@phdthesis{Brembs2000, author = {Brembs, Bj{\"o}rn}, title = {An Analysis of Associative Learning in Drosophila at the Flight Simulator}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-1039}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2000}, abstract = {Most natural learning situations are of a complex nature and consist of a tight conjunction of the animal's behavior (B) with the perceived stimuli. According to the behavior of the animal in response to these stimuli, they are classified as being either biologically neutral (conditioned stimuli, CS) or important (unconditioned stimuli, US or reinforcer). A typical learning situation is thus identified by a three term contingency of B, CS and US. A functional characterization of the single associations during conditioning in such a three term contingency has so far hardly been possible. Therefore, the operational distinction between classical conditioning as a behavior-independent learning process (CS-US associations) and operant conditioning as essentially behavior-dependent learning (B-US associations) has proven very valuable. However, most learning experiments described so far have not been successful in fully separating operant from classical conditioning into single-association tasks. The Drosophila flight simulator in which the relevant behavior is a single motor variable (yaw torque), allows for the first time to completely separate the operant (B-US, B-CS) and the classical (CS-US) components of a complex learning situation and to examine their interactions. In this thesis the contributions of the single associations (CS-US, B-US and B-CS) to memory formation are studied. Moreover, for the first time a particularly prominent single association (CS-US) is characterized extensively in a three term contingency. A yoked control shows that classical (CS-US) pattern learning requires more training than operant pattern learning. Additionally, it can be demonstrated that an operantly trained stimulus can be successfully transferred from the behavior used during training to a new behavior in a subsequent test phase. This result shows unambiguously that during operant conditioning classical (CS-US) associations can be formed. In an extension to this insight, it emerges that such a classical association blocks the formation of an operant association, which would have been formed without the operant control of the learned stimuli. Instead the operant component seems to develop less markedly and is probably merged into a complex three-way association. This three-way association could either be implemented as a sequential B-CS-US or as a hierarchical (B-CS)-US association. The comparison of a simple classical (CS-US) with a composite operant (B, CS and US) learning situation and of a simple operant (B-US) with another composite operant (B, CS and US) learning situation, suggests a hierarchy of predictors of reinforcement. Operant behavior occurring during composite operant conditioning is hardly conditioned at all. The associability of classical stimuli that bear no relation to the behavior of the animal is of an intermediate value, as is operant behavior alone. Stimuli that are controlled by operant behavior accrue associative strength most easily. If several stimuli are available as potential predictors, again the question arises which CS-US associations are formed? A number of different studies in vertebrates yielded amazingly congruent results. These results inspired to examine and compare the properties of the CS-US association in a complex learning situation at the flight simulator with these vertebrate results. It is shown for the first time that Drosophila can learn compound stimuli and recall the individual components independently and in similar proportions. The attempt to obtain second-order conditioning with these stimuli, yielded a relatively small effect. In comparison with vertebrate data, blocking and sensory preconditioning experiments produced conforming as well as dissenting results. While no blocking could be found, a sound sensory preconditioning effect was obtained. Possible reasons for the failure to find blocking are discussed and further experiments are suggested. The sensory preconditioning effect found in this study is revealed using simultaneous stimulus presentation and depends on the amount of preconditioning. It is argued that this effect is a case of 'incidental learning', where two stimuli are associated without the need of reinforcement. Finally, the implications of the results obtained in this study for the general understanding of memory formation in complex learning situations are discussed.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Glos2006, author = {Glos, Julian}, title = {Amphibian communities of the dry forest of Western Madagascar : taxonomy, ecology and conservation}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-18146}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {In meiner Arbeit habe ich taxonomische, gemeinschafts{\"o}kologische und aut{\"o}kologische Aspekte im westmadagassischen Trockenwald untersucht. