@phdthesis{Genheimer2023, author = {Genheimer, Ulrich}, title = {The Photophysics of Small Organic Molecules for Novel Light Emitting Devices}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-32031}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-320313}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {This PhD thesis addresses the photophysics of selected small organic molecules with the purpose of using them for efficient and even novel light sources. In particular, the studies presented focused on revealing the underlying exciton dynamics and determining the transition rates between different molecular states. It was shown how the specific properties and mechanisms of light emission in fluorescent molecules, molecules with phosphorescence or thermally activated delayed fluorescence (TADF), biradicals, and multichromophores can be utilized to build novel light-emitting devices. The main tool employed here was the analysis of the emitters' photon statistics, i.e. the analysis of the temporal distribution of emitted photons, during electrical or optical excitation. In the introduction of this work, the working principle of an organic light-emitting diode (OLED) was introduced, while Chapter 2 provided the physical background of the relevant properties of organic molecules and their interaction with light. In particular, the occurrence of discrete energy levels in organic semiconductors and the process of spontaneous light emission were discussed. Furthermore, in this chapter a mathematical formalism was elaborated with the goal to find out what kind of information about the studied molecule can be obtained by analyzing its photon statistics. It was deduced that the intensity correlation function g (2)(t) contains information about the first two factorial moments of the photon statistics and that higher order factorial moments do not contain any additional information about the system under study if the system is always in the same state after the emission of a photon. To conclude the introductory part, Chapter 3 introduced the utilized characterization methods including confocal microscopy of single molecules, time correlated single photon counting and temperature dependent photoluminescence measurements. To provide the background necessary for an understanding of for the following result chapters, in Section 4.1 a closer look was taken at the phenomenon of blinking and photobleaching of individual molecules. For a squaraine-based fluorescent emitter rapid switching between a bright and dark state was observed during photoexcitation. Using literature transition rates between the molecular states, a consistent model was developed that is able to explain the distribution of the residence times of the molecule in the bright and dark states. In particular, an exponential and a power-law probability distribution was measured for the time the molecule resides in tis bright and dark state, respectively. This behavior as well as the change in photoluminescence intensity between the two states was conclusively explained by diffusion of residual oxygen within the sample, which had been prepared in a nitrogen-filled glovebox. For subsequent samples of this work, thin strips of atomic aluminum were deposited on the matrices to serve as oxygen getter material. This not only suppressed the efficiency of photobleaching, but also noticeably prolonged the time prior to photobleaching, which made many of the following investigations possible in the first place. For emitters used in displays, emission properties such as narrow-band luminescence and short fluorescence lifetimes are desired. These properties can be influenced not only by the emitter molecule itself, but also by the interaction with the chosen environment. Therefore, before focusing on the photophysics of individual small organic molecules, Section 4.2 highlighted the interaction of a perylene bisimide-based molecular species with its local environment in a disordered polymethyl methacrylate matrix. In a statistical approach, individual photophysical properties were measured for 32 single molecules and correlations in the variation of the properties were analyzed. This revealed how the local polarity of the molecules' environment influences their photophysics. In particular, it was shown how an increase in local polarity leads to a red-shifted emission, narrower emission lines, broader vibronic splitting between different emission lines in combination with a smaller Huang-Rhys parameter, and a longer fluorescence lifetime. In the future, these results may help to embed individual chromophores into larger macromolecules to provide the chromophore with the optimal local environment to exhibit the desired emission properties. The next two sections focused on a novel and promising class of chromophores, namely linear coordinated copper complexes, synthesized in the group of Dr. Andreas Steffen at the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry at the University of W{\"u}rzburg. In copper atoms, the d-orbitals are fully occupied, which prevents undesirable metal-centered d-d⋆ states, which tend to lie low in energy and recombine non-radiatively. Simultaneously, the copper atom provides a flexible coordination geometry, while complexes in their linear form are expected to exhibit the least amount of excited state distortions. Depending on the chosen ligands, these copper complexes can exhibit phosphorescence as well as temperature activated delayed fluorescence. In Section 4.3, a phosphorescent copper complex with a chlorine atom and a 1-(2,6-diisopropylphenyl)-3,3,5,5-tetramethyl-2-pyrrolidine-ylidene- ligand was tested for its suitability