@phdthesis{Schubert2021, author = {Schubert, Jonathan}, title = {Bildgebende Zweifarben-Einzelmolek{\"u}l-PET-Fluoreszenzspektroskopie am molekularen Chaperon Hsp90}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24493}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-244938}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Im Forschungsfeld der Proteindynamik h{\"a}ufen sich in den letzten Jahren Untersuchungen an einzelnen Molek{\"u}len. Damit k{\"o}nnen molekulare Ereignisse, die in konventioneller Spektroskopie durch stochastische Prozesse unentdeckt bleiben, durch direkte Beobachtung identifiziert und analysiert werden, was zu tieferem mechanistischem Verst{\"a}ndnis des untersuchten Systems beitragen kann. Die Implikation des molekularen Chaperons Hsp90 in die korrekte Faltung und Aktivierung einer Vielzahl davon abh{\"a}ngiger Klientenproteine machen es zu einem zentralen Knotenpunkt der zellul{\"a}ren Proteinhom{\"o}ostase, allerdings ist der Mechanismus seiner breiten Klientenerkennung und -prozessierung bisher nur l{\"u}ckenhaft untersucht. Mit der Erkenntnis, dass Hsp90 ATP abh{\"a}ngig große, ratenlimitierende Umstrukturierungen erf{\"a}hrt, wurden Reportersysteme entwickelt, die auf dem F{\"o}rster-Resonanzenergietransfer mit einer r{\"a}umlichen Aufl{\"o}sung von ca. 2-10 nm basieren. Diese dokumentieren einen Klammerschluss des Chaperons und prognostizieren einen intermediatbbasierten Konformations-Zyklus. Details {\"u}ber den Mechanismus der Umstrukturierungen wurden mit der Entwicklung von Reportersystemen ermittelt, die auf dem photoinduzierten Elektronentransfer zwischen der Aminos{\"a}ure Tryptophan und einem organischen Farbstoff basieren. Die Technik beruht auf kontaktinduzierter Fluoreszenzl{\"o}schung und damit verbundenen digitalen Intensit{\"a}ts{\"u}berg{\"a}ngen, dabei erm{\"o}glicht die r{\"a}umliche Sensitivit{\"a}t von < 1 nm die Beobachtung von lokalen Umstrukturierungen. In Hsp90 wurden damit mittels konventioneller Spektroskopie drei kritische lokale Umlagerungen untersucht und daraus ein Modell mit heterogenen apo-Konformationen sowie ein kooperativer Konformationszyklus abgeleitet, der dem intermediatbasierten Modell gegen{\"u}bersteht. Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation wurde anhand des Hsp90-Chaperons eine Methode entwickelt, die eine bildgebende PET Fluoreszenzspektroskopie von mehreren Umstrukturierungen gleichzeitig an einzelnen Molek{\"u}len erlaubt. Ein umfangreiches Farbstoffscreening f{\"u}hrte zur Identifizierung eines Farbstoffpaars, das die PET-basierte simultane Aufzeichnung zweier Konformations-Koordinaten erm{\"o}glicht. {\"U}ber verschiedene Modifikationen des Chaperons konnten einzelmolek{\"u}ltaugliche Oberfl{\"a}chen hergestellt werden, auf denen zweifach markierte Hsp90-Proteine immobilisiert sind. Fluoreszenzintensit{\"a}tszeitspuren einzelner Chaperone und entsprechende Kontrollkonstrukte best{\"a}tigen qualitativ den Erfolg der Methode, f{\"u}r die quantitative Analyse wurde eine Routine in der Programmiersprache Python entwickelt, mit welcher kinetische Informationen ermittelt werden konnten. Diese legen eine enge wechselseitige Abh{\"a}ngigkeit der drei lokalen Elemente nahe, wobei der Großteil der Konformations{\"u}berg{\"a}nge zweier simultan aufgezeichneter Umstrukturierungen Synchronit{\"a}t innerhalb von zwei Sekunden zeigt. Im Vergleich zur Hydrolyse von einem ATP in mehreren Minuten deutet das auf eine enge Kopplung hin. Weiter konnte eine Beschleunigung der Dynamiken durch aromatische Modifikation des N-Terminus von Hsp90 beobachtet werden, zudem erlaubt der Einzelmolek{\"u}lansatz die Verwendung des nativen Nukleotids ATP, wodurch auch die lokalen {\"O}ffnungsdynamiken zug{\"a}nglich werden. Die zur Bestimmung der Zeitkonstanten durchgef{\"u}hrte Analyse unterst{\"u}tzt die Ansicht heterogener apo-Zust{\"a}nde und einer einheitlich geschlossenen Konformation. Die bildgebende Zweifarben-Einzelmolek{\"u}l-PET-Spektroskopie konnte insgesamt zu einem Komplement der Einzelmolek{\"u}l-FRET-Spektroskopie entwickelt werden, um damit lokale Konformationsdynamiken zu untersuchen. Der bildgebende Ansatz erlaubt eine einfache Implementierung in einen experimentellen Einzelmolek{\"u}l-FRET Aufbau bei gleichzeitiger Erweiterung der beobachteten Koordinaten und wird so zu einem breit anwendbaren Werkzeug multidimensionaler Dynamikuntersuchungen einzelner Proteine.}, subject = {Fluoreszenzspektroskopie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Rajab2021, author = {Rajab, Suhaila}, title = {Untersuchung von Sub-Millisekunden Dynamiken und allosterischer Kommunikation in Ligandenbindedom{\"a}nen ionotroper Glutamatrezeptoren}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24494}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-244946}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Ionotrope Glutamatrezeptoren (iGluRs) sind ligandengesteuerte Ionenkan{\"a}le und vermitteln den Großteil der exzitatorischen Signalweiterleitung im gesamten zentralen Nervensystem. