@phdthesis{Roemer2014, author = {R{\"o}mer, Daniela}, title = {Where and how to build? Influence of social and environmental cues on nest building behavior in leaf-cutting ants}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-109409}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {This thesis explores the influence of social and environmental cues on the nest building behavior of leaf-cutting ants. Especially, the investigations are aimed at evaluating the mechanisms of nest building and how the nest environment can spatially guide building responses that lead to an adaptive nest architecture. The emergence of nest chambers in the nest of the leaf-cutting ant Acromyrmex lundi were evaluated. Rather than excavating nest chambers in advance, at places where workers encounter suitable environmental conditions for brood and fungus rearing, these items have to be present at a site. When presented in the laboratory with a choice between two otherwise identical digging sites, offering suitable environmental conditions, but one containing brood, the workers displayed a higher excavation activity at the site where they encountered the putative content of a chamber. The shape of the excavated cavity was also more round and chamber-like. It is concluded that leaf-cutting ants respond to social cues during nest building. Excavation is a costly process and colonies have to spend a part of their energy stores on nest building, so that regulatory responses for the control of nest excavation are expected to occur. Worker density at the beginning of the digging process influenced digging activity while the presence of in-nest stores did not. Stored brood and fungus did however influence the architecture of the excavated nest, leading to the excavation of larger chambers and smaller tunnels. While self-organized mechanisms appear to be involved in the nest building process, the social cues of the ants' environment during building clearly influence the nest architecture and lead to an adjustment of the nest size to the current space needs of the colony. Workers secondarily regulated nest size by the opportunistic refilling of unused space with excavated soil pellets. As the ants should provide suitable conditions for brood and fungus rearing, they should show a behavioral response to CO2 concentrations, as the gas is known to hinder fungus respiration. Workers of A. lundi did indeed avoid high CO2-levels for fungus rearing but actually preferred CO2-values in the range encountered close to the soil surface, where this species excavates their nests. However, different CO2-levels did not affect their excavation behavior. While fungus chambers make up part of a leaf-cutting ant nest, most leaf-cutting ants of the genus Atta also spent part of the colony's energy on excavating large, voluminous chambers for waste disposal, rather than scattering the material aboveground. It is expected that leaf-cutting ants also show environmental preferences for waste management. In experiments Atta laevigata workers preferred deposition in a warm and dry environment and showed no preference for specific CO2-levels. The continued accumulation of waste particles in a waste chamber seems to be based on the use of volatiles. These originate from the waste itself, and seem to be used as an orientation cue by workers relocating the material. The ensuing large accumulation of waste at one site should result in the emergence of more voluminous chambers for waste disposal.}, subject = {Nestbau}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hoehn2014, author = {H{\"o}hn, Balthasar}, title = {Voluntary Interim Auditor Reviews and the Enforcement System in Germany}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-98957}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Diese Dissertation behandelt das Thema der Finanzberichterstattung und Wirtschaftspr{\"u}fung. In einer allgemeinen Einleitung werden die gesetzlichen Grundlagen zur kapitalmarktorientierten Rechnungslegung und deren Kontrollen beschrieben. Als Folge des Bilanzkontrollgesetzes (BilKoG) wurde die Deutsche Pr{\"u}fstelle f{\"u}r Rechnungslegung (DPR) gegr{\"u}ndet. Diese privatrechtlich organisierte Kontrollinstanz pr{\"u}ft seit dem Jahr 2005 die Rechnungslegung von Unternehmen in Deutschland, die am regulierten Kapitalmarkt gelistet sind (Enforcement). Ziel ist es, eine wahrhafte und transparente Rechnungslegung im Interesse des Kapitalmarkts zu gew{\"a}hrleisten. Neben dem BilKoG wurde durch das am 20.01.2007 in Kraft getretene Transparenzrichtlinie-Umsetzungsgesetz (TUG) die Richtlinie 2004/109/EG in deutsches Recht transformiert. Ziel der EU-Transparenzrichtlinie war 'die Schaffung effizienter, integrierter und transparenter Wertpapierm{\"a}rkte, die Anleger und Kapitalgeber besser {\"u}ber die Finanzlage kapitalmarktorientierter Unternehmen informieren' (Henkel et al. (2008), S. 36). In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden in drei Studien spezielle Fragestellungen ausgehend von der gesetzlichen Entwicklung in Deutschland analysiert. Es werden die Zusammenh{\"a}nge zwischen freiwilligen Kontrollen eines Wirtschaftspr{\"u}fers, staatlichem Enforcement, Pr{\"u}fungskosten und Bilanzpolitik untersucht. Die erste Studie befasst sich mit der freiwilligen Kontrolle der Zwischenberichterstattung kapitalmarktorientierter Unternehmen. Die unterj{\"a}hrige Ver{\"o}ffentlichung von Zwischenberichten bietet entscheidungsrelevante und zeitnahe Informationen f{\"u}r Kapitalmarktakteure. Eine pr{\"u}ferische Durchsicht durch einen Wirtschaftspr{\"u}fer kann zus{\"a}tzliches Vertrauen in die Berichterstattung liefern. Bei der Implementierung des TUG wurde eine pflichtm{\"a}ßige pr{\"u}ferische Durchsicht von Zwischenberichten in Deutschland diskutiert. Der Gesetzgeber entschied sich gegen eine gesetzliche Verpflichtung und {\"u}bertrug die Entscheidung einer freiwilligen unterj{\"a}hrigen Kontrolle an Unternehmen und Wirtschaftspr{\"u}fer. Dieser Marktl{\"o}sung in Deutschland steht eine gesetzlich verpflichtete pr{\"u}ferische Durchsicht z.B. in den USA, Frankreich oder Australien gegen{\"u}ber. Es stellt sich folglich die Frage nach Kosten und Nutzen einer solchen Kontrollleistung, um die Vorteilhaftigkeit der gesetzlichen Pflicht oder der Marktl{\"o}sung zu bewerten. Diese erste Studie nutzt ausgehend vom TUG einen neu entstandenen, beobachtbaren Markt f{\"u}r pr{\"u}ferische Durchsichten in Deutschland. Die Kategorisierung der Pr{\"u}fungskosten in ‚Abschlusspr{\"u}fungskosten' und ‚Pr{\"u}fungsnahen Dienstleistungen' erm{\"o}glicht eine detaillierte Untersuchung der Kosten f{\"u}r das Unternehmen. Weiter wird der Nutzen in Bezug auf die Qualit{\"a}t der unterj{\"a}hrigen Berichterstattung analysiert. In der zweiten Studie wird das Angebot und die Nachfrage von pr{\"u}ferischen Durchsichten beleuchtet. In der Literatur werden die Agency-Kosten, die Corporate Governance Struktur und verschiedene Kostentreiber dieser Pr{\"u}fungsleistung als Einflussfaktoren