@article{VogelGossnerMergneretal.2020, author = {Vogel, Sebastian and Gossner, Martin M. and Mergner, Ulrich and M{\"u}ller, J{\"o}rg and Thorn, Simon}, title = {Optimizing enrichment of deadwood for biodiversity by varying sun exposure and tree species: An experimental approach}, series = {Journal of Applied Ecology}, volume = {57}, journal = {Journal of Applied Ecology}, number = {10}, doi = {10.1111/1365-2664.13648}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-214614}, pages = {2075 -- 2085}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The enrichment of deadwood is essential for the conservation of saproxylic biodiversity in managed forests. However, existing strategies focus on a cost-intensive increase of deadwood amount, while largely neglecting increasing deadwood diversity. Deadwood objects, that is logs and branches, from six tree species were experimentally sun exposed, canopy shaded and artificially shaded for 4 years, after which the alpha-, beta- and gamma-diversity of saproxylic beetles, wood-inhabiting fungi and spiders were analysed. Analyses of beta-diversity included the spatial distance between exposed deadwood objects. A random-drawing procedure was used to identify the combination of tree species and sun exposure that yielded the highest gamma-diversity at a minimum of exposed deadwood amount. In sun-exposed plots, species numbers in logs were higher than in shaded plots for all taxa, while in branches we observed the opposite for saproxylic beetles. Tree species affected the species numbers only of saproxylic beetles and wood-inhabiting fungi. The beta-diversity of saproxylic beetles and wood-inhabiting fungi among logs was influenced by sun exposure and tree species, but beta-diversity of spiders by sun exposure only. For all saproxylic taxa recorded in logs, differences between communities increased with increasing spatial distance. A combination of canopy-shaded Carpinus logs and sun-exposed Populus logs resulted in the highest species numbers of all investigated saproxylic taxa among all possible combinations of tree species and sun-exposure treatments. Synthesis and applications. We recommend incorporating the enrichment of different tree species and particularly the variation in sun exposure into existing strategies of deadwood enrichment. Based on the results of our study, we suggest to combine the logs of softwood broadleaf tree species (e.g. Carpinus, Populus), hardwood broadleaf tree species (e.g. Quercus) and coniferous tree species (e.g. Pinus) under different conditions of sun exposure and distribute them spatially in a landscape to maximize the beneficial effects on overall diversity.}, language = {en} } @article{VogelBusslerFinnbergetal.2021, author = {Vogel, Sebastian and Bussler, Heinz and Finnberg, Sven and M{\"u}ller, J{\"o}rg and Stengel, Elisa and Thorn, Simon}, title = {Diversity and conservation of saproxylic beetles in 42 European tree species: an experimental approach using early successional stages of branches}, series = {Insect Conservation and Diversity}, volume = {14}, journal = {Insect Conservation and Diversity}, number = {1}, doi = {10.1111/icad.12442}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-218401}, pages = {132 -- 143}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Tree species diversity is important to maintain saproxylic beetle diversity in managed forests. Yet, knowledge about the conservational importance of single tree species and implications for forest management and conservation practices are lacking. We exposed freshly cut branch-bundles of 42 tree species, representing tree species native and non-native to Europe, under sun-exposed and shaded conditions for 1 year. Afterwards, communities of saproxylic beetles were reared ex situ for 2 years. We tested for the impact of tree species and sun exposure on alpha-, beta-, and gamma-diversity as well as composition of saproxylic beetle communities. Furthermore, the number of colonised tree species by each saproxylic beetle species was determined. Tree species had a lower impact on saproxylic beetle communities compared to sun exposure. The diversity of saproxylic beetles varied strongly among tree species, with highest alpha- and gamma-diversity found in Quercus petraea. Red-listed saproxylic beetle species occurred ubiquitously among tree species. We found distinct differences in the community composition of broadleaved and coniferous tree species, native and non-native tree species as well as sun-exposed and shaded deadwood. Our study enhances the understanding of the importance of previously understudied and non-native tree species for the diversity of saproxylic beetles. To improve conservation practices for saproxylic beetles and especially red-listed species, we suggest a stronger incorporation of tree species diversity and sun exposure of into forest management strategies, including the enrichment of deadwood from native and with a specific focus on locally rare or silviculturally less important tree species.