@phdthesis{Heddergott2011, author = {Heddergott, Niko}, title = {Zellbiologische Aspekte der Motilit{\"a}t von Trypanosoma brucei unter Ber{\"u}cksichtigung der Interaktion mit der Mikroumwelt}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-56791}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Trypanosomen sind Protozoen, die Krankheiten bei Mensch und Tier verursachen, die unbehandelt infaust verlaufen. Die Zellen sind hoch motil, angetrieben von einem einzelst{\"a}ndigen Flagellum, welches entlang des Zellk{\"o}rpers angeheftet ist. Selbst in Zellkultur h{\"o}ren Trypanosomen niemals auf sich zu bewegen und eine Ablation funktioneller Bestandteile des Flagellarapparates ist letal f{\"u}r Blutstromformen. Es wurde gezeigt, dass Motilit{\"a}t notwendig ist f{\"u}r die Zellteilung, Organellenpositionierung und Infektiosit{\"a}t. Dies macht Trypanosomen zu besonders geeigneten Modellorganismen f{\"u}r die Untersuchung der Motilit{\"a}t. Dennoch ist erstaunlich wenig {\"u}ber die Motilit{\"a}t bei Trypanosomen bekannt. Dies gilt auch noch genereller f{\"u}r die Protozoen. Unl{\"a}ngst ist dieses Gebiet allerdings in den Fokus vieler Arbeiten ger{\"u}ckt, was bereits erstaunliche, neue Erkenntnisse hervorgebracht hat. Doch Vieles ist noch nicht abschliessend gekl{\"a}rt, so z.B. wie der Flagellarschlag genau reguliert wird, oder wie sich der Schlag des Flagellums entlang des Zellk{\"o}rpers ausbreitet. Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich besonders mit den Einfl{\"u}ssen, die die Mikroumgebung auf die Motilit{\"a}t von Blutstromform-Trypanosomen aus{\"u}bt. In ihrem nat{\"u}rlichen Lebensraum finden sich Trypanosomen in einer hoch komplexen Umgebung wieder. Dies gilt sowohl f{\"u}r den Blutkreislauf, als auch f{\"u}r den Gewebezwischenraum in ihrem S{\"a}ugerwirt. Die hohe Konzentration von Zellen, Gewebeverb{\"a}nden und extrazellul{\"a}ren Netzwerken k{\"o}nnte man als Ansammlung von Hindernissen f{\"u}r die Fortbewegung auffassen. Diese Arbeit zeigt dagegen, dass der Mechanismus der Bewegung eine Adaptation an genau diese Umweltbedingungen darstellt, so z.B. an die Viskosit{\"a}t von Blut. Es wird auch ein Bewegungsmodell vorgestellt, das erl{\"a}utert, worin diese Adaption besteht. Dies erkl{\"a}rt auch, warum die Mehrheit der Zellen einer Trypanosomenkultur eine ungerichtete Taumel-Bewegung aufweist in nieder-viskosem Medium, das keine solchen "Hindernisse" enth{\"a}lt. Die Zugabe von Methylcellulose in einer Konzentration von ca. 0,5\% (w/v) erwies sich als geeigneter Ersatz von Blut, um optimale Bedingungen f{\"u}r gerichtetes Schwimmen von Blutstromform Trypanosomen zu erreichen. Zus{\"a}tzlich wurden in dieser Arbeit unterschiedliche Arten von Hindernissen, wie Mikroperlen (Beads) oder molekulare Netzwerke, sowie artifizielle, geordnete Mikrostrukturen verwendet, um die Interaktion mit einer festen Matrix zu untersuchen. In deren Anwesenheit war sowohl die Schwimmgeschwindigkeit, als auch der Anteil an persistent schwimmenden Trypanosomen erh{\"o}ht. Zellen, die frei schwimmend in Fl{\"u}ssigkeiten vorkommen (wie Euglena oder Chlamydomonas), werden effizient durch einen planaren Schlag des Flagellums angetrieben. Trypanosomen hingegen mussten sich evolution{\"a}r an eine komplexe Umgebung anpassen, die mit einer zu raumgreifenden Welle interferieren w{\"u}rde. Der dreidimensionale Flagellarschlag des, an die Zelloberfl{\"a}che angehefteten, Flagellums erlaubt den Trypanosomen eine effiziente Fortbewegung durch die Interaktion mit Objekten in jedweder Richtung gleichermassen. Trypanosomen erreichen dies durch eine hydrodynamisch verursachte Rotation ihres Zellk{\"o}rpers entlang ihrer L{\"a}ngsachse, entgegen dem Uhrzeigersinn. Der Einfluss der Mikroumgebung wurde in fr{\"u}heren Untersuchungen bisher vernachl{\"a}ssigt, ist zum Verst{\"a}ndnis der Motilit{\"a}t von T. brucei jedoch unerl{\"a}sslich. Ein weiterer, bisher nicht untersuchter Aspekt der Beeinflussung der Motilit{\"a}t durch die Umwelt sind hydrodynamische Str{\"o}mungseffekte, denen Trypanosomen im kardiovaskul{\"a}ren System ausgesetzt sind. Diese wurden in dieser Arbeit mittels Mikrofluidik untersucht. Um unser Verst{\"a}ndnis der Motilit{\"a}t von Trypanosomen von 2D, wie {\"u}blich in der Motilit{\"a}tsanalyse mittels Lebend-Zell-Mikroskopie, auf drei Dimensionen auszudehnen, wurde als bildgebendes Verfahren auch die Holographie eingesetzt. Mikrofluidik und Holographie sind beides aufkommende Techniken mit großem Anwendungspotential in der Biologie, die zuvor noch nie f{\"u}r die Motilit{\"a}tsanalyse von Trypanosomen eingesetzt worden waren. Dies erforderte daher interdisziplin{\"a}re Kooperationen. Zus{\"a}tzlich wurde in dieser Arbeit auch ein vollst{\"a}ndig automatisiertes und Software-gesteuertes Fluoreszenzmikroskopiesystem entwickelt, das in der Lage ist, einzelne Zellen durch entsprechende Steuerung des Mikroskoptisches autonom zu verfolgen und somit eine Bewegungsanalyse in Echtzeit erm{\"o}glicht, ohne weitere Benutzerinteraktion. Letztendlich konnte dadurch auch die Bewegung der schlagenden Flagelle und des gesamten Zellk{\"o}rpers mit hoher zeitlicher und r{\"a}umlicher Aufl{\"o}sung mittels Hochgeschwindigkeits-Fluoreszenzmikroskopie aufgekl{\"a}rt werden.