@phdthesis{Dorner2008, author = {Dorner, Daniela}, title = {Observations of PG 1553+113 with the MAGIC telescope}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-28196}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Blazars are among the most luminous sources in the universe. Their extreme short-time variability indicates emission processes powered by a supermassive black hole. With the current generation of Imaging Air Cherenkov Telescopes, these sources are explored at very high energies. Lowering the threshold below 100 GeV and improving the sensitivity of the telescopes, more and more blazars are discovered in this energy regime. For the MAGIC telescope, a low energy analysis has been developed allowing to reach energies of 50 GeV for the first time. The method is presented in this thesis at the example of PG 1553+113 measuring a spectrum between 50 GeV and 900 GeV. In the energy regime observed by MAGIC, strong attenuation of the gamma-rays is expected from pair production due to interactions of gamma-rays with low-energy photons from the extragalactic background light. For PG 1553+113, this provides the possibility to constrain the redshift of the source, which is still unknown. Well studied from radio to x-ray energies, PG 1553+113 was discovered in 2005 in the very high energy regime. In total, it was observed with the MAGIC telescope for 80~hours between April 2005 and April 2007. From more than three years of data taking, the MAGIC telescope provides huge amounts of data and a large number of files from various sources. To handle this data volume and to provide monitoring of the data quality, an automatic procedure is essential. Therefore, a concept for automatic data processing and management has been developed. Thanks to its flexibility, the concept is easily applicable to future projects. The implementation of an automatic analysis is running stable since three years in the data center in W{\"u}rzburg and provides consistent results of all MAGIC data, i.e. equal processing ensures comparability. In addition, this database controlled system allows for easy tests of new analysis methods and re-processing of all data with a new software version at the push of a button. At any stage, not only the availability of the data and its processing status is known, but also a large set of quality parameters and results can be queried from the database, facilitating quality checks, data selection and continuous monitoring of the telescope performance. By using the automatic analysis, the whole data sample can be analyzed in a reasonable amount of time, and the analyzers can concentrate on interpreting the results instead. For PG 1553+113, the tools and results of the automatic analysis were used. Compared to the previously published results, the software includes improvements as absolute pointing correction, absolute light calibration and improved quality and background-suppression cuts. In addition, newly developed analysis methods taking into account timing information were used. Based on the automatically produced results, the presented analysis was enhanced using a special low energy analysis. Part of the data were affected by absorption due to the Saharan Air Layer, i.e. sanddust in the atmosphere. Therefore, a new method has been developed, correcting for the effect of this meteorological phenomenon. Applying the method, the affected data could be corrected for apparent flux variations and effects of absorption on the spectrum, allowing to use the result for further studies. This is especially interesting, as these data were taken during a multi-wavelength campaign. For the whole data sample of 54 hours after quality checks, a signal from the position of PG 1553+113 was found with a significance of 15 standard deviations. Fitting a power law to the combined spectrum between 75 GeV and 900 GeV, yields a spectral slope of 4.1 +/- 0.2. Due to the low energy analysis, the spectrum could be extended to below 50 GeV. Fitting down to 48 GeV, the flux remains the same, but the slope changes to 3.7 +/- 0.1. The determined daily light curve shows that the integral flux above 150 GeV is consistent with a constant flux. Also for the spectral shape no significant variability was found in three years of observations. In July 2006, a multi-wavelength campaign was performed. Simultaneous data from the x-ray satellite Suzaku, the optical telescope KVA and the two Cherenkov experiments MAGIC and H.E.S.S. are available. Suzaku measured for the first time a spectrum up to 30 keV. The source was found to be at an intermediate flux level compared to previous x-ray measurements, and no short time variability was found in the continuous data sample of 41.1 ksec. Also in the gamma regime, no variability was found during the campaign. Assuming a maximum slope of 1.5 for the intrinsic spectrum, an upper limit of z < 0.74 was determined by deabsorbing the measured spectrum for the attenuation of photons by the extragalactic background light. For further studies, a redshift of z = 0.3 was assumed. Collecting various data from radio, infrared, optical, ultraviolet, x-ray and gama-ray energies, a spectral energy distribution was determined, including the simultaneous data of the multi-wavelength campaign. Fitting the simultaneous data with different synchrotron-self-compton models shows that the observed spectral shape can be explained with synchrotron-self-compton processes. The best result was obtained with a model assuming a log-parabolic electron distribution.