@phdthesis{Zirn2006, author = {Zirn, Birgit}, title = {Expressions- und Mutationsanalysen in kindlichen Wilms Tumoren}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-20338}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {kumulative Dissertation, vgl. Abstracts der angeh{\"a}ngten Publikationen}, subject = {Nephroblastom}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Zimmermann2020, author = {Zimmermann, Henriette}, title = {Antigenic variation and stumpy development in \(Trypanosoma\) \(brucei\)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-14690}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-146902}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The eukaryotic parasite Trypanosoma brucei has evolved sophisticated strategies to persist within its mammalian host. Trypanosomes evade the hosts' immune system by antigenic variation of their surface coat, consisting of variant surface glycoproteins (VSGs). Out of a repertoire of thousands of VSG genes, only one is expressed at any given time from one of the 15 telomeric expression sites (ES). The VSG is stochastically exchanged either by a transcriptional switch of the active ES (in situ switch) or by a recombinational exchange of the VSG within the active ES. However, for infections to persist, the parasite burden has to be limited. The slender (sl) bloodstream form secretes the stumpy induction factor (SIF), which accumulates with rising parasitemia. SIF induces the irreversible developmental transition from the proliferative sl to the cell cycle-arrested but fly-infective stumpy (st) stage once a concentration threshold is reached. Thus, antigenic variation and st development ensure persistent infections and transmissibility. A previous study in monomorphic cells indicated that the attenuation of the active ES could be relevant for the development of trypanosomes. The present thesis investigated this hypothesis using the inducible overexpression of an ectopic VSG in pleomorphic trypanosomes, which possess full developmental competence. These studies revealed a surprising phenotypic plasticity: while the endogenous VSG was always down-regulated upon induction, the ESactivity determined whether the VSG overexpressors arrested in growth or kept proliferating. Full ES-attenuation induced the differentiation of bona fide st parasites independent of the cell density and thus represents the sole natural SIF-independent differentiation trigger to date. A milder decrease of the ES-activity did not induce phenotypic changes, but appeared to prime the parasites for SIF-induced differentiation. These results demonstrate that antigenic variation and development are linked and indicated that the ES and the VSG are independently regulated. Therefore, I investigated in the second part of my thesis how ES-attenuation and VSG-silencing can be mediated. Integration of reporters with a functional or defective VSG 3'UTR into different genomic loci showed that the maintenance of the active state of the ES depends on a conserved motif within the VSG 3'UTR. In situ switching was only triggered when the telomere-proximal motif was partially deleted, suggesting that it serves as a DNA-binding motif for a telomere-associated protein. The VSG levels seem to be additionally regulated in trans based on the VSG 3'UTR independent of the genomic context, which was reinforced by the regulation of a constitutively expressed reporter with VSG 3' UTR upon ectopic VSG overexpression.}, subject = {Trypanosoma brucei}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wurster2014, author = {Wurster, Sebastian}, title = {Die Bedeutung von LIN9 f{\"u}r die Regulation der Genexpression, die genomische Stabilit{\"a}t und die Tumorsuppression}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-114967}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Pocket proteins and E2F transcription factors regulate the expression of cell cycle associated genes and play a central role in the coordination of cell division, differentiation, and apoptosis. Disorders of these pathways contribute to the development of various human tumor entities. Despite intensive research in the field of cell cycle regulation many details are not yet understood. The LIN complex (LINC / DREAM) is a recently discovered human multiprotein complex, which dynamically interacts with pocket proteins