@phdthesis{Schmidt2012, author = {Schmidt, Traudel}, title = {Establishment of Hey-triple-KO-ES cells and characterisation of Bre, a Hey binding partner}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-85459}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Hey1, Hey2 and HeyL are downstream effectors of the Notch signalling pathway. Hey genes play decisive roles during embryonic development for example in cardiovascular development. However, the precise transcriptional programmes and genes, which are affected by each single Hey gene, are still poorly understood. One drawback for the analysis of Hey1, Hey2 or HeyL single gene function is that these genes are co-expressed in many tissues and share a high degree of functional redundancy. Thus, it was necessary to establish a system, which is either devoid of Hey expression, or just comprises one single Hey gene family member. For this, Hey1(fl/fl)/Hey2(-/-)/HeyL(-/-)- as well as Hey-triple- knock out (KO)-ES cells (embryonic stem cells) were generated in this work, because ES cells and their differentiation as EBs (embryoid bodies) represent a valuable tool for the in vitro analysis of embryonic developmental processes. After the establishment of Hey1(fl/fl)/Hey2(-/-)/HeyL(-/-)- and Hey-triple- KO-ES cells, it could be seen by ALP staining and pluripotency marker expression that loss of Hey expression did not affect ES cell pluripotency features. Thus, these ES cells represent bona fide ES cells and could be further used for the differentiation as EBs. Here, differences in gene expression between Hey1(fl/fl)/Hey2(-/-)/HeyL(-/-)- and Hey-triple- KO-ES cells (after the loss of Hey1) could be observed in realtime-RT-PCR analysis for the endodermal marker AFP as well as for neural and myogenic markers in d10 EBs. However, the establishment of inducible Hey1, Hey2 or HeyL ES cell lines will be essential to confirm these findings and to search for novel Hey target genes. To get further insight into the mode of Hey action, the analysis of Hey interaction partners is necessary. One such binding partner, the Bre protein, has previously been found in a yeast-two-hybrid screen. Bre has been described to be a member of two distinct complexes (i.e. the nuclear BRCA1-A complex with a function in DNA damage response and the cytoplasmic BRISC complex), to directly interact with the TNF-receptor and Fas and to interfere with apoptotic signalling. The Hey-Bre interaction could be further corroborated in this work; yet, it was not possible to narrow down the interaction site of Bre with Hey1. It rather seems that non-overlapping parts of the Bre protein may bind to Hey. This interaction may be direct- pointing to more than one interaction site inside the Bre protein - or via a common binding partner such as the endogenous Bre protein itself. Besides the interaction studies, functional assays were performed for a more detailed characterisation of Hey1 and Bre interaction. Here, it could be shown that Hey1 over-expression did not have any influence on Bre sub-cellular localisation. Interestingly, it could be demonstrated that Bre positively interfered with Hey1 repressive function in luciferase assays at three of four promoters analysed. Moreover, interaction with Bre seems to lead to a stabilisation of Hey1. As Bre has been described to modulate the E3-ligase activity intrinsic to the BRCC complex it was analysed whether Bre over-expression results in an ubiquitination of Hey1. Yet, this could not be observed in the present work. Furthermore, an interaction of Bre with ubiquitinated proteins could not be demonstrated in an ubiquitin binding assay. To obtain a better insight into Bre function, Bre LacZ gene trap-ES cells and animals were generated. However, realtime-RT-analyses revealed that these cells and mice did not show a loss of Bre expression on mRNA level indicating that insertion mutagenesis did not occur as expected. However, embryos derived from these mice could nevertheless be used for the detection of tissues with Bre expression by β-galactosidase staining. Bre deficiency on mRNA levels was only achieved after the deletion of the floxed exon 3 resulting in the generation of