}, subject = {Aktiver galaktischer Kern}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{HoehneMoench2010, author = {H{\"o}hne-M{\"o}nch, Daniel}, title = {Steady-state emission of blazars at very high energies}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-53700}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {One key scientific program of the MAGIC telescope project is the discovery and detection of blazars. They constitute the most prominent extragalactic source class in the very high energy (VHE) Gamma-ray regime with 29 out of 34 known objects (as of April 2010). Therefore a major part of the available observation time was spent in the last years on high-frequency peaked blazars. The selection criteria were chosen to increase the detection probability. As the X-ray flux is believed to be correlated to the VHE Gamma-ray flux, only X-ray selected sources with a flux F(X) > 2 μJy at 1 keV were considered. To avoid strong attenuation of the Gamma-rays in the extragalactic infrared background, the redshift was restricted to values between z < 0.15 and z < 0.4, depending on the declination of the objects. The latter determines the zenith distance during culmination which should not exceed 30° (for z < 0.4) and 45° (for z < 0.15), respectively. Between August 2005 and April 2009, a sample of 24 X-ray selected high-frequency peaked blazars has been observed with the MAGIC telescope. Three of them were detected including 1ES 1218+304 being the first high-frequency peaked BL Lacertae object (HBL) to be discovered with MAGIC in VHE Gamma-rays. One previously detected object was not confirmed as VHE emitter in this campaign by MAGIC. A set of 20 blazars previously not detected will be treated more closely in this work. In this campaign, during almost four years ~ 450 hrs or ~ 22\% of the available observation time for extragalactic objects were dedicated to investigate the baseline emission of blazars and their broadband spectral properties in this emission state. For the sample of 20 objects in a redshift range of 0.018 < z < 0.361 integral flux upper limits in the VHE range on the 99.7\% confidence level (corresponding to 3 standard deviations) were calculated resulting in values between 2.9\% and 14.7\% of the integral flux of the Crab Nebula. As the distribution of significances of the individual objects shows a clear shift to positive values, a stacking method was applied to the sample. For the whole set of 20 objects, an excess of Gamma-rays was found with a significance of 4.5 standard deviations in 349.5 hours of effective exposure time. For the first time a signal stacking in the VHE regime turned out to be successful. The measured integral flux from the cumulative signal corresponds to 1.4\% of the Crab Nebula flux above 150 GeV with a spectral index α = -3.15±0.57. None of the objects showed any significant variability during the observation time and therefore the detected signal can be interpreted as the baseline emission of these objects. For the individual objects lower limits on the broad-band spectral indices αX-Gamma between the X-ray range at 1 keV and the VHE Gamma-ray regime at 200 GeV were calculated. The majority of objects show a spectral behaviour as expected from the source class of HBLs: The energy output in the VHE regime is in general lower than in X-rays. For the stacked blazar sample the broad-band spectral index was calculated to αX-Gamma = 1.09, confirming the result found for the individual objects. Another evidence for the revelation of the baseline emission is the broad-band spectral energy distribution (SED) comprising archival as well as contemporaneous multi-wavelength data from the radio to the VHE band. The SEDs of known VHE Gamma-ray sources in low flux states matches well the SED of the stacked blazar sample.}, subject = {MAGIC-Teleskop}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ruegamer2012, author = {R{\"u}gamer, Stefan}, title = {Multi-Wavelength Observations of the high-peaked BL Lacertae objects 1ES 1011+496 and 1ES 2344+514}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-77846}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {BL Lacertae objects belong to the most luminous sources in the Universe. They represent a subclass of active galactic nuclei with a spectrum that is dominated by non-thermal emission, extending from radio wavelengths to tera electronvolt (TeV) energies. The emission is strongly variable on time scales of years down to minutes, and arises from relativistic jets pointing at small angles to the line of sight of the observer, which is the reason for naming them "blazars". Blazars are the dominant extragalactic source class in the radio, microwave and gamma-ray regime, are prime candidates for the origin of the Cosmic Rays and excellent laboratories to study black hole and jet physics as well as relativistic effects. Despite more than 20 years of observational efforts, the physical mechanisms driving their emission are not yet fully understood. So far, studies of their broad-band continuum emission were mostly concentrated on bright, flaring states. However, for a better understanding of the central engine powering the jets, the bias from flux-limited observations of the past must be overcome and their long-term average continuum spectral energy distributions (SEDs) must be determined. This work presents the first simultaneous multi-wavelength campaigns from the radio to the TeV regime of two high-frequency peaked BL Lacertae objects known to emit at TeV energies. The first source, 1ES 1011+496, was observed between February and May 2008, the second one, 1ES 2344+514, between September 2008 and February 2009. The extensive observational campaigns were organised independently from an external trigger for the presence of a flaring state. Since the duty cycle of major flux outbursts is known to be rather low, the campaigns were expected to yield SEDs representative of the long-term average emission. Central for this thesis is the analysis of data obtained with the MAGIC Cherenkov telescope, measuring energy spectra and light curves from ~0.1 to ~10 TeV. For the remaining instruments, observation time was proposed and additional