@phdthesis{Brandstaetter2010, author = {Brandstaetter, Andreas Simon}, title = {Neuronal correlates of nestmate recognition in the carpenter ant, Camponotus floridanus}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-55963}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Cooperation is beneficial for social groups and is exemplified in its most sophisticated form in social insects. In particular, eusocial Hymenoptera, like ants and honey bees, exhibit a level of cooperation only rarely matched by other animals. To assure effective defense of group members, foes need to be recognized reliably. Ants use low-volatile, colony-specific profiles of cuticular hydrocarbons (colony odor) to discriminate colony members (nestmates) from foreign workers (non-nestmates). For colony recognition, it is assumed that multi-component colony odors are compared to a neuronal template, located in a so far unidentified part of the nervous system, where a mismatch results in aggression. Alternatively, a sensory filter in the periphery of the nervous system has been suggested to act as a template, causing specific anosmia to nestmate colony odor due to sensory adaptation and effectively blocking perception of nestmates. Colony odors are not stable, but change over time due to environmental influences. To adjust for this, the recognition system has to be constantly updated (template reformation). In this thesis, I provide evidence that template reformation can be induced artificially, by modifying the sensory experience of carpenter ants (Camponotus floridanus; Chapter 1). The results of the experiments showed that template reformation is a relatively slow process taking several hours and this contradicts the adaptation-based sensory filter hypothesis. This finding is supported by first in-vivo measurements describing the neuronal processes underlying template reformation (Chapter 5). Neurophysiological measurements were impeded at the beginning of this study by the lack of adequate technical means to present colony odors. In a behavioral assay, I showed that tactile interaction is not necessary for colony recognition, although colony odors are of very low volatility (Chapter 2). I developed a novel stimulation technique (dummy-delivered stimulation) and tested its suitability for neurophysiological experiments (Chapter 3). My experiments showed that dummy-delivered stimulation is especially advantageous for presentation of low-volatile odors. Colony odor concentration in headspace was further increased by moderately heating the dummies, and this allowed me to measure neuronal correlates of colony odors in the peripheral and the central nervous system using electroantennography and calcium imaging, respectively (Chapter 4). Nestmate and non-nestmate colony odor elicited strong neuronal responses in olfactory receptor neurons of the antenna and in the functional units of the first olfactory neuropile of the ant brain, the glomeruli of the antennal lobe (AL). My results show that ants are not anosmic to nestmate colony odor and this clearly invalidates the previously suggested sensory filter hypothesis. Advanced two-photon microscopy allowed me to investigate the neuronal representation of colony odors in different neuroanatomical compartments of the AL (Chapter 5). Although neuronal activity was distributed inhomogeneously, I did not find exclusive representation restricted to a single AL compartment. This result indicates that information about colony odors is processed in parallel, using the computational power of the whole AL network. In the AL, the patterns of glomerular activity (spatial activity patterns) were variable, even in response to repeated stimulation with the same colony odor (Chapter 4\&5). This finding is surprising, as earlier studies indicated that spatial activity patterns in the AL reflect how an odor is perceived by an animal (odor quality). Under natural conditions, multi-component odors constitute varying and fluctuating stimuli, and most probably animals are generally faced with the problem that these elicit variable neuronal responses. Two-photon microscopy revealed that variability was higher in response to nestmate than to non-nestmate colony odor (Chapter 5), possibly reflecting plasticity of the AL network, which allows template reformation. Due to their high variability, spatial activity patterns in response to different colony odors were not sufficiently distinct to allow attribution of odor qualities like 'friend' or 'foe'. This finding challenges our current notion of how odor quality of complex, multi-component odors is coded. Additional neuronal parameters, e.g. precise timing of neuronal activity, are most likely necessary to allow discrimination. The lower variability of activity patterns elicited by