@phdthesis{Stuerzebecher2024, author = {St{\"u}rzebecher, Paulina Elena}, title = {Die Rolle von LASP1 in der Pathogenese der Atherosklerose im murinen Modell}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-23935}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-239353}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Das regulatorische Ger{\"u}st-Protein LASP1, welches aus der Krebsforschung bekannt ist, wurde 2012 in humanen Makrophagen, den Protagonisten der Atherosklerose nachgewiesen. LASP1 ist durch seine Lokalisation an dynamischen Aktinskelettkonstruktionen (vgl. Invadopodien, Podosomen), nachweislich an Zellmigration, Proliferation und Invasionsf{\"a}higkeit bestimmter Tumorzellen beteiligt. Aufgrund einer großen Schnittmenge der Entstehungsmechanismen und zugrundeliegenden Signalwegen von Krebserkrankungen und Atherosklerose wurde LASP1 im Zusammenhang der Atherosklerose untersucht. In einem 16 Wochen Hochfettdi{\"a}tversuch zeigten LASP1.Ldlr-/--M{\"a}use mehr atherosklerotische L{\"a}sionen in der Gesamtaorta als Ldlr-/--Tiere, was eine athero-protektive Rolle von LASP1 nahelegt. Passend hierzu f{\"u}hrte Stimulation mit oxLDL in Makrophagen zu einer Hochregulation von LASP1. Zus{\"a}tzlich internalisierten LASP1-/--Makrophagen signifikant mehr oxLDL im Vergleich zu LASP1-exprimierenden Zellen. Analog zu den Daten aus der Krebsforschung konnte eine reduzierte endotheliale Adh{\"a}sion sowie chemotaktische Migration von Ldlr.LASP1-/--Monozyten im Vergleich zu Ldlr-/-- Monozyten festgestellt werden. Dies ließe isoliert betrachtet eine pro-atherogene Rolle von LASP1 vermuten. Ein Nachweis von LASP1 im Zellkern von BMDMs konnte, zus{\"a}tzlich zum fehlenden Shuttelproteinpartner ZO-2, nicht erbracht werden. Die Interaktion von LASP1 mit Transkriptionsfaktoren scheint daher unwahrscheinlich. Kongruent mit diesen Ergebnissen zeigte sich keine Ver{\"a}nderung der Transkription, der Proteinexpression sowie Sekretion von TNF! und ADAM17 durch den LASP1-KO. Insgesamt kommt LASP1 eine zweifellos komplexe Rolle in der Atherogenese zu. Die Ergebnisse der HFD-Versuche legen nahe, dass die prim{\"a}r anti-atherosklerotischen Einfl{\"u}sse von LASP1 in vivo gegen{\"u}ber den eher pro-atherosklerotischen Effekten des Proteins in vitro {\"u}berwiegen.}, subject = {Arteriosklerose}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Andelovic2024, author = {Andelovic, Kristina}, title = {Characterization of arterial hemodynamics using mouse models of atherosclerosis and tissue-engineered artery models}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-30360}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-303601}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Within this thesis, three main approaches for the assessment and investigation of altered hemodynamics like wall shear stress, oscillatory shear index and the arterial pulse wave velocity in atherosclerosis development and progression were conducted: 1. The establishment of a fast method for the simultaneous assessment of 3D WSS and PWV in the complete murine aortic arch via high-resolution 4D-flow MRI 2. The utilization of serial in vivo measurements in atherosclerotic mouse models using high-resolution 4D-flow MRI, which were divided into studies describing altered hemodynamics in late and early atherosclerosis 3. The development of tissue-engineered artery models for the controllable application and variation of hemodynamic and biologic parameters, divided in native artery models and biofabricated artery models, aiming for the investigation of the relationship between atherogenesis and hemodynamics Chapter 2 describes the establishment of a method for the simultaneous measurement of 3D WSS and PWV in the murine aortic arch at, using ultra high-field MRI at 17.6T [16], based on the previously published method for fast, self-navigated wall shear stress measurements in the murine aortic arch using radial 4D-phase contrast MRI at 17.6 T [4]. This work is based on the collective work of Dr. Patrick Winter, who developed the method and the author of this thesis, Kristina Andelovic, who performed the experiments and statistical analyses. As the method described in this chapter is basis for the following in vivo studies and undividable into the sub-parts of the contributors without losing important information, this chapter was not split into the single parts to provide fundamental information about the measurement and analysis methods and therefore better understandability for the following studies. The main challenge in this chapter was to overcome the issue of the need for a high spatial resolution to determine the velocity gradients at the vascular wall for the WSS quantification and a high temporal resolution for the assessment of the PWV without prolonging the acquisition time due to the need for two separate measurements. Moreover, for a full coverage of the hemodynamics in the murine aortic arch, a 3D measurement is needed, which was achieved by utilization of retrospective navigation and radial trajectories, enabling a highly flexible reconstruction framework to either reconstruct images at lower spatial resolution and higher frame rates for the acquisition of the PWV or higher spatial resolution and lower frame rates for the acquisition of the 3D WSS in a reasonable measurement time of only 35 minutes. This enabled the in vivo assessment of all relevant hemodynamic parameters