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Vogel2022, author = {Vogel, Sebastian}, title = {Determinants of saproxylic biodiversity and conclusions for conservation}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-28926}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-289266}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Over the past centuries, anthropogenic utilization has fundamentally changed the appearance of European forest ecosystems. Constantly growing and changing demands have led to an enormous decline in ecological key elements and a structural homogenization of most forests. These changes have been accompanied by widespread declines of many forest-dwelling and especially saproxylic, i.e. species depending on deadwood. In order to counteract this development, various conservation strategies have been developed, but they primarily focus on a quantitative deadwood enrichment. However, the diversity of saproxylic species is furthermore driven by a variety of abiotic and biotic determinants as well as interactions between organisms. A detailed understanding of these processes has so far been largely lacking. The aim of the present thesis was therefore to improve the existing ecological knowledge of determinants influencing saproxylic species and species communities in order to provide the basis for evidence-based and adapted conservation measures. In chapter II of this thesis, I first investigated the impact of sun exposure, tree species, and their combination on saproxylic beetles, wood-inhabiting fungi, and spiders. Therefore, logs and branches of six tree species were set up under different sun exposures in an experimental approach. The impact of sun exposure and tree species strongly differed among single saproxylic taxa as well as diameters of deadwood. All investigated taxa were affected by sun exposure, whereby sun exposure resulted in a higher alpha-diversity of taxa recorded in logs and a lower alpha-diversity of saproxylic beetles reared from branches compared to shading by canopy. Saproxylic beetles and wood-inhabiting fungi as obligate saproxylic species were additionally affected by tree species. In logs, the respective impact of both determinants also resulted in divergent community compositions. Finally, a rarefaction/extrapolation method was used to evaluate the effectiveness of different combinations of tree species and sun exposure for the conservation of saproxylic species diversity. Based on this procedure, a combination of broadleaved and coniferous as well as hard- and softwood tree species was identified to support preferably high levels of saproxylic species diversity. The aim of chapter III was to evaluate the individual conservational importance of tree species for the protection of saproxylic beetles. For this, the list of tree species sampled for saproxylic beetles was increased to 42 different tree species. The considered tree species represented large parts of taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity native to Central Europe as well as the most important non-native tree species of silvicultural interest. Freshly cut branches were set up for one year and saproxylic beetles were reared afterwards for two subsequent years. The study revealed that some tree species, in particular Quercus sp., host a particular high diversity of saproxylic beetles, but tree species with a comparatively medium or low overall diversity were likewise important for red-listed saproxylic beetle species. Compared to native tree species, non-native tree species hosted a similar overall species diversity of saproxylic beetles but differed in community composition. In chapter IV, I finally analysed the interactions of host beetle diversity and the diversity of associated parasitoids by using experimentally manipulated communities of saproxylic beetles and parasitoid Hymenoptera as a model system. Classical approaches of species identification for saproxylic beetles were combined with DNA-barcoding for parasitoid Hymenoptera. The diversity of the host communities was inferred from their phylogenetic composition as well as differences in seven functional