and E2F transcription factors. An essential component of the LIN complex is the LIN9 protein. In order to obtain a better insight into the function of this protein in cell cycle regulation and tumorigenesis, a conditional Lin9 knockout mouse model was established in our laboratory. The primary objective of this study was the phenotypic characterization of embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) from these mice. Shortly after inactivation of Lin9 cell proliferation was massively impaired. Multiple types of mitotic defects such as structural abnormalities of the spindle apparatus, aberrant nuclei, failed nuclear segregation and cytokinesis failure have been observed in Lin9-depleted cells leading to a dramatic increase in polyploid and aneuploid cells. Ultimately these serious aberrations result in premature cellular senescence. If the senescence of Lin9-deficient cells is overcome by the Large T antigen the cells can adhere to the loss of Lin9, but show severe genomic instability and grow anchorage-independently in soft-agar as a sign of oncogenic transformation. In the second part of the thesis the gene expression of Lin9-deficient cells was assessed by quantitative real time PCR analyses to determine, whether the mitotic abnormalities are caused by transcriptional defects. Here a significant reduction of mitotic gene expression was observed in Lin9-depleted cells. Additionally chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments were performed to clarify the underlying molecular mechanisms. Compared to control cells epigenetic alterations at the promoters of mitotic target genes with regard to activating histone modifications were found in Lin9-deficient MEFs. In the last section of this study, the effects of Lin9 heterozygosity were analyzed. Lin9 heterozygous MEFs showed normal proliferation, although expression of different mitotic genes was slightly reduced. It appeared, however, that the mitotic spindle checkpoint of Lin9 heterozygous MEFs is weakened and thus over several cell generations an increase in polyploid cells was observed. Soft-agar assays showed that Lin9 heterozygosity contributes to oncogenic transformation. Taken together, these results document a crucial role of LIN9 in the regulation of cell cycle-associated gene expression. LIN9 is an essential factor for cell proliferation on one hand, while at the same time it functions as a tumor suppressor.}, subject = {Zellzyklus}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Weniger2007, author = {Weniger, Markus}, title = {Genome Expression Pathway Analysis Tool - Analyse und Visualisierung von Microarray Genexpressionsdaten unter genomischen, proteomischen und metabolischen Gesichtspunkten}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-25392}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Die Messung der Genexpression ist f{\"u}r viele Bereiche der Biologie und Medizin wichtig geworden und unterst{\"u}tzt Studien {\"u}ber Behandlung, Krankheiten und Entwicklungsstadien. Microarrays k{\"o}nnen verwendet werden, um die Expression von tausenden mRNA-Molek{\"u}len gleichzeitig zu messen und erm{\"o}glichen so einen Einblick und einen Vergleich der verschiedenen zellul{\"a}ren Bedingungen. Die Daten, die durch Microarray-Experimente gewonnen werden, sind hochdimensional und verrauscht, eine Interpretation der Daten ist deswegen nicht einfach. Obwohl Programme f{\"u}r die statistische Auswertung von Microarraydaten existieren, fehlt vielen eine Integration der Analyseergebnisse mit einer automatischen Interpretationsm{\"o}glichkeit. In dieser Arbeit wurde GEPAT, Genome Expression Pathway Analysis Tool, entwickelt, das eine Analyse der Genexpression unter dem Gesichtspunkten der Genomik, Proteomik und Metabolik erm{\"o}glicht. GEPAT integriert statistische Methoden zum Datenimport und -analyse mit biologischer Interpretation f{\"u}r Genmengen oder einzelne Gene, die auf dem Microarray gemessen werden. Verschiedene Typen von Oligonukleotid- und cDNAMicroarrays k{\"o}nnen importiert werden, unterschiedliche Normalisierungsmethoden k{\"o}nnen auf diese Daten angewandt werden, anschließend wird eine Datenannotation durchgef{\"u}hrt. Nach dem Import k{\"o}nnen mit GEPAT verschiedene statische Datenanalysemethoden wie hierarchisches, k-means und PCA-Clustern, ein auf einem linearen Modell basierender