identifiziert. Der positive Nachfrageschock bei pr{\"u}ferischen Durchsichten im Jahr 2007 l{\"a}sst sich durch diese Faktoren jedoch nicht erkl{\"a}ren. Ausgehend von der neu beobachtbaren Nachfrage stellt die Studie einen Zusammenhang zwischen dem erstmaligen Enforcement von Zwischenberichten durch die DPR und dem Inkrafttretens des TUG im Jahr 2007 her. Die gesetzlichen {\"A}nderungen werden dem theoretischen Rahmen von Angebot und Nachfrage freiwilliger externer Kontrollen zugeordnet. Im n{\"a}chsten Schritt wird der Einfluss von Fehlerentdeckungsrisiken durch die DPR f{\"u}r Management und Aufsichtsrat auf die Nachfrage von externen Kontrollen untersucht. Die dritte Studie befasst sich mit der Effektivit{\"a}t des deutschen Enforcement-Systems, dem Einfluss von Bilanzpolitik und dessen Antizipation in den Pr{\"u}fungskosten. Die Untersuchung analysiert den zeitlichen Aspekt von Bilanzpolitik auf Fehlerver{\"o}ffentlichungen in sp{\"a}teren Perioden. Es besteht die M{\"o}glichkeit die Verschlechterung der wirtschaftlichen Situation eines Unternehmens durch Bilanzpolitik zu verdecken. Ohne Verbesserung der wirtschaftlichen Lage des Unternehmens f{\"u}hrt dieses Verhalten zu einem Bilanzpolitikausmaß außerhalb des gesetzlichen Rahmens und folglich zu einer hohen Wahrscheinlichkeit der Fehlerentdeckung bei DPR Untersuchungen. Die Entwicklung der Bilanzpolitik eines solchen Unternehmens m{\"u}sste im zweiten Schritt mit der Risikokomponente in den Pr{\"u}fungskosten des Wirtschaftspr{\"u}fers in Verbindung stehen. Der risikoorientierte Pr{\"u}fungsansatz und die Antizipation von Bilanzpolitik in den Pr{\"u}fungskosten sollte demnach vor Fehlerbekanntmachung zu einem Anstieg der Pr{\"u}fungskosten f{\"u}hren. Zus{\"a}tzlich ist nach offizieller Fehlerver{\"o}ffentlichung und somit durch eine objektiv beobachtbare Schw{\"a}che im Rechnungslegungssystem oder einem hohen Ausmaß an Bilanzpolitik ein Risikoaufschlag zu vermuten. Der letzte Abschnitt fasst die wichtigsten Aussagen der Dissertation zusammen und erl{\"a}utert die Zusammenh{\"a}nge der Ergebnisse.}, subject = {Rechnungslegung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hertlein2014, author = {Hertlein, Tobias}, title = {Visualization of Staphylococcus aureus infections and antibiotic therapy by bioluminescence and 19F magnetic resonance imaging with perfluorocarbon emulsions}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-105349}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Staphylococcus aureus is a major threat to public health systems all over the globe. This second most cause of nosocomial infections is able to provoke a wide variety of different types of infection in humans and animals, ranging from superficial skin and skin structure infections to invasive disease like sepsis or pneumonia. But not enough, this pathogen is also notorious in acquiring and/or developing resistance to antimicrobial compounds, thus limiting available treatment options severely. Therefore, development of new compounds and strategies to fight S. aureus is of paramount importance. But since only 1 out of 5 compounds, which entered clinical trials, becomes a drug, the preclinical evaluation of promising compounds has to be reconsidered, too. The aim of this thesis was to address both sides of this problem: first, to improve preclinical testing by incorporating in vivo imaging technologies to the preclinical testing procedure in order to acquire additional and clearer data about efficacy of promising compounds and second, by evaluating lysostaphin, which is a promising, new option to fight S. aureus infections. The first aim of this thesis focused on the establishment of a dual modality in vivo imaging platform, consisting of Bioluminescence Imaging (BLI) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), to offer detailed insights into the course and gravity of S. aureus infection in the murine thigh infection model. Since luciferase-expressing S. aureus strains were generated in former studies and enabled thus bioluminescence imaging of bacterial infection, this technology should be implemented into the compound evaluation platform in order to non-invasively track the bacterial burden over time. MRI, in contrast, was only rarely used in earlier studies to visualize and measure the course of infection or efficacy of anti-bacterial therapy. Thus, the first set of experiments was performed to identify benefits and drawbacks of visualizing S. aureus infections in the mouse model by different MR methods. Native, proton-based MR imaging showed in this regard increased T2 relaxation times in the infected thigh muscles, but it was not possible to define a clear border between infected and uninfected tissue. Iron oxide nanoparticles and perfluorocarbon emulsions, two MR contrast agents or tracer, in contrast, offered this distinction. Iron oxide particles were detected in this regard by their distortion of 1H signal in proton-based MRI, while perfluorocarbon emulsion was identified by 19F MRI. Mammals do not harbor sufficient intrinsic amounts of 19F to deliver specific signal and therefore, 19F MR imaging visualizes only the signal of administered perfluorocarbon emulsion. The in vivo accumulation of perfluorocarbon emulsion can be imaged by 19F MRI and overlayed on a simultaneously acquired 1H MR image, which shows the anatomical context in clear detail. Since this is advantageous compared to contrast agent based MR methods like iron oxide particle-based MRI, further experiments were performed with perfluorocarbon emulsions and 19F MRI. Experimental studies to elucidate the accumulation of perfluorocarbon emulsion at the site of infection showed robust 19F MR signals after administration between day 2 and at least day 8 p.i.. Perfluorocarbon emulsion accumulated in all investigated mice in the shape of a 'hollow sphere' at the rim of the abscess area and the signal remained stable as long as the infection prevailed. In order to identify the mechanism of accumulation, flow cytometry, cell sorting and histology studies were performed. Flow cytometry and cell sorting analysis of immune cells at the site of infection showed that neutrophils, monocytes, macrophages and dendritic cells carried contrast media at the site of infection with neutrophils accounting for the overwhelming portion of perfluorocarbon signal. In general, most of the signal was associated with immune cells, thus indicating specific immune cell dependent accumulation. Histology supported this observation since perfluorocarbon emulsion related fluorescence could only be visualized in close proximity to immune cell nuclei. After establishing and testing of 19F MRI with perfluorocarbon emulsions as infection imaging modality, the effects of antibiotic therapy upon MR signal was investigated in order to evaluate the capability of this modality for preclinical testing procedure. Thus, the efficacy of vancomycin and linezolid, two clinically highly relevant anti - S. aureus compounds, were tested in