@phdthesis{Voeller2009, author = {V{\"o}ller, Thomas}, title = {Visualisierung und Manipulation neuronaler Aktivit{\"a}ten im Gehirn von Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-35589}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2009}, abstract = {In dieser Arbeit wurden zwei Techniken zur Analyse der Funktion diverser Neuronen in Drosophila melanogaster angewendet. Im ersten Teil wurde mittels in-vivo Calcium Imaging Technik unter Verwendung des Calciumsensors Cameleon neuronale Aktivit{\"a}t entlang des olfaktorischen Signalweges registriert. Hierbei wurde die neuronale Repr{\"a}sentation der Duftidentit{\"a}t und der Duftintensit{\"a}t untersucht. In Bezug auf diese Fragestellung wurde die Datenverarbeitung und Datenanalyse weiterentwickelt und standardisiert. Die Experimente f{\"u}hrten zu dem Ergebnis, dass duftspezifische Aktivit{\"a}tsmuster auf der Ebene des Antennallobus sehr gut unterscheidbar sind. Manche Aktivit{\"a}tsmuster der pr{\"a}sentierten D{\"u}fte zeigten interessanterweise einen hohen {\"A}hnlichkeitsgrad, wohingegen andere un{\"a}hnlich waren. In h{\"o}heren Gehirnzentren wie den Orten der terminalen Aborisationen der Projektionsneurone oder den Pilzk{\"o}rper Kenyonzellen liegt eine starke Variabilit{\"a}t der duftevozierten Aktivit{\"a}tsmuster vor, was generelle Interpretationen unm{\"o}glich macht und h{\"o}chstens Vergleiche innerhalb eines Individuums zul{\"a}sst. Des Weiteren konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Calciumsignale in den Rezeptorneuronen sowie pr{\"a}- und postsynaptisch in den Projektionsneuronen bei Erh{\"o}hung der Konzentration der verschiedenen pr{\"a}sentierten D{\"u}fte {\"u}ber einen Bereich von mindestens drei Gr{\"o}ßenordnungen ansteigen. In den Kenyonzellen des Pilzk{\"o}rper-Calyx und der Pilzk{\"o}rper-Loben ist diese Konzentrationsabh{\"a}ngigkeit weniger deutlich ausgepr{\"a}gt und im Falle der Loben nur f{\"u}r bestimmte D{\"u}fte detektierbar. Eine Best{\"a}tigung des postulierten „sparsed code" der Duftpr{\"a}sentation in den Pilzk{\"o}rpern konnte in dieser Arbeit nicht erbracht werden, was m{\"o}glicherweise daran liegt, dass eine Einzelzellaufl{\"o}sung mit der verwendeten Technik nicht erreicht werden kann. Im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit sollte durch die Nutzung des lichtabh{\"a}ngigen Kationenkanals Channelrhodopsin-2 der Frage nachgegangen werden, ob bestimmte modulatorische Neurone die verst{\"a}rkenden Eigenschaften eines bestrafenden oder belohnenden Stimulus vermitteln. Die lichtinduzierte Aktivierung von Channelrhodopsin-2 exprimierenden dopaminergen Neuronen als Ersatz f{\"u}r einen aversiven Reiz f{\"u}hrte bei einer olfaktorischen Konditionierung bei Larven zur Bildung eines aversiven assoziativen Ged{\"a}chtnisses. Im Gegensatz dazu induzierte die Aktivierung von Channelrhodopsin-2 in oktopaminergen/tyraminergen Neuronen als Ersatz f{\"u}r einen appetitiven Reiz ein appetitives assoziatives Ged{\"a}chtnis. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen, dass dopaminerge Neurone bei Larven aversives Duftlernen, oktopaminerge/tyraminerge Neurone dagegen appetitives Duftlernen induzieren.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{HuttererneeHerzog2024, author = {Hutterer, n{\´e}e Herzog, Katharina}, title = {Treatment-like use of discrimination training to reduce generalization of conditioned fear}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-31728}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-317286}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Anxiety patients overgeneralize fear, also because of an inability to perceptually discriminate threat and safety signals. Therefore, some studies have developed discrimination training that successfully reduced the occurrence of fear generalization. The present work is the first to take a treatment-like approach by using discrimination training after generalization has occurred. Therefore, two studies were conducted with healthy participants using the same fear conditioning and generalization paradigm, with two faces as conditioned stimuli (CSs), and four facial morphs between CSs as generalization stimuli (GSs). Only one face (CS+) was followed by a loud scream (unconditioned stimulus, US). In Study 1, participants underwent either fear-relevant (discriminating faces) or fear-irrelevant discrimination training (discriminating width of lines) or a non-discriminative control training between the two generalization tests, each with or without feedback (n = 20 each). Generalization of US expectancy was reduced more effectively by fear-relevant compared to fear-irrelevant discrimination training. However, neither discrimination training was more effective than non-discriminative control training. Moreover, feedback reduced generalization of US expectancy only in discrimination training. Study 2 was designed to replicate the effects