traits. Abundance, species richness, and Shannon-diversity of parasitoid Hymenoptera increased with increasing host abundance. However, the phylogenetic and functional dissimilarity of host communities showed no influence on the species communities of parasitoid Hymenoptera. The results clearly indicate an abundance-driven system in which the general availability, not necessarily the diversity of potential hosts, is decisive. In summary, the present thesis corroborates the general importance of deadwood heterogeneity for the diversity of saproxylic species by combining different experimental approaches. In order to increase their efficiency, conservation strategies for saproxylic species should generally promote deadwood from different tree species under different conditions of sun exposure on landscape-level in addition to the present enrichment of a certain deadwood amount. The most effective combinations of tree species should consider broadleaved and coniferous as well as hard- and softwood tree species. Furthermore, in addition to dominant tree species, special attention should be given to native, subdominant, silviculturally unimportant, and rare tree species.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Vogel2002, author = {Vogel, Friederike}, title = {Klonierung, Expression und Charakterisierung von Mutanten des Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-6782}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Das Zytokin Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 (BMP-2) geh{\"o}rt als Mitglied der Transforming Growth Factor ß-Superfamilie zu einer großen Gruppe eng verwandter Wachstums- und Differenzierungsfaktoren. Es spielt eine entscheidende Rolle bei Bildung und Regeneration von Knorpel und Knochen und w{\"a}hrend verschiedener Prozesse der embryonalen Entwicklung. Durch Sezernierung des Proteins und anschließende Diffusion in der extrazellul{\"a}ren Matrix (EZM) ausgehend vom Ort der Sekretion unterliegt sein Wirkungsgrad einem abnehmenden Konzentrationsgradienten. BMP-2 bindet neben der hochaffinen Bindung an seinen spezifischen Rezeptor unter anderem auch an die extrazellul{\"a}re Matrix. So konnte in Vorarbeiten bereits durch Deletion der basischen Heparinbindungsstelle des BMP-2, die sich im N-terminalen Bereich befindet, eine Wirkungsverst{\"a}rkung des Proteins in einem in vitro- Experiment, dem H{\"u}hnergliedmaßentest, erreicht werden, da die konkurrierende Bindung an Heparinbindungsstellen der EZM wegf{\"a}llt. Im Tiermodell konnte jedoch ein genau umgekehrter Effekt dieser Mutante im Vergleich mit dem Wildtyp gezeigt werden, da in vivo die Diffusion des Molek{\"u}ls durch Bindung an die EZM begrenzt und es so lokal an seinem Wirkungsort konzentriert wird. Von diesen Vorbefunden ausgehend war das Ziel der Arbeit die Klonierung und Expression von Mutanten des BMP-2, bei denen durch schrittweise Modifizierung der Heparinbindungsstelle die Bindung des Proteins an Heparin und deren Einfluß auf die Rezeptorbindung charakterisiert werden sollte. Dazu wurden zwei Mutanten des BMP-2 mit Verdopplung eines bzw. beider basischer Aminos{\"a}uretripletts kloniert, da diesem basischen Bereich im N-Terminus die eigentliche Bindung an Heparin zugeschrieben wird. Nach Expression, Renaturierung und s{\"a}ulenchromatographischer Aufreinigung der Proteine konnte in dieser Arbeit in drei verschiedenen funktionellen in vitro-Tests eine abnehmende Wirkung der Mutanten gezeigt werden. Neben dem biophysikalischen Nachweis der apparenten Affinit{\"a}ten der Mutanten zu Rezeptor und Matrix in Biacore-Messungen konnte die {\"A}nderung des Wirkungsgrades auch in einem Zellkulturassay mit einer Maus-Fibroblasten-Zellinie durch Messung der Alkalischen Phosphatase und im H{\"u}hnergliedmaßentest gezeigt werden. In in vivo Experimenten bleibt eine entsprechende zu erwartende Wirkungsverst{\"a}rkung dieser beiden Mutanten nachzuweisen, die im Hinblick auf einen therapeutischen Einsatz bei gew{\"u}nschtem Ersatz zerst{\"o}rten Knochens relevant werden k{\"o}nnte.