@phdthesis{Balzer2018, author = {Balzer, Christian}, title = {Adsorption-Induced Deformation of Nanoporous Materials — in-situ Dilatometry and Modeling}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-157145}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The goal of this work is to improve the understanding of adsorption-induced deformation in nanoporous (and in particular microporous) materials in order to explore its potential for material characterization and provide guidelines for related technical applications such as adsorption-driven actuation. For this purpose this work combines in-situ dilatometry measurements with in-depth modeling of the obtained adsorption-induced strains. A major advantage with respect to previous studies is the combination of the dilatometric setup and a commercial sorption instrument resulting in high quality adsorption and strain isotherms. The considered model materials are (activated and thermally annealed) carbon xerogels, a sintered silica aerogel, a sintered hierarchical structured porous silica and binderless zeolites of type LTA and FAU; this selection covers micro-, meso- and macroporous as well as ordered and disordered model materials. All sample materials were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, gas adsorption and sound velocity measurements. In-situ dilatometry measurements on mesoporous model materials were performed for the adsorption of N2 at 77 K, while microporous model materials were also investigated for CO2 adsorption at 273 K, Ar adsorption at 77 K and H2O adsorption at 298 K. Within this work the available in-situ dilatometry setup was revised to improve resolution and reproducibility of measurements of small strains at low relative pressures, which are of particular relevance for microporous materials. The obtained experimental adsorption and strain isotherms of the hierarchical structured porous silica and a micro-macroporous carbon xerogel were quantitatively analyzed based on the adsorption stress model; this approach, originally proposed by Ravikovitch and Neimark, was extended for anisotropic pore geometries within this work. While the adsorption in silica mesopores could be well described by the classical and analytical theory of Derjaguin, Broekhoff and de Boer, the adsorption in carbon micropores required for comprehensive nonlocal density functional theory calculations. To connect adsorption-induced stresses and strains, furthermore mechanical models for the respective model materials were derived. The resulting theoretical framework of adsorption, adsorption stress and mechanical model was applied to the experimental data yielding structural and mechanical information about the model materials investigated, i.e., pore size or pore size distribution, respectively, and mechanical moduli of the porous matrix and the nonporous solid skeleton. The derived structural and mechanical properties of the model materials were found to be consistent with independent measurements and/or literature values. Noteworthy, the proposed extension of the adsorption stress model proved to be crucial for the correct description of the experimental data. Furthermore, it could be shown that the adsorption-induced deformation of disordered mesoporous aero-/xerogel structures follows qualitatively the same mechanisms obtained for the ordered hierarchical structured porous silica. However, respective quantitative modeling proved to be challenging due to the ill-shaped pore geometry of aero-/xerogels; good agreement between model and experiment could only be achieved for the filled pore regime of the adsorption isotherm and the relative pressure range of monolayer formation. In the intermediate regime of multilayer formation a more complex model than the one proposed here is required to correctly describe stress related to the curved adsorbate-adsorptive interface. Notably, for micro-mesoporous carbon xerogels it could be shown that micro- and mesopore related strain mechanisms superimpose one another. The strain isotherms of the zeolites were only qualitatively evaluated. The result for the FAU type zeolite is in good agreement with other experiments reported in literature and the theoretical understanding derived from the adsorption stress model. On the contrary, the strain isotherm of the LTA type zeolite is rather exceptional as it shows monotonic expansion over the whole relative pressure range. Qualitatively this type of strain isotherm can also be explained by the adsorption stress model, but a respective quantitative analysis is beyond the scope of this work. In summary, the analysis of the model materials' adsorption-induced strains proved to be a suitable tool to obtain information on their structural and mechanical properties including the stiffness of the nonporous solid skeleton. Investigations on the carbon xerogels modified by activation and thermal annealing revealed that adsorption-induced deformation is particularly suited to analyze even small changes of carbon micropore structures.