@phdthesis{Panzer2022, author = {Panzer, Sabine}, title = {Spotlight on Fungal Rhodopsins: A Microscopic and Electrophysiological Study}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-27185}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-271859}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Microbial rhodopsins are abundant membrane proteins often capable of ion transport and are found in all three domains of life. Thus, many fungi, especially phyto-associated or phyto-pathogenic ones, contain these green-light-sensing photoreceptors. Proteins that perceive other wavelengths are often well characterized in terms of their impact on fungal biology whereas little is known about the function of fungal rhodopsins. In this work, five fungal rhodopsins, UmOps1 and UmOps2 from the corn smut Ustilago maydis as well as ApOps1, ApOps2 and ApOps3 from the black yeast Aureobasidium pullulans, were characterized electrophysiologically using mammalian expression systems and the patch-clamp technique to explore their ion transport properties. The latter three were modified using a membrane trafficking cassette, termed "2.0" that consists of the lucy rho motif, two Kir2.1 Golgi apparatus trafficking signals and a Kir2.1 endoplasmic reticulum export signal, what resulted in better plasma membrane localization. Rhodopsin mutants were created to identify amino acid residues that are key players in the ion transport process. Current enhancement in the presence of weak organic acids, that was already described before for the fungal rhodopsin CarO from Fusarium fujikuroi (Garc{\´i}a-Mart{\´i}nez et al., 2015; Adam et al., 2018), was investigated for the U. maydis rhodopsins as well as for ApOps2 by supplementing acetate in the patch-clamp electrolyte solutions. All five rhodopsins were found to be proton pumps unidirectionally transporting protons out of the cytosol upon green-light exposure with every rhodopsin exhibiting special features or unique characteristics in terms of the photocurrents. To name just a few, UmOps1, for example, showed a striking pH-dependency with massive enhancement of pump currents in the presence of extracellular acidic pH. Moreover, especially ApOps2 and ApOps3 showed very high current densities, however, the ones of ApOps3 were impaired when exchanging intracellular sodium to cesium. Concerning the mutations, it was found, that the electron releasing group in UmOps1 seems to be involved in the striking pH effect and that the mutation of the proton donor site resulted in almost unfunctional proteins. Moreover, a conserved arginine inside ApOps2 was mutated to turn the proton pump into a channel. Regarding the effect of weak organic acids, acetate was able to induce enhanced pump currents in UmOps1 and ApOps2, but not in UmOps2. Due to the capability of current production upon light illumination, microbial rhodopsins are used in the research field of optogenetics that aims to control neuronal activity by light. ApOps2 was used to test its functionality in differentiated NG108-15 cells addressing the question whether it is a promising candidate that can be used as an optogenetic tool. Indeed, this rhodopsin could be functionally expressed in this experimental system. Furthermore, microscopic studies were done to elucidate the localization of selected rhodopsins in fungal cells. Therefore, conventional (confocal laser scanning or structured illumination microscopy) as well as novel super-resolution techniques (expansion or correlated light and electron microscopy) were used. This was done on U. maydis sporidia, the yeast-like form of this fungus, via eGFP-tagged UmOps1 or UmOps2 expressing strains. Moreover, CarO-eYFP expressing F. fujikuroi was imaged microscopically to confirm the plasma membrane and tonoplast localization (Garc{\´i}a-Mart{\´i}nez et al., 2015) with the help of counterstaining experiments. UmOps1 was found to reside in the plasma membrane, UmOps2 localized to the tonoplast and CarO was indeed found in both of these localizations. This work gains further insight into rhodopsin functions and paves the way for further research in terms of the biological role of rhodopsins in fungal life cycles.}, subject = {Opsin}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ankenbrand2018, author = {Ankenbrand, Markus Johannes}, title = {Squeezing more information out of biological data - development and application of bioinformatic tools for ecology, evolution and genomics}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-156344}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {New experimental methods have drastically accelerated the pace and quantity at which biological data is generated. High-throughput DNA sequencing is one of the pivotal new technologies. It offers a number of novel applications in various fields of biology, including ecology, evolution, and genomics. However, together with those opportunities many new challenges arise. Specialized algorithms and software are required to cope with the amount of data, often requiring substantial training in bioinformatic methods. Another way to make those data accessible to non-bioinformaticians is the development of programs with intuitive user interfaces. In my thesis I developed analyses and programs to tackle current problems with high-throughput data in biology. In the field of ecology this covers the establishment of the bioinformatic workflow for pollen DNA meta-barcoding. Furthermore, I developed an