related to atherosclerosis development and progression in one experimental session. This method was validated in healthy wild type and atherosclerotic Apoe-/- mice, indicating no differences in robustness between pathological and healthy mice. The heterogeneous distribution of plaque development and arterial stiffening in atherosclerosis [10, 12], however, points out the importance of local PWV measurements. Therefore, future studies should focus on the 3D acquisition of the local PWV in the murine aortic arch based on the presented method, in order to enable spatially resolved correlations of local arterial stiffness with other hemodynamic parameters and plaque composition. In Chapter 3, the previously established methods were used for the investigation of changing aortic hemodynamics during ageing and atherosclerosis in healthy wild type and atherosclerotic Apoe-/- mice using the previously established methods [4, 16] based on high-resolution 4D-flow MRI. In this work, serial measurements of healthy and atherosclerotic mice were conducted to track all changes in hemodynamics in the complete aortic arch over time. Moreover, spatially resolved 2D projection maps of WSS and OSI of the complete aortic arch were generated. This important feature allowed for the pixel-wise statistical analysis of inter- and intragroup hemodynamic changes over time and most importantly - at a glance. The study revealed converse differences of local hemodynamic profiles in healthy WT and atherosclerotic Apoe-/- mice, with decreasing longWSS and increasing OSI, while showing constant PWV in healthy mice and increasing longWSS and decreasing OSI, while showing increased PWV in diseased mice. Moreover, spatially resolved correlations between WSS, PWV, plaque and vessel wall characteristics were enabled, giving detailed insights into coherences between hemodynamics and plaque composition. Here, the circWSS was identified as a potential marker of plaque size and composition in advanced atherosclerosis. Moreover, correlations with PWV values identified the maximum radStrain could serve as a potential marker for vascular elasticity. This study demonstrated the feasibility and utility of high-resolution 4D flow MRI to spatially resolve, visualize and analyze statistical differences in all relevant hemodynamic parameters over time and between healthy and diseased mice, which could significantly improve our understanding of plaque progression towards vulnerability. In future studies the relation of vascular elasticity and radial strain should be further investigated and validated with local PWV measurements and CFD. Moreover, the 2D histological datasets were not reflecting the 3D properties and regional characteristics of the atherosclerotic plaques. Therefore, future studies will include 3D plaque volume and composition analysis like morphological measurements with MRI or light-sheet microscopy to further improve the analysis of the relationship between hemodynamics and atherosclerosis. Chapter 4 aimed at the description and investigation of hemodynamics in early stages of atherosclerosis. Moreover, this study included measurements of hemodynamics at baseline levels in healthy WT and atherosclerotic mouse models. Due to the lack of hemodynamic-related studies in Ldlr-/- mice, which are the most used mouse models in atherosclerosis research together with the Apoe-/- mouse model, this model was included in this study to describe changing hemodynamics in the aortic arch at baseline levels and during early atherosclerosis development and progression for the first time. In this study, distinct differences in aortic geometries of these mouse models at baseline levels were described for the first time, which result in significantly different flow- and WSS profiles in the Ldlr-/- mouse model. Further basal characterization of different parameters revealed only characteristic differences in lipid profiles, proving that the geometry is highly influencing the local WSS in these models. Most interestingly, calculation of the atherogenic index of plasma revealed a significantly higher risk in Ldlr-/- mice with ongoing atherosclerosis development, but significantly greater plaque areas in the aortic arch of Apoe-/- mice. Due to the given basal WSS and OSI profile in these two mouse models - two parameters highly influencing plaque development and progression - there is evidence that the regional plaque development differs between these mouse models during very early atherogenesis. Therefore, future studies should focus on the spatiotemporal evaluation of plaque development and composition in the three defined aortic regions using morphological measurements with MRI or 3D histological analyses like LSFM. Moreover, this study offers an excellent basis for future studies incorporating CFD simulations, analyzing the different measured parameter combinations (e.g., aortic geometry of the Ldlr-/- mouse with the lipid profile of the Apoe-/- mouse), simulating the resulting plaque development and composition. This could help to understand the complex interplay between altered hemodynamics, serum lipids and atherosclerosis and significantly improve our basic understanding of key factors initiating atherosclerosis development. Chapter 5 describes the establishment of a tissue-engineered artery model, which is based on native, decellularized porcine carotid artery scaffolds, cultured in a MRI-suitable