the murine thigh infection model. Both of them showed reduction of the colony forming units and bioluminescence signal, but also of perfluorocarbon emulsion accumulation strength and volume at the site of infection, which was visualized and quantified by 19F MRI. The efficacy pattern with linezolid being more efficient in clearing bacterial infection was shown similarly by all three methods. In consequence, 19F MRI with perfluorocarbon emulsion as MR tracer proved to be capable to visualize antibacterial therapy in preclinical testing models. The next step was consequently to evaluate a promising new compound against S. aureus infections. Thus, lysostaphin, an endo-peptidase that cleaves the cell wall of S. aureus, was tested in different concentrations alone or in combination with oxacillin for efficacy in murine thigh and catheter associated infection models. Lysostaphin only in the concentration of 5 mg/kg body weight or combined with oxacillin in the concentration of 2 mg/kg showed strong reduction of bacterial burden by colony forming unit determination and bioluminescence imaging in both models. The perfluorocarbon accumulation was investigated in the thigh infection model by 19F MRI and was strongly reduced in terms of volume and signal strength in both above-mentioned groups. In general, lysostaphin showed comparable or superior efficacy than vancomycin or oxacillin alone. Therefore, further development of lysostaphin for the treatment of S. aureus infections is recommended by these experiments. Overall, the antibiotic efficacy pattern of all applied antibiotic regimens was similar with all three applied methods, demonstrating the usefulness of MRI for antibiotic efficacy testing. Importantly, treatment with oxacillin either alone or in combination with lysostaphin resulted in stronger perfluorocarbon emulsion accumulation at the site of infection than expected compared to the results from bioluminescence imaging and colony forming unit determination. This might be an indication for immunomodulatory properties of oxacillin. Further murine infection experiments demonstrated in this context a differential release of cytokine and chemokines in the infected thigh muscle in dependence of the applied antibacterial therapy. Especially treatment with oxacillin, but to a less degree with minocycline or linezolid, too, exhibited high levels of various cytokines and chemokines, although they reduced the bacterial burden efficiently. In consequence, possible immunomodulatory effects of antibacterial compounds have to be taken into account for future applications of imaging platforms relying on the visualization of the immune response. However, this observation opens a new field for these imaging modalities since it might be extraordinary interesting to study the immunomodulatory effects of compounds or even bacterial factors in vivo. And finally, a two modality imaging platform which combines methods to visualize on the one hand the bacterial burden and on the other hand the immune response offers an innovative, new platform to study host-pathogen interaction in vivo in a non-invasive fashion. In summary, it could be shown that perfluorocarbon emulsions accumulate in immune cells at the site of infection in the murine S. aureus thigh infection model. The accumulation pattern shapes a 'hollow sphere' at the rim of the abscess area and its size and perfluorocarbon content is dependent on the severity of disease and/or efficacy of antibiotic therapy. Thus, 19F MRI with perfluorocarbon emulsions is a useful imaging modality to visualize sites and course of infection as well as to evaluate promising antibacterial drug candidates. Furthermore, since the accumulation of tracer depends on immune cells, it might be additionally interesting for studies regarding the immune response to infections, auto-immune diseases or cancer, but also to investigate the efficacy of immunomodulatory compounds and immunization.}, subject = {Staphylococcus aureus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Rudolf2014, author = {Rudolf, Philipp Benjamin}, title = {Uncovering photoinduced chemical reaction pathways in the liquid phase with ultrafast vibrational spectroscopy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-96200}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The experimental technique predominantly employed within the scope of this Thesis constitutes one subarea of femtochemistry: the time-resolved spectroscopy of photoin- duced chemical reactions in the liquid phase by means of molecular signatures in the mid-infrared (MIR) spectral range. Probing transient vibrational states, i.e., dynamic changes in the vibrational motion of speci� c molecular subunits or functional Groups allows for a distinct separation and assignment of measured signals to emerging molecular species. For this purpose, one key building block is indispensable, which most of the investigations carried out within the � eld of femtochemistry have in common: a coherent light source delivering ultrashort laser pulses with a temporal duration that matches the femtosecond time scale on which molecular motions typically occur. This instrumentation enables the observation of photoinduced chemical reactions from the starting point|the excitation event to the appearance of intermediates to the nal formation of stable photoproducts after several pico- or nanoseconds. This work comprises the acquisition and presentation of time-resolved spectroscopic data related to promising molecular systems upon photoexcitation as well as the im- plementation and testing of experimental optical techniques both for the presented experiments but as well for experiments conceivable in the future. In addition, linear spectroscopy measurements and quantum-chemical simulations on the emerging chemical species have been carried out. In so doing, the primary processes and subse- quently emerging reaction products of two compounds on a timescale of several nanoseconds after photoexcitation have been elucidated in great detail. Both compounds, the [Mn(CO)3(tpm)]+ (tpm = tris(2-pyrazolyl)methane) CO-releasing molecule (CORM) and the 5-diazo Meldrum's acid (DMA), are of academic interest but in addition belong to molecular classes that might be utilized in the near future as dark-stable prodrugs under physiological conditions or that are already utilized in industrial chemistry procedures, respectively. The � ndings of both studies gave rise to implement and examine two techniques for prospective transient absorption experiments, namely the shaping and characterization of ultraviolet (UV) laser pulses and the recording of two-photon excitation spectra. Beyond that, since each of the depicted experiments is based on the detection of weak transient absorption signals in the MIR spectral region, two dif- ferent detection schemes, via chirped-pulse upconversion (CPU) on the one hand and via direct multichannel MCT detection on the other hand, have been juxtaposed at the conclusion