t-Test, oder ein Vergleich chromosomaler Profile durchgef{\"u}hrt werden. Die Ergebnisse der Analysen k{\"o}nnen auf H{\"a}ufungen biologischer Begriffe und Vorkommen in Stoffwechselwegen oder Interaktionsnetzwerken untersucht werden. Verschiedene biologische Datenbanken wurden integriert, um zu jeder Gensonde auf dem Array Informationen zur Verf{\"u}gung stellen zu k{\"o}nnen. GEPAT bietet keinen linearen Arbeitsablauf, sondern erlaubt die Benutzung von beliebigen Teilmengen von Genen oder biologischen Proben als Startpunkt einer neuen Analyse oder Interpretation. Dabei verl{\"a}sst es sich auf bew{\"a}hrte Datenanalyse-Pakete, bietet einen modularen Ansatz zur einfachen Erweiterung und kann auf einem verteilten Computernetzwerk installiert werden, um eine große Zahl an Benutzern zu unterst{\"u}tzen. Es ist unter der LGPL Open-Source Lizenz frei verf{\"u}gbar und kann unter http://gepat.sourceforge.net heruntergeladen werden.}, subject = {Microarray}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Vainshtein2010, author = {Vainshtein, Yevhen}, title = {Applying microarray-based techniques to study gene expression patterns: a bio-computational approach}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-51967}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {The regulation and maintenance of iron homeostasis is critical to human health. As a constituent of hemoglobin, iron is essential for oxygen transport and significant iron deficiency leads to anemia. Eukaryotic cells require iron for survival and proliferation. Iron is part of hemoproteins, iron-sulfur (Fe-S) proteins, and other proteins with functional groups that require iron as a cofactor. At the cellular level, iron uptake, utilization, storage, and export are regulated at different molecular levels (transcriptional, mRNA stability, translational, and posttranslational). Iron regulatory proteins (IRPs) 1 and 2 post-transcriptionally control mammalian iron homeostasis by binding to iron-responsive elements (IREs), conserved RNA stem-loop structures located in the 5'- or 3'- untranslated regions of genes involved in iron metabolism (e.g. FTH1, FTL, and TFRC). To identify novel IRE-containing mRNAs, we integrated biochemical, biocomputational, and microarray-based experimental approaches. Gene expression studies greatly contribute to our understanding of complex relationships in gene regulatory networks. However, the complexity of array design, production and manipulations are limiting factors, affecting data quality. The use of customized DNA microarrays improves overall data quality in many situations, however, only if for these specifically designed microarrays analysis tools are available. Methods In this project response to the iron treatment was examined under different conditions using bioinformatical methods. This would improve our understanding of an iron regulatory network. For these purposes we used microarray gene expression data. To identify novel IRE-containing mRNAs biochemical, biocomputational, and microarray-based experimental approaches were integrated. IRP/IRE messenger ribonucleoproteins were immunoselected and their mRNA composition was analysed using an IronChip microarray enriched for genes predicted computationally to contain IRE-like motifs. Analysis of IronChip microarray data requires specialized tool which can use all advantages of a customized microarray platform. Novel decision-tree based algorithm was implemented using Perl in IronChip Evaluation Package (ICEP). Results IRE-like motifs were identified from genomic nucleic acid databases by an algorithm combining primary nucleic acid sequence and RNA structural criteria. Depending on the choice of constraining criteria, such computational screens tend to generate a large number of false positives. To refine the search and reduce the number of false positive hits, additional constraints were introduced. The refined screen yielded 15 IRE-like motifs. A second approach made use of a reported list of 230 IRE-like sequences obtained from screening UTR databases. We selected 6 out of these 230 entries based on the ability of the lower IRE stem to form at least 6 out of 7 bp. Corresponding ESTs were spotted onto the human or mouse versions of the IronChip and the results were analysed using ICEP. Our data show that the immunoselection/microarray strategy is a feasible