@phdthesis{Kilic2002, author = {Kilic, Mehtap}, title = {Formation of caspase activating complexes and activation of caspase-12 during apoptosis in AKR-2B mouse fibroblasts}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-7190}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Der Zelltod kann in Dichte-arretierten AKR-2B Mausfibroblasten durch Entzug des Serums oder Behandlung mit Anisomycin induziert werden. Der Zelltod zeigt zwar die f{\"u}r die Apoptose typischen morphologischen Ver{\"a}nderungen der Zelle wie Zellfragmentierung und Chromatinkondensation jedoch fehlen andere apoptotische Charakteristika, wie die oligonukleosomale Fragmentierung der DNA oder {\"A}nderung des Membranpotentials der Mitochondria. W{\"a}hrend der Apoptose wurde eine beachtliche DEVDase Aktivit{\"a}t nach- gewiesen, die einem einzelnen Enzym zugeordnet werden konnte. Dieses Enzym hatte typische Eigenschaften von Effektor-Caspasen, wie die der Caspase-3, besaß jedoch einen ungew{\"o}hnlich hohen KM Wert von 100 µM, und die Molmasse der großen Untereinheit betrug 19 kDa anstelle der erwarteten 17 kDa. Mit Hilfe des rekombinanten mCaspase-3 Proteins wurde dieses Enzym in der vorliegenden Untersuchung als Caspase-3 identifiziert. Die N-terminale Sequenzierung des mCaspase-3 Proteins ergab, daß sich die Spaltstelle seiner Prodom{\"a}ne von der des humanen homologen Proteins unterschied (Asp-9 von Asp-28). Somit betrug die Molmasse der großen Untereinheit der aktiven Caspase-3 19 kDa. Dar{\"u}berhinaus stimmte der KM-Wert der rekombinanter mCaspase-3 von ~100 µM mit der {\"u}berein, die in Zellextrakten bestimmt wurde. Die Affinit{\"a}tmarkierung in Kombination mit einer 2D-Gelelektrophorese best{\"a}tigte, daß tats{\"a}chlich Caspase-3 als Haupt-Effektor-Caspase in AKR-2B-Zellen w{\"a}hrend der Apoptose aktiviert wird. Im Folgenden wurde untersucht, welcher Signalwege in AKR-2B-Zellen, denen Serum aus dem N{\"a}hrmedia entzogen wurden war oder die mit Anisomycin behandelt worden waren, zur Aktivierung der Caspase-3 f{\"u}hrt. Da eine Beteiligunug des Rezeptor-vermittelte Signalweges bereits zuvor ausgeschlossen worden war,wurde {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft, ob der mitochondrial vermittelte Signalweg bei der Aktivierung von Caspase-3 ein Rolle spielt. Gelfiltrations- experimente ergaben, daß Caspase-3 als freies Enzym und nur in geringen Mengen innerhalb unterschiedlich große Komplexe der Molmassen 600 kDa und 250 kDa eluiert wird. Obwohl die apparenten Molmassen der Caspase-3-haltigen Komplexe mit k{\"u}rzlich ver{\"o}ffentlichten Daten {\"u}bereinstimmten, enthielten sie weder Apaf-1 noch Caspase-9. Dies deutet daraufhin, daß der mitochondrial-vermittelte Signalweg ebenfalls nicht an der Caspase-3 Aktivierung beteiligt ist. Dar{\"u}berhinaus wurde ein neuer Caspase-6 enthaltender Komplex (450 kDa) nach Serumentzug in AKR-2B-Zellen gefunden, der sich deutlich von Caspase-3 haltigen Komplexen unterscheidet. Caspase-3 ist f{\"u}r die meisten morphologische Ver{\"a}nderungen w{\"a}hrend der Apoptose verantwortlich. Wahrend der Apoptose in der AKR-2B-Zellen zwar Caspase-3 als Haupt-Effektor-Caspase identifiziert worden war, jedoch keine intranukleosomale Fragmentierung nachgeweisen werden konnen, da bei wurde die intrazellul{\"a}re Lokalisation der Caspase-3 untersucht. Durch {\"U}berexpression eines Caspase-3-GFP Fusionskonstruktes in AKR-2B Zellen wurde die Procaspase-3 im Cytoplasma lokalisiert, w{\"a}hrend die aktive Caspase-3 vorwiegend in membranumh{\"u}llten Vesikeln und zum Teil im Cytoplasma aktiviert wurde. Ebenfalls wurde eine m{\"o}gliche Beteiligung von Caspase-12 und eine ER-Streß vermittelte Signalleitung an der Apoptose in AKR-2B-Zellen untersucht. Kinetische Untersuchungen zeigten, daß Caspase-12 im Fall von Serumentzug oder Behandlung mit Anisomycin zeitgleich mit Caspase-3 aktiviert wurde, was zur Bildung von zwei Spaltprodukte der Molmassen 47 kDa und 35 kDa f{\"u}hrte. Gelfiltrationsexperimente ergaben, daß Caspase-12 als freies Enzym w{\"a}hrend der Apoptose auftritt. Bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt wurde in allen Publikationen beschrieben, daß Caspase-12 in Folge von ER-Streß aktiviert wird. Nach Serumentzug oder Zugabe von Anisomycin zu AKR-2B-Zellen wurde jedoch kein Anstieg der Synthese des Chaperon-Proteins Grp78, einem Marker f{\"u}r ER-Streß, beobachtet. Dies zeigt, daß beide Behandlungen nicht zur ER-Streß f{\"u}hren. Im Gegensatz dazu erzeugten bekannte Indikatoren von ER Streß wie Thapsigargin und A23187 (ionophor) ER-Streß in AKR-2B-Zellen, was zu unspezifischem Abbau der Caspase-12 f{\"u}hrte. Darum ist es unwahrscheinlich, daß in AKR-2B- Zellen Caspase-12 bei ER-Streß aktiviert wird. Zusammenfassend zeigten diese Daten, daß Caspase-12 in AKR-2B-Zellen {\"u}ber Signalwegen aktiviert wird, die ER stress un- abh{\"a}ngig sind und zeigen daß Caspase-3 bei der Aktivierung von Caspase-12 beteiligt ist somit liefern die vorliegenden Untersuchungen einen Hinweis darauf daß neben den klassischen Signalwege weitere Signalwege existieren, die zur Apoptose f{\"u}hrten.