of this work. Since both techniques are suitable in femtosecond pump-probe measurements but thereby exhibit individual strengths and weaknesses, a comparative study provides clari� cation of the respective pros and cons. The � first study introduced within this work investigates the complex photochemistry of DMA, a photoactive compound used in lithography and industrial chemistry. By femtosecond MIR transient absorption spectroscopy covering several nanoseconds, the light-induced dynamics and ultrafast formation of several photoproducts from the manifold of reaction pathways have been disclosed to form a coherent picture of the overall reaction scheme. After UV excitation of DMA dissolved in methanol to the second excited state S2, 70\% of excited molecules relax back to the S0 ground state. In compet- ing processes, they can either undergo an intramolecular Wolff rearrangement to form ketene, which reacts with a solvent molecule to an enol intermediate and further to carboxylate ester, or they � rst relax to the DMA S1 state, from where they can isomerize to a diazirine. The third competing reaction channel, having the lowest quantum efficiency with respect to the � rst two channels, is the formation of a singlet carbene out of the S1 state. From there an ylide can arise or, via an intersystem crossing, the triplet form of the carbene follows. Whereas the primary reaction steps occur on a picosecond timescale, the subsequently arising intermediates and stable photoproducts are formed within a few hundreds to thousands of picoseconds. For a reliable identi� cation of the involved compounds, density functional theory calculations on the normal modes and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy of the reactant and the photoproducts in the chemical equilibrium accompany the analysis of the transient spectra. Additional experiments in ethanol and isopropanol led to slight spectral shifts as well as elongated time constants due to steric hindrance in transient spectra connected with the ester Formation channel, further substantiating the assignment of the occurring reaction pathways and photoproducts. The study demonstrated that the combination of linear and time-resolved spectroscopic measurements in conjunction with quantum-chemical calculations constitutes a powerful tool to unravel even highly complex photoreactions exhibiting multiple consecutive intermediate states within parallel reaction pathways. Although some of the individual reaction steps, for example the ketene formation via Wolff rearrangement, have been observed on ultrashort time scales before, this work encompassed the Observation of the whole set of appearing photoproducts of DMA in different alcohol solutions within several nanoseconds. In this sense, the ultrafast photochemistry of DMA represents a prototype example for a multisequential reaction scheme, elucidated by the capabilities of femtosecond MIR spectroscopy. With a modi� fied instrumentation concerning amongst others the system delivering the fundamental laser pulses or the generation of the UV pump pulses, the next ob- jective within this work was to elucidate the primary processes upon UV Irradiation of a manganese tricarbonyl CORM in aqueous environment. The time-resolved experiment was performed with two different pump wavelengths and furthermore supported by linear spectroscopy methods and time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) calculations on the excited states as well as DFT calculations on the ground states. The measurements revealed that irradiating the compound with UV excitation pulses primarily leads to ultrafast photolysis of one CO ligand. Geminate recombination may occur within one picosecond but it remains a minor process as the photolyzed CO group is liberated and the unoccupied coordination site is predominantly fi� lled by an incoming solvent molecule. There was no evidence for hot CO bands, i.e., the remaining CO ligands|in the dicarbonyl photoproduct as well as in the intact CORM are not vibrationally excited through the UV excitation of the CORM. According to this, the excess energy merges into low-frequency vibrational modes associated with the molecule as a whole. Since studies on a macroscopic scale at irradiation times of several minutes prove that UV irradiation eventually leads to the release of two or even all three CO ligands, further loss of CO most likely necessitates manganese oxidation or another interaction with light. To clarify the latter, a consecutive UV pulse was employed in order to excite the photoproducts subsequent to the initial pump interaction. However, the data obtained was not instructive enough to de� nitely exclude the manganese oxidation being responsible for the loss of further CO groups. Besides the exchange of a CO Group by a solvent molecule or the geminate recombination, the employment of two different excitation wavelengths in combination with � ndings derived from the TDDFT calculations suggested another reaction process, namely the possibility that the excitation does not lead to any bond cleavage at all. As the CORM under investigation is tissue-selective and cytotoxic against cancer cells, knowledge of these � rst photoinduced reaction steps is essential for a full understanding of its biological activity. Inspired by these two studies, experimental techniques for prospective transient absorption measurements have been implemented and tested within preparative measure- ments. First, in the course of a UV-pump-MIR-probe experiment with speci� cally tailored excitation pulses, one could pursue the aim of coherently controlling the outcome of a photoreaction in the liquid phase. Out of the rich photochemistry of DMA the vibrational signature of a particular molecular species might thereby serve as a feedback signal, which is a central part of a learning loop that adaptively determines the pulse shape that steers the quantum mechanical system upon photoexcitation into a desired direction. This motivated the installation and testing of devices by means of which the shaping and characterization of ultrashort laser pulses in the UV could be performed. Second, motivated by the biological applications of CORMs, one can imagine a scenario where a certain amount of CORMs is deposited inside cancerous tissue. Since the activation of CO loss by means of UV pulses is not possible due to the absorption characteristics of biological tissue, the simultaneous excitation via two photons from the visible spectral regime seems appealing. However, success or failure of such an application depends on whether the deposited compound efficiently absorbs two photons simultaneously, i.e., whether the two-photon absorption cross section is large enough. Therefore, a setup to record two-photon excitation spectra under full consideration of the crucial laser pulse parameters like the pulse duration, energy and central wavelength was arranged and tested. The � rst results were obtained with a commercially available reference