}, subject = {Trypanosoma brucei}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Subota2011, author = {Subota, Ines}, title = {Switches in trypanosome differentiation: ALBA proteins acting on post-transcriptional mRNA control}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-85707}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Trypanosoma brucei is a digenetic eukaryotic parasite that develops in different tissues of a mammalian host and a tsetse fly. It is responsible for sleeping sickness in sub-saharan Africa. The parasite cycle involves more than nine developmental stages that can be clearly distinguished by their general morphology, their metabolism and the relative positioning of their DNA-containing organelles. During their development, trypanosomes remain exclusively extracellular and encounter changing environments with different physico-chemical properties (nutritional availability, viscosity, temperature, etc.). It has been proposed that trypanosomes use their flagellum as a sensing organelle, in agreement with the established role of structurally-related cilia in metazoa and ciliates. Recognition of environmental triggers is presumed to be at the initiation of differentiation events, leading to the parasite stage that is the best suited to the new environment. These changes are achieved by the modification of gene expression programmes, mostly underlying post-transcriptional control of mRNA transcripts. We first demonstrate that the RNA-binding proteins ALBA3/4 are involved in specific differentiation processes during the parasite development in the fly. They are cytosolic and expressed throughout the parasite cycle with the exception of the stages found in the tsetse fly proventriculus, as shown by both immunofluorescence and live cell analysis upon endogenous tagging with YFP. Knock-down of both proteins in the developmental stage preceding these forms leads to striking modifications: cell elongation, cell cycle arrest and relocalization of the nucleus in a posterior position, all typical of processes acting in parasites found in the proventriculus region. When ALBA3 is over-expressed from an exogenous copy during infection, it interferes with the relocalization of the nucleus in proventricular parasites. This is not observed for ALBA4 over-expression that does not visibly impede differentiation. Both ALBA3/4 proteins react to starvation conditions by accumulating in cytoplasmic stress granules together with DHH1, a recognized RNA-binding protein. ALBA3/4 proteins also partially colocalize with granules formed by polyA+ RNA in these conditions. We propose that ALBA are involved in trypanosome differentiation processes where they control a subset of developmentally regulated transcripts. These processes involving ALBA3/4 are likely to result from the specific activation of sensing pathways. In the second part of the thesis, we identify novel flagellar proteins that could act in sensing mechanisms. Several protein candidates were selected from a proteomic analysis of intact flagella performed in the host laboratory. This work validates their flagellar localization with high success (85\% of the proteins examined) and defines multiple different patterns of protein distribution in the flagellum. Two proteins are analyzed during development, one of them showing down-regulation in proventricular stages. The functional analysis of one novel flagellar membrane protein reveals its rapid dynamics within the flagellum but does not yield a visible phenotype in culture. This is coherent with sensory function that might not be needed in stable culture conditions, but could be required in natural conditions during development. In conclusion, this work adds new pieces to the puzzle of identifying molecular switches involved in developmental mRNA control and environmental sensing in trypanosome stages in the tsetse fly.}, subject = {Trypanosoma brucei}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Dindar2014, author = {Dindar, G{\"u}lcin}, title = {Molecular basis for product-specificity of DOT1 methyltransferases in Trypanosoma brucei}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-102524}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Post-translational histone modifications (PTMs) such as methylation of lysine residues influence chromatin structure and function. PTMs are involved in different cellular processes such as DNA replication, transcription and cell differentiation. Deregulations of PTM patterns are responsible for a variety of human diseases including acute leukemia. DOT1 enzymes are highly conserved histone methyltransferases that are responsible for methylation of lysine 79 on histone H3 (H3K79). Most eukaryotes contain one single DOT1 enzyme, whereas African trypanosomes have two homologues, DOT1A and DOT1B, which methylate H3K76 (H3K76 is homologous to H3K79 in