@phdthesis{Langhojer2009, author = {Langhojer, Florian}, title = {New techniques in liquid-phase ultrafast spectroscopy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-39337}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Contents List of Publications 1 Introduction 2 Basic concepts and instrumentation 2.1 Mathematical description of femtosecond laser pulses 2.2 Optical quantities and measurements 2.2.1 Intensity 2.2.2 Absorbance and Beer-Lambert law 2.3 Laser system 2.4 General software framework for scientific data acquisition and simulation 2.4.1 Core components 2.4.2 Program for executing a single measurement sequence 2.4.3 Scan program 2.4.4 Evolutionary algorithm optimization program 2.4.5 Applications of the software framework 2.5 Summary 3 Generation of ultrabroadband femtosecond pulses in the visible 3.1 Nonlinear optics 3.1.1 Nonlinear polarization and frequency conversion 3.1.2 Phase matching 3.2 Optical parametric amplification 3.3 Noncollinear optical parametric amplifier 3.4 Considerations and experimental design of NOPA 3.4.1 Options for broadening the NOPA bandwidth 3.4.2 Experimental setup 3.5 NOPA pulse characterization 3.5.1 Second harmonic generation frequency-resolved optical gating 3.5.2 Transient grating frequency-resolved optical gating 3.6 Compression and shaping methods for NOPA pulses 3.6.1 Grating compressor 3.6.2 Prism compressor 3.6.3 Chirped mirrors 3.6.4 Detuned zero dispersion compressor 3.6.5 Deformable mirror pulse shaper 3.6.6 Liquid crystal pulse shaper 3.7 Liquid crystal pulse shaper 3.7.1 Femtosecond pulse shapers 3.7.2 Experimental design and parameters 3.7.3 Optical setup of the LC pulse shaper 3.7.4 Calibrations of the pulse shaper 3.8 Adaptive pulse compression 3.8.1 Closed loop pulse compression 3.8.2 Open loop pulse compression 3.9 Conclusions 4 Coherent optical two-dimensional spectroscopy 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Theory of third order nonlinear optical spectroscopies 4.2.1 Response function, electric fields, and signal field 4.2.2 Signal detection with spectral interferometry 4.2.3 Evaluation of two-dimensional spectra and phasing 4.2.4 Selection and classification of terms in induced nonlinear polarization 4.2.5 Oscillatory character of measured signal 4.3 Previous experimental implementations 4.4 Inherently phase-stable setup using conventional optics only 4.4.1 Manipulation of pulse pairs as a basis for stability 4.4.2 Experimental setup 4.4.3 Measurement procedure 4.4.4 Data evaluation 4.5 First experimental results 4.5.1 Demonstration of phase stability 4.5.2 2D spectrum of Nile Blue at room temperature 4.6 Summary and outlook 5 Product accumulation for ultrasensitive femtochemistry 5.1 The problem of sensitivity in femtochemistry 5.2 Accumulation for increased sensitivity 5.2.1 Comparison of conventional and accumulative sensitivity 5.2.2 Schematics and illustrative example 5.3 Experimental setup 5.4 Calibration and modeling of accumulation 5.5 Experiments on indocyanine green 5.5.1 Calibration of the setup 5.5.2 Chirped pulse excitation 5.5.3 Adaptive pulse shaping 5.6 Conclusions 6 Ultrafast photoconversion of the green fluorescent protein 6.1 Green fluorescent protein 6.2 Experimental setup for photoconversion of GFP 6.3 Calibration of the setup for GFP 6.3.1 Model for concentration dynamics of involved GFP species 6.3.2 Estimate of sensitivity 6.4 Excitation power study 6.5 Time-resolved two-color experiment 6.6 Time-delayed unshaped 400 nm - shaped 800 nm pulse excitation 6.6.1 Inducing photoconversion with chirped pulses 6.6.2 Photoconversion using third order phase pulses 6.7 Conclusions 7 Applications of the accumulative method to chiral systems 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Chiral asymmetric photochemistry 7.2.1 Continuous-wave circularly polarized light 7.2.2 Controlled asymmetric photochemistry using femtosecond laser pulses 7.3 Sensitive and fast polarimeter 7.3.1 Polarimeter setup 7.3.2 Detected signal I(t) 7.3.3 Angular amplification 7.3.4 Performance of the polarimeter 7.4 Molecular systems and mechanisms for enantioselective quantum control 7.4.1 Binaphthalene derivatives 7.4.2 Photochemical helicene formation 7.4.3 Spiropyran/merocyanine chiroptical molecular switches 7.5 Summary 8 Summary Zusammenfassung Bibliography Acknowledgements}, subject = {Ultrakurzzeitspektroskopie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Quast2012, author = {Quast, Tatjana}, title = {Spectroscopic investigation of charge-transfer processes and polarisation pulse shaping in the visible spectral range}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-74265}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {The first part deals with the spectroscopic investigation of ultrafast light-induced charge-transfer processes in different molecular compounds. In the second part, the question of the generation and characterisation of broadband visible polarisation-shaped laser pulses is treated.