}, subject = {Transforming Growth Factor beta}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Vogel2022, author = {Vogel, Cassandra Ezra}, title = {The effects of land-use and agroecological practices on biodiversity and ecosystem services in tropical smallholder farms}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-29066}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-290661}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Biodiversity is in rapid decline worldwide. These declines are more pronounced in areas that are currently biodiversity rich, but economically poor - essentially describing many tropical regions in the Global South where landscapes are dominated by smallholder agriculture. Agriculture is an important driver of biodiversity decline, through habitat destruction and unsustainable practices. Ironically, agriculture itself is dependent on a range of ecosystem services, such as pollination and pest control, provided by biodiversity. Biodiversity on fields and the delivery of ecosystem services to crops is often closely tied to the composition of the surrounding landscape - complex landscapes with a higher proportion of (semi-)natural habitats tend to support a high abundances and biodiversity of pollinators and natural enemies that are beneficial to crop production. However, past landscape scale studies have focused primarily on industrialized agricultural landscapes in the Global North, and context dependent differences between regions and agricultural systems are understudied. Smallholder agriculture supports 2 billion people worldwide and contributes to over half the world's food supply. Yet smallholders, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, are underrepresented in research investigating the consequences of landscape change and agricultural practices. Where research in smallholder agriculture is conducted, the focus is often on commodity crops, such as cacao, and less on crops that are directly consumed by smallholder households, though the loss of services to these crops could potentially impact the most vulnerable farmers the hardest. Agroecology - a holistic and nature-based approach to agriculture, provides an alternative to unsustainable input-intensive agriculture. Agroecology has been found to benefit smallholders through improved agronomical and food-security outcomes. Co-benefits of agroecological practices with biodiversity and ecosystem services are assumed, but not often empirically tested. In addition, the local and landscape effects on biodiversity and ecosystem services are more commonly studied in isolation, but their potentially interactive effects are so far little explored. Our study region in northern Malawi exemplifies many challenges experienced by smallholder farmers throughout sub-Saharan Africa and more generally in the Global South. Malawi is located in a global biodiversity hotspot, but biodiversity is threatened by rapid habitat loss and a push for input-intensive agriculture by government and other stakeholders. In contrast, agroecology has been effectively promoted and implemented in the study region. We investigated how land-use differences and the agroecological practices affects biodiversity and ecosystem services of multiple taxa in a maize-bean intercropping system (Chapter 2), and pollination of pumpkin (Chapter 3) and pigeon pea (Chapter 4). Additionally, the effects of local and landscape scale shrub- to farmland habitat conversion was investigated on butterfly communities, as well as the potential for agroecology to mitigate these effects (Chapter 5).}, language = {en} } @article{VogelChungaSunetal.2021, author = {Vogel, Cassandra and Chunga, Timothy L. and Sun, Xiaoxuan and Poveda, Katja and Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf}, title = {Higher bee abundance, but not pest abundance, in landscapes with more agriculture on a late-flowering legume crop in tropical smallholder farms}, series = {PeerJ}, volume = {9}, journal = {PeerJ}, doi = {10.7717/peerj.10732}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-231491}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Background Landscape composition is known to affect both beneficial insect and pest communities on crop fields. Landscape composition therefore can impact ecosystem (dis)services provided by insects to crops. Though landscape effects on ecosystem service providers have been studied in large-scale agriculture in temperate regions, there is a lack of representation of tropical smallholder agriculture within this field of study, especially in sub-Sahara Africa. Legume crops can provide important food security and soil improvement benefits to vulnerable agriculturalists. However, legumes are dependent on pollinating insects, particularly bees (Hymenoptera: Apiformes) for production and are vulnerable to pests. We selected 10 pigeon pea (Fabaceae: Cajunus cajan (L.)) fields in Malawi with varying proportions of semi-natural habitat and agricultural area within a 1 km radius to study: (1) how the proportion of semi-natural habitat and agricultural area affects the abundance and richness of bees and abundance of