application that facilitates the analysis of ecological communities in the context of their traits. Information from multiple public databases have been aggregated and can now be mapped automatically to existing community tables for interactive inspection. In evolution the new data are used to reconstruct phylogenetic trees from multiple genes. I developed the tool bcgTree to automate this process for bacteria. Many plant genomes have been sequenced in current years. Sequencing reads of those projects also contain data from the chloroplasts. The tool chloroExtractor supports the targeted extraction and analysis of the chloroplast genome. To compare the structure of multiple genomes specialized software is required for calculation and visualization of the relationships. I developed AliTV to address this. In contrast to existing programs for this task it allows interactive adjustments of produced graphics. Thus, facilitating the discovery of biologically relevant information. Another application I developed helps to analyze transcriptomes even if no reference genome is present. This is achieved by aggregating the different pieces of information, like functional annotation and expression level, for each transcript in a web platform. Scientists can then search, filter, subset, and visualize the transcriptome. Together the methods and tools expedite insights into biological systems that were not possible before.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{RamosTirado2015, author = {Ramos Tirado, Mario}, title = {Stammzellbasierte Behandlungsstrategien zur Stimmlippenaugmentation und laryngealen Defektrekonstruktion}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-117528}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Der Kehlkopf ist ein stimmerzeugendes knorpelhaltiges Organ und spielt eine wichtige Rolle in der Atemfunktion und beim aspirationsfreien Schluckakt. Funktionsst{\"o}rungen des Kehlkopfs wie Stimmbandl{\"a}hmungen werden durch Sch{\"a}digungen des Kehlkopfnervs nach operativen Eingriffen und Halsverletzungen hervorgerufen. Des Weiteren f{\"u}hren durch Traumen, Teil- und komplette Resektionen verursachte Substanzdefekte des Kehlkopfs zu Funktionsverlusten. Die hierf{\"u}r notwendigen und komplexen Rekonstruktionen werden durch das schlechte Regenerationspotential von Knorpelgewebe eingeschr{\"a}nkt und k{\"o}nnen nur bedingt durch synthetische Ersatzmaterialen oder k{\"o}rpereigenes Ersatzgewebe bewerkstelligt werden. Ist es m{\"o}glich, mit Hilfe des Tissue Engineerings aus k{\"o}rpereigenen Stammzellen und biokompatiblen Tr{\"a}germaterialien implantierbares Knorpelersatzgewebe herzustellen, welches zur dauerhaften Wiederherstellung der Kehlkopffunktionen eingesetzt werden kann? Die zus{\"a}tzliche Markierung von Stammzellen mit superparamagnetischen Eisenoxidnanopartikeln (VSOP) als Zellmarker bietet die M{\"o}glichkeit der Detektion und der Verfolgung der Zellen mittels nicht-invasiver Nachweismethoden nach deren Implantation. Ist die Verwendung dieser Nanopartikel ohne negative Folgen f{\"u}r die Stammzellen m{\"o}glich und sind diese f{\"u}r den Einsatz in der Laryngologie geeignet? Fettgewebsstammzellen (ASC) wurden aus humanem Liposuktionsmaterial und Kaninchen-Nackenfett isoliert und expandiert. Die Zellen wurden in Hydrogelkombinationen aus Kollagen Typ-I, Agarose, Fibrin und Hyalurons{\"a}ure eingebettet und mit den chondrogenen Wachstumsfaktoren TGF-β3, BMP-6 und IGF-I {\"u}ber 14 Tage differenziert. Anschließend wurden diese Zell-Hydrogelkonstrukte bez{\"u}glich Morphologie, extrazellul{\"a}rer Matrixanreicherung und knorpelspezifischer Genexpression histologisch, immunhistochemisch und molekularbiologisch analysiert. In einem weiteren Schritt wurden die Integration der Zell-Hydrogelkonstrukte in natives Knorpelgewebe sowie die Defektdeckung in einem in vitro- und einem in vivo-Knorpeldefektmodell mit vor- und nicht-vordifferenzierten Zell-Hydrogelkonstrukten untersucht. Die Analyse m{\"o}glicher zyto- und genotoxischer Effekte von VSOP sowie des Einflusses der Markierung von ASC mit VSOP auf die Proliferation, Migration und das Multidifferenzierungspotential erfolgte nach der Markierung der Zellen mit unterschiedlichen VSOP-Konzentrationen. Außerdem wurden VSOP-markierte ASC in Kaninchenstimmlippen injiziert und die Nachweisbarkeit dieser Zellen im Injektionsareal histologisch und mittels Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) untersucht. Nach 14-t{\"a}giger chondrogener Differenzierung wurde in den Zell-Hydrogelkonstrukten eine knorpel{\"a}hnliche Morphologie, die Anreicherung knorpelspezifischer Matrixproteine und die Expression chondrogener Markergene nachgewiesen. Die Kombination der chondrogenen Wachstumsfaktoren zeigte keinen verst{\"a}rkenden Einfluss auf die Chondrogenese von ASC. Hydrogele aus Kollagen Typ I und Hyalurons{\"a}ure wiesen die st{\"a}rkste extrazellul{\"a}re Matrixanreicherung auf. Bei den agarosefreien Hydrogelen war eine ausgepr{\"a}gte Gelschrumpfung auff{\"a}llig. In den beiden Knorpeldefektmodellen konnte weder eine Integration der Zell-Hydrogelkonstrukte in den Nativknorpel noch eine vollst{\"a}ndige Defektdeckung nachgewiesen werden. Nach der Markierung von ASC mit VSOP zeigte sich bei der h{\"o}chsten Konzentration von 1,5 mM eine genotoxische Wirkung. Zytotoxische Effekte sowie Einfl{\"u}sse der Markierung auf die Proliferation, Migration und das Multidifferenzierungspotential von ASC waren nicht nachweisbar. VSOP-markierte