bioreactor-system [23] for the investigation of hemodynamic-related atherosclerosis development in a controllable manner, using the previously established methods for WSS and PWV assessment [4, 16]. This in vitro artery model aimed for the reduction of animal experiments, while simultaneously offering a simplified, but completely controllable physical and biological environment. For this, a very fast and gentle decellularization protocol was established in a first step, which resulted in porcine carotid artery scaffolds showing complete acellularity while maintaining the extracellular matrix composition, overall ultrastructure and mechanical strength of native arteries. Moreover, a good cellular adhesion and proliferation was achieved, which was evaluated with isolated human blood outgrowth endothelial cells. Most importantly, an MRI-suitable artery chamber was designed for the simultaneous cultivation and assessment of high-resolution 4D hemodynamics in the described artery models. Using high-resolution 4D-flow MRI, the bioreactor system was proven to be suitable to quantify the volume flow, the two components of the WSS and the radStrain as well as the PWV in artery models, with obtained values being comparable to values found in literature for in vivo measurements. Moreover, the identification of first atherosclerotic processes like intimal thickening is achievable by three-dimensional assessment of the vessel wall morphology in the in vitro models. However, one limitation is the lack of a medial smooth muscle cell layer due to the dense ECM. Here, the utilization of the laser-cutting technology for the generation of holes and / or pits on a microscale, eventually enabling seeding of the media with SMCs showed promising results in a first try and should be further investigated in future studies. Therefore, the proposed artery model possesses all relevant components for the extension to an atherosclerosis model which may pave the way towards a significant improvement of our understanding of the key mechanisms in atherogenesis. Chapter 6 describes the development of an easy-to-prepare, low cost and fully customizable artery model based on biomaterials. Here, thermoresponsive sacrificial scaffolds, processed with the technique of MEW were used for the creation of variable, biomimetic shapes to mimic the geometric properties of the aortic arch, consisting of both, bifurcations and curvatures. After embedding the sacrificial scaffold into a gelatin-hydrogel containing SMCs, it was crosslinked with bacterial transglutaminase before dissolution and flushing of the sacrificial scaffold. The hereby generated channel was subsequently seeded with ECs, resulting in an easy-to-prepare, fast and low-cost artery model. In contrast to the native artery model, this model is therefore more variable in size and shape and offers the possibility to include smooth muscle cells from the beginning. Moreover, a custom-built and highly adaptable perfusion chamber was designed specifically for the scaffold structure, which enabled a one-step creation and simultaneously offering the possibility for dynamic cultivation of the artery models, making it an excellent basis for the development of in vitro disease test systems for e.g., flow-related atherosclerosis research. Due to time constraints, the extension to an atherosclerosis model could not be achieved within the scope of this thesis. Therefore, future studies will focus on the development and validation of an in vitro atherosclerosis model based on the proposed bi- and three-layered artery models. In conclusion, this thesis paved the way for a fast acquisition and detailed analyses of changing hemodynamics during atherosclerosis development and progression, including spatially resolved analyses of all relevant hemodynamic parameters over time and in between different groups. Moreover, to reduce animal experiments, while gaining control over various parameters influencing atherosclerosis development, promising artery models were established, which have the potential to serve as a new platform for basic atherosclerosis research.}, subject = {H{\"a}modynamik}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schneider2023, author = {Schneider, Nicole}, title = {Untersuchung der Expression von SET7 und anderer epigenetischer Enzyme in vitro und vivo im Modell der Atherosklerose}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-32895}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-328952}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Bei der Atherosklerose handelt es sich um eine chronische inflammatorische Erkrankung, die sich an der arteriellen Gef{\"a}ßinnenwand abspielt. Ihre Haupt-Manifestationsformen Schlaganfall und Herzinfarkt z{\"a}hlen zu den h{\"a}ufigsten Todesursachen weltweit. Eine chronische Endothelbelastung und -funktionsst{\"o}rung, beeinflusst durch Risikofaktoren wie Diabetes, arterieller Bluthochdruck, Rauchen und Entz{\"u}ndungszust{\"a}nde, f{\"u}hren zur Permeabilit{\"a}tserh{\"o}hung des Endothels, zur Zelleinwanderung, subendothelialen Lipidanreicherung, Migration glatter Muskelzellen und der Ausbildung atherosklerotischer L{\"a}sionen. Es kommt zu Aktivierung des Immunsystems und fortschreitender Entz{\"u}ndungsreaktion, schließlich zur Ausbildung eines nekrotischen Kerns und zunehmender Vulnerabilit{\"a}t des Plaques. Epigenetische Ver{\"a}nderungen betreffen klassischerweise