@phdthesis{Chen2006, author = {Chen, Zhijian}, title = {pi-Stacks Based on Self-Assembled Perylene Bisimides : Structural, Optical, and Electronic Properties}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-19940}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {As a traditional industrial pigment, perylene bisimide (PBI) dyes have found wide-spread applications. In addition, PBI dyes have been considered as versatile and promising functional materials for organic-based electronic and optic devices, such as transistors and solar cells. For these novel demands, the control of self-organization of this type of dye and the investigation of the relationship between the supramolecular structure and the relevant optical and electronic properties is of great importance. The objective of this thesis focuses on gaining a better understanding of structural and functional properties of pi-stacks based on self-assembling PBIs. Studies include the synthesis and characterization of new functional PBI dyes, their aggregation in solution, in liquid crystalline state and on surfaces, and their fluorescence and charge transport properties. An overview of the formation, thermodynamics and structures of pi-stacks of functional pi- conjugated molecules in solution and in liquid crystalline phases is given in Chapter 2. Chapters 3 and 4 deal with the pi-pi aggregates of new, highly fluorescent PBIs without core-substituents. In Chapter 3, the self-assembly of a PBI with tridodecylphenyl substituents at imide N atoms both in solution and condensed phase has been studied in great detail. In condensed state, the dye exhibits a hexagonal columnar liquid crystalline (LC) phase as confirmed by DSC, OPM and X-ray diffraction analysis. The columnar stacking of this dye has been further confirmed by atomic force microscopy (AFM) where single columns could be well resolved The charge transport properties this dye have been investigated by pulse radiolysis-time resolved microwave conductivity (PR-TRMC) measurements. To shed more light on the nature of the pi-pi interaction of the unsubstituted PBIs, solvent depend aggregation properties have been investigated in Chapter 4. The studies are further extended from core-unsubstituted PBIs to core-substituted ones (Chapter 5 and 6). In Chapter 5, a series of highly soluble and fluorescent core-twisted PBIs that bear the same trialkylphenyl groups at the imide positions but different bay-substituents and were synthesized. These compounds are characterized by distortions of the perylene planes with dihedral angles in the range of 15-37° according to crystallographic data and molecular modeling studies. In contrast to the extended oligomeric aggregates formed for planar unsubstituted PBIs, this family of dyes formed discrete pi-pi-stacked dimers in apolar methylcyclohexane as concentration-dependent UV/Vis measurements and VPO analysis revealed. The Gibbs free energy of dimerization can be correlated with the twist angles of the dyes linearly. In condensed state, several of these PBIs form luminescent rectangular or hexagonal columnar liquid crystalline phases with low isotropization temperatures. The core-twisting effect on semiconducting properties has been examined in Chapter 6. In this chapter, a comparative study of the electrochemical and the charge transport properties of a series of non-substituted and chlorine-functionalized PBIs was performed. While Chapters 3-6 focus on one-component dye systems, Chapter 7 explored the possibility of a supramolecular engineering of co-aggregates formed by hydrogen-bonded 2:1 and 1:1 complex of oligo(p-phenylene vinylene)s (OPVs) and PBIs. Covalently linked donor-acceptor dye arrays have been prepared for comparison. Concentration and temperature-dependent UV/Vis spectroscopy revealed all hydrogen-bonded and covalent systems form well-ordered J-type aggregates in methylcyclohexane. With these hydrogen-bonded OPV-PBI complexes, fibers containing p-type and n-type molecules can be prepared on the nano-scale (1-20 nm). For the 2:1 OPV-PBI hydrogenbonded arrays hierarchically assembled chiral superstructures consisting of left-handed helical pi-pi co-aggregates (CD spectroscopy) of the two dyes that further assemble into right-handed nanometer-scale supercoils in the solid state (AFM study) have been observed. All of these well-defined OPV-PBI assemblies presented here exhibit photoinduced electron transfer on sub-ps timescale, while the electron recombination differs for different systems.Thus, it was suggested that such assemblies of p- and n-type semiconductors might serve as valuable nanoscopic functional units for organic electronics.