@phdthesis{Babocsi2005, author = {Babocsi, Krisztina}, title = {Characterization of II-VI semiconductor nanostructures by low wavenumber raman- and four-wave-mixing spectroscopy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-12551}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Es ist bekannt, dass r{\"a}umlich eingeschr{\"a}nkte Ladungstr{\"a}ger in niederdimensionalen Halbleitern zur Verst{\"a}rkung optischer und elektronischer Eigenschaften solcher Nanostrukturen beitragen. Die Physik des "Quantum Confinements" ist trotz umfangreicher Nachforschungen noch immer nicht v{\"o}llig verstanden. Die vorliegende Arbeit beinhaltet eine qualitative Studie quasi-nulldimensionaler II-VI Halbleiter Nanostrukturen. Es wurden handels{\"u}bliche und w{\"a}rmebehandelte CdSxSe1-x Quantenpunkte (QDs) mittels linearer und nicht-linearer Spektroskopie untersucht. Im Rahmen nicht-resonanter Raman Spektroskopie wurden Schl{\"u}sseleigenschaften der QDs, wie z.B. der Durchmesser und die Gr{\"o}ßenverteilung, bestimmt. Die Anordnung der Energieniveaus in einer atom-{\"a}hnlichen Struktur hat die Verst{\"a}rkung der Intensit{\"a}t akustischer Phononen zur Folge, welche im Bulk nicht nachgewiesen werden k{\"o}nnen. In Nanokristallen sind nur zwei Sorten akustischer Vibrationen Raman-aktiv: Die kugelsymmetrischen (l = 0) und die quadrupolaren (l=2) Vibrationen, die durch linear polarisierte Laserpulse selektiv angeregt werden k{\"o}nnen. Die Gr{\"o}ße der QDs wurde durch Ber{\"u}cksichtigen der Abh{\"a}ngigkeit der Vibrationsfrequenz akustischer Phononen von dem Durchmesser des Nanokristalls berechnet. Die Gr{\"o}ßenverteilung der QDs ist aus dem normalisierten FWHM ("full width at half maximum") der symmetrischen Vibration bestimmt worden. Die Relaxationsprozesse in Quantenpunkten finden auf einer Pikosekundenskala statt, zu deren Untersuchung ultraschnelle Spektroskopiemethoden mit Laserpulsen im Femtosekundenbereich notwendig sind. Es wurden in einer Glasmatrix eingebettete CdS0.6Se0.4 QDs von 9.1 nm Durchmesser mittels Fs-VWM- und Fs-PPT-Spektroskopie untersucht. In beiden F{\"a}llen wurden zirkular polarisierte Fs-Laserpulse eingesetzt. Es ist gezeigt worden, dass die Auswahlregeln f{\"u}r die Polarisation sehr stark von der Symmetrie der Nanokristalle abh{\"a}ngig sind. Es ist gezeigt worden, dass die angeregten Nanokristalle der Symmetriegruppe C2v oder niedriger angeh{\"o}ren und der Nachweis einer hexagonalen Struktur der Nanokristalle wurde erbracht. Die G{\"u}ltigkeit des Vier-Niveau-Modells wurde ebenfalls nachgewiesen. Dieses Modell enth{\"a}lt einen Grundzustand, zwei Exzitonzust{\"a}nde und einen Biexzitonenzustand. Das Entstehen der VWM- und PPT-Signale in verbotenen Polarisationsgeometrien wurde durch das Auftreten starker Coulomb-Wechselwirkung zwischen Exzitonen, die sich in demselben QD befinden, und durch die niedrige Symmetrie der QDs erkl{\"a}rt. Aufgrund der quadratischen Abh{\"a}ngigkeit der Intensit{\"a}ten der VWM-Signale von der Intensit{\"a}t der PPT-Signale, konnten die Ergebnisse der VWM-Messungen durch PPT-Untersuchungen gepr{\"u}ft werden. Die Effizienz der Methode der zirkular polarisierten Fs-VWM-Spektroskopie wurde bei der Untersuchung von in einer Glasmatrix eingebetteten w{\"a}rmebehandelten CdSe Quantenpunkten noch einmal best{\"a}tigt. Die Aufmerksamkeit auf Nicht-Phonon-Relaxationsmechanismen des Grund- und angeregten Zustands des Exzitons gerichtet. Außerdem konnte die Abh{\"a}ngigkeit der Kristallasymmetrie von der Nanopartikelgr{\"o}ße und von den Wachstumsbedingungen abgesch{\"a}tzt werden. Es zeigte sich, dass qualitativ hochwertige Quantenpunkte am effizientesten durch lange Wachstumszeiten bei niedrigen Temperaturen hergestellt werden k{\"o}nnen. Dabei haben die Nanokristalle gen{\"u}gend Zeit f{\"u}r „Nukleation" und nehmen eine symmetrischere Form an. Außerdem ist es nachgewiesen worden, dass die Exzitonrelaxation sehr stark von den Coulomb-Wechselwirkungen zwischen den Ladungstr{\"a}gern abh{\"a}ngt. Die Relaxationsprozesse der Exzitonen werden sowohl durch die Auger Selbstionisation, als auch durch den anschließenden Einfang der Ladungstr{\"a}ger in tiefen Fallen (an der Quantenpunktoberfl{\"a}che und/oder in der dielektrischen Matrix) deutlich verlangsamt. Dadurch wird die Lebensdauer der Exzitonen deutlich verk{\"u}rzt und liegt im Pikosekundenbereich. Die Relaxation der Exzitonen von h{\"o}heren Energieniveaus in den Grundzustand erfolgt auch auf zwei Wegen: Am Anfang des Relaxationsprozesses (t31 ~ 200 fs) ist Auger-Thermalisierung der Ladungstr{\"a}ger f{\"u}r die Relaxation des Elektrons von seinem angeregten 1pe Zustand auf sein niedrigeres 1se Energieniveau verantwortlich. W{\"a}renddessen erfolgt die Relaxation des Lochs sehr schnell {\"u}ber sein dichtes Spektrum von Valenzbandzust{\"a}nden. Diesem Prozess folgt unmittelbar der Einfang der Ladungstr{\"a}ger in tiefen Fallen, die sich an der Nanokristall-Glasmatrix-Grenzfl{\"a}che befinden. Diese Fallen sind eine direkte Konsequenz der Asymmetrie des Nanokristalls: je zahlreicher und je tiefer die Fallen, desto h{\"o}her ist die Asymmetrie des Kristalls. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit ist eine komplette Charakterisierung der in einer Glas- matrix eingebetteten CdSSe-Quantenpunkte gelungen. Die wichtigsten Eigenschaften, wie z.B. die Gr{\"o}ße und die Gr{\"o}ßenverteilung der Quantenpunkte, sind durch polarisierte Raman-Messungen bestimmt worden. Um ein komplettes Bild {\"u}ber die Nanokristalle zu bekommen, sind weitere nicht-lineare Spektroskopiemethoden eingesetzt worden. Polarisierte VWM Spektroskopie wurde zur Untersuchung verschiedener Quantenpunktensembles erfolgreich eingesetzt und daraus sind wertvolle Informationen {\"u}ber die Symmetrie der Nanokristalle gewonnen worden. Weiterhin sind die Exzitonrelaxationsmechanismen beschrieben worden, die die Verst{\"a}rkung der optischen nicht-linearen Eigenschaften und starke Coulomb-Wechselwirkungen zwischen Exzitonen erkl{\"a}ren. Durch die Untersuchung der Auswirkung verschiedener Wachstumsbedingungen auf die Symmetrie der QDs stellt diese Arbeit einen erg{\"a}nzenden Beitrag zu Herstellungsverfahren qualitativ hochwertiger Quantenpunkte dar.