das Chromatinger{\"u}st. Durch DNA-Methylierung und -Demethylierung sowie verschiedene Modifikationen der Histon-Proteine kann die DNA in ihrer Zug{\"a}nglichkeit ver{\"a}ndert werden. So kann die Transkription eines bestimmten Genes direkt und potenziell l{\"a}ngerfristig beeinflusst werden, ohne dass Alterationen der DNA-Basenfolge selbst stattfinden. Das Enzym SET7 nimmt hierbei eine Sonderrolle ein, da es neben einer Methylierung von Histon 3 auch verschiedene zellul{\"a}re Zielstrukturen posttranslational direkt methylieren kann. Epigenetische Ver{\"a}nderungen im Kontext der Atherosklerose sind bereits vereinzelt beschrieben. Auch sind sie relevant in der Reaktion auf Umwelteinfl{\"u}sse und bei inflammatorischen Vorg{\"a}ngen. Der Frage, ob epigenetische Mechanismen im atherosklerotischen Geschehen eine Rolle spielen, sollte in dieser Arbeit nachgegangen werden. Dazu wurde in Zellkulturversuchen f{\"u}r Makrophagen und glatte Muskelzellen gepr{\"u}ft, ob die einzelnen pro-atherosklerotischen Stimuli oxLDL, IL-1β, TNFα und LPS bereits zu relevanten Ver{\"a}nderungen epigenetischer Enzyme f{\"u}hren. Dies erfolgte {\"u}ber Vergleich der entsprechenden mRNA mittels qPCR. Zur Untersuchung der genaueren Dynamik wurde f{\"u}r die Enzyme SET7 und DNMT1 der zeitliche Ablauf dieser Reaktion auf TNFα-Stimulation in Makrophagen genauer betrachtet. Unter gleichen Versuchsbedingungen wurde außerdem die {\"A}nderung der mRNA-Expression einiger Matrixmetalloproteasen, TIMP-Enzyme, Zytokine und Transkriptionsfaktoren analysiert,um zuk{\"u}nftig kausale Zusammenh{\"a}nge weiter aufdecken zu k{\"o}nnen. Auch die Frage nach Ver{\"a}nderungen epigenetischer Enzyme in der Ldlr-/--Maus nach fettreicher Di{\"a}t im Vergleich zu Ldlr-/--M{\"a}usen ohne Di{\"a}t sollte hier beantwortet werden. Dazu wurde die mRNA der Zellsuspensionen aus Milz, Aortenwurzel und gesamter Aorta der Tiere mithilfe der qPCR verglichen. Schließlich sollte ein effizienter Weg f{\"u}r einen individuellen und flexiblen SET7 knock-out etabliert werden, um weitere Studien dieses Enzyms zu erm{\"o}glichen. Hierzu wurde die Methode des CRISPR/Cas9 Systems gew{\"a}hlt und abschließend die Funktionalit{\"a}t des Systems {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft.}, subject = {Arteriosklerose}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Knochenhauer2023, author = {Knochenhauer, Tim}, title = {Die Rolle von HIF-1α in T-Zellen bei kardiovaskul{\"a}ren Erkrankungen}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-32275}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-322758}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Die Atherosklerose ist als Ursache kardiovaskul{\"a}rer Erkrankungen, welche die h{\"a}ufigste Todesursache weltweit darstellen, von großer klinischer und wissenschaftlicher Relevanz. Atherosklerose ist charakterisiert durch Einlagerungen von Lipiden in die Gef{\"a}ßwand, welche zur Ausbildung von Plaques f{\"u}hren. Als Folge wird eine chronische Entz{\"u}ndungsreaktion eingeleitet, die durch spezifische Immunzellen, unter anderem T-Lymphozyten, und komplexe molekulare Prozesse aufrechterhalten wird. Durch eine verminderte Sauerstoffdiffusionskapazit{\"a}t und eine hohe Zelldichte ist das Milieu in den Plaques hypoxisch. Zur zellul{\"a}ren Anpassung an ein solches hypoxisches Milieu werden Hypoxie-induzierbare Faktoren (HIF) in den Immunzellen stabilisiert. Der Transkriptionsfaktor HIF-1 ist ein heterodimeres Protein, welches die Transkription bestimmter Zielgene initiiert, die den Zellen notwendige Adaptationen des Zellstoffwechsels an ein vermindertes Sauerstoffangebot erm{\"o}glichen. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit bestand darin zu untersuchen, inwiefern sich ein Ausschalten des Transkriptionsfaktor HIF-1α selektiv in T-Lymphozyten auf Atherosklerose und Myokardinfarkt auswirkt. Die funktionelle Bedeutung von HIF-1α in T-Zellen in der Pathogenese dieser Erkrankungen wurde an zwei Mausmodellen untersucht. Im Atherosklerose Modell wurde Biomaterial von LDLR-/- M{\"a}usen mit T-Zell spezifischem Knockout von HIF-1α nach achtw{\"o}chiger fettreicher Western-Typ Di{\"a}t untersucht. Histologisch zeigte sich eine vermehrte Plaqueauspr{\"a}gung und ein verminderter Makrophagenanteil in den Plaques. Durchflusszytometrisch und mittels qPCR konnten keine Unterschiede in der Lymphozytendifferenzierung in Milz und Lymphknoten dieser M{\"a}use nachgewiesen werden. Im Myokardinfarkt-Modell mit T-Zell spezifischem HIF-1α Knockout konnte in fr{\"u}heren Untersuchungen der Arbeitsgruppe eine vergr{\"o}ßerte Infarktzone mit eingeschr{\"a}nkter kardialer Funktion nachgewiesen werden. Histologisch konnte im Rahmen dieser Arbeit hierf{\"u}r kein zellmorphologisches Korrelat in Kardiomyozytengr{\"o}ße oder der Vaskularisation des Myokards gefunden werden. In Zukunft k{\"o}nnte HIF-1α in T-Lymphozyten ein m{\"o}glicher Angriffspunkt zur medikament{\"o}sen Pr{\"a}vention oder Therapie kardiovaskul{\"a}rer Erkrankungen sein.