}, subject = {Apoptosis}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{AbdelRahman2003, author = {Abdel Rahman, Faisal Mirghani}, title = {Systematic analysis of genes expressed in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and identification of candidates for genetic susceptibility to age-related macular degeneration (AMD)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-7053}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Age related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of visual impairment in the elderly and the major cause of blindness in the developed world. To date, the molecular mechanisms underlying the disease are not well understood although in recent years a primary involvement of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) has become evident. The aim of the present study is to systematically analyse genes which are differentially expressed in the RPE, and to assess their possible association with mechanisms and pathways likely to be related to retinal disease, in particular AMD. Towards this goal, 2379 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) were established from an inhouse generated RPE cDNA library. This library was constructed by using the suppression subtraction hybridization (SSH) technique which normalises redundant sequences and ensures enrichment of rare transcripts. In a first phase, 1002 ESTs were sequenced and subjected to comprehensive alignment with public nucleotide and protein databases. A search of the 1002 ESTs against the human genome draft sequence yielded 168 known genes, 51 predicted genes, 15 unknown transcripts and 41 clones with no significant similarity. Reverse Northern blot hybridization was performed for 318 EST clusters to identify abundantly expressed genes in the RPE and to prioritize subsequent analyses. Representative clones were spotted onto a nylon membrane and hybridized with cDNA probes of driver (heart and liver) and tester (RPE) used in the cDNA library construction. Subsequently, 107 EST clusters were subjected to Northern blot hybridizations. These analyses identified 7 RPE-specific, 3 retina-specific, 7 RPE/retina-specific, and 7 tissue restricted transcripts, while 29 EST clusters were ubiquitously expressed, and evaluation was not possible for another 54 EST clusters. Of the 24 transcripts with specific or restricted expression, 16 clones were selected for further characterization. The predicted gene MGC2477 and 2 novel isoforms of the human transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 3 (TRPM3) were cloned and further described in detail. In addition, polymorphic variations for these 2 genes as well as for the human MT-Protocadherin gene were determined. For MGC2477, 15 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified, with 13 having a frequency of the minor allele greater than 20\%. 10 of the 15 SNPs have not been reported in so far in public SNP repertoires. Partial assessment of the TRPM3 gene yielded 35 SNPs. Of these, 30 (85.7\%) were highly frequent (0.17-0.5\%), and 14 (40\%) were novel. The MT-Protocadherin gene revealed 35 SNPs, including 28 (80\%) with high frequency of the minor allele. 23 (65.7\%) were novel SNPs. These SNPs will be used to construct the most common haplotypes. These will be used in case/control association studies in 400 AMD patients and 200 ethnically and aged matched controls to assess a possible contribution of these genes in the etiology of AMD.}, subject = {Senile Makuladegeneration / Pigmentepithel / Genexpression}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Nedvetsky2003, author = {Nedvetsky, Pavel I.}, title = {Regulation of the nitric oxide receptor, soluble guanylyl cyclase}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-7046}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC) is the best established receptor for nitric oxide (NO) and regulates a great number of important physiological functions. Surprisingly, despite the wellappreciated roles of this enzyme in regulation of vascular tone, smooth muscle cell proliferation, platelet aggregation, renal sodium secretion, synaptic plasticity, and other functions, extremely little is known about the regulation of sGC activity and protein levels. To date, the only well-proven physiologically relevant sGC regulator is NO. In the present study, some additional possibilities for sGC regulation were shown. Firstly, we evaluated the ability of different NO donors to stimulate sGC. Significant differences in the sGC stimulation by SNP and DEA/NO were found. DEA/NO stimulated sGC much stronger than did SNP. Interestingly, no correlation between the sGC protein and maximal activity distribution was found in rat brain regions tested, suggesting the existence of some additional regulatory mechanisms for sGC. The failure of SNP to stimulate sGC maximally might be one of the reasons why the lack of correlation between the distribution of sGC activity and proteins in brain was not detected earlier. Prolonged exposure of endothelial cells to NO donors produced desensitization of the cGMP response. This desensitization cannot be explained by increased PDE activity, since PDE inhibitors were not able to prevent the NO donor-induced decrease of the maximal cGMP response in endothelial cells. The failure of SH-reducing agents to improve the cGMP response after its desensitization by NO suggests that a SH-independent mechanism mediates NO effects. Demonstration that the potency of the recently described activator of oxidized (heme-free) sGC, BAY58-2667, to stimulate sGC increases after prolonged exposure of the cells to an NO donor, DETA/NO, suggests that oxidation of heme may be a reason for NOinduced desensitization of sGC and decrease in sGC protein level. Indeed, the well-known heme-oxidizing agent ODQ produces a dramatic decrease in sGC protein levels in endothelial cells and BAY58-2667 prevents this effect. Although the mechanism of sGC activation and stabilization by BAY58-2667 is unknown, this substance is an interesting candidate to modulate sGC under conditions where sGC heme iron is oxidized. Very little is known about regulation of sGC by intracellular localization or translocation between different intracellular compartments. In the present study, an increase in sGC sensitivity to NO under membrane association was demonstrated. Treatment of isolated lung with VEGF markedly increased sGC in membrane fractions of endothelial cells. Failure of VEGF to stimulate sGC membrane association in cultured endothelial cells allows us to propose a complex mechanism of regulation of sGC membrane association and/or a transient character of sGC membrane attachment. A very likely mechanism for the attachment of sGC to membranes is via sGCinteracting proteins. These proteins may participate also in other aspects