}, subject = {Polarisiertes Licht}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Tuchscherer2012, author = {Tuchscherer, Philip}, title = {A Route to Optical Spectroscopy on the Nanoscale}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-72228}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Time-resolved optical spectroscopy has become an important tool to investigate the dynamics of quantum mechanical processes in matter. In typical applications, a first "pump" pulse excites the system under investigation from the thermal equilibrium to an excited state, and a second variable time-delayed "probe" pulse then maps the dynamics of the excited system. Although advanced nonlinear techniques have been developed to investigate, e.g., coherent quantum effects, all of these techniques are limited in their spatial resolution. The laser focus diameter has a lower bound given by Abbe's diffraction limit, which is roughly half the optical excitation wavelength—corresponding to about 400nm in the presented experiments. In the time-resolved experiments that have been suggested so far, averaging over the sample volume within this focus cannot be avoided. In this thesis, two approaches were developed to overcome the diffraction limit in optical spectroscopy and to enable the investigation of coherent processes on the nanoscale. In the first approach, analytic solutions were found to calculate optimal polarizationshaped laser pulses that provide optical near-field pump-probe pulse sequences in the vicinity of a nanostructure. These near-field pulse sequences were designed to allow excitation of a quantum system at one specific position at a certain time and probing at a different position at a later time. In the second approach, the concept of coherent two-dimensional (2D) spectroscopy, which has had great impact on the investigation of coherent quantum effects in recent years, was combined with photoemission electron microscopy, which yields a spatial resolution well below the optical diffraction limit. Using the analytic solutions, optical near fields were investigated in terms of spectroscopic applications. Near fields that are excited with polarization-shaped femtosecond laser pulses in the vicinity of appropriate nanostructures feature two properties that are especially interesting in the view of spectroscopic applications: On the one hand, control of the spatial distribution of the optical fields is achieved on the order of nanometers. On the other hand, the temporal evolution of these fields can be adjusted on the order of femtoseconds. In this thesis, solutions were found to calculate the optimal polarizationshaped laser pulses that control the near field in a general manner. The main idea to achieve this deterministic control was to disentangle the spatial and temporal near-field control. First, the spatial distribution of the optical near field was controlled by assigning the correct state of polarization for each frequency within the polarization-shaped laser pulse independently. The remaining total phase—not employed for spatial control—was then used for temporal near-field compression, which, in experimental applications, would lead to an enhancement of the nonlinear signal at the respective location. In contrast to the use of optical near fields, where pump-probe sequences themselves are localized below the diffraction limit and the detection does not have to provide the spatial resolution, a different approach was suggested in this thesis to gain spectroscopic information on the nanoscale. The new method was termed "Coherent two-dimensional (2D) nanoscopy" and transfers the concept of "conventional" coherent 2D spectroscopy to photoemission electron microscopy. The pulse sequences used for the investigation of quantum systems in this method are still limited by diffraction. However, the new key concept is to detect locally generated photoelectrons instead of optical signals. This yields a spatial resolution that is well below the optical diffraction limit. In "conventional" 2D spectroscopy a triple-pulse sequence initiates a four wave mixing process that creates a coherence. In a quantum mechanical process, this coherence is converted into a population by emission of an electric field, which is measured in the experiment. Contrarily, in the developed 2D nanoscopy, four-wave mixing is initiated by a quadruple-pulse sequence, which leaves the quantum system in an electronic population. This electronic population carries coherent information about the investigated quantum system and can be mapped with a spatial resolution down to a few nanometers given by the spatial resolution of the photoemission electron microscope. Hence, 2D nanoscopy can be considered a generalization of time-resolved photoemission experiments. In the future, it may be of similar beneficial value for the field of photoemission research as "conventional" 2D spectroscopy has proven to be for optical spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance experiments. In a first experimental implementation of coherent 2D nanoscopy coherent processes on a corrugated silver surface were measured and unexpected long coherence lifetimes could be determined.