ASC konnten nach deren Injektion in Kaninchenstimmlippen im Injektionsareal nur vereinzelt mittels MRT und histologisch nachgewiesen werden. Es ist m{\"o}glich, mit Hilfe des Tissue Engineerings aus k{\"o}rpereigenen Stammzellen und biokompatiblen Tr{\"a}germaterialien implantierbares knorpel{\"a}hnliches Gewebe herzustellen. Dabei beg{\"u}nstigen agarosefreie Tr{\"a}germaterialien die chondrogene Differenzierung von ASC. Diese k{\"o}nnte durch die jeweilige Erh{\"o}hung der Zelldichte und Wachstumsfaktorkonzentrationen sowie die Verl{\"a}ngerung der Induktionszeit verst{\"a}rkt werden. Eine m{\"o}gliche klinische Anwendung dieser knorpel{\"a}hnlichen Gewebe in der Laryngologie ist jedoch durch deren Schrumpfung wie auch mangelnde Integration und Defektdeckung noch weit entfernt. Aufgrund ihrer genotoxischen Wirkung kann eine Verwendung von VSOP als Zellmarker auch unterhalb von 1,5 mM ohne negative Folgen f{\"u}r den Organismus nicht sicher ausgeschlossen werden. Der inhomogene Gewebekontrast im Kehlkopf, die schlechte Aufl{\"o}sung im MRT und die geringe Gr{\"o}ße von VSOP erschweren die Nachweisbarkeit und Verfolgung markierter Zellen mittels MRT. Daher sind andere nicht-invasive Nachweismethoden f{\"u}r die Verwendung von VSOP im Kehlkopf zu evaluieren. Der m{\"o}glichen Anwendung dieser knorpel{\"a}hnlichen Gewebe und VSOP in der rekonstruktiven Laryngologie muss eine erfolgreiche Optimierung und ausf{\"u}hrliche positive Validierung in klinischen Tests vorausgehen.}, subject = {Tissue Engineering}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Fleischmann2019, author = {Fleischmann, Pauline Nikola}, title = {Starting foraging life: Early calibration and daily use of the navigational system in \(Cataglyphis\) ants}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-15995}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-159951}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Cataglyphis ants are famous for their navigational abilities. They live in hostile habitats where they forage as solitary scavengers covering distances of more than hundred thousand times their body lengths. To return to their nest with a prey item - mainly other dead insects that did not survive the heat - Cataglyphis ants constantly keep track of their directions and distances travelled. The navigational strategy is called path integration, and it enables an ant to return to the nest in a straight line using its home vector. Cataglyphis ants mainly rely on celestial compass cues, like the position of the sun or the UV polarization pattern, to determine directions, and they use an idiothetic step counter and optic flow to measure distances. In addition, they acquire information about visual, olfactory and tactile landmarks, and the wind direction to increase their chances of returning to the nest safe and sound. Cataglyphis' navigational performance becomes even more impressive if one considers their life style. Most time of their lives, the ants stay underground and perform tasks within the colony. When they start their foraging careers outside the nest, they have to calibrate their compass systems and acquire all information necessary for navigation during subsequent foraging. This navigational toolkit is not instantaneously available, but has to be filled with experience. For that reason, Cataglyphis ants perform a striking behavior for up to three days before actually foraging. These so-called learning walks are crucial for the success as foragers later on. In the present thesis, both the ontogeny and the fine-structure of learning walks has been investigated. Here I show with displacement experiments that Cataglyphis ants need enough space and enough time to perform learning walks. Spatially restricted novices, i. e. na{\"i}ve ants, could not find back to the nest when tested as foragers later on. Furthermore, ants have to perform several learning walks over 1-3 days to gain landmark information for successful homing as foragers. An increasing number of feeder visits also increases the importance of landmark information, whereas in the beginning ants fully rely on their path-integration vector. Learning walks are well-structured. High-speed video analysis revealed that Cataglyphis ants include species-specific rotational elements in their learning walks. Greek Cataglyphis ants (C. noda and C. aenescens) inhabiting a cluttered pine forest perform voltes, small walked circles, and pirouettes, tight turns about the body axis with frequent stopping phases. During the longest stopping phases, the ants gaze back to their nest entrance. The Tunisian Cataglyphis fortis ants inhabiting featureless saltpans only perform voltes without directed gazes. The function of voltes has not yet been revealed. In contrast, the fine structure of pirouettes suggests that the ants take snapshots of the panorama towards their homing direction to memorize the nest's surroundings. The most likely hypothesis was that Cataglyphis ants align the gaze directions using their path integrator, which gets directional input from celestial cues during foraging. To test this hypothesis, a manipulation experiment was performed changing the celestial cues above the nest entrance (no sun, no natural polarization pattern, no UV light). The accurately directed gazes to the nest entrance offer an easily quantifiable readout suitable to ask the ants where they expect their nest entrance. Unexpectedly, all novices performing learning walks