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es Antworten auf die Fragen zu geben wie die einzelnen Arten die Habitate in Raum und Zeit nutzen, welchen Einfluss abiotische Parameter, Austrocknungsrisiko der Laichgew{\"a}sser und Mikrohabitat haben und wie Pr{\"a}datoren die Gemeinschaft und das Verhalten einzelner Arten beeinflussen. Somit tr{\"a}gt diese Arbeit dazu bei die grundlegenden Mechanismen zu verstehen, die die Zusammensetzung einer Lebensgemeinschaft bestimmen. Im Einzelnen untersuchte ich hierzu folgende Fragestellungen: Aus welchen Arten bestehen die Anurengemeinschaften des westmadagassischen Trockenwaldes, und wie lassen sich diese Arten morphologisch voneinander abgrenzen? Welche Unterschiede finden sich zwischen den Arten bez{\"u}glich ihres Paarungssystems, ihrer life-history und ihrer Habitatwahl bzw. den Anpassungen an ihr Habitat? Gibt es spezifische Kaulquappengemeinschaften, die sich anhand biotischer und abiotischer Umweltvariablen vorhersagen lassen? Unterscheiden sich die Muster der Vorhersagbarkeit von Gemeinschaften zwischen unterschiedlichen Habitattypen innerhalb eines lokalen r{\"a}umlichen Skalenniveaus? Wie beeinflusst das Vorkommen von Raubfeinden die Verteilung von Kaulquappen und deren Verhalten auf der r{\"a}umlichen Skalenebene einzelner Laichgew{\"a}sser? Anhand welcher Umweltvariablen l{\"a}sst sich die Laichplatzwahl von Anuren in diesem Habitat vorhersagen? Wie lassen sich die Ergebnisse nutzen, um Empfehlungen zum Schutz bedrohter Arten auszusprechen? In dieser Arbeit beschreibe ich eine Froschart wissenschaftlich neu. Diese Art, Scaphiophryne menabensis, ist die seltenste Froschart in ihrem Verbreitungsgebiet, und aus meiner Arbeit resultiert die dringende Empfehlung, sie in ein bestehendes Schutzkonzept f{\"u}r den Kirindy-Wald und seine Umgebung mit einzubeziehen. Weiterhin beschreibe ich wissenschaftlich erstmalig in dieser Arbeit f{\"u}nf Kaulquappenarten und pr{\"a}sentiere Daten zu {\"O}kologie, life-history und Verhalten dieser Arten. Die wissenschaftliche Beschreibung weiterer Frosch- und Kaulquappenarten ist Gegenstand noch andauernder Studien (Scaphiophryne sp., Heterixalus carbonei und H. tricolor; Revision der Kaulquappen von Scaphiophryne). Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit stellen damit die Basis f{\"u}r alle weiteren {\"o}kologischen Studien an Fr{\"o}schen und Kaulquappen dieses {\"O}kosystems dar. FAZIT Die Amphibienfauna Madagaskars ist einzigartig, und sie stellt ein aufregendes Feld f{\"u}r {\"o}kologische Fragestellungen dar, sowohl als eigenst{\"a}ndiges System betrachtet als auch als Modell f{\"u}r andere Systeme. Umso mehr verwundert es, dass bislang kaum detaillierte {\"o}kologische Studien an diesem System durchgef{\"u}hrt wurden. Die vorliegende Arbeit schafft zun{\"a}chst mit der taxonomischen Beschreibung der vorkommenden Arten die Basis f{\"u}r {\"o}kologische Fragestellungen und zeigt dann auf den Ebenen sowohl der Gemeinschaft als auch einzelner Arten, wie verschiedene Umweltfaktoren die Verteilung von Anuren in Raum und Zeit beeinflussen. Es zeigt sich, dass sowohl statische Eigenschaften der Gew{\"a}sser als auch dynamische Faktoren wie Raubfeinde oder das Vorhandensein anderer Kaulquappen die Verteilung der Arten auf verschiedenen r{\"a}umlichen Skalenebenen sowie deren Verhalten beeinflussen. Somit tragen die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit dazu bei, die grundlegenden Mechanismen zu verstehen, die die Zusammensetzung der Lebensgemeinschaften in diesem {\"O}kosystem bestimmen. Nicht zuletzt erm{\"o}glichen diese Erkenntnisse, geeignete, artenorientierte Schutzkonzepte f{\"u}r diese in ihrer Existenz stark bedrohte Anurengemeinschaft zu entwickeln und die Effekte von Habitatzerst{\"o}rung auf diese Gemeinschaft aufzuzeigen.}, subject = {Lurche}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mattern2016, author = {Mattern, Felix}, title = {Alterungsbedingte Effekte auf DNA-Methylierungsprofile entwicklungsrelevanter Gene in Eizellen und Embryonen am Modellorganismus Bos taurus}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-144562}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Die postovulatorische Alterung sowie die ovarielle Alterung konnten bei der Anwendung assistierter Reproduktionstechniken (ARTs) als entscheidende Faktoren identifiziert werden, die den Reproduktionserfolg nachhaltig beeintr{\"a}chtigen. Die postovulatorische Alterung tritt ein, sobald die reife Eizelle nicht mehr innerhalb ihres physiologischen Zeitfensters befruchtet wird. Die ovarielle Alterung beschreibt hingegen die Abnahme des Follikel-Vorrats mit zunehmendem Alter des weiblichen Individuums bzw. des Ovars. Sowohl die postovulatorische Alterung als auch die ovarielle Alterung f{\"u}hren u.a. zu einer reduzierten Oozytenqualit{\"a}t und einer geringeren Blastozystenrate. Die Zielsetzung dieser Arbeit bestand darin, den Einfluss der postovulatorischen Alterung und der ovariellen Alterung im Holstein-Rind (Bos taurus) auf die DNA-Methylierung entwicklungsrelevanter Gene in Eizellen und Embryonen zu untersuchen. Aus Schlachthof-Ovarien wurden Antralfollikeln unterschiedlicher Gr{\"o}ße (<2 mm, 3-5 mm und >6 mm) isoliert. Eizellen aus Follikeln der Gr{\"o}ße 3-5 mm wurden f{\"u}r 24h (physiologisch) und 48h (gealtert) in vitro gereift (IVM). Die gereiften Oozyten wurden anschließend in vitro fertilisiert und Embryonen im 4-6 Zellstadium generiert. Sowohl in den unreifen Eizellen aus Antralfollikeln unterschiedlicher Gr{\"o}ße als auch in den gereiften Oozyten und den Embryonen wurde die Promotormethylierung der Gene bH19, bSNRPN, bZAR1, bDNMT3A, bOCT4, bDNMT3Lo und