@phdthesis{Kess2016, author = {Keß, Martin}, title = {Wellenfunktionsbasierte Beschreibung der zweidimensionalen vibronischen Spektroskopie von molekularen Aggregaten und Ladungstransfersystemen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-136458}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit zeitaufgel{\"o}sten Prozessen in molekularen Systemen. Dabei wurde sowohl die Wellenpaketdynamik nach Photoanregung betrachtet als auch spektrale Eigenschaften mittels Absorptions- und zweidimensionaler Spektroskopie untersucht. Zun{\"a}chst widmet sich die Arbeit der Wellenpaket- und Populationsdynamik in zwei diabatischen, gekoppelten Zust{\"a}nden. Nach impulsiver Anregung aus dem zu Beginn besetzten Zustand treten in der Populationsdynamik zwei deutlich verschiedene Oszillationen auf. Der langsamer variierende Populationstransfer besitzt die Periodendauer der Vibrationsbewegung und ist auf einen Wechsel der Zust{\"a}nde beim Durchlaufen des Wellenpakets durch die Kreuzungsregion der diabatischen Potentiale zur{\"u}ckzuf{\"u}hren. Die ultraschnelle Komponente mit einer Periodendauer von etwa 4 fs l{\"a}sst sich als eine Art Rabi-Oszillation beschreiben, die durch die (zeitunabh{\"a}ngige) Kopplung hervorgerufen wird. Sie wurde mit Hilfe von analytischen Berechnungen ausf{\"u}hrlich charakterisiert. Damit dieser Prozess auftreten kann m{\"u}ssen mehrere Bedingungen erf{\"u}llt werden: Das Wellenpaket muss {\"u}ber die Dauer der Oszillationen ann{\"a}hernd {\"o}rtlich lokalisiert bleiben; dies ist an den Umkehrpunkten der Wellenpaketsbewegung der Fall. Die Amplitude der Oszillationen in den Populationen ist proportional zum Verh{\"a}ltnis der Kopplung zum Energieabstand der Zust{\"a}nde. Deshalb muss an den station{\"a}ren Stellen die Kopplung groß im Vergleich zum Energieabstand sein. Die Amplitude der Oszillationen h{\"a}ngt außerdem von dem Populationsverh{\"a}ltnis und den Phasen der Komponenten des Wellenpakets in den beiden Zust{\"a}nden ab. Die ultraschnellen Oszillationen bleiben auch in mehrdimensionalen Systemen mit unterschiedlichen Vibrationsfrequenzen je Freiheitsgrad erhalten. Das gleiche Modell wurde benutzt, um Ladungstransferprozesse mittels linearer und 2D-Spektroskopie zu untersuchen. Eine Kopplung an die Umgebung wurde, aufbauend auf einer Quanten-Master-Gleichung in Markov-N{\"a}herung, wellenfunktionsbasiert mittels eines Quantum-Jump-Algorithmus mit expliziter Dephasierung beschrieben. Dabei findet mit vorher definierten Wahrscheinlichkeiten zu jedem Zeitschritt einer von drei stochastischen Prozessen statt. Neben koh{\"a}renter Propagation k{\"o}nnen Spr{\"u}nge in einen anderen Eigenzustand des Systems und Dephasierungen auftreten. Zwei Dissipationsparameter spielen dabei eine Rolle. Dies ist zum einen die St{\"a}rke der System-Bad-Kopplung, welche die Gesamtrate der Energierelaxation beschreibt. Weiterhin beeinflusst die Dephasierungskonstante den Verlust koh{\"a}renter Phasen ohne Energie{\"a}nderung. Fallenzust{\"a}nde wurden identifiziert, die durch sehr geringe Sprungraten in niedrigere Zust{\"a}nde charakterisiert sind. Die Langlebigkeit kann durch die Form der Eigenfunktionen erkl{\"a}rt werden, die eine deutlich andere Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilung als die der Nicht-Fallenzust{\"a}nde besitzen. Dadurch werden die in die Sprungraten eingehenden Matrixelemente klein. Das Absorptionsspektrum zeigt Peaks an der Stelle der Fallenzust{\"a}nde, da nur die Eigenfunktionen der Fallenzust{\"a}nde große Franck-Condon-Faktoren mit der Anfangswellenfunktion besitzen. Verschiedene Kombinationen der Dissipationsparameter f{\"u}hren zu {\"A}nderungen der relativen Peakintensit{\"a}ten und der Peakbreiten. Die 2D-Spektren des Ladungstransfersystems werden st{\"o}rungstheoretisch {\"u}ber die Polarisation dritter Ordnung berechnet. Sie zeigen viele eng nebeneinander liegende Peaks in einer schachbrettmusterf{\"o}rmigen Anordnung, die sich auf {\"U}berg{\"a}nge unter Mitwirkung der Fallenzust{\"a}nde zur{\"u}ckf{\"u}hren lassen. H{\"o}here System-Bad-Kopplungen f{\"u}hren aufgrund der effizienten Energiedissipation zu einer Verschiebung zu kleineren Energien. Peaks, die mit schneller zerfallenden Fallenzust{\"a}nden korrespondieren, bleichen schneller aus. H{\"o}here Dephasierungskonstanten resultieren in verbreiterten Peaks. Um den Einfluss der Dissipation genauer zu charakterisieren, wurden gefilterte 2D-Spektren betrachtet. Dazu wurden Ausschnitte der Polarisation dritter Ordnung zu verschiedenen Zeiten fouriertransformiert. L{\"a}ngere Zeiten f{\"u}hren zu einer effektiveren Energierelaxation entlang der entsprechenden Zeitvariablen. Die Entv{\"o}lkerung der h{\"o}her liegenden Zust{\"a}nde l{\"a}sst sich somit zeit- und energieaufgel{\"o}st betrachten. Weiterhin wurde gezeigt, dass sich der Zerfall eines einzelnen Peaks mit dem Populationsabfall des damit korrespondierenden Eigenzustandes in Einklang bringen l{\"a}sst, obwohl die Zuordnung der Peaks im 2D-Spektrum zu {\"U}berg{\"a}ngen zwischen definierten Eigenzust{\"a}nden nicht eindeutig ist. Mit dem benutzten eindimensionalen Modell k{\"o}nnen auch Ladungstransferprozesse in organischen gemischtvalenten Verbindungen beschrieben werden. Es wurde die Frage untersucht, welche Prozesse nach einem optisch induzierten Energietransfer in solchen Systemen ablaufen. Experimentelle Daten (aufgenommen im Arbeitskreis von Prof. Lambert) deuten auf eine schnelle interne Konversion (IC) gefolgt von Thermalisierung hin. Um dies theoretisch zu {\"u}berpr{\"u}fen, wurden Absorptionsspektren bei verschiedenen Temperaturen berechnet und mit den gemessenen transienten Spektren verglichen. Es findet sich, abh{\"a}ngig von der St{\"a}rke der