@phdthesis{Mezger2007, author = {Mezger, Markus}, title = {Interaktion zwischen dem humanen Cytomegalievirus, Aspergillus fumigatus, dendritischen Zellen und neutrophilen Granulozyten}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-27254}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Immunsupprimierte Patienten besitzen ein erh{\"o}htes Risiko f{\"u}r opportunistische Infektionen, die haupts{\"a}chlich durch das humane Cytomegalievirus (HCMV) und den Schimmelpilz Aspergillus fumigatus verursacht werden. Aufgrund ihrer Lokalisation in den Geweben unterhalb von Lungenepithelien und des Gastrointestinaltraktes werden dendritische Zellen (DCs) als diejenigen Zellen betrachtet, die w{\"a}hrend der fr{\"u}hen Phase einer Infektion in Kontakt mit HCMV und A. fumigatus kommen und eine Aktivierung von angeborenen und adaptiven Abwehrmechanismen vermitteln. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Dissertation wurde die Bedeutung von humanen DCs bei der Bek{\"a}mpfung von HCMV und A. fumigatus n{\"a}her untersucht. Um mit dem klinisch relevanten HCMV Stamm TB40E arbeiten zu k{\"o}nnen, musste zuerst ein geeignetes Zellkultursystem zur Anzucht von HCMV etabliert werden. Die aus Fibroblasten aufgereinigten Viren eigneten sich zur erfolgreichen Infektion von DCs, was durch verschiedene F{\"a}rbemethoden nachgewiesen werden konnte. Aus diesem Grund war es m{\"o}glich, in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit der Zeit ein Expressionsprofil von Klasse I Interferonen (IFN-alpha, IFN-beta), ausgesuchten Cytokinen (CXCL10, CXCL11, Rantes) und den wichtigen Immunrezeptoren Toll-like Rezeptor 3 (TLR3) und dendritic cell-specific ICAM3-grabbing nonintegrin (DC-SIGN) zu erstellen. Nachdem ein RNA Interferenz (RNAi) System zur erfolgreichen Transfektion von DCs mit small interfering RNA (siRNA) etabliert werden konnte, gelang es die Expression von TLR3 signifikant herunterzuregulieren. Stimulationsexperimente mit dem synthetisch hergestellten Polymer poly I:C identifizierten TLR3 als den Rezeptor, der die Expression von IFN-beta vermittelt. Ferner konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass TLR9 bei ex vivo generierten DCs keine Funktion besitzt. Eine direkte Aktivierung von TLR3 durch HCMV konnte mittels siRNA nicht nachgewiesen werden. Durch den Einsatz von genomweiten Microarray-Analysen konnten eine Vielzahl an Genen gefunden werden, die nach Co-Kultivierung von DCs und lebenden A. fumigatus Keimschl{\"a}uchen (KS) differentiell exprimiert waren. Dabei wurde ein breites Spektrum an Cytokinen (TNF-alpha, IL-6, IL-10, IL-12), Chemokinen (IL-8, CCL20, CXCL10), Co-stimulatorischen Molek{\"u}len (CD40, CD80, CD83, CD86), Prostaglandin Synthese Genen (PTGS2) und Immunrezeptoren (PTX-3, TLR2, TLR4) gefunden, deren zeitabh{\"a}ngiges Expressionsprofil mittels qRT-PCR eindeutig best{\"a}tigt wurde. Als Wachen des Immunsystems m{\"u}ssen DCs Krankheitserreger zu einem fr{\"u}hen Zeitpunkt der Infektion erkennen. Die Erkennung von Pilzen wird durch die unterschiedlichen Rezeptoren vermittelt, die TLRs, C-Typ Lektine und Pentraxine umfassen, wobei ihre Bedeutung f{\"u}r humane DCs bisher nur unzureichend gekl{\"a}rt ist. Durch den Einsatz von siRNA konnte die Expression von TLR2, TLR4, myeloid differentiation primary response gene 88 (MyD88), DC-SIGN, Pentraxin-3 (PTX-3) und caspase recruitment domain family member 9 (Card-9) signifikant verringert werden. F{\"u}r TLR2, TLR4, PTX-3 und DC-SIGN konnte durch den Einsatz der RNAi aufgezeigt werden, dass diese Rezeptoren nicht an der Induktion einer pro-inflammatorischen Immunantwort von DCs nach Infektion mit A. fumigatus beteiligt sind. Sowohl die Stimulierung mit den TLR Liganden Zymosan und LPS, als auch mit A. fumigatus, f{\"u}hrte zu einer