data was organised by collaboration with the instrument teams by the author of this work. Such data was obtained mostly in a fully reduced state. Individual light curves are investigated as well as combined in a search for inter-band correlations. The data of both sources reveal a notable lack of a correlation between the emission at radio and optical wavelengths, indicating that the radio and short-wavelength emission arise in different regions of the jet. Quasi-simultaneous SEDs of two different flux states are observationally determined and described by a one-zone as well as a self-consistent two-zone synchrotron self-Compton model. First approaches to model the SEDs by means of a Chi2 minimisation technique are briefly discussed. The SEDs and the resulting model parameters, characterising the physical conditions in the emission regions, are compared to archival data. Though the models can describe the data well, for 1ES 1011+496 the model parameters indicate that in addition to the synchrotron and inverse-Compton emission of relativistic electrons, emission due to accelerated protons seems to be required. The SEDs of 1ES 2344+514 reveal one of the lowest activity states ever detected from the source. Despite that, the model parameters are not indicative of a distinct quiescent state, which may be caused by the degeneracy of the different parameters in one-zone models. Moreover, indications accumulate that the radiation can not be attributed to a single emission region. The results disfavour some of the current blazar classification schemes and the so-called "blazar sequence", emphasising the need for a more realistic explanation of the systematics of the blazar SEDs in terms of fundamental parameters.}, subject = {Blazar}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Truestedt2016, author = {Tr{\"u}stedt, Jonas Elias}, title = {Long-wavelength radio observations of blazars with the Low-Frequency Array (LOFAR)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-144406}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Aktive Galaxienkerne (AGN) geh{\"o}ren zu den hellsten Objekten in unserem Universum. Diese Galaxien werden als aktiv bezeichnet, da ihre Zentralregion heller ist als alle Sterne in einer Galaxie zusammen beitragen k{\"o}nnten. Das Zentrum besteht aus einem supermassiven schwarzen Loch, das von einer Akkretionsscheibe und weiter außerhalb von einem Torus aus Staub umgeben ist. Diese AGN k{\"o}nnen {\"u}ber das ganze elektromagnetische Spektrum verteilt gefunden werden, von Radiowellen {\"u}ber Wellenl{\"a}ngen im optischen und R{\"o}ntgenbereich bis hin zur \$\gamma\$-Strahlung. Allerdings sind nicht alle Objekte bei jeder Wellenl{\"a}nge detektierbar. In dieser Arbeit werden {\"u}berwiegend Blazare bei niedrigen Radiofrequenzen untersucht. Blazare geh{\"o}ren zu den radio-lauten AGN, welche {\"u}blicherweise stark kollimierte Jets senkrecht zur Akkretionsscheibe aussenden. Bei Blazaren sind diese Jets in die Richtung des Beobachters gerichtet und ihre Emissionen sind stark variabel. \\ AGN werden anhand ihres Erscheinungsbildes verschiedenen Untergruppen zugeordnet. Diese Untergruppen werden in einem vereinheitlichen AGN Modell zusammengef{\"u}hrt, welches besagt, dass diese Objekte sich nur in ihrer Luminosit{\"a}t und ihrem Winkel zur Sichtlinie unterscheiden. Blazare sind diejenigen Objekte, deren Jets in unsere Sichtrichtung zeigen, w{\"a}hrend die Objekte deren Jets eher senkrecht zur Sichtlinie orientiert sind als Radiogalaxien bezeichnet werden. Daraus folgt, dass Blazare die Gegenst{\"u}cke zu Radiogalaxien mit einem anderen Winkel zur Sichtlinie sind. Diese Beziehung soll unter anderem in dieser Arbeit untersucht werden. \\ Nach ihrer Entdeckung in den 1940er Jahren wurden die aktiven Galaxien bei allen zug{\"a}nglichen Wellenl{\"a}ngen untersucht. Durch die Entwicklung von Interferometern aus Radioteleskopen, welche eine erh{\"o}hte Aufl{\"o}sung bieten, konnten die Beobachtungen stark verbessert werden. In den letzten 20 Jahren wurden viele AGN regelm{\"a}ßig beobachtet. Dies erfolgte unter anderem durch Programme wie dem MOJAVE Programm, welches 274 AGNs regelm{\"a}ßig mithilfe der Technik der ``Very Long Baseline Interferometry" (VLBI) beobachtet. Durch diese Beobachtungen konnten Informationen zur Struktur und Entwicklung der AGN und Jets gesammelt werden. Allerdings sind die Prozesse zur Bildung von Jets und deren Kollimation noch nicht vollst{\"a}ndig bekannt. Durch relativistische Effekte ist es schwierig die eigentlichen Gr{\"o}ßen der Jets anstelle der scheinbaren zu messen. Um die intrinsische Energie von Jets zu messen, sollen die ausgedehnten Emissionsregionen untersucht werden, in denen die Jets enden und mit dem Intergalaktischen Medium interagieren. Beobachtungen bei niedrigen Radiofrequenzen sind empfindlicher um solche ausgedehnte, diffuse Emissionsregionen zu detektieren. \\ Seit Dezember 2012 ist ein neues Radioteleskop f{\"u}r niedrige Frequenzen in Betrieb, dessen Stationen aus Dipolantennen besteht. Die meisten dieser Stationen sind in den Niederlanden verteilt (38 Stationen) und werden durch 12 internationale Stationen in Deutschland, Frankreich, Schweden, Polen und England erg{\"a}nzt. Dieses Instrument tr{\"a}gt den Namen ``Low Frequency Array'' (LOFAR). LOFAR bietet die M{\"o}glichkeit bei Frequenzen von 30--250 MHz bei einer h{\"o}heren Aufl{\"o}sung als bisherige Radioteleskope zu beobachten (Winkelaufl{\"o}sungen unter 1 arcsec f{\"u}r das gesamte Netzwerk aus Teleskopen). \\ Diese Arbeit behandelt die Ergebnisse von Blazaruntersuchungen mithilfe von LOFAR-Beobachtungen. Daf{\"u}r wurden AGNs aus dem MOJAVE Programm verwendet um von den bisherigen Multiwellenl{\"a}ngen-Beobachtungen und Untersuchungen der Kinematik zu profitieren. Das ``Multifrequency Snapshot Sky Survey'' (MSSS) Projekt hat den gesamten Nordhimmel mit