elektronischen Kopplung, eine sehr gute bis gute {\"U}bereinstimmung, was die Annahme eines schnellen ICs st{\"u}tzt. Im letzten Teil der Arbeit wurden vibronische 2D-Spektren von molekularen Aggregaten betrachtet. Dazu wurde die zeitabh{\"a}ngige Schr{\"o}dingergleichung f{\"u}r ein Monomer-, Dimer- und Trimersystem mit der Multi-Configuration Time-Dependent Hartree-Methode gel{\"o}st und die Polarisation nicht-st{\"o}rungstheoretisch berechnet. Der Hamiltonoperator des Trimers umfasst hierbei sieben gekoppelte elektronische Zust{\"a}nde und drei bzw. sechs Vibrationsfreiheitsgrade. Der betrachtete Photonenecho-Beitrag der Polarisation wurde mittels phasencodierter Laserpulse extrahiert. Die resultierenden Spektren sind geometrieabh{\"a}ngig, ein Winkel zwischen den {\"U}bergangsdipolmomenten der Monomere von 0° (180°) resultiert in einem H-Aggregat (J-Aggregat). Die Lage und Intensit{\"a}t der Peaks im rein elektronischen Trimer wurde analytisch erl{\"a}utert. Die Spektren unter Einbeziehung der Vibration zeigen eine ausgepr{\"a}gte vibronische Struktur. Es wurde gezeigt, wie die Spektren f{\"u}r h{\"o}here Aggregationsgrade durch die h{\"o}here Dichte an vibronischen Zust{\"a}nden komplexer werden. Im J-Aggregat ist mit zunehmender Aggregation eine st{\"a}rkere Rotverschiebung zu sehen. Das Spektrum des H-Aggregats zeigt eine im Vergleich zum J-Aggregat kompliziertere Struktur. Die Verwendung zweier Vibrationsfreiheitsgrade je Monomer f{\"u}hrt zu Spektren mit {\"u}berlappenden Peaks und einer zus{\"a}tzlichen vibronischen Progression. Der Vergleich von Spektren verschiedener Mischungen von Monomer, Dimer und Trimer, entsprechend einem von Temperatur und Konzentration abh{\"a}ngigen Aggregationsgrad, zeigt den Einfluss dieser experimentellen Faktoren. Schließlich wurden m{\"o}gliche Ans{\"a}tze aufgezeigt, anhand der Spektren auf den Aggregationsgrad zu schließen.}, subject = {Quantenmechanik}, language = {de} } @book{Lingel2016, author = {Lingel, Klaus}, title = {Metakognitives Wissen Mathematik - Entwicklung und Zusammenhang mit der Mathematikleistung in der Sekundarstufe I}, publisher = {W{\"u}rzburg University Press}, address = {W{\"u}rzburg}, isbn = {978-3-95826-004-7 (print)}, doi = {10.25972/WUP-978-3-95826-005-4}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-103269}, publisher = {W{\"u}rzburg University Press}, pages = {312}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Das Wissen {\"u}ber kognitive Prozesse oder metakognitives Wissen ist seit den 1970er-Jahren Gegenstand der entwicklungspsychologischen Forschung. Im Inhaltsbereich der mathematischen Informationsverarbeitung ist das Konstrukt jedoch - trotz elaborierter theoretischer Modelle {\"u}ber Struktur und Inhalt - empirisch nach wie vor weitgehend unerschlossen. Die vorliegende Studie schließt diese L{\"u}cke, indem sie die Entwicklung des mathematischen metakognitiven Wissens im L{\"a}ngsschnitt untersucht. Dazu wurde nicht nur der Entwicklungsverlauf beschrieben, sondern auch nach den Quellen f{\"u}r die beobachteten individuellen Unterschiede in der Entwicklung gesucht. Auch die aus p{\"a}dagogischen Gesichtspunkten interessanten Zusammenh{\"a}nge zwischen der metakognitiven Wissensentwicklung und der parallel dazu verlaufenden Entwicklung der mathematischen Kompetenzen wurden analysiert.}, subject = {Kognitiver Prozess}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Koenig2016, author = {K{\"o}nig, Sebastian}, title = {Spatially selective visual attention in Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-134452}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Finding the right behavior at the right time is one of the major tasks of brains. In a natural scenery there is often an abundance of stimuli present and the brain has to separate the relevant from the irrelevant ones. Selective visual attention (SVA) is a property of higher visual systems that achieves this separation, as it allows to '[…] focus on one source of sensory input to the exclusion of others' (Luck and Mangun, 1996). There are probably several forms of SVA depending upon the criteria used for the separation, such as salience, color, location in space, novelty, or motion. Many studies have investigated SVA in humans and non-human primates. However, complex functions like attention were initially not expected to be already implemented in the brains of simple organisms like Drosophila. After a first demonstration of selective attention in the fly (Wolf and Heisenberg, 1980), it took some time until other studies included attentional mechanisms in their argumentation to explain certain behaviors of Drosophila. However, their definition and characterization of attention differed and often was ambiguous. Here, one particular form, spatially selective visual attention in the fly Drosophila is investigated. It has been shown earlier that the fly spontaneously may restrict its behavioral responses in stationary flight to the visual stimuli on one side of the visual field. On the basis of experiments of Sareen et al., (2011) it has been conjectured that the fly has a focus of attention (FoA) and that the fly responds to the visual stimuli within this area of the visual field. Whether the FoA is the adequate concept for this spatial property of SVA in the fly needs to be further discussed and is a subject also of the present study. At this stage, the concept will be used in the description of the new results expanding the characterization of SVA. This study continued the investigation of SVA during tethered flight with variable but controlled visual input and an automated primary data evaluation. This standardized paradigm allowed for analysis of wild-type behavior as well as for a