@phdthesis{Rueppell2000, author = {R{\"u}ppell, Olav}, title = {Queen size dimorphism in ants}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-1914}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2000}, abstract = {Many polymorphisms are linked to alternative reproductive strategies. In animals, this is particularly common in males. Ant queens are an important exception. The case of ant queen size dimorphisms has not been studied in sufficient detail, and thus this thesis aimed at elucidating causes and consequences of the different size of small (microgynous) and large (macrogynous)ant queens using the North American ant species Leptothorax rugatulus as a model system. Employing neutral genetic markers, no evidence for a taxonomically relevant separation of the gene pools of macrogynes and microgynes was found. Queens in polygynous colonies were highly related to each other, supporting the hypothesis that colonies with more than one queen commonly arise by secondary polygyny, i.e. by the adoption of daughter queens into their natal colonies. These results and conclusions are also true for the newly discovered queen size polymorphism in Leptothorax cf. andrei. Several lines of evidence favor the view that macrogynes predominantly found their colonies independently, while microgynes are specialized for dependent colony founding by readoption. Under natural conditions, mother and daughter size are highly correlated and this is also true for laboratory colonies. However, the size of developing queens is influenced by queens present in the colony. Comparing populations across the distribution range, it turns out that queen morphology (head width and ovariole number) is more differentiated among populations than worker morphology (coloration, multivariate size and shape), colony characteristics (queen and worker number per colony) or neutral genetic variation. Northern and southern populations differed consistently which indicates the possibility of two different species. The queen size dimorphism in L. rugatulus did neither influence the sex ratio produced by a colony, nor its ratio of workers to gynes. However, the sex ratio covaried strongly across populations with the average number of queens per colony in accordance with sex ratio theory. At the colony level, sex ratio could not be explained by current theory and a hypothesis at the colony-level was suggested. Furthermore, queen body size has no significant influence on the amount of reproductive skew among queens. Generally, the skew in L. rugatulus is low, and supports incomplete control models, rather than the classic skew models. In eight of fourteen mixed or microgynous colonies, the relative contributions of individual queens to workers, gynes and males were significantly different. This was mainly due to the fact that relative body size was negatively correlated with the ratio of gynes to workers produced. This supports the kin conflict over caste determination hypothesis which views microgyny as a selfish reproductive tactic.}, subject = {Ameisen}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Jung2002, author = {Jung, Sven}, title = {Forensische DNA-Analytik}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-3031}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden verschiedene M{\"o}glichkeiten, die die mitochondriale DNA-Analytik f{\"u}r die Spurenkunde und die Populationsgenetik er{\"o}ffnet, ausgelotet. Polymorphismen der beiden nichtcodierenden hypervariablen Regionen HV1 und HV2 wurden durch Sequenzierung erschlossen und ergaben zusammen f{\"u}r eine deutsche Populationsstichprobe (Unterfranken, n = 180) einen Diskriminationsindex (DI) von 0,99. Der DI betrug bei alleiniger Betrachtung der HV1 f{\"u}r eine deutsche (n = 198), t{\"u}rkische (n = 37), {\"a}thiopische (n = 65) und chinesische (n = 60) Populationsstichprobe jeweils 0,97, 0,97, 0,96 und 0,98. L{\"o}sungen f{\"u}r spezifische Sequenzierungsprobleme der mitochondrialen DNA wurden gefunden, so dass ein reibungsloser Einsatz in der Laborroutine gew{\"a}hrleistet ist. Die Mutationsh{\"a}ufigkeit in der HV1 und HV2 wurde