under artificial sky conditions looked back to the nest entrance. This was especially surprising, because neuronal changes in the mushroom bodies and the central complex receiving visual input could only be induced with the natural sky when comparing test animals with interior workers. The behavioral findings indicated that Cataglyphis ants use another directional reference system to align their gaze directions during the longest stopping phases of learning walk pirouettes. One possibility was the earth's magnetic field. Indeed, already disarraying the geomagnetic field at the nest entrance with an electromagnetic flat coil indicated that the ants use magnetic information to align their looks back to the nest entrance. To investigate this finding further, ants were confronted with a controlled magnetic field using a Helmholtz coil. Elimination of the horizontal field component led to undirected gaze directions like the disarray did. Rotating the magnetic field about 90°, 180° or -90° shifted the ants' gaze directions in a predictable manner. Therefore, the earth's magnetic field is a necessary and sufficient reference system for aligning nest-centered gazes during learning-walk pirouettes. Whether it is additionally used for other navigational purposes, e. g. for calibrating the solar ephemeris, remains to be tested. Maybe the voltes performed by all Cataglyphis ant species investigated so far can help to answer this question..}, subject = {Cataglyphis}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Costea2016, author = {Costea, Paul Igor}, title = {Stratification and variation of the human gut microbiota}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-139649}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The microbial communities that live inside the human gastrointestinal tract -the human gut microbiome- are important for host health and wellbeing. Characterizing this new "organ", made up of as many cells as the human body itself, has recently become possible through technological advances. Metagenomics, the high-throughput sequencing of DNA directly from microbial communities, enables us to take genomic snapshots of thousands of microbes living together in this complex ecosystem, without the need for isolating and growing them. Quantifying the composition of the human gut microbiome allows us to investigate its properties and connect it to host physiology and disease. The wealth of such connections was unexpected and is probably still underestimated. Due to the fact that most of our dietary as well as medicinal intake affects the microbiome and that the microbiome itself interacts with our immune system through a multitude of pathways, many mechanisms have been proposed to explain the observed correlations, though most have yet to be understood in depth. An obvious prerequisite to characterizing the microbiome and its interactions with the host is the accurate quantification of its composition, i.e. determining which microbes are present and in what numbers they occur. Historically, standard practices have existed for sample handling, DNA extraction and data analysis for many years. However, these were generally developed for single microbe cultures and it is not always feasible to implement them in large scale metagenomic studies. Partly because of this and partly because of the excitement that new technology brings about, the first metagenomic studies each took the liberty to define their own approach and protocols. From early meta-analysis of these studies it became clear that the differences in sample handling, as well as differences in computational approaches, made comparisons across studies very difficult. This restricts our ability to cross-validate findings of individual studies and to pool samples from larger cohorts. To address the pressing need for standardization, we undertook an extensive comparison of 21 different DNA extraction methods as well as a series of other sample manipulations that affect quantification. We developed a number of criteria for determining the measurement quality in the absence of a mock community and used these to propose best practices for sampling, DNA extraction and library preparation. If these were to be accepted as standards in the field, it would greatly improve comparability across studies, which would dramatically increase the power of our inferences and our ability to draw general conclusions about the microbiome. Most metagenomics studies involve comparisons between microbial communities, for example between fecal samples from cases and controls. A multitude of approaches have been proposed to calculate community dissimilarities (beta diversity) and they are often combined with various preprocessing techniques. Direct metagenomics quantification usually counts sequencing reads mapped to specific taxonomic units, which can be species, genera, etc. Due to technology-inherent differences in sampling depth, normalizing counts is necessary, for instance by dividing each count by the sum of all counts in a sample (i.e. total sum scaling), or by subsampling. To derive a single value for community (dis-)similarity, multiple distance measures have been proposed. Although it is theoretically difficult to benchmark these approaches, we developed a biologically motivated framework in which distance measures can be evaluated. This highlights the importance of data transformations and their impact on the measured distances. Building on our