comparison of several mutant and pharmacologically manipulated strains to the wild-type. Some properties of human SVA like the occurrence of externally as well as internally caused shifts of attention were found in Drosophila and it could be shown, that SVA in the fly can be externally guided and has an attention span. Additionally, a neurotransmitter and proteins, which play a significant role in SVA were discovered. Based on this, the genetic tools available for Drosophila provided the means to a first examination of cells and circuits involved in SVA. Finally, the free walk behavior of flies that had been shown to have compromised SVA was characterized. The results suggested that the observed phenotypes of SVA were not behavior specific. Covert shifts of the FoA were investigated. The FoA can be externally guided by visual cues to one or the other side of the visual field and even after the cue has disappeared it remains there for <4s. An intriguing finding of this study is the fact, that the quality of the cue determines whether it is attractive or repellent. For example a cue can be changed from being repellent (negative) to being attractive (positive) by changing its oscillation amplitude from 4° to 2°. Testing the effectiveness of cues in the upper and lower visual field separately, revealed that the perception of a cue by the fly is not exclusively based on a sum of its specifications. Because positive cueing did not have an after-effect in each of the two half-fields alone, but did so if the cue was shown in both, the fly seems to evaluate the cue for each combination of parameters specifically. Whether this evaluation of the cue changed on a trial-to-trial basis or if the cue in some cases failed to shift the FoA can at this point not be determined. Looking at the responses of the fly to the displacement of a black vertical stripe showed that they can be categorized as no responses, syn-directional responses (following the direction of motion of the stripe) and anti-directional responses (in the opposite direction of the motion of the stripe). The yaw-torque patterns of the latter bared similarities with spontaneous body saccades and they most likely represented escape attempts of the fly. Syn-directional responses, however, were genuine object responses, distinguishable by a longer latency until they were elicited and a larger amplitude. These properties as well as the distribution of response polarities were not influenced by the presence or absence of a cue. When two stripes were displaced simultaneously in opposite directions the rate of no responses increased in comparison to the displacement of a single stripe. If one of the stripes was cued, both, the responses towards and away from the side of cue resembled the syn-directional responses. Significant progress was made with the elucidation of the neuronal underpinnings of SVA. Ablation of the mushroom bodies (MB) demonstrated their requirement for SVA. Furthermore, it was shown that dopamine signaling has to be balanced between too much and too little. Either inhibiting the synthesis of dopamine or its re-uptake at the synapse via the dDAT impaired the flies' susceptibility to cueing. Using the Gal4/UAS system, cell specific expression or knockdown of the dDAT was used to scrutinize the role of MB sub-compartments in SVA. The αβ-lobes turned out to be necessary and sufficient to maintain SVA. The Gal4-line c708a labels only a subset of Kenyon cells (KC) within the αβ-lobes, αβposterior. These cells stand out, because of (A) the mesh-like arrangement of their fibers within the lobes and (B) the fact that unlike the other KCs they bypass the calyx and thereby the main source of olfactory input to the MBs, forming connections only in the posterior accessory calyx (Tanaka et al., 2008). This structure receives no or only marginal olfactory input, suggesting for it a role in tasks other than olfaction. This study shows their requirement in a visual task by demonstrating that they are necessary to uphold SVA. Restoring dDAT function in these approximately only 90 cells was probably insufficient to lower the dopamine concentration at the relevant synapses and hence a rescue failed. Alternatively, the processes mediating SVA at the αβ-lobes might require an interplay between all of their KCs. In conclusion, the results provide an initial point for future research to fully understand the localization of and circuitry required for SVA in the brain. In the experiments described so far, attention has been externally guided. However, flies are also able to internally shift their FoA without any cues from the outside world. In a set of 60 consecutive simultaneous displacements of two stripes, they were more likely to produce a response with the same polarity as the preceding one than a random polarity selection predicted. This suggested a dwelling of the FoA on one side of the visual field. Assuming that each response was influenced by the previous one in a way that the probability to repeat the response polarity was increased by a certain factor (dwelling factor, df), a random selection of response type including a df was computed. Implementation of the df removed the difference between observed probability of polarity repetition and the one suggested by random selection. When the interval between displacements was iteratively increased to 5s, no significant df could be detected anymore for pauses longer than 4s. In conclusion, Drosophila has an attention span of approximately 4s. Flies with a mutation in the radish gene expressed no after-effect of cueing and had a shortened attention span of about 1s. The dDAT inhibitor methylphenidate is able to rescue the first, but does not