mit einem Wert von ca. einem Basenaustausch bei 50 Generationswechseln festgestellt. Die N{\"u}tzlichkeit der mitochondrialen DNA f{\"u}r rechtsmedizinische Belange hat sich bereits mehrfach best{\"a}tigt. Insbesondere bei der Untersuchung von Haarsch{\"a}ften und telogenen Haaren zeigte sich, dass mit Hilfe mitochondrialer DNA noch erfolgreiche Amplifikationen durchgef{\"u}hrt werden k{\"o}nnen, wenn die klassischen STR-Systeme bereits versagen. Die f{\"u}r spurenkundliche Analysen sinnvolle Sequenz-Analyse der HVs wurde f{\"u}r populationsgenetische Untersuchungen als ungeeignet erkannt. Untersuchungen auf Grund einer Einteilung in Haplogruppen erbrachten hingegen verwertbare Ergebnisse. Beim Vergleich der verschiedenen Populationen unter Zuhilfenahme weiterer, andernorts untersuchter Bev{\"o}lkerungsgruppen zeigte sich, dass es durchaus m{\"o}glich ist, an Hand der mitochondrialen DNA Populationen verschiedener Kontinente voneinander abzugrenzen. Innerhalb Europas (Kaukasier) ist eine derartige Abgrenzung hingegen nicht m{\"o}glich, geschweige denn, dass Wanderungsbewegungen o.{\"a}. nachweisbar w{\"a}ren. Dies gilt sowohl f{\"u}r Untersuchungen auf Grund der Sequenzen der hypervariablen Regionen, als auch basierend auf Untersuchungen der Haplogruppen. Andere variable Regionen der mitochondrialen DNA erwiesen sich als zu wenig aussagekr{\"a}ftig, als dass sie in der rechtsmedizinischen Praxis von besonderer Relevanz w{\"a}ren. Die Analyse des hochkonservierten Cytochrom b Genes kann dagegen als geeignetes Mittel zur Speziesidentifikation betrachtet werden. Unsicherheiten bei der RFLP-Darstellung machen jedoch unter Umst{\"a}nden eine Sequenzierung des Genes n{\"o}tig. Ein im ersten Intron des X-Y homologen Amelogenin-Gens liegendes, geschlechtspezifisch polymorphes STR-System wurde eingef{\"u}hrt, welches auch f{\"u}r die automatisierte Auftrennung im Sequenz-Analysator geeignet ist. Die vier autosomalen STR-Systeme D3S1358, D8S1179, D18S51 und D21S11 wurden f{\"u}r die forensische Praxis als Einzelsysteme etabliert. Zu diesen Systemen wurden jeweils unterfr{\"a}nkische Populationsstichproben typisiert, um f{\"u}r diese Region relevantes Datenmaterial zu erhalten. Zur Erweiterung der bereits vorhandenen Y-chromosomalen STR-Spektrums wurde das aussagekr{\"a}ftige Mikrosatellitensystem DYS385 eingef{\"u}hrt. Auch mit diesem System wurde eine unterfr{\"a}nkische Populationsstichprobe typisiert. Die Mutationsh{\"a}ufigkeit verschiedener STR-Systeme wurde untersucht und die gefundenen Ergebnisse lagen im Vergleich mit anderen Arbeiten im erwarteten Rahmen. F{\"u}r die DNA-Extraktion aus in Formalin fixiertem und in Paraffin eingebettetem Gewebe wurde eine geeignete Methode gefunden, auch aus Geweben, die sehr lange in Formalin fixiert wurden, noch typisierbare DNA zu extrahieren. Die untersuchten Extraktionsprotokolle f{\"u}r unbehandelte Gewebeproben zeigten untereinander keine gravierenden Unterschiede. Der begrenzende Faktor f{\"u}r eine erfolgreiche DNA-Extraktion ist hier vielmehr der Zersetzungsgrad des behandelten Gewebes und die damit einhergehende Degradation der DNA. Insofern ist es sinnvoll in F{\"a}llen, in denen unbehandeltes Gewebematerial l{\"a}ngere Zeit unwirtlichen Bedingungen ausgesetzt war, gleich auf eine DNA-Extraktionsmethode aus Knochenmaterial, wie die in dieser Arbeit beschriebene, zur{\"u}ckzugreifen.}, subject = {DNS}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Kelber2009, author = {Kelber, Christina}, title = {The olfactory system of leafcutting ants: neuroanatomy and the correlation to social organization}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-47769}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2009}, abstract = {In leaf-cutting ants (genera Atta and Acromyrmex), the worker caste exhibits a pronounced size-polymorphism, and division of labor is largely dependent on worker size (alloethism). Behavioral studies have shown a rich diversity of olfactory-guided behaviors, and the olfactory system seems to be highly developed and very sensitive. To allow fine-tuned behavioral responses to different tasks, adaptations