}, subject = {Zwei-Sechs-Halbleiter}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Buback2011, author = {Buback, Johannes}, title = {Femtochemistry of Pericyclic Reactions and Advances towards Chiral Control}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-66484}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Pericyclic reactions possess changed reactivities in the excited state compared to the ground state which complement each other, as can be shown by simple frontier molecular orbital analysis. Hence, most molecules that undergo pericyclic reactions feature two different photochemical pathways. In this thesis an investigation of the first nanoseconds after excitation of Diazo Meldrum's acid (DMA) is presented. The time-resolved absorption change in the mid-infrared spectral region revealed indeed two reaction pathways after excitation of DMA with at least one of them being a pericyclic reaction (a sigmatropic rearrangement). These two pathways most probably start from different electronic states and make the spectroscopy of DMA especially interesting. Femtochemistry also allows the spectroscopy of very short-lived intermediates, which is discussed in context of the sequential mechanism of the Wolff rearrangement of DMA. An interesting application of pericyclic reactions are also molecular photoswitches, i.e. molecules that can be switched by light between two stable states. This work presents a photoswitch on the basis of a 6-pi-electrocyclic reaction, whose reaction dynamics after excitation are unravelled with transient-absorption spectroscopy for both switching directions. The 6-pi-electrocyclic reaction is especially attractive, because of the huge electronic changes and subsequent absorption changes upon switching between the ring-open and ring-closed form. Fulgides, diarlyethenes, maleimides as well as spiropyrans belong to this class of switches. Despite the popularity of spiropyrans, the femtochemistry of the ring-open form ("merocyanine") is still unknown to a great extent. The experiments in this thesis on this system combined with special modeling algorithms allowed to determine the quantum efficiencies of all reaction pathways of the system, including the ring-closure pathway. With the knowledge of the reaction dynamics, a multipulse control experiment showed that bidirectional full-cycle switching between the two stable states on an ultrafast time scale is possible. Such a controlled ultrafast switching is a process which is inaccessible with conventional light sources and may allow faster switching electronics in the future. Theoretical calculations suggest an enantioselective photochemistry, i.e. to influence the chirality of the emerging molecule with the chirality of the light, a field called "chiral control". The challenges that need to be overcome to prove a successful chiral control are extremely hard, since enantiosensitive signals, such as circular dichroism, are inherently very small. Hence, chiral control calls for a very sensitive detection as well as an experiment that cancels all effects that may influence the enantiosensitive signal. The first challenge, the sensitive detection, is solved with a polarimeter, which is optimized to be combined with femtosecond spectroscopy. This polarimeter will be an attractive tool for future chiral-control experiments due to its extreme sensitivity. The second challenge, the design of an artefact-free experiment, gives rise to a variety of new questions. The polarization state of the light is the decisive property in such an experiment, because on the one hand the polarization carries the chiral information of the excitation and on the other hand the change of the polarization or the intensity change dependent on the polarization is used as the enantiosensitive probing signal. A new theoretical model presented in this thesis allows to calculate the anisotropic distribution of any given pump-probe experiment in which any pulse can have any polarization state. This allows the design of arbitrary experiments for example polarization shaped pump-probe experiments. Furthermore a setup is presented and simulated that allows the shot-to-shot switching between mirror-images of light polarization states. It can be used either for control experiments in which the sample is excited with mirror-images of the pump polarization or for spectroscopy purposes, such as transient circular dichroism or transient optical rotatory dispersion. The spectroscopic results of this thesis may serve as a basis for these experiments. The parallel and sequential photochemical pathways of DMA and the feasibility of the bidirectional switching of 6,8-dinitro BIPS in a pump-repump experiment on the one hand offer a playground to test the relation of the anisotropy with the polarization of the pump, repump and probe pulse. On the other hand control experiments with varying pump and repump polarization may be able to take influence on the dynamics after excitation. Especially interesting is the combination of the 6,8-dinitro BIPS with the polarization-mirroring setup, because the closed form (spiropyran) is chiral. Perhaps in the future it will be possible to prove a cumulative circular-dichroism effect or even a chiral control with this system.}, subject = {Femtosekundenspektroskopie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Dietzek2005, author = {Dietzek, Benjamin}, title = {Ultrafast linear and non-linear spectroscopy : from biological light-receptors to artificial light-harvesting systems}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-15684}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {In the experiments presented in this work, linear and non-linear femtosecond time-resolved spectrsocopy were applied to investigate the structure-function and functiondynamics relationship in biological and artificially designed systems. The experiments presented in this work utilize femtosecond time-resolved transient absorption and transient grating as well as picosecond time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy to investigate the photophysics and photochemistry of biological photoreceptors and address the light-induced excited-state processes in a particular molecular device that serves as a - structurally - very simple light-harvesting antenna and potentially as a catalysis-switch for the production of hydrogen in solution. The combination of white-light probe transient absorption and coherent transient grating spectroscopies yields spectral information about the excited state absorption in concert with high quality, high signal-to-noise kinetic transients, which allow for precise fitting and therefore very accurate time-constants to be extracted from the data. The use of femtosecond time-resolved transient grating spectroscopy is relatively uncommon in addressing questions concerning the excited-state reaction pathways of complex (biological) systems, and therefore the experiments presented in this work constitute according to the literature the first studies applying this technique to a a metalloporphyrin and an artificial light-harvesting antenna.