kurzen Beobachtungen abgerastert. Aus dem daraus resultierenden vorl{\"a}ufigen Katalog wurden die Flussdichten und Spektralindizes f{\"u}r MOJAVE-Blazare untersucht. In den kurzen Beobachtungen von MSSS sind nur die Stationen in den Niederlanden verwendet worden, wodurch Aufl{\"o}sung und Sensitivit{\"a}t begrenzt sind. F{\"u}r die Erstellung des vorl{\"a}ufigen Kataloges wurde die Aufl{\"o}sung auf \$\sim\$120 arcsec beschr{\"a}nkt. Ein weiterer Vorteil der MOJAVE Objekte ist die regelm{\"a}ßige Beobachtung der AGN mit dem ``Owens Vally Radio Observatory'' zur Erstellung von Lichtkurven bei 15 GHz. Dadurch ist es m{\"o}glich nahezu zeitgleiche Flussdichtemessungen bei 15 GHz zu den entsprechenden MSSS-Beobachtungen zu bekommen. Da diese Beobachtungen zu {\"a}hnlichen Zeitpunkten durchgef{\"u}hrt wurden sind diese Flussdichten weniger von der Variabilit{\"a}t der Blazare beeinflusst. Die Spektralindizes berechnet aus den Flussdichten von MSSS und OVRO k{\"o}nnen verwendet werden um den Anteil an ausgedehnter Emission der AGNs abzusch{\"a}tzen. \\ Im Vergleich der Flussdichten aus dem MSSS Katalog mit den Beobachtungen von OVRO f{\"a}llt auf, dass die Flussdichten bei niedrigen Frequenzen tendenziell h{\"o}her sind, was durch den h{\"o}heren Anteil an ausgedehnter Struktur zu erwarten ist. Die Spektralindexverteilung zwischen MSSS und OVRO zeigt ihren h{\"o}chsten Wert bei \$\sim-0.2\$. In der Verteilung existieren Objekte mit steilerem Spektralindex durch den h{\"o}heren Anteil von ausgedehnter Emission in der Gesamtflussdichte, doch {\"u}ber die H{\"a}lfte der untersuchten Objekte besitzt flache Spektralindizes. Die flachen Spektralindizes bedeuten, dass die Emissionen dieser Objekte gr{\"o}ßtenteils von relativistischen Effekten beeinflusst sind, die schon aus Beobachtungen bei GHz-Frequenzen bekannt sind. \\ Durch neue Auswertung der MSSS Beobachtungsdaten konnten Bilder bei einer verbesserten Aufl{\"o}sung von \$\sim\$20--30 arcsec erstellt werden, wodurch bei einigen Blazaren ausgedehnte Struktur detektiert werden konnte. Diese h{\"o}her aufgel{\"o}sten Bilder sind allerdings nicht komplett kalibriert und k{\"o}nnen somit nur f{\"u}r strukturelle Informationen verwendet werden. Die {\"U}berarbeitung der Beobachtungsdaten konnte f{\"u}r 93 Objekte f{\"u}r ein Frequenzband durchgef{\"u}hrt werden. F{\"u}r 45 der 93 Objekte konnten sogar alle vorhandenen Frequenzb{\"a}nder {\"u}berarbeitet werden und dadurch gemittelte Bilder erstellt werden. Diese Bilder werden in dieser Arbeit vorgestellt. Die resultierenden Bilder mit verbesserter Aufl{\"o}sung wurden verwendet um Objekte auszuw{\"a}hlen, die mit allen LOFAR-Stationen beobachtet und auf ausgedehnte Struktur untersucht werden k{\"o}nnen. \\ Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit werden die Ergebnisse von internationalen LOFAR Beobachtungen von vier Blazaren pr{\"a}sentiert. Da sich die Auswertung und Kalibration von internationalen LOFAR Beobachtungen noch in der Entwicklung befindet, wurde ein Schwerpunkt auf die Kalibration und deren Beschreibung gelegt. Die Kalibration kann zwar noch verbessert werden, aber die Bilder aus der angewandten Kalibration erreichen eine Aufl{\"o}sung von unter 1 arcsec. Die Struktur der untersuchten vier Blazare entspricht den Erwartungen f{\"u}r Radiogalaxien unter einem anderen Sichtwinkel. Durch die gemessenen Flussdichten der ausgedehnten Struktur aus den Helligkeitsverteilungen konnte die Luminosit{\"a}t der ausgedehnten Emissionen berechnet werden. Im Vergleich mit den Luminosit{\"a}ten, die von Radiogalaxien bekannt sind, entsprechen auch diese Werte den Erwartungen des vereinheitlichten AGN Modells. \\ Durch die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellte Kalibration k{\"o}nnen noch mehr Blazare mit LOFAR inklusive den internationalen Stationen beobachtet werden und somit Bilder der Struktur bei {\"a}hnlicher Aufl{\"o}sung erstellt werden. Durch eine erh{\"o}hte Anzahl von untersuchten Blazaren k{\"o}nnten anschließend auch statistisch signifikante Ergebnisse erzielt werden.\\}, subject = {Blazar}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kreter2019, author = {Kreter, Michael}, title = {Targeting the mystery of extragalactic neutrino sources - A Multi-Messenger Window to the Extreme Universe -}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-17984}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-179845}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) are among the most powerful and most intensively studied objects in the Universe. AGNs harbor a mass accreting supermassive black hole (SMBH) in their center and emit radiation throughout the entire electromagnetic spectrum. About 10\% show relativistic particle outflows, perpendicular to the so-called accretion disk, which are known as jets. Blazars, a subclass of AGN with jet orientations close to the line-of-sight of the observer, are highly variable sources from radio to TeV energies and dominate the γ- ray sky. The overall observed broadband emission of blazars is characterized by two distinct emission humps. While the low-energy hump is well described by synchrotron radiation of relativistic electrons, both leptonic processes such as inverse Compton scattering and hadronic processes such as pion-photoproduction can explain the radiation measured in the high-energy hump. Neutrinos, neutral, nearly massless particles, which only couple to the weak force 1 are exclusively produced in hadronic interactions of protons accelerated to relativistic energies. The detection of a high-energy neutrino from an AGN would provide an irrefutable proof of hadronic processes happening in jets. Recently, the IceCube neutrino observatory, located at the South Pole with a total instrumented volume of about one km 3 , provided evidence for a diffuse high-energy neutrino flux. Since the atmospheric neutrino