}, subject = {Ultrakurzzeitspektroskopie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kullmann2013, author = {Kullmann, Martin Armin}, title = {Tracing Excited-State Photochemistry by Multidimensional Electronic Spectroscopy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-81276}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Light-induced excitation of matter proceeds within femtoseconds, resulting in excited states. Originating from these states chemical reaction mechanisms, like isomerization or bond formation, set in. Photophysical mechanisms like energy distribution and excitonic delocalization also occur. Thus, the reaction scheme has to be disentangled by assessing the importance of each process. Spectroscopic methods based on fs laser pulses have emerged as a versatile tool to study these reactions. Within this thesis time-resolved experiments with fs laser pulses on various molecular systems were performed. Novel photosystems, with possible applications ranging from ultrathin molecular wires to molecular switches, were extensively characterized. To resolve the complex kinetics of the investigated systems, time-resolved techniques had to be newly developed. By combining a visible excitation pulse pair with an additional pulse and a continuum probe electronic triggered-exchange two-dimensional spectroscopy (TE2D) was demonstrated for the first time. This goal was accomplished by combining a three-color transient-absorption setup with a pulse shaper. Hence, 2D spectroscopy with a continuum probe was also implemented. Using these methods two different molecular systems in solution were characterized in a comprehensive manner. (ZnTPP)2, a directly beta,beta'-linked Zn-metallated bisporphyrin, and a spiropyran-merocyanine photosystem, 6,8-dinitro BIPS, were characterized. (ZnTPP)2 is a homodimer, featuring strong excitonic effects. These manifest themselves in a twofold splitting of the Soret band (S2). 6,8-Dinitro BIPS exists in one of two possible conformations. The ring closed spiropyran absorbs only in the UV, while the ring open merocyanine also absorbs in the visible. For both molecular systems photodynamics upon illumination were monitored using transient-absorption. However, the obtained results were ambiguous, necessitating more complex methods. In the case of (ZnTPP)2 first the monomeric building block was characterized. There, population transfer from the S2 state into S1 within 2 ps was identified. Afterwards, intersystem crossing proceeds within 2 ns. For (ZnTPP)2 similar pathways were found, albeit the relaxation is faster. The intersystem crossing with 1.5 ns was not only indirectly deduced but directly measured by probing in the NIR spectral range. The excitonic influence of was investigated by coherent 2D spectroscopy in the Soret band. Population transfer within S2 was directly visualized on a time-scale of 100 fs. Calculation of the 2D spectra of a simple homodimer confirmed the results. After this analysis of the distinct excitonic character, this molecule may serve as a building block for larger porphyrin arrays with applications ranging from asymmetric catalysis over biomimicry of electron-transfer to organic optical devices. The second photosystem was the molecular switch 6,8-dinitro BIPS, existing in two conformations. Merocyanine is the more stable form in thermal equilibrium. Transient-absorption measurements uncovered that the sample consisted of a mixture of two merocyanine isomers, referred to as TTC and TTT. However, both isomers are capable of ring-closure forming spiropyran. The remaining excited molecules return to the ground state radiatively. Conducting 2D measurements utilizing a continuum probe the differing photochemistry of both isomers was examined in a single measurement. No isomerization between these conformations was detected. Therefore, 6,8-dinitro BIPS performs a concerted switching without long-living intermediates. This was confirmed by a pump-repump-probe scan. 6,8-DinitroBIPS can be closed by visible and opened by UV pulses using subsequent pulses and vice versa. These mechanisms via singlet pathways satisfy an important criterion for a unimolecular switching device. A second pump-repump-probe experiment showed that the sample is ionized, resulting in a merocyanine radical cation, when the first excited state is resonantly excited. Furthermore, by implementing TE2Dspectroscopy, it was elucidated that only TTC was ionized. Taking all this into account new techniques were developed and complex molecular systems were characterized within this thesis. Deeper insight into the photodynamics of (ZnTPP)2and 6,8-dinitro BIPS was gained by adapting transient absorption for the NIR spectral range, constructing a 2D setup in pump-probe geometry, and combining it with multipulse excitation to coherent TE2D. All techniques solved the questions for which they were constructed, but they are not limited to these cases. Especially TE2D opens new roads in photochemistry. By connecting reactant, product and the corresponding intermediates, a chemical reaction can be tracked through all stages, making unambiguous identification of the reactive states feasible. Thus, fundamental insight into the photochemistry of molecular compounds is gained.