@phdthesis{Thierschmann2014, author = {Thierschmann, Holger}, title = {Heat Conversion in Quantum Dot Systems}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-133348}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {This thesis treats the thermopower and other thermal effects in single quantum dots (QD) and quantum dot systems. It contributes new experimental results to the broad and active field of research on thermoelectrics in low dimensional systems. The thermopower experiments discussed in this work focus on QDs which exhibit a net spin and on tunnel-coupled double QDs (DQD). Furthermore, experiments are presented which address the realization of a QD device which extracts thermal energy from a heat reservoir and converts it into a directed charge current in a novel way. The samples used for these investigations have been fabricated from GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures which contain a two dimensional electron gas. Using optical and electron beam lithography, the devices have been realized by means of the top-gate technology. All experiments have been performed at low temperature. In order to create a controllable temperature difference in the samples the current heating technique has been used. These experimental basics as well as fundamentals of electric and thermoelectric transport are introduced in Part I of this thesis. The experiments on the thermopower of a single QD are described in Part II. Essentially, they deal with the problem of how a single spin situated on a QD influences the thermoelectric properties of the system. In this context, the Kondo-effect plays a crucial role. Generally, the Kondo effect is the result of a many-body state which arises from an antiferromagnetic coupling of a magnetic impurity with the surrounding conduction electrons. Here, the magnetic impurity is represented by a QD which is occupied with an odd number of electrons so that it exhibits a net spin. For the first time the thermopower of a Kondo-QD has been studied systematically as a function of two parameters, namely the QD coupling energy and the sample temperature. Both parameters are crucial quantities for Kondo-physics to be observed. Based on these data, it is shown that the thermopower line shape as a function of QD energy is mainly determined by two competing contributions: On the one hand by the enhanced density of states around the Fermi level due to Kondo-correlations and on the other hand by thermopower contributions from the Coulomb resonances. Furthermore, the experiments confirm theoretical predictions which claim that the spectral DOS arising from Kondo-correlations shifts away from the Fermi level for those QD level configurations which are not electron-hole symmetric. Comparison with model calculations by T. Costi and V. Zlatic [Phys. Rev. B 81, 235127 (2010)] shows qualitative and partly even quantitative agreement. A finite thermovoltage at the center of the Kondo-region, which occurred in previous investigations, is also observed in the experiments presented here. It is not covered by the current theory of the Kondo effect. The dependence of this signal on temperature, coupling energy and magnetic field, which differ from non-Kondo regions, is analyzed. In order to clarify the physics behind this phenomenon further studies are desirable. Furthermore, it is shown by variation of the QD coupling energy over a wide range that Kondo-correlations can be detected in the thermopower even in the regime of very weak coupling. In contrast, no Kondo signatures are visible in the conductance in this energy range. It is found that in the limit of weak coupling the Kondo effect causes the thermopower to exhibit a diminished amplitude in close vicinity of a conductance resonance. Subsequent filling of spin-degenerate states then leads to a thermopower amplitude modulation (odd-even-effect). Although this effect had been observed in previous studies, no connection to Kondo physics had been established in order to explain the observations. Hence, the experiments on a single QD presented in this thesis provide unique insight into the complex interplay of different transport mechanisms in a spin-correlated QD. Moreover, the results confirm the potential of thermopower measurements as a highly sensitive tool to probe Kondo-correlations. In Part III thermal effects are investigated in systems which contain two coupled QDs. Such QD-systems are particularly interesting with respect to thermoelectric applications: Many proposals utilize