}, subject = {Femtosekundenspektroskopie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kaiser2014, author = {Kaiser, Conrad}, title = {Donor-Bridge-Acceptor Systems with Varying Bridge Units for the Investigation of Intramolecular and Intermolecular Electron Transfer Processes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-97614}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Within this study, the influence of the energetics of the bridge unit on electron transfer (ET) in an electrode-bridge-donor system was investigated in a monolayer environment. This was realized by specifically designing molecules containing ferrocene carboxylic ester donors and hydroquinone derivatives as bridge units and by using a gold electrode as acceptor. The energetics of the hydroquinone derivatives was adjusted by synthetically varying its substituents with the intention of changing the ET speed and mechanisms. Thereby the choice of the substituents was based on the literature known half-wave potentials of similar solvated hydroquinone derivatives and successively confirming them by conducting cyclic voltammetry on the actual bridge units synthesized. Then, a synthetic pathway, which accommodated the limited stability of the integrated terminal ferrocene carbon acid ester, was developed and successfully employed. This was followed by developing a procedure for preparing very dense and highly ordered monolayers from the target molecules on self-made gold microelectrodes. For the electrochemical investigations, several electrolyte solutions were tested until one, which ensured low susceptibility of the characterization setup towards slight changes of the electrode arrangement and measurement parameters while ensuring sufficient stability of the monolayers, was found. Furthermore, a new, commercially available potentiostat was established for the impedance measurements, which reduced the stress on the monolayers during the electrochemical characterizations in comparison to the equipment used in many former studies. Regarding the determination of the ET rates, the data analysis protocol for the impedance measurements developed by Creager et al. was slightly adapted to allow analysis of the investigated monolayers despite their non-ideal behavior. In addition, the influence of changes to the electrical parameters of the impedance scans was investigated to minimize the error in the acquired data. The electrochemical analysis of the monolayers by conducting cyclic voltammetry on MA, MB and MC prepared from A, B and C confirmed the accomplishment of near ideal surface coverage and exceptionally high order. The surface coverages of MB and MC were, probably due to the space filled by the substituents on their bridge units, slightly lower than those of MA. Furthermore, the shape of the redox waves of the ferrocene carboxylic acid redox center in the voltammogram of MA showed a broadening and a shift towards higher potentials, which was assigned to electrostatic interference of oxidized terminal redox centers due to the especially dense packing. However, in the voltammogram of MB, no sharp redox waves of the bridge units, as predicted by the analysis of preliminary monolayers of the same type with low surface coverage, were present. This was attributed to the different and varying microenvironment of the bridge units deeply embedded within high-density monolayers. In detail, the different degree of shielding of each individual bridge unit from counter ions and solvent molecules probably resulted in the half wave potential being shifted to varying higher potentials, thus preventing the formation of sharp redox waves. In addition, electrostatic effects of oxidized bridge units could have enhanced this effect. This leads to the conclusion that the half-wave potentials of fully solvated bridge units determined by the cyclic voltammetry are not suited to predict the energetics of the oxidized bridge states embedded within the prepared high density monolayers. Finally, the monolayers were successfully analyzed by impedance spectroscopy, which showed that the ET rate of MA is slightly higher than that of MB, and both are higher than that of MC. All of the values were, according to literature, in the expected region considering the length and degree of conjugation of the backbone. However, this picture is relativized when considering the targeted energetic alignment of the bridge units. According to the predicted very small energy gap between the oxidized states of the donor and the bridge unit in MB, a domination of the hopping mechanism should have led to a several orders of magnitude higher ET rate than in MA and MC. That this was not the case was attributed to the underestimation of the energy of the oxidized bridge states by utilizing cyclic voltammetry of the fully solvated bridge units (see above). According to the small differences of the ET rates the superexchange process was assumed to be the dominating mechanism not only in MA and MC but also in MB. However, even when shifted, the predicted energetic order of the oxidized bridge states should have led to a moderately decreasing ET rate from MB over MA to MC. The reason for the actual ET rate in MA being slightly higher than in MB might be found in the electrostatic interference of the terminal redox centers in MA (see above). In conclusion, the targeted model systems were prepared and the ET rates were successfully determined. However, the problems concerning the relative energetic positioning of the involved states within the dense monolayers prevented the specific alteration of the speed and mechanism of the ET. The reason for this can be probably found in the high density and order of the monolayers prepared within this work, which hamper the intrusion of the components of the electrolyte solutions. This various degree of stabilization for the individual bridge units by counter ions and solvent molecules leads to the energy of the oxidized bridge states being splitted and shifted towards higher potentials with respect to fully solvated bridge units. This effect might be further enhanced by electrostatics of neighboring already oxidized bridge states. All this makes the predetermination of the energetics of the embedded bridge units extremely difficult. On one hand, this behavior can be considered an obstacle and could probably be circumvented by designing molecules with bulky anchor groups and rigid molecular backbones, which would ensure perpendicular arrangement to the surface and full exposure of the bridge and terminal redox centers to the solvent molecules and counter ions. On the other hand, monolayers which completely embed integral redox centers might open up the opportunity to study the effects of microenvironments similar to those in solid state materials. Regarding mixed valence compounds, the present study focuses on bistriarylamine radical cation F∙+, which contains the [3.3]paracyclophane bridge unit. The results were compared to the, except for the bridge units, identical literature known compounds G∙+ and N∙+ with [2.2]paracyclophane and p-xylene bridges respectively. This led to the conclusion