experience with accurate abundance estimation and data preprocessing techniques, we can now try and understand some of the basic properties of microbial communities. In 2011, it was proposed that the space of genus level variation of the human gut microbial community is structured into three basic types, termed enterotypes. These were described in a multi-country cohort, so as to be independent of geography, age and other host properties. Operationally defined through a clustering approach, they are "densely populated areas in a multidimensional space of community composition"(source) and were proposed as a general stratifier for the human population. Later studies that applied this concept to other datasets raised concerns about the optimum number of clusters and robustness of the clustering approach. This heralded a long standing debate about the existence of structure and the best ways to determine and capture it. Here, we reconsider the concept of enterotypes, in the context of the vastly increased amounts of available data. We propose a refined framework in which the different types should be thought of as weak attractors in compositional space and we try to implement an approach to determining which attractor a sample is closest to. To this end, we train a classifier on a reference dataset to assign membership to new samples. This way, enterotypes assignment is no longer dataset dependent and effects due to biased sampling are minimized. Using a model in which we assume the existence of three enterotypes characterized by the same driver genera, as originally postulated, we show the relevance of this stratification and propose it to be used in a clinical setting as a potential marker for disease development. Moreover, we believe that these attractors underline different rules of community assembly and we recommend they be accounted for when analyzing gut microbiome samples. While enterotypes describe structure in the community at genus level, metagenomic sequencing can in principle achieve single-nucleotide resolution, allowing us to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and other genomic variants in the gut microbiome. Analysis methodology for this level of resolution has only recently been developed and little exploration has been done to date. Assessing SNPs in a large, multinational cohort, we discovered that the landscape of genomic variation seems highly structured even beyond species resolution, indicating that clearly distinguishable subspecies are prevalent among gut microbes. In several cases, these subspecies exhibit geo-stratification, with some subspecies only found in the Chinese population. Generally however, they present only minor dispersion limitations and are seen across most of our study populations. Within one individual, one subspecies is commonly found to dominate and only rarely are several subspecies observed to co-occur in the same ecosystem. Analysis of longitudinal data indicates that the dominant subspecies remains stable over periods of more than three years. When interrogating their functional properties we find many differences, with specific ones appearing relevant to the host. For example, we identify a subspecies of E. rectale that is lacking the flagellum operon and find its presence to be significantly associated with lower body mass index and lower insulin resistance of their hosts; it also correlates with higher microbial community diversity. These associations could not be seen at the species level (where multiple subspecies are convoluted), which illustrates the importance of this increased resolution for a more comprehensive understanding of microbial interactions within the microbiome and with the host. Taken together, our results provide a rigorous basis for performing comparative metagenomics of the human gut, encompassing recommendations for both experimental sample processing and computational analysis. We furthermore refine the concept of community stratification into enterotypes, develop a reference-based approach for enterotype assignment and provide compelling evidence for their relevance. Lastly, by harnessing the full resolution of metagenomics, we discover a highly structured genomic variation landscape below the microbial species level and identify common subspecies of the human gut microbiome. By developing these high-precision metagenomics analysis tools, we thus hope to contribute to a greatly improved understanding of the properties and dynamics of the human gut microbiome.}, subject = {Mensch}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Milenkovic2006, author = {Milenkovic, Vladimir M.}, title = {Structural and functional analysis of bestrophin}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-19372}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Morbus Best (OMIM 153700), auch als vitelliforme Makuladystrophie Typ 2 (VMD2) bezeichnet, ist eine autosomal dominant vererbte Makuladystrophie mit juvenilem Beginn. Die Erkrankung geht einher mit einer Ansammlung von Lipofuscin-{\"a}hnlichem Material im sowie unterhalb des retinalen Pigmentepithels (RPE). Das bei Morbus Best mutierte VMD2- Gen kodiert f{\"u}r ein 585 Aminos{\"a}uren langes Transmembranprotein, genannt Bestrophin, und wird vorwiegend im RPE exprimiert. Das Protein hat eine komplexe Membrantopologie mit 4-6 putativen Transmembrandom{\"a}nen (TMD) und ist vermutlich in den Ca2+-abh{\"a}ngigen Transport von Chloridionen durch die Plasmamembran involviert. Die {\"u}berwiegende Mehrheit der krankheitsassoziierten Ver{\"a}nderungen bei M. Best Patienten sind Missense-Mutationen, die innerhalb der hochkonservierten N-terminalen H{\"a}lfte des Proteins nahe der mutmaßlichen Transmembrandom{\"a}nen akkumulieren. Der Zusammenhang zwischen Pathologie und identifizierter Mutationen bzw. der Chloridkanal- Funktion von Bestrophin-1 ist noch unklar. Um die biologische Funktion von Bestrohin-1 weiter aufzukl{\"a}ren und die zugrunde liegenden molekularen Mechanismen der BMD besser zu verstehen, wurde mit Hilfe des GAL4-basierenden Hefe-Zwei-Hybridsystems (Y2H) nach interagierenden Partnern von Bestrophin-1 gesucht. Ein Screen in einer bovinen RPE cDNABank mit verschiedenen verk{\"u}rzten Fragmenten von Bestrophin-1 ergab 53 m{\"o}gliche interagierende Partner. Allerdings schlossen anschließende Verifikationsexperimente die Kandidatengene aus. Somit deuten die Resultate dieser umfangreichen YH2-Studie daraufhin, dass Bestrophin f{\"u}r das herk{\"o}mmliche Zwei-Hybrid-System nicht geeignet ist. Zum einen k{\"o}nnte dies daran liegen, dass das Protein ein integraler Bestandteil der Membran ist und zum anderen, dass m{\"o}glicherweise der Transport der gew{\"a}hlten Bestrophin-Fragmente zum Nukleus nicht stattfindet. Dies gilt jedoch als Grundvoraussetzung f{\"u}r eine Proteininteraktion im Hefe-2-Hybridsystem. Bestrophin geh{\"o}rt zu einer großen Familie von integralen Membranproteinen, von der bis heute bereits {\"u}ber 100 Mitglieder bei verschiedenen Organismengruppen wie denS{\"a}ugern, Insekten und W{\"u}rmern identifiziert werden konnten. Als auff{\"a}lligste Besonderheit in der Familie der Bestrophine zeigt sich neben einer nicht-variablen RFP-Dom{\"a}ne (Arginin- Phenylalanin-Prolin) eine evolution{\"a}r hochkonservierte N-terminale Region. Um die phylogenetische Beziehung der Bestrophine zu untersuchen sowie den Aufbau und die Funktion von konservierten Motiven innerhalb der Familienmitglieder zu identifizieren, wurde diese konservierte N-terminale Region sowohl bioinformatisch wie auch Chapter Two: Zusammenfassung 4 phylogenetisch weiter untersucht. Die phylogenetische Analyse der Bestrophin Homologen brachte vier evolution{\"a}r konservierte Familienmitglieder in S{\"a}ugern hervor, die jeweils eine starke Homologie zu den Proteinen VMD2, VMD2-L1 bis VMD2-L3 des Menschen zeigen. Die signifikante {\"A}hnlichkeit der Proteinsequenz innerhalb der vier Familienmitglieder l{\"a}sst die Schlussfolgerungen zu, dass zum einen jedes einzelne Familienmitglied ihre eigene evolution{\"a}r konservierte Funktion hat und zum anderen dass die Divergenz des Bestrophins in verschiedene Familienmitglieder zeitlich vor der Divergenz der verschiedenen S{\"a}ugerspezien erfolgt sein muss.}, subject = {Makuladegeneration}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bartossek2018, author = {Bartossek, Thomas}, title = {Structural and functional analysis of the trypanosomal variant surface glycoprotein using x-ray scattering techniques and fluorescence microscopy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-144775}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Trypanosoma brucei is an obligate parasite and causative agent of severe diseases affecting humans and livestock. The protist lives extracellularly in the bloodstream of the mammalian host, where it is prone to attacks by the host immune system. As a sophisticated means of defence against the immune response, the parasite's surface is coated in a dense layer of the variant surface glycoprotein (VSG), that reduces identification of invariant epitopes on the cell surface by the immune system to levels that prevent host immunity. The VSG has to form a coat that is both dense and mobile, to shield invariant surface proteins from detection and to allow quick recycling of the protective coat during immune evasion. This coat effectively protects the parasite from the harsh environment that is the mammalian bloodstream and leads to a persistent parasitemia if the infection remains untreated. The available treatment against African Trypanosomiasis involves the use of drugs that are themselves severely toxic and that can lead to the death of the patient. Most of the drugs used as treatment were developed in the early-to-mid 20th century, and while developments continue, they still represent the best medical means to fight the parasite. The discovery of a fluorescent VSG gave rise to speculations about a potential interaction between the VSG coat and components of the surrounding medium, that could also lead to a new approach in the treatment of African Trypanosomiasis that involves the VSG coat. The initially observed fluorescence signal was specific for a combination of a VSG called VSG'Y' and the triphenylmethane (TPM) dye phenol red. Exchanging this TPM to a bromo-derivative led to the observation of another fluorescence effect termed trypanicidal effect which killed the parasite independent of the expressed VSG and suggests a structurally conserved feature between VSGs that could function as a specific drug target against T. b. brucei. The work of this thesis aims to identify the mechanisms that govern the unique VSG'Y' fluorescence and the trypanocidal effect. Fluorescence experiments and protein mutagenesis of VSG'Y' as well as crystallographic trials with a range of different VSGs were utilized in the endeavour to identify the binding mechanisms between TPM compounds and VSGs, to find potentially