}, subject = {Perylenderivate}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Roeger2007, author = {R{\"o}ger, Cornelia}, title = {Bioinspired Light-Harvesting Zinc Chlorin Rod Aggregates Powered by Peripheral Chromophores}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-26760}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Artificial light-harvesting (LH) systems have been obtained by self-assembly of naphthalene diimide-functionalized zinc chlorin dyads and triad in nonpolar, aprotic solvents. UV-vis, CD, and steady-state emission spectroscopy as well as atomic force microscopy showed that rod-like structures are formed by excitonic interactions of zinc chlorin units, while the appended naphthalene diimide dyes do not aggregate at the periphery of the cylinders. In all cases, photoexcitation of the enveloping naphthalene diimides at 540 and 620 nm, respectively, was followed by highly efficient energy-transfer processes to the inner zinc chlorin backbone, as revealed by time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy on the picosecond time-scale. As a consequence, the LH efficiencies of zinc chlorin rod aggregates were increased by up to 63\%. The effective utilization of solar energy recommends these biomimetic systems for an application in electronic materials on the nanoscale.}, subject = {Farbstoff}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Lohr2008, author = {Lohr, Andreas}, title = {Self-Assembly of Merocyanines : Thermodynamic and Kinetic Insights into the Formation of Well-Defined Dye Aggregates}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-28964}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2008}, abstract = {The present thesis demonstrates the potential of dipolar aggregation of merocyanine dyes as novel directional and specific supramolecular binding motif for the creation of more elaborate supramolecular architectures beyond simple dimers. Furthermore, the self-assembly studies into bis(merocyanine) nanorods gave new insights into the kinetics of morphogenesis in supramolecular aggregates.}, subject = {Supramolekulare Chemie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kaiser2009, author = {Kaiser, Theo E.}, title = {J-Aggregates of Tetraphenoxy-Substituted Perylene Bisimide Dyes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-43544}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2009}, abstract = {In dieser Doktorarbeit wurde gezeigt, dass die sehr begehrte J-Aggregation funktionaler Perylenbisimid-Chromophore durch geeignetes Design der monomeren Bausteine erreicht werden kann. Hierzu war einerseits die Selbstanordnung durch ein Zusammenwirken von Wasserstoffbr{\"u}cken und Pi-Pi-Wechselwirkungen zu beg{\"u}nstigen, und andererseits eine Anordnung in kolumnaren Stapeln zu verhindern, was durch Kern-Verdrillung mittels sterisch anspruchsvollen Substituenten gelang. Desweiteren gaben Selbstanordnungsstudien neue Einblicke in den dynamischen Aggregationsprozess niedrigdimensionaler langgestreckter Aggregate mit stark exzitonisch gekoppelten Chromophoren. Die Beziehung zwischen bekannten Cyaninfarbstoffen, wie der von THIATS mit dem vorliegenden PBI 1a wurde durch Absorptions- und Fluoreszenzspektroskopie bei Tieftemperaturen von 5 K bis Raumtemperatur untersucht. Die vormals beispiellosen funktionalen Eigenschaften der PBI-Aggregate, welche aus der J-artigen exzitonischen Kopplung herr{\"u}hren, sind vielversprechend f{\"u}r die Anwendung in optoelektronischen Bauteilen und f{\"u}r die Photovoltaik.}, subject = {Perylenbisdicarboximide }, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schulze2016, author = {Schulze, Marcus}, title = {Ruthenium Complexes as Water Oxidation Catalysts and Photosensitizers}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-142454}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden Aspekte der photokatalytischen Wasseroxidationsreaktion behandelt. Der erste Themenschwerpunkt der Dissertation besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit einem supramolekularen Makrozyklus, der drei Rutheniummetallzentren enth{\"a}lt. Dieser neuartige Katalysator zeigt eine sehr hohe katalytische Aktivit{\"a}t und gew{\"a}hrt neue Einblicke in den Mechanismus der Wasseroxidationsreaktion. Des Weiteren wird auf die mit Licht interagierenden Komponenten der photokatalytischen Wasseroxidation eingegangen. Hierbei haben sich azabenz-anellierte Perylenderivate als vielseitige Farbstoffklasse herausgestellt. Die Kombination dieser Farbstoffe mit Metallkomplexen liefert metallorganische Verbindungen, die als Photosensibilisatoren eingesetzt werden k{\"o}nnen.}, subject = {Farbstoff}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kaufmann2019, author = {Kaufmann, Christina}, title = {Discrete Supramolecular Architectures of Bay-linked Perylene Bisimide Dimers by Self-Assembly and Folding}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-17300}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-173005}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Supramolecular self-assembly of perylene bisimide (PBI) dyes via non-covalent forces gives rise to a high number of different PBI architectures with unique optical and functional properties. As these properties can be drastically influenced by only slightly structural changes of the formed supramolecular ensembles (Chapter 2.1) the controlled self-assembly of PBI dyes