that slightly different bridge units can induce substantial changes to the internal reorganization energy. This is especially noteworthy since it is usually believed that structural adaption limited to the redox centers taking part in the charge transfer dominates the internal reorganization energy. Furthermore, the application of the two-state Mulliken-Hush approach shows that compounds F∙+ and G∙+ have near identical couplings and similar thermal barriers. Confirmation of the latter finding as well as near identical thermal electron transfer rates for both compounds were provided via a cooperation project by Grampp et al. in which these values were directly extracted from temperature dependent electron paramagnetic resonance measurements. These results are quite unexpected since the "through-space" distances of the stacked pi-systems in the paracyclophane bridges differ significantly. They are well within the sum of the van der Waals radii in G∙+ and barely within them in compound F∙+. In addition, these findings weaken the common assumption of the ethylene bridges in G∙+ substantially adding to the electronic coupling, since then, in F∙+, due to its propylene linkers, the coupling should be substantially reduced. Finally, relying on the fact that the electronic couplings are only three times higher and the thermal electron transfer rates are only one order of magnitude higher for N∙+ than for compounds F∙+ and G∙+ shows that intermolecular electron transfer in solid state materials can remain efficient, if the interacting pi-systems stay within the sum of van der Waals radii of their carbons. Concerning the donor-acceptor dyads, the current investigation centers on triarylamine-cyclophane-naphtalene diimide (TAA-CP-NDI) compounds which display almost complete photoinduced charge separation. Furthermore, their singlet charge separated states show lifetimes of hundreds of nanoseconds, which is rarely found in such simple dyads. In the present case they can be attributed to the particular amount of electronic coupling V (on the order of 100 cm^-1), which is brought about by incorporation of the smallest model systems for pi-stacks, the CPs, together with the nodes on the NDI lowest unoccupied molecular orbital, which electronically decouples the central NDI from its nitrogen substituents. In agreement with studies of [2.2]- and [3.3]paracyclophane bridged mixed valence compounds (see above), the cycolphane bridged dyads show very similar electronic coupling when dealing with ground state processes like charge recombination. However, when investigating excited state processes, like charge separation in the TAA-CP-NDI dyads, one has to bear in mind that the CP orbitals are involved in the formation of intermediate states that likely possess charge transfer character. In this case, the [2.2]paracyclophane bridge obviously induces a stronger coupling than the [3.3]paracyclophane. Another interesting property of the dyads studied here is the substantial population of the triplet charge separated (CS) state of ca. one third regarding both CS states, which is brought about by singlet-triplet interconversion from the singlet CS state. Thus, the triplet CS state with a lifetime of several microseconds acts as a kind of buffer for the CS state before recombining to the ground state and, thus, leads to distinctly prolonged overall lifetimes of the charge separated states. Thus it can be concluded that the intersystem crossing and charge recombination (CR) processes of the CS states are governed by a delicate balance of a large electronic coupling V and a large exchange interaction 2J (both with regard to systems containing a through-space pathway). The latter appears to be induced by second order interaction with a local triplet state lying close in energy to the CS state. This balance results in slow CR- and singlet-triplet- interconversion rates, which differ only by one order of magnitude. Compared to the many NDI containing dyads studied so far, these features of the dyads studied here are, to the best of our knowledge, unique. Especially the combination of high quantum yield of charge separation, long lifetimes and high energy of the charge separated state make the investigated systems interesting for practical applications. Furthermore, the presented unraveling of the underlying mechanisms is of substantial value for the future design of dyads for practical applications regarding the implementation and adjustment of these favorable properties.}, subject = {Elektronentransfer}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kanal2015, author = {Kanal, Florian}, title = {Femtosecond Transient Absorption Spectroscopy - Technical Improvements and Applications to Ultrafast Molecular Phenomena}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-118771}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Photoinduced processes are nowadays studied with a huge variety of spectroscopic methods. In the liquid phase, transient absorption spectroscopy is probably the most versatile pump-probe technique used to study light-induced molecular phenomena. Optical time-resolved spectroscopy is established in a large number of laboratories and is still further being developed with respect to many technical aspects. Nevertheless, the full potential of shortening the data-acquisition time—necessary for the investigation of rapidly photodegrading samples and observation of macroscopically fast processes—achievable with high-repetition-rate laser systems and shot-to-shot detection was not fully exploited. Especially, shot-to-shot detection is highly beneficial due to the high correlation of subsequent laser pulses. The development and implementation of 100 kHz broadband shot-to-shot data acquisition was presented in Chapter 3. For an established laser dye as a benchmark system, ultrafast excited-state dynamics were measured for the first time with broadband shot-to-shot detection at 100 kHz. An analysis of both the noise characteristics of the employed laser and the correlation of subsequent pulses quantified the advantage of shot-to-shot data acquisition. In the utilized software environment, the time for measuring a complete data set could be sped up by a factor of three or even higher compared to a laser system working at 1 kHz. So far, the limiting factor is the data processing and the movement of the mechanical delay stage. Nevertheless, the new shot-to-shot detection has the potential to shorten the measurement time up to a factor of 100. The data quality is improved by a factor of three when the hitherto conventional averaging scheme is compared to shot-to-shot acquisition for the same number of laser pulses. The expansion of shot-to-shot data acquisition for high repetition rates will allow studies on sensitive samples as exposure times