bDNMT3Ls analysiert. Zur Untersuchung der ovariellen Alterung wurden mittelgroßen Antralfollikel aus Ovarien lebender Rinder (in vivo) unterschiedlichen Alters (9-12 Monate, 3-7 Jahre und 8-11 Jahre) gewonnen. In den daraus isolierten unreifen Eizellen wurde die DNA-Methylierung der Promotorregionen der Gene bTERF2, bREC8, bBCL-XL, bPISD, bBUB1, bDNMT3Lo, bH19 und bSNRPN bestimmt. Als Methode zur Analyse der Promotormethylierung wurde die Limiting Dilution Bisulfit-Sequenzierung angewendet. In unreifen Eizellen aus Antralfollikeln unterschiedlicher Gr{\"o}ße (<2 mm, 3-5 mm und >6 mm) konnte ein erh{\"o}htes Auftreten abnormal methylierter Allele in den gepr{\"a}gten Genen bH19 und bSNRPN von Eizellen kleiner Follikel (<2 mm) identifiziert werden. Dieses Ergebnis k{\"o}nnte eine m{\"o}gliche Ursache einer bereits bekannten und mehrfach beschriebenen geringeren Entwicklungskompetenz von Eizellen kleiner Follikel (<2 mm) auf epigenetischer Ebene darstellen. Die verl{\"a}ngerte Reifungsdauer der IVM-Eizellen hatte eine signifikante Hypermethylierung in der Promotorregion des Gens DNMT3Lo von 48h-gereiften Eizellen zur Folge. Beim {\"U}bergang von 48h-gereiften Eizellen zum Embryo konnte eine signifikante Hypomethylierung von CpG7 des stammzellspezifischen Transkripts DNMT3Ls beobachtet werden. Diese CpG-Stelle wies ebenfalls einen signifikanten Anstieg von CpGs mit nicht-eindeutigem Methylierungszustand in unreifen Eizellen mit steigender Follikelgr{\"o}ße auf. Da sich die CpG-Position innerhalb eines Sequenz-Motivs einer Bindungsstelle des Transkriptionsfaktors CREB befindet, k{\"o}nnten die Methylierungsdaten auf eine Interaktion zwischen dem Transkriptionsfaktor CREB und der DNA-Methylierung w{\"a}hrend der Entwicklung und Reifung der Eizelle sowie der Transition von der Eizelle zum Embryo hindeuten. Die DNA-Methylierungsprofile der untersuchten Gene in unreifen Eizellen aus K{\"u}hen unterschiedlichen Alters (9-12 Monate, 3-7 Jahre und 8-11 Jahre) wiesen keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen den Altersgruppen auf. Die ovarielle Alterung bei Rindern zwischen 9 Monaten und 11 Jahren zeigte damit keinen Effekt auf die DNA-Methylierung der untersuchten Promotorregionen der Gene bTERF2, bREC8, bBCL-XL, bPISD, bBUB1, bDNMT3Lo, bH19 und bSNRPN. Nach einer simulierten postovulatorischen Alterung durch eine in vitro Reifung f{\"u}r 48h konnte eine Ver{\"a}nderung der DNA-Methylierung der Oozyten-spezifischen (DNMT3Lo) und Stammzell-spezifischen (DNMT3Ls) Promotoren des katalytisch inaktiven Cofaktors von DNMT3A, DNMT3L, beobachtet werden. Die ver{\"a}nderte DNA-Methylierung von DNMT3Ls tritt dabei erst im fr{\"u}hen Embryo in Erscheinung und interagiert vermutlich mit dem Transkriptionsfaktor CREB. Die Ver{\"a}nderungen von DNMT3Lo in Eizellen und DNMT3Ls in den daraus generierten Embryonen l{\"a}sst vermuten, dass es sich hierbei um eine dynamische Anpassung des Embryos auf {\"a}ußere Umweltbedingungen der Eizelle {\"u}ber die Methylierung der DNA handelt.}, subject = {Oozyte}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Maierhofer2018, author = {Maierhofer, Anna}, title = {Altersassoziierte und strahleninduzierte Ver{\"a}nderungen des genomweiten DNA-Methylierungs-Profils}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-174134}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Der Prozess des Alterns ist ein komplexer multifaktorieller Vorgang, der durch eine sukzessive Verschlechterung der physiologischen Funktionen charakterisiert ist. Ein hohes Alter ist der Hauptrisikofaktor f{\"u}r die meisten Krankheiten, einschließlich Krebs und Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen. Das Verst{\"a}ndnis der epigenetischen Mechanismen, die in den Prozess des Alterns involviert sind, k{\"o}nnte zur Entwicklung pharmakologischer Interventionen beitragen, die nicht nur die Lebenserwartung erh{\"o}hen, sondern auch den Beginn des altersassoziierten funktionellen Abbaus verz{\"o}gern k{\"o}nnten. Durch die Langzeit-Kultivierung prim{\"a}rer humaner Fibroblasten wurde ein in vitro Modell f{\"u}r das Altern etabliert, das die Identifizierung altersassoziierter DNA-Methylierungs-Ver{\"a}nderungen erm{\"o}glichte. Die in vitro Alterung konnte mit einer globalen Hypomethylierung und einer erh{\"o}hten DNA-Methylierung der ribosomalen DNA assoziiert werden. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus konnten DNA-Methylierungs-Ver{\"a}nderungen in Genen und Signalwegen, die f{\"u}r das Altern relevant sind, und ein erh{\"o}htes epigenetisches Alter nachgewiesen werden. Das in vitro Modell f{\"u}r das Altern wurde verwendet, um neben den direkten Effekten ionisierender Strahlung auf die DNA-Methylierung auch deren Langzeit-Effekte zu untersuchen. Die Strahlentherapie ist ein entscheidendes Element der Krebstherapie, hat aber auch negative Auswirkungen und kann unter anderem das Risiko f{\"u}r die Entwicklung eines Zweittumors erh{\"o}hen. Bei externer Bestrahlung wird neben dem Tumor auch gesundes Gewebe ionisierender Strahlung ausgesetzt. Daher ist es wichtig zu untersuchen, wie Zellen mit intakten DNA-Reparatur-Mechanismen und funktionierenden Zellzyklus-Checkpoints durch diese beeinflusst werden. In der fr{\"u}hen Phase der DNA-Schadensantwort auf Bestrahlung wurden in normalen Zellen keine wesentlichen DNA-Methylierungs-Ver{\"a}nderungen beobachtet. Mehrere Populations-Verdoppelungen