of sGC regulation. The role of the recently described sGC interaction partner, Hsp90, was investigated. Shortterm treatment of endothelial cells with an Hsp90 inhibitor does not affect NO donor or calcium ionophore-stimulated cGMP accumulation in the cells. However, inhibition of Hsp90 results in a rapid and dramatic decrease in sGC protein levels in endothelial cells. These effects were unrelated to changes in sGC transcription, since inhibition of transcription had much slower effect on sGC protein levels. In contrast, inhibitors of proteasomes abolished the reduction in sGC protein levels produced by an Hsp90 inhibitor, suggesting involvement of proteolytic degradation of sGC proteins during inhibition of Hsp90. All these data together suggest that Hsp90 is required to maintain mature sGC proteins. In conclusion, in the present study it was demonstrated that multiple mechanisms are involved in the regulation of sGC activity and its sensitivity to NO. Oxidation of sGC heme by NO seems to be one of the mechanisms for negative regulation of sGC in the presence of high or prolonged stimulation with NO. Another possible means of regulating sGC sensitivity to NO is via the intracellular translocation of the enzyme. It has been also demonstrated here that attachment of sGC to the membrane fraction results in an apparent increase in the enzyme sensitivity to NO. Additionally, Hsp90 was required to maintain sGC protein in endothelial and other cell types. However, we could not find any acute affect of Hsp90 on sGC activity, as reported recently. All these findings demonstrate that the regulation of sGC activity and protein level is a much more complex process than had been assumed earlier.}, subject = {Guanylatcyclase}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{FadlElMola2003, author = {Fadl El Mola, Faisal Mohamed}, title = {Bioinformatic and molecular approaches for the analysis of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) transcriptome}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-6877}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2003}, abstract = {There is substantial interest in the identification of genes underlying susceptibility to complex human diseases because of the potential utility of such genes in disease prediction and therapy. The complex age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a prevalent cause of legal blindness in industrialized countries and predominantly affects the elderly population over 75 years of age. Although vision loss in AMD results from photoreceptor cell death in the central retina, the initial pathogenesis likely involves processes in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) (Liang and Godley, 2003). The goal of the current study was to identify and characterize genes specifically or abundantly expressed in the RPE in order to determine more comprehensively the transcriptome of the RPE. In addition, our aim was to assess the role of these genes in AMD pathogenesis. Towards this end, a bovine cDNA library enriched for RPE transcripts was constructed in-house using a PCR-based suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) technique (Diatchenko et al., 1996, 1999), which normalizes for sequence abundance and achieves high enrichment for differentially expressed genes. CAP3 (Huang and Madan, 1999) was used to assemble the high quality sequences of all the 2379 ESTs into clusters or singletons. 1.2\% of the 2379 RPE-ESTs contains vector sequences and was excluded from further analysis. 5\% of the RPE-ESTs showed homology to multipe chromosomes and were not included in further assembly process. The rest of the ESTs (2245) were assembled into 175 contigs and 509 singletons, which revealed approximately 684 unique genes in the dataset. Out of the 684, 343 bovine RPE transcripts did not align to their human orthologues. A large fraction of clones were shown to include a considerable 3´untranslated regions of the gene that are not conserved between bovine and human. It is the coding regions that can be conserved between bovine and human and not the 3' UTR (Sharma et al., 2002). Therefore, more sequencing from the cDNA library with reclustering of those 343 ESTs together with continuous blasting might reveal their human orthologoues. To handle the large volume of data that the RPE cDNA library project has generated a highly efficient and user-friendly RDBMS was designed. Using RDBMS data storage can be managed efficiently and flexibly. The RDBMS allows displaying the results in query-based form and report format with additional annotations, links and search functions. Out of the 341 known and predicted genes identified in this study, 2 were further analyzed. The RPE or/and retina specificity of these two clones were further confirmed by RT-PCR analysis in adult human tissues. Construction of a single nucleotide polymphism (SNP) map was initiated as a first step in future case/control association studies. SNP genotyping was carried out for one of these two clones (RPE01-D2, now known as RDH12). 12 SNPs were identified from direct sequencing of the 23.4-kb region, of which 5 are of high frequency. In a next step, comparison of allele frequencies between AMD patients and healthy controls is required. Completion of the expression analysis for other predicted genes identified during this study is in progress using real time RT-PCR and will provide additional candidate genes for further analyses. This study is expected to contribute to our understanding of the genetic basis of RPE function and to clarify the role of the RPE-expressed genes in the predisposition to AMD. It may also help reveal the mechanisms and pathways that are involved in the development of AMD or other retinal dystrophies.