@phdthesis{Zovko2013, author = {Zovko, Josip}, title = {Die E3-Ubiquitinligase HectD1 reguliert die Stabilit{\"a}t des antiapoptotischen Bcl-2-Familienmitglieds A1}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-87922}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Die Bcl-2-Familienmitglieder A1 und sein humanes Homolog Bfl-1 gew{\"a}hrleisten das {\"U}berleben der Zelle. Gleichzeitig tr{\"a}gt eine Dysregulation der Expression von A1/ Bfl-1 zur Krebsentstehung bei. Die Stabilit{\"a}t von A1/ Bfl-1 wird durch deren Ubiquitinylierung sowie die anschließende proteosomale Degradation gesteuert. Mit Hilfe eines Yeast-Two-Hybrid-Screens wurde die E3-Ubiquitinligase HectD1 als potentieller Interaktionspartner von A1/ Bfl-1 identifiziert. Die Interaktion von A1 und HectD1 des Yeast-Two-Hybrid-Screens konnte in S{\"a}ugerzellen best{\"a}tigt werden. Desweiteren konnte gezeigt werden, dass lediglich 87 Aminos{\"a}uren f{\"u}r eine Interaktion von HectD1 und A1 n{\"o}tig sind. Da membrangebundenes HectD1 zu einer Translokation von zytosolischem A1 an die Zellmembran f{\"u}hrt, kann man davon ausgehen, dass beide Proteine auch in vivo miteinander interagieren. Eine dominant negative HectD1-Mutante schließlich beeinflusst die Ubiqutinylierung von A1 und f{\"u}hrt somit zu dessen Stabilisierung. Diese Daten legen nahe, dass HectD1 ein wichtiger negativer Regulator von A1/ Bfl-1 ist und dass HectD1 f{\"u}r die Regulierung der A1/ Bfl-1-Proteinmenge in (Krebs)zellen sehr wichtig ist.}, subject = {Zelltod}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Hoiss2013, author = {Hoiß, Bernhard}, title = {Effects of climate change, extreme events and management on plants, pollinators and mutualistic interaction networks}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-87919}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {I. Climate change comprises average temperatures rise, changes in the distribution of precipitation and an increased amount and intensity of extreme climatic events in the last decades. Considering these serious changes in the abiotic environment it seems obvious that ecosystems also change. Flora and fauna have to adapt to the fast changing conditions, migrate or go extinct. This might result in shifts in biodiversity, species composition, species interactions and in ecosystem functioning and services. Mountains play an important role in the research of these climate impacts. They are hotspots of biodiversity and can be used as powerful natural experiments as they provide, within short distances, the opportunity to research changes in the ecosystem induced by different climatic contexts. In this dissertation two approaches were pursued: i) surveys of biodiversity, trait dominance and assembly rules in communities depending on the climatic context and different management regimes were conducted (chapters II and III) and ii) the effects of experimental climate treatments on essential ecosystem features along the altitudinal gradient were assessed (chapters IV, V and VI). II. We studied the relative importance of management, an altitudinal climatic gradient and their interactions for plant species richness and the dominance of pollination types in 34 alpine grasslands. Species richness peaked at intermediate temperatures and was higher in grazed grasslands compared to non-managed grasslands. We found the climatic context and also management to influence the distribution and dominance structures of wind- and insect-pollinated plants. Our results indicate that extensive grazing maintains high plant diversity over the full subalpine gradient. Rising temperatures may cause an upward shift of the diversity peak of plants and may also result in changed species composition and adaptive potential of pollination types. III. On the same alpine grasslands we studied the impact of the climatic context along an altitudinal gradient on species richness and community assembly in bee communities. Species richness and abundance declined linearly with increasing altitude. Bee species were more closely related at high altitudes than at low altitudes. The proportion of social and ground-nesting species, as well as mean body size and altitudinal range of bees, increased with increasing altitude, whereas the mean geographic distribution decreased. Our results suggest that community assembly at high altitudes is dominated by environmental filtering effects, while the relative importance of competition increases at low altitudes. We conclude that ongoing