the extremely sharp energy filtering properties of such coupled QDs and also different kinds of inter dot coupling to construct novel and highly efficient thermoelectric devices. In the present work, thermopower characterizations are performed on a tunnel-coupled DQD for the first time. The key result of these investigations is the thermopower stability diagram. Here it is found, that in such a system maximal thermopower is generated in the vicinity of the so-called triple points (TP) at which three charge states of the DQD are degenerate. Along the axis of total energy, which connects two adjacent TP, a typical thermopower line shape is observed. It is explained and modeled within an intuitive picture that assumes two transport channels across the DQD, representing the TP. For those regions which are far away from the TP, the thermopower turns out to be very sensitive to the relative configuration of the QD energies. The conductance and thermopower data are well reproduced within a model that assumes transport via molecular states. Integration of both models into one then allows model calculations for a complete stability cell in conductance and thermopower to be done. Furthermore, experiments on two capacitively coupled QDs are presented. In these studies the focus lies on testing the feasibility of such systems for the manipulation and generation of charge currents from thermal energy. In a series of experiments it is shown that such a system of QDs can be utilized to increase or decrease a current flowing between two electron reservoirs by varying the temperature in a third reservoir. This effect is based on the cross-correlation of occupation fluctuations of the individual QDs. These are positive for certain QD energy level configurations and negative for others, which increases or decreases the charge current in the experiments, respectively. In the stability diagram this is manifested in a characteristic clover leaf shaped structure of positive and negative current changes in vicinity of the TP. All main experimental results are reproduced qualitatively in simple model calculations. Due to the close analogy between electrical and thermal conductance of a QD, this effect of thermal switching can, in principle, also be used to built a thermal transistor. Finally, it is shown that a system consisting of two Coulomb-coupled QDs, which couple a hot electron reservoir electrostatically to two cold electron reservoirs, can be utilized as a novel device which extracts heat from its environment and converts it into a directed charge current. The idea of this heat-to-current converter (HCC) was first proposed by R. S{\´a}nchez and M. B{\"u}ttiker [Phys. Rev. B 83, 085428 (2011)]. It is not only characterized by the novelty of its working principle but also by the fact, that it decouples the directions of charge current and energy flow. In the experiments presented here, such HCC-currents are identified unambiguously: For certain QD-level configurations an electric current between the two cold reservoirs is observed if the temperature in the third reservoir is increased. The direction of this current is shown to be independent of an external voltage. In contrast, the direction of the current exhibits a characteristic dependence on the tunneling coefficients of the QDs, as predicted by theory: By adjusting the thickness and the shape of the respective tunnel junctions, a charge current can be generated between two cold reservoirs, and it can even be inverted. The experimental observations are quantitatively reproduced by model calculations by R. S{\´a}nchez and B. Sothmann. Thus, the results represent direct evidence for the existence of HCC-currents. Due to the novelty of the working principle of the HCC and its relevance from a fundamental scientific point of view, the results presented here are an important step towards energy harvesting devices at the nano scale.