nach Strahlenexposition konnten dagegen eine globale Hypomethylierung, eine erh{\"o}hte DNA-Methylierung der ribosomalen DNA und ein erh{\"o}htes epigenetisches Alter detektiert werden. Des Weiteren zeigten Gene und Signalwege, die mit Krebs in Verbindung gebracht wurden, Ver{\"a}nderungen in der DNA-Methylierung. Als Langzeit-Effekte ionisierender Strahlung traten somit die mit der in vitro Alterung assoziierten DNA-Methylierungs-Ver{\"a}nderungen verst{\"a}rkt auf und ein epigenetisches Muster, das stark an das DNA-Methylierungs-Profil von Tumorzellen erinnert, entstand. Man geht davon aus, dass Ver{\"a}nderungen der DNA-Methylierung eine aktive Rolle in der Entwicklung eines Tumors spielen. Die durch ionisierende Strahlung induzierten DNA-Methylierungs-Ver{\"a}nderungen in normalen Zellen k{\"o}nnten demnach in die Krebsentstehung nach Strahlenexposition involviert sein und zu dem sekund{\"a}ren Krebsrisiko nach Strahlentherapie beitragen. Es ist bekannt, dass Patienten unterschiedlich auf therapeutische Bestrahlung reagieren. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit weisen darauf hin, dass die individuelle Sensitivit{\"a}t gegen{\"u}ber ionisierender Strahlung auch auf epigenetischer Ebene beobachtet werden kann. In einem zweiten Projekt wurden Gesamtblutproben von Patienten mit Werner-Syndrom, einer segmental progeroiden Erkrankung, und gesunden Kontrollen analysiert, um mit dem vorzeitigen Altern in Verbindung stehende DNA-Methylierungs-Ver{\"a}nderungen zu identifizieren. Werner-Syndrom konnte nicht mit einer globalen Hypomethylierung, jedoch mit einer erh{\"o}hten DNA-Methylierung der ribosomalen DNA und einem erh{\"o}hten epigenetischen Alter assoziiert werden. Das vorzeitige Altern geht demzufolge mit spezifischen epigenetischen Ver{\"a}nderungen einher, die eine Beschleunigung der mit dem normalen Altern auftretenden DNA-Methylierungs-Ver{\"a}nderungen darstellen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit konnte die Bedeutung epigenetischer Mechanismen im Prozess des Alterns hervorgehoben werden und gezeigt werden, dass sowohl exogene Faktoren, wie ionisierende Strahlung, als auch endogene Faktoren, wie das in Werner-Syndrom-Patienten mutiert vorliegende WRN-Gen, altersassoziierte DNA-Methylierungs-Ver{\"a}nderungen beeinflussen k{\"o}nnen.}, subject = {Methylierung}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Lampert2001, author = {Lampert, Kathrin P.}, title = {Alternative life history strategies in the West African reed frog, Hyperolius nitidulus}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-1677}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2001}, abstract = {Distinct juvenile behaviour differences, changes in adult sizes and reproductive capacity and a long reproductive period triggered the working hypothesis of two alternative life-cycle strategies favouring aestivation or immediate reproduction. The hypothesis for the life-cycles of Hyperolius nitidulus that differed from the commonly assumed reproductive strategy for this species was confirmed by the results of this study. Aestivated juveniles start to mature at the beginning of the rainy season and reproduce subsequently. Their tadpoles grow until metamorphosis and either reproduce in this same season, in which case their offspring aestivates (one year - two generations), or they delay reproduction to the following year and aestivate themselves (one year - one generation). Juveniles trying to reproduce as fast as possible will invest in growth and differentiation and show no costly adaptations to aestivation, while juveniles delaying reproduction to the following rainy season will be well adapted to dry season conditions. Indirect evidence for the existence of a second generation was found in all three investigation years: adult size decreased abruptly towards the end of the rainy season, mainly due to the arrival of very small individuals, and clutch size decreased abruptly. Also at the end of the rainy season juveniles had two behavioural types: one hiding on the ground and clearly avoiding direct sunlight and another sitting freely above ground showing higher tolerance towards dry season conditions (high air temperatures and low humidity). Skin morphology differed between the types showing many more purine crystals in a higher order in the dry-season adapted juveniles. The final proof for the existence of a second generation came with the recapture of individuals marked as juveniles when they left the pond. The 45 recaptured frogs definitely came back to the pond to reproduce during the same season in 1999. Second generation frogs (males and females) were significantly smaller than the rest of all adults and egg diameter was reduced. Clutch size did not differ significantly. It was found that females did not discriminate against second generation males when coming to the ponds to reproduce. Second generation males had a similar chance to be found in amplexus as first generation males. Indirect and direct evidence for a second generation matched very well. The sudden size decrease in adults occurred just at the time when the first marked frogs returned. The observation that freshly metamorphosed froglets were able to sit in the sun directly after leaving the water led to the assumption that the decision whether to aestivate or to reproduce already happens during the frogs' larval period. Water chemistry and the influence of light was investigated to look for the factors triggering the decision, but only contaminated water increased the number of juveniles ready for aestivation. Whether the life history polymorphism observed in Hyperolius nitidulus is due to phenotypic plasticity or genetic polymorphism is still not known. Despite this uncertainty, there is no doubt that the optimal combination of different life histories is profitable and may be a reason for the wide range and high local abundance of Hyperolius nitidulus.