@phdthesis{Hart2004, author = {Hart, Stefan}, title = {Characterisation of the molecular mechanisms of EGFR signal transactivation in human cancer}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-10067}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2004}, abstract = {In a variety of established tumour cell lines, but also in primary mammary epithelial cells metalloprotease-dependent transactivation of the EGFR, and EGFR characteristic downstream signalling events were observed in response to stimulation with physiological concentrations of GPCR agonists such as the mitogens LPA and S1P as well as therapeutically relevant concentrations of cannabinoids. Moreover, this study reveals ADAM17 and HB-EGF as the main effectors of this mechanism in most of the cancer cell lines investigated. However, depending on the cellular context and GPCR agonist, various different members of the ADAM family are selectively recruited for specific ectodomain shedding of proAR and/or proHB-EGF and subsequent EGFR activation. Furthermore, biological responses induced by LPA or S1P such as migration in breast cancer and HNSCC cells, depend on ADAM17 and proHB-EGF/proAR function, respectively, suggesting that highly abundant GPCR ligands may play a role in tumour development and progression. Moreover, EGFR signal transactivation could be identified as the mechanistic link between cannabinoid receptors and the activation of mitogen activated protein kinases (MAPK) ERK1/2 as well as pro-survival Akt/PKB signalling. Depending on the cellular context, cannabinoid-induced signal cross-communication was mediated by shedding of proAmphiregulin and/or proHB-EGF by ADAM17. Most importantly, our data show that concentrations of THC comparable to those detected in the serum of patients after THC administration accelerate proliferation of cancer cells instead of apoptosis and thereby may contribute to cancer progression in patients.}, subject = {Epidermaler Wachstumsfaktor-Rezeptor}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Semmel2005, author = {Semmel, Britta Birgit}, title = {Gentoxizit{\"a}t durch hormonell stimulierte Proliferation}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-18714}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Hormone spielen bei der Kanzerogenese eine wichtige Rolle, indem sie vor allem auf die Phase der Promotion einwirken und die Proliferation bereits initiierter Zellen steigern k{\"o}nnen. In dieser Arbeit wurden humane Ovarialkarzinomzellen mit {\"O}strogen, Insulin, IGF und EGF zur Proliferation angeregt, woraus eine erh{\"o}hte Mikrokernrate resultierte. Mikrokerne sind chromatinhaltige Strukturen, die außerhalb des Zellkerns liegen. Somit lag nahe, dass durch die Steigerung der Proliferation eine genetische Instabilt{\"a}t erzeugt wurde. Weitere Experimente zeigten eine Forcierung der genetisch gesch{\"a}digten Zellen durch den Zellzyklus, so dass vermutet werden kann, dass schnell proliferierende Zellen durch Verringerung der zellul{\"a}ren Reparaturmechanismen eine erh{\"o}hte Rate an genetischer Instabilit{\"a}t aufweisen. Unterst{\"u}tzt wird diese Hypothese durch Analyse diverser Zellzyklusregulationsproteine mittel Wester-Blot.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Wassermann2005, author = {Wassermann, Veronika}, title = {Ueber die Beteiligung der Hitzeschockproteine HSP27 und HSP70 an einer Resistenz, Resistenzentwicklung unter CMF-Therapie}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-12292}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Ein Problem der Therapie maligner Tumore ist die Resistez gegen{\"u}ber Chemotherapeutika. Diskutiert wird ein Zusammenhang zur Expression von Hitzeschockproteinen (HSP). Insbesondere das in Mamma-Karzinomen stark exprimierte HSP27 und HSP70 scheinen hier beteiligt. Hitzeschockproteine sind Teil eines durch Noxen induzierten Mechanismus, welcher Schutz vor weiterer Noxenexposition verleiht, also die entsprechenen Zellen im Unterschied zu nicht exponierten Kontrollzellen zu {\"u}berleben bef{\"a}higt. Es kommt nach einem Streßereignis zu einer Ver{\"a}nderung von Zelltod unter nachfolgenden Bedingungen, z.B. Verh{\"u}tung von Apoptose (physiologischer Zelltod). Tumortherapie mittels Zytostatika stellt eine „kontrollierte Apoptose" dar. Ziel dieser Therapie muß es also folglich sein, eine HSP-Induktion zu vermeiden, da eine solche den Therapieerfolg und Benefit f{\"u}r den Patienten schm{\"a}lert. Die