@phdthesis{Pitsch2024, author = {Pitsch, Maximilian Jonathan}, title = {Zyklisches Adenosinmonophosphat (cAMP) als {\"A}quivalent akkumulierter neuronaler Evidenz}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-35129}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-351292}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Die vier Crz-Neurone des ventralen Nervensystems von Drosophila melanogaster sammeln Evidenz, wann im Rahmen eines Paarungsakts zirka 6 Minuten vergangen sind. Diese Entscheidung ist f{\"u}r die m{\"a}nnliche Fliege von Bedeutung, da das M{\"a}nnchen vor Ablauf dieser ~6 Minuten, welche den Zeitpunkt der Ejakulation darstellen, eher das eigene Leben opfern w{\"u}rde, als dass es die Paarung beenden w{\"u}rde. Nach Ablauf der ~6 Minuten f{\"a}llt die Motivation des M{\"a}nnchens dagegen dramatisch ab. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde zun{\"a}chst mittels optogenetischer neuronaler Inhibitionsprotokolle sowie Verhaltensanalysen das Ph{\"a}nomen der Evidenz-akkumulation in den Crz-Neuronen genauer charakterisiert. Dabei zeigte sich, dass die akkumulierte Evidenz auch w{\"a}hrend einer elektrischen Inhibition der Crz-Neurone persistierte. Dieses Ergebnis warf die Hypothese auf, dass das {\"A}quivalent der akkumulierten Evidenz in den Crz-Neuronen biochemischer Natur sein k{\"o}nnte. Es wurde daraufhin ein Hochdurchsatzscreening-Verfahren entwickelt, mittels dessen 1388 genetische Manipulationen der Crz-Neurone durchgef{\"u}hrt und auf eine {\"A}nderung der Evidenzakkumulation getestet wurden. Nur ~30 genetische Manipulationen zeigten eine ver{\"a}nderte Evidenzakkumulation, wobei die meisten dieser Manipulationen den cAMP-Signalweg betrafen. Mittels der optogenetischen Photoadenylatzyklase bPAC, einer Reihe weiterer genetischer Manipulationen des cAMP-Signalwegs sowie der ex vivo Kalzium-Bildgebung und Fluoreszenzlebensdauer-Mikroskopie konnte best{\"a}tigt werden, dass cAMP das {\"A}quivalent der in den Crz-Neuronen spannungsabh{\"a}ngig akkumulierten Evidenz darstellt, wobei die Kombination dieser Methoden nahelegte, dass der Schwellenwert der Evidenzakkumulation durch die cAMP-Bindungsaffinit{\"a}t der regulatorischen PKA-Untereinheiten festgelegt sein k{\"o}nnte. Mittels genetischer Mosaikexperimente sowie bildgebenden Verfahren konnte dar{\"u}ber hinaus gezeigt werden, dass innerhalb des Crz-Netzwerks eine positive R{\"u}ckkopplungsschleife aus rekurrenter Aktivit{\"a}t sowie der cAMP-Akkumulation besteht, welche, sobald die cAMP-Spiegel den Schwellenwert erreichen, zu einem netzwerkweit synchronisierten massiven Kalziumeinstrom f{\"u}hrt, was die Abgabe des Crz-Signals an nachgeschaltete Netzwerke triggert. Dieses Ph{\"a}nomen k{\"o}nnte ein Analogon des Aktionspotenzials auf Netzwerkebene sowie auf Intervallzeitskalen darstellen und wurde als „Eruption" bezeichnet. Genetische, optogenetische sowie Bildgebungsexperimente konnten zeigen, dass die CaMKII derartige Eruptionen durch Niedrighalten der cAMP-Spiegel unterdr{\"u}ckt, was den Zeitmessmechanismus des ersten beschriebenen Intervallzeitmessers CaMKII offenlegt.}, subject = {Evidenz}, language = {de} } @article{RoemerAguilarMeyeretal.2022, author = {R{\"o}mer, Daniela and Aguilar, Gonzalo Pacheco and Meyer, Annika and Roces, Flavio}, title = {Symbiont demand guides resource supply: leaf-cutting ants preferentially deliver their harvested fragments to undernourished fungus gardens}, series = {The Science of Nature}, volume = {109}, journal = {The Science of Nature}, number = {3}, doi = {10.1007/s00114-022-01797-7}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-325080}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Leaf-cutting ants are highly successful herbivores in the Neotropics. They forage large amounts of fresh plant material to nourish a symbiotic fungus that sustains the colony. It is unknown how workers organize the intra-nest distribution of resources, and whether they respond to increasing demands in some fungus gardens by adjusting the amount of delivered resources accordingly. In laboratory experiments, we analyzed the spatial distribution of collected leaf fragments among nest chambers in Acromyrmex ambiguus leaf-cutting ants, and how it changed when one of the fungus gardens experienced undernourishment. Plant fragments were evenly distributed among nest chambers when the fungal symbiont was well nourished. That pattern changed when one of the fungus gardens was undernourished and had a higher leaf demand, resulting in more leaf discs delivered to the undernourished fungus garden over at least 2 days after deprivation. Some ants bypassed nourished gardens to directly deliver their resource to the chamber with higher nutritional demand. We hypothesize that cues arising from that chamber might be used for orientation and/or that informed individuals, presumably stemming from the undernourished chamber, may preferentially orient to them.