of the discrimination-training conditions in a large sample (N = 244) and examine their benefits in individuals at risk for anxiety disorders. Again, feedback reduced fear generalization particularly well for US expectancy. Fear relevance was not confirmed to be particularly fear-reducing in healthy participants, but may enhance training effects in individuals at risk of anxiety disorder. In summary, this work provides evidence that existing fear generalization can be reduced by discrimination training, likely involving several (higher-level) processes besides perceptual discrimination (e.g., motivational mechanisms in feedback conditions). Its use may be promising as part of individualized therapy for patients with difficulty discriminating similar stimuli.}, subject = {Furcht}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gruber2010, author = {Gruber, Franz Andreas}, title = {Untersuchung zur Regulation der Expression des zuckerkonditionierten Verhaltens bei Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-48802}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {In dieser Doktorarbeit habe ich die Regulation der Expression des zuckerbelohnten Verhaltens durch den F{\"u}tterungszustand bei Drosophila melanogaster untersucht. Die Fliegen k{\"o}nnen w{\"a}hrend einer Trainingsphase mit Hilfe einer Zuckerbelohnung auf einen bestimmten Duft konditioniert werden. Nach dem Training k{\"o}nnen die Fliegen dann auf das olfaktorische Ged{\"a}chtnis getestet werden. Die Bereitschaft das zuckerkonditionierte Ged{\"a}chtnis im Test zu zeigen wird vom F{\"u}tterungszustand kontrolliert, wie ich in {\"U}bereinstimmung mit den Ergebnissen fr{\"u}herer Arbeiten demonstrierte (Tempel et al. 1983; Gruber 2006; Krashes et al. 2008). Nur nicht gef{\"u}tterte Fliegen exprimieren das Ged{\"a}chtnis, w{\"a}hrend F{\"u}tterungen bis kurz vor dem Test eine reversibel supprimierende Wirkung haben. Einen {\"a}hnlichen regulatorischen Einfluss {\"u}bt der Futterentzug auch auf die Expression anderer futterbezogener Verhaltensweisen, wie z.B. die naive Zuckerpr{\"a}ferenz, aus. Nachdem ich den drastischen Einfluss des F{\"u}tterungszustands auf die Auspr{\"a}gung des zuckerkonditionierten Verhaltens gezeigt bzw. best{\"a}tigt hatte, habe ich nach verhaltensregulierenden Faktoren gesucht, die bei einer F{\"u}tterung die Ged{\"a}chtnisexpression unterdr{\"u}cken. Als m{\"o}gliche Kandidaten untersuchte ich Parameter, die zum Teil bereits bei verschiedenen futterbezogenen Verhaltensweisen unterschiedlicher Tierarten als „S{\"a}ttigungssignale" identifiziert worden waren (Marty et al. 2007; Powley and Phillips 2004; Havel 2001; Bernays and Chapman 1974; Simpson and Bernays 1983; Gelperin 1971a). Dabei stellte sich heraus, dass weder die „ern{\"a}hrende" Eigenschaft des Futters, noch ein durch Futteraufnahme bedingter Anstieg der internen Glukosekonzentration f{\"u}r die Suppression des zuckerkonditionierten Ged{\"a}chtnisses notwendig sind. Die Unterdr{\"u}ckung der Ged{\"a}chtnisexpression kann auch nicht durch Unterschiede in den aufgenommenen Futtermengen, die als verhaltensinhibitorische Dehnungssignale des Verdauungstrakts wirken k{\"o}nnten, oder mit der St{\"a}rke des s{\"u}ßen Geschmacks erkl{\"a}rt werden. Die Suppression des zuckerbelohnten Verhaltens folgte den Konzentrationen der gef{\"u}tterten Substanzen und war unabh{\"a}ngig von deren chemischen Spezifit{\"a}t. Deshalb wird die Osmolarit{\"a}t des aufgenommenen Futters als ein entscheidender Faktor f{\"u}r die Unterdr{\"u}ckung der zuckerkonditionierten Ged{\"a}chtnisexpression angenommen. Weil nur inkorporierte Substanzen einen Unterdr{\"u}ckungseffekt hatten, wird ein osmolarit{\"a}tsdetektierender Mechanismus im K{\"o}rper 67 postuliert, wahrscheinlich im Verdauungstrakt und/oder der H{\"a}molymphe. Die H{\"a}molymphosmolarit{\"a}t ist als „S{\"a}ttigungssignal" bei einigen wirbellosen Tieren bereits nachgewiesen worden (Bernays and Chapman 1974; Simpson and Raubenheimer 1993; Gelperin 1971a; Phifer and Prior 1985). Deshalb habe ich mit Hilfe genetischer Methoden und ohne die Fliegen zu f{\"u}ttern, versucht {\"u}ber einen k{\"u}nstlich induzierten Anstieg der Trehaloseund Lipidkonzentrationen die Osmolarit{\"a}t der H{\"a}molymphe in Drosophila zu erh{\"o}hen. Eine solche konzentrationserh{\"o}hende Wirkung f{\"u}r Lipide und die Trehalose, dem Hauptblutzucker der Insekten, ist bereits f{\"u}r das adipokinetische Hormon (AKH), das von Zellen der Corpora cardiaca exprimiert wird, nachgewiesen worden (Kim and Rulifson 2004; Lee and Park 2004; Isabel et al. 2005). Es stellte sich heraus, dass die k{\"u}nstliche Stimulierung AKH-produzierender Neurone das zuckerkonditionierten Verhalten tempor{\"a}r, reversible und selektiv unterdr{\"u}ckt. Gleiche Behandlungen hatten keinen Effekt auf ein aversiv konditioniertes olfaktorisches Ged{\"a}chtnis oder ein naives Zuckerpr{\"a}ferenzverhalten. Wie aus dieser Arbeit hervorgeht, stellt wahrscheinlich die Osmolarit{\"a}t des Verdauungstrakts und der H{\"a}molymphe oder nur der H{\"a}molymphe ein physiologisches Korrelat zum F{\"u}tterungszustand dar und wirkt als unterdr{\"u}ckendes Signal. Dass F{\"u}tterungen das zuckerkonditionierte Verhalten und die Zuckerpr{\"a}ferenz supprimieren, die k{\"u}nstliche Stimulation AKH-produzierender Zellen aber selektiv nur die zuckerbelohnte Ged{\"a}chtnisexpression unterdr{\"u}ckt, deutet auf mindestens zwei unterschiedliche „S{\"a}ttigungssignalwege" hin. Außerdem macht es deutlich wie uneinheitlich futterbezogene Verhaltensweisen, wie das zuckerbelohnte Verhalten und die naive Zuckerpr{\"a}ferenz, reguliert werden.