Exposition einer Tumorzelle mit einem chemotherapeutisch wirksamen Medikament bedeutet f{\"u}r diese Zelle toxischen/oxidativen Streß, den sie nur durch Induktion entsprechender Abwehrmechanismen {\"u}berleben kann. Diese Mechanismen haben letztlich einen wesentlichen Einfluß auf die Wirksamkeit des Medikamentes und Profit des Patienten durch die ihm angebotene Therapie. Eine fr{\"u}he adaptive Zellantwort von S{\"a}ugerzellen auf toxische Einfl{\"u}sse stellt die Expression von Hitzeschockproteinen dar. Den Fokus der vorliegenden Untersuchungen stellen einerseits diejenigen Substanzen dar, welche heutzutage in der Therapie des Mamma-Karzinoms eingesetzt werden, den drei Einzelsubstanzen des CMF-Protokolls Methotrexat, 5-Fluorouracil und Cyclophosphamid, andererseits die Hitzeschockproteine mit der h{\"o}chsten bekannten Bedeutung f{\"u}r Tumorwachstum. In einem ersten Schritt wurde in vitro mit einem Zellsystem, welches durch Transfektion mit dem humanen hsp27-Gen bei bekannter HSP70-Induzierbarkeit als einfaches isoliertes Zellsystem ein gutes Werkzeug zur spezifischen Untersuchung dieser beiden Proteine darstellt, untersucht werden, inwieweit sich diese speziellen Proteine durch die unterschiedlichen Substanzgruppen des CMF-Protokolls induzieren lassen. Es wurde also nach einer adaptiven Zellantwort in Form einer Induktion von HSP27 und HSP70 nachfolgend einer Noxenexposition gesucht werden. In einem zweiten Schritt wurde untersucht, ob die f{\"u}r diese beiden HSPs postulierte zytoprotektive Eigenschaften auch f{\"u}r Zytostatika gelten. Es wurde {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft , inwieweit Chemotherapeutika unter dem Einfluß von HSP70 und HSP27 stehen, also inwieweit die Expression von HSP27 und HSP70 einen Zellschutz gegen toxischen Streß (durch CMF) in den verwendeten L929-Mausfibroblasten darstellen kann.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Robubi2007, author = {Robubi, Armin}, title = {RAF Kinases: Pathway, Modulation and Modeling}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-26953}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {The Ras/RAF/MEK/ERK cascade is a central cellular signal transduction pathway involved in cell proliferation, differentiation, and survival where RAF kinases are pivotal kinases implicated in cancer. The development of specific irreversible kinase inhibitors is a rewarding but difficult aim. CI-1033 was developed to irreversibly inhibit erbB receptor tyrosine kinases by reacting to the Cys113 residue (p38alpha MAP kinase numbering) of the kinase domain. In this study we tried a similar approach to target the RAF oncoproteins which posses a similar cysteine at position 108 in the hinge region between the small n-lobe and the large c-lobe of the kinase domain. A novel synthetic approach including a lyophilization step allowed us the synthesis of a diphenyl urea compound with an epoxide moiety (compound 1). Compound 1 possessed inhibitory activity in vitro. However our time kinetics experiments and mass spectroscopic studies clearly indicate that compound 1 does not react covalently with the cysteine residue in the hinge region. Moreover, in cell culture experiments, a strong activation of the RAF signaling pathway was observed, an effect which is known from several other RAF kinase inhibitors and is here reported for the first time for a diphenyl urea compound, to which the clinically used unspecific kinase inhibitor BAY 43-9006 (Sorafinib, Nexavar) belongs. Although activation was apparently independent on B- and C-RAF hetero-oligomerization in vitro, in vivo experiments support such a mechanism as the activation did not occur in starved knockout cells lacking either B-RAF or C-RAF. Furthermore, we developed a mathematical model of the Ras/RAF/MEK/ERK cascade demonstrating how stimuli induce different signal patterns and thereby different cellular responses, depending on cell type and the ratio between B-RAF and C-RAF. Based on biochemical data for activation and dephosphorylation, we set up differential equations for a dynamical model of the Ras/RAF/MEK/ERK cascade. We find a different signaling pattern and response result for B-RAF (strong activation, sustained signal) and C-RAF (steep activation, transient signal). We further support the significance of such differential modulatory signaling by showing different RAF isoform expression in various cell lines and experimental testing of the predicted kinase activities in B-RAF, C-RAF as well as mutated versions. Additionally the effect of the tumor suppressor DiRas3 (also known as Noey2 or ARHI) on RAF signaling was studied. I could show that DiRas3 down-regulates the mitogenic pathway by inhibition of MEK, a basis for a refined model of the Ras/RAF/MEK/ERK cascade.