other organisms). DOT1A is essential and mediates mono- and di-methylations, whereas DOT1B additionally catalyzes tri-methylation of H3K76. However, a mechanistic understanding how these different enzymatic activities are achieved is lacking. This thesis exploits the fact that trypanosomes possess two DOT1 enzymes with different catalytic properties to understand the molecular basis for the differential product-specificity of DOT1 enzymes. A trypanosomal nucleosome reconstitution system was established to analyze methyltransferase activity under defined in vitro conditions. Homology modeling allowed the identification of critical residues within and outside the catalytic center that modulate product-specificity. Exchange of these residues transferred the product-specificity from one enzyme to the other and revealed regulatory domains adjacent to the catalytic center. This work provides the first evidence that few specific residues in DOT1 enzymes are crucial to catalyze methyl-state-specific reactions. These results have also consequences for the functional understanding of homologous enzymes in other eukaryotes.}, subject = {Histon-Methyltransferase}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Cicova2016, author = {Cicova, Zdenka}, title = {Characterization of a novel putative factor involved in host adaptation in Trypanosoma brucei}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-142462}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Trypanosomes are masters of adaptation to different host environments during their complex life cycle. Large-scale proteomic approaches provide information on changes at the cellular level in a systematic way. However, a detailed work on single components is necessary to understand the adaptation mechanisms on a molecular level. Here we have performed a detailed characterization of a bloodstream form (BSF) stage-specific putative flagellar host adaptation factor (Tb927.11.2400) identified previously in a SILAC-based comparative proteome study. Tb927.11.2400 shares 38\% amino acid identity with TbFlabarin (Tb927.11.2410), a procyclic form (PCF) stage specific flagellar BAR domain protein. We named Tb927.11.2400 TbFlabarin like (TbFlabarinL) and demonstrate that it is a result of a gene duplication event, which occurred in African trypanosomes. TbFlabarinL is not essential for growth of the parasites under cell culture conditions and it is dispensable for developmental differentiation from BSF to the PCF in vitro. We generated a TbFlabarinL-specific antibody and showed that it localizes in the flagellum. The co-immunoprecipitation experiment together with a biochemical cell fractionation indicated a dual association of TbFlabarinL with the flagellar membrane and the components of the paraflagellar rod.}, subject = {Trypanosoma brucei}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Reis2017, author = {Reis, Helena}, title = {Characterization of telomere protein complexes in Trypanosoma brucei}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-151323}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {African trypanosomiasis is a disease endemic to sub-Saharan Africa. It affects humans as well as wild and domestic animals. The human form of the disease is known as sleeping sickness and the animal form as nagana, which are usually fatal if left untreated. The cause of African trypanosomiasis is the unicellular parasite Trypanosoma brucei. During its life cycle, Trypanosoma brucei shuttles between a mammalian host and the tsetse fly vector. In the mammalian host the parasite multiplies as bloodstream form (BSF) extracellularly in the bloodstream or the lymphatic system. Survival of BSF parasites relies on immune evasion by antigenic variation of surface proteins because its extracellular lifestyle leads to direct exposure to immune responses. At any given time each BSF cell expresses a single type of variant surface glycoprotein (VSG) on its surface from a large repertoire. The active VSG is transcribed from one of 15 specialized subtelomeric domains, termed bloodstream expression sites (BESs). The remaining 14 BESs are silenced. This monoallelic expression and periodic switching of the expressed VSG enables to escape the immune response and to establish a persistent infection in the mammalian host. During developmental differentiation from BSF to the insect vector-resident procyclic form (PCF), the active BES is transcriptionally silenced to stop VSG transcription. Thus, all 15 BESs are inactive in the PCF cells as surface protein expression is developmentally regulated. Previous reports have shown that the telomere complex components TbTRF, TbRAP1 and TbTIF2 are involved in VSG transcriptional regulation. However, the precise nature of their contribution remains unclear. In addition, no information is available about the role of telomeres in the initiation and regulation of developmental BES silencing. To gain insights into the regulatory mechanisms of telomeres on VSG transcription and developmental repression it is therefore essential