conserved structural features between VSGs and to identify the working mechanisms of VSG fluorescence and the trypanocidal effect. These trials have the potential to lead to the formulation of highly specific drugs that target the parasites VSG coat. During the crystallographic trials of this thesis, the complete structure of a VSG was solved experimentally for the first time. This complete structure is a key component in furthering the understanding of the mechanisms governing VSG coat formation. X-ray scattering techniques, involving x-ray crystallography and small angle x-ray scattering were applied to elucidate the first complete VSG structures, which reveal high flexibility of the protein and supplies insight into the importance of this flexibility in the formation of a densely packed but highly mobile surface coat.}, subject = {Trypanosoma brucei brucei}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Noskov2003, author = {Noskov, Andrey}, title = {Structural and functional studies of the Interleukin-5 receptor system}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-8195}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2003}, abstract = {The aim of current work was contribution to the long-term ongoing project on developing human IL-5 agonists/antagonists that intervene with or inhibit IL-5 numerous functions in cell culture and/or in animal disease models. To facilitate design of an IL-5 antagonist variant or low-molecular weight mimetics only capable of binding to the specific receptor alpha chain, but would lack the ability to attract the receptor common \&\#946;-chain and thus initiate receptor complex activation it is necessary to gain the information on minimal structural and functional epitopes. Such a strategy was successfully adopted in our group on example of Interleukin 4. To precisely localize minimal structural epitope it is essential to have structure of the ligand in its bound form and especially informative would be structure of complex of the ligand and its specific receptor alpha chain. For this purpose large quantities (tens of milligrams), retaining full biological activity IL-5 and extracellular domain of IL-5 specific receptor \&\#945;-chain were expressed in a bacterial expression system (E.coli). After successful refolding proteins were purified to 95-99\% Stable and soluble receptor:ligand complex was prepared. Each established purification and refolding procedures were subjected to optimization targeting maximal yields and purity. Produced receptor:ligand complex was applied to crystallization experiments. Microcrystals were initially obtained with a flexible sparse matrix screening methodology. Crystal quality was subsequently improved by fine-tuning of the crystallization conditions. At this stage crystals of about 800x150x30µm in size can be obtained. They possess desirable visible characteristics of crystals including optical clarity, smooth facecs and sharp edges. Crystals rotate plane polarized light reflecting their well internal organization. Unfortunately relative slimness and sometimes cluster nature of the produced crystals complicates acquisition of high-resolution dataset and resolution of the structure. With some of obtained crystals diffraction to a resolution up to 4{\AA} was observed.}, subject = {Interleukin 5}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bollmann2013, author = {Bollmann, Stefan}, title = {Structural Dynamics of Oligopeptides determined by Fluorescence Quenching of Organic Dyes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-92191}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {For determination of structures and structural dynamics of proteins organic fluorophores are a standard instrument. Intra- and intermolecular contact of biomolecular structures are determined in time-resolved and stationary fluorescence microscopy experiments by quenching of organic fluorophores due to Photoinduced Electron Transfer (PET) and dimerization interactions. Using PET we show in this work that end-to-end contact dynamics of serine-glycine peptides are slowed down by glycosylation. This slow down is due to a change in reaction enthalpy for end-to-end contact and is partly compensated by entropic effects. In a second step we test how dimerization of MR121 fluorophore pairs reports on end-to-end contact dynamics. We show that in aqueous solutions containing strong denaturants MR121 dimerization reports advantageously on contact dynamics for glycine-serine oligopeptides compared to the previously used MR121/tryptophane PET reporters. Then we analyze dimer interactions and quenching properties of different commercially available fluorophores being standards in F{\"o}rster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) measurements. Distances in biomolecules are determinable using FRET, but for very flexible biomolecules the analysis of masurement data can be distorted if contact of the two FRET fluorophores is likely. We quantify how strong the quenching of fluorophore pairs with two different or two identical fluorophores is. Dimer spectra and association constants are quantified to estimate if fluophores are applicable in various applications, e.g. in FRET measurements with unstructured peptides and proteins.