approach for screening bioinformatically predicted IRE genes and the detection of novel IRE-containing mRNAs. In addition, we identified a novel IRE-containing gene CDC14A (Sanchez M, et al. 2006). The IronChip Evaluation Package (ICEP) is a collection of Perl utilities and an easy to use data evaluation pipeline for the analysis of microarray data with a focus on data quality of custom-designed microarrays. The package has been developed for the statistical and bioinformatical analysis of the custom cDNA microarray IronChip, but can be easily adapted for other cDNA or oligonucleotide-based designed microarray platforms. ICEP uses decision tree-based algorithms to assign quality flags and performs robust analysis based on chip design properties regarding multiple repetitions, ratio cut-off, background and negative controls (Vainshtein Y, et al., 2010).}, subject = {Microarray}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Treichel2003, author = {Treichel, Dieter}, title = {Isolierung, evolutive Einordnung und funktionelle Charakterisierung von Knopfkopf, einem buttonhead-Ortholog in der Maus}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-5867}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Isolierung des Sp1-verwandten Transkriptionsfaktors Knopfkopf mittels eines PCR-basierten Homologie-Screens in der Maus. Das Gen Knopfkopf wurde anschließend hinsichtlich der evolutiven Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen zum Drosophila-Gen buttonhead eingeordnet. Eine funktionelle Charakterisierung erfolgte mit Hilfe einer gezielten Geninaktivierung durch homologe Rekombination (knock out). Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass das Gen in der Embryogenese der Maus essentiell ist f{\"u}r die Entwicklung der Extremit{\"a}ten, der Nase und des Zentralen Nervensystems sowie der sekund{\"a}ren Gastrulation.}, subject = {Maus}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Subota2011, author = {Subota, Ines}, title = {Switches in trypanosome differentiation: ALBA proteins acting on post-transcriptional mRNA control}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-85707}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Trypanosoma brucei is a digenetic eukaryotic parasite that develops in different tissues of a mammalian host and a tsetse fly. It is responsible for sleeping sickness in sub-saharan Africa. The parasite cycle involves more than nine developmental stages that can be clearly distinguished by their general morphology, their metabolism and the relative positioning of their DNA-containing organelles. During their development, trypanosomes remain exclusively extracellular and encounter changing environments with different physico-chemical properties (nutritional availability, viscosity, temperature, etc.). It has been proposed that trypanosomes use their flagellum as a sensing organelle, in agreement with the established role of structurally-related cilia in metazoa and ciliates. Recognition of environmental triggers is presumed to be at the initiation of differentiation events, leading to the parasite stage that is the best suited to the new environment. These changes are achieved by the modification of gene expression programmes, mostly underlying post-transcriptional control of mRNA transcripts. We first demonstrate that the RNA-binding proteins ALBA3/4 are involved in specific differentiation processes during the parasite development in the fly. They are cytosolic and expressed throughout the parasite cycle with the exception of the stages found in the tsetse fly proventriculus, as shown by both immunofluorescence and live cell analysis upon endogenous tagging with YFP. Knock-down of both proteins in the developmental stage preceding these forms leads to striking modifications: cell elongation, cell cycle arrest and relocalization of the nucleus in a posterior position, all typical of processes acting in parasites found in the proventriculus region. When ALBA3 is over-expressed from an exogenous copy during infection, it interferes with the relocalization of the nucleus in proventricular parasites. This is not observed for ALBA4 over-expression that does not visibly impede differentiation. Both ALBA3/4 proteins react to starvation conditions by accumulating in cytoplasmic stress granules together with DHH1, a recognized RNA-binding protein. ALBA3/4 