non-nestmate compared to nestmate colony odor might facilitate recognition of non-nestmates at the next level of the olfactory pathway. My research efforts made the colony recognition system accessible for direct neurophysiological investigations. My results show that ants can perceive their own nestmates. The neuronal representation of colony odors is distributed across AL compartments, indicating parallel processing. Surprisingly, the spatial activity patterns in response to colony are highly variable, raising the question how odor quality is coded in this system. The experimental advance presented in this thesis will be useful to gain further insights into how social insects discriminate friends and foes. Furthermore, my work will be beneficial for the research field of insect olfaction as colony recognition in social insects is an excellent model system to study the coding of odor quality and long-term memory mechanisms underlying recognition of complex, multi-component odors.}, subject = {Neuroethologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Endler2006, author = {Endler, Annett}, title = {Regulation of reproductive division of labor in the ant Camponotus floridanus : behavioral mechanisms and pheromonal effects}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-18872}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {A hitherto unresolved problem is how workers are prevented from reproducing in large insect societies. The queen informs about her fertility and health which ensures sufficient indirect fitness benefits for workers. In the ant Camponotus floridanus, I found such a signal located on eggs of highly fertile queens. Groups of workers were regularly provided with different sets of brood. Only in groups with queen eggs workers refrain from reproducing. Thus, the eggs seem to inform the workers about queen presence. The signal on queen eggs is presumably the same that enables workers to distinguish between queen and worker-laid eggs, latter are destroyed by workers. Queen and worker-laid eggs differ in their surface hydrocarbons in a similar way as fertile queens differ from workers in the composition of their cuticular hydrocarbons. When I transferred hydrocarbons from the queen cuticle to worker eggs the eggs were no longer destroyed, indicating that they now carry the signal. These hydrocarbons thus represent a queen signal that regulates worker reproduction in this species. But the signal is not present in all fertile queens. Founding queens with low egg-laying rates differ in the composition of cuticular hydrocarbons from queens with high productivity. Similar differences in the composition of surface hydrocarbons were present on their eggs. The queen signal develops along with an increasing fertility and age of the queen, and this is perceived by the workers. Eggs from founding queens were destroyed like worker eggs. This result shows that founding queens lack the appropriate signal. In these little colony foundations chemical communication of queen status may not be necessary to prevent workers from reproducing, since workers may benefit more from investing in colony growth and increased productivity of large colonies rather than from producing male eggs in incipient colonies. If the queen is missing or the productivity of the queen decreases, workers start laying eggs. There is some evidence from correlative studies that, under queenless conditions, worker police each other because of differences in individual odors as a sign of social status. It can be expressed as either aggressive inhibition of ovarian activity, workers with developed ovaries are attacked by nest-mates, or destruction by worker-laid eggs. I found that in C. floridanus workers, in contrast to known studies, police only by egg eating since they are able to discriminate queen- and worker-laid eggs. Workers with developed ovaries will never attacked by nest-mates. This is further supported by qualitative and quantitative differences in the cuticular hydrocarbon profile of queens and workers, whereas profiles of workers with and without developed ovaries show a high similarity. I conclude that workers discriminate worker eggs on the basis of their hydrocarbon profile, but they are not able to recognize egg-laying nest-mates. Improving our knowledge of the proximate mechanisms of the reproductive division of labor in evolutionary derived species like C. floridanus will help to understand the evolution of extreme reproductive altruism involving sterility as a characteristic feature of advanced eusocial systems.