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Ewald2014, author = {Ewald, Heike}, title = {Influence of context and contingency awareness on fear conditioning - an investigation in virtual reality}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-111226}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Fear conditioning is an efficient model of associative learning, which has greatly improved our knowledge of processes underlying the development and maintenance of pathological fear and anxiety. In a differential fear conditioning paradigm, one initially neutral stimulus (NS) is paired with an aversive event (unconditioned stimulus, US), whereas another stimulus does not have any consequences. After a few pairings the NS is associated with the US and consequently becomes a conditioned stimulus (CS+), which elicits a conditioned response (CR). The formation of explicit knowledge of the CS/US association during conditioning is referred to as contingency awareness. Findings about its role in fear conditioning are ambiguous. The development of a CR without contingency awareness has been shown in delay fear conditioning studies. One speaks of delay conditioning, when the US coterminates with or follows directly on the CS+. In trace conditioning, a temporal gap or "trace interval" lies between CS+ and US. According to existing evidence, trace conditioning is not possible on an implicit level and requires more cognitive resources than delay conditioning. The associations formed during fear conditioning are not exclusively associations between specific cues and aversive events. Contextual cues form the background milieu of the learning process and play an important role in both acquisition and the extinction of conditioned fear and anxiety. A common limitation in human fear conditioning studies is the lack of ecological validity, especially regarding contextual information. The use of Virtual Reality (VR) is a promising approach for creating a more complex environment which is close to a real life situation. I conducted three studies to examine cue and contextual fear conditioning with regard to the role of contingency awareness. For this purpose a VR paradigm was created, which allowed for exact manipulation of cues and contexts as well as timing of events. In all three experiments, participants were guided through one or more virtual rooms serving as contexts, in which two different lights served as CS and an electric stimulus as US. Fear potentiated startle (FPS) responses were measured as an indicator of implicit fear conditioning. To test whether participants had developed explicit awareness of the CS-US contingencies, subjective ratings were collected. The first study was designed as a pilot study to test the VR paradigm as well as the conditioning protocol. Additionally, I was interested in the effect of contingency awareness. Results provided evidence, that eye blink conditioning is possible in the virtual environment and that it does not depend on contingency awareness. Evaluative conditioning, as measured by subjective ratings, was only present in the group of participants who explicitly learned the association between CS and US. To examine acquisition and extinction of both fear associated cues and contexts, a novel cue-context generalization paradigm was applied in the second study. Besides the interplay of cues and contexts I was again interested in the effect of contingency awareness. Two different virtual offices served as fear and safety context, respectively. During acquisition, the CS+ was always followed by the US in the fear context. In the safety context, none of the lights had any consequences. During extinction, a additional (novel) context was introduced, no US was delivered in any of the contexts. Participants showed enhanced startle responses to the CS+ compared to the CS- in the fear context. Thus, discriminative learning took place regarding both cues and contexts during acquisition. This was confirmed by subjective ratings, although only for participants with explicit contingency awareness. Generalization of fear to the novel context after conditioning did not depend on awareness and was observable only on trend