spectrum falls steeply with energy, individual events with the clearest signature of coming from an extraterrestrial origin are those at the highest energies. These events are uniformly distributed over the entire sky and are therefore most likely of extragalactic nature. While the neutrino event (known as "BigBird") with a reconstructed energy of ∼ 2 PeV has already been detected in temporal and spatial agreement with a single blazar in an active phase, still, the chance coincidence for such an association is only on the order of ∼ 5\%. The neutrino flux at these high energies is low, so that even the brightest blazars only yield a Poisson probability clearly below unity. Such a small probability is in agreement with the observed all-sky neutrino flux otherwise, the sky would already be populated with numerous confirmed neutrino point sources. In neutrino detectors, events are typically detected in two different signatures 2 . So-called shower-like electron neutrino events produce a large particle cascade, which leads to a pre- cise energy measurement, but causes a large angular uncertainty. Track-like muon neutrino events, however, only produce a single trace in the detector, leading to a precise localization but poor energy reconstruction. The "BigBird" event was a shower-like neutrino event, tem- porally coincident with an activity phase of the blazar PKS 1424-418, lasting several months. Shower-like neutrino events typically lead to an angular resolution of ∼ 10 ◦ , while track-like events show a localization uncertainty of only ∼ 1 ◦ . Considering the potential detection of a track-like neutrino event in agreement with an activity phase of a single blazar lasting only days would significantly decrease the chance coincidence of such an association. In this thesis, a sample of bright blazars, continuously monitored by Fermi/LAT in the MeV to GeV regime, is considered as potential neutrino candidates. I studied the maximum possible neutrino ex- pectation of short-term blazar flares with durations of days to weeks, based on a calorimetric argumentation. I found that the calorimetric neutrino output of most short-term blazar flares is too small to lead to a substantial neutrino detection. However, for the most extreme flares, Poisson probabilities of up to ∼ 2\% are reached, so that the possibility of associated neutrino detections in future data unblindings of IceCube and KM3NeT seems reasonable. On 22 September 2017, IceCube detected the first track-like neutrino event (named IceCube- 170922A) coincident with a single blazar in an active phase. From that time on, the BL Lac object TXS 0506+056 was subject of an enormous multiwavelength campaign, revealing an en- hanced flux state at the time of the neutrino arrival throughout several different wavelengths. In this thesis, I first studied the long-term flaring behavior of TXS 0506+056, using more than nine years of Fermi/LAT data. I found that the activity phase in the MeV to GeV regime already started in early 2017, months before the arrival of IceCube-170922A. I performed a calorimetric analysis on a 3-day period around the neutrino arrival time and found no sub- stantial neutrino expectation from such a short time range. By computing the calorimetric neutrino prediction for the entire activity phase of TXS 0506+056 since early 2017, a possible association seems much more likely. However, the post-trial corrected chance coincidence for a long-term association between IceCube-170922A and the blazar TXS 0506+056 is on the level of ∼ 3.5 σ, establishing TXS 0506+056 as the most promising neutrino point source candidate in the scientific community. Another way to explain a high-energy neutrino signal without an observed astronomical counterpart, would be the consideration of blazars at large cosmological distances. These high-redshift blazars are capable of generating the observed high-energy neutrino flux, while their γ-ray emission would be efficiently downscattered by Extragalactic Background Light (EBL), making them almost undetectable to Fermi/LAT. High-redshift blazars are impor- tant targets, as they serve as cosmological probes and represent one of the most powerful classes of γ-ray sources in the Universe. Unfortunately, only a small number of such objects could be detected with Fermi/LAT so far. In this thesis, I perform a systematic search for flaring events in high-redshift γ-ray blazars, which long-term flux is just below the sensitiv- ity limit of Fermi/LAT. By considering a sample of 176 radio detected high-redshift blazars, undetected at γ-ray energies, I was able to increase the number of previously unknown γ-ray blazars by a total of seven sources. Especially the blazar 5BZQ J2219-2719, at a distance of z = 3.63 was found to be the most distant new γ-ray source identified within this thesis. In the final part of this thesis, I studied the flaring behavior of bright blazars, previously considered as potential neutrino candidates. While the occurrence of flaring intervals in blazars is of purely statistical nature, I found potential differences in the observed flaring behavior of different blazar types. Blazars can be subdivided into BL Lac (BLL) objects, Flat-Spectrum Radio Quasar (FSRQ) and Blazars Candidates of Uncertain type (BCU). FSRQs are typ- ically brighter than BL Lac or BCU type blazars, thus longer flares and more complicated substructures can be resolved. Although BL Lacs and BCUs are capable of generating signifi- cant flaring episodes, they are often identified close to the detection threshold of Fermi/LAT. Long-term outburst periods are exclusively observed in FSRQs, while BCUs can still con- tribute with flare durations of up to ten days. BL Lacs, however, are only detected in flaring states of less than four days. FSRQs are bright enough to be detected multiple times with time gaps between two