}, subject = {Camponotus floridanus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Groh2005, author = {Groh, Claudia}, title = {Environmental influences on the development of the female honeybee brain Apis mellifera}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-17388}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {F{\"u}r die Honigbiene spielt der Geruchssinn eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Kommunikation innerhalb des Sozialstaates. Kastenspezifische, auf uweltbedingten Einfl{\"u}ssen basierende sowie altersbedingte Unterschiede im olfaktorisch gesteuerten Verhalten liefern ein hervorragendes Modellsystem f{\"u}r diese Studie, um die Entwicklung und Funktion neuronaler Plastizit{\"a}t im olfaktorischen System zu untersuchen. Diese Studie konzentriert sich auf Unterschiede zwischen K{\"o}niginnen und Arbeiterinnen, den beiden weiblichen Kasten innerhalb des Bienestaates, sowie auf umweltbedingte Plastizit{\"a}t. Diploide Eier, aus denen sich K{\"o}niginnen und Arbeiterinnen entwickeln, sind genetisch identisch. Dennoch entwickeln sich K{\"o}niginnen wesentlich schneller zum Adulttier als Arbeiterinnen, sind als Imago gr{\"o}ßer, leben wesentlich l{\"a}nger und zeigen andere Verhaltensweisen. Diese Unterschiede werden durch eine differentielle larvale F{\"u}tterung initiiert. Im Anschluss an das Larvenstadium und somit nach erfolgter Kastendetermination, entwickeln sich die Bienen {\"u}ber eine Puppenphase (verdeckelte Phase) zum Imago. Adulte Bienen klimatisieren das zentrale Brutareal auf einer mittleren Temperatur von 35°C konstant. Bienen, die bei niedrigeren Temperaturen innerhalb des physiologisch relevanten Bereichs aufwachsen, weisen Defizite im olfaktorischen Lernverhalten und in der Tanzkommunikation auf. M{\"o}gliche neuronale Korrelate f{\"u}r altersbedingte, temperatur- und kastenspezifische Unterschiede im olfaktorisch gesteuerten Verhalten sollten in dieser Arbeit betrachtet werden. Die strukturellen Analysen konzentrierten sich dabei auf prim{\"a}re (Antennalloben) und sekund{\"a}re (Pilzk{\"o}rper-Calyces)olfaktorische Verarbeitungszentren im Gehirn von sich entwickelnden und adulten Tieren beider Kasten. Synchron verdeckelte Brutzellen beider Kasten wurden unter kontrollierten Bedingungen im Inkubator herangezogen. Neuroanatomische Untersuchungen wurden an fixierten Gewebeschnitten mittels einer Doppelfluoreszenzf{\"a}rbung mit Fluor-Phalloidin und anti-Synapsin Immuncytochemie durchgef{\"u}hrt. Diese Doppelmarkierung erm{\"o}glichte die Visualisierung und Quantifizierung individueller Synapsenkomplexe (Microglomeruli) im Pilzk{\"o}rper-Calyx. Phalloidin bindet an verschiedene F-Aktin Isoformen und kann zum Nachweis von F-Aktin im Insektennervensystem verwendet werden. F-Aktin wird w{\"a}hrend der Entwicklung in Wachstumskegeln und in adulten Gehirnen in pr{\"a}synaptischen Endigungen und dendritischen Dornen exprimiert. Pr{\"a}synaptische Elemente wurden durch den Einsatz eines spezifischen Antik{\"o}rpers gegen das Drosophila-Vesikeltransportprotein Synapsin I charakterisiert. Mit Hilfe der konfokalen Laser-Scanning Mikroskopie wurde die exakte r{\"a}umliche Zuordnung der Fluoreszenzsignale anhand optischer Schnitte durch die Pr{\"a}parate realisiert. Anhand dieser Methodik konnten erstmals {\"u}ber reine Volumenanalysen hinausgehende Messungen zur synaptischen Strukturplastizit{\"a}t im Pilzk{\"o}rper-Calyx durchgef{\"u}hrt werden. Die Untersuchungen an Gehirnen in den verschiedenen Puppenstadien zeigten Unterschiede im Entwicklungsverlauf der Gehirne mit dem Fokus auf die Bildung antennaler Glomeruli und calycaler Microglomeruli. Unterschiede in der Gehirnentwicklung verdeutlichten die ontogenetische Plastizit{\"a}t des Gehirns der Honigbiene. Entsprechend der k{\"u}rzeren Puppenphase der K{\"o}niginnen bildeten sich sowohl antennale Glomeruli als auch alle Untereinheiten (Lippe, Collar, Basalring) des Calyx etwa drei Tage fr{\"u}her aus. Direkt nach dem Schlupf zeigten quantitative Analysen innerhalb der Pilzk{\"o}rper-Calyces eine signifikant geringere Anzahl an Microglomeruli bei K{\"o}niginnen. Diese neuronale Strukturplastizit{\"a}t auf verschiedenen Ebenen der olfaktorischen Informationsverarbeitung korreliert mit der kastenspezifischen Arbeitsteilung. Die Arbeit liefert Erkenntnisse {\"u}ber den Einfluss eines wichtigen kontrollierten Umweltparameters, der Bruttemperatur, w{\"a}hrend der Puppenphase auf die synaptische Organisation der adulten Pilzk{\"o}rper-Calyces. Bereits geringe Unterschiede in der Aufzuchtstemperatur (1°C) beeinflussten signifikant die Anzahl von Microglomeruli in der Lippenregion des Calyx beider weiblicher Kasten. Die maximale Anzahl an MG entwickelte sich bei Arbeiterinnen bei 34.5°C, bei K{\"o}niginnen aber bei 33.5°C. Neben dieser entwicklungsbedingten neuronalen Plastizit{\"a}t zeigt diese Studie eine starke altersbedingte Strukturplastizit{\"a}t der MG w{\"a}hrend der relativ langen Lebensdauer von Bienenk{\"o}niginnen. Hervorzuheben ist, dass die Anzahl an MG in der olfaktorischen Lippenregion mit dem Alter anstieg (~55\%), in der angrenzenden visuellen Collarregion jedoch abnahm (~33\%). Die in der vorliegenden Arbeite erstmals gezeigte umweltbedingte Entwicklungsplastizit{\"a}t sowie altersbedingte synaptische Strukturplastizit{\"a}t in den sensorischen Eingangsregionen der Pilzk{\"o}rper-Calyces k{\"o}nnte kasten- und altersspezifischen Anpassungen im Verhalten zugrunde liegen.