@phdthesis{Moradi2017, author = {Moradi, Mehri}, title = {Differential roles of α-, β- and γ-actin isoforms in regulation of cytoskeletal dynamics and stability during axon elongation and collateral branch formation in motoneurons}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-147453}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {In highly polarized cells like neurons, cytoskeleton dynamics play a crucial role in establishing neuronal connections during development and are required for adult plasticity. Actin turnover is particularly important for neurite growth, axon path finding, branching and synaptogenesis. Motoneurons establish several thousand branches that innervate neuromuscular synapses (NMJs). Axonal branching and terminal arborization are fundamental events during the establishment of synapses in motor endplates. Branching process is triggered by the assembly of actin filaments along the axon shaft giving rise to filopodia formation. The unique contribution of the three actin isoforms, α-, β- and γ-actin, in filopodia stability and dynamics during this process is not well characterized. Here, we performed high resolution in situ hybridization and qRT-PCR and showed that in primary mouse motoneurons α-, β- and γ-actin isoforms are expressed and their transcripts are translocated into axons. Using FRAP experiments, we showed that transcripts for α-, β- and γ-actin become locally translated in axonal growth cones and translation hot spots of the axonal branch points. Using live cell imaging, we showed that shRNA depletion of α-actin reduces dynamics of axonal filopodia which correlates with reduced number of collateral branches and impairs axon elongation. Depletion of β-actin correlates with reduced dynamics of growth cone filopoida, disturbs axon elongation and impairs presynaptic differentiation. Also, depletion of γ-actin impairs axonal growth and decreases axonal filopodia dynamics. These findings implicate that actin isoforms accomplish unique functions during development of motor axons. Depletions of β- and γ-actin lead to compensatory upregulation of other two isoforms. Consistent with this, total actin levels remain unaltered and F-actin polymerization capacity is preserved. After the knockdown of either α- or γ-actin, the levels of β-actin increase in the G-actin pool indicating that polymerization and stability of β-actin filaments depend on α- or γ-actin. This study provides evidence both for unique and overlapping function of actin isoforms in motoneuron growth and differentiation. In the soma of developing motoneurons, actin isoforms act redundantly and thus could compensate for each other's loss. In the axon, α-, β- and γ-actin accomplish specific functions, i.e. β-actin regulates axon elongation and plasticity and α- and γ-actin regulate axonal branching. Furthermore, we show that both axonal transport and local translation of α-, β- and γ-actin isoforms are impaired in Smn knockout motoneurons, indicating a role for Smn protein in RNA granule assembly and local translation of these actin isoforms in primary mouse motoneurons.}, subject = {Motoneuron}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Saal2017, author = {Saal, Lena}, title = {Whole transcriptome profiling of compartmentalized motoneurons}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-140006}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Spinal muscular atrophy and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis are the two most common devastating motoneuron diseases. The mechanisms leading to motoneuron degeneration are not resolved so far, although different hypotheses have been built on existing data. One possible mechanism is disturbed axonal transport of RNAs in the affected motoneurons. The underlying question of this study was therefore to characterize changes in transcript levels of distinct RNAs in cell culture models of spinal muscular atrophy and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, especially in the axonal compartment of primary motoneurons. To investigate this in detail we first established compartmentalized cultures of Primary mouse motoneurons. Subsequently, total RNA of both compartments was extracted separately and either linearly amplified and subjected to microarray profiling or whole transcriptome amplification followed by RNA-Sequencing was performed. To make the whole transcriptome amplification method suitable for compartmentalized cultures, we adapted a double-random priming strategy. First, we applied this method for initial optimization onto serial dilutions of spinal cord RNA and later on to the compartmentalized motoneurons. Analysis of the data obtained from wildtype cultures already revealed interesting results. First, the RNA composition of axons turned out to be highly similar to the somatodendritic compartment. Second, axons seem to be particularly enriched for transcripts related to protein synthesis and energy production. In a next step we repeated the experiments by using knockdown cultures. The proteins depleted hereby are Smn, Tdp-43 and hnRNP R. Another experiment was performed by knocking down the non-coding RNA 7SK, the main interacting RNA of hnRNP R. Depletion of Smn led to a vast number of deregulated transcripts in the axonal and somatodendritic compartment. Transcripts downregulated in the axons upon Smn depletion were especially enriched for GOterms related to RNA processing and encode proteins located in neuron projections including axons and growth cones. Strinkingly, among the upregulated transcripts in the somatodendritic compartment we mainly found MHC class I transcripts suggesting a potential neuroprotective role. In contrast, although knockdown of Tdp-43 also revealed a large number of downregulated transcripts in the axonal compartment, these transcripts were mainly associated with functions in transcriptional regulation and RNA splicing. For the hnRNP R knockdown our results were again different. Here, we observed downregulated transcripts in the axonal compartment mainly associated with regulation of synaptic transmission and nerve impulses. Interestingly, a comparison between deregulated transcripts in the axonal compartment of both hnRNP R and 7SK knockdown presented a significant overlap of several transcripts suggesting some common mechanism for both knockdowns. Thus, our data indicate that a loss of disease-associated proteins involved in axonal RNA transport causes distinct transcriptome alterations in motor axons.}, subject = {Axon}, language = {en} }