}, subject = {Senile Makuladegeneration}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Jovcic2002, author = {Jovcic, Alexander}, title = {Applications of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria in the fields of biological degradation of contaminants and biological wastewater treatment}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-6702}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {In the work here presented four distinctly different problems were investigated. The first problem was an investigation into the degradation of Dichloroethylene (DCE) and 1,1-bis (p-Chlorophenyl)-2-dichloroethylene (DDE) utilising pure bacterial cultures. The second investigation dealt with the degradation of DDE and polychlorinated Biphenyl's (PCB's) utilising anaerobic sediments and soils from New Zealand. The third investigation worked on the Granulation of anaerobic River-sediments in Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) Reactors. The last investigation describes the commissioning of an industrial aerobic Wastewater Treatment Plant and the Implementation of biological Nitrogen- and Phosphate removal in this Wastewater Treatment Plant. Since the chemical Structure of DCE and DDE have certain similarities, Bacteria that were capable of degrading DCE, were tested here, whether they would also be able to degrade DDE utilising a co-metabolic pathway. In the experiments the aerobic bacteria Methylosinus trichosporium and Mycobacterium vaccae and the anaerobic bacteria Acetobacterium woodii and Clostridium butyricum were used. Approximately 60\% of the added DCE was degraded by M. vaccae, while M. trichosporium degraded approximately 50\%. A. woodii and C. butyricum degraded 40\% and 30\% respectively of the added DCE. Further experiments with these cultures and DDE lead to a microbial degradation of DDE to an extent of 34.6\% for M. vaccae, 14.1\% for C. butyricum, 2.2\% for A. woodii and 10.5\% for M. trichosporium. Additional experiments, utilising [14C]-DDE, showed that the DDE had not been degraded but were attached to the bacterial cells. The second investigation utilised anaerobic soils and sediments from New Zealand to study the anaerobic co-metabolic degradation of DDE and PCB's. The soils and sediments originated from the River Waikato, from Wastewater Ponds in Kinleith, Marine-Sediments from Mapua, and a variety of soils comtaminated with Pentachlorophenyl (PCP). The cultures from these soils and sediments were raised on a variety of Carbon- and Energy-sources. Beside DDE, Aroclor 1260, and a mix of four pure PCB-Congeneres (one Tetra-, one Hexa, one Hepta- and one Deca-Chlorobiphenyl) were used to test for the reductive dechlorination. The cultivation process of the baceria lasted six months. Samples of the cultures were taken after zero, three and six months. These samples were tested for the increase of cell-protein, the degradation of carbon- and energy-sources, and the removal of the added polychlorinated chemicals. The organochlorines were analysed using reversed phase HPLC and FID-GC. When a change in the Chromatogram was detected the respective cultures were further analysed using ECD-GC and GC-MS. The results showed that the culutres grew under these conditions, but no degradation of DDE and the PCB-Mix could be detected, and only small changes in the composition/chromatograms of Aroclor 1260 were found. The third investigation worked on the Granulation of River-Sediments in UASB-Reactors. Sediments from the River Waikato in New Zealand and the River Saale in Germany were used. In both cases the Granulation process was successful, which was demonstrated by microscopic comparisons of the Sediments and the resulting Granules. The two main bacterial cultures detected were Methanosarcina- and Methanothrix-like cultures. The main carbon- and energy-source was Lactic Acid, which was used at a concentration of 21,8 g COD/L. The Granulation-Process was a combination of using high a COD-Concentration combined with a low Volumetric Loading-Rate. Comparisons of the specific degradation-rates of a variety of carbon- and energy-sources between the Sediments and the Granules, showed no increased degradation rates in regard to the same cell-mass, but the increased bio-mass in the Granules allowed for higher degradation-rates within the UASB-reactors. The fourth investigation describes the commissioning of an industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant for a Dairy-Site in Edendale, Southland, New Zealand. This Plant consists of a DAF-Unit (Dissolved Air Flotation), two Extended Aeration Lagoons with Activated Sludge and two Clarifiers, one for the Activated Sludge and the second for the dosing of Aluminium-Sulphate and the removal of Phosphat-Sulphate. Biological processes for the removal of carbon- and energy-sources were optimised and biological processes for the reduction of Nitrogen- and Phosphate-Concentrations within the wastewater were implemented and optimised. Bilogical removal rates for COD of 95\% and above, for Nitrogen of 85-92\% and Phosphate of 64-83\% were achieved.}, subject = {Biologische Abwasserreinigung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gross2002, author = {Groß, Michaela}, title = {Genomic changes in Fanconi anemia: implications for diagnosis, pathogenesis and prognosis}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-6579}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Fanconi anemia (FA) is a genetically and phenotypically heterogenous autoso- mal recessive disease associated with chromosomal instability, progressive bone marrow failure, typical birth defects and predisposition to neoplasia. The clinical phenotype is similar in all known complementation groups (FA-A, FA-B, FA-C,FA-D1, FA-D2, FA-E, FA-F and FA-G). The cellular phenotype is characterized by hypersensitivity to DNA crosslinking agents (MMC,DEB), which is exploited as a diagnostic tool. Alltogether, the FA proteins constitute a multiprotein pathway whose precise biochemical function(s) remain unknown. FANCA, FANCC, FANCE, FANCF and FANCG interact in a nuclear complex upstream of FANCD2. Complementation group