}, subject = {Hypoxie-induzierbarer Faktor}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Westhofen2022, author = {Westhofen, Thilo Chou-Jong}, title = {Die Entwicklung und Charakterisierung Dendritischer Zell-Subsets in der gesunden und arteriosklerotischen Aorta}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-29621}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-296210}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Arteriosklerose ist eine chronisch inflammatorische Erkrankung der Gef{\"a}ßwand. Nach aktuellem Wissensstand sind Dendritische Zellen (DCs) maßgeblich an der Entstehung und dem Fortschreiten von Arteriosklerose beteiligt. In der Vergangenheit konnten f{\"u}r DCs unterschiedliche Subsets beschreiben werden, die sowohl proinflammatorische als auch immunregulatorische Funktionen {\"u}bernehmen k{\"o}nnen. Die systematische Charakterisierung von DCs in der gesunden Aorta, sowie w{\"a}hrend der Entstehung von Arteriosklerose ist jedoch noch ausstehend. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde zun{\"a}chst die systematische Einteilung von DCs in vitro mit Hilfe von DCs aus Flt3L-Knochenmarkskulturen durchgef{\"u}hrt. Aufbauend darauf erfolgte die systematische Analyse aortaler DCs durch tierexperimentelle Untersuchungen an gesunden C57BL/6J M{\"a}usen, sowie Apolipoprotein E-defizienten (ApoE-/-) M{\"a}usen und low-density-lipoprotein-receptor-defizienten (Ldlr-/-) M{\"a}usen w{\"a}hrend der Atherogenese. Mittels immunhistochemischer Untersuchungen von CD11cYFPreporter M{\"a}usen konnten zudem korrelierend DCs in der Gef{\"a}ßwand der murinen Aorta lokalisiert werden. Zusammenfassend gibt die vorliegende Arbeit erstmalig einen systematischen {\"U}berblick {\"u}ber die einzelnen DC-Subsets in der gesunden Aorta und w{\"a}hrend der Atherogenese. Dies tr{\"a}gt zu einem besseren Verst{\"a}ndnis der Rolle der einzelnen DC Subsets w{\"a}hrend der Entstehung der Arteriosklerose bei und bietet eine m{\"o}gliche Grundlage f{\"u}r zuk{\"u}nftige Behandlungsstrategien. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit wurden im Februar 2014 als Originalarbeit in geteilter Erstautorenschaft von Martin Busch, Thilo Westhofen und Miriam Koch unter dem Titel Dendritic Cell Subset Distributions in the Aorta in Healthy and Atherosclerotic Mice im Plos One publiziert (1). Die Originalpublikation findet sich im Folgenden unter Absatz 11. Die Ergebnisse dieser Publikation wurden modifiziert unter 6.1-6.5 dargelegt und unter 7.1-7.5 im Kontext der aktuellen Literatur diskutiert. Sofern nicht anders angegeben, wurden alle Experimente von Thilo Westhofen geplant, durchgef{\"u}hrt und ausgewertet.}, subject = {Dendritische Zelle}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Lippert2021, author = {Lippert, Malte}, title = {Die Rolle von CD84 in der Immunzellrekrutierung der Atherosklerose}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-22924}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-229249}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {CD84 ist ein Transmembran-Glykoprotein vom Typ 1, welches ein Mitglied der Familie der SLAM 5 ist. Es ist ein homophiles Adh{\"a}sionsmolek{\"u}l, das von unterschiedlichen Immunzellpopulationen exprimiert wird, einschließlich Monozyten, Makrophagen, Granulozyten, T-Zellen, dendritischen Zellen und Mastzellen, die im Zusammenhang mit der Entstehung der Atherosklerose stehen. Um die funktionelle Bedeutung von CD84 in der Pathogenese der Atherosklerose bestimmen zu k{\"o}nnen, wurden CD84-/- M{\"a}use mit ApoE-/- M{\"a}usen gekreuzt, um Tiere zu erhalten, die CD84-defizient und anf{\"a}llig f{\"u}r Atherosklerose waren. Die Bedeutung dieses Molek{\"u}ls f{\"u}r die Atherogenese sowie f{\"u}r die Adh{\"a}sion, Transmigration, Immunzellrekrutierung allgemein und Integrinexpression und -aktivierung wurde im Mausmodell in vivo und in vitro untersucht. Nach acht und 16 Wochen pro-atherogener, fettreicher Western-Type Di{\"a}t waren die Auspr{\"a}gung der atherosklerotischen L{\"a}sionen in der Aortenwurzel, sowie deren Gehalt an Makrophagen in den ApoE-/-.CD84-/- Tieren im Vergleich zu den ApoE-/- Kontrolltieren signifikant vermindert. Weiter zeigten die Ergebnisse, dass die Viabilit{\"a}t von Makrophagen, denen CD84 fehlte, in vitro nicht ver{\"a}ndert war. Der Einfluss von CD84 auf die akute Immunzellrekrutierung wurde mittels verschiedener in vivo und in vitro Experimente untersucht. Eine verminderte Rekrutierung von CD84-/- proinflammatorischer Ly6Chigh Monozyten konnte in vivo im Rahmen des Hintergliedmaßen-Isch{\"a}miemodells festgestellt werden, nicht hingegen im Air pouch-Modell. Es konnte weiterhin weder eine Ver{\"a}nderung der Adh{\"a}sion und chemotaktischen Transmigration von Monozyten in vitro noch der Immunzellrekrutierung in atherosklerotische L{\"a}sionen in Ldlr-/- M{\"a}usen in vivo bei Abwesenheit von CD84 festgestellt werden. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus konnte gezeigt werden, dass CD84 zwar keine Bedeutung f{\"u}r die Integri-nexpression auf Monozyten hat, jedoch f{\"u}r die ad{\"a}quate Aktivierung von LFA-1 auf T-Zellen. Diese Arbeit tr{\"a}gt summa summarum zum verbesserten Verst{\"a}ndnis des Prozesses der Atherogenese sowie der funktionellen Bedeutung von CD84 innerhalb dieses Prozesses sowie im Rahmen der Immunzellrekrutierung und Integrinaktivierung bei. Diese Erkenntnisse k{\"o}nnten in Zukunft dabei helfen, durch die Entwicklung neuer phar-makologischer Therapieans{\"a}tze, spezifischer in von CD84 mitregulierte inflammatorische Prozesse, wie die Atherosklerose, einzugreifen. Dies k{\"o}nnte im Zusammenspiel mit Forschungsarbeiten gelingen, die weitere pr{\"a}zise Erkenntnisse zu spezifischen funktionellen Eigenschaften von CD84 hinsichtlich der Im-munzellrekrutierung und Integrinaktivierung liefern.