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{BakariSoale2024, author = {Bakari Soale, Majeed}, title = {Regulation of the Variant Surface Glycoprotein (VSG) Expression and Characterisation of the Nucleolar DExD/H box Protein Hel66 in \(Trypanosoma\) \(brucei\)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-25809}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-258090}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The variant surface glycoprotein (VSG) of African trypanosomes plays an essential role in protecting the parasites from host immune factors. These trypanosomes undergo antigenic variation resulting in the expression of a single VSG isoform out of a repertoire of around 2000 genes. The molecular mechanism central to the expression and regulation of the VSG is however not fully understood. Gene expression in trypanosomes is unusual due to the absence of typical RNA polymerase II promoters and the polycistronic transcription of genes. The regulation of gene expression is therefore mainly post-transcriptional. Regulatory sequences, mostly present in the 3´ UTRs, often serve as key elements in the modulation of the levels of individual mRNAs. In T. brucei VSG genes, a 100 \% conserved 16mer motif within the 3´ UTR has been shown to modulate the stability of VSG transcripts and hence their expression. As a stability-associated sequence element, the absence of nucleotide substitutions in the motif is however unusual. It was therefore hypothesised that the motif is involved in other essential roles/processes besides stability of the VSG transcripts. In this study, it was demonstrated that the 100 \% conservation of the 16mer motif is not essential for cell viability or for the maintenance of functional VSG protein levels. It was further shown that the intact motif in the active VSG 3´ UTR is neither required to promote VSG silencing during switching nor is it needed during differentiation from bloodstream forms to procyclic forms. Crosstalk between the VSG and procyclin genes during differentiation to the insect vector stage is also unaffected in cells with a mutated 16mer motif. Ectopic overexpression of a second VSG however requires the intact motif to trigger silencing and exchange of the active VSG, suggesting a role for the motif in transcriptional VSG switching. The 16mer motif therefore plays a dual role in VSG in situ switching and stability of VSG transcripts. The additional role of the 16mer in the essential process of antigenic variation appears to be the driving force for the 100 \% conservation of this RNA motif. A screen aimed at identifying candidate RNA-binding proteins interacting with the 16mer motif, led to the identification of a DExD/H box protein, Hel66. Although the protein did not appear to have a direct link to the 16mer regulation of VSG expression, the DExD/H family of proteins are important players in the process of ribosome biogenesis. This process is relatively understudied in trypanosomes and so this candidate was singled out for detailed characterisation, given that the 16mer story had reached a natural end point. Ribosome biogenesis is a major cellular process in eukaryotes involving ribosomal RNA, ribosomal proteins and several non-ribosomal trans-acting protein factors. The DExD/H box proteins are the most important trans-acting protein factors involved in the biosynthesis of ribosomes. Several DExD/H box proteins have been directly implicated in this process in yeast. In trypanosomes, very few of this family of proteins have been characterised and therefore little is known about the specific roles they play in RNA metabolism. Here, it was shown that Hel66 is involved in rRNA processing during ribosome biogenesis. Hel66 localises to the nucleolus and depleting the protein led to a severe growth defect. Loss of the protein also resulted in a reduced rate of global translation and accumulation of rRNA processing intermediates of both the small and large ribosomal subunits. Hel66 is therefore an essential nucleolar DExD/H protein involved in rRNA processing during ribosome biogenesis. As very few protein factors involved in the processing of rRNAs have been described in trypanosomes, this finding represents an important platform for future investigation of this topic.