became a central point of current research to design innovative materials with a high potential for different applications as for example in the fields of organic electronics or photovoltaics. As PBI dyes show a strong tendency to form infinite aggregated structures (Chapter 2.2) the aim of this thesis was to precisely control their self-assembly to create small, structurally well-defined PBI assemblies in solution. Chapter 2.3 provides an overview on literature known strategies that were established to realize this aim. It could be demonstrated that especially backbone-directed intra- and intermolecular self-assembly of covalently linked Bis-PBI dyes evolved as one of the most used strategies to define the number of stacked PBI chromophores by using careful designed spacer units with regard to their length and flexibility. By using conventional spectroscopic methods like UV/Vis and fluorescence experiments in combination with NMR measurements an in-depth comparison of the molecular and optical properties in solution both in the non-stacked and aggregated state of the target compounds could be elucidated to reveal structure-property relationships of different PBI architectures. Thus, it could be demonstrated, that spacer units that pre-organize two PBI chromophores with an inter-planar distance of r < 7 {\AA} lead to an intramolecular folding, whereas linker moieties with a length between 7 to 11 {\AA} result in an intermolecular self-assembly of the respective Bis-PBIs dyes via dimerization to form well-defined quadruple PBI pi-stacks. Hence, if the used spacer units ensure an inter-planar distance r > 14 {\AA} larger oligomeric PBI pi-stacks are generated. In Chapter 4 a detailed analysis of the exciton coupling in a highly defined H-aggregate quadruple PBI pi-stack is presented. Therefore, bay-tethered PBI dye Bis-PBI 1 was investigated by concentration-dependent UV/Vis spectroscopy in THF and toluene as well as by 2D-DOSY-NMR spectroscopy, ESI mass spectrometry and AFM measurements confirming that Bis-PBI 1 self-assembles exclusively into dimers with four closely pi-stacked PBI chromophores. Furthermore, with the aid of broadband fluorescence upconversion spectroscopy (FLUPS) ensuring broadband detection range and ultrafast time resolution at once, ultrafast Frenkel exciton relaxation and excimer formation dynamics in the PBI quadruple pi-stack within 1 ps was successfully investigated in cooperation with the group of Dongho Kim. Thus, it was possible to gain for the first time insights into the exciton dynamics within a highly defined synthetic dye aggregate beyond dimers. By analysing the vibronic line shape in the early-time transient fluorescence spectra in detail, it could be demonstrated that the Frenkel exciton is entirely delocalized along the quadruple stack after photoexcitation and immediately loses its coherence followed by the formation of the excimer state. In Chapter 5 four well-defined Bis-PBI folda-dimers Bis-PBIs 2-4 were introduced, where linker units of different length (r < 7 {\AA}) and steric demand were used to gain distinct PBI dye assemblies in the folded state. Structural elucidation based on in-depth UV/Vis, CD and fluorescence experiments in combination with 1D and 2D NMR studies reveals a stacking of the two PBI chromophores upon folding, where geometry-optimized structures obtained from DFT calculations suggest only slightly different arrangements of the PBI units enforced by the distinct spacer moieties. With the resulting optical signatures of Bis-PBIs 2-4 ranging from conventional Hj-type to monomer like absorption features, the first experimental proof of a PBI-based "null-aggregate" could be presented, in which long- and short-range exciton coupling fully compensate each other. Hence, the insights of this chapter pinpoint the importance of charge-transfer mediated short-range exciton coupling that can significantly influence the properties of pi-stacked PBI chromophores In the last part of this thesis (Chapter 6), spacer-controlled self-assembly of four bay-linked Bis-PBI dyes Bis-PBIs 5-8 into well-defined supramolecular architectures was investigated, where the final aggregate structures are substantially defined by the nature of the used spacer units. By systematically extending the backbone length from 7 to 15 {\AA} defining the inter-planar distance between the tethered chromophores, different assemblies from defined quadruple PBI pi-stacks to larger oligomeric pi-stacks could be gained upon aggregation. In conclusion, the synthesis of nine covalently linked PBI dyes in combination with a detailed investigation of their spacer-mediated self-assembly behaviour in solution concerning structure-properties-relationships was presented within this thesis. The results confirm a strong exciton coupling in different types of Bis-PBI architectures e.g. folda-dimers or highly defined quadruple pi-stacks, which significantly influences their optical properties upon self-assembly.}, subject = {Supramolekulare Chemie}, language = {en} }