@phdthesis{Schindelin2005, author = {Schindelin, Johannes}, title = {The standard brain of Drosophila melanogaster and its automatic segmentation}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-15518}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {In this thesis, I introduce the Virtual Brain Protocol, which facilitates applications of the Standard Brain of Drosophila melanogaster. By providing reliable and extensible tools for the handling of neuroanatomical data, this protocol simplifies and organizes the recurring tasks involved in these applications. It is demonstrated that this protocol can also be used to generate average brains, i.e. to combine recordings of several brains with the same features such that the common features are emphasized. One of the most important steps of the Virtual Insect Protocol is the aligning of newly recorded data sets with the Standard Brain. After presenting methods commonly applied in a biological or medical context to align two different recordings, it is evaluated to what extent this alignment can be automated. To that end, existing Image Processing techniques are assessed. I demonstrate that these techniques do not satisfy the requirements needed to guarantee sensible alignments between two brains. Then, I analyze what needs to be taken into account in order to formulate an algorithm which satisfies the needs of the protocol. In the last chapter, I derive such an algorithm using methods from Information Theory, which bases the technique on a solid mathematical foundation. I show how Bayesian Inference can be applied to enhance the results further. It is demonstrated that this approach yields good results on very noisy images, detecting apparent boundaries between structures. The same approach can be extended to take additional knowledge into account, e.g. the relative position of the anatomical structures and their shape. It is shown how this extension can be utilized to segment a newly recorded brain automatically.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Groh2005, author = {Groh, Claudia}, title = {Environmental influences on the development of the female honeybee brain Apis mellifera}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-17388}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {F{\"u}r die Honigbiene spielt der Geruchssinn eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Kommunikation innerhalb des Sozialstaates. Kastenspezifische, auf uweltbedingten Einfl{\"u}ssen basierende sowie altersbedingte Unterschiede im olfaktorisch gesteuerten Verhalten liefern ein hervorragendes Modellsystem f{\"u}r diese Studie, um die Entwicklung und Funktion neuronaler Plastizit{\"a}t im olfaktorischen System zu untersuchen. Diese Studie konzentriert sich auf Unterschiede zwischen K{\"o}niginnen und Arbeiterinnen, den beiden weiblichen Kasten innerhalb des Bienestaates, sowie auf umweltbedingte Plastizit{\"a}t. Diploide Eier, aus denen sich K{\"o}niginnen und Arbeiterinnen entwickeln, sind genetisch identisch. Dennoch entwickeln sich K{\"o}niginnen wesentlich schneller zum Adulttier als Arbeiterinnen, sind als Imago gr{\"o}ßer, leben wesentlich l{\"a}nger und zeigen andere Verhaltensweisen. Diese Unterschiede werden durch eine differentielle larvale F{\"u}tterung initiiert. Im Anschluss an das Larvenstadium und somit nach erfolgter Kastendetermination, entwickeln sich die Bienen {\"u}ber eine Puppenphase (verdeckelte Phase) zum Imago. Adulte Bienen klimatisieren das zentrale Brutareal auf einer mittleren Temperatur von 35°C konstant. Bienen, die bei niedrigeren Temperaturen innerhalb des physiologisch relevanten Bereichs aufwachsen, weisen Defizite im olfaktorischen Lernverhalten und in der Tanzkommunikation auf. M{\"o}gliche neuronale Korrelate f{\"u}r altersbedingte, temperatur- und kastenspezifische Unterschiede im olfaktorisch gesteuerten Verhalten sollten in dieser Arbeit betrachtet werden. Die strukturellen Analysen konzentrierten sich dabei auf prim{\"a}re (Antennalloben) und sekund{\"a}re (Pilzk{\"o}rper-Calyces)olfaktorische Verarbeitungszentren im Gehirn von sich entwickelnden und adulten Tieren beider Kasten. Synchron verdeckelte Brutzellen beider Kasten wurden unter kontrollierten Bedingungen im Inkubator herangezogen. Neuroanatomische Untersuchungen wurden an fixierten Gewebeschnitten mittels einer Doppelfluoreszenzf{\"a}rbung mit Fluor-Phalloidin und anti-Synapsin Immuncytochemie durchgef{\"u}hrt. Diese Doppelmarkierung erm{\"o}glichte die Visualisierung und Quantifizierung individueller Synapsenkomplexe (Microglomeruli) im Pilzk{\"o}rper-Calyx. Phalloidin bindet an verschiedene F-Aktin Isoformen und kann zum Nachweis