@phdthesis{Georgiev2021, author = {Georgiev, Kostadin}, title = {Sustainable management of naturally disturbed forests}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24285}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-242854}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Owing to climate change, natural forest disturbances and consecutive salvage logging are drastically increasing worldwide, consequently increasing the importance of understanding how these disturbances would affect biodiversity conservation and provision of ecosystem services. In chapter II, I used long-term water monitoring data and mid-term data on α-diversity of twelve species groups to quantify the effects of natural disturbances (windthrow and bark beetle) and salvage logging on concentrations of nitrate and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in streamwater and α-diversity. I found that natural disturbances led to a temporal increase of nitrate concentrations in streamwater, but these concentrations remained within the health limits recommended by the World Health Organization for drinking water. Salvage logging did not exert any additional impact on nitrate and DOC concentrations, and hence did not affect streamwater quality. Thus, neither natural forest disturbances in watersheds nor associated salvage logging have a harmful effect on the quality of the streamwater used for drinking water. Natural disturbances increased the α-diversity in eight out of twelve species groups. Salvage logging additionally increased the α-diversity of five species groups related to open habitats, but decreased the biodiversity of three deadwood-dependent species groups. In chapter III, I investigated whether salvage logging following natural disturbances (wildfire and windthrow) altered the natural successional trajectories of bird communities. I compiled data on breeding bird assemblages from nine study areas in North America, Europe and Asia, over a period of 17 years and tested whether bird community dissimilarities changed over time for taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic diversity when rare, common and dominant species were weighted differently. I found that salvage logging led to significantly larger dissimilarities than expected by chance and that these dissimilarities persisted over time for rare, common and dominant species, evolutionary lineages, and for rare functional groups. Dissimilarities were highest for rare, followed by common and dominant species. In chapter IV, I investigated how β-diversity of 13 taxonomic groups would differ in intact, undisturbed forests, disturbed, unlogged forests and salvage-logged forests 11 years after a windthrow and salvage logging. The study suggests that both windthrow and salvage logging drive changes in between-treatment β-diversity, whereas windthrow alone seems to drive changes in within-treatment β-diversity. Over a decade after the windthrow at the studied site, the effect of subsequent salvage logging on within-treatment β-diversity was no longer detectable but the effect on between-treatment β-diversity persisted, with more prominent changes in saproxylic groups and rare species than in non-saproxylic groups or common and dominant species. Based on these results, I suggest that salvage logging needs to be carefully weighed against its long-lasting impact on communities of rare species. Also, setting aside patches of naturally disturbed areas is a valuable management alternative as these patches would enable post-disturbance succession of bird communities in unmanaged patches and would promote the conservation of deadwood-dependent species, without posing health risks to drinking water sources.}, subject = {species richness}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Roeschert2021, author = {R{\"o}schert, Isabelle}, title = {Aurora-A prevents transcription-replication conflicts in MYCN-amplified neuroblastoma}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24303}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-243037}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Neuroblastoma is the most abundant, solid, extracranial tumor in early childhood and the leading cause of cancer-related childhood deaths worldwide. Patients with high-risk neuroblastoma often show MYCN-amplification and elevated levels of Aurora-A. They have a low overall survival and despite multimodal therapy options a poor therapeutic prognosis. MYCN-amplified neuroblastoma cells depend on Aurora-A functionality. Aurora-A stabilizes MYCN and prevents it from proteasomal degradation by competing with the E3 ligase SCFFBXW7. Interaction between Aurora-A and MYCN can be observed only in S phase of the cell cycle and activation of Aurora-A can be induced by MYCN in vitro. These findings suggest the existence of a profound interconnection between Aurora-A and MYCN in S phase. Nevertheless, the details remain elusive and were investigated in this study. Fractionation experiments show that Aurora-A is recruited to chromatin in S phase in a MYCN-dependent manner. Albeit being unphosphorylated on the activating T288 residue, Aurora-A kinase activity was still present in S phase and several putative, novel targets were identified by phosphoproteomic analysis. Particularly, eight phosphosites dependent on MYCN-activated Aurora-A were identified. Additionally, phosphorylation of serine 10 on histone 3 was verified as a target of this complex in S phase. ChIP-sequencing experiments reveal that Aurora-A regulates transcription elongation as well as histone H3.3 variant incorporation in S phase. 