FA-D1 was recently shown to be due to biallelic mutations in the human breast cancer gene 2 (BRCA2). After DNA damage, the nuclear complex regulates monoubiquitylation of FANCD2, result- ing in targeting of this protein into nuclear foci together with BRCA1 and other DNA damage response proteins. The close connection resp. identity of the FA genes and known players of the DSB repair pathways (BRCA1, BRCA2, Rad51) firmly establishs an important role of the FA gene family in the maintenance of genome integrity. The chapter 1 provides a general introduction to the thesis describing the current knowledge and unsolved problems of Fanconi anemia. The following chapters represent papers submitted or published in scientific literature. They are succeeded by a short general discussion (chapter 7). Mutation analysis in the Fanconi anemia genes revealed gene specific mutation spectra as well as different distributions throughout the genes. These results are described in chapter 1 and chapter 2 with main attention to the first genes identified, namely FANCC, FANCA and FANCG. In chapter 2 we provide general background on mutation analysis and we report all mutations published for FANCA, FANCC and FANCG as well as our own unpublished mutations until the year 2000. In chapter 3 we report a shift of the mutation spectrum previously reported for FANCC after examining ten FA-patients belonging to complementation group C. Seven of those patients carried at least one previously unknown mutation, whereas the other three patients carried five alleles with the Dutch founder mu- tation 65delG and one allele with the Ashkenazi founder mutation IVS4+4A>T, albeit without any known Ashkenazi ancestry. We also describe the first large deletion in FANCC. The newly detected alterations include two missense mu- tations (L423P and T529P) in the 3´-area of the FANCC gene. Since the only previously described missense mutation L554P is also located in this area, a case can be made for the existence of functional domain(s) in that region of the gene. In chapter 4 we report the spectrum of mutations found in the FANCG gene com- piled by several laboratories working on FA. As with other FA genes, most muta- tions have been found only once, however, the truncating mutation, E105X, was identified as a German founder mutation after haplotype analysis. Direct compar- ison of the murine and the human protein sequences revealed two leucine zipper motifs. In one of these the only identified missense mutation was located at a conserved residue, suggesting the leucine zipper providing an essential protein-protein interaction required for FANCG function. With regard to genotype-phenotype correlations, two patients carrying a homozygous E105X mutation were seen to have an early onset of the hematological disorder, whereas the missense mutation seems to lead to a disease with later onset and milder clinical course. In chapter 5 we explore the phenomenon of revertant mosaicism which emerges quite frequently in peripheral blood cells of patients suffering from FA. We de- scribe the types of reversion found in five mosaic FA-patients belonging to com- plementation groups FA-A and FA-C. For our single FA-C-patient intragenic crossover could be proven as the mechanism of self-correction. In the remaining four patients (all of them being compound heterozygous in FANCA), either the paternal or maternal allele has reverted back to WT sequence. We also describe a first example of in vitro phenotypic reversion via the emergence of a compensat- ing missense mutation 15 amino acids downstream of the constitutional mutation explaining the MMC-resistance of the lymphoblastoid cell line of this patient. In chapter 6 we report two FA-A mosaic patients where it could be shown that the spontaneous reversion had taken place in a single hematopoietic stem cell. This has been done by separating blood cells from both patients and searching for the reverted mutation in their granulocytes, monocytes, T- and B-lymphocytes as well as in skin fibroblasts. In both patients, all hematopoietic lineages, but not the fibroblasts, carried the reversion, and comparison to their increase in erythrocyte and platelet counts over time demonstrated that reversion must have taken place in a single hematopoietic stem cell. This corrected stem cell then has been able to undergo self-renewal and also to create a corrected progeny, which over time repopulated all hematopoietic lineages. The pancytopenia of these patients has been cured due to the strong selective growth advantage of the corrected cells in vivo and the increased apoptosis of the mutant hematopoietic cells.}, subject = {Fanconi-An{\"a}mie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mody2003, author = {Mody, Karsten}, title = {Patterns of arthropod distribution and determinants of arthropod assemblage composition in a natural West African savannah}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-6202}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2003}, abstract = {This study investigated patterns of arthropod community organisation and the processes structuring these communities on a range of different tree species in a natural West African savannah (Como{\´e} National Park, C{\^o}te d'Ivoire). It described and analysed patterns of arthropod distribution on the level of whole communities, on the level of multiple-species interactions, and on the level of individual insect species. Community samples were obtained by applying (i) canopy fogging for mature individuals of three tree species (Anogeissus leiocarpa, Burkea africana, Crossopteryx febrifuga) and (ii) a modified beating technique allowing to sample the complete arthropod communities of the respective study plants for medium-sized (up to 3 m) individuals of two other species (Combretum fragrans, Pseudocedrela kotschyi). General information on ant-plant interactions was retrieved from ant community comparisons of the mature savannah