level. In a third experiment I looked at neuronal correlates involved in extinction of fear memory by means of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Of particular interest were differences between extinction of delay and trace fear conditioning. I applied the paradigm tested in the pilot study and additionally manipulated timing of the stimuli: In the delay conditioning group (DCG) the US was administered with offset of one light (CS+), in the trace conditioning group (TCG) the US was presented 4s after CS+ offset. Most importantly, prefrontal activation differed between the two groups. In line with existing evidence, the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) was activated in the DCG. In the TCG I found activation of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC), which might be associated with modulation of working memory processes necessary for bridging the trace interval and holding information in short term memory. Taken together, virtual reality proved to be an elegant tool for examining human fear conditioning in complex environments, and especially for manipulating contextual information. Results indicate that explicit knowledge of contingencies is necessary for attitude formation in fear conditioning, but not for a CR on an implicit level as measured by FPS responses. They provide evidence for a two level account of fear conditioning. Discriminative learning was successful regarding both cues and contexts. Imaging results speak for different extinction processes in delay and trace conditioning, hinting that higher working memory contribution is required for trace than for delay conditioning.}, subject = {Klassische Konditionierung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bertolucci2008, author = {Bertolucci, Franco}, title = {Operant and classical learning in Drosophila melanogaster: the ignorant gene (ign)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-33984}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2008}, abstract = {One of the major challenges in neuroscience is to understand the neuronal processes that underlie learning and memory. For example, what biochemical pathways underlie the coincidence detection between stimuli during classical conditioning, or between an action and its consequences during operant conditioning? In which neural substructures is this information stored? How similar are the pathways mediating these two types of associative learning and at which level do they diverge? The fly Drosophila melanogaster is an appropriate model organism to address these questions due to the availability of suitable learning paradigms and neurogenetic tools. It permits an extensive study of the functional role of the gene S6KII which in Drosophila had been found to be differentially involved in classical and operant conditioning (Bertolucci, 2002; Putz et al., 2004). Genomic rescue experiments showed that olfactory conditioning in the Tully machine, a paradigm for Pavlovian olfactory conditioning, depends on the presence of an intact S6KII gene. This rescue was successfully performed on both the null mutant and a partial deletion, suggesting that the removal of the phosphorylating unit of the kinase was the main cause of the functional defect. The GAL4/UAS system was used to achieve temporal and spatial control of S6KII expression. It was shown that expression of the kinase during the adult stage was essential for the rescue. This finding ruled out a developmental origin of the mutant learning phenotype. Furthermore, targeted spatial rescue of S6KII revealed a requirement in the mushroom bodies and excluded other brain structures like the median bundle, the antennal lobes and the central complex. This pattern is very similar to the one previously identified with the rutabaga mutant (Zars et al., 2000). Experiments with the double mutant rut, ign58-1 suggest that both rutabaga and S6KII operate in the same signalling pathway. Previous studies had already shown that deviating results from operant and classical conditioning point to different roles for S6KII in the two types of learning (Bertolucci, 2002; Putz, 2002). This conclusion was further strengthened by the defective performance of the transgenic lines in place learning and their normal behavior in olfactory conditioning. A novel type of learning experiment, called "idle experiment", was designed. It is based on the conditioning of the walking activity and represents a purely operant task, overcoming some of the limitations of the "standard" heat-box experiment, a place learning paradigm. The novel nature of the idle experiment allowed exploring "learned helplessness" in flies, unveiling astonishing similarities to more complex organisms such as rats, mice and humans. Learned helplessness in Drosophila is found only in females and is sensitive to antidepressants.}, subject = {Klassische Konditionierung}, language = {en} }