}, subject = {Systembiologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Weber2007, author = {Weber, Natalia}, title = {Psychosoziale Aspekte bei heredit{\"a}rer Mamma/Ovarial-Ca-Belastung}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-28330}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Untersuchung der psychischen Befindlichkeit und anderer gesundheitsbezogenen Konditionen der Frauen und M{\"a}nner mit famili{\"a}ren Mamma- und Ovarialkarzinomrisiko sowie die Kl{\"a}rung hinsichtlich der Bew{\"a}ltigung und Auswirkung genetischer Risikoinformation. Es wurden Risikowahrnehmung, Informationsstand, Inanspruchnahme der Beratungsangebote sowie der Fr{\"u}herkennungsmaßnahmen, Einstellung gegen{\"u}ber genetischer Brustkrebsdiagnostik und famili{\"a}rer/sozialer Kommunikation untersucht. Die vollst{\"a}ndig ausgef{\"u}llten Frageb{\"o}gen von Ratsuchenden und Betroffenen, die an der Beratung und Befragung im Zentrum f{\"u}r „Famili{\"a}ren Brust-/Eierstockkrebs" teilgenommen haben, wurden von uns ausgewertet. F{\"u}r die beratenden Institutionen ist das Wissen der vielf{\"a}ltigen psychischen und sozialen Folgen bei den Testsuchenden und deren Familien sehr wichtig. Nur so kann das Betreuungskonzept und das Beratungsangebot verbessert werden.}, subject = {Brustkrebs}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Laufer2008, author = {Laufer, Antje}, title = {Kombinierte zytogenetische und morphologische Analyse follikul{\"a}rer Non-Hodgkin Lymphome : Eine neue rekurrente chromosomale Aberration bei pr{\"a}dominant diffusen follikul{\"a}ren Lymphomen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-29701}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Das follikul{\"a}re Lymphom ist eines der h{\"a}ufigsten Non-Hodgkin Lymphome und {\"u}berwiegend eine Erkrankung des erwachsenen Menschen. In der WHO-Klassifikation ist es als ein Lymphom von Keimzentrumszellen definiert, das follikul{\"a}r und/oder diffus wachsen kann. Zur Subklassifikation follikul{\"a}rer Lymphome empfiehlt die WHO-Klassifikation eine Unterscheidung der Grade 1, 2 und 3 durch Ausz{\"a}hlen der Zentroblasten pro zehn Gesichtsfelder in starker Vergr{\"o}ßerung. Beim Grad 3A liegen neben Zentroblasten auch Zentrozyten vor. FL Grad 3B bestehen ausschließlich aus Zentroblasten. Hinsichtlich der Zytomorphologie, Immunhistologie und Genetik bestehen deutliche Unterschiede zwischen FL Grad 1, 2 und 3A gegen{\"u}ber FL Grad 3B. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass die weit {\"u}berwiegende Zahl der follikul{\"a}ren Lymphome Grad 1, 2 und 3A ein pr{\"a}dominant follikul{\"a}res Wachstumsmuster aufwies. Ein follikul{\"a}rer und diffuser Wuchstyp lag seltener vor. Noch seltener war ein {\"u}berwiegend bzw. „rein" diffuses Wachstumsmuster. Die mitotische und proliferative Aktivit{\"a}t stieg mit dem Tumorgrad linear an. Hinsichtlich der CD10 Reaktivit{\"a}t, der BCL-2 und p53 Expression sowie des Nachweises einer sekretorischen Differenzierung ergaben sich beim Vergleich der FL Grad 1 bis 3A keine statistisch signifikanten Unterschiede. Die BCL-2 Expression nahm allerdings bei den FL1-3A mit zunehmendem Grad ab. In zytogenetischen Untersuchungen wurden in allen follikul{\"a}ren Lymphomen Grad 1 bis 3A prim{\"a}re bzw. sekund{\"a}re Chromosomenaberrationen gefunden. Unter den rekurrenten chromosomalen Alterationen trat die Translokation t(14;18)(q32;q21) am h{\"a}ufigsten auf und war insbesondere bei follikul{\"a}ren Lymphomen Grad 1 und 2, in etwas geringerem Maße auch bei FL Grad 3A anzutreffen. Diese Translokation scheint also in einem fr{\"u}hen Stadium der B-Zell-Entwicklung aufzutreten und f{\"u}hrt prim{\"a}r zu einem h{\"o}her differenzierten (zentrozytenreichen) Lymphom. Die t(14;18) bedingt zumeist eine {\"U}berexpression des BCL-2 Gens, die sich auch immunhistochemisch nachweisen l{\"a}sst und diagnostische Verwendung findet. Das BCL-2 Protein ist daher von Nutzen f{\"u}r die Unterscheidung neoplastischer von reaktiven Follikeln, nicht aber, um follikul{\"a}re von anderen „low grade" B-Zell Lymphomen zu unterscheiden. Die sekund{\"a}ren Alterationen charakterisieren bestimmte undifferenzierte