to identify the complete composition of the trypanosome telomere complex. To this end, we used two complementary biochemical approaches and quantitative label-free interactomics to determine the composition of telomere protein complexes in T. brucei. Firstly, using a telomeric pull-down assay we found 17 potential telomere-binding proteins including the known telomere-binding proteins TbTRF and TbTIF2. Secondly, by performing a co-immunoprecipitation experiment to elucidate TbTRF interactions we co-purified five proteins. All of these five proteins were also enriched with telomeric DNA in the pull-down assay. To validate these data, I characterized one of the proteins found in both experiments (TelBP1). In BSF cells, TelBP1 co-localizes with TbTRF and interacts with already described telomere-binding proteins such as TbTRF, TbTIF2 and TbRAP1 indicating that TelBP1 is a novel component of the telomere complex in trypanosomes. Interestingly, protein interaction studies in PCF cells suggested a different telomere complex composition compared to BSF cells. In contrast to known members of the telomere complex, TelBP1 is dispensable for cell viability indicating that its function might be uncoupled from the known telomere-binding proteins. Overexpression of TelBP1 had also no effect on cell viability, but led to the discovery of two additional shorter isoforms of TelBP1. However, their source and function remained elusive. Although TelBP1 is not essential for cell viability, western blot analysis revealed a 4-fold upregulation of TelBP1 in the BSF stage compared to the PCF stage supporting the concept of a dynamic telomere complex composition. We observed that TelBP1 influences the kinetics of transcriptional BES silencing during developmental transition from BSF to PCF. Deletion of TelBP1 caused faster BES silencing compared to wild-type parasites. Taken together, TelBP1 function illustrates that developmental BES silencing is a fine-tuned process, which involves stage-specific changes in telomere complex formation.}, subject = {Trypanosoma brucei}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Glogger2018, author = {Glogger, Marius}, title = {Single-molecule fluorescence microscopy in live \(Trypanosoma\) \(brucei\) and model membranes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-169222}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Der eukaryotische Parasit Trypanosoma brucei hat komplexe Strategien entwickelt um der Immunantwort eines Wirtes zu entkommen und eine persistente Infektion innerhalb dessen aufrechtzuerhalten. Ein zentrales Element seiner Verteidigungsstrategie st{\"u}tzt sich auf die Schutzfunktion seines Proteinmantels auf der Zelloberfl{\"a}che. Dieser Mantel besteht aus einer dichten Schicht aus identischen, Glykosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-verankerten variablen Oberfl{\"a}chenglykoproteinen (VSG). Der VSG Mantel verhindert die Erkennung der darunterliegenden, invarianten Epitope durch das Immunsystem. Obwohl es notwendig ist die Funktionsweise des VSG Mantels zu verstehen, vor allem um ihn als m{\"o}gliches Angriffsziel gegen den Parasiten zu verwenden, sind seine biophysikalischen Eigenschaften bisher nur unzureichend verstanden. Dies ist vor allem der Tatsache geschuldet, dass die hohe Motilit{\"a}t der Parasiten mikroskopische Studien in lebenden Zellen bisher weitestgehend verhinderten. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird nun hochmoderne Einzelmolek{\"u}l-Fluoreszenzmikroskopie (EMFM) als M{\"o}glichkeit f{\"u}r mikroskopische Untersuchungen im Forschungsbereich der Trypanosomen vorgestellt. Die Arbeit umfasst Untersuchungen der VSG Dynamik unter definierten Bedingungen k{\"u}nstlicher Membransysteme. Es wurde zuerst der Einfluss der lateralen Proteindichte auf die VSG Diffusion untersucht. Experimente mittels Fluoreszenz- Wiederkehr nach irreversiblem Photobleichen und komplement{\"a}re Einzelmolek{\"u}l- Verfolgungs Experimente offenbarten, dass ein molekularer Diffusionsschwellenwert existiert. {\"U}ber diesem Schwellenwert wurde eine dichteabh{\"a}nige Reduzierung des Diffusionskoeffizienten gemessen. Eine relative Quantifizierung der rekonstituierten VSGs verdeutlichte, dass der Oberfl{\"a}chenmantel der Trypanosomen sehr nahe an diesem Schwellenwert agiert. Der VSG Mantel ist optimiert um eine hohe Proteindichte bei gleichzeitiger hoher Mobilit{\"a}t der VSGs zu gew{\"a}hrleisten. Des Weiteren wurde der Einfluss der VSG N-Glykosylierung auf die Diffusion des Proteins quantitativ untersucht. Die Messungen ergaben, dass die N-Glykosylierung dazu beitr{\"a}gt eine hohe Mobilit{\"a}t bei hohen Proteindichten aufrechtzuerhalten. Eine detaillierte Analyse von VSG Trajektorien offenbarte, dass zwei unterschiedliche Populationen frei diffundierender VSGs in der k{\"u}nstlichen Membran vorlagen. K{\"u}rzlich wurde entdeckt, dass VSGs zwei strukturell unterschiedliche Konformationen annehmen k{\"o}nnen. Die Messungen in der Arbeit stimmen mit diesen Beschreibungen {\"u}berein. Die Ergebnisse der EMFM in