}, subject = {Westafrika}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schaefer2000, author = {Sch{\"a}fer, Rolf}, title = {Aktivierung von Caspasen in AKR-2B Mausfibroblasten}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-1950}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2000}, abstract = {In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte die essentielle Beteiligung von Caspasen im Zelltodmodell der AKR 2B-Mausfibroblasten nachgewiesen und ihre Aktivit{\"a}ten charakterisiert werden. AKR 2B-Mausfibroblasten stellen eine subklonierte und gut charakterisierte Zellinie dar, in der durch Entzug des Serums der Zelltod induziert wird. W{\"a}hrend des Zelltods sterben innerhalb von 6h etwa 50 Prozent einer dichtearretierten Kultur. Die {\"u}berlebenden Zellen bleiben von diesem Mangelzustand f{\"u}r mindestens weitere 48h unbeeinflußt, ben{\"o}tigen aber zum {\"U}berleben eine Proteinneusynthese. Der Zelltod zeigt f{\"u}r eine Apoptose typische morphologische Ver{\"a}nderungen der Zelle, obwohl apoptotische Charakteristika, wie die oligonukleosomale Fragmentierung der DNA oder die Aufnahme der zerfallenen Zelle durch benachbarte Zellen, ausbleiben. Mittels unterschiedlicher Methoden konnte die Expression von mRNA aller f{\"u}r den apoptotischen Prozeß bekannten relevanten Caspasen in den AKR 2B-Mausfibroblasten nachgewiesen werden. Die Caspasen-1, -2, -3, -6 und -9 liegen in ihrer zymogenen Form konstitutiv in den Zellen vor. Mit Ausnahme der Caspase-9 konnte die durch Serumentzug induzierte Spaltung dieser Caspasen in Untereinheiten und somit ihre Aktivierung nicht detektiert werden. Die wesentliche Beteiligung dieser Cystein-Proteasen wurde jedoch durch den protektiven Effekt spezifischer Inhibitoren und den Nachweis ihrer spezifischen Aktivit{\"a}t bestimmt. Die Charakterisierung dieser enzymatischen Aktivit{\"a}ten lieferte Hinweise zur Identit{\"a}t der aktivierten Caspasen. Neben einer konstitutiven VEIDase- und IETDase-Aktivit{\"a}t wird 3h nach Entzug des Serums eine DEVDase maximal aktiviert. Das Gemisch an Caspase-Aktivit{\"a}ten wird durch eine DEVDase dominiert. Diese Aktivit{\"a}t wird zum gr{\"o}ßten Teil durch nur ein Enzym gestellt, wie durch eine Affinit{\"a}tsmarkierung und 2D-Gelelektrophorese gezeigt wurde. KM- und Ki-Wert-Bestimmungen der DEVDase deuten darauf hin, daß dieses Enzym typische Effektoreigenschaften, wie die der Caspase-3, besitzt. Daneben werden Lamine w{\"a}hrend des Zelltods in AKR 2B-Mausfibroblasten abgebaut, was auf eine aktivierte Caspase-6 hinweist. Die enzymatischen Charakteristika dieser Protease weichen aber von den in AKR 2B-Mausfibroblasten festgestellten Werten deutlich ab, so daß man ihr nur eine untergeordnete Rolle im Caspasen-Gemisch zuordnen kann. Eine mehrfach chromatographische Reinigung der Aktivit{\"a}t bietet die beste Grundlage f{\"u}r eine anschließende Sequenzierung der Caspase mit dem Ziel ihrer Identifizierung. Durch die Expression des viralen Caspase-Inhibitors CrmA konnte eine tragende Rolle der Caspase-8 und damit des Rezeptor-vermittelten Weges in der Initiierung des apoptotischen Programms in AKR 2B-Mausfibroblasten ausgeschlossen werden. Gleiches gilt f{\"u}r den mitochondrial-vermittelten Weg, f{\"u}r dessen Beteiligung, bis auf die Spaltung der Caspase-9, keine Hinweise vorliegen. Der Weg, der zur Aktivierung der DEVDase f{\"u}hrt, ist Ziel gegenw{\"a}rtiger Untersuchungen. Substanzen, die Signalwege aktivieren PDGF-BB, TPA, Forskolin und 8Br-cAMP) oder auch Substanzen, deren Verbindung zu Signalwegen noch weitgehend offen ist, sch{\"u}tzen die Zellen vor dem Zelltod. Der protektive Effekt dieser Signalwege konzentriert sich in einem Konvergenzpunkt, der auf noch unbekannte Weise die Aktivierung der Effektor-Caspasen blockiert. Die Identit{\"a}t dieses Konvergenzpunktes und von ihm ausgehenden protektiven Weges ist Ziel weiterer Untersuchungen. So ist es m{\"o}glicherweise dieser Weg, der zum {\"U}berleben von 50 Prozent der AKR 2B-Mausfibroblasten w{\"a}hrend des Serumentzugs wesentlich beitr{\"a}gt.