}, subject = {Quantenpunkt}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Spanheimer2009, author = {Spanheimer, Daniela Cornelia}, title = {Dynamische Leistungsverst{\"a}rkung bei GHz Frequenzen und Speichereigenschaften von nanoelektronischen GaAs/AlGaAs Transistoren}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-37589}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Es wurde gezeigt, dass durch die Vorpositionierung von Quantenpunkten, diese mit einem gezielten Abstand im Bereich von einigen 100 nm zueinander und daher mit einer definierten Dichte in Speicherbauelemente eingebracht werden k{\"o}nnen. Es wurde bei tiefen Temperaturen wohldefinierte Coulombblockade demonstriert. Durch die Analyse der Coulomb-Rauten war es m{\"o}glich, auf die Gr{\"o}ße und Ladeenergie von Quantenpunkten im Kanal zu schliessen. Es wurde gezeigt, dass vorpositionierte Quantenpunkte sehr gut als Floating Gate eingesetzt werden k{\"o}nnen. Die Speichereigenschaften dieser Quantenpunkte wurden im Hinblick auf die Hysteresebreite DeltaVth in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit der Kanalbreite, der Drainspannung und der Temperatur untersucht und diskutiert. Hierbei konnte eine deutliche Abh{\"a}ngigkeit der Thresholdspannung von der Kanalbreite der Struktur ermittelt werden. F{\"u}r Strukturen mit einem breiten Kanal wurde festgestellt, dass der Stromfluss bereits bei negativen Gatespannungen einsetzt, w{\"a}hrend f{\"u}r schmale Strukturen positive Gatespannungen n{\"o}tig sind, um einen Ladungstransport hervorzurufen. Zur Bestimmung der Temperaturstabilit{\"a}t der Ladezust{\"a}nde wurde sowohl die Thresholdspannung als auch die Hysteresebreite als Funktion der Probentemperatur im Bereich von 4.2K bis Raumtemperatur bei verschiedenen Drainspannungen bestimmt. Hierbei wurde festgestellt, dass die Hysteresebreite bis zu einer kritischen Temperatur stufenf{\"o}rmig abnimmt und danach wieder leicht ansteigt. Bei der Untersuchung der Threshold- Spannung wurde ein Unterschied Vth,zu und Vth,auf festgestellt. Erstmals konnte ein lateral und vertikal positionierter InAs Quantenpunkt als Speicher f{\"u}r den Betrieb bei Raumtemperatur demonstriert werden. Ferner wurde die Wirkung eines Gate-Leckstromes auf den gemessenen Drain- Strom eines monolithischen Drei-Kontakt-Struktur untersucht und diskutiert. Die untersuchten Proben basieren auf einem neuen Parallel-Design, in welchem das Gate nicht wie {\"u}blich zwischen Source und Drain positioniert wurde, sondern in serieller Verbindung mit dem Drain- oder Sourcekontakt, d.h. mit einem zentralen Drain zwischen Source und Gate, gesetzt wurde. Hierdurch konnte eine merkliche Reduzierung des Probeninnenwiderstandes erreicht werde. Zu Beginn wurden zur Charakterisierung der Probe Transportmessungen bei Raumtemperatur durchf{\"u}hrt. Hierbei konnte verglichen mit herk{\"o}mmlichen Quantendrahttranistoren realisiert auf demselbenWafer, zum einen eine deutlich h{\"o}here Transconductance durch das parallele Design erreicht werden. Zum anderen zeigte die ermittelte Transconductance nicht den erwarteten linearen Verlauf in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit der Drainspannung, sondern einen quadratischen. Die Messungen zeigten außerdem einen Abfall des Drain-Stromes ab einer kritischen Gr{\"o}ße des Gate-Leckstromwertes, welcher auf ein dynamisches Gate, hervorgerufen durch die Ladungstr{\"a}ger aus dem Gate, zur{\"u}ckgef{\"u}hrt wird. Diese zus{\"a}tzliche virtuelle Kapazit{\"a}t addiert sich in paralleler Anordnung zum geometrischen Gate-Kondensator und verbessert die Transistoreigenschaften. Zum Abschluss der Arbeit wurden Hochfrequenzmessungen zur Ermittlung einer Leistungsverst{\"a}rkung von Drei-Kontakt-Strukturen bei Raumtemperatur f{\"u}r unterschiedliche Gate- und Drainspannungen durchgef{\"u}hrt. Um die Hochfrequenzeigenschaften der untersuchten Probe zu erh{\"o}hen, wurde hierf{\"u}r ein Design gew{\"a}hlt, in welchem die Goldkontakte zur Kontaktierung sehr nahe an die aktive Region heranragen. F{\"u}r diese Spannungskombination konnte f{\"u}r eine Frequenz im Gigaherz-Bereich eine positive Spannungsverst{\"a}rkung > 1 dB gemessen werden. H{\"o}here Spannungen f{\"u}hren zu einem S{\"a}ttigungswert in der Leistungsverst{\"a}rkung. Dies wird zur{\"u}ckgef{\"u}hrt auf den maximal zur Verf{\"u}gung stehenden Strom in der aktiven Region zwischen den nahen Goldkontakten. Zudem wurde eine L{\"o}sung vorgestellt, um das fundamentale Problem der Impedanzfehlanpassung f{\"u}r Hochfrequenzmessungen von nanoelektronischen Bauelementen mit einem hohen Innerwiderstand zu l{\"o}sen. Eine Anpassung der unterschiedlichen Impedanzen zwischen Bauelement und Messapparatur ist unbedingt notwendig, um Reflexionen bei der {\"U}bertragung zu vermeiden und somit die Gewinnoptimierung zu erh{\"o}hen. Zur Behebung der Fehlanpassung wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit ein Impedanz-Anpassungs-Netzwerk auf einer PCB-Platine realisiert, welches mit der Probe verbunden wurde. Die Anpassung wurde durch eingebaute Strichleitungen in das Layout des Anpassungsboards vorgenommen. Durchgef{\"u}hrte Simulationen der Probe in Verbindung mit dem Anpassungs-Netzwerk best{\"a}tigten die experimentellen Ergebnisse. Durch die Anpassung konnte der simulierte Reflexionskoeffizient deutlich reduziert werden, bei gleichzeitiger Erh{\"o}hung des Transmissionskoeffizienten. Ebenfalls zeigten die Messungen an einer Drei-Kontakt-Struktur mit Anpassungs-Board eine signifikante Verbesserung der Leistungsverst{\"a}rkung.