as an optically active material in an OLED. For this purpose, an OLED with a polyspirobifluorene-based copolymer matrix and the dopant at a concentration of 20 wt\% was electrically excited. Deconvolution of the emission spectrum in contributions from the matrix and the dopant revealed that 60 \% of the OLEDs emission was due to the copper complex. It was also shown that the shape of the emission spectrum of the copper complex remains unchanged upon incorporation into the OLED, but is red-shifted by about 233 meV. In Section 4.4, a second copper complex exhibiting thermally activated delayed fluorescence was analyzed. This complex comprised a carbazolate as well as a 2-(2,6- diisopropyl)-phenyl-1,1-diphenyl-isoindol-2-ium-3-ide ligand and was examined in the solid state and at the single-molecule level, where single photon emission was recorded up to an intensity of 78'000 counts per second. The evaluation of the second-order autocorrelation function of the emitted light proved an efficient transition between singlet and triplet excited states on the picosecond time scale. In the solid state, the temperature- dependent fluorescence decay of the complex was analyzed after pulsed photoexcitation in the temperature range between 300 K and 5 K. From these measurements, a small singlet-triplet energy gap of only 65 meV and a triplet sublevel splitting of 3.0 meV were derived. The transition rates between molecular states could also be determined. Here, the fast singlet decay time of τS1 = 9.8ns proved the efficient thermally activated delayed fluorescence process, which was demonstrated for the first time for this new class of copper(I) complexes thus. While the use of thermally activated delayed fluorescence is a potential way to harness otherwise long-living dark triplet states, radicals completely avoid dark triplet states. However, this usually comes with the huge drawback of the molecules being chemically unstable. Therefore, two chemically stable biradical species were synthesized in the framework of the DFG research training school GRK 2112 on Molecular biradicals: structure, properties and reactivity, by Yohei Hattori in the group of Prof. Dr. Christoph Lambert and Rodger Rausch in the group of Prof. Dr. Frank W{\"u}rthner at the Institute of Organic Chemistry at the University of W{\"u}rzburg, respectively. In Section 4.5, it was investigated how these molecules can be used in OLEDs. In the first isoindigo based biradical (6,6'-bis(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-phenoxyl)-1,1'-bis(2- ethylhexyl)-[3,3'-biindolinyl-idene]-2,2'-dione) two tert-butyl moieties kinetically block chemical reactions at the place of the lone electrons and an electron-withdrawing core shifts the electron density into the center of the chromophore. With these properties, it was possible to realize a poly(p-phenylene vinylene) copolymer based OLED doped with the biradical and to observe luminescence during optical as well as electrical excitation. Analyzing shapes of the photo- and electroluminescence spectra at different doping concentrations, F{\"o}rster resonance energy transfer was determined to be the dominant transition mechanism for excitons from the matrix to the biradical dopants. Likewise, OLEDs could be realized with the second diphenylmethylpyridine based birad- ical (4-(5-(bis(2,4,6-trichlorophenyl)methyl)-4,6-dichloropyridin-2-yl)-N-(4-(5-(bis(2,4,6- -trichlorophenyl)methyl)-4,6-dichloropyridin-2-yl)phenyl)-N-(4-methoxyphenyl)aniline) as dopant. In this biradical, chlorinated diphenylmethyl groups protect the two unpaired electrons. Photo- and electroluminescence spectra showed an emission in the near in- frared spectral range between 750 nm and 1000 nm. Also, F{\"o}rster resonance energy trans- fer was the dominant energy transfer mechanism with an transfer efficiency close to 100 \% even at doping concentrations of only 5 wt\%. In addition to demonstrating the working OLEDs based in biradicals, the detection of luminescence of the two biradical species in devices also constitutes an important step toward making use of experimental techniques such as optically detected electron spin resonance, which could provide information about the electronic states of the emitter and their spin manifold during OLED operation. Another class of emitters studied are molecules in which several chromophores are co- valently linked to form a macrocyclic system. The properties of these multichromophores were highlighted in Section 4.6. Here, it was analyzed how the photophysical behavior of the molecules is affected by the covalent linking, which determines the interaction be- tween the chromophores. The first multichromophore, 2,2'-ditetracene, was synthesized by Lena Ross in the group of Prof. Dr. Anke Kr{\"u}ger at the Institute of Organic Chemistry at the University of W{\"u}rzburg and was analyzed in this work both at the single-molecule level and in its aggregated crystalline form. While the single crystals were purified and grown in a vertical sublimation oven, the samples for the single molecule studies were prepared in matrices of amorphous polymethyl methacrylate and crystalline anthracene. Tetracene was analyzed concurrently to evaluate the effects of covalent linking. In samples where the distance between two molecules is sufficiently large, tetracene and 2,2'-ditracene show matching emission profiles with the only difference in the Franck-Condon factors and a de- creased photoluminescence decay time constant from 14 ns for tetracene to 5 ns for 2,2'- ditracene, which can be attributed to the increased density of the vibrational modes in 2,2'-ditracene. Evaluation of the photon statistics of individual 