@phdthesis{Bellinger2016, author = {Bellinger, Daniel}, title = {Implementation of new reaction pathway determining methods and study of solvent effects on the excited state nature of perylene based dyes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-144435}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Two thematic complexes were addressed within this work. One part is related to improvements and new implementations into the CAST program package. Thereby the main focus laid on the delivery of a tool which can be used to characterize complex reactions and their mechanisms. But also within the new force field (FF) method (SAPT-FF) within the CAST program, several improvements were made. The second topic is related to the description of dye molecules and their spectral properties. The main focus within these studies was set on the influence of the environment on these properties. In the first topic improvements of the local acting NEB (nudged elastic band) methods were included and the number of available methods was extended. The initial pathway generation was improved by implementing the IDPP (image dependent pair potential) method and a new method was implemented for describing temperature dependent pathways. Additionally, improvements have been made to the optimization routines (global NEB). As a second part the Pathopt (PO) method was considerably improved. In the beginning of the work the original PO idea was used. In this approach one starts with a global optimization on one n-1 dimensional hyperplane which divides the reaction into two sub-areas for obtaining guesses of TSs (transition states). These found TS guesses were used to optimize to the "true" TS. Starting from the optimized ones a relaxation to the next connected minima is done. This idea has been automatically implemented and extended to several number of hyperplanes. In this manner a group of pathsegments is obtained which needs to be connected, but within this work it was realized that such a procedure might be not very efficient. Therefore, a new strategy was implemented which is founded on the same constrained global optimization scheme (MCM) for which the user defines the number of hyperplanes generated. The number of such generated hyperplanes should be large enough 134 to describe the space between the concerning reactants in a sufficient way. The found minima are directly used to built up the reaction pathway. For this purpose a RMSD (root mean square deviation) criterion is used to walk along ways of minimal change from one to another hyperplane. To prove the implementations various test calculations were carried out and extensions included to prove the capabilities of the new strategy. Related to these tests a new strategy for applying the move steps in MCM (Monte Carlo with minimization) was realized which is also related to the question of the coordinates representation. We were able to show that the hopping steps in MCM can be improved by applying Cartesian steps in combination of random dihedral moves with respect to the constraint. In this way it was possible to show that a large variety of systems can be treated. An additional chapter shows the improvements of the SAPT-FF implementation and related test cases. It was possible to treat benzene dimer and cluster systems of different sizes consistently also in accordance with high level ab initio based approaches. Furthermore, we showed that the SAPT-FF with the right parameters outperforms the standard AMOEBA implementation which is the basis of the SAPT-FF implementation. In the last three chapters deal with the description of perlyene-based dyes. In the first smaller chapter ground state chemistry description of macro cycles of PBI (perylene bisimide) derivatives were investigated. Therefore, AFM (atomic force microscopy) based pictures were explained within our study. The methods to explain aggregation behavior in dependency of the ring size were MD simulations and configuration studies. The last two chapters deal with opto-electronic or photo-physical properties of PBI and PTCDA (perylene-3,4,9,10-tetracarboxylic dianhydride). In detail, we investigated the role of the environment and the aggregate or crystal surrounding by applying different models. In that way implicit and explicit solvation models, the size of aggregates and vibration motions were used. In the case of PBI the recent work is found on preliminary studies related to my bachelor thesis and extends it. It was shown that the direct influence of a polarizable surrounding, as well as explicit inclusion of solvent molecules on the overall description of the excitations and nature of the excited states is weaker as one might expect. However the inclusion of intra-molecular degrees of freedom showed a stronger influence on the state characteristics and can induce a change of the order of states within the dimer picture. For the PTCDA molecule the main focus was set on the description of the absorption spectrum of crystalline thin films. Related to this older works exist which already gave a description and assignment of the absorption band, but are based on different approaches compared to the one used in this work. We used the supermolecule ansatz, whereas the environment and different aggregate sizes were investigated. Within the dimer based approach we were able to show that using continuum solvation (IEFPCM/COSMO) based description for the environment the relative order of states remains unchanged. Similar to the PBI calculations the influence of the vibrational motions /distortions is larger. The simulation of the crystal environment by using QM/MM (quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics) approaches delivered that an asymmetric charge distribution might induce a localization of the excitation and a stronger mixing of states. For obtaining further insights we go beyond the dimer picture and aggregates of different sizes were used, whereas the simulations up to the octadecamer mono- and even dual-layer stack were carried out. Within these calculations it was shown that the H-coupling is dominating over a weaker J-coupling between different stacks. Additionally the calculations based on DFT (density functional theory) and semi-empirics showed that the lowest state in terms of energy are mostly of Frenkel type, whereas the higher lying states are CT ones which mix with embedded Frenkel type states. The first band of the absorption spectrum was explained by inclusion of vibrational motions within the stacks which induce an intensity gain of the first excited state. This intensity was not explainable by using the undistorted stacks. Also relaxations at the crystal surface might play a role, but are experimentally not explainable.