}, subject = {Maus}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Krimmer2021, author = {Krimmer, Elena}, title = {Agri-environment schemes and ecosystem services: The influence of different sown flower field characteristics on pollination, natural pest control and crop yield}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20657}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-206577}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Insects are responsible for the major part of the ecosystem services pollination and natural pest control. If insects decline, these ecosystem services can not longer be reliably delivered. Agricultural intensification and the subsequent loss and fragmentation of habitats has among others been identified to cause insect decline. Ecological intensification aims to promote alternative and sustainable management practices in agricultural farming, for example to decrease the use of external inputs such as pesticides. Agri-environment schemes make amends for farmers if they integrate ecologically beneficial measures into their farming regime and can therefore promote ecological intensification. There is a wide variety of agri-environment schemes, but the implementation of sown flower fields on crop fields is often included. Flower fields offer foraging resources as well as nesting sites for many different insect species and should be able to support insect populations as well as to increase ecosystem services to adjacent fields. However, the potential of flower fields to exhibit these effects is depending on many factors. Among others, the age and size of the flower field can influence if and how different insects profit from the measure. Additionally, the complexity of the surrounding landscape and therefore the existing biodiversity is influencing the potential of flower fields to increase ecosystem services locally. The goal of this study is to disentangle to which degree these factors influence the ecosystem services pollination and natural pest control and if these factors interact with each other. Furthermore, it will be examined if and how flower fields and ecosystem services influence crop yield. Additional factors examined in this study are distance decay and pesticide use. The abundance of beneficial insects can decrease strongly with increasing distance to suitable habitats. Pesticide use in turn could abrogate positive effects of flower fields on beneficial insects. To examine these different aspects and to be able to make recommendations for flower field implementation, field experiments were conducted on differently composed sown flower fields and adjacent oilseed rape fields. Flower fields differed in their age and continuity as well as in their size. Additionally, flower and oilseed rape fields were chosen in landscapes with different amounts of semi-natural habitat. Oilseed rape fields adjacent to calcareous grasslands and conventional crop fields served as controls. Pollinator observations and pollen beetle and parasitism surveys were conducted in the oilseed rape fields. Additionally, different yield parameters of the oilseed rape plants were recorded. Observations were conducted and samples taken in increasing distance to the flower fields to examine distance decay functions. Spray windows were established to inspect the influence of pesticides on ecosystem services and crop yields. Linear mixed models were used for statistical analysis. The results show, that newly established flower fields with high amounts of flower cover are very attractive for pollinators. If the flower fields reached a certain size (> 1.5ha), the pollinators tended to stay in these fields and did not distribute into the surroundings. High amounts of semi-natural habitat in the surrounding landscape increased the value of small flower fields as starting points for pollinators and their subsequent spillover into crop fields. Additionally, high amounts of semi-natural habitat decreased the decay of pollinators with increasing distance to the flower fields. Based on these results, it can be recommended to establish many small flower fields in landscapes with high amounts of semi-natural habitat and large flower fields in landscapes with low amounts of semi-natural habitat. However, it is mentionable that flower fields are no substitute for perennial semi-natural habitats. These still must be actively conserved to increase pollination to crop fields. Furthermore, the lowest amount of pollen beetle infestation was found on oilseed rape fields adjacent to continuous flower fields aged older than 6 years. Flower fields and calcareous grasslands in general increased pollen beetle parasitism in adjacent oilseed rape fields compared to conventional crop fields. The threshold for effective natural pest control could only be reached in the pesticide free areas in the oilseed rape fields adjacent to continuous flower fields and calcareous grasslands. Parasitism and superparasitism declined with increasing distance to the adjacent fields in pesticide treated areas of the oilseed rape fields. However, they remained on a similar level in spray windows without pesticides. Large flower fields increased parasitism and superparasitism more than small flower fields. Flower fields generally have the potential to increase pollen beetle parasitism rates, but pesticides can abrogate these positive effects of flower fields on natural pest control. Last but not least, effects of flower fields and ecosystem services on oilseed rape yield were examined. No positive effects of pollination on oilseed rape yield could be found. Old and continuous flower fields increased natural pest control in oilseed rape fields, which in turn increased seed set and total seed weight of oilseed rape plants. The pesticide treatment had negative effects on natural pest control, but positive effects on crop yield. Pollination and natural pest control decreased with increasing distance to the field edge, but fruit set slightly increased. The quality of the field in terms of soil and climatic conditions did not influence the yield parameters examined in this study. Yield formation in oilseed rape plants is a complex process with many factors involved, and it is difficult to disentangle indirect effects of flower fields on yield. However, perennial flower fields can promote ecological intensification by increasing crop yield via natural pest control. This study contributes to a better understanding of the effects of differently composed flower fields on pollination, natural pest control and oilseed rape yield.