system (Mn2CO10) but the setup as well as the described measurement and data analysis procedure can easily be applied to record the two-photon absorption cross section of more promising molecular systems. Third, as the detection of probe pulses in the MIR spectral region is part of each time-resolved measurement throughout this thesis, a comparison between the newly established technique of CPU and direct multi- channel MCT detection is presented by means of pump{probe experiments on Mn2CO10 and Co4CO12 with a 1 kHz shot-to-shot data acquisition. It was shown that the CPU detection technique scores with its high spectral resolution and coverage of the easy-to-handle and more cost-effective CCD detectors. On the other hand, in the course of the additional nonlinear upconversion process intensity fluctuations of the chirped fundamental pulses are transferred to the probe spectrum in the visible regime. This entails a lower signal-to-noise ratio than the direct MCT detection, which can be compensated by an additional normalization procedure applied to the CPU probe pulses. As a consequence, the CPU detection scheme offers more flexibility for future investigations employing MIR probe pulses. This is of great importance for many applications within the presented � eld of femtochemistry as a huge variety of time-resolved investigations on a multitude of systems in the liquid phase is based on the detection of weak transient absorption signals in the MIR spectral region.}, subject = {Ultrakurzzeitspektroskopie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bustamante2014, author = {Bustamante, Mauricio}, title = {Ultra-high-energy neutrinos and cosmic rays from gamma-ray bursts: exploring and updating the connection}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-112480}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {It is natural to consider the possibility that the most energetic particles detected (> 10^18 eV), ultra-high-energy cosmic rays (UHECRs), are originated at the most luminous transient events observed (> 10^52 erg s^-1), gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). As a result of the interaction of highly-accelerated, magnetically-confined protons and ions with the photon field inside the burst, both neutrons and UHE neutrinos are expected to be created: the former escape the source and beta-decay into protons which propagate to Earth, where they are detected as UHECRs, while the latter, if detected, would constitute the smoking gun of hadronic acceleration in the sources. Recently, km-scale neutrino telescopes such as IceCube have finally reached the sensitivities required to probe the neutrino predictions of some of the existing GRB models. On that account, we present here a revised, self-consistent model of joint UHE proton and neutrino production at GRBs that includes a state-of-the-art, improved numerical calculation of the neutrino flux (NeuCosmA); that uses a generalised UHECR emission model where some of the protons in the sources are able to "leak out" of their magnetic confinement before having interacted; and that takes into account the energy losses of the protons during their propagation to Earth. We use our predictions to take a close look at the cosmic ray-neutrino connection and find that the current UHECR observations by giant air shower detectors, together with the upper bounds on the flux of neutrinos from GRBs, are already sufficient to put tension on several possibilities of particle emission and propagation, and to point us towards some requirements that should be fulfilled by GRBs if they are to be the sources of the UHECRs. We further refine our analysis by studying a dynamical burst model, where we find that the different particle species originate at distinct stages of the expanding GRB, each under particular conditions. Finally, we consider a possibility of new physics: the effect of neutrino decay in the flux of UHE neutrinos from GRBs. On the whole, our results demonstrate that self-consistent models of particle production are now integral to the advancement of the field, given that the full picture of the UHE Universe will only emerge as a result of looking at the multi-messenger sky, i.e., at gamma-rays, cosmic rays, and neutrinos simultaneously.}, subject = {Gamma-Burst}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bartlang2014, author = {Bartlang, Manuela Slavica}, title = {Timing is everything: The interaction of psychosocial stress and the circadian clock in male C57BL/6 mice}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-106486}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Due to the rotation of the earth in the solar system all inhabitants of our planet are exposed to regular environmental changes since more than 3.5 billion years. In order to anticipate these predictable changes in the environment, evolutionarily conserved biological rhythms have evolved in most organisms - ranging from ancient cyanobacteria up to human beings - and also at different levels of organization - from single cells up to behavior. These rhythms are endogenously generated by so called circadian clocks in our body and entrained to the 24 h cycle by external timing cues. In multi-cellular organisms the majority of the cells in the body is equipped with such an oscillator. In mammals, the circadian system is structured in a hierarchical fashion: A central pacemaker resides in the bilateral suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus, while subsidiary peripheral clocks exist in nearly every tissue and organ. In contrast to the aforementioned recurrent environmental changes most organisms are also exposed to unpredictable changes in the environment. In order to adapt to these sudden alterations the acute activation of the stress response system, involving the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and the sympathetic nervous system, displays a fundamental survival mechanism. However, if activation of the stress system becomes chronic, devastating somatic and affective disorders might be the consequence. At first glance, the circadian and the stress system seem to represent two separate bodily control systems that are involved in adaptation to predictable and unpredictable stimuli, respectively. However, both systems are fundamental for survival, and thus, communicate with each other at various levels. Early studies already demonstrated that stressor exposure at different times of the diurnal cycle generates different stress effects, whereupon the type of stressor plays a pivotal role. Moreover, alterations in the SCN and peripheral circadian clocks could be shown following stressor exposure. In cooperation with various co-workers, I investigated whether the stress responsiveness is modulated by the endogenous clock in a diurnal fashion and whether repeated psychosocial stress impacts the circadian clock depending on the time of day of stressor exposure. Therefore, male C57BL/6 mice were repeatedly exposed to a psychosocial