von F-Aktin im Insektennervensystem verwendet werden. F-Aktin wird w{\"a}hrend der Entwicklung in Wachstumskegeln und in adulten Gehirnen in pr{\"a}synaptischen Endigungen und dendritischen Dornen exprimiert. Pr{\"a}synaptische Elemente wurden durch den Einsatz eines spezifischen Antik{\"o}rpers gegen das Drosophila-Vesikeltransportprotein Synapsin I charakterisiert. Mit Hilfe der konfokalen Laser-Scanning Mikroskopie wurde die exakte r{\"a}umliche Zuordnung der Fluoreszenzsignale anhand optischer Schnitte durch die Pr{\"a}parate realisiert. Anhand dieser Methodik konnten erstmals {\"u}ber reine Volumenanalysen hinausgehende Messungen zur synaptischen Strukturplastizit{\"a}t im Pilzk{\"o}rper-Calyx durchgef{\"u}hrt werden. Die Untersuchungen an Gehirnen in den verschiedenen Puppenstadien zeigten Unterschiede im Entwicklungsverlauf der Gehirne mit dem Fokus auf die Bildung antennaler Glomeruli und calycaler Microglomeruli. Unterschiede in der Gehirnentwicklung verdeutlichten die ontogenetische Plastizit{\"a}t des Gehirns der Honigbiene. Entsprechend der k{\"u}rzeren Puppenphase der K{\"o}niginnen bildeten sich sowohl antennale Glomeruli als auch alle Untereinheiten (Lippe, Collar, Basalring) des Calyx etwa drei Tage fr{\"u}her aus. Direkt nach dem Schlupf zeigten quantitative Analysen innerhalb der Pilzk{\"o}rper-Calyces eine signifikant geringere Anzahl an Microglomeruli bei K{\"o}niginnen. Diese neuronale Strukturplastizit{\"a}t auf verschiedenen Ebenen der olfaktorischen Informationsverarbeitung korreliert mit der kastenspezifischen Arbeitsteilung. Die Arbeit liefert Erkenntnisse {\"u}ber den Einfluss eines wichtigen kontrollierten Umweltparameters, der Bruttemperatur, w{\"a}hrend der Puppenphase auf die synaptische Organisation der adulten Pilzk{\"o}rper-Calyces. Bereits geringe Unterschiede in der Aufzuchtstemperatur (1°C) beeinflussten signifikant die Anzahl von Microglomeruli in der Lippenregion des Calyx beider weiblicher Kasten. Die maximale Anzahl an MG entwickelte sich bei Arbeiterinnen bei 34.5°C, bei K{\"o}niginnen aber bei 33.5°C. Neben dieser entwicklungsbedingten neuronalen Plastizit{\"a}t zeigt diese Studie eine starke altersbedingte Strukturplastizit{\"a}t der MG w{\"a}hrend der relativ langen Lebensdauer von Bienenk{\"o}niginnen. Hervorzuheben ist, dass die Anzahl an MG in der olfaktorischen Lippenregion mit dem Alter anstieg (~55\%), in der angrenzenden visuellen Collarregion jedoch abnahm (~33\%). Die in der vorliegenden Arbeite erstmals gezeigte umweltbedingte Entwicklungsplastizit{\"a}t sowie altersbedingte synaptische Strukturplastizit{\"a}t in den sensorischen Eingangsregionen der Pilzk{\"o}rper-Calyces k{\"o}nnte kasten- und altersspezifischen Anpassungen im Verhalten zugrunde liegen.}, subject = {Biene}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Jenett2007, author = {Jenett, Arnim}, title = {The Virtual Insect Brain Protocol : development and application of software for the standardization of neuroanatomy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-22297}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Since the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster entered the laboratories as a model organism, new genetic, physiological, molecular and behavioral techniques for the functional analysis of the brain rapidly accumulated. Nowadays this concerted assault obtains its main thrust form Gal4 expression patterns that can be visualized and provide the means for manipulating -in unrestrained animals- groups of neurons of the brain. To take advantage of these patterns one needs to know their anatomy. This thesis describes the Virtual Insect Brain (VIB) protocol, a software package for the quantitative assessment, comparison, and presentation of neuroanatomical data. It is based on the 3D-reconstruction and visualization software Amira (Mercury Inc.). Its main part is a standardization procedure which aligns individual 3D images (series of virtual sections obtained by confocal microscopy) to a common coordinate system and computes average intensities for each voxel (volume pixel). The VIB protocol facilitates direct comparison of gene expression patterns and describes their interindividual variability. It provides volumetry of brain regions and helps to characterize the phenotypes of brain structure mutants. Using the VIB protocol does not require any programming skills since all operations are carried out at a (near to) self-explanatory graphical user interface. Although the VIB protocol has been developed for the standardization of Drosophila neuroanatomy, the program structure can be used for the standardization of other 3D structures as well. Standardizing brains and gene expression patterns is a new approach to biological shape and its variability. Using the VIB protocol consequently may help to integrate knowledge on the correlation of form and function of the insect brain. The VIB protocol provides a first set of tools supporting this endeavor in Drosophila. The software is freely available at http://www.neurofly.de.