}, subject = {Biene}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mitesser2006, author = {Mitesser, Oliver}, title = {The evolution of insect life history strategies in a social context}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-22576}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {This thesis extends the classical theoretical work of Macevicz and Oster (1976, expanded by Oster and Wilson, 1978) on adaptive life history strategies in social insects. It focuses on the evolution of dynamic behavioural patterns (reproduction and activity) as a consequence of optimal allocation of energy and time resources. Mathematical modelling is based on detailed empirical observations in the model species Lasioglossum malachurum (Halictidae; Hymenoptera). The main topics are field observations, optimisation models for eusocial life histories, temporal variation in life history decisions, and annual colony cycles of eusocial insects.}, subject = {Schmalbienen}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ruchty2010, author = {Ruchty, Markus}, title = {Sensory basis of thermal orientation in leaf-cutting ants}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-48906}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Leaf-cutting ants have a highly developed thermal sense which the insects use to regulate the own body temperature and also to optimize brood and fungus development. Apart from the already described temperature guided behaviors inside the nest it is unknown to what extent the ants may use their thermal sense outside the nest. As part of the present thesis, the question was addressed whether leaf-cutting ants (Atta vollenweideri) are able to learn the position of a warm object as landmark for orientation during foraging. Using absolute conditioning, it was shown that ten training trials are sufficient to elicit the association be-tween food reward and the temperature stimulus. In the test situation (without reward) a significantly higher amount of ants preferred the heated site compared to the unheated con-trol. Importantly, thermal radiation alone was sufficient to establish the learned association and served as orientation cue during the test situation (chapter IV). Based on the experi-mental design used in the previous chapter, the localization of thermosensitive neurons, which detect the underlying thermal stimuli, is restricted to the head or the antennae of the ants. The antennal sensillum coeloconicum is a potential candidate to detect the thermal stimuli during the orientation behavior. In chapter V the sensillum coeloconicum of Atta vollenweideri was investigated concerning its gross morphology, fine-structure and the phy-siology of the associated thermosensitive neuron. The sensillum is predominantly located on the apical antennal segment (antennal tip) where around 12 sensilla are clustered, and it has a peg-in-pit morphology with a double walled, multiporous peg. The sensory peg is deeply embedded in a cuticular pit, connected to the environment only by a tiny aperture. The sen-sillum houses three receptor neurons of which one is thermosensitive whereas the sensory modality of the other two neurons remains to be shown. Upon stimulation with a drop in temperature, the thermosensitve neuron responds with a phasic-tonic increase in neuronal activity (cold-sensitive neuron) and shows rapid adaptation to prolonged stimulation. In ad-dition, it is shown that thermal radiation is an effective stimulus for the thermosensitive neuron. This is the first evidence that sensilla coeloconica play an important role during the thermal orientation behavior described in chapter IV. During the test situation of the classic-al conditioning paradigm, the ants showed rapid antennal movements, indicating that they scan their environment in order to detect the heated object. Rapid antennal movements will result in rapid discontinuities of thermal radiation that re-quire thermosensitive neurons with outstanding sensitivity and high temporal resolution. In Chapter VI the question was addressed whether the thermosensitive neuron of the sensilla coeloconica fulfils these preconditions. Extracellular recordings revealed that the neuron is extremely sensitive to temperature transients and that, due to the response dynamics, an estimated stimulus frequency of up to 5 Hz can