climate change poses a threat for alpine specialists with adaptations to cool environments but low competitive capacities. IV. We determined the impacts of short-term climate events on flower phenology and assessed whether those impacts differed between lower and higher altitudes. For that we simulated advanced and delayed snowmelt as well as drought events in a multi site experiment along an altitudinal gradient. Flower phenology was strongly affected by altitude, however, this effect declined through the season. The manipulative treatments caused only few changes in flowering phenology. The effects of advanced snowmelt were significantly greater at higher than at lower sites, but altitude did not influence the effect of the other treatments. The length of flowering duration was not significantly influenced by treatments. Our data indicate a rather low risk of drought events on flowering phenology in the Bavarian Alps. V. Changes in the structure of plant-pollinator networks were assessed along an altitudinal gradient combined with the experimental simulation of potential consequences of climate change: extreme drought events, advanced and delayed snowmelt. We found a trend of decreasing specialisation and therefore increasing complexity in networks with increasing altitude. After advanced snowmelt or drought networks were more specialised especially at higher altitudes compared to control plots. Our results show that changes in the network structures after climate manipulations depend on the climatic context and reveal an increasing susceptibility of plant-pollinator networks with increasing altitude. VI. The aim of this study was to determine the combined effects of extreme climatic events and altitude on leaf CN (carbon to nitrogen) ratios and herbivory rates in different plant guilds. We found no overall effect of climate manipulations (extreme drought events, advanced and delayed snowmelt) on leaf CN ratios and herbivory rates. However, plant guilds differed in CN ratios and herbivory rates and responded differently to altitude. CN ratios of forbs (legume and non-legume) decreased with altitude, whereas CN ratios of grasses increased with altitude. Further, CN ratios and herbivory rates increased during the growing season, indicating a decrease of food plant quality during the growing season. Insect herbivory rates were driven by food plant quality. Contrasting altitudinal responses of forbs versus grasses give reason to expect changed dominance structures among plant guilds with ongoing climate change. VII. This dissertation contributes to the understanding of factors that determine the composition and biotic interactions of communities in different climates. The results presented indicate that warmer climates will not only change species richness but also the assembly-rules for plant and bee communities depending on the species' functional traits. Our investigations provide insights in the resilience of different ecosystem features and processes towards climate change and how this resilience depends on the environmental context. It seems that mutualistic interactions are more susceptible to short-term climate events than flowering phenology and antagonistic interactions such as herbivory. However, to draw more general conclusions more empirical data is needed.}, subject = {Klima{\"a}nderung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Huang2013, author = {Huang, Ting}, title = {Vaccinia Virus-mediated Therapy of Solid Tumor Xenografts: Intra-tumoral Delivery of Therapeutic Antibodies}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-91327}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Over the past 30 years, much effort and financial support have been invested in the fight against cancer, yet cancer still represents the leading cause of death in the world. Conventional therapies for treatment of cancer are predominantly directed against tumor cells. Recently however, new treatments options have paid more attention to exploiting the advantage of targeting the tumor stroma instead. Vaccinia virus (VACV) has played an important role in human medicine since the 18th century as a vaccination against smallpox. In our laboratory, the recombinant, replication-competent vaccinia virus, GLV-1h68, was shown to enter, colonize and destroy cancer cells both in cell culture, and in vivo, in xenograft models (Zhang, Yu et al. 2007). In addition, combined therapy of GLV-1h68 and anti-VEGF immunotherapy significantly enhanced antitumor therapy in