k{\"u}nstlichen Membranen wurden durch VSG Einzelmolek{\"u}l- Verfolgungs Experimente auf lebenden Zellen erg{\"a}nzt. Es wurde eine hohe Mobilit{\"a}t und Dynamik einzelner VSGs gemessen, was die allgemein dynamische Natur des VSG Mantels verdeutlicht. Dies f{\"u}hrte zu der Schlussfolgerung, dass der VSG Mantel auf lebenden Trypanosomen ein dichter und dennoch dynamischer Schutzmantel ist. Die F{\"a}higkeit der VSGs ihre Konformation flexibel anzupassen, unterst{\"u}tzt das Erhalten der Fluidit{\"a}t bei variablen Dichten. Diese Eigenschaften des VSG Mantels sind elementar f{\"u}r die Aufrechterhaltung einer presistenden Infektion eines Wirtes. In dieser Arbeit werden des Weiteren verschiedene, auf Hydrogel basierende Einbettungsmethoden vorgestellt. Diese erm{\"o}glichten die Zellimmobilisierung und erlaubten EMFM in lebenden Trypanosomen. Die Hydrogele wiesen eine hohe Zytokompatibilit{\"a}t auf. Die Zellen {\"u}berlebten in den Gelen f{\"u}r eine Stunde nach Beginn der Immobilisierung. Die Hydrogele erf{\"u}llten die Anforderungen der Superresolution Mikroskopie (SRM) da sie eine geringe Autofluoreszenz im Spektralbereich der verwendeten Fluorophore besaßen. Mittels SRM konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass die Hydrogele die Zellen effizient immobilisierten. Als erstes Anwendungsbeispiel der Methode wurde die Organisation der Plasmamembran in lebenden Trypanosomen untersucht. Die Untersuchung eines fluoreszenten Tracers in der inneren Membranschicht ergab, dass dessen Verteilung nicht homogen war. Es wurden spezifische Membrandom{\"a}nen gefunden, in denen das Molek{\"u}l entweder vermehrt oder vermindert auftrat. Dies f{\"u}hrte zu der Schlussfolgerung, dass diese Verteilung durch eine Interaktion des Tracers mit Proteinen des zellul{\"a}ren Zytoskeletts zustande kam. Die in dieser Arbeit pr{\"a}sentierten Ergebnisse zeigen, dass EMFM erfolgreich f{\"u}r verschiedene biologische Untersuchungen im Forschungsfeld der Trypanosomen angewendet werden kann. Dies gilt zum Beispiel f{\"u}r die Untersuchung von der VSG Dynamik in k{\"u}nstlichen Membransystemen, aber auch f{\"u}r Studien in lebenden Zellen unter Verwendung der auf Hydrogelen basierenden Zelleinbettung.}, subject = {Trypanosoma brucei}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Zimmermann2020, author = {Zimmermann, Henriette}, title = {Antigenic variation and stumpy development in \(Trypanosoma\) \(brucei\)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-14690}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-146902}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The eukaryotic parasite Trypanosoma brucei has evolved sophisticated strategies to persist within its mammalian host. Trypanosomes evade the hosts' immune system by antigenic variation of their surface coat, consisting of variant surface glycoproteins (VSGs). Out of a repertoire of thousands of VSG genes, only one is expressed at any given time from one of the 15 telomeric expression sites (ES). The VSG is stochastically exchanged either by a transcriptional switch of the active ES (in situ switch) or by a recombinational exchange of the VSG within the active ES. However, for infections to persist, the parasite burden has to be limited. The slender (sl) bloodstream form secretes the stumpy induction factor (SIF), which accumulates with rising parasitemia. SIF induces the irreversible developmental transition from the proliferative sl to the cell cycle-arrested but fly-infective stumpy (st) stage once a concentration threshold is reached. Thus, antigenic variation and st development ensure persistent infections and transmissibility. A previous study in monomorphic cells indicated that the attenuation of the active ES could be relevant for the development of trypanosomes. The present thesis investigated this hypothesis using the inducible overexpression of an ectopic VSG in pleomorphic trypanosomes, which possess full developmental competence. These studies revealed a surprising phenotypic plasticity: while the endogenous VSG was always down-regulated upon induction, the ESactivity determined whether the VSG overexpressors arrested in growth or kept proliferating. Full ES-attenuation induced the differentiation of bona fide st parasites independent of the cell density and thus represents the sole natural SIF-independent differentiation trigger to date. A milder decrease of the ES-activity did not induce phenotypic changes, but appeared to prime the parasites for SIF-induced differentiation. These results demonstrate that antigenic variation and development are linked and indicated that the ES and the VSG are independently regulated. Therefore, I investigated in the second part of my thesis how ES-attenuation and VSG-silencing can be mediated. Integration of reporters with a functional or defective VSG 3'UTR into different genomic loci showed that the maintenance of the active state of the ES depends on a conserved motif within the VSG 3'UTR. In situ switching was only triggered when the telomere-proximal motif was partially deleted, suggesting that it serves as a DNA-binding motif for a telomere-associated protein. The VSG levels seem to be additionally regulated in trans based on the VSG 3'UTR independent of the genomic context, which was reinforced by the regulation of a constitutively expressed reporter with VSG 3' UTR upon ectopic VSG overexpression.