subsequent flaring intervals ranging between days and months. While BL Lacs can show time gaps of more than 100 days, BCUs are only observed with gaps up to 20 days, indicating that these objects are detected only once in the considered time range of six years. The newly introduced parameter "Boxyness" describes the averaged flux in an identified flaring state and does highly depend on the shape of the considered flare. While perfectly box-like flares (flares which show a constant flux level over the entire time range) correspond to an averaged flux which is equal the maximum flare amplitude, irregular shaped flares generate a smaller averaged flux. While all blazar types show perfectly box-shaped daily flares, BL Lacs and BCUs are typically not bright enough to be resolved for multiple days. The work presented in this thesis illustrates the challenging state of multimessenger neu- trino astronomy and the demanding hunt for the first extragalactic neutrino point sources. In this context, this work discusses the multiwavelength emission behavior of blazars as a promising class of neutrino point sources and allows for predictions of current and future source associations}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wendel2022, author = {Wendel, Christoph}, title = {Spectral Imprints from Electromagnetic Cascades in Blazar Jets}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-29007}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-290076}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The extragalactic gamma-ray sky is dominated by blazars, active galactic nuclei (AGN) with a relativistic jet that is closely aligned with the line of sight. Galaxies develop an active nucleus if the central supermassive black hole (BH) accretes large amounts of ambient matter and magnetic flux. The inflowing mass accumulates around the plane perpendicular to the accretion flow's angular momentum. The flow is heated through viscous friction and part of the released energy is radiated as blackbody or non-thermal radiation, with luminosities that can dominate the accumulated stellar luminosity of the host galaxy. A fraction of the accretion flow luminosity is reprocessed in a surrounding field of ionised gas clouds. These clouds, revolving around the central BH, emit Doppler-broadened atomic emission lines. The region where these broad-line-emitting clouds are located is called broad-line region (BLR). About one in ten AGN forms an outflow of radiation and relativistic particles, called a relativistic jet. According to the Blandford-Znajek mechanism, this is facilitated through electromagnetic processes in the magnetosphere of a spinning BH. The latter induces a magnetospheric poloidal current circuit, generating a decelerating torque on the BH and inducing a toroidal magnetic field. Consequently, rotational energy of the BH is converted to Poynting flux streaming away mainly along the rotational axis and starting the jet. One possibility for particle acceleration near the jet base is realised by magnetospheric vacuum gaps, regions temporarily devoid of plasma, such that an intermittent electric field arises parallel to the magnetic field lines, enabling particle acceleration and contributing to the mass loading of the jets. Magnetised structures, containing bunches of relativistic electrons, propagate away from the galactic nucleus along the jets. Assuming that these electrons emit synchrotron radiation and that they inverse-Compton (IC) up-scatter abundant target photons, which can either be the synchrotron photons themselves or photons from external emitters, the emitted spectrum can be theoretically determined. Additionally taking into account that these emission regions move relativistically themselves and that the emission is Doppler-boosted and beamed in forward direction, the typical two-hump spectral energy distribution (SED) of blazars is recovered. There are however findings that challenge this well-established model. Short-time variability, reaching down to minute scales at very high energy gamma rays, is today known to be a widespread phenomenon of blazars, calling for very compact emission regions. In most models of such optically thick emission regions, the gamma-ray flux is usually pair-absorbed exponentially, without considering the cascade evolving from the pair-produced electrons. From the observed flux, it is often concluded that emission emanates from larger distances where the region is optically thin, especially from outside of the BLR. Only in few blazars gamma-ray attenuation associated with pair absorption in the BLR was clearly reported. With the advent of sophisticated high-energy or very high energy gamma-ray detectors, like the Fermi Large Area Telescope or the Major Atmospheric Gamma-ray Imaging Cherenkov telescopes, besides the extraordinarily fast variability spectral features have been found that cannot be explained by conventional models reproducing the two-hump SED. Two such narrow spectral features are discussed in this work. For the nearby blazar Markarian 501, hints to a sharp peak around 3 TeV have been reported from a multi-wavelength campaign carried out in July 2014, while for 3C 279 a spectral dip was found in 2018 data, that can hardly be described with conventional fitting functions. In this work it is examined whether these spectral peculiarities of blazar jet emission can be explained, if the full radiation reprocessing through an IC pair cascade is accounted for. Such a cascade is the multiple concatenation of IC scattering events and pair production events. In the cascades generally considered in this work, relativistic electrons and high-energy photons are injected into a fixed soft target photon field. A mathematical description for linear IC pair cascades with escape terms is delivered on the basis of preliminary works. The steady-state