proteins also partially colocalize with granules formed by polyA+ RNA in these conditions. We propose that ALBA are involved in trypanosome differentiation processes where they control a subset of developmentally regulated transcripts. These processes involving ALBA3/4 are likely to result from the specific activation of sensing pathways. In the second part of the thesis, we identify novel flagellar proteins that could act in sensing mechanisms. Several protein candidates were selected from a proteomic analysis of intact flagella performed in the host laboratory. This work validates their flagellar localization with high success (85\% of the proteins examined) and defines multiple different patterns of protein distribution in the flagellum. Two proteins are analyzed during development, one of them showing down-regulation in proventricular stages. The functional analysis of one novel flagellar membrane protein reveals its rapid dynamics within the flagellum but does not yield a visible phenotype in culture. This is coherent with sensory function that might not be needed in stable culture conditions, but could be required in natural conditions during development. In conclusion, this work adds new pieces to the puzzle of identifying molecular switches involved in developmental mRNA control and environmental sensing in trypanosome stages in the tsetse fly.}, subject = {Trypanosoma brucei}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Stoll2009, author = {Stoll, Sascha}, title = {Funktionelle Analyse von Blochmannia floridanus, dem prim{\"a}ren Endosymbionten der Rossameise Camponotus floridanus}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-37238}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Ameisen der Gattung Camponotus beherbergen bakterielle Symbionten der Gattung Blochmannia in spezialisierten Zellen des Mitteldarms (Blochmann, 1882; Buchner, 1965; Sauer, 2000; Schr{\"o}der et al., 1996). Die Genomsequenzierung dieser Symbionten zeigte, dass Blochmannia, {\"a}hnlich den Symbionten von Blattl{\"a}usen, haupts{\"a}chlich Gene der Aminos{\"a}urebiosynthese beibehalten hat (Degnan et al., 2005; Gil et al., 2003). Die Relevanz dieser nahrungsaufwertenden Funktion konnte experimentell best{\"a}tigt werden (Feldhaar et al., 2007). Ein Schwerpunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Aufkl{\"a}rung der dynamischen Interaktion der beiden Partner w{\"a}hrend des komplexen Lebenszyklus des holometabolen Wirtes. Fr{\"u}here Studien deuteten darauf hin, dass die Symbiose vor allem w{\"a}hrend der Larven- und Puppenphasen von Bedeutung sein k{\"o}nnte (Feldhaar et al., 2007; Wolschin et al., 2004; Zientz et al., 2006). Mit fluoreszenter in situ Hybridisierung (FISH) und konfokaler Laserscanning Mikroskopie konnte in der vorliegenden Arbeit die Lokalisierung von B. floridanus w{\"a}hrend der wichtigsten Entwicklungsstadien aufgekl{\"a}rt werden. Hierbei konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Symbionten schon im ersten Larvenstadium in spezialisierten Zellen um den Darm angeordnet sind, aber in sp{\"a}teren Stadien nicht, wie bisher angenommen, auf diese Bakteriozyten beschr{\"a}nkt sind, sondern bis zum Schlupf der jungen Arbeiterinnen massiv andere Darmzellen infizieren. {\"U}bereinstimmend mit Bestimmungen der Zellzahl in den verschiedenen Wirtsstadien ist die Anzahl der Symbionten gegen Ende der Metamorphose am h{\"o}chsten. Die Symbiose degeneriert in sehr alten Arbeiterinnen, gut gef{\"u}llte Bakteriozyten werden jedoch noch monatelang beibehalten. Mit Macroarray- und qRT- PCR- basierten Transkriptomanalysen wurde die Expression der bakteriellen Gene in charakteristischen Entwicklungsstadien des Wirtes untersucht. Allgemein zeigen vor allem Gene f{\"u}r molekulare Chaperons und bestimmte bakterielle Grundfunktionen eine hohe Expression. Aber auch viele Gene, die m{\"o}glicherweise wichtige Funktionen in der Symbiose besitzen, wie die Biosynthese essentieller Aminos{\"a}uren und das Recycling von Stickstoffverbindungen, zeigen ein hohes absolutes Transkriptlevel. Zudem besteht eine positive Korrelation zwischen dem Expressionsniveau und dem GC- Gehalt der Gene, die in dem h{\"o}heren Selektionsdruck und damit einer geringeren Mutationsrate der essentiellen Gene begr{\"u}ndet liegt (Schaber et al., 2005). Durch Proteinanalysen konnte best{\"a}tigt werden, dass