affect the latter phenotype. Probably, radish is differently involved in the two mechanisms. This study showed, that endogenous (covert) shifts of spatially selective visual attention in the fly Drosophila can be internally and externally guided. The variables determining the quality of a cue turned out to be multifaceted and a more systematic approach is needed for a better understanding of what property or feature of the cue changes the way it is evaluated by the fly. A first step has been made to demonstrate that SVA is a fundamental process and compromising it can influence the characteristics of other behaviors like walking. The existence of an attention span, the dependence of SVA on dopamine as well as the susceptibility to pharmacological manipulations, which in humans are used to treat respective diseases, point towards striking similarities between SVA in humans and Drosophila.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gradmann2016, author = {Gradmann, Rena}, title = {Analysis of Historical Islamic Glazes and the Development of a Substitution Material}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-136233}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {11 Conclusion 11.1 Glaze compositions Glazes from tiles of imposing Islamic buildings and some tableware glazes of the medieval epoch in Central Asia, the Middle East, Asia Minor, and North Africa are analysed regarding their main composition and colouring agents. Three major production recipes can be distinguished, i.e. alkali glazes, alkali lead glazes, and lead glazes. In the work of Tite (2011), Islamic glazes from Egypt, Iran, Iraq, and Syria are subdivided into four groups of composition, being partly consistent with those of this work. The alkali lime glazes with <2 wt\% PbO correspond to the alkali glazes, but with higher content of CaO. The second and third group of low lead alkali and lead alkali glazes (2-10 wt\% PbO and 10-35 wt\% PbO) can be subsumed to the alkali lead group described here. Tite´s high lead group has PbO contents >35 wt\% and is comparable to the lead glazes (>30 wt\% PbO) of this study. The lead and the alkali oxides serve as a flux for the lowering the melting point. In the interaction of ceramic body and glaze, primarily an influence from Si, Al, and K is observed in the line scans from the cross section of ceramic and glaze. However, the input of ceramic material doesn't seem to be critical for the classification of glazes according to their alkali and alkali lead compositions. In every epoch and locality, except of the Ilkhanate dynasty in Iran, lead glaze samples can be verified. This is also observed in previous investigations e.g. from medieval Iraq, Jordan and Iran (McCarthy, 1996; Al-Saad, 2002; Holakooei et al., 2014). In the Moroccan and Bulgarian glazes, lead seems to be the only important flux. In part, the lead flux is supplemented by additional alkali contents. The lack of alkali and alkali lead glazes in Bulgarian and Moroccan glazes (assuming that the Ottoman alkali lead glazes are imported tableware) seems to affect the regions with Roman-influenced history and with geographical distance to the Near East alkali flux tradition. For the alkali lead glazes and alkali glazes, the overall characteristic is sodium dominated, although the absolute soda values are in part surprisingly low. Samples from Bukhara, Takht-i-Suleiman and the Turkish localities have the highest, but still moderate Na2O values up to 15 wt\%, compared to other analyses from e.g. India (Gill \& Rehren, 2011). The source of the alkali flux is either mineral natron or plant ash. The source can be determined regarding the MgO values, limited to 1.3 wt\% in mineral natron and exceeding 2.0 wt\% in the case of plant ashes. In the samples of the present study, the K2O component is not suitable for the indication of the flux-relevant alkali source due to its broad scattering. The P2O5 contents are also enhanced in the plant ash compositions but the data set is not sufficient for statistical evaluation. An influence of the ceramic body on the glaze composition is observed only for SiO2, Al2O3, and K2O in quartz frit ceramics with slight K-feldspar content. The earliest Uzbek tableware glazes from the 10th-11th century (Seljuq period) were generally produced using a lead flux. The same applies to part of the Uzbek tile glazes which were produced between the 13th and 16th century. In Iran, glazes from the 12th century (Khwarezmid period) are lead glazes, but also alkali-fluxed glazes with mineral natron characteristics can be found. Although the production of lead-rich glazes was established from the 8th-9th century on in Iraq, Syria, and Egypt (Henshaw, 2010; Tite et al., 2011), alkali glazes are found in almost all regions except of Bulgaria and Morocco. Plant ash-fluxed alkali glazes are found in 13th century glazes from Takht-i-Suleiman. The plant ash flux technology is assumed to be continuously used in Mesopotamia, Iran, and Central Asia (Sayre \& Smith, 1974; Henderson, 2009), but it could be shown that a parallel use of mineral natron parallel existed in the alkali glaze production from the 12th-15th century from Uzbekistan to Afghanistan. Mineral natron characteristics are also reported by Mason (2004) for Syrian and Iranian alkali glazes on lustre ware of the 8th-14th century. Tile glazes with partly mineral natron compositions are found in the Mughal architectural glazes from the 14th- 17th century from India (Gill et al., 2014). Alkali and alkali lead tile glazes from Samarkand from the 13th century (Mongolian period) have mineral natron flux characteristics, but samples from the 15th century (Timurid period) show plant ash signature. Alkali