}, subject = {Trypanosoma brucei}, language = {en} } @article{MaloukhNazzalKumarappanetal.2023, author = {Maloukh, Lina and Nazzal, Yousef and Kumarappan, Alagappan and Howari, Fares and Ambika, Lakshmi Kesari and Yahmadi, Rihab and Sharma, Manish and Iqbal, Jibran and Al-Taani, Ahmed A. and Salem, Imen Ben and Xavier, Cijo M. and Naseem, Muhamad}, title = {Metagenomic analysis of the outdoor dust microbiomes: a case study from Abu Dhabi, UAE}, series = {Atmosphere}, volume = {14}, journal = {Atmosphere}, number = {2}, issn = {2073-4433}, doi = {10.3390/atmos14020327}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-304391}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Outdoor dust covers a shattered range of microbial agents from land over transportation, human microbial flora, which includes pathogen and commensals, and airborne from the environment. Dust aerosols are rich in bacterial communities that have a major impact on human health and living environments. In this study, outdoor samples from roadside barricades, safety walls, and fences (18 samples) were collected from Abu Dhabi, UAE and bacterial diversity was assessed through a 16S rRNA amplicon next generation sequencing approach. Clean data from HiSeq produced 1,099,892 total reads pairs for 18 samples. For all samples, taxonomic classifications were assigned to the OTUs (operational taxonomic units) representative sequence using the Ribosomal Database Project database. Analysis such as alpha diversity, beta diversity, differential species analysis, and species relative abundance were performed in the clustering of samples and a functional profile heat map was obtained from the OTUs by using bioinformatics tools. A total of 2814 OTUs were identified from those samples with a coverage of more than 99\%. In the phylum, all 18 samples had most of the bacterial groups such as Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, and Bacteroidetes. Twelve samples had Propionibacteria acnes and were mainly found in RD16 and RD3. Major bacteria species such as Propionibacteria acnes, Bacillus persicus, and Staphylococcus captis were found in all samples. Most of the samples had Streptococcus mitis, Staphylococcus capitis. and Nafulsella turpanensis and Enhydrobacter aerosaccus was part of the normal microbes of the skin. Salinimicrobium sp., Bacillus alkalisediminis, and Bacillus persicus are halophilic bacteria found in sediments. The heat map clustered the samples and species in vertical and horizontal classification, which represents the relationship between the samples and bacterial diversity. The heat map for the functional profile had high properties of amino acids, carbohydrate, and cofactor and vitamin metabolisms of all bacterial species from all samples. Taken together, our analyses are very relevant from the perspective of out-door air quality, airborne diseases, and epidemics, with broader implications for health safety and monitoring.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{MaierverhHartmann2024, author = {Maier [verh. Hartmann], Carina Ramona}, title = {Regulation of the Mevalonate Pathway by the Deubiquitinase USP28 in Squamous Cancer}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-34874}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-348740}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The reprogramming of metabolic pathways is a hallmark of cancer: Tumour cells are dependent on the supply with metabolites and building blocks to fulfil their increased need as highly proliferating cells. Especially de novo synthesis pathways are upregulated when the cells of the growing tumours are not able to satisfy the required metabolic levels by uptake from the environment. De novo synthesis pathways are often under the control of master transcription factors which regulate the gene expression of enzymes involved in the synthesis process. The master regulators for de novo fatty acid synthesis and cholesterogenesis are sterol regulatory element-binding proteins (SREBPs). While SREBP1 preferably controls the expression of enzymes involved in fatty acid synthesis, SREBP2 regulates the transcription of the enzymes of the mevalonate pathway and downstream processes namely cholesterol, isoprenoids and building blocks for ubiquinone synthesis. SREBP activity is tightly regulated at different levels: The post-translational modification by ubiquitination decreases the stability of active SREBPs. The attachment