}, subject = {Globale Optimierung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Chari2009, author = {Chari, Ashwin}, title = {The Reaction Mechanism of Cellular U snRNP Assembly}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-40804}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Macromolecular complexes, also termed molecular machines, facilitate a large spectrum of biological reactions and tasks crucial to the survival of cells. These complexes are composed of either protein only, or proteins bound to nucleic acids (DNA or RNA). Prominent examples for each class are the proteosome, the nucleosome and the ribosome. How such units are assembled within the context of a living cell is a central question in molecular biology. Earlier studies had indicated that even very large complexes such as ribosomes could be reconstituted from purified constituents in vitro. The structural information required for the formation of macromolecular complexes, hence, lies within the subunits itself and, thus, allow for self- assembly. However, increasing evidence suggests that in vivo many macromolecular complexes do not form spontaneously but require assisting factors ("assembly chaperones") for their maturation. In this thesis the assembly of RNA-protein (RNP) complexes has been studied by a combination of biochemical and structural approaches. A resourceful model system to study this process is the biogenesis pathway of the uridine-rich small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (U snRNPs) of the spliceosome. This molecular machine catalyzes pre-mRNA splicing, i.e. the removal of non-coding introns and the joining of coding exons to functional mRNA. The composition and architecture of U snRNPs is well defined, also, the nucleo-cytoplasmic transport events enabling the formation of these particles in vivo have been analyzed in some detail. Furthermore, recent studies suggest that the formation of U snRNPs in vivo is mediated by an elaborate assembly machinery consisting of protein arginine methyltransferase (PRMT5)- and survival motor neuron (SMN)-complexes. The elucidation of the reaction mechanism of cellular U snRNP assembly would serve as a paradigm for our understanding of how RNA-protein complexes are formed in the cellular environment. The following key findings were obtained as part of this study: 1) Efforts were made to establish a full inventory of the subunits of the SMN-complex. This was achieved by the biochemical definition and characterization of an atypical component of this complex, the unrip protein. This protein is associated with the SMN-complex exclusively in the cytoplasm and influences its subcellular localization. 2) With a full inventory of the components in hand, the architecture of the SMN-complex was defined on the basis of an interaction map of all subunits. This study elucidated that the proteins SMN, Gemin7 and Gemin8 form a backbone, onto which the remaining subunits adhere in a modular manner. 3) The two studies mentioned above formed the basis to elucidate the reaction mechanism of cellular U snRNP assembly. Initially, an early phase in the SMN-assisted formation of U snRNPs was analyzed. Two subunits of the U7 snRNP (LSm10 and 11) were found to interact with the PRMT5-complex, without being methylated. This report suggests that the stimulatory role of the PRMT5-complex is independent of its methylation activity. 4) Key reaction intermediates in U snRNP assembly were found and characterized by a combination of biochemistry and structural studies. Initially, a precursor to U snRNPs with a sedimentation coefficient of 6S is formed by the pICln subunit of the PRMT5-complex and Sm proteins. This intermediate was shown to constitute a kinetic trap in the U snRNP assembly reaction. Progression towards the assembled U snRNP depends on the activity of the SMN-complex, which acts as a catalyst. The formation of U snRNPs is shown to be structurally similar to the way clamps are deposited onto DNA to tether poorly processive polymerases. 5) The human SMN-complex is composed of several subunits. However, it is unknown whether all subunits of this entity are essential for U snRNP assembly. A combination of bioinformatics and biochemistry was applied to tackle this question. By mining databases containing whole-genome assemblies, the SMN-Gemin2 heterodimer is recognized as the most ancestral form of the SMN-complex. Biochemical purification of the Drosophila melanogaster SMN-complex reveals that this complex is composed of the same two subunits. Furthermore, evidence is provided that the SMN-Gemin2 heterodimer is necessary and sufficient to promote faithful U snRNP assembly. Future studies will adress further details in the reaction mechanism of cellular U snRNP assembly. The results obtained in this thesis suggest that the SMN and Gemin2 subunits are sufficient to promote U snRNP formation. What then is the function of the remaining subunits of the SMN-complex? The reconstitution schemes established in this thesis will be instrumental to address this question. Furthermore, additional mechanistic insights into the U snRNP assembly reaction will require the elucidation of structures of the assembly machinery trapped at various states. The prerequisite for these structural studies, the capability to generate homogenous complexes in sufficient amounts, has been accomplished in this thesis.