fluxed Uzbek glazes from Bukhara from the 16th century (Sheibanid dynasty) are also made by plant ash flux and are subdivided into two groups with high and low sodium oxide content. The Afghan alkali glazes have sodium oxide contents similar to the sodium-poor Uzbek subgroup, which points to a possible exchange of glaze makers or glaze making technology from Uzbekistan and Afghanistan in the 15th-17th century. Regarding the extensive exchange of Timurid craftsmen in Central Asia, this option seems to be even more likely (Golombek, 1996). One sample from the 15th century from Afghanistan with mineral natron reveals that this material was parallel used in these centuries. Concerning the colouring of the glazes, it has to be distinguished between pigments and colouring ions which are incorporated in the glassy matrix. The colouring agents for translucent glazes are cations of various transition metals. As ions, Co2+ (blue), Cu2+ (green in a lead rich matrix), Fe3+ (brown/black), Mn4+ (brown/black) and Mn3+ (violet) are determined by EPMA. For opaque yellow, white, and turquoise glazes, different pigments were used. The crystalline pigments are investigated by a µ XRD2 device with the result of SnO2, SiO2, and PbSiO4 as whitening agents. PbSiO4 and Pb2Sn2O6 are found in the yellow glaze, from which only the lead tin oxide causes the yellow colour. In the black glazes, different Cr-rich pigments, Cu-Cr-Mn-oxides and iron containing clinopyroxenes are found, even in samples of the same period and region. Cr-rich particles are also detected in two turquoise Afghan glazes from the 15th and 16th century. The use of the ions of Fe, Cu, Co, Cr, and Mn seems to be widely common in the Islamic glazes and corresponds to the described colouring agents in e.g. the study of Tite (2011). The use of opacifying SnO2 particles is widespread as it is reported from different Islamic glazes from Iraq, Iran, Egypt, and Syria (Henshaw, 2010; O´Kane, 2011; Tite, 2011). The colouring agents are known already from former, e.g. Egyptian, Roman and pre-islamic periods, but especially SnO2 pigments became increasingly widespread in the Islamic glazing tradition. The use of yellow and black pigments instead varies already within the buildings from Bukhara from Cr crystals and clino-pyroxenes in the mosque Khoja Zainuddin to a Cu-Cr-Mn-oxide in the madrassa Mir-i Arab of the same epoch. Regarding the matrix compositions connected with the colouring, a certain assignment within the different locations and epochs can be seen. It is noticeable that e.g. the content of lead in turquoise glazes in Uzbekistan is in the range of 0.0-9.2 wt\% Pb, whereas blue glazes are mostly alkali ones with PbO contents <2.0 wt\%. The turquoise glazes show, that this restriction is not influenced by any defaults of availability and processability. The assumption of common addition of lead and tin to the glaze, which is already described for Iranian glazes of the 13th century (Allan et al., 1973) cannot be confirmed by correlations of tin and lead oxide in the compositions. 11.2 Portable XRF measurement With the p-XRF, semi-quantitative information about the major element compositions is generated. The depth of the detectable signals depends on the analysed sample setup. The p-XRF data are collected with the XL3 Hybrid device of the company Analyticon Instruments. In the comparison of p-XRF results of the "mining" program from Uzbek glazes with EPMA results, the same major composition groups can be distinguished. The Moroccan glazes, all lead rich, are measured with the "mining" as well as with the "soil" program, revealing a better performance in the "mining" measurements. The deviations are nevertheless high, because of the high lead contents, which make the calculation of matrix correction difficult. The measurement of the colouring oxides MnO2, CoO, and CuO is satisfying with the internal calibration of the device and even improved with the "mining" program measurement, if compared to the results of the "soil" program. The measurements of glaze imitations lead to better results than that of bulk glass. This can be attributed to the smoother surface texture. In spite of the accuracy limits in the measurements of particular elements in glazes, the classification of flux composition into three groups could be confirmed with the p XRF analysis. The measurement precision is therefore sufficient for the semi-quantitative analysis of the flux characteristic of glazes. Especially for the on-site measurement of large sample quantities on historical buildings, the device is a suitable tool. 11.3 Restoration material The ORMOCER® fulfils the requirements of stability, reversibility, and transparency, which are imposed to a modern restoration material. As pigments, historically coloured glass, cobalt blue, Egyptian blue, lead tin yellow, manganese violet, iron oxide, copper oxide, and cassiterite were used. The metal compounds have higher colour intensities than the pigments of coloured glass. It has to be considered that the proportion of ORMOCER® in the batch must be high enough (70 vol\%) to guarantee the ORMOCER® properties of weathering and mechanical stability. The adhesion properties of the ORMOCER® and the homogeneity of the mixture are the best in a fraction of max. 30 vol\% particles per ORMOCER®. With integrated particles, the ORMOCER® G materials show homogeneous coatings, whereas the particles in the ORMCOER® E show more agglomeration. In the sedimentation and weathering experiments, the use of an ultrasonic finger in combination with a roller mill is favourable compared to the treatment with bead grinding mill. The treatments with ultrasonic finger and roller mill result in less