die Faktoren mit der h{\"o}chsten absoluten Transkription die dominanten Proteine der Symbionten darstellen. In den unterschiedlichen Entwicklungsstadien zeigen viele Gene eine deutliche Dynamik, deren Ausmaß aber, verglichen mit freilebenden Bakterien, gering ist. Aus den Expressionsprofilen aufeinanderfolgender Gene lassen sich m{\"o}gliche Transkriptionseinheiten ableiten, die teilweise auch experimentell best{\"a}tigt wurden. Oftmals zeigen auch Gene, die nicht in Transkriptionseinheiten angeordnet sind, aber verwandten Stoffwechselwegen angeh{\"o}ren, {\"a}hnliche Muster. Dies deutet auf das Vorhandensein grundlegender Genregulations-mechanismen hin, obwohl im Genom von B. floridanus nur noch sehr wenige Transkriptionsfaktoren codiert sind (Gil et al., 2003). Auf {\"u}bergeordneter Ebene zeigt sich, dass bei Symbionten aus sp{\"a}ten Puppenstadien viele symbioserelevante Gene im Vergleich zu Genen des Grundmetabolismus eine erh{\"o}hte Expression zeigen. Dies betrifft besonders die Biosynthese aromatischer und verzweigter Aminos{\"a}uren, die in diesen Stadien vom Wirt in hoher Menge ben{\"o}tigt werden, w{\"a}hrend die internen Reserven gleichzeitig zur Neige gehen. Dies {\"a}ußert sich auch im deutlichen Abfallen der Speicherproteinmenge des Wirts gegen Ende der Puppenphase. Die festgestellte Ver{\"a}nderung der Symbiontenzahl {\"u}bertrifft das geringe Ausmaß der Genregulation um ein Vielfaches. Die Bakterien liegen in jedem Stadium polyploid mit bis zu 100 Genomkopien vor, dieser Polyploidiegrad bleibt jedoch w{\"a}hrend der gesamten Wirtsentwicklung weitestgehend konstant. Somit scheint die Kontrolle des Wirts {\"u}ber die bakterielle Vermehrung der entscheidende Faktor dieser Symbiose zu sein. Die verbleibenden regulatorischen F{\"a}higkeiten der Bakterien stellen m{\"o}glicherweise eine Feinjustierung von optimierten Produktionseinheiten dar, deren Anzahl nach den Bed{\"u}rfnissen des Wirtes ver{\"a}ndert wird. Insgesamt konnten in der vorliegenden Arbeit neue Einblicke in das komplexe Zusammenleben von Blochmannia und Camponotus gewonnen werden, die zu einem besseren Verst{\"a}ndnis der biologischen Funktion und der grundlegenden Mechanismen dieser Symbiose f{\"u}hren. Eine der wichtigsten Fragestellungen nach dem Sinn einer nahrungsaufwertenden Symbiose f{\"u}r einen Nahrungsgeneralisten konnte mit starken Hinweisen auf eine stadienabh{\"a}ngige Relevanz der Symbiose beantwortet werden, die den enormen evolution{\"a}ren Erfolg dieser Ameisengattung erkl{\"a}ren k{\"o}nnte.\&\#8195;}, subject = {Intrazellul{\"a}re Symbiose}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Spohn1999, author = {Spohn, Gunther}, title = {The transcriptional control of virulence gene expression in Helicobacter pylori}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-2334}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {1999}, abstract = {The Gram-negative, spiral-shaped, microaerophilic bacterium Helicobacter pylori is the causative agent of various disorders of the upper gastrointestinal tract, such as chronic superficial gastritis, chronic active gastritis, peptic ulceration and adenocarcinoma. Although many of the bacterial factors associated with disease development have been analysed in some detail in the recent years, very few studies have focused so far on the mechanisms that regulate expression of these factors at the molecular level. In an attempt to obtain an overview of the basic mechanisms of virulence gene expression in H. pylori, three important virulence factors of this pathogen, representative of different pathogenic mechanisms and different phases of the infectious process, are investigated in detail in the present thesis regarding their transcriptional regulation. As an essential factor for the early phase of infection, including the colonisation of the gastric mucosa, the flagella are analysed; the chaperones including the putative adhesion factors GroEL and DnaK are investigated as representatives of the phase of adherence to the gastric epithelium and persistence in the mucus layer; and finally the cytotoxin associated antigen CagA is analysed as representative of the cag pathogenicity island, which is supposed to account for the phenomena of chronic inflammation and tissue damage observed in the later phases of infection. RNA analyses and in vitro transcription demonstrate that