}, subject = {Fluorophore}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schwebs2024, author = {Schwebs, Marie}, title = {Structure and dynamics of the plasma membrane: a single-molecule study in \(Trypanosoma\) \(brucei\)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-27569}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-275699}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The unicellular, flagellated parasite Trypanosoma brucei is the causative agent of human African sleeping sickness and nagana in livestock. In the last decades, it has become an established eukaryotic model organism in the field of biology, as well as in the interdisciplinary field of biophysics. For instance, the dense variant surface glycoprotein (VSG) coat offers the possibility to study the dynamics of GPI-anchored proteins in the plasma membrane of living cells. The fluidity of the VSG coat is not only an interesting object of study for its own sake, but is critically important for the survival of the parasite in the mammalian host. In order to maintain the integrity of the coat, the entire VSG coat is recycled within a few minutes. This is surprisingly fast for a purely diffusive process with the flagellar pocket (FP) as the sole site for endo- and exocytosis. Previous studies characterising VSG dynamics using FRAP reported diffusion coefficients that were not sufficient to to enable fast turnover based on passive VSG randomisation on the trypanosome surface. In this thesis, live-cell single-molecule fluorescence microscopy (SMFM) was employed to elucidate whether VSG diffusion coefficients were priorly underestimated or whether directed forces could be involved to bias VSGs towards the entrance of the FP. Embedding the highly motile trypanosomes in thermo-stable hydrogels facilitated the investigation of VSG dynamics on living trypanosomes at the mammalian host's temperature of 37°C. To allow for a spatial correlation of the VSG dynamics to the FP entrance, a cell line was employed harbouring a fluorescently labelled structure as a reference. Sequential two-colour SMFM was then established to allow for recording and registration of the dynamic and static single-molecule information. In order to characterise VSG dynamics, an algorithm to obtain reliable information from short trajectories was adapted (shortTrAn). It allowed for the quantification of the local dynamics in two distinct scenarios: diffusion and directed motion. The adaptation of the algorithm to the VSG data sets required the introduction of an additional projection filter. The algorithm was further extended to take into account the localisation errors inherent to single-particle tracking. The results of the quantification of diffusion and directed motion were presented in maps of the trypanosome surface, including an outline generated from a super-resolved static structure as a reference. Information on diffusion was displayed in one map, an ellipse plot. The colour code represented the local diffusion coefficient, while the shape of the ellipses provided an indication of the diffusion behaviour (aniso- or isotropic diffusion). The eccentricity of the ellipses was used to quantify deviations from isotropic diffusion. Information on directed motion was shown in three maps: A velocity map, representing the amplitude of the local velocities in a colour code. A quiver plot, illustrating the orientation of directed motion, and a third map which indicated the relative standard error of the local velocities colour-coded. Finally, a guideline based on random walk simulations was used to identify which of the two motion scenarios dominated locally. Application of the guideline to the VSG dynamics analysed by shortTrAn yielded supermaps that showed the locally dominant motion mode colour-coded. I found that VSG dynamics are dominated by diffusion, but several times faster than previously determined. The diffusion behaviour was additionally characterised by spatial heterogeneity. Moreover, isolated regions exhibiting the characteristics of round and elongated traps were observed on the cell surface. Additionally, VSG dynamics were studied with respect to the entrance of the FP. VSG dynamics in this region displayed similar characteristics compared to the remainder of the cell surface and forces biasing VSGs into the FP were not found. Furthermore, I investigated a potential interference of the attachment of the cytoskeleton to the plasma membrane with the dynamics of VSGs which are anchored to the outer leaflet of the membrane. Preliminary experiments were conducted on osmotically swollen trypanosomes and trypanosomes depleted for a microtubule-associated protein anchoring the subpellicular microtubule cytoskeleton to the plasma membrane. The measurements revealed a trend that detachment of the cytoskeleton could be associated with a reduction in the VSG diffusion coefficient and a loss of elongated traps. The latter could be an indication that these isolated regions were caused by underlying structures associated with the cytoskeleton. The measurements on cells with an intact cytoskeleton were complemented by random walk simulations of VSG dynamics with the newly determined diffusion coefficient on long time scales not accessible in experiments. Simulations showed that passive VSG randomisation is fast enough to allow for a turnover of the full VSG coat within a few minutes. According to an estimate based on the known rate of endocytosis and the newly determined VSG diffusion coefficient, the majority of exocytosed VSGs could escape from the FP to the cell surface without being immediately re-endocytosed.}, subject = {Trypanosoma brucei}, language = {en} }