}, subject = {Femtosekundenspektroskopie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Henn2014, author = {Henn, Tobias}, title = {Hot spin carriers in cold semiconductors : Time and spatially resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect spectroscopy of optically induced electron spin dynamics in semiconductor heterostructures}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-110265}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The present thesis "Hot spin carriers in cold semiconductors" investigates hot carrier effects in low-temperature photoinduced magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE) microscopy of electron spins in semiconductor heterostructures. Our studies reveal that the influence of hot photocarriers in magneto-optical pump-probe experiments is twofold. First, it is commonly assumed that a measurement of the local Kerr rotation using an arbitrary probe wavelength maps the local electron spin polarization. This is the fundamental assumption that underlies the widely used two-color MOKE microscopy technique. Our continuous-wave (cw) spectroscopy experiments demonstrate that this assumption is not correct. At low lattice temperatures the nonresonant spin excitation by the focused pump laser inevitably leads to a strong heating of the electron system. This heating, in turn, locally modifies the magneto-optical coefficient which links the experimentally observed Kerr rotation to the electron spin polarization. As a consequence, the spin-induced local Kerr rotation is augmented by spin-unrelated changes in the magneto-optical coefficient. A spatially resolved measurement of the Kerr rotation then does not correctly map the electron spin polarization profile. We demonstrate different ways to overcome this limitation and to correctly measure the electron spin profile. For cw spectroscopy we show how the true local electron spin polarization can be obtained from a quantitative analysis of the full excitonic Kerr rotation spectrum. Alternatively, picosecond MOKE microscopy using a spectrally broad probe laser pulse mitigates hot-carrier effects on the magneto-optical spin detection and allows to directly observe the time-resolved expansion of optically excited electron spin packets in real-space. Second, we show that hot photocarriers strongly modify the spin diffusion process. Owing to their high kinetic energy, hot carriers greatly enhance the electron spin diffusion coefficient with respect to the intrinsic value of the undisturbed system. Therefore, for steady-state excitation the spin diffusivity is strongly enhanced close to the pump spot center where hot electrons are present. Similarly, for short delays following pulsed excitation the high initial temperature of the electrons leads to a very fast initial expansion of the spin packet which gradually slows as the electrons cool down to the lattice temperature. While few previous publications have recognized the possible influence of hot carriers on the electron spin transport properties, the present work is the first to directly observe and quantify such hot carrier contributions. We develop models which for steady-state and pulsed excitation quantitatively describe the experimentally observed electron spin diffusion. These models are capable of separating the intrinsic spin diffusivity from the hot electron contribution, and allow to obtain spin transport parameters of the undisturbed system. We perform extensive cw and time-resolved spectroscopy studies of the lattice temperature dependence of the electron spin diffusion in bulk GaAs. Using our models we obtain a consistent set of parameters for the intrinsic temperature dependence of the electron spin diffusion coefficient and spin relaxation time and the hot carrier contributions which quantitatively describes all experimental observations. Our analysis unequivocally demonstrates that we have, as we believe for the first time, arrived at a coherent understanding of photoinduced low-temperature electron spin diffusion in bulk semiconductors.}, subject = {Galliumarsenid}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Rewitz2014, author = {Rewitz, Christian}, title = {Far-Field Characterization and Control of Propagating Ultrashort Optical Near Fields}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-94887}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {In this work, femtosecond laser pulses are used to launch optical excitations on different nanostructures. The excitations are confined below the diffraction limit and propagate along the nanostructures. Fundamental properties of these ultrashort optical near fields are determined by characterizing the far-field emission after propagation with a setup developed for this task. Furthermore, control of the nanooptical excitations' spatial and temporal evolution is demonstrated for a designed nanostructure.