}, subject = {Arteriosklerose}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{MuellerScholden2021, author = {M{\"u}ller-Scholden, Lara}, title = {Einfluss spezifischer kardiovaskul{\"a}rer Risikofaktoren und ihrer Kombination auf die Karotis-Intima-Media-Dicke und Erstellung von Normwerten - Ergebnisse der STAAB Kohortenstudie}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-22029}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-220292}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Primary prevention in cardiovascular diseases is becoming more and more important as they are still the number one cause of morbidity and mortality in industrialized countries. Many cardiovascular events may even occur in clinically asymptomatic patients. The atherosclerosis as underlying pathogenesis is increasingly well understood and risk factors with a harmful influence are identified. However, by measuring the carotid-intima-media-thickness (CIMT) via B-mode ultrasound there is a widely accepted, safe, noninvasive, sensitive and reproducible technique to assess subclinical vascular diseases. The CIMT is established as a surrogate marker for atherosclerosis and its increase is associated with the presence of cardiovascular risk factors. The basic prerequisite for further risk stratification, according to the level of arteriosclerosis represented by the CIMT, is to define gender-, age- and region-specific reference values. The latest version of the international guidelines for cardiovascular risk prediction do no longer recommend the use of CIMT for cardiovascular risk prediction in the general population. This may be attributed to the fact, that the experts refer to studies in which only the measurement of a single segment was considered. Thus the aim of the present study was to assess a potential segment-specific impact of particular cardiovascular risk factors on the CIMT. Furthermore the goal was to evaluate the relevance of the existing models for risk prediction and to discuss the current recommendations for the use of CIMT. Additionally, reference values were developed from data of a representative group of the general population of W{\"u}rzburg and the reproducibility of the data collection was examined. Subjects derived from the population-based STAAB (Characteristics and Course of Heart Failure Stages A-B and Determinants of Progression) cohort study, that included people of the general population of W{\"u}rzburg aged 30 to 79 years [12]. CIMT was measured on the far wall of both sides in three different predefined locations: common carotid artery (CCA), bulb, and internal carotid artery (ICA). Diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension, smoking and obesity were considered as risk factors. In multivariable logistic regression analysis, odds ratios of risk factors per location were estimated for the endpoint of individual age- and sex-adjusted 75th percentile of CIMT. These thresholds were derived from the standard values of the general population. An apparently healthy subpopulation was formed to generate these reference values, which consists only of people that did not exhibit any of the above mentioned risk factors or manifest cardiovascular diseases. 2492 subjects were included in the analysis. Segment-specific CIMT was highest in the bulb, followed by CCA, and lowest in the ICA. The reproducibility between the investigators was overall weaker than in comparable studies, therefore a potential improvement of the training protocol for inexperienced persons was assumed. Moreover, the results of the reproducibility analysis illustrate the need for a standardized, internationally recognized protocol for the training of CIMT investigators and an exact measurement protocol. The reference values of the apparently healthy population were consistent with values from other authors collected in a comparable way and formed the basis for further investigations. CIMT increases with age and independently with the number of risk factors. Dyslipidemia, hypertension, and smoking were associated with higher CIMT, but diabetes and obesity were not (OR (95\% CI) between 1.28 (0.98 - 1.65), ACC, and 1.86 (1.53 - 2.27), bulb). We observed no segment-specific association between the three different locations and risk factors, except for a possible interaction between smoking and ICA. As no segment-specific association between cardiovascular risk factors and CIMT became evident, one simple measurement of one location may suffice to assess the cardiovascular risk of an individual. In addition, the identified risk factors are reflected in the current models for risk prediction and prevention, so that the added value of the use of CIMT in the general population loses importance.