4sU-sequencing as well as immunoblotting demonstrated that Aurora-A activity impacts splicing. PLA measurements between the transcription and replication machinery revealed that Aurora-A prevents the formation of transcription-replication conflicts, which activate of kinase ATR. Aurora-A inhibitors are already used to treat neuroblastoma but display dose-limiting toxicity. To further improve Aurora-A based therapies, we investigated whether low doses of Aurora-A inhibitor combined with ATR inhibitor could increase the efficacy of the treatment albeit reducing toxicity. The study shows that the combination of both drugs leads to a reduction in cell growth as well as an increase in apoptosis in MYCN-amplified neuroblastoma cells, which is not observable in MYCN non-amplified neuroblastoma cells. This new approach was also tested by a collaboration partner in vivo resulting in a decrease in tumor burden, an increase in overall survival and a cure of 25\% of TH-MYCN mice. These findings indicate indeed a therapeutic window for targeting MYCN-amplified neuroblastoma.}, subject = {Neuroblastom}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{LopezArboleda2021, author = {L{\´o}pez Arboleda, William Andr{\´e}s}, title = {Global Genetic Heterogeneity in Adaptive Traits}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24246}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-242468}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS) have revolutionized the way on how genotype-phenotype relations are assessed. In the 20 years long history of GWAS, multiple challenges from a biological, computational, and statistical point of view have been faced. The implementation of this technique using the model plant species Arabidopsis thaliana, has enabled the detection of many association for multiple traits. Despite a lot of studies implementing GWAS have discovered new candidate genes for multiple traits, different samples are used across studies. In many cases, either globally diverse samples or samples composed of accessions from a geographically restricted area are used. With the aim of comparing GWAS outcomes between populations from different geographic areas, this thesis describes the performance of GWAS in different European samples of A. thaliana. Here, association mapping results for flowering time were compared. Chapter 2 describes the analyses of random resampling from this original sample. The aim was to establish reduced subsamples to later carry out GWAS and compare the outcomes between these subsamples. In Chapter 3, the European sample was split into eight equally-sized local samples representing different geographic regions. Next, GWAS was carried out and an attempt was made to clarify the differences in GWAS outcomes. Chapter 4 contains the results of a collaboration with Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Dr{\"o}ge- Laser, in which my mainly task was the analysis of RNAseq data from A. thaliana plants infected by pathogenic fungi. Finally, Appendix A presents a very short description of my participation in the GHP Project on Access to Care for Cardiometabolic Diseases (HPACC) at the university of Heidelberg.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Boegelein2021, author = {B{\"o}gelein, Anna}, title = {Einfluss systemischer Therapeutika auf die CXCR4-Expression von Myelomzellen}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24174}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-241746}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Im Zuge der Bem{\"u}hungen um neue, tumorspezifische Therapieans{\"a}tze f{\"u}r die Myelomerkrankung hat sich der C-X-C-Chemokinrezeptor 4 (CXCR4) aufgrund seiner zentralen Rolle in der Tumorgenese als vielversprechender Angriffspunkt hervorgetan. Im Sinne eines theranostischen Konzepts wird der Rezeptor mithilfe eines radioaktiv markierten Liganden quantifiziert und anschließend von rezeptorspezifischen Radiotherapeutika als Zielstruktur genutzt. Die CXCR4-Expression ist allerdings ein h{\"o}chst dynamischer Prozess mit großer inter- und intraindividueller Heterogenit{\"a}t, der u.a. durch eine begleitende Chemotherapie beeinflusst werden kann. Ob sich therapieinduzierte Ver{\"a}nderungen der Rezeptorexpression gezielt