@phdthesis{Keller2002, author = {Keller, Andreas}, title = {Genetic Intervention in Sensory Systems of a Fly}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-680}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Die vorliegende Arbeit vergleicht Transgene, die in Drosophila Neuronen exprimiert wurden, um diese abzut{\"o}ten oder zu blockieren. Tetanus Neurotoxin erwies sich als sehr effizient, um chemische Synapsen zu blockieren. Synapsen, die aus einer chemischen und einer elektrischen Komponente bestehen, ließen sich dagegen mit einem ektopisch exprimierten humanen Kalium-Kanal zuverl{\"a}ssiger ausschalten. Es wurden drei M{\"o}glichkeiten verglichen, eine zeitliche Kontrolle {\"u}ber die Funktion von Neuronen zu erlangen. Keines der getesteten Systeme erwies sich als universell anwendbar, aber die durch Rekombination induzierte Tetanus Neurotoxin Expression ist ein vielversprechender Ansatz. Die aus dieser vergleichenden methodischen Studie gewonnenen Ergebnisse wurden angewendet, um die Rolle von Neuronen in sensorischen Systemen bei der Verarbeitung verschiedener sensorischer Informationen zu untersuchen. Chemische und mechanische Rezeptorneuronen konnten den olfaktorisch gesteuerten Verhaltensweisen beziehungsweise den lokomotorischen Leistungen, denen sie zu Grunde liegen, zugeordnet werden. Hauptthema der Arbeit ist die Suche nach Neuronen, die an der Bewegungsdetektion im visuellen System beteiligt sind. Dabei zeigte sich, daß weder L2 noch L4 Neuronen im ersten visuellen Neuropil essentiell f{\"u}r die Detektion von Bewegung sind. Vielmehr deuten die Ergebnisse darauf hin, daß die Bewegungsdetektion {\"u}ber das Netzwerk der amacrinen Zellen (a) erfolgt. Die f{\"u}r vertikale Bewegung sensitiven VS Zellen in der Lobula Platte erwiesen sich als nicht notwendig f{\"u}r die Verhaltensreaktionen auf vertikale Bewegungsreize. Daraus folgt auch, daß in der Strukturmutante optomotor blind das Fehlen der VS Zellen nicht urs{\"a}chlich f{\"u}r die stark eingeschr{\"a}nkten Reaktionen auf vertikale Bewegung ist. Ein anderer Defekt in optomotor blind muß daf{\"u}r verantwortlich sein. Die Arbeit zeigt das große Potential der beschriebenen Methoden zur Untersuchung der Informationsverarbeitung im Nervensystem von Drosophila. Einzelne Neuronengruppen konnten komplexen Verhaltensweisen zugeordnet werden und Theorien {\"u}ber die Informationsverarbeitung konnten in Verhaltensexperimenten mit transgenen Fliegen getestet werden. Eine weitere Verfeinerung der Methodik zur genetischen Intervention wird das Drosophila Gehirn zu einem noch besseren Modell f{\"u}r die Informationsverarbeitung in Nervensystemen machen.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Putz2002, author = {Putz, Gabriele}, title = {Characterization of memories and ignorant (S6KII) mutants in operant conditioning in the heat-box}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-4195}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Learning and memory processes of operant conditioning in the heat-box were analysed. Age, sex, and larval desity were not critical parameters influencing memory, while low or high activity levels of flies were negatively correlated with their performance. In a search for conditioning parameters leading to high retention scores, intermittent training was shown to give better results than continuous training. As the memory test is the immediate continuation of the conditioning phase just omitting reinforcement, we obtain a memory which consists of two components: a spatial preference for one side of the chamber and a stay-where-you-are effect in which the side preference is contaminated by the persistence of heat avoidance. Intermittent training strengthens the latter. In the next part, memory retention was investigated. Flies were trained in one chamber and tested in a second one after a brief reminder training. With this direct transfer, memory scores reflect an associative learning process in the first chamber. To investigate memory retention after extended time periods, indirect transfer experiments were performed. The fly was transferred to a different environment between training and test phases. With this procedure an after-effect of the training was still observed two hours later. Surprisingly, exposure to the chamber without conditioning also lead to a memory effect in the indirect transfer experiment. This exposure effect revealed a dispositional change that facilitates operant learning during the reminder training. The various memory effects are independent of the mushroom bodies. The transfer experiments and yoked controls proved that the heat-box records an associative memory. Even two hours after the operant conditioning procedure, the fly remembers that its position in the chamber controls temperature. The cAMP signaling cascade is involved in heat-box learning. Thus, amnesiac, rutabaga, and dunce mutants have an impaired learning / memory. Searching for, yet unknown, genes and signaling cascades involved in operant conditioning, a Drosophila melanogaster mutant screen with 1221 viable X-chromosome P-element lines was performed. 