a single promoter regulates expression of cagA, while two promoters are responsible for expression of the upstream divergently transcribed cagB gene. All three promoters are shown to be recognised by RNA polymerase containing the vegetative sigma factor sigma 80. Promoter deletion analyses establish that full activation of the cagA promoter requires sequences up to -70 and binding of the C-terminal portion of the alpha subunit of RNA polymerase to an UP-like element located between -40 and -60, while full activation of the major cagB promoter requires sequences upstream of -96 which overlap with the cagA promoter. These data suggest that the promoters of the pathogenicity island represent a class of minimum promoters, that ensure a basic level of transcription, while full activation requires regulatory elements or structural DNA binding proteins that provide a suitable DNA context. Regarding flagellar biosynthesis, a master transcriptional factor is identified that regulates expression of a series of flagellar basal body and hook genes in concert with the alternative sigma factor sigma 54. Evidence is provided that this regulator, designated FlgR (for flagellar regulatory protein), is necessary for motility and transcription of five promoters for seven basal body and hook genes. In addition, FlgR is shown to act as a repressor of transcription of the sigma 28-regulated promoter of the flaA gene, while changes in DNA topology are shown to affect transcription of the sigma 54-regulated flaB promoter. These data indicate that the regulatory network that governs flagellar gene expression in H. pylori shows similarities to the systems of both Salmonella spp. and Caulobacter crescentus. In contrast to the flagellar genes which are regulated by three different sigma factors, the three operons encoding the major chaperones of H. pylori are shown to be transcribed by RNA polymerase containing the vegetative sigma factor sigma 80. Expression of these operons is shown to be regulated negatively by the transcriptional repressor HspR, a homologue of a repressor protein of Streptomyces spp., known to be involved in negative regulation of heat shock genes. In vitro studies with purified recombinant HspR establish that the protein represses transcription by binding to large DNA regions centered around the transcription initiation site in the case of one promoter, and around -85 and -120 in the case of the the other two promoters. In contrast to the situation in Streptomyces, where transcription of HspR-regulated genes is induced in response to heat shock, transcription of the HspR-dependent genes in H. pylori is not inducible with thermal stimuli. Transcription of two of the three chaperone encoding operons is induced by osmotic shock, while transcription of the third operon, although HspR-dependent, is not affected by salt treatment. Taken together, the analyses carried out indicate that H. pylori has reduced its repertoire of specific regulatory proteins to a basic level that may ensure coordinate regulation of those factors that are necessary during the initial phase of infection including the passage through the gastric lumen and the colonisation of the gastric mucosa. The importance of DNA topology and/or context for transcription of many virulence gene promoters may on the other hand indicate, that a sophisticated global regulatory network is present in H. pylori, which influences transcription of specific subsets of virulence genes in response to changes in the microenvironment.}, subject = {Helicobacter-pylori-Infektion}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Simann2015, author = {Simann, Meike}, title = {Aufkl{\"a}rung der Effekte von Fibroblasten-Wachstumsfaktor 1 und 2 auf die Adipogenese und Osteogenese von prim{\"a}ren humanen Knochenmark-Stroma-Zellen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-119322}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Regulating and reverting the adipo-osteogenic lineage decision of trabecular human bone marrow stromal cells (hBMSCs) represents a promising approach for osteoporosis therapy and prevention. Fibroblast growth factor 1 (FGF1) and its subfamily member FGF2 were scored as lead candidates to exercise control over lineage switching processes (conversion) in favor of osteogenesis previously. However, their impact on differentiation events is