can strongly be reduced to achieve the same signal-to-noise ratio. In addition, multidimensional spectroscopy can also be extended to high-repetition shot-to-shot readout allowing an efficient recording of data. Therefore, in future experiments, dynamics and couplings in sensitive samples and kinetic processes could be studied in more detail. Complex photophysical and photochemical phenomena are subject of many fields of research. Many of these multifaceted processes are not yet fully understood. Therefore, a possible approach is the elucidation of single reaction steps with the combination of transient absorption spectroscopy and a suitable, less complex model system. The systematic variation of the model system's properties and environments, e.g., by chemical substitution or adequate choice of the solvent allows the determination of essential entities and reactivities thereof. Proper knowledge of an individual intermediate step and its determining factors can enhance the understanding of the complete photoreaction process. The application of transient absorption spectroscopy was shown for the optically-induced electron transfer in a series of donor-acceptor oligomers in Chapter 4. In general, the solvent relaxation times were isolated from the back-electron-transfer dynamics by a global lifetime analysis. For the smallest oligomeric structure where complete charge separation is possible, an ultrafast equilibration leads to charge recombination from the configuration showing the lowest barrier for recombination. The back-electron transfer strongly depends on the utilized solvent. Whereas in dichloromethane the back-electron transfer occurs with the maximum rate in the barrierless optimal region, the dynamics in toluene are governed by a Marcus inverted-region effect. The experimentally observed rates were also estimated by theoretical calculations of the respective barriers. The study did not only successfully unravel charge transfer in the oligomeric systems but also improved the understanding of the electron-transfer properties of larger polymers from an earlier study. Therefore, the combination of length variation and time-resolved spectroscopy is an important step towards the correct prediction of charge-carrier dynamics in macroscopic devices, e.g., for photovoltaics. The bond dissociation of a carbon-monoxide-releasing molecule in aqueous solution was studied in Chapter 5 as a prototype reaction for the photo-triggered breaking of a bond. It was shown that upon excitation only one carbon-monoxide ligand of the tricarbonyl complex is dissociated. A fraction of the photolyzed molecules restore the intact initial complex by geminate recombination within the temporal resolution of the experiment. However, the recombination could be detected by the hot ground-state infrared absorption of the complex. The detectable dicarbonyl formed upon CO release distributes excess energy from the absorbed photon into low-frequency modes which result in broadened absorption bands like for the recombined tricarbonyl. The free coordination site in the ligand sphere is filled with a solvent water molecule. Despite numerous studies of metal carbonyls studied in alkaneous solutions, the elucidation of the dynamics of a CORM in aqueous solution added another important detail to the photochemistry of this class of compounds. Experiments employing a second ultraviolet pump pulse did not trigger further CO dissociation and hence no formation of a monocarbonyl species; this might either be due to a different release mechanism without a further photochemical step or a strong spectral shift of the dicarbonyl's absorption. Both reasons could explain why degenerate pump-repump-probe spectroscopy is inefficient. However, further experiments with ultraviolet probe pulses could substantiate whether the intermediate dicarbonyl reacts further photochemically or not. Apart from the model-system character of the CORM for bond dissociation, the study could determine exactly how many CO ligands are initially photolyzed off. Detailed knowledge of the release mechanism will affect the previous use and application as well as the further development of CORMs as therapeutic prodrugs to deliver high local concentrations of CO in cancerous or pathological tissue. Hence, the study of two-photon absorption properties which are important for in vivo applications of CORMs should be the main focus in further spectroscopic experiments. In Chapter 6, both abovementioned molecular phenomena—electron transfer and bond dissociation—were studied in combination. The photochemistry of a tetrazolium salt was studied in detail in a variety of different solvents. Being a relatively small molecule, the studied tetrazolium cation shows a multifaceted photochemistry and is therefore a textbook example for the combination of ultrafast molecular phenomena studied in different environments. Within femtoseconds, the tetrazolium ring is opened. The biradicalic species is then reduced via uptake of an electron from the solvent. The formation of the ring-open formazan photoproduct from this point of the reaction sequence on was excluded by experiments with acidic pH value of the solution. The ring-open radical is stabilized by ring-closure. The resulting tetrazolinyl radical was already observed in experiments with microsecond time resolution. However, its formation was observed in real time for the first time in this study. Irradiation of a tetrazoliumsalt solution yields different photoproduct distributions depending on the solvent. However, it was shown that all photoproducts have a tetrazolinyl radical as a common precursor on an ultrafast time scale. In combination with studies from the literature, the complete photochemical conversion of a tetrazolium salt was clarified in this study. Apart from the prototype character of the reaction sequence, the reaction mechanism will have impact on research associated with life science where tetrazolium assays are used on a daily basis without taking into account of photochemical conversion of the indicating tetrazolium ion and its photochemically formed reactive intermediates. On the basis of the tetrazolium-ion photochemistry, the rich photochemistry of the formazan photoproduct, including structural rearrangements and subsequent reformation of the tetrazolium ion, might be the subject of future studies. This thesis shows a method advancement and application of transient absorption spectroscopy to exemplary molecular model systems. The insights into each respective field did not only enlighten singular aspects, but have to be seen in a much larger context. Understanding complex photoinduced processes bottom-up by learning about their constituting steps—microscopically and on an ultrafast time scale—is an ideal method to approach understanding and prediction of phenomena in large molecular systems like biological or artificial architectures as for example used in photosynthetic light-harvesting and photovoltaics.