}, subject = {Arteriosklerose}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Yurdadogan2020, author = {Yurdadogan, Tino}, title = {Endorganschaden und Gef{\"a}ßalter bei Patienten mit koronarer Herzkrankheit}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-21846}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-218469}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Die nicht-invasive Gef{\"a}ßdiagnostik stellt einen wichtigen Pfeiler in der Pr{\"a}vention von Herz-Kreislauferkrankungen dar. W{\"a}hrend lange Zeit die sonographische Messung der cIMT, als morphologisches Korrelat der Gef{\"a}ßalterung, als Goldstandard galt, ist in den letzten Jahren in Gestalt der Pulswellenanalyse/PWV-Messung eine Technik weiterentwickelt worden, die, als funktionelles Korrelat der Gef{\"a}ßalterung, aufgrund der leichteren Durchf{\"u}hrbarkeit und geringerer Untersucherabh{\"a}ngigkeit und Kosten vielversprechend ist. So erlaubt die Messung der Pulswelle mittels gew{\"o}hnlicher Blutdruckmanschetten, genau wie die cIMT, die Berechnung des individuellen Gef{\"a}ßalters und die Diagnostik f{\"u}r das Vorliegen eines Endorganschadens der Blutgef{\"a}ße. Um die Messergebnisse der beiden Untersuchungen miteinander zu vergleichen, wurden beide in der EUROASPIRE-IV Studie an Patienten mit koronarer Herzkrankheit durchgef{\"u}hrt. Die Auswertung der Messergebnisse der mit dem Vascular Explorer durchgef{\"u}hrten Pulswellenanalyse/PWV-Messung ergab {\"u}berraschenderweise, dass die Mehrheit der herzkranken Patienten weder eine vaskul{\"a}re Voralterung noch einen Endorganschaden der Blutgef{\"a}ße aufweisen. Im Falle der cIMT-Messung war Gegenteiliges der Fall, was trotz der medikament{\"o}sen Therapie der Patienten so zu erwarten war. Weiterhin zeigte sich lediglich eine geringe Korrelation zwischen den Messergebnissen beider Untersuchungen. Die Determinanten der einzelnen Messwerte aus cIMT und Pulswellenanalyse/PWV-Messung waren deckungsgleich mit den in der Literatur beschriebenen Faktoren, wenn auch viele der sonst signifikanten Regressoren das Signifikanzniveau in unserer Auswertung nicht unterschritten. Eine Limitation der funktionellen Gef{\"a}ßdiagnostik liegt derzeit darin, dass die Messergebnisse stark von dem verwendeten Messger{\"a}t abh{\"a}ngen. Es liegen noch zu wenig Vergleichsstudien vor, um die Messergebnisse, speziell von neueren Ger{\"a}ten wie dem Vascular Explorer, auf andere zu {\"u}bertragen. Bei der Berechnung des Gef{\"a}ßalters sollten daher optimalerweise ger{\"a}tespezifische Normwerte vorliegen, was beim Vascular Explorer nicht der Fall ist. Gleiches gilt f{\"u}r die Verwendung des PWVcf-Grenzwerts f{\"u}r die Diagnose eines Endorganschadens der Blutgef{\"a}ße. Analog hat auch die Messung der cIMT gewisse Einschr{\"a}nkungen. So w{\"a}re eine weitere Standardisierung der Messorte (A. carotis communis vs Bulbus vs A. carotis interna), zwischen denen sich die durchschnittliche cIMT erheblich unterscheidet, sowie der Messparameter (Minimal- vs Maximal- vs Mittelwert) w{\"u}nschenswert. Die universelle Anwendung eines cIMT-Grenzwerts zur Diagnose eines Endorganschadens der Blutgef{\"a}ße ist daher kritisch zu sehen. Dies zeigt sich auch darin, dass in den neuesten Leitlinien der bislang geltende Grenzwert angezweifelt und kein aktuell g{\"u}ltiger Grenzwert mehr genannt wird. Wir interpretieren unsere Ergebnisse dahingehend, dass unsere Messung der cIMT die zu erwartende pathologische Gef{\"a}ßalterung bei Patienten mit koronarer Herzkrankheit besser widerspiegelt als die Messung der Pulswelle mit dem Vascular Explorer. Welche der beiden Untersuchungen hinsichtlich der prognostischen Wertigkeit {\"u}berlegen ist, muss im Rahmen von L{\"a}ngsschnittstudien gekl{\"a}rt werden.}, subject = {Arteriosklerose}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{GilPulido2018, author = {Gil Pulido, Jes{\´u}s}, title = {The role of Batf3-dependent dendritic cells and the IL-23 receptor in atherosclerosis}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-16720}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-167203}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Cardiovascular diseases represent the leading cause of death worldwide, with myocardial infarction and strokes being the most common complications. In both cases, the appearance of an enlarged artery wall as a consequence of a growing plaque is responsible for the disturbance of the blood flow. The formation of plaques is driven by a chronic inflammatory condition known as atherosclerosis, characterized by an initial step of endothelial cell (EC) dysfunction followed by the recruitment of circulating immune cells into the tunica intima of the vessel. Accumulation of lipids and cells lead to the formation of atheromatous plaques that will define the cardiovascular outcome of an individual. The role of the immune system in the progression of atherosclerosis has been widely recognized. By far, macrophages constitute the most abundant cell type in lesions and are known to be the major source of the lipid-laden foam cell pool during the course of the disease. However, other immune cells types, including T cells, dendritic cells (DCs) or mast cells, among others, have been described to be present in human and mouse plaques. How these populations can modulate the atherogenic process is dependent on their specialized function. DCs constitute a unique population with the ability to bridge innate and adaptive immune responses, mainly by their strong capacity to present antigens bound to a major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecule. Given their ability to polarize T cells and secrete cytokines, their role in atherosclerosis has gained attention for the development of new therapeutic approaches that could impact lesion growth. Hence, knowing the effect of a specific subset is an initial key step to evaluate its potential for clinical purposes. For example, the basic leucine zipper ATF-like 3 transcription factor (Batf3) controls the development of conventional dendritic cells type 1 (cDCs1), characterized by the expression of the surface markers CD8 and