2,2'-ditracene molecules however showed that the system does not behave as two individual chromophores but as a collective state, preserving the spectral properties of the two tetracene chromophores. Complementary calculations performed by Marian Deutsch in the group of Prof. Dr. Bernd Engels at the Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry at the University of W{\"u}rzburg helped to understand the processes in the materials and could show that the electronic and vibronic modes of 2,2'-ditracene are superpositions of the modes occurring in tetracene. In contrast, single-crystalline 2,2'-ditetracene behaves significantly different than tetracene, namely exhibiting a red shift in photoluminescence of 150 meV, caused by an altered crys- talline packing that lowers the S1-state energy level. Temperature-dependent photolu- minescence measurements revealed a rich emission pattern from 2,2'-ditetracene single crystals. The mechanisms behind this were unraveled using photoluminescence lifetime density analysis in different spectral regions of the emission spectrum and at different tem- peratures. An excimer state was identified that is located about 5 meV below the S1-state, separated by a 1 meV barrier, and which can decay to the ground state with a time constant of 9 ns. Also, as the S1-state energy level is lowered below the E(S1) ≥ 2 ×E(T1) threshold, singlet fission is suppressed in 2,2'-ditetracene in contrast to tetracene. Therefore, at low temperatures, photoluminescence is enhanced by a factor of 46, which could make 2,2'- ditetracene a useful material for future applications in devices such as OLEDs or lasers. The second multichromophore species, para-xylylene bridged perylene bisimide macrocycles, were synthesized by Peter Spenst in the group of Prof. Dr. Frank W{\"u}rthner at the Institute of Organic Chemistry at the University of W{\"u}rzburg, by linking three and four perylene bisimides, respectively. To reveal the exciton dynamics in these macrocycles, highly diluted monomers as well as trimers and tetramers were doped into matrices of polymethyl methacrylate to create thin films in which individual macrocycles could be analyzed. The emission spectra of the macrocycles remained identical to those of the monomers, indicating weak coupling between the chromophores. Single photon emission could be verified for monomers as well as macrocycles, as exciton-exciton annihilation processes suppress the simultaneous emission of two photons from one macrocycle. Nevertheless, the proof of the occurrence of a doubly excited state was obtained by excitation power dependent photon statistics measurements. The formalism developed in the theory part of this thesis for calculating the photon statistics of multichromophore systems was used here to find a theoretical model that matches the experimental results. The main features of this model are a doubly excited state, fast singlet-singlet annihilation, and an efficient transition from the doubly excited state to a dark triplet state. The occurrence of triplet-triplet annihilation was demonstrated in a subsequent experiment in which the macrocycles were excited at a laser intensity well above the saturation intensity of the monomer species. In contrast to the monomers, the trimers and tetramers exhibited neither a complete dark state nor saturation of photoluminescence. Both processes, efficient singlet-singlet and triplet-triplet annihilation make perylene bisimide macrocycles exceptionally bright single photon emitters. These advantages were utilized to realize a room temperature electrically driven fluorescent single photon source. For this purpose, OLEDs were fabricated using polyvinylcarbazole and 2-tert-butylphenyl-5-biphenyl-1,3,4-oxadiazol blends as a host material for perylene bisimide trimers. Photon antibunching could be observed in both optically and electrically driven devices, representing the first demonstration of electrically driven single photon sources using fluorescent emitters at room temperature. As expected from the previous optical experiments, the electroluminescence of the molecules was exceptionally bright, emitting about 105 photons per second, which could be seen even by eye under the microscope. Finally, in the last section 4.7 of this thesis, two additional measurement schemes were proposed as an alternative to the measurement of the second-order correlation function g (2)(t) of single molecules, which only provides information about the first two factorial moments of the molecules' photon statistics. In the first scheme, the g (3)(t) function was measured with three photodiodes, which is a consequential extension of the Hanbury Brown and Twiss measurement with two photodiodes. It was demonstrated how measuring the g (3)(t) function is able to identify interfering emitters with non-Poisson statistics in the experiment. The second setup was designed with an electro-optic modulator that repeatedly gen- erates photoexcitation in the form of a step function. The recording of luminescence transients for different excitation intensities yields the same results as the correspond- ing g (2)-functions measured on single emitters, both in their shape and in their depen- dence on excitation power. To demonstrate this concept, the TADF emitter TXO-TPA (2- [4-(diphenylamino)phenyl]-10,10-dioxide-9H-thioxanthen-9-one) was doped at a concen- tration of 10-4 wt\% in a mCP (1,3-Bis(N-carbazolyl)benzene) matrix. This concentration was low enough that TXO-TPA molecules did not interact with each other, but an ensem- ble of molecules was still present in the detection volume. The intramolecular transition rates between singlet and triplet states of TXO-TPA could be derived with an error of at most 5 \%. Other experimental techniques designed to obtain this information require ei- ther lengthy measurements on single molecules, where sample preparation is also often a challenge, or temperature-dependent fluorescence lifetime measurements, which require a cryostat, which in turn places constraints on the sample design used. In future, this ap- proach could establish a powerful method to study external factors influencing molecular transition rates. Overall, this thesis has introduced new molecular materials, revealed their photophys- ical properties, and demonstrated how they can be used to fabricate efficient and even novel light sources.