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Zube2008, author = {Zube, Christina}, title = {Neuronal representation and processing of chemosensory communication signals in the ant brain}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-30383}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Ants heavily rely on olfaction for communication and orientation and ant societies are characterized by caste- and sex-specific division of labor. Olfaction plays a key role in mediating caste-specific behaviours. I investigated whether caste- and sex-specific differences in odor driven behavior are reflected in specific differences and/or adaptations in the ant olfactory system. In particular, I asked the question whether in the carpenter ant, Camponotus floridanus, the olfactory pathway exhibits structural and/or functional adaptations to processing of pheromonal and general odors. To analyze neuroanatomical specializations, the central olfactory pathway in the brain of large (major) workers, small (minor) workers, virgin queens, and males of the carpenter ant C. floridanus was investigated using fluorescent tracing, immunocytochemistry, confocal microscopy and 3D-analyzes. For physiological analyzes of processing of pheromonal and non-pheromonal odors in the first odor processing neuropil , the antennal lobe (AL), calcium imaging of olfactory projection neurons (PNs) was applied. Although different in total glomerular volumes, the numbers of olfactory glomeruli in the ALs were similar across the female worker caste and in virgin queens. Here the AL contains up to ~460 olfactory glomeruli organized in 7 distinct clusters innervated via 7 antennal sensory tracts. The AL is divided into two hemispheres regarding innervations of glomeruli by PNs with axons leaving via a dual output pathway. This pathway consists of the medial (m) and lateral (l) antenno-cerebral tract (ACT) and connects the AL with the higher integration areas in the mushroom bodies (MB) and the lateral horn (LH). M- and l-ACT PNs differ in their target areas in the MB calyx and the LH. Three additional ACTs (mediolateral - ml) project to the lateral protocerebrum only. Males had ~45\% fewer glomeruli compared to females and one of the seven sensory tracts was absent. Despite a substantially smaller number of glomeruli, males possess a dual PN output pathway to the MBs. In contrast to females, however, only a small number of glomeruli were innervated by projection neurons of the m-ACT. Whereas all glomeruli in males were densely innervated by serotonergic processes, glomeruli innervated by sensory tract six lacked serotonergic innervations in the female castes. It appears that differences in general glomerular organization are subtle among the female castes, but sex-specific differences in the number, connectivity and neuromodulatory innervations of glomeruli are substantial and likely to promote differences in olfactory behavior. Calcium imaging experiments to monitor pheromonal and non-pheromonal processing in the ant AL revealed that odor responses were reproducible and comparable across individuals. Calcium responses to both odor groups were very sensitive (10-11 dilution), and patterns from both groups were partly overlapping indicating that processing of both odor classes is not spatially segregated within the AL. Intensity response patterns to the pheromone components tested (trail pheromone: nerolic acid; alarm pheromone: n-undecane), in most cases, remained invariant over a wide range of intensities (7-8 log units), whereas patterns in response to general odors (heptanal, octanol) varied across intensities. Durations of calcium responses to stimulation with the trail pheromone component nerolic acid increased with increasing odor concentration indicating that odor quality is maintained by a stable pattern (concentration invariance) and intensity is mainly encoded in the response durations of calcium activities. For n-undecane and both general odors increasing response dynamics were only monitored in very few cases. In summary, this is the first detailed structure-function analyses within the ant's central olfactory system. The results contribute to a better understanding of important aspects of odor processing and olfactory adaptations in an insect's central olfactory system. Furthermore, this study serves as an excellent basis for future anatomical and/or physiological experiments.