be resolved by the neuron. Already a tem-perature increase of only 0.005 °C leads to a pronounced response of the thermosensitive neuron. Through sensory adaptation, the sensitivity to temperature transients is maintained over a wide range of ambient temperatures. The discovered extreme sensitivity, the high temporal resolution and the pronounced adaptation abilities are further evidence support-ing the idea that sensilla coeloconica receive information of the thermal environment, which the ants may use for orientation. In order to understand how the ants use their thermal environment for orientation, it is ne-cessary to know where and how thermal information is processed in their central nervous system. In Chapter VII the question is addressed where in the brain the thermal information, specifically received by the thermosensitive neuron of sensilla coeloconica, is represented. By selectively staining single sensilla coeloconica, the axons of the receptor neurons could be tracked into the antennal lobe of Atta vollenweideri workers. Each of the three axons termi-nated in a single functional unit (glomerulus) of the antennal lobe. Two of the innervated glomeruli were adjacent to each other and are located lateral, while the third one was clear-ly separate and located medial in the antennal lobe. Using two-photon Ca2+ imaging of an-tennal lobe projection neurons, the general representation of thermal information in the antennal lobe was studied. In 11 investigated antennal lobes up to six different glomeruli responded to temperature stimulation in a single specimen. Both, warm- and cold-sensitive glomeruli could be identified. All thermosensitive glomeruli were located in the medial half of the antennal lobe. Based on the correlative evidence of the general representation of thermal information and the results from the single sensilla stainings, it is assumed that thermal information received by sensilla coeloconica is processed in the medial of the three target glomeruli. This part of the thesis shows the important role of the antennal lobe in temperature processing and links one specific thermosensitive neuron to its target region (a single glomerulus). In chapter V it was shown that the sensilla coeloconica are clustered at the antennal tip and have an extraordinary peg-in-pit morphology. In the last chapter of this thesis (Chapter VIII) the question is addressed whether the morphology of the sensilla coeloconica predicts the receptive field of the thermosensitive neuron during the detection of thermal radiation. The sensory pegs of all sensilla coeloconica in the apical cluster have a similar orientation, which was not constraint by the shape of the antennal tip where the cluster is located. This finding indicates that the sensilla coeloconica function as a single unit. Finally the hypothesis was tested whether a single sensillum could be direction sensitive to thermal radiation based on its eye-catching morphology. By stimulating the thermosensitive neuron from various angles around the sensillum this indeed could be shown. This is the last and most significant evi-dence that the sensilla coeloconica may be adapted to detect spatially distributed heated objects in the environment during the thermal landmark orientation of ants.}, subject = {Neurobiologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Saverschek2010, author = {Saverschek, Nicole}, title = {The influence of the symbiotic fungus on foraging decisions in leaf-cutting ants - Individual behavior and collective patterns}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-52087}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Foraging behavior is a particularly fascinating topic within the studies of social insects. Decisions made by individuals have effects not only on the individual level, but on the colony level as well. Social information available through foraging in a group modulates individual preferences and shapes the foraging pattern of a colony. Identifying parameters influencing foraging behavior in leaf-cutting ants is especially intriguing because they do not harvest for themselves, but for their symbiotic fungus which in turn influences their plant preferences after the incorporation of the substrate. To learn about the substrates' unsuitability for the fungus, ants need to be able to identify the incorporated substrate and associate it with detrimental effects on the fungus. Odor is an important plant characteristic known to be used as recognition key outside the nest in the context of foraging. Chapter 1 shows that foragers are able to recall information about the unsuitability of a substrate through odor alone and consequently reject the substrate, which leads to the conclusion that inside the nest, odor might be enough to indentify