29 lines with consistently reduced heat avoidance/ learning or memory scores were isolated. Among those, three lines have the p[lacW] located in the amnesiac ORF, confirming that with the chosen candidate criteria the heat-box is a useful tool to screen for learning and /or memory mutants. The mutant line ignP1 (8522), which is defective in the gene encoding p90 ribosomal S6 kinase (S6KII), was investigated. The P-insertion of line ignP1 is the first Drosophila mutation in the ignorant (S6KII) gene. It has the transposon inserted in the first exon. Mutant males are characterized by low training performance, while females perform well in the standard experiment. Several deletion mutants of the ignorant gene have been generated. In precise jumpouts the phenotype was reverted. Imprecise jumpouts with a partial loss of the coding region were defective in operant conditioning. Surprisingly, null mutants showed wild-type behavior. This might indicate an indirect effect of the mutated ignorant gene on learning processes. In classical odor avoidance conditioning, ignorant null mutants showed a defect in the 3-min, 30-min, and 3-hr memory, while the precise jumpout of the transposon resulted in a reversion of the behavioral phenotype. Deviating results from operant and classical conditioning indicate different roles for S6KII in the two types of learning.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Porsch2002, author = {Porsch, Matthias}, title = {OMB and ORG-1}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-3614}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Members of the T-box gene family encode transcription factors that play key roles during embryonic development and organogenesis of invertebrates and vertebrates. The defining feature of T-box proteins is an about 200 aa large, conserved DNA binding motif, the T domain. Their importance for proper development is highlighted by the dramatic phenotypes of T-box mutant animals. My thesis was mainly focused on two Drosophila T-box genes, optomotor-blind (omb) and optomotor-blind related 1 (org-1), and included (i) a genetic analysis of org-1 and (ii) the identification of molecular determinants within OMB and ORG-1 that confer functional specificity. (i) Genetic analysis of org-1 initially based on a behavioral Drosophila mutant, C31. C31 is a X-linked, recessive mutant and was mapped to 7E-F, the cytological region of org-1. This pleiotropic mutant is manifested in walking defects, structural aberrations in the central brain, and "held-out" wings. Molecular analysis revealed that C31 contains an insertion of a 5' truncated I retrotransposon within the 3' untranslated transcript of org-1, suggesting that C31 might represent the first org-1 mutant. Based on this hypothesis, we screened 44.500 F1 female offspring of EMS mutagenized males and C31 females for the "held-out" phenotype, but failed to isolate any C31 or org-1 mutant, although this mutagenesis was functional per se. Since we could not exclude the possibility that our failure is due to an idiosyncracy of C31, we intended not to rely on C31 in further genetic experiments and followed a reverse genetic strategy . All P element lines cytologically mapping to 7E-7F were characterized for their precise insertion sites. 13 of the 19 analyzed lines had P element insertions within a hot-spot 37 kb downstream of org-1. No P element insertions within org-1 could be identified, but several P element insertions were determined on either side of org-1. The org-1 nearest insertions were used for local-hop experiments, in which we associated 6 new genes with P insertions, but failed to target org-1. The closest P elements are still 10 kb away from org-1. Subsequently, we employed org-1 flanking P elements to induce precise deletions in 7E-F spanning org-1. Two org-1 flanking P elements were brought together on a recombinant chromosome. Remobilization of P elements in cis configuration frequently results in deletions with the P element insertion sites as deficiency endpoints. In a first attempt, we expected to identify deficiencies by screening for C31 alleles. 8 new C31 alleles could be isolated. The new C31 chromosomes, however, did not carry the desired deletion. Molecular analysis indicated that C31 is not caused by aberrations in org-1, but by mutations in a distal locus. We repeated the P element remobilization and screened for the absence of P element markers. 4 lethal chromosomes could be isolated with a deletion of the org-1 locus. (ii) The consequences of ectopic org-1 were analyzed using UAS-org-1 transgenic flies and a number of different Gal4 driver lines. Misexpression of org-1 during imaginal development interfered with the normal development of many organs and resulted in flies with a plethora of phenotypes. These include a homeotic transformation of distal antenna (flagellum) into distal leg structures, a strong size reduction of the legs along their proximo-distal axis, and stunted wings. Like ectopic org-1, ectopic omb leads to dramatic changes of normal developmental pathways in Drosophila as well. dpp-Gal4/ UAS-omb flies are late pupal lethal and show an ectopic pair of wings and largely reduced eyes. GMR-Gal4 driven ectopic omb expression in the developing eye causes a degeneration of the photoreceptor cells, while GMR-Gal4/ UAS-org-1 flies have intact eyes. Hence, ectopic org-1 and omb induce profound phenotypes that are qualitatively different for these homologous genes. To begin to address the question where within OMB and ORG-1 the specificity determinants reside, we conceptionally subdivided both proteins into three domains and tested the relevance ofthese domains for functional specificity in vivo. The single domains were cloned and used as modules to assemble all possible omb-org-1 chimeric trans- genes. A method was developed to determine the relative expression strength of different UAS-transgenes, allowing to compare the various transgenic constructs for qualitative differences only, excluding different transgene quantities. Analysis of chimeric omb-org-1 transgenes with the GMR-Gal4 driver revealed that all three OMB domains contribute to functional specificity.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} }