vivo (Frentzen, Yu et al. 2009). In this study, we constructed several new recombinant VACVs carrying genes encoding different antibodies against fibroblast activation protein (FAP) in stroma (GLV-1h282), nanobody against the extracellular domain of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR, GLV-1h442) or antibodies targeting both vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and EGFR (GLV-1h444) or targeting both VEGF and FAP (GLV-1h446). The expression of the recombinant proteins was first verified using protein analytical methods, SDS-gel electrophoresis, Western blot analysis, immunoprecipitation (IP) assays and ELISA assays. The proteins were detected after infection of the cells with the different VACVs and the recombinant proteins purified by affinity adsorption. The purified antibodies were shown to specifically bind to their respective antigens. Secondly, the infection and replication capability of all the virus strains was analyzed in cell culture using several human tumor cell lines (A549, FaDu or DU145), revealing that all the new recombinant VACVs were able to infect cancer cells with comparable efficiency to the parental viruses from which they were derived. Thirdly, the antitumor efficacy of the new recombinant VACVs was evaluated in vivo using several human cancer xenograft models in mice. In A549 and DU145 xenografts, the new recombinant VACVs exhibited an enhanced therapeutic efficacy compared to GLV-1h68 with no change in toxicity in mice. In the FaDu xenograft, treatment with GLV-1h282 (anti-FAP) significantly slowed down the speed of tumor growth compared to GLV-1h68. Additionally, treatment with the recombinant VACVs expressed the various antibodies achieved comparable or superior therapeutic effects compared to treatment with a combination of GLV-1h68 and the commercial therapeutic antibodies, Avastin, Erbitux or both. Next, the virus distribution in tumors and organs of treated mice was evaluated. For most of the viruses, the virus titer in tumors was not signficantly diffferent than GLV-1h68. However, for animals treated with GLV-1h282, the virus titer in tumors was significantly higher than with GLV-1h68. This may be the reason for enhanced antitumor efficacy of GLV-1h282 in vivo. Lastly, the underlying mechanisms of therapeutic antibody-enhanced antitumor effects were investigated by immunohistochemistry. Blood vessels density and cell proliferation in tumors were suppressed after treatment with the antibody-encoded VACVs. The results indicated that the suppression of angiogenesis or cell proliferation in tumors may cause the observed therapeutic effect. In conclusion, the results of the studies presented here support the hypothesis that the treatment of solid tumors with a combination of oncolytic virotherapy and immunotherapy has an additive effect over each treatment alone. Moreover, expression of the immunotherapeutic antibody by the oncolytic VACV locally in the tumor enhances the antitumor effect over systemic treatment with the same antibody. Combined, these results indicate that therapy with oncolytic VACVs expressing-therapeutic antibodies may be a promising approach for the treatment of cancer.}, subject = {Vaccinia-Virus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Steckel2013, author = {Steckel, Juliane}, title = {Effects of landscape heterogeneity and land use on interacting groups of solitary bees, wasps and their flying and ground-dwelling antagonists}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-87900}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Die Heterogenit{\"a}t unserer heutigen Landschaften und Habitate ist gepr{\"a}gt und von jahrzehntelanger Landnutzungsintensivierung. Die daraus hervorgegangene Verarmung von weitr{\"a}umigen Arealen f{\"u}hrte zu einer zeitlich und r{\"a}umlich stark eingeschr{\"a}nkten Verf{\"u}gbarkeit von Nistm{\"o}glichkeiten und Nahrungsressourcen f{\"u}r Wildbienen und Wespen. Die Folgen sich ver{\"a}ndernder Ressourcenverf{\"u}gbarkeit f{\"u}r Wildbienen und Wespen war und ist eine Gef{\"a}hrdung der Artenvielfalt und der {\"O}kosystemprozesse, die diese Arten in Gang halten. Konsequenzen f{\"u}r diese wichtigen Best{\"a}uber und Pr{\"a}datoren sind kaum erforscht, genauso wenig wie f{\"u}r ihre Gegenspieler als nat{\"u}rliche Top-Down-Regulatoren. Nisthilfen f{\"u}r Wildbienen, Wespen und ihre nat{\"u}rlichen Gegenspieler eignen sich hervorragend um diese Wissensl{\"u}cken zu f{\"u}llen, da sie wertvolle Einblicke gew{\"a}hren in ansonsten