stressor, either at the beginning of the inactive/light phase (SDL mice) or active/dark phase (SDD mice). Subsequently, different behavioral, physiological/endocrine and immunological/ inflammatory consequences were assessed. It could be shown that the effects of repeated psychosocial stressor exposure strongly depend on the time of day of stressor exposure. The present results demonstrate that repeated daily stressor exposure has a more negative outcome when applied during the active/dark phase compared to the inactive/light phase. Stressor exposure during the active phase resulted in a loss of general activity, decreased interest in an unfamiliar conspecific, a shift towards a more pro-inflammatory body milieu, and rhythm disturbances in plasma hormones, all representing well-accepted hallmarks of depression. In contrast, C57BL/6 mice exposed to the stressor in their inactive phase exhibited minor physiological alterations that might prevent the formation of the maladaptive consequences mentioned above, thus representing beneficial adaptations. The second focus of this thesis was put on the investigation of the effects of repeated psychosocial stressor exposure at different times of the light-dark cycle on various levels of the circadian system. An increased expression of the PERIOD2 (PER2) protein, which represents an essential core clock component, could be found in the SCN of mice repeatedly exposed to the stressor during their active phase. In consistence with the alterations in the central circadian pacemaker, the daily rhythm of different hormones and the activity rhythm were considerably affected by SDD. Mice exposed to the psychosocial stressor in their active phase showed a shifted, or absent, rhythm of the hormones corticosterone and leptin. Moreover, their activity was found to be phase-delayed, which seems to be attributable to the Period (Per) gene since Per1/Per2 double-mutants still exhibited their normal activity rhythm following 19 days of stressor exposure during the active phase. In contrast, a phase-advance in the peripheral adrenal gland clock could be seen in C57BL/6 mice subjected to the stressor during their inactive phase. This phase-shift might be required for maintaining the normal rhythmicity in hormonal release and activity. It has previously been suggested that activation of the HPA axis upon stressor exposure at different times of the light-dark cycle is depending on whether the stressor is of physical or psychological nature. Data from the HPA axis analysis now refine previous findings, indicating that psychosocial stressors also modulate HPA axis responses based on the time of day of stressor presentation. The present results demonstrate that HPA axis activity was reduced following repeated stressor exposure during the active phase. It is reasonable to speculate that this reduced basal activity of the stress system represents a failure in HPA axis adjustment, which could contribute to the negative consequences of repeated psychosocial stressor exposure during the dark phase. Taken together, it can be concluded that the endogenous clock in mice modulates the stress responsiveness in a circadian fashion and that repeated psychosocial stressor exposure affects the biological clock depending on the time of day of stressor presentation. Thereby, stressor exposure during the active phase results in a more negative outcome as compared to stressor experience during the inactive phase. It is assumed that the interaction between the circadian clock and the stress system is a complex issue that might ensure that the endogenous clock does not get out of synchrony in any order.}, subject = {Maus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Strohmenger2014, author = {Strohmenger, Manuel}, title = {Three Essays on the Enforcement of Accounting Standards in Germany}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-97707}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The dissertation at hand focuses on the enforcement of accounting standards in Germany. The legal basis of the external enforcement of accounting standards in Germany was created by the „Bilanzkontrollgesetz" (Financial Reporting Enforcement Act) at the end of 2004. An enforcement mechanism was installed to enforce accounting standard compliance by regular reviews of disclosed financial statements. The system was established as implementation of EU guidelines. Since 2005, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) shall be applied for consolidated financial statement of firms listed on a regulated market segment within the European Union (EU) (Regulation EC No. 1606/2002). Simultaneously to the harmonization of accounting standards, the EU fostered the standardization of enforcement systems to ensure compliance with international accounting standards. Par. 16 of the so-called "IAS Regulation" mandates the "Committee of European Securities Regulators" (CESR) to "develop a common approach to enforcement". Germany's unique two-tiered system operates since July 2005; it involves the "Deutsche Pruefstelle fuer Rechnungslegung" (Financial Reporting Enforcement Panel), a newly established private organization primarily assigned to conduct the reviews. As the second tier, the „Bundesanstalt fuer Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht" (Federal Financial Supervisory Authority) has the sovereign authority to order the publication of errors („error announcements") and if necessary, to force the cooperation of firms in the review process. The dissertation is structured as follows. A general introduction focuses on the theoretical background and the reasoning for the need of external enforcement mechanisms. The common approach to enforcement in the European Union is described. Building on this, the thesis consists of three individual essays that analyze three specific questions in the context of the enforcement of financial reporting standards in Germany. The first paper focuses on the systematical evaluation of the information contained in 100 selected error announcements (from a total population of 151 evaluable announcements). The study finds that error announcements on average contain 3.64 single errors and 77\% affect the reported profit. Relatively small as well as big, highly levered and rather unprofitable firms are overrepresented in the sample of misstatement firms. In a second step, the essay investigates the development of censured firms over time; the pre- and post-misstatement development of the firms in terms of balance sheet data, financial ratios and (real) earnings management are tracked. The analysis detects increasing leverage ratios and a decline in profitability over time. In the year of misstatement firms report large total and discretionary accruals, indicating earnings management. Compared to matched control firms, significant differences in profitability, market valuation, earnings management and real activities manipulations are observable. A major contribution of this