kinetic equations for the electrons and for the photons are determined, whereby it is paid attention to an explicit formulation and to motivating the correct integration borders of all integrals from kinematic constraints. In determining the potentially observable gamma-ray flux, both the attenuated injected flux and the flux evolving as an effect of IC up-scattering, pair absorption and escape are incorporated, giving the emerging spectra very distinct imprints. Much effort is dedicated to the numerical solution of the electrons' kinetic equation via iterative schemes. It is explained why pointwise iteration from higher to lower Lorentz factors is more efficient than iterating the whole set of sampling points. The algorithm is parallelised at two positions. First, several workers can perform pointwise iterations simultaneously. Second, the most demanding integral is cut into a number of part integrals which can be determined by multiple workers. Through these measures, the Python code can be readily applied to simulate steady-state IC pair cascades with escape. In the case of Markarian 501 the developed framework is as follows. The AGN hosts an advection-dominated accretion flow with a normalised accretion rate of several \(10^{-4}\) and an electron temperature near \(10^{10}\) K. On the one hand, the accretion flow illuminates the few ambient gas clouds with approximate radius \(10^{11}\) m, which reprocess a fraction 0.01 of the luminosity into hydrogen and helium emission lines. On the other hand, the gamma rays from the accretion flow create electrons and positrons in a sporadically active vacuum gap in the BH magnetosphere. In the active gap, a power of roughly 0.001 of the Blandford-Znajek power is extracted from the rotating BH through a gap potential drop of several \(10^{18}\) V, generating ultra-relativistic electrons, which subsequently are multiplied by a factor of about \(10^6\) through interaction with the accretion flow photons. This electron beam propagates away from the central engine and encounters the photon field of one passing ionised cloud. The resulting IC pair cascade is simulated and the evolving gamma-ray spectrum is determined. Just above the absorption troughs due to the hydrogen lines, the spectrum exhibits a narrow bump around 3 TeV. When the cascaded emission is added to the emission generated at larger distances, the observed multi-wavelength SED including the sharp peak at 3 TeV is reproduced, underlining that radiation processes beyond conventional models are motivated by distinct spectral features. The dip in the spectrum of 3C 279 is addressed by a similar cascade model. Three types of injection are considered, varying in the ratio of the photon density to the electron density and varying in the spectral shape. The IC pair cascade is assumed to happen either in the dense BLR photon field with a luminosity of several \(10^{37}\) W and a radial size of few \(10^{14}\) m or in the diluted photon field outside of the BLR. The latter scenario is however rejected as the spectral slope around several 100 MeV and the dip at few 10 GeV cannot be reconciled within this model. The radiation cascaded in the BLR can explain the observational data, irrespective of the assumed injected rate. It is therefore concluded that for this period of gamma-ray emission, the radiation production happens at the edge of the BLR of 3C 279. Both investigations show that IC pair cascades can account for fine structure seen in blazar SEDs. It is insufficient to restrict the radiation transport to pure exponential absorption of an injection term. Pair production and IC up-scattering by all generations of photons and electrons in the optically thick regime critically shape the emerging spectra. As the advent of future improved detectors will provide more high-precision spectra, further observations of narrow spectral features can be expected. It seems therefore recommendable to incorporate cascading into conventional radiation production models or to extend the model developed in this work by synchrotron radiation.}, subject = {Active galactic nucleus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Langejahn2022, author = {Langejahn, Marcus}, title = {Hard X-ray Properties of Relativistically Beamed Jets from Radio- and Gamma-Ray-Bright Blazars}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-28200}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-282009}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {In this work I characterize the hard X-ray properties of blazars, active galactic nuclei with highly beamed emission, which are notoriously hard to detect in this energy range. I employ pre-defined samples of beamed AGN: the radio-selected MOJAVE and TANAMI samples, as well as the most recent gamma-ray-selected Fermi/LAT 4LAC catalog. The hard X-ray data is extracted from the 105-month all-sky survey maps of the Swift/BAT (Burst Alert Telescope) in the energy band of 20 keV to 100 keV. A great majority of both the MOJAVE and TANAMI samples are significantly detected, with signal-to noise ratios of the sources often just below the X-ray catalog signal thresholds. All blazar sub-types (FSRQs, BL Lacs) and radio galaxies show characteristic ranges of X-ray flux, luminosity, and photon index. Their properties are correlated with the corresponding SED's shape / peak frequency. The LogN-LogS distributions of the samples show a scarcity of blazars in the middle and lower X-ray flux range, indicating differing evolutionary paths between radio and X-ray emission, which is also suggested by the corresponding luminosity functions. Compared to the radio samples, the 4LAC sources are on average significantly less bright in the BAT band since this range often coincides with the spectral gap region between the two big SED emission bumps. Also, the spectral shapes differ notably, especially for the sub-type of BL Lacs. Using the parameter space of X-ray and gamma-ray photon indices, 35 blazar candidate sources can be assigned to either the FSRQ or BL Lac type with high certainty. The reason why many blazars are weak in this energy band can be traced back to a number of factors: the selection bias of the initial sample, differential evolution of the X-rays and the wavelengths in which the sample is defined, and the limited sensitivity of the observing instruments.