sedimentation and better adhesion of the dispersions. The treatment of the dispersions in the bead grinding mill does not result in sufficient adhesion, certainly due to the sedimentation behaviour and a congregation of particles on the bottom of the coating. The modification of dispersed nano-particles by 3-methacryl-oxypropyltrimethoxysilan leads to a further homogenization in the sedimentation tests. It is therefore approved for the use in coloured glaze supplements. In weathered coatings of nano-particle compounds, the surface modification shows certainly no enhancement of stability. The treatment of pigmented coatings with an additional layer of pure ORMOCER® results in a bright and transparent appearing, which is closer to the original optical appearance of the glaze. A long-time test application on a historical building will be the next step to validate the suitability of the restoration material.}, subject = {Glasur}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Koch2016, author = {Koch, Federico Juan}, title = {Structure-Dependent Ultrafast Relaxation Dynamics in Multichromophoric Systems}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-136306}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Time-resolved spectroscopy allows for analyzing light-induced energy conversion and chromophore-chromophore interactions in molecular systems, which is a prerequisite in the design of new materials and for improving the efficiency of opto-electronic devices. To elucidate photo-induced dynamics of complex molecular systems, transient absorption (TA) and coherent two-dimensional (2D) spectroscopy were employed and combined with additional experimental techniques, theoretical approaches, and simulation models in this work. A systematic series of merocyanines, synthetically varied in the number of chromophores and subsitution pattern, attached to a benzene unit was investigated in cooperation with the group of Prof. Dr. Frank W{\"u}rthner at the University of W{\"u}rzburg. The global analysis of several TA experiments, and additional coherent 2D spectroscopy experiments, provided the basis to elaborate a relaxation scheme which was applicable for all merocyanine systems under investigation. This relaxation scheme is based on a double minimum on the excited-state potential energy surface. One of these minima is assigned to an intramolecular charge-transfer state which is stabilized in the bis- and tris-chromophoric dyes by chromphore-chromophore interactions, resulting in an increase in excited-state lifetime. Electro-optical absorption and density functional theory (DFT) calculations revealed a preferential chromophore orientation which compensates most of the dipole moment of the individual chromophores. Based on this structural assignment the conformationdependent exciton energy splitting was calculated. The linear absorption spectra of the multi-chromophoric merocyanines could be described by a combination of monomeric and excitonic spectra. Subsequently, a structurally complex polymeric squaraine dye was studied in collaboration with the research groups of Prof. Dr. Christoph Lambert and Prof. Dr. Roland Mitric at the University of W{\"u}rzburg. This polymer consists of a superposition of zigzag and helix structures depending on the solvent. High-level DFT calculations confirmed the previous assignment that zigzag and helix structures can be treated as J- and H-aggregates, respectively. TA experiments revealed that in dependence on the solvent as well as the excitation energy, ultrafast energy transfer within the squaraine polymer proceeds from initially excited helix segments to zigzag segments or vice versa. Additionally, 2D spectroscopy confirmed the observed sub-picosecond dynamics. In contrast to other conjugated polymers such as MEH-PPV, which is investigated in the last chapter, ultrafast energy transfer in squaraine polymers is based on the matching of the density of states between donor and acceptor segments due to the small reorganization energy in cyanine-like chromophores. Finally, the photo-induced dynamics of the aggregated phase of the conjugated polymer MEH-PPV was investigated in cooperation with the group of Prof. Dr. Anna K{\"o}hler at the University of Bayreuth. Our collaborators had previously described the aggregation of MEH-PPV upon cooling by the formation of so-called HJ-aggregates based on exciton theory. By TA measurements and by making use of an affiliated band analysis distinct relaxation processes in the excited state and to the ground state were discriminated. By employing 2D spectroscopy the energy transfer between different conjugated segments within the aggregated polymer was resolved. The initial exciton relaxation within the aggregated phase indicates a low exciton mobility, in contrast to the subsequent energy transfer between different chromophores within several picoseconds. This work contributes by its systematic study of structure-dependent relaxation dynamics to the basic understanding of the structure-function relationship within complex molecular systems. The investigated molecular classes display a high potential to increase efficiencies of opto-electronic devices, e.g., organic solar cells, by the selective choice of the molecular morphology.}, subject = {Femtosekundenspektroskopie}, language = {en} } @misc{OPUS4-13620, title = {BLICK 2015 - Jahrbuch der Julius-Maximilians-Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, volume = {2015}, organization = {Julius-Maximilians-Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-136208}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Die Entwicklung der Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg im Jahr 2015.