@phdthesis{Schuster2019, author = {Schuster, Julia Katharina}, title = {Lewis-Basen-Stabilisierte Mono- und Dinukleare Verbindungen des Galliums und Niedervalente Verbindungen des Berylliums - Darstellung und Reaktivit{\"a}tsstudien}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-16638}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-166381}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {The present work is divided into two parts, the first of which is concerned with the synthesis and reactivity of carbene-stabilized gallium compounds. The second part of this thesis adresses the synthesis of novel, beryllium-containing compounds, whereby, in addition to investigations into new structural motifs of linear, sp-hybridized beryllium compounds, the stabilization of low valent beryllium complexes by the use of carbene ligands is a central part of this thesis. 1 Lewis-base-stabilized gallium compounds In this chapter, two different synthetic routes towards carbene stabilized, low-valent gallium compounds were investigated. By the use of CAAC ligands, four different [GaCl3(RCAAC)]-species (R = Me, Cy, Et, Menth) were realized, and investigated in terms of their reactivity towards reducing agents. However, all experimental approaches led to either decomposition products or renewed isolation of the starting materials and the synthesis of dinuclear gallium compounds via reductive coupling of two CAAC-Ga fragments was found not to be feasible. A different approach towards low-valent gallium compounds was the chemical reduction of Lewis-base-stabilized digallanes(4), in which the two gallium atoms are already connected via a σ bond. The synthesis of such compounds by reaction of either the subhalide ´GaI` or the mixed-valent salt [Ga]+[GaCl4]- with two equivalents of the free MeCAAC did not afford the double Lewis-base-stabilized [Ga2X4(MeCAAC)2] species (X = I, Cl). However, [Ga2Cl4(MeCAAC)2] was accessible through ligand exchange reaction of [Ga2Cl4(1,4-dioxane)2] with two equivalents of MeCAAC, due to the relatively weakly-coordinating nature of 1,4-dioxane. In an analogous fashion, three additional Lewis-base-stabilized digallanes(4) could be realized when the carbenes CyCAAC, SIDep und IDipp were used. The reactivity of the Lewis-base-stabilized digalliumtetrachlorides was tested towards different reducing agents. However, none of the reactions led to a distinct product formation and the synthesis of neutral, Ga-Ga multiple bond systems could not be realized in this manner. However, treatment of [Ga2Cl4(MeCAAC)2] with two equivalents of 1,3,2 diazaborolyllithium induced Ga-Ga bond cleavage and [GaCl2{B(NDippCH)2}(MeCAAC)] was isolated as the only boron-containing compound. The halide exchange reactions of the double Lewis-base adducts of digalliumtetrachloride were also investigated. Treatment of [Ga2Cl4(MeCAAC)2] and [Ga2Cl4(CyCAAC)2] with 1.3 molar equivalents of either BBr3 or BI3, well established reagents for halide exchange at other Group 13 elements, yielded the corresponding [Ga2X4(MeCAAC)2] (X = Br, I ) and [Ga2X4(CyCAAC)2] (X = Br, I), with retention of the carbene ligands. Also, the reaction of [Ga2Br4(CyCAAC)2] with BI3 afforded the fully iodinated species. In contrast to the MeCAAC-stabilized compounds, which feature extreme insolubility in common organic solvents, the CyCAAC-stabilized compounds could be characterized by NMR spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. 2 Lewis-base-stabilized beryllium compounds The reaction of BeCl2 with two equivalents 1,3,2-diazaborolyllithium provided the homoleptic, linear Be{B(NDippCH)2}2. In its 9Be NMR spectrum, the compound shows a chemical shift of δ = 45 ppm, significantly outside the normal range of two-coordinate beryllium compounds. The electrophilic nature of the beryllium center in Be{B(NDippCH)2}2 was calculated by quantum chemical calculations and demonstrated by its reactivity towards different substrates: methanolysis of Be{B(NDippCH)2}2 induced a Be-B bond cleavage, and, along with insoluble materials presumed to be the polymeric beryllium methanolate, cleanly afforded the protonated 1,3,2 diazaborole. The use of deuterated MeOD in the reaction confirmed methanol as the proton source. Treatment of Be{B(NDippCH)2}2 with one equivalent of the small carbene IMe effected addition at the beryllium center to yield the trigonal mixed Lewis-base adduct. The heteroleptic BeCl{B(NDippCH)2} could not be synthesized by the reaction of BeCl2 with equimolar amounts of 1,3,2-diazaborolyllithium. Therefore, [BeClCp*] was used as starting material for the synthesis of novel, heteroleptic sp-hybridized beryllium species. Treatment of [BeClCp*] with various NHCs did not lead to the expected adduct formation, but yielded, only in the case of IiPr, the metallocene [BeCp*2] and the double Lewis-base adduct [BeCl2(IiPr)2] in a ligand exchange reaction. The reaction of [BeClCp*] with equimolar amounts of 1,3,2 diazaborolyllithium formed the linear coordinated [BeCp*{B(NDippCH)2}] in a salt elimination reaction. A central part of this work