trees. In addition, ant-ant, ant-plant and ant-herbivore interactions were studied in more detail considering the ant assemblages on the myrmecophilic tree Pseudocedrela kotschyi. Herbivore-plant interactions were investigated on a multiple-species level (interrelationships between herbivores and Pseudocedrela trees) and on a species level (detailed studies of interrelationships between herbivorous beetles and caterpillars and the host tree Combretum fragrans). The studies on individual herbivore species were complemented by a study on an abundant ant species, clarifying not only the relationship between host plant and associated animal but allowing also to look at interactive (competitive) aspects of community organisation. The study demonstrated for the first time that (i) the structure of beetle communities on tropical trees can be strongly dependent on the host tree species, (ii) individual trees can host specific arthropod communities whose characteristic structure is stable over years and is strongly determined by the individual tree's attributes, (iii) ants can express a pronounced fidelity to single leaves as foraging area and can thereby determine distribution patterns of other ants, (iv) intraspecifically variable palatability of plants for insect herbivores can be stable over years and can influence the distribution of herbivores that can distinguish between individual hosts according to palatability and (v) intraspecific host plant change can positively affect fitness of herbivores if host plant quality is variable. In general, the present study contributes to our knowledge of anthropogenically unaltered processes affecting community assembly in a natural environment. The fundamental understanding of these processes is crucial for the identification of anthropogenic alterations and the establishment of sustainable management measures. The study points out the important role local factors can play for the distribution of organisms and thereby for community organisation. It emphasises the relevance of small scale heterogeneity of the abiotic and biotic environment to biodiversity and the need to consider these factors for development of effective conservation and restoration strategies.}, subject = {Savanne}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Visan2003, author = {Visan, Ion Lucian}, title = {P0 specific T-cell repertoire in wild-type and P0 deficient mice}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-5734}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Zusammenfassung Das Myelinprotein P0 stellt eine zentrale Komponente f{\"u}r die Stabilit{\"a}t und Funktionalit{\"a}t der Myelinscheiden des peripheren Nervensystems dar. Mutationen des P0-Proteins f{\"u}hren zu verschiedenen, schwer behindernden peripheren Neuropathien wie der Charcot-Marie-Tooth- oder der Dejerine-Sotas-Erkrankung. Wir haben das Tiermodell der P0-Knock-Out-M{\"a}use verwendet, um im Vergleich zu den C57BL/6-Wildtyp-Tieren Selektionsmechanismen des P0-spezifischen T-Zell-Repertoires zu untersuchen. Dazu wurde eine Reihe von {\"u}berlappenden 20-mer-Peptiden benutzt, die die gesamte Aminos{\"a}uresequenz von P0 abdeckten. Mit Hilfe dieser Peptide wurde ein sog. „Epitop-Mapping" der H2-Ab-restringierten T-Zell-Antwort durchgef{\"u}hrt. Auf diese Weise konnte das P0-Peptid 5 (Aminos{\"a}ure 41-60) in der extrazellul{\"a}ren P0-Dom{\"a}ne als immunogene Determinante identifiziert werden. Dieses immunogene Peptid wurde dann f{\"u}r Untersuchungen der Toleranzmechanismen verwendet und zeigte, dass in P0-Knock-Out-M{\"a}usen ein hochreaktives P0-spezifisches T-Zell-Repertoire vorliegt, w{\"a}hrend es in Wildtyp-Tieren inaktiviert ist und so Selbsttoleranz erzeugt wird. Die Toleranzerzeugung in Wildtyp- und heterozygoten P0 +/- M{\"a}usen h{\"a}ngt nicht von der Gen-Dosis ab. P0 ist ein gewebespezifisches Antigen, dessen Expression normalerweise auf myelinisierende Schwann-Zellen beschr{\"a}nkt ist. Die klassischen Vorstellungen zu Toleranzmechanismen gegen{\"u}ber gewebsspezifischen Antigenen schrieben diese vor allem peripheren Immunmechanismen zu. Durch den erstmaligen Nachweis von intrathymischer Expression gewebsspezifischer Antigene wie P0 konnten wir best{\"a}tigen, dass f{\"u}r P0 offensichtlich die Expression deutlich weiter verbreitet ist, insbesondere auch auf Thymus-Stroma-Zellen. Unter Verwendung von Knochenmarkschim{\"a}ren haben wir weitere Untersuchungen durchgef{\"u}hrt, wie Knochenmarks-abstammende Zellen im Vergleich zu nicht-h{\"a}matopoetischen Zellen Toleranz gegen{\"u}ber P0 erzeugen k{\"o}nnen. Unsere Befunde zeigen, dass Knochenmarks-abh{\"a}ngige Zellen nicht ausreichen, um v{\"o}llige Toleranz zu erzeugen. Zus{\"a}tzlich wurde eine P0-Expression auf anderen Geweben wie dem Thymus ben{\"o}tigt, um komplette Toleranz zu erhalten. Wir identifizierten ein kryptisches P0-Peptid 8 und zwei subdominante P0-Peptide 1 und 3. W{\"a}hrend das Peptid 8 sowohl in Wildtyp- als auch Knock-Out-M{\"a}usen erkannt wurde, wurden die Peptide 1 und 3 in Wildtyp-M{\"a}usen nicht als Immunogen erkannt. Die genannten Peptide wurden verwendet, um eine experimentelle autoimmune Neuritis (EAN) zu erzeugen. Mit keinem der experimentellen Ans{\"a}tze konnten wir klinische Zeichen einer EAN generieren, allerdings mit dem Peptid 3 doch Entz{\"u}ndung im peripheren Nerven beobachten. Es werden zuk{\"u}nftig weitere Untersuchungen ben{\"o}tigt, um P0-spezifische T-Zell-Linien zu etablieren und so mit h{\"o}herer Effizienz eine EAN zu erzeugen. Unsere Untersuchungen sprechen daf{\"u}r, dass bei gentherapeutischen Ans{\"a}tzen bei erblichen Neuropathien vorsichtig und schrittweise vorgegangen werden muss, da mit sekund{\"a}rer Autoimmunit{\"a}t und damit Inflammation im peripheren Nerven zu rechnen ist.