}, subject = {Ultrakurzzeitspektroskopie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Knorr2015, author = {Knorr, Johannes Walter}, title = {Femtosecond spectroscopy of photolysis reactions in the liquid phase}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-131362}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Within the framework of this thesis, photolysis reactions in the liquid phase were investigated by means of ultrafast optical spectroscopy. Apart from molecular studies dealing with the highly spin-dependent reactivity of diphenylcarbene (DPC) in binary solvent mixtures and ligand dissociation reactions of so-called CO-releasing molecules (CORMs), special emphasis was put on the implementation and characterization of methods improving and extending the signal detection in conventional pump-probe transient absorption setups. The assumption of DPC being an archetypal triplet-ground-state arylcarbene was recently questioned by matrix-isolation studies at low temperatures. DPC embedded in argon matrices revealed a hitherto unknown reactivity when the carbene environment was modified by small amounts of methanol dopant molecules. To complement these findings with liquid-phase experiments at room temperature, femtosecond pump-probe transient absorption spectroscopy with probing in the visible and ultraviolet regime was employed to unravel primary reaction processes of DPC in solvent mixtures. Supported by quantum chemical simulations conducted by our collaborators, it was shown that a competition between the reaction pathways occurs that not only depends on the solvent molecule near-by but also on its interaction with other solvent molecules. In-depth analysis of the solvation dynamics and the amount of nascent intermediates corroborates the importance of a hydrogen-bonded complex with a protic solvent molecule, in striking analogy to complexes found at cryogenic temperatures. Probing the transient absorption of molecules in the mid-infrared spectral range benefits from the high chemical specificity of molecules' vibrational signatures. The technique of chirped-pulse upconversion (CPU) constitutes a promising alternative to standard direct multichannel MCT detection when accessing this spectral detection window. Hence, one chapter of this thesis is dedicated to a direct comparison between both detection methods. By conducting an exemplary pump-probe transient absorption experiment, it became evident, that the additional nonlinear interaction step is responsible for increased noise levels when using CPU. However, a correction procedure capable of removing these additional noise contributions—stemming from the fundamental laser radiation used for upconversion—was successfully tested. Perhaps most importantly for various spectroscopic applications, CPU scored with a significantly extended detection bandwidth owing to the high pixel numbers of modern CCD cameras. Transition-metal complexes capable of releasing small molecular messengers upon photoactivation are promising sources of gasotransmitters such as carbon monoxide (CO) or nitric oxide (NO) in biological applications. However, only little is known about the characteristic time scales of ligand dissociation in this class of molecules. For this purpose, two complexes were investigated with femtosecond time resolution: [Mn(CO)3(tpm)]Cl with tpm=tris(2-pyrazolyl)methane, a manganese tricarbonyl complex which has proven to be selective and cytotoxic to cancer cells, and [Mo(CO)2(NO)(iPr3tacn)]PF6 with iPr3tacn=1,4,7-triisopropyl-1,4,7-triazacyclononane, a molybdenum complex containing both carbonyl and nitrosyl ligands. By conducting pump-probe transient absorption measurements in different spectral probing windows supported by quantum chemical calculations and linear absorption spectroscopy, it was shown that both complexes are able to release one CO ligand within the first few picoseconds after UV excitation. The results complement existing studies which focused on the molecules' ligand-releasing properties upon long-term exposure. The additional information gained on an ultrafast time scale provides a comprehensive understanding of individual reaction steps connected with ligand release in this class of molecules. Hence, the studies might create new incentives to develop modified molecules for specific applications.}, subject = {Ultrakurzzeitspektroskopie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Koch2016, author = {Koch, Federico Juan}, title = {Structure-Dependent Ultrafast Relaxation Dynamics in Multichromophoric Systems}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-136306}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Time-resolved spectroscopy allows for analyzing light-induced energy conversion and chromophore-chromophore interactions in molecular systems, which is a prerequisite in the design of new materials and for improving the efficiency of opto-electronic devices. To elucidate photo-induced dynamics of complex molecular systems, transient absorption (TA) and coherent two-dimensional (2D) spectroscopy were employed and combined with additional experimental techniques, theoretical approaches, and simulation models in this work. A systematic series of merocyanines, synthetically varied in the number of chromophores and subsitution pattern, attached to a benzene unit was investigated in cooperation with the group of Prof. Dr. Frank W{\"u}rthner at the University of W{\"u}rzburg. The global analysis of several TA experiments, and additional coherent 2D spectroscopy experiments, provided the basis to elaborate a relaxation scheme which was applicable for all merocyanine systems under investigation. This relaxation scheme is based on a double minimum on the excited-state potential energy surface. One of these minima is assigned to an intramolecular charge-transfer state which is stabilized in the bis- and tris-chromophoric dyes by chromphore-chromophore interactions, resulting in an increase in excited-state lifetime. Electro-optical absorption and density functional theory (DFT) calculations revealed a preferential chromophore orientation which compensates most of the dipole moment of the individual chromophores. Based on this structural assignment the conformationdependent exciton energy splitting was calculated. The linear absorption spectra of the multi-chromophoric merocyanines could be described by a combination of monomeric and excitonic spectra. Subsequently, a structurally complex polymeric squaraine dye was studied in collaboration with the research groups of Prof. Dr. Christoph Lambert and Prof. Dr. Roland Mitric at the University of W{\"u}rzburg. This polymer