of K48-linked ubiquitin chains marks the transcription factors for the proteasomal degradation. In tumour cells, high levels of active SREBPs are essential for the upregulation of the respective metabolic pathways. The increased stability and activity of SREBPs were investigated in this thesis. SREBPs are ubiquitinated by the E3 ligase Fbw7 which leads to the subsequential proteolysis of the transcription factors. The work conducted in this thesis identified the counteracting deubiquitination enzyme USP28 which removes the ubiquitin chains from SREBPs and prevents their proteasomal degradation. It further revealed that the stabilization of SREBP2 by USP28 plays an important role in the context of squamous cancers. Increased USP28 levels are associated with a poor survival in patients with squamous tumour subtypes. It was shown that reduced USP28 levels in cell lines and in vivo result in a decrease of SREBP2 activity and downregulation of the mevalonate pathway. This manipulation led to reduced proliferation and tumour growth. A direct comparison of adenocarcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas in lung cancer patients revealed an upregulation of USP28 as well as SREBP2 and its target genes. Targeting the USP28-SREBP2 regulatory axis in squamous cell lines by inhibitors also reduced cell viability and proliferation. In conclusion, this study reports evidence for the importance of the mevalonate pathway regulated by the USP28-SREBP2 axis in tumour initiation and progression of squamous cancer. The combinatorial inhibitor treatment of USP28 and HMGCR, the rate limiting enzyme of the mevalonate pathway, by statins opens the possibility for a targeted therapeutic treatment of squamous cancer patients.}, subject = {Ubiquitin}, language = {en} } @article{DhillonKuebertFlockDahmsetal.2023, author = {Dhillon, Maninder Singh and K{\"u}bert-Flock, Carina and Dahms, Thorsten and Rummler, Thomas and Arnault, Joel and Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf and Ullmann, Tobias}, title = {Evaluation of MODIS, Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 data for accurate crop yield predictions: a case study using STARFM NDVI in Bavaria, Germany}, series = {Remote Sensing}, volume = {15}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, number = {7}, issn = {2072-4292}, doi = {10.3390/rs15071830}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-311132}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The increasing availability and variety of global satellite products and the rapid development of new algorithms has provided great potential to generate a new level of data with different spatial, temporal, and spectral resolutions. However, the ability of these synthetic spatiotemporal datasets to accurately map and monitor our planet on a field or regional scale remains underexplored. This study aimed to support future research efforts in estimating crop yields by identifying the optimal spatial (10 m, 30 m, or 250 m) and temporal (8 or 16 days) resolutions on a regional scale. The current study explored and discussed the suitability of four different synthetic (Landsat (L)-MOD13Q1 (30 m, 8 and 16 days) and Sentinel-2 (S)-MOD13Q1 (10 m, 8 and 16 days)) and two real (MOD13Q1 (250 m, 8 and 16 days)) NDVI products combined separately to two widely used crop growth models (CGMs) (World Food Studies (WOFOST), and the semi-empiric Light Use Efficiency approach (LUE)) for winter wheat (WW) and oil seed rape (OSR) yield forecasts in Bavaria (70,550 km\(^2\)) for the year 2019. For WW and OSR, the synthetic products' high spatial and temporal resolution resulted in higher yield accuracies using LUE and WOFOST. The observations of high temporal resolution (8-day) products of both S-MOD13Q1 and L-MOD13Q1 played a significant role in accurately measuring the yield of WW and OSR. For example, L- and S-MOD13Q1 resulted in an R\(^2\) = 0.82 and 0.85, RMSE = 5.46 and 5.01 dt/ha for WW, R\(^2\) = 0.89 and 0.82, and RMSE = 2.23 and 2.11 dt/ha for OSR using the LUE model, respectively. Similarly, for the 8- and 16-day products, the simple LUE model (R\(^2\) = 0.77 and relative RMSE (RRMSE) = 8.17\%) required fewer input parameters to simulate crop yield and was highly accurate, reliable, and more precise than the complex WOFOST model (R\(^2\) = 0.66 and RRMSE = 11.35\%) with higher input parameters. Conclusively, both S-MOD13Q1 and L-MOD13Q1, in combination with LUE, were more prominent for predicting crop yields on a regional scale than the 16-day products; however, L-MOD13Q1 was advantageous for generating and exploring the long-term yield time series due to the availability of Landsat data since 1982, with a maximum resolution of 30 m. In addition, this study recommended the further use of its findings for implementing and validating the long-term crop yield time series in different regions of the world.