}, subject = {Myelin}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kraemer2003, author = {Kr{\"a}mer, Franziska}, title = {Molecular and Biochemical Investigations into VMD2, the gene associated with Best Disease}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-5761}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Best disease (OMIM 153700) is an early-onset, autosomal dominant maculopathy characterized by egg yolk-like lesions in the central retina. The disease gene, the vitelliform macular dystrophy gene type 2 (VMD2), encodes a 585-aa VMD2 transmembrane protein, termed bestrophin. The protein is predominantly expressed on the basolateral side of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and is thought to be involved in the transport of chloride ions. Bestrophin as well as three closely related VMD2-like proteins (VMD2L1-L3) contain multiple putative transmembrane (TM) domains and an invariant tripeptide (RFP) motif in the N-terminal half of the protein. This and the tissue-restricted expression to polarized epithelial cells are typical features of the VMD2 RFP-TM family. Best disease is predominantly caused by missense mutations, clustering in four distinct „hotspots" in the evolutionary highly conserved N-terminal region of the protein. To further augment the spectrum of mutations and to gain novel insights into the underlying molecular mechanisms, we screened VMD2 in a large cohort of affected patients. In total, nine novel VMD2 mutations were identified, raising the total number of known Best disease-related mutations from 83 to 92. Eight out of nine novel mutations are hotspot-specific missense mutations, underscoring their functional/structural significance and corroborating the dominant-negative nature of the mutations. Of special interest is a one-basepair deletion (Pro260fsX288) encoding a truncated protein with a deletion of an important functional domain (TM domain four) as well as the entire C-terminal half of bestrophin. For the first time, a nonsense mutation leading to a 50 \% non-functional protein has been identified suggesting that on rare occassions Best disease may be caused by haploinsufficiency. Molecular diagnostics strongly requires a reliable classification of VMD2 sequence changes into pathogenic and non-pathogenic types. Since the molecular pathomechanism is unclear at present, the pathogenicity of novel sequence changes of VMD2 are currently assessed in light of known mutations. We therefore initiated a publicly accessible VMD2 mutation database (http://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/humangenetics/vmd2.html) and are collecting and administrating the growing number of mutations, rare sequence variants and common polymorphisms. Missense mutations may disrupt the function of proteins in numerous ways. To evaluate the functional consequences of VMD2 mutations in respect to intracellular mislocalization and/or protein elimination, a set of molecular tools were generated. These included the establishment of an in vitro COS7 heterologous expression assay, the generation of numerous VMD2 mutations by site-directed mutagenesis as well as the development of bestrophin-specific antibodies. Surprisingly, membrane fractionation/Western blot experiments revealed no significant quantitative differences between intact and mutant bestrophin. Irrelevant of the type or location of mutation, incorporation of mutant bestrophin to the membraneous fraction was observed. Thus, impaired membrane integration may be ruled out as causative pathomechanism of Best disease consistent with a dominant-negative effect of the mutations. In a different approach, efforts were directed towards identifying and characterizing the VMD2 RFP-TM protein family in mouse. While clarification of the genomic organization of murine Vmd2 was required as basis to generate Vmd2-targeted animals (see below), the study of closely related proteins (Vmd2L1, Vmd2L2 and Vmd2L3) may provide further clues as to the function of bestrophin. For this, biocomputational as well as RT PCR analyses were performed. Moreover, the novel genes were analyzed by real time quantitative RT PCR, displaying predominant expression in testis, colon and skeletal muscle of Vmd2, Vmd2L1 and Vmd2L3 transcripts, respectively as well as in eye tissue. Interestingly, neither an ORF was determined for murine Vmd2L2 nor was the transcript present in a panel of 12 mouse tissues, suggesting that murine Vmd2L2 may represent a functionally inactive pseudogene. The murine Vmd2L3 gene, as its human counterpart, is a highly differentially spliced transcript. Finally, generating mouse models of Best disease will provide essential tools to investigate the pathophysiology of bestrophin in vivo. We have initiated the generation of two different mouse lineages, one deficient of Vmd2 (knock-out) and the other carrying a human disease-related mutation (Tyr227Asn) in the orthologous murine gene (knock-in). Genetic engineering of both constructs has been achieved and presently, four ES clones harboring the homologous recombination event (Vmd2+/-) have been isolated and are ready for the subsequent steps to generate chimeric animals. The resulting mouse lineages will represent two key models to elucidate the functional role of bestrophin in Best disease, in RPE development and physiology.