incorporated substrate. Identification of plant species is a key factor in the foraging success of leaf-cutting ants as they harvest a multitude of different plant species in a diverse environment and host plant availability and suitability changes throughout the year. Fixed plant preferences of individuals through innate tendencies are therefore only one factor influencing foraging decisions. On the individual as well as the colony level, foraging patterns are flexible and a result of an intricate interplay between the different members involved in the harvesting process: foragers, gardeners and the symbiotic fungus. In chapter 2 I identified several conditions necessary for na{\"i}ve foragers to learn about the unsuitability of substrate inside the nest. In order to exchange of information about the unsuitability of a substrate, the plant in question must be present in the fungus garden. Foragers can learn without own foraging experience and even without experiencing the effects of the substrate on the fungus, solely through the presence of experienced gardeners. The presence of experienced foragers alone on the other hand is not enough to lower the acceptance of substrate by na{\"i}ve foragers in the presence of na{\"i}ve gardeners, even if experienced foragers make up the majority of the workforce inside the nest. Experienced foragers are also able to reverse their previous negative experience and start accepting the substrate again. The individual behavior of foragers and gardeners with different experiential backgrounds in the presence of suitable or unsuitable substrate inside the fungus chamber was investigated in chapter 3 to shed some light on possible mechanisms involved in the flow of information about substrate suitability from the fungus to the ants. Gardeners as well as foragers are involved in the leaf processing and treatment of the applied leaf patches on the fungus. If the plant material is unsuitable, significantly more ants treat the plant patches, but foragers are less active overall. Contacts between workers initiated by either gardeners or foragers occur significantly more frequent and last longer if the substrate is unsuitable. Even though experienced gardeners increase na{\"i}ve foragers' contact rates and duration with other workers in the presence of suitable plant patches, na{\"i}ve foragers show no differences in the handling of the plant patches. This suggests that foragers gain information about plant suitability not only indirectly through the gardening workers, but might also be able to directly evaluate the effects of the substrate on the fungus themselves. Outside the nest, foragers influence each other the trail (chapter 4). Foraging in a group and the presence of social information is a decisive factor in the substrate choice of the individual and leads to a distinct and consentaneous colony response when encountering unfamiliar or unsuitable substrates. As leaf-cutting ants harvest different plant species simultaneously on several trails, foragers gain individual experiences concerning potential host plants. Preferences might vary among individuals of the same colony to the degree that foragers on the same trail perceive a certain substrate as either suitable or unsuitable. If the majority of foragers on the trail perceives one of the currently harvested substrates as unsuitable, na{\"i}ve foragers lower their acceptance within 4 hours. In the absence of a cue in the fungus, na{\"i}ve foragers harvesting by themselves still eventually (within 6 hours) reject the substrate as they encounter experienced gardeners during visits to the nest within foraging bouts. As foraging trails can be up to 100 m long and foragers spend a considerable amount of time away from the nest, learning indirectly from experienced foragers on the trail accelerates the distribution of information about substrate suitability. The level of rejection of a formerly unsuitable substrate after eight hours of foraging by na{\"i}ve foragers correlates with the average percentage of unladen experienced foragers active on the trail. This suggests that unladen experienced foragers might actively contact laden na{\"i}ve workers transmitting information about the unsuitability of the load they carry. Results from experiments were I observed individual laden foragers on their way back to the nest backed up this assumption as individuals were antennated and received bites into the leaf disk they carried. Individuals were contacted significantly more often by nestmates that perceived the carried leaf disk as unsuitable due to previous experience than by nestmates without this experience (chapter 6). Leaf-cutting ants constantly evaluate, learn and re-evaluate the suitability of harvested substrate and adjust their foraging activity accordingly. The importance of the different sources of information within the colony and their effect on the foraging pattern of the colony depend on the presence or absence of each of them as e.g. experienced foragers have a bigger influence on the plant preferences of na{\"i}ve foragers in the absence of a cue in the fungus garden.