@phdthesis{Bauernfeind2023, author = {Bauernfeind, Maximilian Josef Xaver}, title = {Epitaxy and Spectroscopy of Two-Dimensional Adatom Systems: the Elemental Topological Insulator Indenene on SiC}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-31166}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-311662}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Two-dimensional (2D) topological insulators are a new class of materials with properties that are promising for potential future applications in quantum computers. For example, stanene represents a possible candidate for a topological insulator made of Sn atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice. However, it has a relatively fragile low-energy spectrum and sensitive topology. Therefore, to experimentally realize stanene in the topologically non-trivial phase, a suitable substrate that accommodates stanene without compromising these topological properties must be found. A heterostructure consisting of a SiC substrate with a buffer layer of adsorbed group-III elements constitutes a possible solution for this problem. In this work, 2D adatom systems of Al and In were grown epitaxially on SiC(0001) and then investigated structurally and spectroscopically by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and photoelectron spectroscopy. Al films in the high coverage regime \( (\Theta_{ML}\approx2\) ML\( ) \) exhibit unusually large, triangular- and rectangular-shaped surface unit cells. Here, the low-energy electron diffraction (LEED) pattern is brought into accordance with the surface topography derived from STM. Another Al reconstruction, the quasi-one-dimensional (1D) Al phase, exhibits a striped surface corrugation, which could be the result of the strain imprinted by the overlayer-substrate lattice mismatch. It is suggested that Al atoms in different surface areas can occupy hexagonal close-packed and face-centered cubic lattice sites, respectively, which in turn lead to close-packed transition regions forming the stripe-like corrugations. On the basis of the well-known herringbone reconstruction from Au(111), a first structural model is proposed, which fits well to the structural data from STM. Ultimately, however, thermal treatments of the sample could not generate lower coverage phases, i.e. in particular, a buffer layer structure. Strong metallic signatures are found for In high coverage films \( (\Theta_{ML}\approx3\) to \(2\) ML\() \) by scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (ARPES), which form a \( (7\times7) \), \( (6\times4\sqrt{3}) \), and \( (4\sqrt{3}\times4\sqrt{3}) \) surface reconstruction. In all these In phases electrons follow the nearly-free electron model. Similar to the Al films, thermal treatments could not obtain the buffer layer system. Surprisingly, in the course of this investigation a triangular In lattice featuring a \( (1\times1) \) periodicity is observed to host massive Dirac-like bands at \( K/K^{\prime} \) in ARPES. Based on this strong electronic similarity with graphene at the Brillouin zone boundary, this new structure is referred to as \textit{indenene}. An extensive theoretical analysis uncovers the emergence of an electronic honeycomb network based on triangularly arranged In \textit{p} orbitals. Due to strong atomic spin-orbit coupling and a comparably small substrate-induced in-plane inversion symmetry breaking this material system is rendered topologically non-trivial. In indenene, the topology is intimately linked to a bulk observable, i.e., the energy-dependent charge accumulation sequence within the surface unit cell, which is experimentally exploited in STS to confirm the non-trivial topological character. The band gap at \( K/K^{\prime} \), a signature of massive Dirac fermions, is estimated by ARPES to approximately 125 meV. Further investigations by X-ray standing wave, STM, and LEED confirm the structural properties of indenene. Thus, this thesis presents the growth and characterization of the novel quantum spin Hall insulator material indenene.}, subject = {Dreiecksgitter}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Laubach2014, author = {Laubach, Manuel}, title = {Nichtmagnetische Isolatoren in Hexagonalen Gittermodellen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-106987}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Wir untersuchen zunächst das Hubbard-Modell des anisotropen Dreiecksgitters als effektive Beschreibung der Mott-Phase in verschiedenen organischen Verbindungen mit dreieckiger Gitterstruktur. Um die Eigenschaften am absoluten Nullpunkt zu bestimmen benutzen wir die variationelle Cluster Näherung (engl. variational cluster approximation VCA) und erhalten das Phasendiagramm als Funktion der Anisotropie und der Wechselwirkungsstärke. Wir finden f{\"u}r schwache Wechselwirkung ein Metall. F{\"u}r starke Wechselwirkung finden wir je nach Stärke der Anisotropie eine Néel oder eine 120◦-Néel antiferromagnetische Ordnung. In einem Bereich mittlerer Wechselwirkung entsteht in der Nähe des isotropen Dreiecksgitters ein nichtmagnetischer Isolator. Der Metall-Isolator-Übergang hängt maßgeblich von der Anisotropie ab, genauso wie die Art der magnetischen Ordnung und das Erscheinen und die Ausdehnung der nichtmagnetischen Isolatorphase. Spin-Bahn Kopplung ist der ausschlaggebende Parameter, der elektronische Bandmodelle in topologische Isolatoren wandelt. Spin-Bahn Kopplung im Allgemeinen beinhaltet auch den Rashba Term, der die SU(2) Symmetrie vollständig bricht. Sobald man auch Wechselwirkungen ber{\"u}cksichtigt, m{\"u}ssen sich viele theoretische Methoden auf die Analyse vereinfachter Modelle beschränken, die nur Spin-Bahn Kopplungen enthalten, welche die U(1) Symmetrie erhalten und damit eine Rashba Kopplung ausschließen. Wir versuchen diese bisher bestehende L{\"u}cke zu schließen und untersuchen das Kane-Mele Hubbard (KMH) Modell mit Rashba Spin-Bahn Kopplung und präsentieren eine systematische Analyse des Effekts der Rashba Spin-Bahn Kopplung in einem korrelierten zweidimensionalen topologischen Isolator. Wir wenden die VCA auf dieses Problem an und bestimmen das Phasendiagramm mit Wechselwirkung durch die Berechnung der lokalen Zustandsdichte, der Magnetisierung, der Einteilchenspektralfunktion und der Randzustände. Nach einer ausf{\"u}hrlichen Auswertung des KMH-Modells, bei erhaltener U(1) Symmetrie, finden wir auch f{\"u}r endliche Wechselwirkung, dass eine zusätzliche Rashba Kopplung zu neuen elektronischen Phasen f{\"u}hrt, wie eine metallische Phase und eine topologische Isolatorphase ohne Bandl{\"u}cke in der lokalen Zustandsdichte, die aber eine direkte Bandl{\"u}cke f{\"u}r jeden Wellenvektor besitzt. F{\"u}r eine Klasse von 5d Übergangsmetallen untersuchen wir ein KMH ähnliches Modell mit multidirektionaler Spin-Bahn Kopplung, das wegen seiner Relevanz f{\"u}r die Natrium-Iridate (engl. sodium iridate) als SI Modell bezeichnet wird. Diese intrinsische Kopplung bricht die SU(2) Symmetrie bereits vollständig und dennoch erhält man wegen der speziellen Form f{\"u}r starke Wechselwirkung wieder einen rotationssymmetrischen Néel-AFM Isolator. Der topologische Isolator des SIH-Modells ist adiabatisch mit dem des KMH-Modells verbunden, jedoch sind die Randströme hier nicht mehr spinpolarisiert. Wir verallgemeinern das Konzept der Klein-Transformation, das bereits erfolgreich auf Spin-Hamiltonians angewandt wurde, und wenden es auf ein Hubbard-Modell mit rein imaginären spinabhängigen H{\"u}pfen an, das im Grenzfall unendlicher Wechselwirkung in das Kitaev-Heisenberg Modell {\"u}bergeht. Dadurch erhält man ein Modell des Dreiecksgitters mit reellen spinunabhängigen H{\"u}pfen, das aber eine mehratomige Einheitszelle besitzt. F{\"u}r schwache Wechselwirkung ist das System ein Dirac Halbmetall und f{\"u}r starke Wechselwirkung erhält man eine 120◦-Néel antiferromagnetische Ordnung. F{\"u}r mittlere Wechselwirkung findet man aber einen relativ großen Bereich in dem eine nichtmagnetische Isolatorphase stabil ist. Unsere Ergebnisse deuten auf die mögliche Existenz einer Quanten Spinfl{\"u}ssigkeit hin.}, subject = {Hexagonaler Kristall}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Hoepfner2012, author = {H{\"o}pfner, Philipp Alexander}, title = {Two-Dimensional Electron Systems at Surfaces — Spin-Orbit Interaction and Electronic Correlations}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-78876}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {This thesis addresses three different realizations of a truly two-dimensional electron system (2DES), established at the surface of elemental semiconductors, i.e., Pt/Si(111), Au/Ge(111), and Sn/Si(111). Characteristic features of atomic structures at surfaces have been studied using scanning tunneling microscopy and low energy electron diffraction with special emphasis on Pt deposition onto Si(111). Topographic inspection reveals that Pt atoms agglomerate as trimers, which represent the structural building block of phase-slip domains. Surprisingly, each trimer is rotated by 30° with respect to the substrate, which results in an unexpected symmetry breaking. In turn, this represents a unique example of a chiral structure at a semiconductor surface, and marks Pt/Si(111) as a promising candidate for catalytic processes at the atomic scale. Spin-orbit interactions (SOIs) play a significant role at surfaces involving heavy adatoms. As a result, a lift of the spin degeneracy in the electronic states, termed as Rashba effect, may be observed. A candidate system to exhibit such physics is Au/Ge(111). Its large hexagonal Fermi sheet is suggested to be spin-split by calculations within the density functional theory. Experimental clarification is obtained by exploiting the unique capabilities of three-dimensional spin detection in spin- and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy. Besides verification of the spin splitting, the in-plane components of the spin are shown to possess helical character, while also a prominent rotation out of this plane is observed along straight sections of the Fermi surface. Surprisingly and for the first time in a 2DES, additional in-plane rotations of the spin are revealed close to high symmetry directions. This complex spin pattern must originate from crystalline anisotropies, and it is best described by augmenting the original Rashba model with higher order Dresselhaus-like SOI terms. The alternative use of group-IV adatoms at a significantly reduced coverage drastically changes the basic properties of a 2DES. Electron localization is strongly enhanced, and the ground state characteristics will be dominated by correlation effects then. Sn/Si(111) is scrutinized with this regard. It serves as an ideal realization of a triangular lattice, that inherently suffers from spin frustration. Consequently, long-range magnetic order is prohibited, and the ground state is assumed to be either a spiral antiferromagnetic (AFM) insulator or a spin liquid. Here, the single-particle spectral function is utilized as a fundamental quantity to address the complex interplay of geometric frustration and electronic correlations. In particular, this is achieved by combining the complementary strengths of ab initio local density approximation (LDA) calculations, state-of-the-art angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy, and the sophisticated many-body LDA+DCA. In this way, the evolution of a shadow band and a band backfolding incompatible with a spiral AFM order are unveiled. Moreover, beyond nearest-neighbor hopping processes are crucial here, and the spectral features must be attributed to a collinear AFM ground state, contrary to common expectation for a frustrated spin lattice.}, subject = {Halbleiteroberfl{\"a}che}, language = {en} }