}, subject = {Best-Krankheit}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Herold2003, author = {Herold, Andrea}, title = {The role of human and Drosophila NXF proteins in nuclear mRNA export}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-5601}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2003}, abstract = {A distinguishing feature of eukaryotic cells is the spatial separation of the site of mRNA synthesis (nucleus) from the site of mRNA function (cytoplasm) by the nuclear envelope. As a consequence, mRNAs need to be actively exported from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. At the time when this study was initiated, both human TAP and yeast Mex67p had been proposed to play a role in this process. Work presented in this thesis (section 2.1) revealed that TAP and Mex67p belong to an evolutionarily conserved family of proteins which are characterized by a conserved modular domain organization. This family was termed nuclear export factor (NXF) family. While the yeast genome encodes only one NXF protein (Mex67p), the genomes of higher eukaryotes encode several NXF proteins. There are two nxf genes in C. elegans and A. gambiae, four in D. melanogaster, and at least four in H. sapiens and M. musculus. It was unclear whether, apart from TAP and Mex67p, other members of this family would also be involved in mRNA export. In the first part of this thesis (2.1), several human NXF members were tested for a possible function in nuclear mRNA export. They were analyzed for their interaction with RNA, nucleoporins and other known TAP partners in vitro, and tested for their ability to promote nuclear export of a reporter mRNA in vivo. Using these assays, human NXF2, NXF3 and NXF5 were all shown to interact with the known NXF partner p15. NXF2 and NXF5 were also found to bind directly to RNA, but only NXF2 was able to bind directly to nucleoporins and to promote the nuclear export of an (untethered) reporter mRNA. Thus NXF2 possesses many and NXF3 and NXF5 possess some of the features required to serve as an export receptor for cellular mRNAs. As NXF2 and NXF3 transcripts were mainly found in testis, and the closest orthologue of NXF5 in mouse has the highest levels of expression in brain, these NXF members could potentially serve as tissue-specific mRNA export receptors. In the second part of this work (2.2), the role of different Drosophila NXF proteins and other export factors in mRNA export was investigated using double-stranded RNA interference (RNAi) in Drosophila Schneider cells. Three of the four predicted Drosophila NXF members (NXF1-3) were found to be expressed in this cell line and could be targeted by RNAi. Depletion of endogenous NXF1 inhibited growth and resulted in the nuclear accumulation of polyadenylated RNA. Fluorescence in situ hybridization revealed that export of both heat shock and non-heat shock mRNAs, including intron-containing and intronless mRNAs, was inhibited. Depleting endogenous NXF2 or NXF3 had no apparent phenotype. These results suggested that NXF1 (but not NXF2-NXF4) mediates the export of bulk mRNA in Drosophila cells. We and others have shown that human NXF proteins function as heterodimers bound to the small protein p15. Accordingly, silencing of Drosophila p15 resulted in a block of mRNA export which was indistinguishable from the export inhibition seen after targeting NXF1. These observations indicated that neither NXF1 nor p15 can promote export in the absence of the other subunit of the heterodimer. NXF1:p15 heterodimers are implicated in late steps of mRNA export, i.e. in the translocation of mRNP export cargoes across the nuclear pore complex. The mechanism by which NXF1:p15 dimers are recruited to the mRNA is unclear. A protein that is thought to play a role in this process is the putative RNA helicase UAP56. Similar to NXF1 and p15, UAP56 was shown to be essential for mRNA export in Drosophila. UAP56 is recruited cotranscriptionally to nascent transcripts and was suggested to facilitate the interaction of NXF1:p15 with mRNPs. Even though both NXF1:p15 heterodimers and UAP56 had been implicated in general mRNA export, it was unclear whether there are classes of mRNAs that require NXF1:p15, but not UAP56 or vice versa. It was also unclear what fraction of cellular mRNAs is exported by NXF1:p15 dimers and UAP56, and whether mRNAs exist that reach the cytoplasm through alternative routes, i.e. by recruiting other export receptors. To address these issues we performed a genome-wide analysis of nuclear mRNA export pathways using microarray technology (2.2.2). We analyzed the relative abundance of nearly half of the Drosophila transcriptome in the cytoplasm of Drosophila Schneider cells depleted of different export factors by RNAi. We showed that the vast majority of transcripts were underrepresented in the cytoplasm of cells depleted of NXF1, p15 or UAP56 as compared to control cells. Only a small number of mRNAs were apparently not affected by the depletions. These observations, together with the wide and similar effects on mRNA levels caused by the depletion of NXF1, p15 or UAP56, indicate that these proteins define the major mRNA export pathway in these cells. We also identified a small subset of mRNAs which appeared to be exported by NXF1:p15 dimers independently of UAP56. In contrast, no significant changes in mRNA expression profiles were observed in cells depleted of NXF2 or NXF3, suggesting that neither NXF2 nor NXF3 play an essential role in mRNA export in Drosophila Schneider cells. Crm1 is a transport receptor implicated in the export of a variety of non-mRNA and protein cargoes. In addition, human Crm1 has been suggested to be involved in the export of a specific mRNA species, serving as a "specialized" mRNA export receptor. A role of human Crm1 in the export of bulk mRNA is considered unlikely. We analyzed the role of Drosophila Crm1 in mRNA export by inhibiting Crm1 with the drug leptomycin B in Schneider cells. Subsequent microarray analysis demonstrated that the inactivation of Crm1 resulted in decreased cytoplasmic levels of less than 1\% of all mRNAs, indicating that Crm1 is indeed not a major mRNA export receptor. The genome-wide analysis also revealed a feedback loop by which a block to mRNA export triggers the upregulation of genes involved in this process. This thesis also includes two sections describing projects in which I participated during my Ph.D., but which were not the main focus of this thesis. In section 2.3, the role of the different TAP/NXF1 domains in nuclear mRNA export is discussed. Section 2.4 describes results that were obtained as part of a collaboration using the RNAi technique in Schneider cells to study the function of Cdc37.}, subject = {Zellkern}, language = {en} }