}, subject = {Blattschneiderameisen}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schilder1999, author = {Schilder, Klaus}, title = {Safer without Sex?}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-1977}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {1999}, abstract = {Highly eusocial insect societies, such as all known ants, are typically characterized by a reproductive division of labor between queens, who are inseminated and reproduce, and virgin workers, who engage in foraging, nest maintenance and brood care. In most species workers have little reproductive options left: They usually produce haploid males by arrhenotokous parthenogenesis, both in the queenright and queenless condition. In the phylogenetically primitive subfamily Ponerinae reproductive caste dimorphism is much less pronounced: Ovarian morphology is rather similar in queens and workers, which additionally retain a spermatheca. In many ponerine species workers mate and may have completely replaced the queen caste. This similarity in reproductive potential provides for the evolution of diverse reproductive systems. In addition, it increases the opportunity for reproductive conflicts among nestmates substantially. Only in a handful of ant species, including Platythyrea punctata, workers are also able to rear diploid female offspring from unfertilized eggs by thelytokous parthenogenesis. The small ponerine ant P. punctata (Smith) is the only New World member of the genus reaching as far north as the southern USA, with its center of distribution in Central America and the West Indies. P. punctata occurs in a range of forest habitats including subtropical hardwood forests as well as tropical rain forests. In addition to queens, gamergates and thelytokous workers co-occur in the same species. This remarkable complexity of reproductive strategies makes P. punctata unique within ants and provides an ideal model system for the investigation of reproductive conflicts within the female caste. Colonies are usually found in rotten branches on the forest floor but may also be present in higher strata. Colonies contained on average 60 workers, with a maximum colony size of 148 workers. Queens were present in only ten percent of the colonies collected from Florida, but completely absent both from the populations studied in Barbados and Puerto Rico. Males were generally rare. In addition, morphological intermediates between workers and queens (so-called intercastes) were found in 16 colonies collected in Florida. Their thorax morphology varied from an almost worker-like to an almost queen-like thorax structure. Queen and intercaste size, however, did not differ from those of workers. Although workers taken from colonies directly after collection from the field engaged in aggressive interactions, nestmate discrimination ceased in the laboratory suggesting that recognition cues used are derived from the environment. Only one of six queens dissected was found to be inseminated but not fertile. Instead, in most queenless colonies, a single uninseminated worker monopolized reproduction by means of thelytokous parthenogenesis. A single mated, reproductive worker (gamergate) was found dominating reproduction in the presence of an inseminated alate queen only in one of the Florida colonies. The regulation of reproduction was closely examined in ten experimental groups of virgin laboratory-reared workers, in which one worker typically dominated reproduction by thelytoky despite the presence of several individuals with elongated, developing ovaries. In each group only one worker was observed to oviposit. Conflict over reproduction was intense consisting of ritualized physical aggression between some nestmates including antennal boxing, biting, dragging, leap and immobilization behaviors. The average frequency of interactions was low. Aggressive interactions allowed to construct non-linear matrices of social rank. On average, only five workers were responsible for 90 percent of total agonistic interactions. In 80 percent of the groups the rate of agonistic interactions increased after the experimental removal of the reproductive worker. While antennal boxing and biting were the most frequent forms of agonistic behaviors both before and after the removal, biting and dragging increased significantly after the removal indicating that agonistic interactions increased in intensity. Once a worker obtains a high social status it is