florivorous blister beetles (Coleoptera: Melloidae), (2) if the proportion of flowers damaged and fruit set difference between open and bagged flowers are correlated with the proportion of semi-natural habitat or agricultural area and (3) if pigeon pea fruit set difference between open and bagged flowers in these landscapes was constrained by pest damage or improved by bee visitation. Methods We performed three, ten-minute, 15 m, transects per field to assess blister beetle abundance and bee abundance and richness. Bees were captured and identified to (morpho)species. We assessed the proportion of flowers damaged by beetles during the flowering period. We performed a pollinator and pest exclusion experiment on 15 plants per field to assess whether fruit set was pollinator limited or constrained by pests. Results In our study, bee abundance was higher in areas with proportionally more agricultural area surrounding the fields. This effect was mostly driven by an increase in honeybees. Bee richness and beetle abundances were not affected by landscape characteristics, nor was flower damage or fruit set difference between bagged and open flowers. We did not observe a positive effect of bee density or richness, nor a negative effect of florivory, on fruit set difference. Discussion In our study area, pigeon pea flowers relatively late—well into the dry season. This could explain why we observe higher densities of bees in areas dominated by agriculture rather than in areas with more semi-natural habitat where resources for bees during this time of the year are scarce. Therefore, late flowering legumes may be an important food resource for bees during a period of scarcity in the seasonal tropics. The differences in patterns between our study and those conducted in temperate regions highlight the need for landscape-scale studies in areas outside the temperate region.}, language = {en} } @article{VogelLoeschbergerSaueretal.2011, author = {Vogel, Benjamin and L{\"o}schberger, Anna and Sauer, Markus and Hock, Robert}, title = {Cross-linking of DNA through HMGA1 suggests a DNA scaffold}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-68865}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Binding of proteins to DNA is usually considered 1D with one protein bound to one DNA molecule. In principle, proteins with multiple DNA binding domains could also bind to and thereby cross-link different DNA molecules. We have investigated this possibility using high-mobility group A1 (HMGA1) proteins, which are architectural elements of chromatin and are involved in the regulation of multiple DNA-dependent processes. Using direct stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (dSTORM), we could show that overexpression of HMGA1a-eGFP in Cos-7 cells leads to chromatin aggregation. To investigate if HMGA1a is directly responsible for this chromatin compaction we developed a DNA cross-linking assay. We were able to show for the first time that HMGA1a can cross-link DNA directly. Detailed analysis using point mutated proteins revealed a novel DNA cross-linking domain. Electron microscopy indicates that HMGA1 proteins are able to create DNA loops and supercoils in linearized DNA confirming the cross-linking ability of HMGA1a. This capacity has profound implications for the spatial organization of DNA in the cell nucleus and suggests cross-linking activities for additional nuclear proteins.}, subject = {DNA}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Vogel2011, author = {Vogel, Benjamin}, title = {Organisation von Chromatin durch HMGA1 Proteine}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-65295}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {HMGA1 Proteine sind kleine, basische, Nicht-Histon Proteine, die in L{\"o}sung keine Struktur aufweisen, durch drei AT-Haken, als DNA-Bindungsmotive, gekennzeichnet sind und pr{\"a}ferentiell an die kleine Furche der DNA binden. Als differenziell exprimierte Architekturelemente des Chromatins erf{\"u}llen sie wichtige Funktionen bei der Regulation DNA abh{\"a}ngiger Prozesse in Zellen und w{\"a}hrend Entwicklungsprozessen. Aberrante Expressionen f{\"u}hren zu Entwicklungsdefekten und Krebs. In dieser Arbeit wurde der Einfluss von HMGA1 Proteinen auf die Organisation des Chromatins untersucht. Als Modell diente dabei zun{\"a}chst die Differenzierung von C2C12 Muskelvorl{\"a}uferzellen. Wie in einer fr{\"u}heren Arbeit gezeigt wurde, ist die Herunterregulation von HMGA1a essentiell f{\"u}r den Eintritt von C2C12 Zellen in die Myogenese. Eine konstante {\"U}berexpression von HMGA1a-eGFP