}, language = {en} } @article{DhillonDahmsKuebertFlocketal.2023, author = {Dhillon, Maninder Singh and Dahms, Thorsten and K{\"u}bert-Flock, Carina and Liepa, Adomas and Rummler, Thomas and Arnault, Joel and Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf and Ullmann, Tobias}, title = {Impact of STARFM on crop yield predictions: fusing MODIS with Landsat 5, 7, and 8 NDVIs in Bavaria Germany}, series = {Remote Sensing}, volume = {15}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, number = {6}, issn = {2072-4292}, doi = {10.3390/rs15061651}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-311092}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Rapid and accurate yield estimates at both field and regional levels remain the goal of sustainable agriculture and food security. Hereby, the identification of consistent and reliable methodologies providing accurate yield predictions is one of the hot topics in agricultural research. This study investigated the relationship of spatiotemporal fusion modelling using STRAFM on crop yield prediction for winter wheat (WW) and oil-seed rape (OSR) using a semi-empirical light use efficiency (LUE) model for the Free State of Bavaria (70,550 km\(^2\)), Germany, from 2001 to 2019. A synthetic normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) time series was generated and validated by fusing the high spatial resolution (30 m, 16 days) Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper (TM) (2001 to 2012), Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) (2012), and Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) (2013 to 2019) with the coarse resolution of MOD13Q1 (250 m, 16 days) from 2001 to 2019. Except for some temporal periods (i.e., 2001, 2002, and 2012), the study obtained an R\(^2\) of more than 0.65 and a RMSE of less than 0.11, which proves that the Landsat 8 OLI fused products are of higher accuracy than the Landsat 5 TM products. Moreover, the accuracies of the NDVI fusion data have been found to correlate with the total number of available Landsat scenes every year (N), with a correlation coefficient (R) of +0.83 (between R\(^2\) of yearly synthetic NDVIs and N) and -0.84 (between RMSEs and N). For crop yield prediction, the synthetic NDVI time series and climate elements (such as minimum temperature, maximum temperature, relative humidity, evaporation, transpiration, and solar radiation) are inputted to the LUE model, resulting in an average R\(^2\) of 0.75 (WW) and 0.73 (OSR), and RMSEs of 4.33 dt/ha and 2.19 dt/ha. The yield prediction results prove the consistency and stability of the LUE model for yield estimation. Using the LUE model, accurate crop yield predictions were obtained for WW (R\(^2\) = 0.88) and OSR (R\(^2\) = 0.74). Lastly, the study observed a high positive correlation of R = 0.81 and R = 0.77 between the yearly R\(^2\) of synthetic accuracy and modelled yield accuracy for WW and OSR, respectively.}, language = {en} } @article{AupperleLellbachHeidrichKehletal.2023, author = {Aupperle-Lellbach, Heike and Heidrich, Daniela and Kehl, Alexandra and Conrad, David and Brockmann, Maria and T{\"o}rner, Katrin and Beitzinger, Christoph and M{\"u}ller, Tobias}, title = {KITLG copy number germline variations in schnauzer breeds and their relevance in digital squamous cell carcinoma in black giant schnauzers}, series = {Veterinary Sciences}, volume = {10}, journal = {Veterinary Sciences}, number = {2}, issn = {2306-7381}, doi = {10.3390/vetsci10020147}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-303913}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Copy number variations (CNVs) of the KITLG gene seem to be involved in the oncogenesis of digital squamous cell carcinoma (dSCC). The aims of this study were (1) to investigate KITLG CNV in giant (GS), standard (SS), and miniature (MS) schnauzers and (2) to compare KITLG CNV between black GS with and without dSCC. Blood samples from black GS (22 with and 17 without dSCC), black SS (18 with and 4 without dSSC; 5 unknown), and 50 MS (unknown dSSC status and coat colour) were analysed by digital droplet PCR. The results are that (1) most dogs had a copy number (CN) value > 4 (range 2.5-7.6) with no significant differences between GS, SS, and MS, and (2) the CN value in black GS with dSCC was significantly higher than in those without dSCC (p = 0.02). CN values > 5.8 indicate a significantly increased risk for dSCC, while CN values < 4.7 suggest a reduced risk for dSCC (grey area: 4.7-5.8). Diagnostic testing for KITLG CNV may sensitise owners to the individual risk of their black GS for dSCC. Further studies should investigate the relevance of KITLG CNV in SS and the protective effects in MS, who rarely suffer from dSCC.