within the olfactory system of different sized workers are expected. In a recent study, two different phenotypes of the antennal lobe of Atta vollenweideri workers were found: MG- and RG-phenotype (with and without a macroglomerulus, MG). The existence of the macroglomerulus is correlated to the body size of workers, with small workers showing the RG-phenotype and large workers showing the MG-phenotype. In the MG, the information about the releaser component of the trail-pheromone is processed. In the first part of my PhD-project, I focus on quantifying behavioral differences between different sized workers in Atta vollenweideri. The study analyzes the trail following behavior; which can be generally performed by all workers. An artificial trail consisting of the releaser component of the trail-pheromone in decreasing concentration was used to test the trail-following performance of individual workers. The trail-following performance of the polymorphic workers is depended of the existence of the MG in the antennal lobe. Workers possessing the MG-phenotype were significantly better in following a decreasing trail then workers showing the RG-phenotype. In the second part I address the question if there are more structural differences, besides the MG, in the olfactory system of different sized workers. Therefore I analyze whether the glomerular numbers are related to worker size. The antennal lobes of small workers contain ~390 glomeruli (low-number; LN-phenotype), and in large workers I found a substantially higher number of ~440 glomeruli (high-number; HN-phenotype). All LN-phenotype workers and some of the small HN-phenotype workers do not possess an MG (LN-RG-phenotype and HN-RG-phenotype) at all, whereas the remaining majority of HN-phenotype workers do possess an MG (HN-MG-phenotype). Mass-stainings of antennal olfactory receptor neurons revealed that the sensory tracts divide the antennal lobe into six clusters of glomeruli (T1-T6). In the T4-cluster ~50 glomeruli are missing in the LN-phenotype workers. Selective staining of single sensilla and their associated receptor neurons showed that T4-glomeruli are innervated by receptor neurons from the main type of olfactory sensilla, the Sensilla trichodea curvata which are also projecting to glomeruli in all other clusters. The other type of olfactory sensilla, the Sensilla basiconica, exclusively innervates T6-glomeruli. Quantitative analyses revealed a correlation between the number of Sensilla basiconica and the volume of T6 glomeruli in different sized workers. The results of both behavioral and neuroanatomical studies in Atta vollenweideri suggest that developmental plasticity of antennal-lobe phenotypes promotes differences in olfactory-guided behavior which may underlie task specialization within ant colonies. The last part of my project focuses on the evolutionary origin of the macroglomerulus and the number of glomeruli in the antennal lobe. I compared the number, volumes and position of the glomeruli of the antennal lobe of 25 different species from all three major Attini groups (lower, higher and leaf-cutting Attini). The antennal lobes of all investigated Attini comprise a high number of glomeruli (257-630). The highest number was found in Apterostigma cf. mayri. This species is at a basal position within the Attini phylogeny, and a high number of glomeruli might have been advantageous in the evolution of the advanced olfactory systems of this Taxa. The macroglomerulus can be found in all investigated leaf-cutting Attini, but in none of the lower and higher Attini species. It is found only in large workers, and is located close to the entrance of the antennal nerve in all investigated species. The results indicate that the presence of a macroglomerulus in large workers of leaf-cutting Attini is a derived overexpression of a trait in the polymorphic leaf-cutting species. It presumably represents an olfactory adaptation to elaborate foraging and mass recruitment systems, and adds to the complexity of division of labor and social organization known for this group.}, subject = {Gehirn}, language = {en} }