}, subject = {Gehirn}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Busch2009, author = {Busch, Sebastian}, title = {Morphologie und Organisation individueller oktopaminerger Neurone im Gehirn von Drosophila m.}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-36203}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Das biogene Amin Oktopamin moduliert verschiedene Verhaltensweisen in Invertebraten. In verschiedenen Insektenspezies, wie Heuschrecken, Grillen oder Schaben, ist die Funktion und die Architektur des peripheren oktopaminergen Systems auf Einzelzellebene bekannt. Um die zellul{\"a}re Grundlage f{\"u}r die verschiedenen Funktionen von Oktopamin im Zentralnervensystem zu verstehen, ist eine detaillierte Analyse der Architektur des zentralen oktopaminergen Systems notwendig. Innerhalb meiner Doktorarbeit fertigte eine anatomische Karte individueller oktopaminerger Neurone des adulten Hirns von Drosophila an. Ich nutzte die Flp-out Technik, um einzelne oktopaminerge Neurone anzuf{\"a}rben. Anhand ihrer Projektionsmuster konnte ich 28 verschiedene Zelltypen in vier Oktopamin-immunoreaktiven Zellclustern identifizieren. Ihre Morphologie sowie die Verteilung genetischer Marker zeigte, dass die meisten Zelltypen mehrere Neuropile innervieren und dabei eine klare Trennung von Pr{\"a}- und Postsynaptischen Regionen aufweisen. Die Mehrheit der Zelltypen bildet dendritische Verzweigungen in einer bestimmten Region, der posterioren Slope. Jedoch innerviert jeder Zelltyp stereotyp eine bestimmte Kombination von Zielregionen im Gehirn. Das deutet stark darauf hin, dass oktopaminerge Neurone kombinatorisch organisiert sind: Jedes individuelle Neuron scheint Komponente eines spezifischen neuronalen Schaltkreises zu sein. Dabei k{\"o}nnte jeder Zelltyp eine Art "Modul" darstellen, das selektiv bestimmte Funktionen in den jeweiligen Zielregionen moduliert. Das oktopaminerge Mittelliniencluster des Sub{\"o}sophagealen Ganglions zeigt eine besondere zellul{\"a}re Organisation. Es besteht aus gepaarten und ungepaarten Neuronen, die des Zentralgehirn mit extensiven Verzweigungen versorgen. Um die Ordnung hinter dieser komplexen Organisation zu verstehen, wurden die segmentale Organistion der Mittellinienneurone auf Einzelzellebene analysiert und ihre embryonalen Anlagen verglichen. Letzteres erm{\"o}glichte die morphologische Analyse von einzelnen oktopaminergen Mittellinienklonen. OA-VPM und OA-VUM Neurone bilden zusammen drei Subcluster im Sub{\"o}sophagealen Ganglion, die wahrscheinlich die drei gnathalen Neuromere repr{\"a}sentieren. Alle OA-VUM Neurone stammen von der embryonalen Mittellinie ab. In den mandibularen und maxillaren Neuromeren formen sie morphologisch identische Zelltypen, mit stereotypen Innervationsmustern. OA-VPM Neurone gehen nicht aus der embryonalen Mittellinie hervor und sind nicht segmental dupliziert. Diese Arbeit vermittelt nicht nur einen Eindruck {\"u}ber die Architektur individueller oktopaminerger Neurone, sondern auch {\"u}ber die Organisation des oktopaminergen Systems auf Einzelzellebene.}, subject = {Drosophila}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Kelber2009, author = {Kelber, Christina}, title = {The olfactory system of leafcutting ants: neuroanatomy and the correlation to social organization}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-47769}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2009}, abstract = {In leaf-cutting ants (genera Atta and Acromyrmex), the worker caste exhibits a pronounced size-polymorphism, and division of labor is largely dependent on worker size (alloethism). Behavioral studies have shown a rich diversity of olfactory-guided behaviors, and the olfactory system seems to be highly developed and very sensitive. To allow fine-tuned behavioral responses to different tasks, adaptations within the olfactory system of different sized workers are expected. In a recent study, two different phenotypes of the antennal lobe of Atta vollenweideri workers were found: MG- and RG-phenotype (with and without a macroglomerulus, MG). The existence of the macroglomerulus is correlated to the body size of workers, with small workers showing the RG-phenotype and large workers showing the MG-phenotype. In the MG, the information about the releaser component of the trail-pheromone is processed. In the first part of my PhD-project, I focus on quantifying behavioral differences between different sized workers in Atta vollenweideri. The study analyzes the trail following behavior; which