}, subject = {Nanopor{\"o}ser Stoff}, language = {en} } @misc{Forster2013, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Forster, Johannes}, title = {Mathematical Modeling of Complex Fluids}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-83533}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {This thesis gives an overview over mathematical modeling of complex fluids with the discussion of underlying mechanical principles, the introduction of the energetic variational framework, and examples and applications. The purpose is to present a formal energetic variational treatment of energies corresponding to the models of physical phenomena and to derive PDEs for the complex fluid systems. The advantages of this approach over force-based modeling are, e.g., that for complex systems energy terms can be established in a relatively easy way, that force components within a system are not counted twice, and that this approach can naturally combine effects on different scales. We follow a lecture of Professor Dr. Chun Liu from Penn State University, USA, on complex fluids which he gave at the University of Wuerzburg during his Giovanni Prodi professorship in summer 2012. We elaborate on this lecture and consider also parts of his work and publications, and substantially extend the lecture by own calculations and arguments (for papers including an overview over the energetic variational treatment see [HKL10], [Liu11] and references therein).}, subject = {Variationsrechnung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Leubner2017, author = {Leubner, Philipp}, title = {Strain-engineering of the Topological Insulator HgTe}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-152446}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {The subject of this thesis is the control of strain in HgTe thin-film crystals. Such systems are members of the new class of topological insulator materials and therefore of special research interest. A major task was the experimental control of the strain in the HgTe films. This was achieved by a new epitaxial approach and confirmed by cristallographic analysis and magneto-transport measurements. In this work, strain was induced in thin films by means of coherent epitaxy on substrate crystals. This means that the film adopts the lattice constant of the substrate in the plane of the substrate-epilayer interface. The level of strain is determined by the difference between the strain-free lattice constants of the substrate and epilayer material (the so-called lattice mismatch). The film responds to an in-plane strain with a change of its lattice constant perpendicular to the interface. This relationship is crucial for both the correct interpretation of high resolution X-ray diffraction (HRXRD) measurements, and the precise determination of the band dispersion. The lattice constant of HgTe is smaller than the lattice constant of CdTe. Therefore, strain in HgTe is tensile if it is grown on a CdTe substrate. In principle, compressive strain can be achieved by using an appropriate \(\text{Cd}_{1-x}\text{Zn}_{x}\text{Te}\) substrate. This concept was modified and applied in this work. Epilayers have been fabricated by molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE). The growth of thick buffer layers of CdTe on GaAs:Si was established as an alternative to commercial CdTe and \(text{Cd}_{0.96}\text{Zn}_{0.04}\text{Te}\) substrates. The growth conditions have been optimized by an analysis of atomic force microscopy and HRXRD studies. HRXRD measurements reveal a power-law increase of the crystal quality with increasing thickness. Residual strain was found in the buffer layers, and was attributed to a combination of finite layer thickness and mismatch of the thermal expansion coefficients of CdTe and GaAs. In order to control the strain in HgTe epilayers, we have developed a new type of substrate with freely adjustable lattice constant. CdTe-\(\text{Cd}_{0.5}\text{Zn}_{0.5}\text{Te}\) strained-layer-superlattices have been grown by a combination of MBE and atomic-layer epitaxy (ALE), and have been analyzed by HRXRD. ALE of the \(\text{Cd}_{0.5}\text{Zn}_{0.5}\text{Te}\) layer is self-limiting to one monolayer, and the effective lattice constant can be controlled reproducibly and straightforward by adjusting the CdTe layer thickness. The crystal quality has been found to degrade with increasing Zn-fraction. However, the effect is less drastic compared to single layer \(\text{Cd}_{1-x}\text{Zn}_{x}\text{Te}\) solid solutions. HgTe quantum wells (QWs) sandwiched in between CdHgTe barriers have been fabricated in a similar fashion on superlattices and conventional CdTe and \(\text{Cd}_{0.96}\text{Zn}_{0.04}\text{Te}\) substrates. The lower critical thickness of the CdHgTe barrier material grown on superlattice substrates had to be considered regarding the sample design. The electronic properties of the QWs depend on the strain and thickness of the QW. We have determined the QW thickness with an accuracy of \(\pm\)0.5 nm by an analysis of the beating patterns in the thickness fringes of HRXRD measurements and X-ray reflectometry measurements. We have, for the first time, induced compressive strain in HgTe QWs by an epitaxial technique (i.e. the effective lattice constant of the superlattice is lower compared to the lattice constant of HgTe). The problem of the lattice mismatch between superlattice and barriers has been circumvented by using CdHgTe-ZnHgTe