}, subject = {Nahfeldoptik}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Fuchs2015, author = {Fuchs, Franziska}, title = {Optical spectroscopy on silicon vacancy defects in silicon carbide}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-124071}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {This work sheds light on different aspects of the silicon vacancy in SiC: (1) Defect creation via irradiation is shown both with electrons and neutrons. Optical properties have been determined: the excitation of the vacancy is most efficient at excitation wavelengths between 720nm and 800nm. The PL decay yields a characteristic excited state lifetime of (6.3±0.6)ns. (2) Defect engineering, meaning the controlled creation of vacancies in SiC with varying neutron fluence. The defect density could be engineered over eight orders of magnitude. On the one hand, in the sample with highest emitter density, the huge PL signal could even be enhanced by factor of five via annealing mechanisms. On the other hand, in the low defect density samples, single defects with photostable room temperature NIR emission were doubtlessly proven. Their lifetime of around 7ns confirmed the value of the transient measurement. (3) Also electrical excitation of the defects has been demonstrated in a SiC LED structure. (4) The investigations revealed for the first time that silicon vacancies can even exist SiC nanocrystals down to sizes of about 60 nm. The defects in the nanocrystals show stable PL emission in the NIR and even magnetic resonance in the 600nm fraction. In conclusion, this work ascertains on the one hand basic properties of the silicon vacancy in silicon carbide. On the other hand, proof-of-principle measurements test the potential for various defect-based applications of the vacancy in SiC, and confirm the feasibility of e.g. electrically driven single photon sources or nanosensing applications in the near future.}, subject = {Siliciumcarbid}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Quast2017, author = {Quast, Jan-Henrik}, title = {Influence of Hot Carriers on Spin Diffusion in Gallium Arsenide}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-147611}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Since the late 20th century, spintroncis has become a very active field of research [ŽFS04]. The prospect of spin based information technology, featuring strongly decreased energy consumption and possibly quantum-computation capabilities, has fueled this interest. Standard materials, like bulk gallium arsenide (GaAs), have experienced new attention in this context by exhibiting extraordinarily long lifetimes for nonequilibrium spin information, which is an important requirement for efficient spin based information storage and transfer. Another important factor is the lengthscale over which spin information can be transported in a given material and the role of external influences. Both aspects have been studied experimentally with innovative optical methods since the late 1990s by the groups of D. D. AWSHALOM and S. A. CROOKER et al. [KA99, CS05, CFL+05]. Although the pioneering experimental approaches presented by these authors led to a variety of insights into spin propagation, some questions were raised as well. Most prominently, the classical Einstein relation, which connects the mobility and diffusivity of a given particle species, seemed to be violated for electron spins in a bulk semiconductor. In essence, nonequilibrium spins appeared to move (diffuse) faster than the electrons that actually carry the spin. However, this contradiction was masked by the fact, that the material of interest was n-type GaAs with a doping concentration directly at the transition between metallic and insulating behavior (MIT). In this regime, the electron mobility is difficult to determine experimentally. Consequently, it was not a priori obvious that the spin diffusion rates determined by the newly introduced optical methods were in contradiction with established electrical transport data. However, in an attempt to extend the available data of optical spin microscopy, another issue surfaced, concerning the mathematical drift-diffusion model that has been commonly used to evaluate lateral spin density measurements. Upon close investigation, this model appears to have a limited range of applicability, due to systematic discrepancies with the experimental data (chapter 4). These deviations are noticeable in original publications as well, and it is shown in the present work that they originate from the local heating of electrons in the process of optical spin pumping. Based on insights gained during the second half of the 20th century, it is recapitulated why conduction electrons are easily overheated at cryogenic temperatures. The main reason is the poor thermal coupling between electrons and the crystal lattice (chapter 3). Experiments in the present work showed that a significant thermal gradient exists in the conduction band under local optical excitation of electron-hole pairs. This information was used to develop a better mathematical model of spin diffusion, which allowed to derive the diffusivity of the undisturbed system, due to an effective consideration of electron overheating. In this way, spin diffusivities of n-GaAs were obtained as a function of temperature and doping density in the most interesting regime of the metal-insulator-transition. The experiments presented in this work were performed on a series of n-type bulk GaAs samples, which comprised the transition between metallic conductivity and electrical insulation