verborgene trophische Interaktionen, wie Parasitierung und Pr{\"a}dation, aber auch in {\"O}kosystemprozesse wie Best{\"a}ubung und Reproduktion. Somit stellten wir uns in Kapitel II zun{\"a}chst die Frage, wie die Abundanz von st{\"a}ngelnistenden Bienen und Wespen im Gr{\"u}nland von dessen Bewirtschaftung abh{\"a}ngt. Außerdem untersuchten wir, wie Landnutzung die Effektivit{\"a}t der Top-Down-Regulation von Wildbienen und Wespen durch zwei verschiedene Gruppen von Gegenspielern beeinflusst. Dazu haben wir einer der beiden Gruppen, den bodenlebenden Gegenspielern, den Zugang zu den Nisthilfen vorenthalten. In einer großangelegten Feldstudie, die sich {\"u}ber drei verschiedene Regionen Deutschlands erstreckte, installierten wir 760 Nisthilfen auf 95 Gr{\"u}nlandfl{\"a}chen. Der Versuchsplan beinhaltete gem{\"a}hte und nicht gem{\"a}hte Versuchsplots, sowie Plots mit und ohne Ausschluss von Bodenpr{\"a}datoren. Wildbienen und Wespen besiedelten die Nisthilfen unabh{\"a}ngig davon, ob Bodenpr{\"a}datoren nun Zugang zu den Nisthilfen hatten oder nicht. Allerdings erh{\"o}hte sich die Rate der von fliegenden Gegenspielern gefressenen und parasitierten Brutzellen (Fressrate) sobald bodenlebende Gegenspieler ausgeschlossen wurden. Diese Fressrate war vom experimentellen M{\"a}hen unabh{\"a}ngig. Jedoch wiesen ungem{\"a}hte Versuchsplots marginal signifikant mehr Brutzellen von Wespen auf. Beide Manipulationen, das M{\"a}hen und der Pr{\"a}datorausschluss, interagierten signifikant. So wurden auf gem{\"a}hten Plots, auf denen Bodenpr{\"a}datoren ausgeschlossen waren, h{\"o}here Fressraten der fliegenden Gegenspieler beobachtet, w{\"a}hrend dieser Effekt auf der ungem{\"a}hten Plots ausblieb. Das Thema in Kapitel III ist der relative Einfluss lokaler Gr{\"u}nlandnutzung, Landschaftsdiversit{\"a}t und Landschaftsstruktur auf Artenvielfalt und -abundanz von Wildbienen, Wespen und ihrer fliegenden Gegenspieler. Dazu kartierten wir Landnutzungstypen innerhalb konzentrischer Kreise um die Versuchsplots. Mithilfe der digitalisierten Landschaftsdaten berechneten wir Indices als Maße f{\"u}r Landschaftsdiversit{\"a}t und -struktur f{\"u}r acht Radien bis 2000 m. Der negative Effekt lokaler Landnutzung auf die Wirtsabundanz war nur marginal signifikant. Jedoch stellten wir einen positiven Effekt der Landschaftsdiversit{\"a}t innerhalb kleiner Radien auf die Artenvielfalt und -abundanz der Wirte fest. Die fliegenden Gegenspieler allerdings profitierten von einer komplexen Landschaftsstruktur innerhalb großer Radien. Die letzte Studie, vorgestellt in Kapitel IV, behandelt die Bedeutung von Ressourcenverf{\"u}gbarkeit f{\"u}r die Dauer von Fouragierfl{\"u}gen und die sich daraus ergebenen Konsequenzen f{\"u}r den Reproduktionserfolg der Roten Mauerbiene. Dazu beobachteten wir nistenden Bienen auf 18 Gr{\"u}nlandfl{\"a}chen in zwei der Untersuchungsregionen in Deuschland. Wir ermittelten die lokale Landnutzungsintensit{\"a}t, lokale Bl{\"u}tendeckung sowie Landschaftsdiversit{\"a}t und -struktur als wichtige potentielle Einflussfaktoren. Jede Gr{\"u}nlandfl{\"a}che wurde mit acht Nisthilfen und 50 weiblichen Bienen ausgestattet. Verschiedene Nestbau-Aktivit{\"a}ten, wie Fouragierfl{\"u}ge f{\"u}r Pollen und Nektar, wurden aufgenommen. Wir stellten fest, dass Fouragierfl{\"u}ge f{\"u}r Pollen und Nektar in komplexen, strukturreichen Landschaften signifikant k{\"u}rzer waren, dass jedoch weder lokale Faktoren, noch Landschaftsdiversit{\"a}t eine Rolle spielten. Wir konnten keinen Zusammenhang zwischen der Dauer von Fouragierfl{\"u}gen und Reproduktionserfolg feststellen. Um eine r{\"a}umlich und zeitlich konstante Versorgung von Nahrungs- und Nistressourcen zu gew{\"a}hrleisten und damit biotische Interaktionen, Diversit{\"a}t und Besiedlungserfolg von Wildbienen, Wespen und ihrer Gegenspieler zu unterst{\"u}tzen, empfehlen wir Maßnahmen, die sowohl die lokale Landnutzung als auch unterschiedliche Landschaftsfaktoren ber{\"u}cksichtigen.