can be generally performed by all workers. An artificial trail consisting of the releaser component of the trail-pheromone in decreasing concentration was used to test the trail-following performance of individual workers. The trail-following performance of the polymorphic workers is depended of the existence of the MG in the antennal lobe. Workers possessing the MG-phenotype were significantly better in following a decreasing trail then workers showing the RG-phenotype. In the second part I address the question if there are more structural differences, besides the MG, in the olfactory system of different sized workers. Therefore I analyze whether the glomerular numbers are related to worker size. The antennal lobes of small workers contain ~390 glomeruli (low-number; LN-phenotype), and in large workers I found a substantially higher number of ~440 glomeruli (high-number; HN-phenotype). All LN-phenotype workers and some of the small HN-phenotype workers do not possess an MG (LN-RG-phenotype and HN-RG-phenotype) at all, whereas the remaining majority of HN-phenotype workers do possess an MG (HN-MG-phenotype). Mass-stainings of antennal olfactory receptor neurons revealed that the sensory tracts divide the antennal lobe into six clusters of glomeruli (T1-T6). In the T4-cluster ~50 glomeruli are missing in the LN-phenotype workers. Selective staining of single sensilla and their associated receptor neurons showed that T4-glomeruli are innervated by receptor neurons from the main type of olfactory sensilla, the Sensilla trichodea curvata which are also projecting to glomeruli in all other clusters. The other type of olfactory sensilla, the Sensilla basiconica, exclusively innervates T6-glomeruli. Quantitative analyses revealed a correlation between the number of Sensilla basiconica and the volume of T6 glomeruli in different sized workers. The results of both behavioral and neuroanatomical studies in Atta vollenweideri suggest that developmental plasticity of antennal-lobe phenotypes promotes differences in olfactory-guided behavior which may underlie task specialization within ant colonies. The last part of my project focuses on the evolutionary origin of the macroglomerulus and the number of glomeruli in the antennal lobe. I compared the number, volumes and position of the glomeruli of the antennal lobe of 25 different species from all three major Attini groups (lower, higher and leaf-cutting Attini). The antennal lobes of all investigated Attini comprise a high number of glomeruli (257-630). The highest number was found in Apterostigma cf. mayri. This species is at a basal position within the Attini phylogeny, and a high number of glomeruli might have been advantageous in the evolution of the advanced olfactory systems of this Taxa. The macroglomerulus can be found in all investigated leaf-cutting Attini, but in none of the lower and higher Attini species. It is found only in large workers, and is located close to the entrance of the antennal nerve in all investigated species. The results indicate that the presence of a macroglomerulus in large workers of leaf-cutting Attini is a derived overexpression of a trait in the polymorphic leaf-cutting species. It presumably represents an olfactory adaptation to elaborate foraging and mass recruitment systems, and adds to the complexity of division of labor and social organization known for this group.}, subject = {Gehirn}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schmid2010, author = {Schmid, Benjamin}, title = {Computational tools for the segmentation and registration of confocal brain images of Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-51490}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Neuroanatomical data in fly brain research are mostly available as spatial gene expression patterns of genetically distinct fly strains. The Drosophila standard brain, which was developed in the past to provide a reference coordinate system, can be used to integrate these data. Working with the standard brain requires advanced image processing methods, including visualisation, segmentation and registration. The previously published VIB Protocol addressed the problem of image registration. Unfortunately, its usage was severely limited by the necessity of manually labelling a predefined set of neuropils in the brain images at hand. In this work I present novel tools to facilitate the work with the Drosophila standard brain. These tools are integrated in a well-known open-source image processing framework which can potentially serve as a common platform for image analysis in the neuroanatomical research community: ImageJ. In particular, a