Stadien mit hohem Blastenanteil und einer hohen mitotischen und proliferativen Aktivit{\"a}t. In zytogenetischen Untersuchungen von {\"u}berwiegend diffus wachsenden FL konnte keine Translokation t(14;18)(q32;q21) nachgewiesen werden. Die identische Morphologie dieser Lymphome und die identischen Ver{\"a}nderungen auch auf genetischer Ebene deuten auf die nahe Verwandtschaft der {\"u}berwiegend diffus wachsenden FL mit den typischen Keimzentrums-lymphomen hin. Es handelt sich jedoch um eine eigenst{\"a}ndige Identit{\"a}t, die differenzierten Keimzentrumslymphome, die wahrscheinlich aufgrund des Fehlens einer t(14;18)(q32;q21) ein prim{\"a}r und ausgepr{\"a}gt diffuses Wachstumsmuster aufweisen.}, subject = {Lymphdr{\"u}se}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Laisney2010, author = {Laisney, Juliette Agn{\`e}s Genevi{\`e}ve Claire}, title = {Characterisation and regulation of the Egfr/Egfr ligand system in fish models for melanoma}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-51369}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Fish of the genus Xiphophorus belong to the oldest animal models in cancer research. The oncogene responsible for the generation of spontaneous aggressive melanoma encodes for a mutated epidermal growth factor receptor (Egfr) and is called xmrk for Xiphophorus melanoma receptor kinase. Xmrk constitutive activation mechanisms and subsequent signaling pathways have already been investigated and charaterized but it is still unknown if Egfr ligands may also play a role in Xmrk-driven melanoma formation. To investigate the potential role of Egfr ligands in Xmrk-driven melanoma, I firstly analyzed the evolution of teleost and tetrapod Egfr/Egfr ligand systems. I especially focused on the analysis on the medaka fish, a closely related species to Xiphophorus, for which the whole genome has been sequenced. I could identify all seven Egfr ligands in medaka and could show that the two teleost-specific Egfr copies of medaka display dissimilar expression patterns in adult tissues together with differential expression of Egfr ligand subsets, arguing for subfunctionalization of receptor functions in this fish. Our phylogenetic and synteny analyses supported the hypothesis that only one gene in the chordate ancestor gave rise to the diversity of Egfr ligands found in vertebrate genomes today. I also could show that the Egfr extracellular subdomains implicated in ligand binding are not evolutionary conserved between tetrapods and teleosts, making the use of heterologous ligands in experiments with fish cells debatable. Despite its well understood and straight-forward process, Xmrk-driven melanomagenesis in Xiphophorus is problematic to further investigate in vivo. Our laboratory recently established a new melanoma animal model by generating transgenic mitf::xmrk medaka fishes, a Xiphophorus closely related species offering many more advantages. These fishes express xmrk under the control of the pigment-cell specific Mitf promoter. During my PhD thesis, I participated in the molecular analysis of the stably transgenic medaka and could show that the Xmrk-induced signaling pathways are similar when comparing Xiphophorus with transgenic mitf::xmrk medaka. These data together with additional RNA expression, protein, and histology analyses showed that Xmrk expression under the control of a pigment cell-specific promoter is sufficient to induce melanoma in the transgenic medaka, which develop very stereotyped tumors, including uveal and extracutaneous melanoma, with early onset during larval stages. To further investigate the potential role of Egfr ligands in Xmrk-driven melanoma, I made use of two model systems. One of them was the above mentioned mitf::xmrk medaka, the other was an in-vitro cell culture system, where the EGF-inducible Xmrk chimera HERmrk is stably expressed in murine melanocytes. Here I could show that HERmrk activation strongly induced expression of amphiregulin (Areg) and heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor (Hbegf) in melanocytes. This regulation was dependent on the MAPK and SRC signaling pathways. Moreover, upregulation of Adam10 and Adam17, the two major sheddases of Egfr ligands, was observed. I also could demonstrate the functionality of the growth factors by invitro analyses. Using the mitf::xmrk medaka model I could also show the upregulation of a subset of ligand genes, namely egf, areg, betacellulin (btc) and