first study is the examination of trends in financial data and (real) earnings management over a number of years surrounding misstatements as well as the elaboration of the distinction to non-misstating firms. The results show the meaning of the enforcement of IFRS for the quality of financial reporting to standard setters, policy makers, and investors in Germany. The second paper examines the interrelation of enforcement releases, firm characteristics and earnings quality. Prior literature documents the correlation between underperformance in financial ratios and the probability of erroneous disclosure of financial statements; this study provides evidence for differences in characteristics between firms with enforcement releases and control firms as well as a broad sample of German publicly traded firms (4,730 firm-year observations). Furthermore, research affirms the connection of financial ratios to earnings quality metrics. The accuracy of financial information is considered to be correlated with its quality and therefore the differences in earnings quality between various sub-samples is examined. Overall, the results document the underperformance in important financial ratios as well as indicate an inferior earnings quality of firms subject to enforcement releases vis-a-vis the control groups. These results hold with regard to both different earnings quality specifications and different periods observed. This study appends the earnings quality discussion and contributes to develop a comprehensive picture of accounting quality for the unique institutional settings of Germany. The paper shows that a conjoint two-tier public and private enforcement system is effective and might be an adequate model for other countries. Implications for the regulation of corporate governance, the enforcement panel and the auditor are identified. The third essay additionally considers the role of the auditor. The firms subject to error announcements are used to evaluate the consequences of increasing earnings management over time on enforcement releases and their recognition in audit fees. Prior literature provides evidence on a phenomenon called „balance sheet bloat" that is due to income increasing earnings management and later influences the disclosure of misstated financial statements. The evidence of earnings management recognition in audit fees and findings on the content of future information in audit fees leads to the hypothesis that auditors recognize increasing audit risk in fees before the enforcement process starts. The study extends related earnings management and audit fee literature by modeling the development of earnings management within the misstatement firms and systematically link it to auditor reactions. Significant predictive power of different commonly used accrual measures for enforcement releases in the period prior and up to the misstatement period are found by the study. In the same period of time an increase in audit fees, e.g. the recognition of increased audit risk, can be observed. A possible audit fee effect after the misstatement period is investigated, but no significant relation is obtained. The dissertation closes with a summary of the main findings, a conclusion to the connection of the three essays as well as subsumption of findings in the accounting literature.}, subject = {Rechnungslegung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{LuiblneeHermann2014, author = {Luibl [n{\´e}e Hermann], Christiane}, title = {The role of the neuropeptides NPF, sNPF, ITP and PDF in the circadian clock of Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-93796}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Organisms have evolved endogenous clocks which allow them to organize their behavior, metabolism and physiology according to the periodically changing environmental conditions on earth. Biological rhythms that are synchronized to daily changes in environment are governed by the so-called circadian clock. Since decades, chronobiologists have been investigating circadian clocks in various model organisms including the fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster, which was used in the present thesis. Anatomically, the circadian clock of the fruitfly consists of about 150 neurons in the lateral and dorsal protocerebrum, which are characterized by their position, morphology and neurochemistry. Some of these neurons had been previously shown to contain either one or several neuropeptides, which are thought to be the main signaling molecules used by the clock. The best investigated of these neuropeptides is the Pigment Dispersing Factor (PDF), which had been shown to constitute a synchronizing signal between clock neurons as well as an output factor of the clock. In collaboration with various coworkers, I investigated the roles of three other clock expressed neuropeptides for the generation of behavioral rhythms and the partly published, partly unpublished data are presented in this thesis. Thereby, I focused on the Neuropeptide F (NPF), short Neuropeptide F (sNPF) and the Ion Transport Peptide (ITP). We show that part of the neuropeptide composition within the clock network seems to be conserved among different Drosophila species. However, the PDF expression pattern in certain neurons varied in species deriving from lower latitudes compared to higher latitudes. Together with findings on the behavioral level provided by other people, these data suggest that different species may have altered certain properties of their clocks - like the neuropeptide expression in certain neurons - in order to adapt their behavior to different habitats. We then investigated locomotor rhythms in Drosophila melanogaster flies, in which neuropeptide circuits were genetically manipulated either by cell ablation or RNA interference (RNAi). We found that none of the investigated neuropeptides seems to be of equal importance for circadian locomotor rhythms as PDF. PDF had been previously shown to be necessary for rhythm maintenance in constant darkness (DD) as well as for the generation of morning (M) activity and for the right phasing of the evening (E) activity in entrained conditions. We now demonstrate that NPF and ITP seem to promote E activity in entrained conditions, but are clearly not the only factors doing so. In addition, ITP seems to reduce nighttime activity. Further, ITP and possibly also sNPF constitute weak period shortening components in DD, thereby opposing the effect of PDF. However, neither NPF or ITP, nor sNPF seem to be necessary in the clock neurons for maintaining rhythmicity in DD. It had been previously suggested that PDF is released rhythmically from the dorsal projection terminals. Now we discovered a rhythm in ITP immunostaining in the dorsal projection terminals of the ITP+ clock neurons in LD, suggesting a rhythm in peptide release also in the case of ITP. Rhythmic release of both ITP and PDF seems to be important to maintain rhythmic behavior in DD, since constantly high