}, subject = {Aktiver galaktischer Kern}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kappes2024, author = {Kappes, Alexander}, title = {High-Redshift Blazars Observed by the International LOFAR Telescope}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-36144}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-361444}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {This work presents the first ILT observations of high redshift blazars and their study in terms of jet evolution, morphology, and interaction with the surrounding medium. Each of these represents a highly topical area of astronomywith a large number of open questions. To better understand Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) and their fundamental inner workings, new techniques are needed to exploit the full potential of the next generation of radio interferometers. Some of these tools are presented here and applied to one of the latest generation of software radio telescopes. A major focus of the studies presented is on the unification model, where the observed blazars are discussed for their properties to be rotated counterparts of Fanaroff-Riley Class II (FR-II) radio galaxies, when classified as Flat Spectrum Radio Quasars (FSRQs). In addition, multiwavelength information has been included in the analysis. Both studies are feasibility studies that will serve as a basis for future similar studies. The characteristics discussed and their interpretation do not allow conclusions to be drawn for their respective populations. However, by applying them to a larger number of targets, population studies will be possible. The first chapters introduce the necessary topics, AGN, principles of radio observations and ILT, in the necessary depth to provide the reader with a solid knowledge base. They are particularly important for understanding the current limits and influences of uncertainties in the observation, calibration and imaging process. But they also shed light on realistic future improvements. A particular focus is on the development and evolution of the LOw-Frequency ARray (LOFAR)-Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) pipeline. With the tools at hand, the first study addresses the high redshift blazar S5 0836+710 \$(z=2.218)\$, which has been observed at various wavelengths and resolutions. It has a disrupted one-sided jet with an associated extended region further out. Despite the excellent wavelength coverage, only the additional ILT observations provided a complete picture of the source. With the data, the extended region could be classified as a hotspot moving at slightly relativistic speeds.. With the ILT data it was also possible to extract the flux of the core region of the AGN, and in projection to reveal the mixed counter-hotspot behind it. This also allowed constraints on jet parameters and environmental properties to be modelled, which were previously inconclusive. Technically, this study shows that the ILT can be used as an effective VLBI array for compact sources with small angular scales. However, the detection of faint components beyond redshifts of \$z=2\$ may require the capabilities of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) to provide a significant number of detections to enable statistical conclusions. The second study uses a much improved calibration pipeline to analyse the high redshift blazar GB1508+5714 \$(z=4.30)\$. The ILT data revealed a previously unseen component in the eastern direction. A spectral index map was generated from the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) data, showing spectral index values of \$-1.2_{-0.2}^{+0.4}\$ for the western component, steeper than \$-1.1\$ for the eastern region, and \$0.023 \pm 0.007\$ for the core. Using the information provided by the ILT observation, as well as multi-wavelength information from other observations ranging from the long radio wavelengths to the \$\gamma\$ regime, four models were developed to interpret the observed flux with different emission origins. This also allowed to test a proposed interaction channel of the electrons provided by the jet, to cool off via inverse compton scattering with the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) photons, rather than by the usual synchrotron emission. This is referred to as cmb quenching in the literature, which could be shown in the study, to be necessary in any case. Finally, one of the four models was considered in which the hotspots in the detected components are unresolved and mixed by the lobe emission, with the X-ray emission coming from the lobes and partially mixed by the bright core region. The results of this preferred model are consistent with hotspots in a state of equipartition and lobes almost so. The study shows that high redshift blazars can be studied with the ILT, and expanding the sample of high redshift blazars resolved at multiple frequencies will allow a statistical study of the population. Finally, this work successfully demonstrates the powerful capabilities of the ILT to address questions that were previously inaccessible. The current state of the LOFAR-VLBI pipeline, when properly executed, allows work on the most challenging objects and will only improve in the future. In particular, this gives a glimpse of the possibilities that SKA will bring to astronomy.}, subject = {Blazar}, language = {en} }