have been already reported by Claudia Fickert and Volker Nagel in their PhD-thesis. Since no exact assignment was feasible for these spectra, we were interested in the study of the reaction products created by irradiation of the carbonyl iron silyl complex Cp(CO)2FeCH2SiH3. Although the calculated characteristic vibrational modes of the metal ligand unit for the various photoproducts are significantly different in constitution, they are very similar in wavenumbers, which did not simplify their identification. However, the theoretical results have been found to be consistent with the earlier experimental results. Finally, the last part of this thesis has been devoted to the (2-Py)2E- anions which exhibit a high selectivity toward metal-coordination. All di(2-pyridyl) amides and -phosphides which were synthesized by D-4, coordinate the R2Al+ fragment via both ring nitrogen atoms. This already suggests that the charge density in the anions is coupled into the rings and accumulated at the ring nitrogen atoms, but the Lewis basicity of the central nitrogen atom in Et2Al(2-Py)2N is still high enough to coordinate a second equivalent AlEt3 to form the Lewis acid base adduct Et2Al(2-Py)2NAlEt3. Due to the higher electronegativity of the central nitrogen atom in Me2Al(2-Py)2N, Et2Al(2-Py)2N and Et2Al(2-Py)2NAlEt3, compared to the bridging two coordinated phosphorus atom in Me2Al(2-Py)2P and Et2Al(2-Py)2P, the di(2-pyridyl)amide is the hardest Lewis base. In the phosphides merely all charge density couples into the rings leaving the central phosphorus atom only attractive for soft metals. These results were confirmed by using DFT and MP2 calculations. Moreover, a similar behaviour has been observed and described for the benzothiazolyl complex [Me2Al{Py(Bth)P}], where complementary investigations are to be continued. The DFT calculations carried out on the model compounds analysed in these studies supply very accurate wavenumbers and molecular geometries, these being in excellent agreement with the experimental results obtained from the corresponding isolated complexes.}, subject = {{\"U}bergangsmetallkomplexe}, language = {en} }