at low temperatures. Local electron temperature gradients were measured by a hyperspectral photoluminescence imaging technique with subsequent evaluation of the electron-acceptor (e,A\$^0\$) line shape. The local density of nonequilibrium conduction electron spins was deduced from scanning magneto-optic Kerr effect microscopy. Numerical evaluations were performed using the finite elements method in combination with a least-squares fitting procedure. Chapter 1 provides an introduction to historical and recent research in the field of spintronics, as far as it is relevant for the understanding of the present work. Chapter 2 summarizes related physical concepts and experimental methods. Here, the main topics are semiconductor optics, relaxation of hot conduction electrons, and the dynamics of nonequilibrium electron spins in semiconductors. Chapter 3 discusses optical heating effects due to local laser excitation of electron-hole pairs. Experimental evaluations of the acceptor-bound-exciton triplet lines led to the conclusion that the crystal lattice is usually not overheated even at high excitation densities. Here, the heat is efficiently dissipated to the bath, due to the good thermal conductivity of the lattice. Furthermore, the heating of the lattice is inherently limited by the weak heat transfer from the electron system, which on the other hand is also the reason why conduction electrons are easily overheated at temperatures below ≈ 30 K. Spatio-spectral imaging of the electron-acceptor-luminescence line shape allowed to trace the thermal gradient within the conduction band under focused laser excitation. A heat-diffusion model was formulated, which reproduces the experimental electron-temperature trend nicely for low-doped GaAs samples of n- and p-type. For high-doped n-type GaAs samples, it could be shown that the lateral electron-temperature profile is well approximated by a Gaussian. This facilitated easy integration of hot electron influence into the mathematical model of spin diffusion. Chapter 4 deals with magneto-optical imaging of optically induced nonequilibrium conduction-electron spins in n-GaAs close to the MIT. First, the spectral dependence of the magneto-optic Kerr effect was examined in the vicinity of the fundamental band gap. Despite the marked differences among the investigated samples, the spectral shape of the Kerr rotation could be described in terms of a simple Lorentz-oscillator model in all cases. Based on this model, the linearity of the Kerr effect with respect to a nonequilibrium spin polarization is demonstrated, which is decisively important for further quantitative evaluations. Furthermore, chapter 4 presents an experimental survey of spin relaxation in n-GaAs at the MIT. Here, the dependence of the spin relaxation time on bath temperature and doping density was deduced from Hanle-MOKE measurements. While all observed trends agree with established literature, the presented results extend the current portfolio by adding a coherent set of data. Finally, diffusion of optically generated nonequilibrium conduction-electron spins was investigated by scanning MOKE microscopy. First, it is demonstrated that the standard diffusion model is inapplicable for data evaluation in certain situations. A systematic survey of the residual deviations between this model and the experimental data revealed that this situation unfortunately persisted in published works. Moreover, the temperature trend of the residual deviations suggests a close connection to the local overheating of conduction electrons. Consequently, a modified diffusion model was developed and evaluated, in order to compensate for the optical heating effect. From this model, much more reliable results were obtained, as compared to the standard diffusion model. Therefore, it was shown conclusively that the commonly reported anomalously large spin diffusivities were at least in parts caused by overheated conduction electrons. In addition to these new insights some experimental and technological enhancements were realized in the course of this work. First, the optical resolution of scanning MOKE microscopy was improved by implementing a novel scanning mechanism, which allows the application of a larger aperture objective than in the usual scheme. Secondly, imaging photoluminescence spectroscopy was employed for spatially resolved electron-temperature measurements. Here, two different implementations were developed: One for lattice-temperature measurements by acceptor-bound exciton luminescence and a second for conduction-electron temperature measurements via the analysis of the electron-acceptor luminescence line shape. It is shown in the present work that the originally stated anomalously high spin diffusivities were caused to a large extent by unwanted optical heating of the electron system. Although an efficient method was found to compensate for the influence of electron heating, it became also evident that the classical Einstein relation was nonetheless violated under the given experimental conditions. In this case however, it could be shown that this discrepancy did not originate from an experimental artifact, but was instead a manifestation of the fermionic nature of conduction electrons.