maintained without the need for physical aggression. The replacement of reproductives by another worker did however not closely correlate with the new reproductive's prior social status. Age, however, had a profound influence on the individual rate of agonistic interactions that workers initiated. Especially younger adults (up to two month of age) and callows were responsible for the increase in observed aggression after the supersedure of the old reproductive. These individuals have a higher chance to become reproductive since older, foraging workers may not be able to develop their ovaries. Aggressions among older workers ceased with increasing age. Workers that already started to develop their ovaries should pose the greatest threat to any reproductive individual. Indeed, dissection of all experimental group revealed that aggression was significantly more often directed towards both individuals with undeveloped and developing ovaries as compared to workers that had degenerated ovaries. In all experimental groups reproductive dominance was achieved by callows or younger workers not older than four month. Age is a better predictor of reproductive dominance than social status as inferred from physical interactions. Since no overt conflict between genetical identical individuals is expected, in P. punctata the function of agonistic interactions in all-worker colonies, given the predominance of thelytokous parthenogenesis, remains unclear. Physical aggression could alternatively function to facilitate a smooth division of non-reproductive labor thereby increasing overall colony efficiency. Asexuality is often thought to constitute an evolutionary dead end as compared with sexual reproduction because genetic recombination is limited or nonexistent in parthenogenetic populations. Microsatellite markers were developed to investigate the consequences of thelytokous reproduction on the genetic structure of four natural populations of P. punctata. In the analysis of 314 workers taken from 51 colonies, low intraspecific levels of variation at all loci, expressed both as the number of alleles detected and heterozygosities observed, was detected. Surprisingly, there was almost no differentiation within populations. Populations rather had a clonal structure, with all individuals from all colonies usually sharing the same genotype. This low level of genotypic diversity reflects the predominance of thelytoky under natural conditions in four populations of P. punctata. In addition, the specificity of ten dinucleotide microsatellite loci developed for P. punctata was investigated in 29 ant species comprising four different subfamilies by cross-species amplification. Positive amplification was only obtained in a limited number of species indicating that sequences flanking the hypervariable region are often not sufficiently conserved to allow amplification, even within the same genus. The karyotype of P. punctata (2n = 84) is one of the highest chromosome numbers reported in ants so far. A first investigation did not show any indication of polyploidy, a phenomenon which has been reported to be associated with the occurrence of parthenogenesis. Thelytokous parthenogenesis does not appear to be a very common phenomenon in the Hymenoptera. It is patchily distributed and restricted to taxa at the distant tips of phylogenies. Within the Formicidae, thelytoky has been demonstrated only in four phylogenetically very distant species, including P. punctata. Despite its advantages, severe costs and constraints may have restricted its rapid evolution and persistence over time. The mechanisms of thelytokous parthenogenesis and its ecological correlates are reviewed for the known cases in the Hymenoptera. Investigating the occurrence of sexual reproduction in asexual lineages indicates that thelytokous parthenogenesis may not be irreversible. In P. punctata the occasional production of sexuals in some of the colonies may provide opportunity for outbreeding and genetic recombination. Thelytoky can thus function as a conditional reproductive strategy. Thelytoky in P. punctata possibly evolved as an adaptation to the risk of colony orphanage or the foundation of new colonies by fission. The current adaptive value of physical aggression and the production of sexuals in clonal populations, where relatedness asymmetries are virtually absent, however is less clear. Quite contrary, thelytoky could thereby serve as the stepping stone for the subsequent loss of the queen caste in P. punctata. Although P. punctata clearly fulfills all three conditions of eusociality, the evolution of thelytoky is interpreted as a first step in a secondary reverse social evolution towards a social system more primitive than eusociality.}, subject = {Ameisenstaat}, language = {en} }