}, subject = {W{\"u}rzburg}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Fuchs2016, author = {Fuchs, Moritz Jakob}, title = {Spin dynamics in the central spin model: Application to graphene quantum dots}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-136079}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Due to their potential application for quantum computation, quantum dots have attracted a lot of interest in recent years. In these devices single electrons can be captured, whose spin can be used to define a quantum bit (qubit). However, the information stored in these quantum bits is fragile due to the interaction of the electron spin with its environment. While many of the resulting problems have already been solved, even on the experimental side, the hyperfine interaction between the nuclear spins of the host material and the electron spin in their center remains as one of the major obstacles. As a consequence, the reduction of the number of nuclear spins is a promising way to minimize this effect. However, most quantum dots have a fixed number of nuclear spins due to the presence of group III and V elements of the periodic table in the host material. In contrast, group IV elements such as carbon allow for a variable size of the nuclear spin environment through isotopic purification. Motivated by this possibility, we theoretically investigate the physics of the central spin model in carbon based quantum dots. In particular, we focus on the consequences of a variable number of nuclear spins on the decoherence of the electron spin in graphene quantum dots. Since our models are, in many aspects, based upon actual experimental setups, we provide an overview of the most important achievements of spin qubits in quantum dots in the first part of this Thesis. To this end, we discuss the spin interactions in semiconductors on a rather general ground. Subsequently, we elaborate on their effect in GaAs and graphene, which can be considered as prototype materials. Moreover, we also explain how the central spin model can be described in terms of open and closed quantum systems and which theoretical tools are suited to analyze such models. Based on these prerequisites, we then investigate the physics of the electron spin using analytical and numerical methods. We find an intriguing thermal flip of the electron spin using standard statistical physics. Subsequently, we analyze the dynamics of the electron spin under influence of a variable number of nuclear spins. The limit of a large nuclear spin environment is investigated using the Nakajima-Zwanzig quantum master equation, which reveals a decoherence of the electron spin with a power-law decay on short timescales. Interestingly, we find a dependence of the details of this decay on the orientation of an external magnetic field with respect to the graphene plane. By restricting to a small number of nuclear spins, we are able to analyze the dynamics of the electron spin by exact diagonalization, which provides us with more insight into the microscopic details of the decoherence. In particular, we find a fast initial decay of the electron spin, which asymptotically reaches a regime governed by small fluctuations around a finite long-time average value. Finally, we analytically predict upper bounds on the size of these fluctuations in the framework of quantum thermodynamics.}, subject = {Elektronenspin}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Moeller2016, author = {M{\"o}ller, Anne-Katrin}, title = {Prospektive Untersuchung der Inzidenz und Relevanz invasiver Mykosen bei allogen Stammzell-transplantierten Patienten sowie Evaluation der Risikofaktoren f{\"u}r systemische Pilzinfektionen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-135852}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Opportunistische Infektionen stellen ein ernst zu nehmendes Problem bei immunsupprimierten Patienten in der H{\"a}matologie und Onkologie sowie speziell bei Stammzell-transplantierten Patienten dar. Vor allem die Inzidenz invasiver Pilzinfektionen stieg in den letzten Jahrzehnten in diesem Risikokollektiv immer weiter an. Dabei verbleibt die Morbidit{\"a}t und Mortalit{\"a}t bei Patienten mit einer systemischen Mykose trotz verbesserter Diagnostik und Therapie weiterhin hoch. Im Rahmen dieser Studie sollte die Inzidenz und Relevanz invasiver Mykosen am Standort W{\"u}rzburg untersucht werden und die wesentlichen Risikofaktoren f{\"u}r eine Pilzinfektion bei h{\"a}matoonkologischen Hochrisiko-Patienten heraus gearbeitet werden. Um dies zu verwirklichen, wurden die Daten von 41 Patienten, welche eine allogene Stammzelltransplantation am Universit{\"a}ts-klinikum W{\"u}rzburg erhielten, detailliert dokumentiert und analysiert. Die aktive Beobachtung fand dabei bis 100 Tage nach Beginn der Konditionierungs-Chemotherapie statt. Eine Nachbetrachtung der Patientendaten in Bezug auf invasive Pilzinfektionen wurde ein halbes Jahr nach Studienstart durchgef{\"u}hrt. Zur Diagnostik von invasiven Pilzinfektionen wurden im Beobachtungszeitraum bei allen Studienteilnehmern regelm{\"a}ßig thorakale CT-Untersuchungen und Bestimmungen des Aspergillus-typischen Antigens Galactomannan im Serum durchgef{\"u}hrt. Zus{\"a}tzlich erfolgte bei einem Teil der Patienten eine PCR-Untersuchung ihres Serums auf Aspergillus-DNA. Dabei zeigte die PCR- Untersuchung eine 100\%ige Sensitivit{\"a}t und 55\%ige Spezifit{\"a}t bei einem einmalig positiven Ergebnis. Wenn zwei positive PCR-Ergebnisse gefordert wurden, war die Sensitivit{\"a}t deutlich reduziert. Bei der Betrachtung der Galactomannan-Bestimmung ergab sich eine 74\%ige Spezifit{\"a}t bei einem zweimalig positiven Ergebnis. Von den 41 Studienteilnehmern