}, subject = {{\"O}kologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schardt2023, author = {Schardt, Simon}, title = {Agent-based modeling of cell differentiation in mouse ICM organoids}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-30194}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-301940}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Mammalian embryonic development is subject to complex biological relationships that need to be understood. However, before the whole structure of development can be put together, the individual building blocks must first be understood in more detail. One of these building blocks is the second cell fate decision and describes the differentiation of cells of the inner cell mass of the embryo into epiblast and primitive endoderm cells. These cells then spatially segregate and form the subsequent bases for the embryo and yolk sac, respectively. In organoids of the inner cell mass, these two types of progenitor cells are also observed to form, and to some extent to spatially separate. This work has been devoted to these phenomena over the past three years. Plenty of studies already provide some insights into the basic mechanics of this cell differentiation, such that the first signs of epiblast and primitive endoderm differentiation, are the expression levels of transcription factors NANOG and GATA6. Here, cells with low expression of GATA6 and high expression of NANOG adopt the epiblast fate. If the expressions are reversed, a primitive endoderm cell is formed. Regarding the spatial segregation of the two cell types, it is not yet clear what mechanism leads to this. A common hypothesis suggests the differential adhesion of cell as the cause for the spatial rearrangement of cells. In this thesis however, the possibility of a global cell-cell communication is investigated. The approach chosen to study these phenomena follows the motto "mathematics is biology's next microscope". Mathematical modeling is used to transform the central gene regulatory network at the heart of this work into a system of equations that allows us to describe the temporal evolution of NANOG and GATA6 under the influence of an external signal. Special attention is paid to the derivation of new models using methods of statistical mechanics, as well as the comparison with existing models. After a detailed stability analysis the advantages of the derived model become clear by the fact that an exact relationship of the model parameters and the formation of heterogeneous mixtures of two cell types was found. Thus, the model can be easily controlled and the proportions of the resulting cell types can be estimated in advance. This mathematical model is also combined with a mechanism for global cell-cell communication, as well as a model for the growth of an organoid. It is shown that the global cell-cell communication is able to unify the formation of checkerboard patterns as well as engulfing patterns based on differently propagating signals. In addition, the influence of cell division and thus organoid growth on pattern formation is studied in detail. It is shown that this is able to contribute to the formation of clusters and, as a consequence, to breathe some randomness into otherwise perfectly sorted patterns.}, subject = {Mathematische Modellierung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Franke2019, author = {Franke, Christian}, title = {Advancing Single-Molecule Localization Microscopy: Quantitative Analyses and Photometric Three-Dimensional Imaging}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-15635}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-156355}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Since its first experimental implementation in 2005, single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) emerged as a versatile and powerful imaging tool for biological structures with nanometer resolution. By now, SMLM has compiled an extensive track-record of novel insights in sub- and inter- cellular organization.\\ Moreover, since all SMLM techniques rely on the analysis of emission patterns from isolated fluorophores, they inherently allocate molecular information \$per\$ \$definitionem\$.\\ Consequently, SMLM transitioned from its origin as pure high-resolution imaging instrument towards quantitative microscopy, where the key information medium is no longer the highly resolved image itself, but the raw localization data set.\\ The work presented in this thesis is part of the ongoing effort to translate those \$per\$ \$se\$ molecular information gained by SMLM imaging to insights into the structural organization of the targeted protein or even beyond. Although largely consistent in their objectives, the general distinction between global or segmentation clustering approaches on one side and particle averaging or meta-analyses techniques on the other is usually made.