hardware-accelerated 3D visualisation framework was developed for ImageJ which extends its limited 3D visualisation capabilities. It is used for the development of a novel semi-automatic segmentation method, which implements automatic surface growing based on user-provided seed points. Template surfaces, incorporated with a modified variant of an active surface model, complement the segmentation. An automatic nonrigid warping algorithm is applied, based on point correspondences established through the extracted surfaces. Finally, I show how the individual steps can be fully automated, and demonstrate its application for the successful registration of fly brain images. The new tools are freely available as ImageJ plugins. I compare the results obtained by the introduced methods with the output of the VIB Protocol and conclude that our methods reduce the required effort five to ten fold. Furthermore, reproducibility and accuracy are enhanced using the proposed tools.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Homola2011, author = {Homola, Gy{\"o}rgy {\´A}d{\´a}m}, title = {Functional and Microstructural MRI of the Human Brain Revealing a Cerebral Network Processing the Age of Faces}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-56740}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Although age is one of the most salient and fundamental aspects of human faces, its processing in the brain has not yet been studied by any neuroimaging experiment. Automatic assessment of temporal changes across faces is a prerequisite to identifying persons over their life-span, and age per se is of biological and social relevance. Using a combination of evocative face morphs controlled for global optical flow and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we segregate two areas that process changes of facial age in both hemispheres. These areas extend beyond the previously established face-sensitive network and are centered on the posterior inferior temporal sulcus (pITS) and the posterior angular gyrus (pANG), an evolutionarily new formation of the human brain. Using probabilistic tractography and by calculating spatial cross-correlations as well as creating minimum intersection maps between activation and connectivity patterns we demonstrate a hitherto unrecognized link between structure and function in the human brain on the basis of cognitive age processing. According to our results, implicit age processing involves the inferior temporal sulci and is, at the same time, closely tied to quantity decoding by the presumed neural systems devoted to magnitudes in the human parietal lobes. The ventral portion of Wernicke's largely forgotten perpendicular association fasciculus is shown not only to interconnect these two areas but to relate to their activations, i.e. to transmit age-relevant information. In particular, post-hoc age-rating competence is shown to be associated with high response levels in the left angular gyrus. Cortical activation patterns related to changes of facial age differ from those previously elicited by other fixed as well as changeable face aspects such as gender (used for comparison), ethnicity and identity as well as eye gaze or facial expressions. We argue that this may be due to the fact that individual changes of facial age occur ontogenetically, unlike the instant changes of gaze direction or expressive content in faces that can be "mirrored" and require constant cognitive monitoring to follow. Discussing the ample evidence for distinct representations of quantitative age as opposed to categorical gender varied over continuous androgyny levels, we suggest that particular face-sensitive regions interact with additional object-unselective quantification modules to obtain individual estimates of facial age.}, subject = {Gesicht}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Boeck2018, author = {B{\"o}ck, Julia}, title = {Differenzielle Methylierungsanalysen mittels verschiedener Next-Generation Sequencing-basierter Techniken: Die Bedeutung von differenziell methylierten Regionen in der menschlichen Hirnevolution und bei der Krebsentstehung}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-164220}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Die Evolution der Primaten zeigt eine Verbindung zwischen der zunehmenden Komplexit{\"a}t des sozialen Verhaltens und der Vergr{\"o}ßerung des humanen Gehirns, insbesondere des pr{\"a}frontalen Cortex. Deshalb stellt der pr{\"a}frontale Cortex bez{\"u}glich der Evolution des Menschen eine der interessantesten Strukturen im humanen Gehirn dar. Es wird angenommen, dass nicht allein die Gr{\"o}ße, sondern auch die Funktion, vor