erh{\"o}hten Expression von TNF-alpha und IL-12 (Light Cycler), die sich in einer vermehrten Cytokinfreisetzung (ELISA) bemerkbar machte. Im Gegensatz zur TLR4 siRNA Transfektion und LPS-Stimulation war keine Reduktion der Expression von TNF-alpha und IL-12 nach TLR2 und TLR4 siRNA Transfektion und anschließender Pilzinfektion zu beobachten. Auch der Einsatz von gegen TLRs gerichteten Antik{\"o}rpern konnte eine m{\"o}gliche Signaltransduktion bei DCs nicht unterbinden. Anstelle von TLR2 und TLR4 wurde Dectin-1 als DC-Immunrezeptor f{\"u}r A. fumigatus KS identifiziert. Mit Hilfe eines spezifischen Antik{\"o}rpers gegen Dectin-1 war es m{\"o}glich, die Freisetzung von TNF-alpha und IL-12 nach Pilzinfektion zu blockieren. In einem unabh{\"a}ngigen Experiment mit siRNA wurde Dectin-1 als Rezeptor f{\"u}r A. fumigatus best{\"a}tigt. Wie fortf{\"u}hrende Experimente mit Candida albicans KS und Zymosan gezeigt haben, handelt es sich bei Dectin-1 auf humanen DCs um einen generellen Rezeptor f{\"u}r Pilze. Die durchgef{\"u}hrten SNP-Analysen (single nucleotide polymorphism) zur Ermittlung eines Zusammenhanges mit einem erh{\"o}hten Virus- und Pilzinfektionsrisiko f{\"u}r Patienten nach Stammzelltransplantation erbrachten die Erkenntnis dar{\"u}ber, dass zwei Marker (rs735240, rs2287886) in DC-SIGN mit einer erh{\"o}hten Empf{\"a}nglichkeit f{\"u}r HCMV, und drei Marker (rs1554013, rs3921, rs4257674) in CXCL10 mit einem vergr{\"o}ßerten Riskio f{\"u}r eine invasive Aspergillose assoziiert waren. Ein Screening von Patienten auf das Vorhandensein dieser definierten SNPs k{\"o}nnte helfen, die individuelle Gefahr f{\"u}r HCMV und A. fumigatus nach nach allogener Stammzelltransplantation abzusch{\"a}tzen.}, subject = {Aspergillus fumigatus}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Wenzel2014, author = {Wenzel, Jens}, title = {Regulation of TLR-induced macrophage responses by cytoskeleton-associated phosphoproteins}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-98843}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Toll-like receptors (TLR) are pattern recognition receptors (PRR) by which macrophages (M{\O}) sense pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs). The recognition of lipopolysaccharide (LPS), the PAMP of gram negative bacteria, by TLR4 triggers signaling cascades and leads to the pro-inflammatory activation of the cells. A recent quantitative and kinetic analysis of the phosphoproteome of LPS-activated primary macrophages highlighted the cytoskeleton as a cell compartment with an enriched protein phosphorylation. In total 44 cytoskeleton-associated proteins were regulated by this post-translational modification and thus might be involved in the control and regulation of key macrophage functions like spreading, motility and phagocytosis. To investigate the control of cytoskeleton-associated cell functions by TLR4 activation, we first developed a method to quantitatively measure the spreading response of bone marrow M{\O} after stimulation with LPS. Fluorescence microscopy was used for cell imaging and visualisation of the M{\O} contact area. In collaboration with the Fraunhofer Institute Erlangen, we developed and validated a software tool for the semi-automated segmentation and quantitation of M{\O} fluorescence microscopy data, which allowed fast, robust and objective image analysis. Using this method, we observed that LPS caused time-dependent spreading, which was detectable after 1-2 h and maximal after 24 h. Next, the impact of genetic or pharmacological inhibition of known TLR signaling components was investigated. Deficiency in the adapter protein MYD88 strongly reduced spreading activity at the late time points, but had no impact early after LPS-stimulation. A similar effect