}, subject = {Fotophysik}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Grimm2023, author = {Grimm, Philipp Martin}, title = {Locally driven complex plasmonic nanoantenna systems}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-30315}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-303152}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Metallic nanostructures possess the ability to support resonances in the visible wavelength regime which are related to localized surface plasmons. These create highly enhanced electric fields in the immediate vicinity of metal surfaces. Nanoparticles with dipolar resonance also radiate efficiently into the far-field and hence serve as antennas for light. Such optical antennas have been explored during the last two decades, however, mainly as standalone units illuminated by external laser beams and more recently as electrically driven point sources, yet merely with basic antenna properties. This work advances the state of the art of locally driven optical antenna systems. As a first instance, the electric driving scheme including inelastic electron tunneling over a nanometer gap is merged with Yagi-Uda theory. The resulting antenna system consists of a suitably wired feed antenna, incorporating a tunnel junction, as well as several nearby parasitic elements whose geometry is optimized using analytical and numerical methods. Experimental evidence of unprecedented directionality of light emission from a nanoantenna is provided. Parallels in the performance between radiofrequency and optical Yagi-Uda arrays are drawn. Secondly, a pair of electrically connected antennas with dissimilar resonances is harnessed as electrodes in an organic light emitting nanodiode prototype. The organic material zinc phthalocyanine, exhibiting asymmetric injection barriers for electrons and holes, in conjunction with the electrode resonances, allows switching and controlling the emitted peak wavelength and directionality as the polarity of the applied voltage is inverted. In a final study, the near-field based transmission-line driving of rod antenna systems is thoroughly explored. Perfect impedance matching, corresponding to zero back-reflection, is achieved when the antenna acts as a generalized coherent perfect absorber at a specific frequency. It thus collects all guided, surface-plasmon mediated input power and transduces it to other nonradiative and radiative dissipation channels. The coherent interplay of losses and interference effects turns out to be of paramount importance for this delicate scenario, which is systematically obtained for various antenna resonances. By means of the here developed semi-analytical toolbox, even more complex nanorod chains, supporting topologically nontrivial localized edge states, are studied. The results presented in this work facilitate the design of complex locally driven antenna systems for optical wireless on-chip communication, subwavelength pixels, and loss-compensated integrated plasmonic nanocircuitry which extends to the realm of topological plasmonics.}, subject = {Plasmonik}, language = {en} } @article{JiGriesbeckMarder2017, author = {Ji, Lei and Griesbeck, Stefanie and Marder, Todd B.}, title = {Recent developments in and perspectives on three-coordinate boron materials: a bright future}, series = {Chemical Science}, volume = {8}, journal = {Chemical Science}, number = {2}, doi = {10.1039/c6sc04245g}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-171912}, pages = {846-863}, year = {2017}, abstract = {The empty p\(_z\)-orbital of a three-coordinate organoboron compound leads to its electron-deficient properties, which make it an excellent π-acceptor in conjugated organic chromophores. The empty p-orbital in such Lewis acids can be attacked by nucleophiles, so bulky groups are often employed to provide air-stable materials. However, many of these can still bind fluoride and cyanide anions leading to applications as anion-selective sensors. One electron reduction generates radical anions. The π-acceptor strength can be easily tuned by varying the organic substituents. Many of these compounds show strong two-photon absorption (TPA) and two-photon excited fluorescence (TPEF) behaviour, which can be applied for e.g. biological imaging. Furthermore, these chromophores can be used as emitters and electron transporters in OLEDs, and examples have recently been found to exhibit efficient thermally activated delayed fluorescence (TADF). The three-coordinate organoboron unit can also be incorporated into polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Such boron-doped compounds exhibit very interesting properties, distinct from their all-carbon analogues. Significant developments have been made in all of these areas in recent years and new applications are rapidly emerging for this class of boron compounds.