}, subject = {Galliumarsenid}, language = {en} } @unpublished{MuellerDraegerMaetal.2018, author = {M{\"u}ller, Stefan and Draeger, Simon and Ma, Kiaonan and Hensen, Matthias and Kenneweg, Tristan and Pfeiffer, Walter and Brixner, Tobias}, title = {Fluorescence-Detected Two-Quantum and One-Quantum-Two-Quantum 2D Electronic Spectroscopy}, series = {Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters}, journal = {Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters}, doi = {10.1021/acs.jpclett.8b00541}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-173468}, year = {2018}, abstract = {We demonstrate two-quantum (2Q) coherent two-dimensional (2D)electronic spectroscopy using a shot-to-shot-modulated pulse shaper and fluorescence detection. Broadband collinear excitation is realized with the supercontinuum output of an argon-filled hollow-core fiber, enabling us to excite multiple transitions simultaneously in the visible range. The 2Q contribution is extracted via a three-pulse sequence with 16-fold phase cycling and simulated employing cresyl violet as a model system. Furthermore, we report the first experimental realization of one-quantum-two-quantum (1Q-2Q) 2D spectroscopy, offering less congested spectra as compared with the 2Q implementation. We avoid scattering artifacts and nonresonant solvent contributions by using fluorescence as the observable. This allows us to extract quantitative information about doubly excited states that agree with literature expectations. The high sensitivity and background-free nature of fluorescence detection allow for a general applicability of this method to many other systems.}, subject = {Fluoreszenz}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Namal2018, author = {Namal, Imge}, title = {Fabrication and Optical and Electronic Characterization of Conjugated Polymer-Stabilized Semiconducting Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes in Dispersions and Thin Films}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-162393}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {In order to shrink the size of semiconductor devices and improve their efficiency at the same time, silicon-based semiconductor devices have been engineered, until the material almost reaches its performance limits. As the candidate to be used next in semiconducting devices, single-wall carbon nanotubes show a great potential due to their promise of increased device efficiency and their high charge carrier mobilities in the nanometer size active areas. However, there are material based problems to overcome in order to imply SWNTs in the semiconductor devices. SWNTs tend to aggregate in bundles and it is not trivial to obtain an electronically or chirally homogeneous SWNT dispersion and when it is done, a homogeneous thin film needs to be produced with a technique that is practical, easy and scalable. This work was aimed to solve both of these problems. In the first part of this study, six different polymers, containing fluorene or carbazole as the rigid part and bipyridine, bithiophene or biphenyl as the accompanying copolymer unit, were used to selectively disperse semiconducting SWNTs. With the data obtained from absorption and photoluminescence spectroscopy of the corresponding dispersions, it was found out that the rigid part of the copolymer plays a primary role in determining its dispersion efficiency and electronic sorting ability. Within the two tested units, carbazole has a higher π electron density. Due to increased π-π interactions, carbazole containing copolymers have higher dispersion efficiency. However, the electronic sorting ability of fluorene containing polymers is superior. Chiral selection of the polymers in the dispersion is not directly foreseeable from the selection of backbone units. At the end, obtaining a monochiral dispersion is found to be highly dependent on the used raw material in combination to the preferred polymer. Next, one of the best performing polymers due to high chirality enrichment and electronic sorting ability was chosen in order to disperse SWNTs. Thin films of varying thickness between 18 ± 5 to 755o±o5 nm were prepared using vacuum filtration wet transfer method in order to analyze them optically and electronically. The scalability and efficiency of the integrated thin film production method were shown using optical, topographical and electronic measurements. The relative photoluminescence quantum yield of the radiative decay from the SWNT thin films was found to be constant for the thickness scale. Constant roughness on the film surface and linearly increasing concentration of SWNTs were also supporting the scalability of this thin film production method. Electronic measurements on bottom gate top contact transistors have shown an increasing charge carrier mobility for linear and saturation regimes. This was caused by the missing normalization of the mobility for the thickness of the active layer. This emphasizes the importance of considering this dimension for comparison of different field effect transistor mobilities.}, subject = {Feldeffekttransistor}, language = {en} }