}, subject = {Trypanosoma brucei}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Goos2021, author = {Goos, Carina}, title = {Nuclear periphery granules of trypanosomes - A characterization of composition and function}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-23436}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-234368}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The nuclear envelope serves as important mRNA surveillance system. In yeast and humans, several control mechanisms act in parallel to prevent nuclear export of unprocessed mRNAs. However, trypanosomes lack homologues to most of the proteins involved. In addition, gene expression in trypanosomes relies almost completely on post-transcriptional regulation as they transcribe mRNAs as long polycistrons, which are subsequently processed into individual mRNA molecules by trans-splicing. As trans-splicing is not error-free, unspliced mRNAs may be recognized and prevented from reaching the cytoplasm by a yet unknown mechanism. When trans-splicing is inhibited in trypanosomes, the formation of a novel RNA granule type at the cytoplasmic periphery of the nucleus, so called nuclear periphery granules (NPGs) was previously observed. To identify potential regulators of nuclear export control, changes in protein localization which occur when trans-splicing is inhibited, were globally analyzed during this work. For this, trypanosome nuclei were purified under conditions maintaining NPG attachment to the nucleus, in the absence and presence of trans-splicing. Mass spectrometry analyses identified 128 proteins which are specifically enriched in nuclear preparations of cells inhibited for trans-splicing. Amongst them are proteins, which change their localization to the nucleus or to the nuclear pores as well as many proteins that move into NPGs. Some of these proteins are promising candidates for nuclear export control proteins, as the changes in localization (to the nucleus or nuclear pores) were specific to the accumulation of unspliced mRNAs. The NPG proteome almost exclusively contains proteins involved in mRNA metabolism, mostly unique to trypanosomes, notably major translation initiation factors were absent. These data indicate that NPGs are RNP complexes which have started or completed nuclear export, but not yet entered translation. As a byproduct of these proteomic studies, a high-quality dataset of the yet unknown T. brucei nuclear proteome is provided, closing an important gap in knowledge to study trypanosome biology, in particular nuclear related processes. NPGs were characterized in more detail by microscopy. The granules are cytoplasmic and present in at least two different trypanosome life cycle stages. There are at least two distinct granule subsets, with differences in protein composition. A closer analysis of NPGs by electron microscopy revealed that the granules are electron dense structures, which are connected to nuclear pores by string-like structures. In order to approach the function of NPGs, on the one hand, the hypothesis that NPGs might be related to perinuclear germ granules of adult gonads of C. elegans was tested: we found no relation between the two granule types. On the other hand, initial single molecule mRNA FISH experiments performed in trypanosomes showed no accumulation of unspliced transcripts in NPGs, arguing against an involvement of the granules in mRNA quality control.}, subject = {Trypanosoma brucei}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Eisenhuth2021, author = {Eisenhuth, Nicole Juliana}, title = {Novel and conserved roles of the histone methyltransferase DOT1B in trypanosomatid parasites}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-21993}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-219936}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The family of trypanosomatid parasites, including the human pathogens Trypanosoma brucei and Leishmania, has evolved sophisticated strategies to survive in harmful host environments. While Leishmania generate a safe niche inside the host's macrophages, Trypanosoma brucei lives extracellularly in the mammalian bloodstream, where it is constantly exposed to the attack of the immune system. Trypanosoma brucei ensures its survival by periodically changing its protective surface coat in a process known as antigenic variation. The surface coat is composed of one species of 'variant surface glycoprotein' (VSG). Even though the genome possesses a large repertoire of different VSG isoforms, only one is ever expressed at a time from one out of the 15 specialized subtelomeric 'expression sites' (ES). Switching the coat can be accomplished either by a recombination-based exchange of the