controversially discussed in literature. Hence, the present study aimed to investigate the effects of these FGFs on the adipogenic and osteogenic differentiation and conversion of primary hBMSCs. Moreover, involved downstream signaling mechanisms should be elucidated and, finally, the results should be evaluated with regard to the possible therapeutic approach. This study clearly revealed that culture in the presence of FGF1 strongly prevented the adipogenic differentiation of hBMSCs as well as the adipogenic conversion of pre-differentiated osteoblastic cells. Lipid droplet formation was completely inhibited by a concentration of 25 ng/µL. Meanwhile, the expression of genetic markers for adipogenic initiation, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma 2 (PPARg2) and CCAAT/enhancer binding protein alpha (C/EBPa), as well as subsequent adipocyte maturation, fatty acid binding protein 4 (FABP4) and lipoprotein lipase (LPL), were significantly downregulated. Yet, the genetic markers of osteogenic commitment and differentiation were not upregulated during adipogenic differentiation and conversion under FGF supplementation, not supporting an event of osteogenic lineage switching. Moreover, when examining the effects on the osteogenic differentiation of hBMSCs and the osteogenic conversion of pre-differentiated adipocytic cells, culture in the presence of FGF1 markedly decreased extracellular matrix (ECM) mineralization. Additionally, the gene expression of the osteogenic marker alkaline phosphatase (ALP) was significantly reduced and ALP enzyme activity was decreased. Furthermore, genetic markers of osteogenic commitment, like the master regulator runt-related transcription factor 2 (RUNX2) and bone morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP4), as well as markers of osteogenic differentiation and ECM formation, like collagen 1 A1 (COL1A1) and integrin-binding sialoprotein (IBSP), were downregulated. In contrast, genes known to inhibit ECM mineralization, like ANKH inorganic pyrophosphate transport regulator (ANKH) and osteopontin (OPN), were upregulated. ANKH inhibition revealed that its transcriptional elevation was not crucial for the reduced matrix mineralization, perhaps due to decreased expression of ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 1 (ENPP1) that likely annulled ANKH upregulation. Like FGF1, also the culture in the presence of FGF2 displayed a marked anti-adipogenic and anti-osteogenic effect. The FGF receptor 1 (FGFR1) was found to be crucial for mediating the described FGF effects in adipogenic and osteogenic differentiation and conversion. Yet, adipogenic conversion displayed a lower involvement of the FGFR1. For adipogenic differentiation and osteogenic differentiation/conversion, downstream signal transduction involved the extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1 and 2 (ERK1/2) and the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)/ERK kinases 1 and 2 (MEK1/2), probably via the phosphorylation of FGFR docking protein FGFR substrate 2a (FRS2a) and its effector Ras/MAPK. The c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), p38-MAPK, and protein kinase C (PKC) were not crucial for the signal transduction, yet were in part responsible for the rate of adipogenic and/or osteogenic differentiation itself, in line with current literature. Taken together, to the best of our knowledge, our study was the first to describe the strong impact of FGF1 and FGF2 on both the adipogenic and osteogenic differentiation and conversion processes of primary hBMSCs in parallel. It clearly revealed that although both FGFs were not able to promote the differentiation and lineage switching towards the osteogenic fate, they strongly prevented adipogenic differentiation and lineage switching, which seem to be elevated during osteoporosis. Our findings indicate that FGF1 and FGF2 entrapped hBMSCs in a pre-committed state. In conclusion, these agents could be applied to potently prevent unwanted adipogenesis in vitro. Moreover, our results might aid in unraveling a pharmacological control point to eliminate the increased adipogenic differentiation and conversion as potential cause of adipose tissue accumulation and decreased osteoblastogenesis in bone marrow during aging and especially in osteoporosis.}, subject = {Mesenchymzelle}, language = {en} }