}, subject = {Wildbienen}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ott2013, author = {Ott, Christine Kornelia}, title = {Diverse Aspects of the Sorting and Assembly Machinery in Human Mitochondria}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-85462}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Mitochondria are organelles of endosymbiotic origin, which play many important roles in eukaryotic cells. Mitochondria are surrounded by two membranes and, considering that most of the mitochondrial proteins are produced in the cytosol, possess import machineries, which transport mitochondria-targeted proteins to their designated location. A special class of outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM) proteins, the β-barrel proteins, require the sorting and assembly machinery (SAM) for their OMM integration. Both mitochondrial β-barrel proteins and the central component of the SAM complex, Sam50, have homologs in gram-negative bacteria. In yeast mitochondria, bacterial β-barrel proteins can be imported and assembled into the OMM. Our group demonstrated that this, however, is not the case for human mitochondria, which import only neisserial β barrel proteins, but not those of Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica. As a part of this study, I could demonstrate that β-barrel proteins such as Omp85 and PorB of different Neisseria species are targeted to human mitochondria. Interestingly, only proteins belonging to the neisserial Omp85 family were integrated into the OMM, whereas PorB was imported into mitochondria but not assembled. By exchanging parts of homologous neisserial Omp85 and E. coli BamA and, similarly, of neisserial PorB and E. coli OmpC, it could be demonstrated in this work that the mitochondrial import signal of bacterial β barrel proteins cannot be limited to one short linear sequence, but rather secondary structure and protein charge seem to play an important role, as well as specific residues in the last β-strand of Omp85. Omp85 possesses five conserved POTRA domains in its amino-terminal part. This work additionally demonstrated that in human mitochondria, at least two POTRA domains of Omp85 are necessary for membrane integration and functionality of Omp85. In the second part of this work, the influence of Sam50 on the mitochondrial cristae structure was investigated. This work contributed to a study performed by our group in which it was confirmed that Sam50 is present in a high molecular weight complex together with mitofilin, CHCHD3, CHCHD6, DnaJC11, metaxin 1 and metaxin 2. This connection between the inner and outer mitochondrial membrane was shown to be crucial for the maintenance of the mitochondrial cristae structure. In addition, a role of Sam50 in respiratory complex assembly, suggested by a SILAC experiment conducted in our group, could be confirmed by in vitro import studies. An influence of Sam50 not only on respiratory complexes but also on the recently described respiratory complex assembly factor TTC19 was demonstrated. It was shown that TTC19 not only plays a role in complex III assembly as published, but also influences the assembly of respiratory complex IV. Thus, in this part of the work a connection between the OMM protein Sam50 and maintenance of cristae structure, respiratory complex assembly and an assembly factor could be established.}, subject = {Mitochondrien}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hartel2013, author = {Hartel, Andreas J. W.}, title = {Die laterale Diffusion des variablen Oberfl{\"a}chenglykoproteins in Trypanosomen und in artifiziellen Membranen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-90997}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Die Diffusion von Membranproteinen spielt bei einer Vielzahl von zellbiologischen Prozessen eine zentrale Rolle. So hat die Beweglichkeit von Glykosyl-Phosphatidyl-Inositol-(GPI-) verankerten Proteinen zum Beispiel eine tragende Funktion bei der Alzheimer Krankheit, der Creutzfeldt-Jacob Krankheit und der Afrikanischen Schlafkrankheit. Der Erreger der Afrikanischen Schlafkrankheit, Trypanosoma brucei spec., pr{\"a}sentiert auf seiner Zelloberfl{\"a}che einen dichten Mantel aus identischen GPI-verankerten Proteinen. Diese sogenannten Variant Surface Glycoproteins (VSGs) stellen den zentralen Pathogenit{\"a}tsfaktor der Trypanosomen im Blutstrom des Wirtes dar und erm{\"o}glichen dem Parasiten die Antigene Variation. W{\"a}hrend der Antigenen Variation wird der VSGMantel durch einen immunologisch distinkten Mantel ersetzt. Hierf{\"u}r ist die Diffusion der VSG essentiell. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Diffusion des VSG in lebenden Trypanosomen und in artifiziellen Membranen systematisch untersucht. Auf diese Weise werden der Einfluss der lateralen Proteindichte, der N-Glykosylierung und der Proteingr{\"o}ße auf die Diffusion der GPI-verankerten Proteine charakterisiert. Die Mobilit{\"a}t des VSG auf lebenden Trypanosomen ist an der Grenze zu einem Diffusionsschwellenwert, dieser wird allerdings nicht {\"u}berschritten. Die Mobilit{\"a}t des VSG in der N{\"a}he des Diffusionsschwellenwertes wird durch die N-Glykosylierung der VSG erm{\"o}glicht. Außerdem kann gezeigt werden, dass die Gr{\"o}ße der Proteine einen entscheidenden Einfluss auf den Diffusionskoeffizienten der GPI-verankerten Proteine aus{\"u}bt. Zusammengefasst zeigen die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit deutlich, dass der VSG-Mantel der Trypanosomen ein, an seine Anforderungen, hoch-adaptiertes System darstellt. W{\"u}rde entweder die laterale Dichte, die N-Glykosylierung oder die Gr{\"o}ße der Proteine beeintr{\"a}chtigt werden, so w{\"a}re die Funktion der Antigenen Variation gest{\"o}rt und die Pathogenit{\"a}t des Parasiten gef{\"a}hrdet. Da die lokale Verteilung von GPI-verankerten Proteinen in biologischen Membranen ein wichtiges funktionelles Konzept darstellt, ist der Einfluss der untersuchten Faktoren nicht nur f{\"u}r den VSG-Mantel relevant, sondern kann auch f{\"u}r das generelle Verst{\"a}ndnis der Dynamik von Proteinen in zellul{\"a}ren Membranen dienen.}, subject = {Trypanosomen}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Bollmann2013, author = {Bollmann, Stefan}, title = {Structural Dynamics of Oligopeptides determined by Fluorescence Quenching of Organic Dyes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-92191}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {For determination of structures and structural dynamics of proteins organic fluorophores are a standard instrument. Intra- and intermolecular contact of biomolecular structures are determined in time-resolved and stationary fluorescence microscopy experiments by quenching of organic fluorophores due to Photoinduced Electron Transfer (PET) and dimerization interactions. Using PET we show in this work that end-to-end contact dynamics of serine-glycine peptides are slowed down by glycosylation. This slow down is due to a change in reaction enthalpy for end-to-end contact and is partly compensated by entropic effects. In a second step we test how dimerization of MR121 fluorophore pairs reports on end-to-end contact dynamics. We show that in aqueous solutions containing strong denaturants MR121 dimerization reports advantageously on contact dynamics for glycine-serine oligopeptides compared to the previously used MR121/tryptophane PET reporters. Then we analyze dimer interactions and quenching properties of different commercially available fluorophores being standards in F{\"o}rster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) measurements. Distances in biomolecules are determinable using FRET, but for very flexible biomolecules the analysis of masurement data can be distorted if contact of the two FRET fluorophores is likely. We quantify how strong the quenching of fluorophore pairs with two different or two identical fluorophores is. Dimer spectra and association constants are quantified to estimate if fluophores are applicable in various applications, e.g. in FRET measurements with unstructured peptides and proteins.}, subject = {Fluorophore}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ljaschenko2013, author = {Ljaschenko, Dmitrij}, title = {Hebbian plasticity at neuromuscular synapses of Drosophila}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-90465}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Synaptic plasticity determines the development of functional neural circuits. It is widely accepted as the mechanism behind learning and memory. Among different forms of synaptic plasticity, Hebbian plasticity describes an activity-induced change in synaptic strength, caused by correlated pre- and postsynaptic activity. Additionally, Hebbian plasticity is characterised by input specificity, which means it takes place only at synapses, which participate in activity. Because of its correlative nature, Hebbian plasticity suggests itself as a mechanism behind associative learning. Although it is commonly assumed that synaptic plasticity is closely linked to synaptic activity during development, the mechanistic understanding of this coupling is far from complete. In the present study channelrhodopsin-2 was used to evoke activity in vivo, at the glutamatergic Drosophila neuromuscular junction. Remarkably, correlated pre- and postsynaptic stimulation led to increased incorporation of GluR-IIA-type glutamate receptors into postsynaptic receptor fields, thus boosting postsynaptic sensitivity. This phenomenon is input-specific. Conversely, GluR-IIA was rapidly