}, subject = {Verst{\"a}rkung}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Scheibner2007, author = {Scheibner, Ralf}, title = {Thermoelectric Properties of Few-Electron Quantum Dots}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-26699}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {This thesis presents an experimental study of the thermoelectrical properties of semiconductor quantum dots (QD). The measurements give information about the interplay between first order tunneling and macroscopic quantum tunneling transport effects in the presence of thermal gradients by the direct comparison of the thermoelectric response and the energy spectrum of the QD. The aim of the thesis is to contribute to the understanding of the charge and spin transport in few-electron quantum dots with respect to potential applications in future quantum computing devices. It also gives new insight into the field of low temperature thermoelectricity. The investigated QDs were defined electrostatically in a two dimensional electron gas (2DEG) formed with a GaAs/(Al,Ga)As heterostructure by means of metallic gate electrodes on top of the heterostructure. Negative voltages with respect to the potential of the 2DEG applied to the gate electrodes were used to deplete the electron gas below them and to form an isolated island of electron gas in the 2DEG which contains a few ten electrons. This QD was electrically connected to the 2DEG via two tunneling barriers. A special electron heating technique was used to create a temperature difference between the two connecting reservoirs across the QD. The resulting thermoelectric voltage was used to study the charge and spin transport processes with respect to the discrete energy spectrum and the magnetic properties of the QD. Such a two dimensional island usually exhibits a discrete energy spectrum, which is comparable to that of atoms. At temperatures below a few degrees Kelvin, the electrostatic charging energy of the QDs exceeds the thermal activation energy of the electrons in the leads, and the transport of electrons through the QD is dominated by electron-electron interaction effects. The measurements clarify the overall line shape of thermopower oscillations and the observed fine structure as well as additional spin effects in the thermoelectrical transport. The observations demonstrate that it is possible to control and optimize the strength and direction of the electronic heat flow on the scale of a single impurity and create spin-correlated thermoelectric transport in nanostructures, where the experimenter has a close control of the exact transport conditions. The results support the assumption that the performance of thermoelectric devices can be enhanced by the adjustment of the QD energy levels and by exploiting the properties of the spin-correlated charge transport via localized, spin-degenerate impurity states. Within this context, spin entropy has been identified as a driving force for the thermoelectric transport in the spin-correlated transport regime in addition to the kinetic contributions. Fundamental considerations, which are based on simple model assumptions, suggest that spin entropy plays an important role in the presence of charge valence fluctuations in the QD. The presented model gives an adequate starting point for future quantitative analysis of the thermoelectricity in the spin-correlated transport regime. These future studies might cover the physics in the limit of single electron QDs or the physics of more complex structures such as QD molecules as well as QD chains. In particular, it should be noted that the experimental investigations of the thermopower of few-electron QDs address questions concerning the entropy transport and entropy production with respect to single-bit information processing operations. These questions are of fundamental physical interest due to their close connection to the problem of minimal energy requirements in communication, and thus ultimately to the so called "Maxwell's demon" with respect to the second law of thermodynamics.}, subject = {Quantenpunkt}, language = {en} }