superlattices instead of CdHgTe as a barrier material. Furthermore, the growth of compressively strained HgTe bulk layers (with a thickness of at least 50 nm) was demonstrated as well. The control of the state of strain adds a new degree of freedom to the design of HgTe epilayers, which has a major influence on the band structure of QWs and bulk layers. Strain in bulk layers lifts the degeneracy of the \(\Gamma_8\) bands at \(\mathbf{k}=0\). Tensile strain opens an energy gap, compressive strain shifts the touching points of the valence- and conduction band to positions in the Brillouin zone with finite \(\mathbf{k}\). Such a situation has been realized for the first time in the course of this work. For QWs in the inverted regime, it is demonstrated that compressive strain can be used to significantly enhance the thermal energy gap of the two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG). In addition, semi-metallic and semiconducting behavior is expected in wide QWs, depending on the state of strain. An examination of the temperature dependence of the subband ordering in QWs revealed that the band gap is only temperature-stable for appropriate sample parameters and temperature regimes. The band inversion is always lifted for sufficiently high temperatures. A large number of models investigate the influence of the band gap on the stability of the quantum-spin-Hall (QSH) effect. An enhancement of the stability of QSH edge state conductance is expected for enlarged band gaps. Furthermore, experimental studies on the temperature dependence of the QSH conductance are in contradiction to theoretical predictions. Systematic studies of these aspects have become feasible based on the new flexibility of the sample design. Detailed low-temperature magnetotransport studies have been carried out on QWs and bulk layers. For this purpose, devices have been fabricated lithographically, which consist of two Hall-bar geometries with different dimensions. This allows to discriminate between conductance at the plane of the 2DEG and the edge of the sample. The Fermi energy in the 2DEG has been adjusted by means of a top gate electrode. The strain-induced transition from semi-metallic to semiconducting characteristics in wide QWs was shown. The magnitude of the semi-metallic overlap of valence- and conduction band was determined by an analysis of the two-carrier conductance and is in agreement with band structure calculations. The band gap of the semiconducting sample was determined by measurements of the temperature dependence of the conductance at the charge-neutrality point. Agreement with the value expected from theory has been achieved for the first time in this work. The influence of the band gap on the stability of QSH edge state conductance has been investigated on a set of six samples. The band gap of the set spans a range of 10 to 55 meV. The latter value has been achieved in a highly compressively strained QW, has been confirmed by temperature-dependent conductance measurements, and is the highest ever reported in the inverted regime. Studies of the carrier mobility reveal a degradation of the sample quality with increasing Zn-fraction in the superlattice, in agreement with HRXRD observations. The enhanced band gap does not suppress scattering mechanisms in QSH edge channels, but lowers the conductance in the plane of the 2DEG. Hence, edge state conductance is the dominant conducting process even at elevated temperatures. An increase in conductance with increasing temperature has been found, in agreement with reports from other groups. The increase follows a power-law dependency, the underlying physical mechanism remains open. A cause for the lack of an increase of the QSH edge state conductance with increasing energy gap has been discussed. Possibly, the sample remains insulating even at finite carrier densities, due to localization effects. The measurement does not probe the QSH edge state conductance at the situation where the Fermi energy is located in the center of the energy gap, but in the regime of maximized puddle-driven scattering. In a first set of measurements, it has been shown that the QSH edge state conductance can be influenced by hysteretic charging effects of trapped states in the insulating dielectric. A maximized conductance of \(1.6\ \text{e}^2/\text{h}\) was obtained in a \(58\ \mu\text{m}\) edge channel. Finally, measurements on three dimensional samples have been discussed. Recent theoretical works assign compressively strained HgTe bulk layers to the Weyl semi-metal class of materials. Such layers have been synthesized and studied in magnetotransport experiments for the first time. Pronounced quantum-Hall- and Shubnikov-de-Haas features in the Hall- and longitudinal resistance indicate two-dimensional conductance on the sample surface. However, this conductance cannot be assigned definitely to Weyl surface states, due to the inversion of \(\Gamma_6\) and \(\Gamma_8\) bands. If a magnetic field is aligned parallel to the current in the device, a decrease in the longitudinal resistance is observed with increasing magnetic field. This is a signature of the chiral anomaly, which is expected in Weyl semi-metals.}, subject = {Quecksilbertellurid}, language = {en} }