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Stahl2005, author = {Stahl, Rainer}, title = {Electroactive Conjugated Polymers as Charge-Transport Materials for Optoelectronic Thin-Film Devices}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-16980}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {In this work the electrochemical and spectroelectrochemical properties of a series of pi-conjugated organic polymers were studied. The polymers were deposited on platinum electrodes or ITO-coated glass substrates by potentiodynamic electro-polymerisation of the corresponding monomeric precursor molecules. The electro-chemical and photophysical properties of the triarylborane monomers were studied in detail in order to estimate possible influences on the behaviour of the corresponding polymer. The first part of this work aimed at the synthesis and investigation of conjugated donor-acceptor polymers which combine the prerequisites of an OLED within one material: the transport of positive and negative charges and the formation of emissive excited states. With the carbazole-substituted oxadiazoles 1-3 it was shown that on the one hand the carbazole functionality is suitable for enabling the electrochemical polymerisation of the monomers and on the other hand it facilitates reversible p-doping of the resultant polymers. Although n-doping of poly-1-poly-3 is possible due to the electron-deficient oxadiazole rings, it causes the continuous degradation of these electron-acceptor units. Interestingly, this process does not influence the capability of p-doping of the polymers. With respect to its electrochemical and spectroelectrochemical properties the behaviour of the borane polymer poly-4 is absolutely identical with that of the oxadiazole polymers. Moreover, the optical excitation of poly-4 in the solid state leads to the emission of blue-green light which suggests that this polymer might also possess electroluminescent properties. AFM-measurements of poly-4 films on ITO-coated glass substrates revealed, that the film thickness can be controlled to a certain extent by the number of polymerisation redox cycles. It was shown from the electrochemical and photophysical properties of the triarylboranes 4-6 that the pi-pi-interaction between boron and nitrogen atoms is comparably weak in these molecules. This leads to an unexpected ground-state polarisation with a partially positive boron atom and a partially negative nitrogen atom. Moreover, it was found that TAB 4 possesses a lower symmetry than D3 in solution and that excitation energy can be transferred amongst the three subchromophores of 4. By titration experiments it was also demonstrated that TAB 4 can reversibly bind fluoride ions and that the binding event significantly influences the optical absorption characteristics of the chromophore. It can be assumed, that the above mentioned properties, which have a profound influence on the photophysical behaviour of these triarylborane chromophores, also determine the behaviour of the corresponding polymer in a solid state environment. The aim of the second part of this work was the investigation of purely n-conducting materials based on electron-deficient borane and viologen polymers. The corresponding precursor molecules should be polymerised on platinum electrodes by reductive electropolymerisation. However, a reductive polymerisation was not possible for the borane monomer 19 which is thought to be due to a strong localisation of the unpaired electron on the central boron atom of the radical anion. An electropolymerisation of the cyano-substituted bispyridinio-compound 17 failed because of the poor quality of CN- as a leaving group. Thus, a synthesis of the analogous isomer 18 was developed, in which the cyano-substituents were exchanged by the better leaving group Cl-. The viologen polymer poly-18, which can be regarded as an electron-deficient iso-electronic analogue of poly(para-phenylene), was successfully deposited on a platinum electrode by reductive electropolymerisation of 18. Poly-18 can be reversibly n-doped at comparably low potentials; however, at higher potentials the polymer is overcharged and destroyed irreversibly. As the synthetic strategy for 18 allows the variation of both spacer unit and leaving group in the last two steps of the reaction sequence, a series of analogous compounds can be easily synthesised using this route.}, subject = {Polymerhalbleiter}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Weissenseel2022, author = {Weißenseel, Sebastian G{\"u}nter}, title = {Spin-Spin Interactions and their Impact on Organic Light-Emitting Devices}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-25745}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-257458}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {This work investigates the correlations between spin states and the light emission properties of organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs), which are based on the principle of thermally activated delayed fluorescence. The spin-spin interactions responsible for this mechanism are investigated in this work using methods based on spin-sensitive electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR). In particular, this method has been applied to electrically driven OLEDs. The magnetic resonance has been detected by electroluminescence, giving this method its name: electroluminescence detected magnetic resonance (ELDMR). Initial investigations on a novel deep blue TADF emitter were performed. Furthermore, the ELDMR method was used in this work to directly detect the spin states in the OLED. These measurements were further underlined by time-resolved experiments such as transient electro- and photoluminescence.}, subject = {Elektronenspinresonanz}, language = {en} }