consists of a superposition of zigzag and helix structures depending on the solvent. High-level DFT calculations confirmed the previous assignment that zigzag and helix structures can be treated as J- and H-aggregates, respectively. TA experiments revealed that in dependence on the solvent as well as the excitation energy, ultrafast energy transfer within the squaraine polymer proceeds from initially excited helix segments to zigzag segments or vice versa. Additionally, 2D spectroscopy confirmed the observed sub-picosecond dynamics. In contrast to other conjugated polymers such as MEH-PPV, which is investigated in the last chapter, ultrafast energy transfer in squaraine polymers is based on the matching of the density of states between donor and acceptor segments due to the small reorganization energy in cyanine-like chromophores. Finally, the photo-induced dynamics of the aggregated phase of the conjugated polymer MEH-PPV was investigated in cooperation with the group of Prof. Dr. Anna K{\"o}hler at the University of Bayreuth. Our collaborators had previously described the aggregation of MEH-PPV upon cooling by the formation of so-called HJ-aggregates based on exciton theory. By TA measurements and by making use of an affiliated band analysis distinct relaxation processes in the excited state and to the ground state were discriminated. By employing 2D spectroscopy the energy transfer between different conjugated segments within the aggregated polymer was resolved. The initial exciton relaxation within the aggregated phase indicates a low exciton mobility, in contrast to the subsequent energy transfer between different chromophores within several picoseconds. This work contributes by its systematic study of structure-dependent relaxation dynamics to the basic understanding of the structure-function relationship within complex molecular systems. The investigated molecular classes display a high potential to increase efficiencies of opto-electronic devices, e.g., organic solar cells, by the selective choice of the molecular morphology.}, subject = {Femtosekundenspektroskopie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kullmann2013, author = {Kullmann, Martin Armin}, title = {Tracing Excited-State Photochemistry by Multidimensional Electronic Spectroscopy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-81276}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Light-induced excitation of matter proceeds within femtoseconds, resulting in excited states. Originating from these states chemical reaction mechanisms, like isomerization or bond formation, set in. Photophysical mechanisms like energy distribution and excitonic delocalization also occur. Thus, the reaction scheme has to be disentangled by assessing the importance of each process. Spectroscopic methods based on fs laser pulses have emerged as a versatile tool to study these reactions. Within this thesis time-resolved experiments with fs laser pulses on various molecular systems were performed. Novel photosystems, with possible applications ranging from ultrathin molecular wires to molecular switches, were extensively characterized. To resolve the complex kinetics of the investigated systems, time-resolved techniques had to be newly developed. By combining a visible excitation pulse pair with an additional pulse and a continuum probe electronic triggered-exchange two-dimensional spectroscopy (TE2D) was demonstrated for the first time. This goal was accomplished by combining a three-color transient-absorption setup with a pulse shaper. Hence, 2D spectroscopy with a continuum probe was also implemented. Using these methods two different molecular systems in solution were characterized in a comprehensive manner. (ZnTPP)2, a directly beta,beta'-linked Zn-metallated bisporphyrin, and a spiropyran-merocyanine photosystem, 6,8-dinitro BIPS, were characterized. (ZnTPP)2 is a homodimer, featuring strong excitonic effects. These manifest themselves in a twofold splitting of the Soret band (S2). 6,8-Dinitro BIPS exists in one of two possible conformations. The ring closed spiropyran absorbs only in the UV, while the ring open merocyanine also absorbs in the visible. For both molecular systems photodynamics upon illumination were monitored using transient-absorption. However, the obtained results were ambiguous, necessitating more complex methods. In the case of (ZnTPP)2 first the monomeric building block was characterized. There, population transfer from the S2 state into S1 within 2 ps was identified. Afterwards, intersystem crossing proceeds within 2 ns. For (ZnTPP)2 similar pathways were found, albeit the relaxation is faster. The intersystem crossing with 1.5 ns was not only indirectly deduced but directly measured by probing in the NIR spectral range. The excitonic influence of was investigated by coherent 2D spectroscopy in the Soret band. Population transfer within S2 was directly visualized on a time-scale of 100 fs. Calculation of the 2D spectra of a simple homodimer confirmed the results. After this analysis of the distinct excitonic character, this molecule may serve as a building block for larger porphyrin arrays with applications ranging from asymmetric catalysis over biomimicry of electron-transfer to organic optical devices. The second photosystem was the molecular switch 6,8-dinitro BIPS, existing in two conformations. Merocyanine is the more stable form in thermal equilibrium. Transient-absorption measurements uncovered that the sample consisted of a mixture of two merocyanine isomers, referred to as TTC and TTT. However, both isomers are capable of ring-closure forming spiropyran. The remaining excited molecules return to the ground state radiatively. Conducting 2D measurements utilizing a continuum probe the differing photochemistry of both isomers was examined in a single measurement. No isomerization between these conformations was detected. Therefore, 6,8-dinitro BIPS performs a concerted switching without long-living intermediates. This was confirmed by a pump-repump-probe scan. 6,8-DinitroBIPS can be closed by visible and opened by UV pulses using subsequent pulses and vice versa. These mechanisms via singlet pathways satisfy an important criterion for a unimolecular switching device. A second pump-repump-probe experiment showed that the sample is ionized, resulting in a merocyanine radical cation, when the first excited state is resonantly excited. Furthermore, by implementing TE2Dspectroscopy, it was elucidated that only TTC was ionized. Taking all this into account new techniques were developed and complex molecular systems were characterized within this thesis. Deeper insight into the photodynamics of (ZnTPP)2and 6,8-dinitro BIPS was gained by adapting transient absorption for the NIR spectral range, constructing a 2D setup in pump-probe geometry, and combining it with multipulse excitation to coherent TE2D. All techniques solved the questions for which they were constructed, but they are not limited to these cases. Especially TE2D opens new roads in photochemistry. By connecting reactant, product and the corresponding intermediates, a chemical reaction can be tracked through all stages, making unambiguous identification of the reactive states feasible. Thus, fundamental insight into the photochemistry of molecular compounds is gained.