was the monomerization of BeCl2 by the use of CAAC ligands. Four differerent [BeCl2(RCAAC)] species (R = Me, Cy, Et, Menth) were synthesized via reaction of the corresponding free carbenes and BeCl2. Furthermore, the reactivity of these kinds of compounds towards different substrates was investigated. Treatment of [BeCl2(MeCAAC)] with equimolar amounts of 1,3,2-diazaborolyllithium afforded the trigonal mixed Lewis-base adduct [BeCl{B(NDippCH)2}(MeCAAC)] in a salt elimination reaction. This compound showed limited stability under reduced pressure, in solution as well as in the solid state, and subsequently formed the protonated 1,3,2 diazaborole and a beryllium containing compound that could not be further identified. The reaction of [BeCl2(MeCAAC)] with Bogdanović-Magnesium ([Mg(C14H10)(thf)3]) provided the CAAC-stabilized berylliumanthracendiyl [Be(C14H10)(MeCAAC)], which was isolated as a red solid. The mechanism of this reaction might be described as a nucleophilic addition of the dianionic anthracene unit to the beryllium center with concomitant loss of MgCl2. [Be(C14H10)(MeCAAC)] shows structural similarities to the magnesium containing species [Mg(C14H10)(thf)3], as both compounds show a non-planar anthracene moiety in their solid-state structures, due to the loss of aromaticity of the substituent. None of the attempts to chemically reduce the various [BeCl2(RCAAC)] compounds with a range of one-electron reducing agents afforded a selective reaction product, and either decomposition products or starting materials were isolated. However, treatment of the Lewis-base adducts [BeCl2(MeCAAC)] and [BeCl2(CyCAAC)] with potassium graphite in the presence of an additional equivalent of RCAAC (R = Me, Cy) yielded the homoleptic and heteroleptic compounds [Be(CyCAAC)2], [Be(MeCAAC)2] and [Be(MeCAAC)(CyCAAC)]. The solid-state structures of the double Lewis-base stabilized beryllium compounds show linear geometries around the beryllium center and significant differences to their beryllium-containing starting materials. A contraction of the Be1-C1 bonds as well as an elongation of the ligand-centered C1-N1 bonds was observed, indicative of strong Be-C bonding. Whereas the beryllium atom is usually found in its +II oxidation state, the central atom in the linear [Be(CAAC)] compounds is formally in its elemental form. Therefore, these compounds represent the first neutral complexes with a formally zerovalent CAAC-stabilized s-block element. The unusual electronic structure of these compounds is emphasized by their deep violet color (λmax (THF) = 575/579 nm). Quantum chemical calculations describe the bonding situation in [Be(CAAC)2] with a combination of donor-acceptor interactions between two ground-state singlet CAAC ligands and Be(0) in a 1s22s02p2 electronic configuration, resulting in a 3c 2e- π bond stretching over the C Be C core. Furthermore, the stabilization arising from π backdonation from Be to the CAAC ligands was found to significantly predominate over that from σ-donation from CAAC to the beryllium center. The NHC-stabilized compounds [Be(IDipp)2] and [Be(IDipp)(IMes)] and the mixed NHC/CAAC-stabilized species [Be(MeCAAC)(NHC)] (NHC = IDipp, IMes, SIDep) could not be synthesized. This might be explained by the different electronic properties of the carbenes. On the one hand, the π-accepting abilities of the NHCs are likely insufficient to form a 3c 2e- π bond. On the other hand, the stability of the mixed CAAC/NHC stabilized Be(0) compounds might not be sufficient due to differences in the σ-donating and π accepting properties of the ligands, which limits the formation of a symmetrical 3c 2e- π bond across the C-Be-C unit.}, subject = {Beryllium}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Troester2023, author = {Tr{\"o}ster, Tobias}, title = {Darstellung und Reaktivit{\"a}t von Beryllolen sowie Dibenzoberyllolen}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-28911}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-289117}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit konnte zun{\"a}chst die Reaktivit{\"a}t des CAAC-substituierten 2,3,4,5-Tetraphenylberyllols gegen{\"u}ber h{\"a}ufig verwendeten Substraten f{\"u}r Ringerweiterungsreaktionen und Cycloadditionen untersucht werden. Weiterhin wurde die Darstellung eines neuen monocyclischen Beryllols beschrieben, welches aufgrund seines ver{\"a}nderten R{\"u}ckgrats eine erh{\"o}hte Reaktivit{\"a}t verspricht. In einem weiteren Teil dieser Arbeit wurde die Verbindungsklasse der Dibenzoberyllole erstmals zug{\"a}nglich gemacht. Zus{\"a}tzlich wurde deren Reduktionsverhalten und thermische Zersetzung beispielhaft anhand eines CAAC-substituierten Dibenzoberyllols aufgekl{\"a}rt. Im letzten Teil erfolgte die Untersuchung der Reaktivit{\"a}t dieser neuen Verbindungsklasse gegen{\"u}ber Lewisbasen und typischen Substraten f{\"u}r Ringerweiterungsreaktionen. Weiterhin wurde die M{\"o}glichkeit, Dibenzoberyllole als Transferreagenzien f{\"u}r das Biphenylr{\"u}ckgrat zu nutzen, ermittelt.}, subject = {Beryllium}, language = {de} }