nutzen lassen, um die CXCR4-Expression zu optimieren und so die Effektivit{\"a}t der CXCR4-gerichteten Strategien zu steigern, wurde bislang nicht untersucht. Vor diesem Hintergrund wurden in der vorliegenden Arbeit verschiedene, in der Myelomtherapie etablierte Substanzen sowohl einzeln als auch in Kombination hinsichtlich ihres Einflusses auf die CXCR4-Expression von MM-Zelllinien und prim{\"a}ren MM-Zellen unter in vitro Bedingungen analysiert. In den durchgef{\"u}hrten Experimenten zeigte sich eine hohe Variabilit{\"a}t der CXCR4-Expression der MM-Zellen nach Therapieinduktion, die sich als substanz-, dosis- und zeitabh{\"a}ngig herausstellte. Die Ergebnisse best{\"a}tigten das große Potenzial der therapieinduzierten Modulation der CXCR4-Expression. Im weiteren Verlauf sind translationale Forschungsans{\"a}tze gerechtfertigt, die die {\"U}bertragbarkeit der in vitro gewonnenen Ergebnisse auf die komplexen Vorg{\"a}nge im lebenden Organismus {\"u}berpr{\"u}fen. Langfristiges Ziel ist der Entwurf eines patientenzentrierten, multimodalen Therapiekonzepts, welches das CXCR4-gerichtete theranostische Konzept mit einer individuell angepassten, medikament{\"o}sen MM-Therapie kombiniert.}, subject = {Plasmozytom}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{daCruzGueerisoli2021, author = {da Cruz G{\"u}erisoli, Irene Maria}, title = {Investigating the murine meiotic telomere complex TERB1-TERB2-MAJIN: spatial organization and evolutionary history}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-21056}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-210562}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Einess der faszinierenden Merkmale der meiotischen Prophase I sind die hochkonservierten kr{\"a}ftigen Bewegungen homologer Chromosomen. Diese Bewegungen sind entscheidend f{\"u}r den Erfolg von Schl{\"u}sselereignissen wie die Ausrichtung, Paarung und Rekombination der homologen Chromosomen. Mehrere bisher untersuchte Organismen, darunter S{\"a}ugetiere, W{\"u}rmer, Hefen und Pflanzen, erreichen diese Bewegungen, indem sie die Chromosomenenden an spezialisierten Stellen in der Kernh{\"u}lle verankern. Diese Verankerung erfordert Telomer-Adapterproteine, die bisher in der Spalthefe und der Maus identifiziert wurden. Die meiosespezifischen Telomer-Adapterproteine der Maus, TERB1, TERB2 und MAJIN, sind an der Verankerung des ubiquit{\"a}ren Telomer-Shelterin-protein an den LINC-Komplex beteiligt, mit einem analogen Mechanismus, wie er die Spalthefe beschrieben wird. Obgleich die meiose-spezifischen TelomerAdapterproteine eine wesentliche Rolle spielen, ist der genaue Mechanismus der Verankerung der Telomere an die Kernh{\"u}lle sowie ihre evolution{\"a}re Geschichte bisher noch wenig verstanden. Das Hauptziel dieser Arbeit ist daher die Untersuchung der Organisation des meiosespezifischen TelomerAdapterkomplexes TERB1-TERB2-MAJIN der Maus und dessen Evolutionsgeschichte. Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit wurde die Organisation des TERB1-TERB2-MAJIN Komplexes mittels hochaufl{\"o}sender Mikroskopie (SIM), an Mausspermatozyten untersucht, sowie die Lokalisation in Bezug auf TRF1 des Telomer-ShelterinKomplexes und die telomerische DNA analysiert. In den Stadien Zygot{\"a}n und Pachyt{\"a}n zeigten die Fluoreszenzsignale eine starke {\"U}berlappung der Verteilung der meiotischen Telomer-Komplex-Proteine, wobei die Organisation von TERB2 an den Chromosomenenden heterogener war als die von TERB1 und MAJIN. Außerdem konnte die TRF1-Lokalisation an den Enden der Lateralelemente (LEs) mit einer griffartigen Anordnung um die TERB1- und MAJIN-Signale im Zygot{\"a}n- und Pachyt{\"a}n-Stadium gezeigt werden. Interessanterweise erwies sich die telomerische DNA als lateral verteilt und teilweise {\"u}berlappend mit der zentralen Verteilung der meiotischen Telomer-Komplex-Proteine an den Enden der LEs. Die Kombination dieser Ergebnisse erlaubte die Beschreibung eines alternativen Modells der Verankerung der Telomer an die Kernh{\"u}lle w{\"a}hrend der meiotischen Prophase I. Der zweite Teil dieser Arbeit analysiert die Evolutionsgeschichte der Mausproteine von TERB1, TERB2 und MAJIN. Die fehlende {\"U}bereinstimmung zwischen den Meiose-spezifische Telomer-Adapteproteinen der Maus und der Spalthefe hat die Frage nach dem evolutionsbedingten Ursprung dieses spezifischen Komplexes aufgeworfen. Um vermeintliche Orthologen der Mausproteinevon TERB1, TERB2 und MAJIN {\"u}ber Metazoen hinweg zu identifizieren, wurden computergest{\"u}tzte Verfahren und phylogenetische Analysen durchgef{\"u}hrt. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus wurden Expressionsstudien implementiert, um ihre potenzielle Funktion w{\"a}hrend der Meiose zu testen. Die Analysen haben ergeben, dass der Meiose-spezifische Telomer-Komplex der Maus sehr alt ist, da er bereits in den Eumetazoen entstand, was auf einen einzigen Ursprung hindeutet. Das Fehlen jeglicher Homologen des meiosespezifischen Telomerkomplexes in Nematoden und die einigen wenigen in Arthropoden nachgewiesenen Kandidaten, deuten darauf hin, dass die Telomer-Adapterproteine in diesen Abstammungslinien verloren/ersetzt oder stark diversifiziert worden sind. Bemerkenswerterweise zeigten Proteindom{\"a}nen von TERB1, TERB2 und MAJIN, die an der Bildung des Komplexes sowie an der Interaktion mit dem Telomer-Shelterin-Protein und den LINC-Komplexen beteiligt sind, eine hohe Sequenz{\"a}hnlichkeit {\"u}ber alle Kladen hinweg. Abschließend lieferte die Genexpression im Nesseltier Hydra vulgaris den Beweis, dass der TERB1-TERB2-MAJIN-Komplex selektiv in der Keimbahn exprimiert wird, was auf die Konservierung meiotischer Funktionen {\"u}ber die gesamte Metazoen-Evolution hinweg hindeutet. Zusammenfassend bietet diese Arbeit bedeutende neue Erkenntnisse hinsichtlich des Meiose-spezifischen Telomer-Adapterkomplex, seines Mechanismus zur Verankerung der Telomer an die Kernh{\"u}lle und die Entschl{\"u}sselung seines Ursprungs in den Metazoen.}, language = {en} } @article{HardulakMoriniereHausmannetal.2020, author = {Hardulak, Laura A. and Morini{\`e}re, J{\´e}r{\^o}me and Hausmann, Axel and Hendrich, Lars and Schmidt, Stefan and Doczkal, Dieter and M{\"u}ller, J{\"o}rg and Hebert, Paul D. N. and Haszprunar, Gerhard}, title = {DNA metabarcoding for biodiversity monitoring in a national park: Screening for invasive and pest species}, series = {Molecular Ecology Resources}, volume = {20}, journal = {Molecular Ecology Resources}, number = {6}, doi = {10.1111/1755-0998.13212}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-217812}, pages = {1542 -- 1557}, year = {2020}, abstract = {DNA metabarcoding was utilized for a large-scale, multiyear assessment of biodiversity in Malaise trap collections from the Bavarian Forest National Park (Germany, Bavaria). Principal component analysis of read count-based biodiversities revealed clustering in concordance with whether collection sites were located inside or outside of the National Park. Jaccard distance matrices of the presences of barcode index numbers (BINs) at collection sites in the two survey years (2016 and 2018) were significantly correlated. Overall similar patterns in the presence of total arthropod BINs, as well as BINs belonging to four major arthropod orders across the study area, were observed in both survey years, and are also comparable with results of a previous study based on DNA barcoding of Sanger-sequenced specimens. A custom reference sequence library was assembled from publicly available data to screen for pest or invasive arthropods among the specimens or from the preservative ethanol. A single 98.6\% match to the invasive bark beetle Ips duplicatus was detected in an ethanol sample. This species has not previously been detected in the National Park.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{CruzGarcia2021, author = {Cruz Garcia, Yiliam}, title = {Interactome of the β2b subunit of L-type voltage-gated calcium channels in cardiomyocytes}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20857}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-208579}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {L-type voltage-gated calcium channels (LTCC) are heteromultimeric membrane proteins that allow Ca2+ entry into the cell upon plasma membrane depolarization. The β subunit of voltage-dependent calcium channels (Cavβ) binds to the α-interaction domain in the pore-forming α1 subunit and regulates the trafficking and biophysical properties of these channels. Of the four Cavβ isoforms, Cavβ2 is predominantly expressed in cardiomyocytes. This subunit associates with diverse proteins besides LTCC, but the molecular composition of the Cavβ2 nanoenvironments in cardiomyocytes is yet unresolved. Here, we used a protein-labeling technique in living cells based on an engineered ascorbate peroxidase 2 (APEX2). In this strategy, Cavβ2b was fused to APEX2 and expressed in adult rat cardiomyocytes using an adenovirus system. Nearby proteins covalently labeled with biotin-phenol were purified using streptavidin-coated beads and identified by mass spectrometry (MS). Analysis of the in situ APEX2-based biotin labeling by MS revealed 61 proteins located in the nanoenvironments of Cavβ2b, with a high specificity and consistency in all the replicates. These proteins are involved in diverse cellular functions such as cellular trafficking, sarcomere organization and excitation-contraction coupling. Among these proteins, we demonstrated an interaction between the ryanodine receptor 2 (RyR2) and Cavβ2b, probably coupling LTCC and the RyR2 into a supramolecular complex at the dyads. This interaction is mediated by the Src homology 3 (SH3) domain of Cavβ2b and is necessary for an effective pacing frequency-dependent increase in Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release in cardiomyocytes.