was observed upon pharmacological inhibition of ERK1/2 signaling, indicating that ERK1/2 mediates MYD88-dependent M{\O} spreading. In contrast, M{\O} lacking the MAPK p38 were impaired in the initial spreading response but responded normally 8-24 h after stimulation. The genetic deletion of the MAPK phosphatases DUSP1 and DUSP16 resulted in impaired late spreading, corroborating the essential role for functional MAPK signaling in TLR4-driven M{\O} spreading. To identify the contribution of other cytoskeletal phosphoproteins to M{\O} spreading, siRNA knockdown of selected candidate genes in primary murine M{\O} was employed and combined with automated quantitative image analysis. These experiments revealed a functional role for the Myosins MYO1e and MYO1f in M{\O} spreading. These motor proteins are strongly phosphorylated in LPS-activated M{\O}. Because of their ability to simultaneously bind to actin filaments and cell membrane or other proteins, we investigated their role in phagocytosis, cytokine production and antigen presentation. Phagocytosis and killing of bacteria were not affected in Myo1e-/- macrophages. However, MYO1e plays a role in chemokine secretion and antigen presentation processes. MCP1 (CCL2) release was selectively increased in Myo1e-deficient M{\O} and dendritic cells (DC), while cytokine secretion was unaffected. Furthermore, macrophages and DCs lacking MYO1e showed lower levels of MHC-II on the cell surface. However, mRNA levels of CCL2 and of MHC-II were unaltered. These data suggest a role for MYO1e in the transport of selected chemokines and of MHC-II molecules to the cell surface. MHC-II-restricted antigen presentation assays revealed an impaired capacity of macrophages and DC lacking MYO1e to stimulate antigen-specific T cells, suggesting that the reduced MHC-II expression is functionally relevant. Taken together, in this study first a quantitative image analysis method was developed which allows the unbiased, robust and efficient investigation of the macrophage spreading response. Combination of this method with siRNA knockdown of selected cytoskeleton-associated phosphoproteins led to the identification of MYO1e and MYO1f as regulators of macrophage spreading. Furthermore, we identified MYO1e in M{\O} and DC to be essential for the intracellular transport of CCL2 and MHC-II to the cell surface and for optimal stimulation of antigen-specific CD4 T cells.}, subject = {Toll-like-Rezeptoren}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Grimmig2015, author = {Grimmig, Tanja Maria}, title = {Immunity, Inflammation and Cancer: The role of Foxp3, TLR7 and TLR8 in gastrointestinal cancer}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-125248}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Regulatory T cells (Treg) expressing the transcription factor forkhead box protein P3 (Foxp3) have been demonstrated to mediate evasion from anti-tumor immune responses during tumor progression. Moreover, Foxp3 expression by tumor cells themselves may allow them to counteract effector T cell responses, resulting in a survival benefit of the tumor. For gastrointestinal cancers, in particular pancreatic and colorectal cancer (CRC), the clinical relevance of Foxp3 is not clear to date. Therefore the aim of this study was to analyze its impact in CRC and pancreatic cancer. To determine the relevance of Foxp3 for tumor progression and patient survival, gene and protein analysis of human pancreatic and colon cancer cell lines as well as tumor tissues from patients with CRC was performed. The results derived from the patients with CRC were correlated with clinicopathological parameters and patients' overall survival. Cancer cell mediated Foxp3 expression in vitro was demonstrated in human pancreatic