hingegen verhindert die Muskeldifferenzierung durch Beeinflussung der Expression myogenesespezifischer Gene und Etablierung einer stabilen Chromatinstruktur. Wie in der vorliegenden Arbeit herausgefunden wurde, nimmt die differenzielle HMGA1a Expression nicht nur Einfluss auf die Expression muskelspezifischer Gene, sondern auch auf die globale Zusammensetzung des Chromatins durch eine reduzierte Expression von H1 Histonen und einer aberranten Expression von HMGB1, HMGN1 und HP1 Proteinen. HMGA1a wurde zusammen mit ORC Proteinen eine Funktion bei der Definition von Replikationsurspr{\"u}ngen in eukaryotischen Zellen zugesprochen. ORC Proteine wurden auch als Komponenten des Heterochromatins und als Interaktionspartner von HP1α identifiziert. Hier konnte mit Hilfe von Co-Immunpr{\"a}zipitationen, Pull-down Assays und Verdr{\"a}ngungsexperimenten gezeigt werden, dass HMGA1 ein weiterer, direkter Interaktionspartner von ORC Proteinen im Heterochromatin ist und zusammen mit HP1α kooperiert. Pull-down-, Verdr{\"a}ngungs- und siRNA-Experimente zeigten zudem, dass HMGA1 zwar nicht direkt mit HP1α interagiert, die Kooperation der Proteine {\"u}ber ORC aber dennoch wichtig f{\"u}r die Aufrechterhaltung der Heterochromatinsstruktur ist. Damit erweisen sich HMGA1 Proteine als wichtige Stabilisierungsfaktoren des Heterochromatins. Bislang ging man davon aus, dass HMGA1 Molek{\"u}le linear, also eindimensional, an ein DNA Molek{\"u}l binden. Das Vorhandensein von drei DNA-Bindungsmotiven und die eher struktur- als sequenzabh{\"a}ngige Bindung an die DNA lassen vermuten, dass HMGA1 Proteine auch gleichzeitig an benachbarte DNA-Str{\"a}nge, also auch dreidimensional, binden k{\"o}nnten. Bekr{\"a}ftigt wurde diese Vermutung durch die Bildung von Chromatinaggregaten in Zellen die HMGA1a-eGFP {\"u}berexprimierten. Dies wurde mittels konfokaler und hochaufl{\"o}sender Mikroskopie (dSTORM) analysiert. Um das Potential einer DNA-Quervernetzung durch HMGA1 Proteine nachzuweisen, wurde eine neue Methode entwickelt. Mit Hilfe eines neuartigen DNA Cross-linking Assays wurde nachgewiesen, dass HMGA1 Proteine in der Lage sind, zwei individuelle DNA Str{\"a}nge zu vernetzen. Zudem wurde eine neue Dom{\"a}ne in HMGA1 entdeckt die maßgeblich zum Cross-linking beitr{\"a}gt. Elektronenmikroskopische Analysen best{\"a}tigten, dass HMGA1 Proteine in der Lage sind Kreuzungen und Schleifen in DNA Molek{\"u}len zu erzeugen. Diese Ergebnisse unterst{\"u}tzen die Vermutung, dass HMGA1 Proteine im Zellkern ein DNA Ger{\"u}st bilden k{\"o}nnen, das Einfluss auf die zelltypische Chromatinorganisation nimmt und dadurch DNA abh{\"a}ngige Prozesse beeinflusst. In wie weit eine HMGA1 induzierte DNA Quervernetzung in vivo zum Beispiel in Chromozentren von C2C12 Zellen oder in Krebszellen, in denen HMGA1 Proteine stark {\"u}berexprimiert sind, eine Rolle spielen, m{\"u}ssen k{\"u}nftige Untersuchungen zeigen. In dieser Arbeit konnte also gezeigt werden, dass HMGA1 Proteine die Chromatinstruktur auf drei Ebenen organisieren k{\"o}nnen: Durch Beeinflussung der Chromatinzusammensetzung durch Ver{\"a}nderung der Expression von Chromatinproteinen, durch Interaktion mit anderen Architekturelementen des Chromatins und durch Organisation eines potentiellen DNA Ger{\"u}sts.}, subject = {Chromatin}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Visan2003, author = {Visan, Ion Lucian}, title = {P0 specific T-cell repertoire in wild-type and P0 deficient mice}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-5734}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Zusammenfassung Das Myelinprotein P0 stellt eine zentrale Komponente f{\"u}r die Stabilit{\"a}t und Funktionalit{\"a}t der Myelinscheiden des peripheren Nervensystems dar. Mutationen des P0-Proteins f{\"u}hren zu verschiedenen, schwer behindernden peripheren Neuropathien wie der Charcot-Marie-Tooth- oder der Dejerine-Sotas-Erkrankung. Wir haben das Tiermodell der P0-Knock-Out-M{\"a}use verwendet, um im Vergleich zu den C57BL/6-Wildtyp-Tieren Selektionsmechanismen des P0-spezifischen T-Zell-Repertoires zu untersuchen. Dazu wurde eine Reihe von {\"u}berlappenden 20-mer-Peptiden benutzt, die die gesamte Aminos{\"a}uresequenz von P0 abdeckten. Mit Hilfe dieser Peptide wurde ein sog. „Epitop-Mapping" der H2-Ab-restringierten T-Zell-Antwort durchgef{\"u}hrt. Auf diese Weise konnte das P0-Peptid 5 (Aminos{\"a}ure 41-60) in der extrazellul{\"a}ren P0-Dom{\"a}ne als immunogene Determinante identifiziert werden. Dieses immunogene Peptid wurde dann f{\"u}r Untersuchungen der Toleranzmechanismen verwendet und zeigte, dass in