erkrankten innerhalb des ersten halben Jahres nach der Konditionierung 22\% an einer wahrscheinlichen invasiven Mykose und 17\% an einer m{\"o}glichen invasiven Mykose. Dabei waren 94\% der Erkrankungen auf den Schimmelpilz Aspergillus spp. zur{\"u}ckzuf{\"u}hren. Lediglich bei einem Patienten wurde der Schlauchpilz Fusarium spp. nachgewiesen. Systemische Hefepilzinfektionen traten nicht auf. Alle detektierten F{\"a}lle einer invasiven Pilzinfektion wiesen die Lunge als prim{\"a}ren Infektionsort auf. Der Großteil der Infektionen ereignete sich in den ersten 40 Tagen nach der Konditionierung, so waren 78\% der F{\"a}lle als fr{\"u}he Infektionen einzustufen. Als Risikofaktoren f{\"u}r die Entwicklung einer invasiven Mykose wurden in der vorliegenden Arbeit das Alter der Patienten und eine mit HLA-Missmatch durchgef{\"u}hrte Transplantation aufgedeckt. Die akute myeloische Leuk{\"a}mie als Grunderkrankung war ein weiterer, unabh{\"a}ngiger, pr{\"a}disponierender Faktor f{\"u}r eine m{\"o}gliche oder wahrscheinliche Mykose. Eine prolongierte aplastische Phase mit neutrophilen Granulozyten unter 100/µl sowie ein persistierendes neutropenes Fieber zeigten sich als Risikofaktoren f{\"u}r die Entwicklung einer m{\"o}glichen Aspergillose. In Bezug auf wahrscheinliche Pilzinfektionen zeigte sich hier jedoch kein Zusammenhang. Eine lange Fieberphase pr{\"a}sentierte sich als Hinweisfaktor f{\"u}r eine folgende m{\"o}gliche oder wahrscheinliche Infektion. Eine prolongierte Steroidzufuhr von mindestens 21 Tagen Dauer erwies sich als weiterer Risikofaktor f{\"u}r invasive m{\"o}gliche Mykosen. Das Geschlecht der Patienten, akute sowie chronische Abstoßungsreaktionen, der CMV-Status von Empf{\"a}nger und Spender und eine CMV-Reaktivierung, der HCT-CI Score, ein Nikotinabusus sowie respiratorische virale Infekte waren in der vorliegenden Studie keine signifikanten Risikofaktoren f{\"u}r eine invasive Pilzinfektion. Desweiteren waren im Studienkollektiv auch die Anzahl der verabreichten Antibiotika und ß-Lactam Antibiotika sowie die Dauer der neutropenen Phase mit weniger als 500 neutrophilen Granulozyten/µl keine relevanten Risikofaktoren f{\"u}r eine Pilzinfektion. Es zeigte sich, dass Patienten, die an einer invasiven Mykose erkrankt waren, eine signifikant l{\"a}ngere Krankenhausverweildauer hatten, als Patienten ohne Hinweis auf eine systemische Pilzinfektion. Nach einem halben Jahr Studienverlauf lag das Gesamt{\"u}berleben der Patienten bei 71,8\% (ohne 2 unklare F{\"a}lle gerechnet). Jedoch war das Auftreten einer invasiven Pilzinfektion mit einer deutlich h{\"o}heren Mortalit{\"a}t assoziiert. Nach 6 Monaten lebten von den Patienten mit einer wahrscheinlichen Mykose noch 33,3\%, wohingegen von den Patienten, welche ohne Zeichen einer Mykose als unklassifiziert eingestuft wurden, noch 84\% am Leben waren. Der Tod ereignete sich bei den Patienten mit einer m{\"o}glichen oder wahrscheinlichen Infektion im Durchschnitt 40 Tage nach der Erstdiagnose der Pilzinfektion. Zusammenfassend zeigte sich, dass der Anteil von F{\"a}llen mit invasiver Mykose im Studienkollektiv hoch lag und diese Infektion mit einer hohen Letalit{\"a}t assoziiert war. Anhand dieser Daten erscheint es indiziert, dass der Fokus bei allogen transplantierten Risiko-Patienten in Zukunft noch st{\"a}rker auf dem Erkennen dieser opportunistischen Infektionen liegen sollte, um fr{\"u}hzeitig und ad{\"a}quat intervenieren und therapieren zu k{\"o}nnen. Auch eine Aspergillus-aktive, antimykotische Prophylaxe ist f{\"u}r diesen Zeitraum zu pr{\"u}fen. Da sich die ersten 40 Tage nach der Transplantation als Hauptrisiko-Zeitraum f{\"u}r eine invasive Mykose herausgestellt haben, sollten gerade in dieser, zum Großteil station{\"a}ren, Phase besondere Anstrengungen unternommen werden, die erkrankten Patienten fr{\"u}h zu erkennen und zu behandeln. Auf diesem Wege w{\"a}re es eventuell m{\"o}glich, das Gesamt{\"u}berleben der Patienten nach einer allogenen Stammzelltransplantation noch weiter zu verbessern.}, subject = {Mykosen}, language = {de} } @misc{OPUS4-13608, title = {einBlick - Ausgabe 27 - 12. Juli 2016}, volume = {27/2016}, organization = {Julius-Maximilians-Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-136080}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Nachrichten aus der Julius-Maximilians-Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, subject = {W{\"u}rzburg}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Reymann2016, author = {Reymann, Stephan Andreas}, title = {Pathophysiologische Rolle und therapeutische Relevanz von Plasmakallikrein beim experimentellen Schlaganfall}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-135834}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Die Rolle thromboinflammatorischer Vorg{\"a}nge in der Pathogenese des isch{\"a}mischen Schlaganfalls ist in den letzten Jahren immer mehr in den wissenschaftlichen Fokus ger{\"u}ckt. Plasmakallikrein (PK) spaltet von hochmolekularem Kininogen (KNG) Bradykinin (BK) ab und ist dadurch Ausgangspunkt des proinflammatorischen Kallikrein-Kinin-Systems (KKS). Zum anderen kann es den Gerinnungsfaktor XII (FXII) aktivieren, den Ausgangspunkt der intrinsischen Gerinnungskaskade. Es initiiert also sowohl inflammatorische als auch thrombotische Vorg{\"a}nge. Daher wurde in dieser Arbeit der Effekt einer Blockade PKs in einem Mausmodell der fokalen zerebralen Isch{\"a}mie untersucht - und zwar sowohl durch genetische Depletion als auch durch pharmakologische Blockade. Beide Ans{\"a}tze brachten einen nachhaltigen protektiven Effekt in Bezug auf Infarktgr{\"o}ßen und funktionelles Outcome, ohne die Blutungsgefahr zu erh{\"o}hen.}, subject = {Plasmakallikrein}, language = {de} }