}, subject = {Small nuclear RNP}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kanal2015, author = {Kanal, Florian}, title = {Femtosecond Transient Absorption Spectroscopy - Technical Improvements and Applications to Ultrafast Molecular Phenomena}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-118771}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Photoinduced processes are nowadays studied with a huge variety of spectroscopic methods. In the liquid phase, transient absorption spectroscopy is probably the most versatile pump-probe technique used to study light-induced molecular phenomena. Optical time-resolved spectroscopy is established in a large number of laboratories and is still further being developed with respect to many technical aspects. Nevertheless, the full potential of shortening the data-acquisition time—necessary for the investigation of rapidly photodegrading samples and observation of macroscopically fast processes—achievable with high-repetition-rate laser systems and shot-to-shot detection was not fully exploited. Especially, shot-to-shot detection is highly beneficial due to the high correlation of subsequent laser pulses. The development and implementation of 100 kHz broadband shot-to-shot data acquisition was presented in Chapter 3. For an established laser dye as a benchmark system, ultrafast excited-state dynamics were measured for the first time with broadband shot-to-shot detection at 100 kHz. An analysis of both the noise characteristics of the employed laser and the correlation of subsequent pulses quantified the advantage of shot-to-shot data acquisition. In the utilized software environment, the time for measuring a complete data set could be sped up by a factor of three or even higher compared to a laser system working at 1 kHz. So far, the limiting factor is the data processing and the movement of the mechanical delay stage. Nevertheless, the new shot-to-shot detection has the potential to shorten the measurement time up to a factor of 100. The data quality is improved by a factor of three when the hitherto conventional averaging scheme is compared to shot-to-shot acquisition for the same number of laser pulses. The expansion of shot-to-shot data acquisition for high repetition rates will allow studies on sensitive samples as exposure times can strongly be reduced to achieve the same signal-to-noise ratio. In addition, multidimensional spectroscopy can also be extended to high-repetition shot-to-shot readout allowing an efficient recording of data. Therefore, in future experiments, dynamics and couplings in sensitive samples and kinetic processes could be studied in more detail. Complex photophysical and photochemical phenomena are subject of many fields of research. Many of these multifaceted processes are not yet fully understood. Therefore, a possible approach is the elucidation of single reaction steps with the combination of transient absorption spectroscopy and a suitable, less complex model system. The systematic variation of the model system's properties and environments, e.g., by chemical substitution or adequate choice of the solvent allows the determination of essential entities and reactivities thereof. Proper knowledge of an individual intermediate step and its determining factors can enhance the understanding of the complete photoreaction process. The application of transient absorption spectroscopy was shown for the optically-induced electron transfer in a series of donor-acceptor oligomers in Chapter 4. In general, the solvent relaxation times were isolated from the back-electron-transfer dynamics by a global lifetime analysis. For the smallest oligomeric structure where complete charge separation is possible, an ultrafast equilibration leads to charge recombination from the configuration showing the lowest barrier for recombination. The back-electron transfer strongly depends on the utilized solvent. Whereas in dichloromethane the back-electron transfer occurs with the maximum rate in the barrierless optimal region, the dynamics in toluene are governed by a Marcus inverted-region effect. The experimentally observed rates were also estimated by theoretical calculations of the respective barriers. The study did not only successfully unravel charge transfer in the oligomeric systems but also improved the understanding of the electron-transfer properties of larger polymers from an earlier study. Therefore, the combination of length variation and time-resolved spectroscopy is an important step towards the correct prediction of charge-carrier dynamics in macroscopic devices, e.g., for photovoltaics. The bond dissociation of a carbon-monoxide-releasing molecule in aqueous solution was studied in Chapter 5 as a prototype reaction for the photo-triggered breaking of a bond. It was shown that upon excitation only one carbon-monoxide ligand of the tricarbonyl complex is dissociated. A fraction of the photolyzed molecules restore the intact initial complex by geminate recombination within the temporal resolution of the experiment. However, the recombination could be detected by the hot ground-state infrared absorption of the complex. The detectable dicarbonyl formed upon CO release distributes excess energy from the absorbed photon into low-frequency modes which result in broadened absorption bands like for the recombined tricarbonyl. The free coordination site in the ligand sphere is filled with a solvent water molecule. Despite numerous studies of metal carbonyls studied in alkaneous solutions, the elucidation of the dynamics of a CORM