removed from synapses at which neurotransmitter release failed to evoke substantial postsynaptic depolarisation. This mechanism might be responsible to tame uncontrolled receptor field growth. Combining these results with developmental GluR-IIA dynamics leads to a comprehensive physiological concept, where Hebbian plasticity guides growth of postsynaptic receptor fields and sparse transmitter release stabilises receptor fields by preventing overgrowth. Additionally, a novel mechanism of retrograde signaling was discovered, where direct postsynaptic channelrhodopsin-2 based stimulation, without involvement of presynaptic neurotransmitter release, leads to presynaptic depression. This phenomenon is reminiscent of a known retrograde homeostatic mechanism, of inverted polarity, where neurotransmitter release is upregulated, upon reduction of postsynaptic sensitivity.}, subject = {Synapse}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Leingaertner2013, author = {Leing{\"a}rtner, Annette}, title = {Combined effects of climate change and extreme events on plants, arthropods and their interactions}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-87758}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {I. Global climate change directly and indirectly influences biotic and abiotic components of ecosystems. Changes in abiotic ecosystem components caused by climate change comprise temperature increases, precipitation changes and more frequently occurring extreme events. Mediated by these abiotic changes, biotic ecosystem components including all living organisms will also change. Expected changes of plants and animals are advanced phenologies and range shifts towards higher latitudes and altitudes which presumably induce changes in species interactions and composition. Altitudinal gradients provide an optimal opportunity for climate change studies, because they serve as natural experiments due to fast changing climatic conditions within short distances. In this dissertation two different approaches were conducted to reveal species and community responses to climate change. First, species richness and community trait analyses along an altitudinal gradient in the Bavarian Alps (chapters II, III) and second, climate change manipulation experiments under different climatic contexts (chapters IV, V, IV). II. We performed biodiversity surveys of butterfly and diurnal moth species on 34 grassland sites along an altitudinal gradient in the National Park Berchtesgaden. Additionally, we analysed the dominance structure of life-history traits in butterfly assemblages along altitude. Species richness of butterflies and diurnal moths decreased with increasing altitude. The dominance of certain life-history-traits changed along the altitudinal gradient with a higher proportion of larger-winged species and species with higher egg numbers towards higher altitudes. However, the mean egg maturation time, population density and geographic distribution within butterfly assemblages decreased with increasing altitude. Our results indicate that butterfly assemblages were mainly shaped by environmental filtering. We conclude that butterfly assemblages at higher altitudes will presumably lack adaptive capacity to future climatic conditions, because of specific trait combinations. III. In addition to butterfly and diurnal moth species richness we also studied plant species richness in combination with pollination type analyses along the altitudinal gradient. The management type of the alpine grasslands was also integrated in the analyses to detect combined effects of climate and management on plant diversity and pollination type. Plant species richness was highest at intermediate altitudes, whereby the management type influenced the plant diversity with more plant species at grazed compared to mown or non-managed grasslands. The pollination type was affected by both the changing climate along the gradient and the management type. These results suggest that extensive grazing can maintain high plant diversity along the whole altitudinal gradient. With ongoing climate change the diversity peak of plants may shift upwards, which can cause a decrease in biodiversity due to reduced grassland area but also changes in species composition and adaptive potential of pollination types. IV. We set up manipulation experiments on 15 grassland sites along the altitudinal gradient in order to determine the combined effects of extreme climatic events (extreme drought, advanced and delayed