actively-expressed VSG with a silent VSG, or by a transcriptional switch to a previously silent ES. The conserved histone methyltransferase DOT1B methylates histone H3 on lysine 76 and is involved in ES regulation in T. brucei. DOT1B ensures accurate transcriptional silencing of the inactive ES VSGs and influences the kinetics of a transcriptional switch. The molecular machinery that enables DOT1B to execute these regulatory functions at the ES is still elusive, however. To learn more about DOT1B-mediated regulatory processes, I wanted to identify DOT1B-associated proteins. Using two complementary approaches, specifically affinity purification and proximity-dependent biotin identification (BioID), I identified several novel DOT1B-interacting candidates. To validate these data, I carried out reciprocal co-immunoprecipitations with the most promising candidates. An interaction of DOT1B with the Ribonuclease H2 protein complex, which has never been described before in any other organism, was confirmed. Trypanosomal Ribonuclease H2 maintains genome integrity by resolving RNA-DNA hybrids, structures that if not properly processed might initiate antigenic variation. I then investigated DOT1B's contribution to this novel route to antigenic variation. Remarkably, DOT1B depletion caused an increased RNA-DNA hybrid abundance, accumulation of DNA damage, and increased VSG switching. Deregulation of VSGs from throughout the silent repertoire was observed, indicating that recombination-based switching events occurred. Encouragingly, the pattern of deregulated VSGs was similar to that seen in Ribonuclease H2-depleted cells. Together these data support the hypothesis that both proteins act together in modulating RNA-DNA hybrids to contribute to the tightly-regulated process of antigenic variation. The transmission of trypanosomatid parasites to mammalian hosts is facilitated by insect vectors. Parasites need to adapt to the extremely different environments encountered during transmission. To ensure their survival, they differentiate into various specialized forms adapted to each tissue microenvironment. Besides antigenic variation, DOT1B additionally affects the developmental differentiation from the mammalian-infective to the insect stage of Trypanosoma brucei. However, substantially less is known about the influence of chromatin-associated proteins such as DOT1B on survival and adaptation strategies of related Leishmania parasites. To elucidate whether DOT1B's functions are conserved in Leishmania, phenotypes after gene deletion were analyzed. As in Trypanosoma brucei, generation of a gene deletion mutant demonstrated that DOT1B is not essential for the cell viability in vitro. DOT1B deletion was accompanied with a loss of histone H3 lysine 73 trimethylation (the lysine homologous to trypanosomal H3K76), indicating that Leishmania DOT1B is also solely responsible for catalyzing this post-translational modification. As in T. brucei, dimethylation could only be observed during mitosis/cytokinesis, while trimethylation was detectable throughout the cell cycle in wild-type cells. In contrast to the trypanosome DOT1B, LmxDOT1B was not essential for differentiation in vitro. However, preliminary data indicate that the enzyme is required for effective macrophage infection. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that the identification of protein networks and the characterization of protein functions of orthologous proteins from related parasites are effective tools to improve our understanding of the parasite survival strategies. Such insights are a necessary step on the road to developing better treatments for the devastating diseases they cause.}, subject = {Trypanosoma brucei}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Reuter2023, author = {Reuter, Christian Steffen}, title = {Development of a tissue-engineered primary human skin infection model to study the pathogenesis of tsetse fly-transmitted African trypanosomes in mammalian skin}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-25114}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-251147}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Many arthropods such as mosquitoes, ticks, bugs, and flies are vectors for the transmission of pathogenic parasites, bacteria, and viruses. Among these, the unicellular parasite Trypanosoma brucei (T. brucei) causes human and animal African trypanosomiases and is transmitted to the vertebrate host by the tsetse fly. In the fly, the parasite goes through a complex developmental cycle in the alimentary tract and salivary glands ending with the cellular differentiation into the metacyclic life cycle stage. An infection in the mammalian host begins when the fly takes a bloodmeal, thereby depositing the metacyclic form into the dermal skin layer. Within the dermis, the cell cycle-arrested metacyclic forms are activated, re-enter the cell cycle, and differentiate into proliferative trypanosomes, prior to dissemination throughout the host. Although T. brucei has been studied for decades, very