allem das Zusammenspiel von Neuronen und nicht-neuronalen Zellen, wie z.B. Gliazellen, zur Differenzierung des menschlichen Gehirns von dem rezenter Primaten gef{\"u}hrt hat. Daraus l{\"a}sst sich schließen, dass die Gehirnfunktionen {\"u}ber eine ausgeglichene und gut aufeinander abgestimmte transkriptionelle Landschaft kontrolliert werden, die durch ein zugrundeliegendes genetisches und epigentisches R{\"u}ckgrat organisiert ist. In dieser Studie wurden das Methylierungsprofil neuronaler und nicht-neuronaler Zellen des pr{\"a}frontalen Cortex (Brodmann-Areal 10) von drei Menschen und drei Schimpansen miteinander verglichen. Die intra- und interspezifischen differenziell methylierten Regionen (DMRs) waren in bestimmten genomischen Regionen angereichert. Intraspezifische Methylierungsunterschiede zwischen neuronalen und nicht-neuronalen Zellen konnten dreimal h{\"a}ufiger beobachtet werden als interspezifische Unterschiede in den einzelnen Zelltypen. Rund 90\% der humanen intraspezifischen DMRs wiesen eine Hypomethylierung in den neuronalen Zellen im Vergleich zu den nicht-neuronalen Zellen auf. In den intraspezifischen DMRs (Mensch und Schimpanse) waren Gene angereichert, die mit verschiedenen neuropsychiatrischen Erkrankungen assoziiert sind. Der Vergleich zwischen Menschen und Schimpanse in den neuronalen und nicht-neuronalen Zelltypen zeigte eine Anreicherung von Genen mit human-spezifischer Histonsignatur. In den nicht-neuronalen Zellen konnten mehr interspezifische DMRs (n=666) detektiert werden als in den neuronalen Zellen (n=96). Ungef{\"a}hr 95\% der nicht-neuronalen interspezifischen DMRs waren im Menschen, im Vergleich zum Schimpansen, hypermethyliert. Daraus ergibt sich der Eindruck, dass mehrere hundert der nicht-neuronalen Gene w{\"a}hrend der humanen Gehirnevolution einer Methylierungswelle unterlagen. Dies f{\"u}hrt zu der Annahme, dass der Einfluss dieser Ver{\"a}nderungen in den nicht-neuronalen Zellen auf die Verg{\"o}ßerung des menschlichen Gehirns bisher stark untersch{\"a}tzt wurde. Die bekannteste genetische Ursache f{\"u}r erblichen Brust- und Eierstockkrebs sind Mutationen in den Tumorsuppressorgenen (TSG) BRCA1 und BRCA2. Dennoch k{\"o}nnen nur rund 20-25\% der famili{\"a}ren Brustkrebserkrankungen {\"u}ber Keimbahnmutationen in BRCA1/BRCA2 erkl{\"a}rt werden, besonders bei Frauen, deren Erkrankung vor dem vierzigsten Lebensjahr auftritt. Epigenetische Ver{\"a}nderungen, die zu einer aberranten Genexpression f{\"u}hren, spielen ebenfalls eine wichtige Rolle bei der Karzinogenese und der Entwicklung einer Brustkrebserkrankung. Es ist bekannt, dass TSG nicht nur durch den Verlust der Heterozygotie (engl. loss of heterozygosity, LOH) oder homozygote Deletionen, sondern auch durch transkriptionelle Stilllegung via DNA-Methylierung inaktiviert werden k{\"o}nnen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft, welchen Einfluss aberrante Methylierungsmuster im Promotorbereich von TSG auf die Brustkrebskarzinogenese und die Expression der Gene haben. F{\"u}r die Quantifizierung der Epimutationen wurden die Promotorbereiche von acht TSG (BRCA1, BRCA2, RAD51C, ATM, PTEN, TP53, MLH1, RB1) und des estrogene receptor (ESR1) Gens, welches eine Rolle in der Tumorprogression spielt, mittels Deep Bisulfite Amplicon Sequencing (DBAS) analysiert. Es wurden Blutproben von zwei unabh{\"a}ngigen BRCA1/BRCA2-mutationsnegativen Brustkrebs (BC)-Patientenkohorten, sowie von zwei unabh{\"a}ngigen alters-gematchten, gesunden Kontrollkohorten untersucht. BC-Kohorte 1 beinhaltet early-onset (EO) BC-Patientinnen. Kohorte 2 enth{\"a}lt BC-Patientinnen mit einem Risiko von >95\% eine heterozygote Mutation in BRCA1/BRCA2 (high-risk, HR) zu tragen. Allele mit >50\% methylierten CpGs werden als funktionell relevante Epimutationen erachtet, da bekannt ist, dass TSG {\"u}ber eine Methylierung im Promotorbereich transkriptionell stillgelegt werden. Im Vergleich zu ESR1 ({\O} Methylierung, 3\%), welches die Methylierungslevel eines durchschnittlichen Promotors wiederspiegelt, zeigten die TSG sehr geringe durchschnittliche Methylierungswerte von weniger als 1\%. Zudem waren die durchschnittlichen Epimutationsraten (EMR; <0,0001-0,1\%) der TSG sehr gering. Mit der Ausnahme von BRCA1, welches eine erh{\"o}hte EMR in der BC-Kohorte verglichen zu den Kontrollen (0,31\% gegen 0,06\%) zeigte, gab es keine signifikanten Gruppenunterschiede zwischen BC-Patientinnen und Kontrollen. Eine von 36 HR BC-Patientinnen zeigte im Vergleich zu den restlichen Proben eine stark erh{\"o}hte EMR von 14,7\% in BRCA1. Rund ein Drittel (15/44) der EO BC-Patientinnen wiesen eine erh{\"o}hte Rate an Einzel-CpG Fehlern in mehreren TSG auf. Die nachfolgenden Expressionsanalysen ergaben eine erniedrigte Expression vieler TSG je analysierter Patientin. Diese Ergebnisse f{\"u}hren zu der Annahme, dass epigenetische Ver{\"a}nderungen in normalen K{\"o}rperzellen als ein m{\"o}glicher Indikator f{\"u}r einen gest{\"o}rten Mechanismus, der f{\"u}r die Aufrechterhaltung des unmethylierten Status und der daraus resultierenden normalen Genexpression zust{\"a}ndig ist, angesehen werden k{\"o}nnen. Dies kann mit einem erh{\"o}hten BC-Risiko assoziiert werden.