epigen (epgn) as well as upregulation of medaka egfrb in tumors from fish with metastatic melanoma. All these results converge to support an Xmrk-induced autocrine Egfr ligand loop. Interestingly, my in-vitro experiments with conditioned supernatant from medaka Egf- and Hbegf-producing cells revealed that not only Xiphophorus Egfrb, but also the pre-activated Xmrk could be further stimulated by the ligands. Altogether, I could show with in-vitro and in-vivo experiments that Xmrk is capable of inducing a functional autocrine Egfr ligand loop. These data confirm the importance of autocrine loops in receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK)-dependent cancer development and show the possibility for a constitutively active RTK to strengthen its oncogenic signaling by ligand binding.}, subject = {Schwertk{\"a}rpfling}, language = {en} } @article{HessStritzkerHaertletal.2011, author = {Hess, Michael and Stritzker, Jochen and H{\"a}rtl, Barbara and Sturm, Julia and Gentschev, Ivaylo and Szalay, Aladar}, title = {Bacterial glucuronidase as general marker for oncolytic virotherapy or other biological therapies}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-69163}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Background: Oncolytic viral tumor therapy is an emerging field in the fight against cancer with rising numbers of clinical trials and the first clinically approved product (Adenovirus for the treatment of Head and Neck Cancer in China) in this field. Yet, until recently no general (bio)marker or reporter gene was described that could be used to evaluate successful tumor colonization and/or transgene expression in other biological therapies. Methods: Here, a bacterial glucuronidase (GusA) encoded by biological therapeutics (e.g. oncolytic viruses) was used as reporter system. Results: Using fluorogenic probes that were specifically activated by glucuronidase we could show 1) preferential activation in tumors, 2) rena l excretion of the activated fluorescent compounds and 3) reproducible detection of GusA in the serum of oncolytic vaccinia virus treated, tumor bearing mice in several tumor models. Time course studies revealed that reliable differentiation between tumor bearing and healthy mice can be done as early as 9 days post injection of the virus. Regarding the sensitivity of the newly developed assay system, we could show that a single infected tumor cell could be reliably detected in this assay. Conclusion: GusA therefore has the potential to be used as a general marker in the preclinical and clinical evaluation of (novel) biological therapies as well as being useful for the detection of rare cells such as circulating tumor cells}, subject = {Virologie}, language = {en} } @article{KlementKaemmerer2011, author = {Klement, Rainer and K{\"a}mmerer, Ulrike}, title = {Is there a role for carbohydrate restriction in the treatment and prevention of cancer?}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-69178}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Over the last years, evidence has accumulated suggesting that by systematically reducing the amount of dietary carbohydrates (CHOs) one could suppress, or at least delay, the emergence of cancer, and that proliferation of already existing tumor cells could be slowed down. This hypothesis is supported by the association between modern chronic diseases like the metabolic syndrome and the risk of developing or dying from cancer. CHOs or glucose, to which more complex carbohydrates are ultimately digested, can have direct and indirect effects on tumor cell proliferation: first, contrary to normal cells, most malignant cells depend on steady glucose availability in the blood for their energy and biomass generating demands and are not able to metabolize significant amounts of fatty acids or ketone bodies due to mitochondrial dysfunction. Second, high insulin and insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1 levels resulting from chronic ingestion of CHO-rich Western diet meals, can directly promote tumor cell proliferation via the insulin/IGF1 signaling pathway. Third, ketone bodies that are elevated when insulin and blood glucose levels are low, have been found to negatively affect proliferation of different malignant cells in vitro or not to be usable by tumor cells for metabolic demands, and a multitude of mouse models have shown antitumorigenic properties of very low CHO ketogenic diets. In addition, many cancer patients exhibit an altered glucose metabolism characterized by insulin resistance and may profit from an increased protein and fat intake. In this review, we address the possible beneficial effects of low CHO diets on cancer prevention and treatment. Emphasis will be placed on the role of insulin and IGF1 signaling in tumorigenesis as well as altered dietary needs of cancer patients.