Bre del-mice. Bre del-mice were fertile and without any obvious phenotype and they were used for the generation of Bre del- and wt-MEFs (murine embryonic fibroblasts). Characterisation of these cells showed that proliferation was not affected after loss of Bre (neither under normal nor under stress conditions). However, loss of Bre notably resulted in a reduction in the BRCA1 DNA damage response, in a slightly increased sensitivity towards apoptosis induction by FasL treatment and in an increase in the K63-poly-ubiquitin content in Bre del-cytoplasmic fractions, probably linked to a change in the BRISC de-ubiquitinase activity. Even though these results have the same tendencies as observed in former studies, the effects in the present work are less striking. Further studies as well as intercrossing of Bre del- to Hey KO-animals will be necessary to further understand the functional relevance of Hey and Bre interaction.}, subject = {Embryonale Stammzelle}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Vetter2012, author = {Vetter, Sebastian}, title = {Elektrophysiologische Charakterisierung von STIM2-Knock-Out-M{\"a}usen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-77005}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Um eine m{\"o}gliche elektrophysiologische, kardiale Ursache f{\"u}r den pl{\"o}tzlichen Tod von STIM2 Knock-Out M{\"a}usen zu pr{\"u}fen, wurde eine elektrophysiologische Charakterisierung mittels Ruhe- und Stress-EKG, telemetrischem Langzeit-EKG sowie Elektrophysiologischer Untersuchung durchgef{\"u}hrt. Hierbei konnte keine kardial-elektrophysiologische Grundlage f{\"u}r den pl{\"o}tzlichen Tod dieser Tiere gefunden werden.}, subject = {Knock-Out }, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Waider2012, author = {Waider, Jonas}, title = {The effects of serotonin deficiency in mice: Focus on the GABAergic system}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-74565}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Based on genetic association and functional imaging studies, reduced function of tryptophan hydroxylase-2 (TPH2) has been shown to be critically involved in the pathophysiology of anxiety-disorders and depression. In order to elucidate the impact of a complete neuronal 5-HT deficiency, mice with a targeted inactivation of the gene encoding Tph2 were generated. Interestingly, survival of Tph2-/- mice, the formation of serotonergic neurons and the pathfinding of their projections was not impaired. Within this thesis, I investigated the influence of 5-HT deficiency on the γ-amino butyric acid (GABA) system. The GABAergic system is implicated in the pathophysiology of anxiety disorders. Therefore, measurement of GABA concentrations in different limbic brain regions was carried out. These measurements were combined with immunohistochemical estimation of GABAergic cell subpopulations in the dorsal hippocampus and amygdala. In Tph2-/- mice GABA concentrations were increased exclusively in the dorsal hippocampus. In heterozygous Tph2+/- mice concentrations of GABA were increased in the amygdala compared to Tph2-/- and wt control mice, while the reverse was found in the prefrontal cortex. The changes in GABA concentrations were accompanied by altered cell density of GABAergic neurons within the basolateral complex of the amygdala and parvalbumin (PV) neurons of the dorsal hippocampus and by adaptational changes of 5-HT receptors. Thus, adaptive changes during the development on the GABA system may reflect altered anxiety-like and depressive-like behavior in adulthood. Moreover, chronic mild stress (CMS) rescues the depressive-like effects induced by 5-HT deficiency. In contrast, 5-HT is important in mediating an increased innate anxiety-like behavior under CMS conditions. This is in line with a proposed dual role of 5-HT acting through different mechanisms on anxiety and depressive-like behavior, which is influenced by gene-environment interaction effects. Further research is needed to disentangle these complex networks in the future.