\\ During the course of my thesis, I designed, implemented and employed numerous quantitative approaches with varying degrees of complexity and fields of application.\\ \\ In my first major project, I analyzed the localization distribution of the integral protein gp210 of the nuclear pore complex (NPC) with an iterative \textit{k}-means algorithm. Relating the distinct localization statistics of separated gp210 domains to isolated fluorescent signals led, among others, to the conclusion that the anchoring ring of the NPC consists of 8 homo-dimers of gp210.\\ This is of particular significance, both because it answered a decades long standing question about the nature of the gp210 ring and it showcased the possibility to gain structural information well beyond the resolution capabilities of SMLM by crafty quantification approaches.\\ \\ The second major project reported comprises an extensive study of the synaptonemal complex (SNC) and linked cohesin complexes. Here, I employed a multi-level meta-analysis of the localization sets of various SNC proteins to facilitate the compilation of a novel model of the molecular organization of the major SNC components with so far unmatched extend and detail with isotropic three-dimensional resolution.\\ In a second venture, the two murine cohesin components SMC3 and STAG3 connected to the SNC were analyzed. Applying an adapted algorithm, considering the disperse nature of cohesins, led to the realization that there is an apparent polarization of those cohesin complexes in the SNC, as well as a possible sub-structure of STAG3 beyond the resolution capabilities of SMLM.\\ \\ Other minor projects connected to localization quantification included the study of plasma membrane glycans regarding their overall localization distribution and particular homogeneity as well as the investigation of two flotillin proteins in the membrane of bacteria, forming clusters of distinct shapes and sizes.\\ \\ Finally, a novel approach to three-dimensional SMLM is presented, employing the precise quantification of single molecule emitter intensities. This method, named TRABI, relies on the principles of aperture photometry which were improved for SMLM.\\ With TRABI it was shown, that widely used Gaussian fitting based localization software underestimates photon counts significantly. This mismatch was utilized as a \$z\$-dependent parameter, enabling the conversion of 2D SMLM data to a virtual 3D space. Furthermore it was demonstrated, that TRABI can be combined beneficially with a multi-plane detection scheme, resulting in superior performance regarding axial localization precision and resolution.\\ Additionally, TRABI has been subsequently employed to photometrically characterize a novel dye for SMLM, revealing superior photo-physical properties at the single-molecule level.\\ Following the conclusion of this thesis, the TRABI method and its applications remains subject of diverse ongoing research.}, subject = {Einzelmolek{\"u}lmikroskopie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Cseh1999, author = {Cseh, Richard}, title = {Adsorption of phloretin to lipid layers}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-1069}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {1999}, abstract = {The mode of action of phloretin and its analogs on the permeability of natural membranes for neutral and charged molecules, such as urea, glucose and chloride has been characterized 25 years ago. In contrast to signal molecules with primary effects on transport systems of natural membranes, phloretin also affects model membranes, i.e., artificial membranes, which do not contain proteins. Since the dipole potential reducing effect of phloretin on mono- and bilayers has been found, it became clear that its primary effect must be a biophysical one: phloretin adsorbs to lipid layers and changes biophysical parameters of these layers. The aim of this work was the characterization of the interaction between the surface-active molecule phloretin and artificial lipid layers. We were able to describe structural and functional parameters of the model systems mono- and bilayer as functions of one or few variables. One of these parameters, the dipole potential, measured as a function of the aqueous phloretin concentration, allowed a critical examination of the Langmuir adsorption model that has been postulated for the interaction between phloretin and lipid layers. Surface pressure versus area per lipid molecule isotherms and surface (dipole) potential change versus area per lipid molecule isotherms, measured at lipid monolayers, allowed a structural description of the phloretin-lipid interaction: phloretin integrates into monolayers dependent on the surface pressure and the phase state of the lipid. Calorimetric measurements confirmed the integration of phloretin into membranes because of the strong decrease of the phase transition temperature, but they also showed that the cooperativity of phase transition is hardly affected, even at very high amounts of phloretin in the membrane. Obviously the interaction between phloretin and lipids is restricted to the head groups, an integration into the hydrocarbon layer is unlikely. 2H NMR measurements with spherical unilamellar vesicles of headgroup-deuterated lipid showed changed quadrupolar splittings indicating the interaction between phloretin and headgroups of the lipids.}, subject = {Phloretin}, language = {en} }