}, subject = {Epigenetik}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Hartlieb2020, author = {Hartlieb, Heiko}, title = {Functional analysis of Mushroom body miniature's RGG-box and its role in neuroblast proliferation in Drosophila melanogaster}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-19967}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-199674}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Development of the central nervous system in Drosophila melanogaster relies on neural stem cells called neuroblasts. Neuroblasts divide asymmetrically to give rise to a new neuroblast as well as a small daughter cell which eventually generates neurons or glia cells. Between each division, neuroblasts have to re-grow to be able to divide again. In previous studies, it was shown that neuroblast proliferation, cell size and the number of progeny cells is negatively affected in larvae carrying a P-element induced disruption of the gene mushroom body miniature (mbm). This mbm null mutation called mbmSH1819 is homozygously lethal during pupation. It was furthermore shown that the nucleolar protein Mbm plays a role in the processing of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) as well as the translocation of ribosomal protein S6 (RpS6) in neuroblasts and that it is a transcriptional target of Myc. Therefore, it was suggested that Mbm might regulate neuroblast proliferation through a role in ribosome biogenesis. In the present study, it was attempted to further elucidate these proposed roles of Mbm and to identify the protein domains that are important for those functions. Mbm contains an arginine/glycine rich region in which a di-RG as well as a di-RGG motif could be found. Together, these two motifs were defined as Mbm's RGG-box. RGG-boxes can be found in many proteins of different families and they can either promote or inhibit protein-RNA as well as protein-protein interactions. Therefore, Mbm's RGG-box is a likely candidate for a domain involved in rRNA binding and RpS6 translocation. It could be shown by deletion of the RGG-box, that MbmdRGG is unable to fully rescue survivability and neuroblast cell size defects of the null mutation mbmSH1819. Furthermore, Mbm does indeed rely on its RGG-box for the binding of rRNA in vitro and in mbmdRGG as well as mbmSH1819 mutants RpS6 is partially delocalized. Mbm itself also seems to depend on the RGG-box for correct localization since MbmdRGG is partially delocalized to the nucleus. Interestingly, protein synthesis rates are increased in mbmdRGG mutants, possibly induced by an increase in TOR expression. Therefore, Mbm might possess a promoting function in TOR signaling in certain conditions, which is regulated by its RGG-box. Moreover, RGG-boxes often rely on methylation by protein arginine methyltransferases (in Drosophila: Darts - Drosophila arginine methyltransferases) to fulfill their functions. Mbm might be symmetrically dimethylated within its RGG-box, but the results are very equivocal. In any case, Dart1 and Dart5 do not seem to be capable of Mbm methylation. Additionally, Mbm contains two C2HC type zinc-finger motifs, which could be involved in rRNA binding. In an earlier study, it was shown that the mutation of the zinc-fingers, mbmZnF, does not lead to changes in neuroblast cell size, but that MbmZnF is delocalized to the cytoplasm. In the present study, mbmZnF mutants were included in most experiments. The results, however, are puzzling since mbmZnF mutant larvae exhibit an even lower viability than the mbm null mutants and MbmZnF shows stronger binding to rRNA than wild-type Mbm. This suggests an unspecific interaction of MbmZnF with either another protein, DNA or RNA, possibly leading to a dominant negative effect by disturbing other interaction partners. Therefore, it is difficult to draw conclusions about the zinc-fingers' functions. In summary, this study provides further evidence that Mbm is involved in neuroblast proliferation as well as the regulation of ribosome biogenesis and that Mbm relies on its RGG-box to fulfill its functions.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} }