}, subject = {Knockout }, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Pleiser2012, author = {Pleiser, Sandra}, title = {Mouse genetic analyses of Spir functions}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-73634}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Das Aktin-Zytoskelett ist f{\"u}r viele zellul{\"a}re Funktionen unerl{\"a}sslich, dazu geh{\"o}ren der strukturelle Aufbau von Zellen, die Zellwanderung und Vesikeltransportprozesse. Die funktionelle Vielfalt der Aktinstrukturen spiegelt sich in einer Vielzahl verschiedener molekularer Mechanismen wieder, welche die Polymerisierung von Aktinfilamenten regulieren. Die sponante Aktinpolymerisierung wird jedoch verhindert aufgrund der Instabilit{\"a}t von kleinen Aktin Oligomeren und durch Aktin Monomer bindende Proteine, welche die Bildung solcher Oligomere unterbinden. Aktinnukleationsfaktoren helfen diese kinetische Barriere der Filamentbildung zu {\"u}berwinden und sind wesentlich f{\"u}r die Erzeugung von neuen Aktinfilamenten an bestimmten subzellul{\"a}ren Kompartimenten. Spir Proteine sind die ersten beschriebenen Mitglieder der neuen Klasse von WH2 Dom{\"a}nen Aktinnukleationsfaktoren. Sie leiten die Polymerisierung von Aktin ein, indem sie Aktinmonomere an die vier WH2 Dom{\"a}nen im Zentrum des Proteins binden. Trotz ihrer Eigenschaft Aktinpolymerisation in vitro selber zu nukleieren, bilden Spir Proteine einen regulatorischen Komplex mit anderen Aktinnukleatoren der formin Untergruppe von forminen. Spir hat eine Funktion bei der Regulierung von vesikul{\"a}r erzeugten filament{\"o}sen Aktinstrukturen, Vesikeltransportprozessen und der Bildung der Teilungsfurche w{\"a}hrend der asymmetrischen meiotischen Zellteilung. Das S{\"a}ugetiergenom kodiert zwei spir Gene, spir-1 und spir-2. Die entsprechenden Proteine haben einen identischen strukturellen Aufbau und sind zu einem großen Teil homolog zueinander. Um die Spir Funktion im sich entwickelnden und adulten Nervensystem zu untersuchen, wurde die bisher unbekannte Expression des Maus spir-2 Gens analysiert. Real-time PCR Analysen haben ergeben, dass spir-2 in adulten M{\"a}usen in Oozyten, dem Gehirn, im Gastrointestinaltrakt, den Hoden und der Niere exprimiert wird. In situ Hybridisierungen wurden durchgef{\"u}hrt um die zellul{\"a}re Natur der spir Expression nachzuweisen. W{\"a}hrend der Embryogenese haben in situ Hybridisierungen gezeigt, dass spir-2 im sich entwickelnden Nervensytem und Darmtrakt exprimiert wird. In adulten Mausgeweben, wurde die h{\"o}chste Expression von spir-2 in Epithelzellen des Verdauungstraktes, in neuronalen Zellen des Nervensystems und in Spermatocyten gefunden. Im Gegensatz zur eher begrenzten Expression des Maus spir-1 Gens, welches {\"u}berwiegend im Nervensystem, den Oozyten und Hoden zu finden ist, zeigen die hier aufgef{\"u}hrten Daten ein breiteres Expressionsmuster des spir-2 Gens und unterst{\"u}tzen damit eine allgemeinere zellbiologische Funktion der neuen Aktinnukleatoren. Um die Funktion des Spir Proteins im sich entwickelnden und adulten Nervensystem zu untersuchen, wurden Spir-1 defiziente M{\"a}use mit Hilfe der gene trap Methode generiert. Spir-1 defiziente M{\"a}use sind lebensf{\"a}hig und eignen sich daher perfekt um die Neurobiologie des Spir-1 Aktinnukleators zu untersuchen. Die Analyse von prim{\"a}ren kortikalen Neuronen von Spir-1 defizienten M{\"a}usen zeigte eine Reduktion dendritischer Verzweigungen und ist die erste Beschreibung einer neuronalen Funktion von Spir-1. Desweiteren wurde eine transgene Mauslinie (thy1-GFP-M) eingesetzt, die das gr{\"u}ne Fluoreszenzprotein (GFP) unter der Kontrolle von Neuronen-spezifischen Elementen des thy1 Promoters exprimiert. GFP ist dabei nur in einer Teilmenge von Neuronen exprimiert, f{\"a}rbt diese Neuronen jedoch in ihrer Gesamtheit an. Spir-1 defiziente M{\"a}use, die das GFP Transgen exprimieren wurden generiert und analysiert. Es wurde herausgefunden, dass Spir-1 defiziente M{\"a}use eine reduzierte Anzahl an dendritischen Dornen im entorhinalen Kortex im Vergleich zu Wildtyp- Geschwistertieren aufweisen. Zusammengefasst gibt diese Studie neue Erkenntnisse {\"u}ber die zellbiologische Funktion von Spir und liefert Einsichten wie das neuronale Netzwerk sturkturiert wird.}, subject = {Actin-bindende Proteine}, language = {en} }