}, subject = {Calciumkanal}, language = {en} } @article{VogelBusslerFinnbergetal.2021, author = {Vogel, Sebastian and Bussler, Heinz and Finnberg, Sven and M{\"u}ller, J{\"o}rg and Stengel, Elisa and Thorn, Simon}, title = {Diversity and conservation of saproxylic beetles in 42 European tree species: an experimental approach using early successional stages of branches}, series = {Insect Conservation and Diversity}, volume = {14}, journal = {Insect Conservation and Diversity}, number = {1}, doi = {10.1111/icad.12442}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-218401}, pages = {132 -- 143}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Tree species diversity is important to maintain saproxylic beetle diversity in managed forests. Yet, knowledge about the conservational importance of single tree species and implications for forest management and conservation practices are lacking. We exposed freshly cut branch-bundles of 42 tree species, representing tree species native and non-native to Europe, under sun-exposed and shaded conditions for 1 year. Afterwards, communities of saproxylic beetles were reared ex situ for 2 years. We tested for the impact of tree species and sun exposure on alpha-, beta-, and gamma-diversity as well as composition of saproxylic beetle communities. Furthermore, the number of colonised tree species by each saproxylic beetle species was determined. Tree species had a lower impact on saproxylic beetle communities compared to sun exposure. The diversity of saproxylic beetles varied strongly among tree species, with highest alpha- and gamma-diversity found in Quercus petraea. Red-listed saproxylic beetle species occurred ubiquitously among tree species. We found distinct differences in the community composition of broadleaved and coniferous tree species, native and non-native tree species as well as sun-exposed and shaded deadwood. Our study enhances the understanding of the importance of previously understudied and non-native tree species for the diversity of saproxylic beetles. To improve conservation practices for saproxylic beetles and especially red-listed species, we suggest a stronger incorporation of tree species diversity and sun exposure of into forest management strategies, including the enrichment of deadwood from native and with a specific focus on locally rare or silviculturally less important tree species.}, language = {en} } @article{LeverkusGustafssonLindenmayeretal.2020, author = {Leverkus, Alexandro B and Gustafsson, Lena and Lindenmayer, David B and Castro, Jorge and Rey Benayas, Jos{\´e} Mar{\´i}a and Ranius, Thomas and Thorn, Simon}, title = {Salvage logging effects on regulating ecosystem services and fuel loads}, series = {Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment}, volume = {18}, journal = {Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment}, number = {7}, doi = {10.1002/fee.2219}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-216111}, pages = {391 -- 400}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Salvage logging, or logging after natural disturbances such as wildfires, insect outbreaks, and windstorms, is carried out to recover some of a forest's natural and/or economic capital. However, trade-offs between management objectives and a lack of consensus on the ecological consequences of salvage logging impair science-based decision making on the management of forests after natural disturbances. We conducted a global meta-analysis of the impacts of salvage logging on regulating ecosystem services and on fuel loads, as a frequent post-disturbance objective is preventing subsequent wildfires that could be fueled by the accumulation of dead trunks and branches. Salvage logging affected ecosystem services in a moderately negative way, regardless of disturbance type and severity, time elapsed since salvage logging, intensity of salvage logging, and the group of regulating ecosystem services being considered. However, prolonging the time between natural disturbance and salvage logging mitigated negative effects on regulating ecosystem services. Salvage logging had no overall effect on surface fuels; rather, different fuel types responded differently depending on the time elapsed since salvage logging. Delaying salvage logging by ~2-4 years may reduce negative ecological impacts without affecting surface fuel loads.}, language = {en} } @article{KouhestaniGeisAlsourietal.2021, author = {Kouhestani, Dina and Geis, Maria and Alsouri, Saed and Bumm, Thomas G. P. and Einsele, Hermann and Sauer, Markus and Stuhler, Gernot}, title = {Variant signaling topology at the cancer cell-T-cell interface induced by a two-component T-cell engager}, series = {Cellular \& Molecular Immunology}, volume = {18}, journal = {Cellular \& Molecular Immunology}, doi = {10.1038/s41423-020-0507-7}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-241189}, pages = {1568-1570}, year = {2021}, abstract = {No abstract available.}, language = {en} }