levels of PDF and ITP in the dorsal protocerebrum lead to behavioral arrhythmicity. Applying live-imaging techniques we further demonstrate that sNPF acts in an inhibitory way on few clock neurons, including some that are also activated by PDF, suggesting that it acts as signaling molecule within the clock network and has opposing effects to PDF. NPF did only evoke very little inhibitory responses in very few clock neurons, suggesting that it might rather be used as a clock output factor. We were not able to apply the same live-imaging approach for the investigation of the clock neuron responsiveness to ITP, but overexpression of ITP with various driver lines showed that the peptide most likely acts mainly in clock output pathways rather than inter-clock neuron communication. Taking together, I conclude that all investigated peptides contribute to the control of locomotor rhythms in the fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster. However, this control is in most aspects dominated by the actions of PDF and rather only fine-tuned or complemented by the other peptides. I assume that there is a high complexity in spatial and temporal action of the different neuropeptides in order to ensure correct signal processing within the clock network as well as clock output.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Murti2014, author = {Murti, Krisna}, title = {The Role of NFATc1 in Burkitt Lymphoma and in Eµ-Myc induced B cell Lymphoma}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-106448}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Burkitt lymphoma (BL) is a highly aggressive B cell malignancy. Rituximab, a humanized antibody against CD20, in a combination with chemotherapy is a current treatment of choice for B-cell lymphomas including BL. However, certain group of BL patients are resistant to Rituximab therapy. Therefore, alternative treatments targeting survival pathways of BL are needed. In BL deregulation of MYC expression, together with additional mutations, inhibits differentiation of germinal centre (GC) B cells and drives proliferation of tumor cells. Pro-apoptotic properties of MYC are counteracted through the B-cell receptor (BCR) and phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K) pathway to ensure survival of BL cells. In normal B-cells BCR triggering activates both NF-κB and NFAT-dependent survival signals. Since BL cells do not exhibit constitutive NF-κB activity, we hypothesized that anti-apoptotic NFATc1A isoform might provide a major survival signal for BL cells. We show that NFATc1 is constitutively expressed in nuclei of BL, in BL cell lines and in Eµ-Myc-induced B cell lymphoma (BCL) cells. Nuclear residence of NFATc1 in these entities depends on intracellular Ca2+ levels but is largely insensitive to cyclosporine A (CsA) treatment and therefore independent from calcineurine (CN) activity. The protein/protein interaction between the regulatory domain of NFATc1 and DNA binding domain of BCL6 likely contributes to sustained nuclear residence of NFATc1 and to the regulation of proposed NFATc1-MYC-BCL6-PRDM1 network in B-cell lymphomas. Our data revealed lack of strict correlation between the expression of six NFATc1 isoforms in different BL-related entities suggesting that both NFATc1/alphaA and -betaA isoforms provide survival functions and that NFATc1alpha/betaB and -alpha/betaC isoforms either do not possess pro-apoptotic properties in BL cells or these properties are counterbalanced. In addition, we show that in BL entities expression of NFATc1 protein is largely regulated at post-transcriptional level, including MYC dependent increase of protein stability. Functionally we show that conditional inactivation of Nfatc1 gene in Eµ-Myc mice prevents development of BCL tumors with mature B cell immunophenotype (IgD+). Loss of NFATc1 expression in BCL cells ex vivo results in apoptosis of tumor cells. Together our results identify NFATc1 as an important survival factor in BL cells and, hence, as a promising target for alternative therapeutic strategies for BL.}, subject = {Transkriptionsfaktor}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ganesan2014, author = {Ganesan, Jayavarshni}, title = {The role of microRNA-378 in cardiac hypertrophy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-100918}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {MicroRNAs are endogenous ≈22 nt long non coding RNA molecules that modulate gene expression at the post transcriptional level by targeting mRNAs for cleavage or translational repression. MicroRNA-mRNA interaction involves a contiguous and perfect pairing within complementary sites usually in the 3' UTR of the target mRNA. Heart failure is associated with myocyte hypertrophy and death, due to compensatory pathological remodeling and minimal functional repair along with microRNA deregulation. In this study, we identified candidate microRNAs based on their expression strength in cardiomyocytes and by their ability to regulate hypertrophy. Expression profiling from early and late stages of heart failure showed several deregulated microRNAs. Of these microRNAs, miR-378 emerged as a potentially interesting microRNA that was highly expressed in the mouse heart and downregulated in the failing heart. Antihypertrophic activity of miR-378 was first observed by screening a synthetic miR library for morphologic effects on cardiomyocytes, and validated in vitro proving the tight control of hypertrophy by this miR. We combined bioinformatic target prediction analysis and microarray analysis to identify the targets of miR-378. These analyses suggested that factors of the MAP kinase pathway were enriched among miR-378 targets, namely MAPK1 itself (also termed ERK2), the insulin-like growth factor receptor 1 (IGF1R), growth factor receptor bound protein 2 (GRB2) and kinase suppressor of ras 1 (KSR1). Regulation of these targets by miR-378 was then confirmed by mRNA and protein expression analysis. The use of luciferase reporter constructs with natural or mutated miR-378 binding sites further validated these four proteins as direct targets of miR-378. RNA interference with MAPK1 and the other three targets prevented the prohypertrophic effect of antimiR-378, suggesting that they functionally relate to miR-378. In vivo restoration of disease induced loss of miR-378 in a pressure overload mouse model of hypertrophy using adeno associated virus resulted in partial attenuation cardiac hypertrophy and significant improvement in cardiac function along with reduced expression of the four targets in heart. We conclude from these findings that miR-378 is an antihypertrophic microRNA in cardiomyocytes, and the main mechanism underlying this effect is the suppression of the MAP kinase-signaling pathway on four distinct levels. Restoration of disease-associated loss of miR-378 through cardiomyocyte-targeted AAV-miR-378 may prove as an effective therapeutic strategy in myocardial disease.}, subject = {Hypertrophie}, language = {en} }