little is known about the early events in the skin prior to systemic dissemination. The precise timing and the mechanisms controlling differentiation of the parasite in the skin continue to be elusive, as does the characterization of the proliferative skin-residing trypanosomes. Understanding the first steps of an infection is crucial for developing novel strategies to prevent disease establishment and its progression. A major shortcoming in the study of human African trypanosomiasis is the lack of suitable infection models that authentically mimic disease progression. In addition, the production of infectious metacyclic parasites requires tsetse flies, which are challenging to keep. Thus, although animal models - typically murine - have produced many insights into the pathogenicity of trypanosomes in the mammalian host, they were usually infected by needle injection into the peritoneal cavity or tail vein, bypassing the skin as the first entry point. Furthermore, animal models are not always predictive for the infection outcome in human patients. In addition, the relatively small number of metacyclic parasites deposited by the tsetse flies makes them difficult to trace, isolate, and study in animal hosts. The focus of this thesis was to develop and validate a reconstructed human skin equivalent as an infection model to study the development of naturally-transmitted metacyclic parasites of T. brucei in mammalian skin. The first part of this work describes the development and characterization of a primary human skin equivalent with improved mechanical properties. To achieve this, a computer-assisted compression system was designed and established. This system allowed the improvement of the mechanical stability of twelve collagen-based dermal equivalents in parallel through plastic compression, as evaluated by rheology. The improved dermal equivalents provided the basis for the generation of the skin equivalents and reduced their contraction and weight loss during tissue formation, achieving a high degree of standardization and reproducibility. The skin equivalents were characterized using immunohistochemical and histological techniques and recapitulated key anatomical, cellular, and functional aspects of native human skin. Furthermore, their cellular heterogeneity was examined using single-cell RNA sequencing - an approach which led to the identification of a remarkable repertoire of extracellular matrix-associated genes expressed by different cell subpopulations in the artificial skin. In addition, experimental conditions were established to allow tsetse flies to naturally infect the skin equivalents with trypanosomes. In the second part of the project, the development of the trypanosomes in the artificial skin was investigated in detail. This included the establishment of methods to successfully isolate skin-dwelling trypanosomes to determine their protein synthesis rate, cell cycle and metabolic status, morphology, and transcriptome. Microscopy techniques to study trypanosome motility and migration in the skin were also optimized. Upon deposition in the artificial skin by feeding tsetse, the metacyclic parasites were rapidly activated and established a proliferative population within one day. This process was accompanied by: (I) reactivation of protein synthesis; (II) re-entry into the cell cycle; (III) change in morphology; (IV) increased motility. Furthermore, these observations were linked to potentially underlying developmental mechanisms by applying single-cell parasite RNA sequencing at five different timepoints post-infection. After the initial proliferative phase, the tsetse-transmitted trypanosomes appeared to enter a reversible quiescence program in the skin. These quiescent skin-residing trypanosomes were characterized by very slow replication, a strongly reduced metabolism, and a transcriptome markedly different from that of the deposited metacyclic forms and the early proliferative trypanosomes. By mimicking the migration from the skin to the bloodstream, the quiescent phenotype could be reversed and the parasites returned to an active proliferating state. Given that previous work has identified the skin as an anatomical reservoir for T. brucei during disease, it is reasonable to assume that the quiescence program is an authentic facet of the parasite's behavior in an infected host. In summary, this work demonstrates that primary human skin equivalents offer a new and promising way to study vector-borne parasites under close-to-natural conditions as an alternative to animal experimentation. By choosing the natural transmission route - the bite of an infected tsetse fly - the early events of trypanosome infection have been detailed with unprecedented resolution. In addition, the evidence here for a quiescent, skin-residing trypanosome population may explain the persistence of T. brucei in the skin of aparasitemic and asymptomatic individuals. This could play an important role in maintaining an infection over long time periods.}, subject = {Trypanosoma brucei}, language = {en} }