P0-Knock-Out-M{\"a}usen ein hochreaktives P0-spezifisches T-Zell-Repertoire vorliegt, w{\"a}hrend es in Wildtyp-Tieren inaktiviert ist und so Selbsttoleranz erzeugt wird. Die Toleranzerzeugung in Wildtyp- und heterozygoten P0 +/- M{\"a}usen h{\"a}ngt nicht von der Gen-Dosis ab. P0 ist ein gewebespezifisches Antigen, dessen Expression normalerweise auf myelinisierende Schwann-Zellen beschr{\"a}nkt ist. Die klassischen Vorstellungen zu Toleranzmechanismen gegen{\"u}ber gewebsspezifischen Antigenen schrieben diese vor allem peripheren Immunmechanismen zu. Durch den erstmaligen Nachweis von intrathymischer Expression gewebsspezifischer Antigene wie P0 konnten wir best{\"a}tigen, dass f{\"u}r P0 offensichtlich die Expression deutlich weiter verbreitet ist, insbesondere auch auf Thymus-Stroma-Zellen. Unter Verwendung von Knochenmarkschim{\"a}ren haben wir weitere Untersuchungen durchgef{\"u}hrt, wie Knochenmarks-abstammende Zellen im Vergleich zu nicht-h{\"a}matopoetischen Zellen Toleranz gegen{\"u}ber P0 erzeugen k{\"o}nnen. Unsere Befunde zeigen, dass Knochenmarks-abh{\"a}ngige Zellen nicht ausreichen, um v{\"o}llige Toleranz zu erzeugen. Zus{\"a}tzlich wurde eine P0-Expression auf anderen Geweben wie dem Thymus ben{\"o}tigt, um komplette Toleranz zu erhalten. Wir identifizierten ein kryptisches P0-Peptid 8 und zwei subdominante P0-Peptide 1 und 3. W{\"a}hrend das Peptid 8 sowohl in Wildtyp- als auch Knock-Out-M{\"a}usen erkannt wurde, wurden die Peptide 1 und 3 in Wildtyp-M{\"a}usen nicht als Immunogen erkannt. Die genannten Peptide wurden verwendet, um eine experimentelle autoimmune Neuritis (EAN) zu erzeugen. Mit keinem der experimentellen Ans{\"a}tze konnten wir klinische Zeichen einer EAN generieren, allerdings mit dem Peptid 3 doch Entz{\"u}ndung im peripheren Nerven beobachten. Es werden zuk{\"u}nftig weitere Untersuchungen ben{\"o}tigt, um P0-spezifische T-Zell-Linien zu etablieren und so mit h{\"o}herer Effizienz eine EAN zu erzeugen. Unsere Untersuchungen sprechen daf{\"u}r, dass bei gentherapeutischen Ans{\"a}tzen bei erblichen Neuropathien vorsichtig und schrittweise vorgegangen werden muss, da mit sekund{\"a}rer Autoimmunit{\"a}t und damit Inflammation im peripheren Nerven zu rechnen ist.}, subject = {Myelin}, language = {en} } @article{VillalobosWieseImhoffetal.2019, author = {Villalobos, Alvaro S. and Wiese, Jutta and Imhoff, Johannes F. and Dorador, Cristina and Keller, Alexander and Hentschel, Ute}, title = {Systematic affiliation and genome analysis of Subtercola vilae DB165T with particular emphasis on cold adaptation of an isolate from a high-altitude cold volcano lake}, series = {Microorganisms}, volume = {7}, journal = {Microorganisms}, number = {4}, issn = {2076-2607}, doi = {10.3390/microorganisms7040107}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-197394}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Among the Microbacteriaceae the species of Subtercola and Agreia form closely associated clusters. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated three major phylogenetic branches of these species. One of these branches contains the two psychrophilic species Subtercola frigoramans and Subtercola vilae, together with a larger number of isolates from various cold environments. Genomic evidence supports the separation of Agreia and Subtercola species. In order to gain insight into the ability of S. vilae to adapt to life in this extreme environment, we analyzed the genome with a particular focus on properties related to possible adaptation to a cold environment. General properties of the genome are presented, including carbon and energy metabolism, as well as secondary metabolite production. The repertoire of genes in the genome of S. vilae DB165\(^T\) linked to adaptations to the harsh conditions found in Llullaillaco Volcano Lake includes several mechanisms to transcribe proteins under low temperatures, such as a high number of tRNAs and cold shock proteins. In addition, S. vilae DB165\(^T\) is capable of producing a number of proteins to cope with oxidative stress, which is of particular relevance at low temperature environments, in which reactive oxygen species are more abundant. Most important, it obtains capacities to produce cryo-protectants, and to combat against ice crystal formation, it produces ice-binding proteins. Two new ice-binding proteins were identified which are unique to S. vilae DB165\(^T\). These results indicate that S. vilae has the capacity to employ different mechanisms to live under the extreme and cold conditions prevalent in Llullaillaco Volcano Lake.}, language = {en} }