}, language = {en} } @article{CerezoEchevarriaKehlBeitzingeretal.2023, author = {Cerezo-Echevarria, Argi{\~n}e and Kehl, Alexandra and Beitzinger, Christoph and M{\"u}ller, Tobias and Klopfleisch, Robert and Aupperle-Lellbach, Heike}, title = {Evaluating the histologic grade of digital squamous cell carcinomas in dogs and copy number variation of KIT Ligand — a correlation study}, series = {Veterinary Sciences}, volume = {10}, journal = {Veterinary Sciences}, number = {2}, issn = {2306-7381}, doi = {10.3390/vetsci10020088}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-304824}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Dark-haired dogs are predisposed to the development of digital squamous cell carcinoma (DSCC). This may potentially suggest an underlying genetic predisposition not yet completely elucidated. Some authors have suggested a potential correlation between the number of copies KIT Ligand (KITLG) and the predisposition of dogs to DSCC, containing a higher number of copies in those affected by the neoplasm. In this study, the aim was to evaluate a potential correlation between the number of copies of the KITLG and the histological grade of malignancy in dogs with DSCC. For this, 72 paraffin-embedded DSCCs with paired whole blood samples of 70 different dogs were included and grouped according to their haircoat color as follow: Group 0/unknown haircoat color (n = 11); Group 1.a/black non-Schnauzers (n = 15); group 1.b/black Schnauzers (n = 33); group 1.c/black and tan dogs (n = 7); group 2/tan animals (n = 4). The DSCCs were histologically graded. Additionally, KITLG Copy Number Variation (CNV) was determined by ddPCR. A significant correlation was observed between KITLG copy number and the histological grade and score value. This finding may suggest a possible factor for the development of canine DSCC, thus potentially having an impact on personalized veterinary oncological strategies and breeding programs.}, language = {en} } @article{DongBoeppleThieletal.2023, author = {Dong, Meng and B{\"o}pple, Kathrin and Thiel, Julia and Winkler, Bernd and Liang, Chunguang and Schueler, Julia and Davies, Emma J. and Barry, Simon T. and Metsalu, Tauno and M{\"u}rdter, Thomas E. and Sauer, Georg and Ott, German and Schwab, Matthias and Aulitzky, Walter E.}, title = {Perfusion air culture of precision-cut tumor slices: an ex vivo system to evaluate individual drug response under controlled culture conditions}, series = {Cells}, volume = {12}, journal = {Cells}, number = {5}, issn = {2073-4409}, doi = {10.3390/cells12050807}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-311030}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Precision-cut tumor slices (PCTS) maintain tissue heterogeneity concerning different cell types and preserve the tumor microenvironment (TME). Typically, PCTS are cultured statically on a filter support at an air-liquid interface, which gives rise to intra-slice gradients during culture. To overcome this problem, we developed a perfusion air culture (PAC) system that can provide a continuous and controlled oxygen medium, and drug supply. This makes it an adaptable ex vivo system for evaluating drug responses in a tissue-specific microenvironment. PCTS from mouse xenografts (MCF-7, H1437) and primary human ovarian tumors (primary OV) cultured in the PAC system maintained the morphology, proliferation, and TME for more than 7 days, and no intra-slice gradients were observed. Cultured PCTS were analyzed for DNA damage, apoptosis, and transcriptional biomarkers for the cellular stress response. For the primary OV slices, cisplatin treatment induced a diverse increase in the cleavage of caspase-3 and PD-L1 expression, indicating a heterogeneous response to drug treatment between patients. Immune cells were preserved throughout the culturing period, indicating that immune therapy can be analyzed. The novel PAC system is suitable for assessing individual drug responses and can thus be used as a preclinical model to predict in vivo therapy responses.}, language = {en} }