CD103. Initially, they were described to promote both T-helper 1 (Th1) and regulatory T cell (Treg) responses, known to accelerate and to protect against atherosclerosis, respectively. The first part of this thesis aimed to elucidate the potential role of Batf3-dependent DCs in atherosclerosis and concluded that even though systemic immune responses were mildly altered they do not modify the course of the disease and may not represent an attractive candidate for clinical studies. DCs also have the ability to impact lesion growth through the release of a broad range of cytokines, which can either directly impact atherosclerotic plaques by modulating resident cells, or by further polarizing T cell responses. Among others, interleukin (IL) 23, a member of the IL-12 family of cytokines, has received much attention during the past year due to its connection to autoimmunity. IL-23 is known to induce pathogenicity of Th17 cells and is responsible for the development of several autoimmune diseases including multiple sclerosis, psoriasis or rheumatoid arthritis. Interestingly, these patients often present with an accelerated course of atherosclerosis and thus, are at higher risk of developing cardiovascular events. Several epidemiological studies have pointed toward a possible connection between IL-23 and its receptor IL-23R in atherosclerosis, although their exact contribution remains to be elucidated. The second part of this thesis showed that resident antigen-presenting cells (APCs) in the aorta produced IL-23 during the steady state but this secretion was greatly enhanced after incubation with oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL). Furthermore, disruption of the IL-23R signaling led to decreased relative necrotic plaque area in lesions of Ldlr-/-Il23r-/- mice fed a high-fat diet (HFD) for 6 and 12 weeks compared to Ldlr-/- controls. A proposed mechanism involves that increased IL-23 production in the context of atherosclerosis may promote the pathogenicity of IL-23-responding T cells, especially IL-23R+ γδ T cells in the aortic root. Response to IL-23 might increase the release of granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) and IL-17 and alter the pro- and anti-inflammatory balance of cytokines in the aortic root. Altogether, these data showed that the IL-23 / IL-23R axis play a role in plaque stability.}, subject = {Arteriosklerose}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schaefer2018, author = {Sch{\"a}fer, Carmen}, title = {Influence of interleukin-6-type cytokine oncostatin M on murine aortic vascular smooth muscle cells}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-135527}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Oncostatin M (OSM) is a cytokine of the interleukin-6 family and released in the early phase of inflammation by neutrophils, activated macrophages, dendritic cells, and T lymphocytes. Its roles in physiology and disease are not entirely understood yet. It has been shown recently that substantial amounts of OSM are found in atherosclerotic plaques. The first part of this thesis addresses the effects of OSM on vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). This cell type is known to contribute to atherogenesis and expresses the type I and type II OSM receptor complexes. This study revealed that OSM is a strong inducer of an array of genes which have recently been shown to play important roles in atherosclerosis. Investigation of VSMCs isolated from OSMRbeta-deficient (Osmr-/-) mice proved that the regulation of these target genes is entirely dependent on the activation of the type II OSMR complex. In addition to OSM, other cytokines expressed by T lymphocytes were found to contribute to plaque development. According to earlier publications, the influence of IL-4, IL-13, and IL-17 on the progression of plaques were discussed controversially. Nevertheless, for the regulation of investigated atherosclerotic target genes and receptor complexes in VSMCs, they seemed to play a minor role compared to OSM. Only the expression of the decoy receptor IL-13Ralpha2 - a negative feedback mechanism for IL-13-mediated signalling - was strongly induced after treatment with all mentioned cytokines, especially when VSMCs were primed with OSM before stimulation. The second part of this thesis focuses on the role of OSM during the progression of atherosclerosis in vivo. Therefore, Ldlr-/-Osmr-/- mice were generated by crossing Ldlr-/- mice - a typical mouse model for atherosclerosis - with Osmr-/- mice. These double-deficient mice together with Ldlr-/-Osmr+/+ mice were set on cholesterol rich diet (Western diet, WD) for 12 weeks before they were sacrificed. Determination of body and organ weight, staining of aortas and aortic roots as well as gene expression profiling strongly suggested that Ldlr-/-Osmr-/- mice are less susceptible for plaque development and weight gain compared to Ldlr-/-Osmr+/+ mice. However, further experiments and additional controls (C57Bl/6 and Osmr-/- mice) on WD are necessary to clarify the underlying molecular mechanisms. Taken together, the interleukin-6-type cytokine OSM is a strong inducer of an array of target genes involved in de-differentiation and proliferation of VSMCs, a process known to contribute substantially to atherogenesis. Further in vivo studies will help to clarify the role of OSM in atherosclerosis.}, subject = {Arteriosklerose}, language = {en} }