cancer cell lines PANC1, PaCa DD 135, PaCa DD 159 and PaCa DD 185 as well as in human colon cancer cell lines SW480 and SW620. Additionally, Foxp3 expressing cancer cells were found in ex vivo tumor tissue samples of patients with CRC. The percentage of Foxp3+ cancer cells increased from stages UICC I/II to UICC III/IV compared to normal tissue. Moreover, high tumor cell mediated Foxp3 expression was associated with poor prognosis compared to patients with low Foxp3 expression. In contrast, low and high Foxp3 level in tumor infiltrating Treg cells demonstrated no significant differences in patients' overall survival. Correlation analysis demonstrated a significant association of Foxp3 cancer cell expression with the expression of immunosuppressive cytokines IL-10 and TGF-β. These findings suggest that Immunosuppressive cytokines such as IL-10 and TGF-β released by rather Foxp3+ cancer cells than Foxp3+ Treg cells may inhibit the activation of naive T cells, hence limiting antitumor immune responses and favoring tumorigenesis and progression. Chronic inflammation has been shown to be an important epigenetic and environmental factor in numerous tumor entities. Recent data suggest that tumorigenesis and tumor progression may be associated with inflammation-triggered activation of Toll-like receptors (TLR). In this study, the specific impact of both TLR7 and TLR8 expression and signaling on tumor cell proliferation and chemoresistance is analyzed in inflammation linked CRC and pancreatic cancer. By gene and protein expression analysis of human pancreatic and colon cancer cell lines TLR7 and TLR8 expression was determined in vitro. Additionally, expression of TLR7/TLR8 in UICC stage I-IV pancreatic cancer, chronic pancreatitis and normal pancreatic tissue was examined. For in vitro/in vivo studies TLR7/TLR8 overexpressing PANC1 cell lines were generated and analyzed for effects of TLR expression and stimulation on tumor cell proliferation and chemoresistance. Cancer cell mediated TLR7 and TLR8 expression in vitro was demonstrated in human colon cancer cell lines SW480, SW620 and HT-29 as well as in primary pancreatic cancer cell lines PaCa DD 135, PaCa DD 159 and PaCa DD 185. Additionally, TLR7 and TLR8 expressing tumor cells were found in ex vivo tissue samples of patients with pancreatic cancer and chronic pancreatitis. Significantly elevated expression levels of TLR7 and TLR8 were found in advanced tumor stages (UICC III) compared to early tumor stages (UICC II) and chronic pancreatitis. No or occasionally low expression was detected in normal pancreatic tissue. In contrast to the tissues from patients with pancreatic cancer or chronic pancreatitis, established pancreatic tumor cell lines express only very low levels of TLR7 and TLR8. Therefore, for in vitro and xenograft studies TLR7 or TLR8 overexpressing PANC1 cells were generated. Proliferation promoting effects of TLR7 and TLR8 expression and stimulation with R848 were detected in vitro. Additionally, increased tumor growth of TLR expressing PANC1 cells was demonstrated in subcutaneously injected Balb/c nude mice. Interestingly, activation of TLR7 or TLR8 induced not only an increase in tumor cell proliferation but also a strong chemoresistance of PANC1 cells against 5-fluorouracil (5-FU). Moreover, treatment with R848 resulted in elevated expression levels of NF-κB, COX-2 and inflammatory cytokines IL-1β, IL-8 and TNF-α, suggesting TLR7/8 signaling to contribute to an inflammatory, anti-apoptotic and proliferation promoting tumor microenvironment. These findings emphasize the particular role of TLR7 and TLR8 in inflammation related cancers and their relevance as potential targets for cancer therapy.  }, subject = {Bauchspeicheldr{\"u}senkrebs}, language = {en} }