snowmelt) and elevation on the nutritional quality and herbivory rates of alpine plants. The leaf CN (carbon to nitrogen) ratio and the plant damage through herbivores were not significantly affected by the simulated extreme events. However, elevation influenced the CN ratios and herbivory rates of alpine plants with contrasting responses between plant guilds. Furthermore, we found differences in nitrogen concentrations and herbivory rates between grasses, legumes and forbs, whereas legumes had the highest nitrogen concentrations and were damaged most. Additionally, CN ratios and herbivory rates increased during the growing season, indicating a decrease of food plant quality during the growing season. Contrasting altitudinal responses of grasses, legumes and forbs presumably can change the dominance structure among these plant guilds with ongoing climate change. V. In this study we analysed the phenological responses of grassland species to an extreme drought event, advanced and delayed snowmelt along the altitudinal gradient. Advanced snowmelt caused an advanced beginning of flowering, whereas this effect was more pronounced at higher than at lower altitudes. Extreme drought and delayed snowmelt had rather low effects on the flower phenology and the responses did not differ between higher and lower sites. The strongest effect influencing flower phenology was altitude, with a declining effect through the season. The length of flowering duration was not significantly influenced by treatments. Our data suggest that plant species at higher altitudes may be more affected by changes in snowmelt timing in contrast to lowland species, as at higher altitudes more severe changes are expected. However, the risk of extreme drought events on flowering phenology seems to be low. VI. We established soil-emergence traps on the advanced snowmelt and control treatment plots in order to detect possible changes in abundances and emergence phenologies of five arthropod orders due to elevation and treatment. Additionally, we analysed the responses of Coleoptera species richness to elevation and treatment. We found that the abundance and species richness of Coleoptera increased with elevation as well as the abundance of Diptera. However, the abundance of Hemiptera decreased with elevation and the abundances of Araneae and Hymenoptera showed no elevational patterns. The advanced snowmelt treatment increased the abundances of Araneae and Hymenoptera. The emergence of soil-hibernating arthropods was delayed up to seven weeks at higher elevations, whereas advanced snowmelt did not influence the emergence phenology of arthropods immediately after snowmelt. With climate change earlier snowmelt will occur more often, which especially will affect soil-hibernating arthropods in alpine regions and may cause desynchronisations between species interactions. VII. In conclusion, we showed that alpine ecosystems are sensitive towards changing climate conditions and extreme events and that many alpine species in the Bavarian Alps are endangered. Many alpine species could exist under warmer climatic conditions, however they are expected to be outcompeted by more competitive lowland species. Furthermore, host-parasite or predator-prey interactions can be disrupted due to different responses of certain guilds to climate change. Understanding and predicting the complex dynamics and potential risks of future climate change remains a great challenge and therefore further studies analysing species and community responses to climate change are needed.}, subject = {Insekten}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wangorsch2013, author = {Wangorsch, Gaby}, title = {Mathematical modeling of cellular signal transduction}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-87746}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {A subtly regulated and controlled course of cellular processes is essential for the healthy functioning not only of single cells, but also of organs being constituted thereof. In return, this entails the proper functioning of the whole organism. This implies a complex intra- and inter-cellular communication and signal processing that require equally multi-faceted methods to describe and investigate the underlying processes. Within the scope of this thesis, mathematical modeling of cellular signaling finds its application in the analysis of cellular processes and signaling cascades in different organisms. ...}, subject = {Mathematische Modellierung}, language = {en} }