}, subject = {Medizin}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Polzien2011, author = {Polzien, Lisa}, title = {BAD Phosphorylation: A Novel Link between Apoptosis and Cancer}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-56919}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {BAD (Bcl-2 antagonist of cell death, Bcl-2 associated death promoter) is a pro-apoptotic member of the Bcl-2 protein family that is regulated by phosphorylation in response to survival factors. Although much attention has been devoted to the identification of phosphorylation sites in murine BAD (mBAD), little data are available with respect to phosphorylation of human BAD (hBAD) protein. In this work, we investigated the quantitative contribution of BAD targeting kinases in phosphorylating serines 75, 99 and 118 of hBAD (Chapter 3.1). Our results indicate that RAF kinases phosphorylate hBAD in vivo at these established serine residues. RAF-induced phosphorylation of hBAD was not prevented by MEK inhibitors but could be reduced to control levels by use of the RAF inhibitor Sorafenib (BAY 43-9006). Consistently, expression of active RAF suppressed apoptosis induced by hBAD and the inhibition of colony formation caused by hBAD could be prevented by RAF. In addition, using surface plasmon resonance technique we analyzed the direct consequences of hBAD phosphorylation by RAF with respect to complex formation of BAD with 14-3-3 proteins and Bcl-XL. Phosphorylation of hBAD by active RAF promotes 14-3-3 protein association, whereby the phosphoserine 99 represents the major binding site. Furthermore, we demonstrate in this work that hBAD forms channels in planar bilayer membranes in vitro. This pore-forming capacity is dependent on phosphorylation status and interaction with 14-3-3 proteins. Additionally, we show that hBAD pores possess a funnel-shaped geometry that can be entered by ions and non-charged molecules up to 200 Da (Chapter 3.2). Since both lipid binding domains of hBAD (LBD1 and LBD2) are located within the C-terminal region, we investigated this part of the protein with respect to its structural properties (Chapter 3.3). Our results demonstrate that the C-terminus of hBAD possesses an ordered β-sheet structure in aqueous solution that adopts helical disposition upon interaction with lipid membranes. Additionally, we show that the interaction of the C-terminal segment of hBAD with the BH3 domain results in the formation of permanently open pores, whereby the phosphorylation of serine 118 proved to be necessary for effective pore-formation. In contrast, phosphorylation of serine 99 in combination with 14-3-3 association suppresses formation of channels. These results indicate that the C-terminal part of hBAD controls hBAD function by structural transitions, lipid binding and phosphorylation. Using mass spectrometry we identified in this work, besides the established in vivo phosphorylation sites at serines 75, 99 and 118, several novel hBAD phosphorylation sites (serines 25, 32/34, 97, 124 and 134, Chapter 3.1). To further analyze the regulation of hBAD function, we investigated the role of these newly identified phosphorylation sites on BAD-mediated apoptosis. We found that in contrast to the N-terminal phosphorylation sites, the C-terminal serines 124 and 134 act in an anti-apoptotic manner (Chapter 3.4). Our results further indicate that RAF kinases and PAK1 effectively phosphorylate BAD at serine 134. Notably, in the presence of wild type hBAD, co-expression of survival kinases, such as RAF and PAK1, leads to a strongly increased proliferation, whereas substitution of serine 134 by alanine abolishes this process. Furthermore, we identified hBAD serine 134 to be strongly involved in survival signaling in B-RAF-V600E containing tumor cells and found phosphorylation of this residue to be crucial for efficient proliferation in these cells. Collectively, our findings provide new insights into the regulation of hBAD function by phosphorylation and its role in cancer signaling.}, subject = {Krebs }, language = {en} }