in aqueous solution added another important detail to the photochemistry of this class of compounds. Experiments employing a second ultraviolet pump pulse did not trigger further CO dissociation and hence no formation of a monocarbonyl species; this might either be due to a different release mechanism without a further photochemical step or a strong spectral shift of the dicarbonyl's absorption. Both reasons could explain why degenerate pump-repump-probe spectroscopy is inefficient. However, further experiments with ultraviolet probe pulses could substantiate whether the intermediate dicarbonyl reacts further photochemically or not. Apart from the model-system character of the CORM for bond dissociation, the study could determine exactly how many CO ligands are initially photolyzed off. Detailed knowledge of the release mechanism will affect the previous use and application as well as the further development of CORMs as therapeutic prodrugs to deliver high local concentrations of CO in cancerous or pathological tissue. Hence, the study of two-photon absorption properties which are important for in vivo applications of CORMs should be the main focus in further spectroscopic experiments. In Chapter 6, both abovementioned molecular phenomena—electron transfer and bond dissociation—were studied in combination. The photochemistry of a tetrazolium salt was studied in detail in a variety of different solvents. Being a relatively small molecule, the studied tetrazolium cation shows a multifaceted photochemistry and is therefore a textbook example for the combination of ultrafast molecular phenomena studied in different environments. Within femtoseconds, the tetrazolium ring is opened. The biradicalic species is then reduced via uptake of an electron from the solvent. The formation of the ring-open formazan photoproduct from this point of the reaction sequence on was excluded by experiments with acidic pH value of the solution. The ring-open radical is stabilized by ring-closure. The resulting tetrazolinyl radical was already observed in experiments with microsecond time resolution. However, its formation was observed in real time for the first time in this study. Irradiation of a tetrazoliumsalt solution yields different photoproduct distributions depending on the solvent. However, it was shown that all photoproducts have a tetrazolinyl radical as a common precursor on an ultrafast time scale. In combination with studies from the literature, the complete photochemical conversion of a tetrazolium salt was clarified in this study. Apart from the prototype character of the reaction sequence, the reaction mechanism will have impact on research associated with life science where tetrazolium assays are used on a daily basis without taking into account of photochemical conversion of the indicating tetrazolium ion and its photochemically formed reactive intermediates. On the basis of the tetrazolium-ion photochemistry, the rich photochemistry of the formazan photoproduct, including structural rearrangements and subsequent reformation of the tetrazolium ion, might be the subject of future studies. This thesis shows a method advancement and application of transient absorption spectroscopy to exemplary molecular model systems. The insights into each respective field did not only enlighten singular aspects, but have to be seen in a much larger context. Understanding complex photoinduced processes bottom-up by learning about their constituting steps—microscopically and on an ultrafast time scale—is an ideal method to approach understanding and prediction of phenomena in large molecular systems like biological or artificial architectures as for example used in photosynthetic light-harvesting and photovoltaics.}, subject = {Ultrakurzzeitspektroskopie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Maier2021, author = {Maier, Jan Richard}, title = {Investigations of Metal-free Cannibalistic Hexadehydro-Diels-Alder and Pt-catalyzed Dimerization Reactions of Linked Aryl Bisdiynes}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24041}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-240411}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The introductory chapter reviews the current state of mechanistic understanding of the hexadehydro-Diels-Alder (HDDA) reaction. With the rapid development of the HDDA reaction from its first discovery in 1997, the question of whether a concerted or stepwise mechanism better describes the thermally activated formation of ortho-benzyne from a diyne and a diynophile has been debated. Mechanistic and kinetic investigations were able to show that this is not a black or white situation, as minor changes can tip the balance. In chapter 2 of this thesis, the catalytic process leading from 1,11-bis(p-tolyl)undeca-1,3,8,10-tetrayne to fully-substituted naphthalene and azulene derivatives, by two different platinum-catalyzed dimerization pathways, was investigated. In chapter 3, the cannibalistic self-trapping reaction of an ortho-benzyne derivative generated from 1,11-bis(p-tolyl)undeca-1,3,8,10-tetrayne in an HDDA reaction was investigated. Without adding any specific trapping agent, the highly reactive benzyne is trapped by another bisdiyne molecule in at least three different modes. In chapter 4 direct UV/VIS spectroscopic evidence for the existence of an o-benzyne in solution is reported, and the dynamics of its formation in a photo-induced reaction are established. For this purpose, 1,11-bis(p-tolyl)undeca-1,3,8,10-tetrayne was investigated, using femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy in the ultraviolet/visible region. In chapter 5, following the isolation and characterization of the reaction products discussed in chapter 3, further species resulting from reactions of the highly reactive ortho-benzyne derivative were identified.}, subject = {Diels-Alder-Reaktion}, language = {en} }