}, subject = {Femtosekundenspektroskopie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Maksimenka2005, author = {Maksimenka, Raman}, title = {Techniques in frequency conversion and time-resolved spectroscopy with nonlinear optical processes in the femtosecond regime}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-14087}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Nichtlineare Frequenzumsetzung der niederenergetischen femtosekunden Laserpulsen wurde in den Festk{\"o}rpermitteln nachgeforscht. Ramanumwandlung im weiss-Licht-freien Regime des impulsiven stimulierten Raman Streuungs wurde erzielt, indem man KGW-Kristall mit den Bessel-Lichtstrahl pumpte. Leistungs-f{\"a}higes Superkontinuumerzeugung wurde f{\"u}r die sub-microjule Pulse demonstriert, die in Mikrostrukturfaser fokussiert wurden. Anwendung von Vier-Wellen-Mischung Techniken zur {\"U}berwachung der Aufregenzustandsdynamik in den mehratomigen Molek{\"u}len wurde demonstriert. Zeitkonstanten der Prozesse, die auf Schwingungsenergiewiederverteilung nach dem ursprunglichen Photoanregung von Stilben-3 bezogen wurden, wurden mittels der Pump-CARS Technik festgestellt, in der CARS-Prozess als wirkungsvoller Modus-vorgew{\"a}hlter Filter diente. Spektrale sowie zeitliche Eigenschaften der elektronischen Entspannungbahnen in den Azulenderivats wurden erforscht, indem man verg{\"a}nglichen-Bev{\"o}lkerungs-Gittern und Pump-Probe verg{\"a}nglichen Absorptions Techniken verwendete.}, subject = {Frequenzumsetzung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Roeding2018, author = {R{\"o}ding, Sebastian}, title = {Coherent Multidimensional Spectroscopy in Molecular Beams and Liquids Using Incoherent Observables}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-156726}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Umsetzung einer experimentellen Herangehensweise, welche die koh{\"a}rente zweidimensionale (2D) Spektroskopie an Proben in unterschiedlichen Aggregatzust{\"a}nden erm{\"o}glicht. Hierzu wurde zun{\"a}chst ein Aufbau f{\"u}r fl{\"u}ssige Proben realisiert, in welchem die emittierte Fluoreszenz als Messsignal zur Aufnahme der 2D Spektren genutzt wird. Im Gegensatz zu dieser bereits etablierten Methode in der fl{\"u}ssigen Phase stellt die in dieser Arbeit außerdem vorgestellte 2D Spektroskopie an gasf{\"o}rmigen Proben in einem Molekularstrahl einen neuen Ansatz dar. Hierbei werden zum ersten Mal Kationen mittels eines Flugzeitmassenspektrometers als Signal verwendet und somit ionen-spezifische 2D Spektren isolierter Molek{\"u}le erhalten. Zus{\"a}tzlich zu den experimentellen Entwicklungen wurde in dieser Arbeit ein neues Konzept zur Datenerfassung in der 2D Spektroskopie entworfen, welches mit Hilfe einer optimierten Signalabtastung und eines Compressed-Sensing Rekonstruktionsalgorithmus die Aufnahmezeit der Daten deutlich reduziert. Charakteristisch f{\"u}r die in dieser Arbeit eingesetzte Variante der 2D Spektroskopie ist die Verwendung einer phasenkoh{\"a}renten Sequenz bestehend aus vier Laserimpulsen in einer kollinearen Laserstrahlgeometrie zur Anregung der Probe. Diese Impulssequenz wurde durch einen Laserimpulsformer erzeugt, der durch {\"A}nderung der relevanten Laserimpulsparameter mit der Wiederholrate des Lasers eine schnelle Datenerfassung erm{\"o}glicht. Die Antwort der Probe auf diese Anregung wurde durch inkoh{\"a}rente Observablen gemessen, welche proportional zur Population des angeregten Zustandes sind, wie zum Beispiel Fluoreszenz oder Ionen. Um aus diesem Signal w{\"a}hrend der Datenanalyse die gew{\"u}nschten nichtlinearen Beitr{\"a}ge zu extrahieren, wurde die Messung mit verschiedenen Kombinationen der relativen Phase zwischen den Laserimpulsen wiederholt ("Phase Cycling"). Der Aufbau zur 2D Spektroskopie in fl{\"u}ssiger Phase mit Fluoreszenz-Detektion wurde an Hand von 2D Spektren des Laserfarbstoffes Cresyl Violett charakterisiert. Hierbei wurden Oszillationen in verschiedenen Bereichen des 2D Spektrums beobachtet, welche durch vibronische Koh{\"a}renzen hervorgerufen werden und mit fr{\"u}heren Beobachtungen in der Literatur {\"u}bereinstimmen. Mit dem gleichen Datensatz wurde im n{\"a}chsten Schritt das neue Konzept zur optimierten Datenerfassung demonstriert. Um ein optimiertes Schema f{\"u}r die Signalabtastung zu finden, wurde ein genetischer Algorithmus implementiert, wobei nur ein Viertel der eigentlichen Datenpunkte zur Messwerterfassung verwendet werden sollte. Dies reduziert die Zeitdauer der Datenerfassung auf ein Viertel der urspr{\"u}nglichen Messzeit. Die Rekonstruktion des vollst{\"a}ndigen Signales erfolgte mit Hilfe einer neuartigen, kompakten Darstellung von 2D Spektren basierend auf der von Neumann Basis. Diese Herangehensweise ben{\"o}tigte im Vergleich zur {\"u}blicherweise verwendeten Fourier Basis nur ein Sechstel der Koeffizienten um das Signal vollst{\"a}ndig darzustellen und erm{\"o}glichte so die erfolgreiche Rekonstruktion der Oszillationen in Cresyl Violett aus einem reduzierten Datensatz. Mit Hilfe der neuartigen koh{\"a}renten 2D Spektroskopie an Molekularstrahlen wurden {\"U}berg{\"a}nge von hoch angeregten Rydberg-Zust{\"a}nden ins ionische Kontinuum in Stickstoffdioxid untersucht. Als dominierender Beitrag stellte sich hierbei der {\"U}bergang in auto-ionisierende Zust{\"a}nde heraus. Ein wesentlicher Vorteil der Datenerfassung {\"u}ber ein Flugzeitmassenspektrometer ist die M{\"o}glichkeit der gleichzeitigen Aufnahme von 2D Spektren der Edukte und Produkte einer chemischen Reaktion. Dies wurde in Experimenten zur Mehrphotonenionisation gezeigt, in denen deutliche Unterschiede in den 2D Spektren des Stickstoffdioxid-Kations und des Stickstoffmonoxid-Fragmentes sichtbar wurden, welche auf unterschiedliche Antwortfunktionen zur{\"u}ckzuf{\"u}hren sind. Die in dieser Arbeit entwickelten experimentellen Techniken erm{\"o}glichen die schnelle Aufnahme von 2D Spektren f{\"u}r Proben in unterschiedlichen Aggregatzust{\"a}nden und erlauben einen zuverl{\"a}ssigen, direkten Vergleich der Ergebnisse. Sie sind deshalb ein Wegbereiter f{\"u}r zuk{\"u}nftige Untersuchungen der Eigenschaften quantenmechanischer Koh{\"a}renzen in photophysikalischen Prozessen oder w{\"a}hrend photochemischer Reaktionen in unterschiedlichen Aggregatzust{\"a}nden.}, subject = {Femtosekundenspektroskopie}, language = {en} }