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus spielen iGluRs eine entscheidende Rolle bei der neuronalen Entwicklung und Funktion, einschließlich Lernprozessen und Ged{\"a}chtnisbildung. Da eine Fehlfunktion dieser Rezeptoren mit zahlreichen neurodegenerativen Erkrankungen verbunden ist, stellen iGluRs zudem wichtige Zielproteine f{\"u}r die pharmakologische Wirkstoffentwicklung dar. Im Allgemeinen wird zwischen drei Untergruppen ionotroper Glutamatrezeptoren unterschieden, welche aufgrund ihrer Selektivit{\"a}t f{\"u}r einen bestimmten Liganden benannt sind: AMPA-, Kainate-, und NMDA-Rezeptoren. Die iGluRs jeder dieser Untergruppen bestehen in der Regel aus vier Untereinheiten, welche wiederum aus vier semiautonomen Dom{\"a}nen aufgebaut sind: (i) die aminoterminale Dom{\"a}ne (ATD), (ii) die Ligandenbindedom{\"a}ne (LBD), (iii) die Transmembrandom{\"a}ne (TMD) und (iv) die carboxyterminale Dom{\"a}ne (CTD). Die Ligandenbindedom{\"a}ne, welche wiederum aus zwei Lobes (D1 und D2) besteht und in ihrer Struktur einer Muschelschale {\"a}hnelt, vollzieht bei Bindung eines Neurotransmitters eine Konformations{\"a}nderung, wobei sie sich um den gebundenen Agonisten herumschließt. Diese Konformations{\"a}nderung der LBD wird auf die Transmembrandom{\"a}ne, welche den membran{\"u}berspannenden Ionenkanal ausbildet, {\"u}bertragen, was in einer Umlagerung der Transmembranhelices und infolgedessen der {\"O}ffnung des Ionenkanals resultiert. Die Konformations{\"a}nderung der LBD ist demnach die treibende Kraft, welche dem {\"O}ffnen und Schließen des Ionenkanals zugrunde liegt. Aus diesem Grund stellt die isolierte Ligandenbindedom{\"a}ne, welche als l{\"o}sliches Protein hergestellt werden kann, ein etabliertes Modellsystem zur Untersuchung der strukturellen und funktionellen Zusammenh{\"a}nge innerhalb des Funktionsmechanismus ionotroper Glutamatrezeptoren dar. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden die Konformationsdynamiken der in Escherichia coli-Bakterien exprimierten isolierten Ligandenbindedom{\"a}nen der drei homologen Untergruppen - AMPA-, Kainate- und NMDA-Rezeptoren - sowohl als Monomer als auch als Dimer untersucht. Hierbei wurden im ungebundenen Apo-Zustand der Proteine signifikante Kinetiken im Bereich von Nanosekunden bis Mikrosekunden festgestellt, welche bei Bindung eines Agonisten sowie bei Dimerisierung erheblichen Ver{\"a}nderungen zeigen. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus wurde allosterische Kommunikation zwischen den LBDs der NMDA-Untergruppe untersucht, wobei in der Tat ein deutlicher allosterischer Effekt in Bezug auf die Konformationsdynamiken der Proteine gemessen werden konnte. Weiterhin wurde ein PET-FCS-basiertes Verfahren zur Messung der Dissoziationskonstante der Bindung eines Liganden an die LBD eines AMPA-Rezeptors entwickelt. Zuletzt wurde außerdem ermittelt, ob ein Unterschied zwischen vollen und partiellen Agonisten hinsichtlich ihres Einflusses auf die Konformationsdynamiken einer AMPA-Rezeptor LBD besteht, was nachgewiesenermaßen nicht der Fall ist. Alle Messungen wurden auf Einzelmolek{\"u}lebene auf Zeitskalen von Nanosekunden bis Millisekunden basierend auf Fluoreszenzfluktuationen unter Verwendung des photoinduzierten Elektronentransfers (PET) in Kombination mit Korrelationsspektroskopie (PET-FCS) durchgef{\"u}hrt. Zu diesem Zweck wurden PET-basierte Fluoreszenzsonden entwickelt, um Konformations{\"a}nderungen auf einer r{\"a}umlichen Skala von einem Nanometer zu detektieren. Durch die Experimente innerhalb dieser Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass die PET-FCS-Methode eine vielversprechende Erg{\"a}nzung zu allen bisher bestehenden Methoden zur Untersuchung der Konformationsdynamiken der Ligandenbindedom{\"a}ne ionotroper Glutamatrezeptoren darstellt und daher eine aussichtsreiche M{\"o}glichkeit zur Erweiterung des zuk{\"u}nftigen Verst{\"a}ndnisses der Funktionsweise von iGluRs bietet.}, subject = {Fluoreszenzkorrelationsspektroskopie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Georgiev2021, author = {Georgiev, Kostadin}, title = {Sustainable management of naturally disturbed forests}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24285}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-242854}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Owing to climate change, natural forest disturbances and consecutive salvage logging are drastically increasing worldwide, consequently increasing the importance of understanding how these disturbances would affect biodiversity conservation and provision of ecosystem services. In chapter II, I used long-term water monitoring data and mid-term data on α-diversity of twelve species groups to quantify the effects of natural disturbances (windthrow and bark beetle) and salvage logging on concentrations of nitrate and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in streamwater and α-diversity. I found that natural disturbances led to a temporal increase of nitrate concentrations in streamwater, but these concentrations remained within the health limits recommended by the World Health Organization for drinking water. Salvage logging did not exert any additional impact on nitrate and DOC concentrations, and hence did not affect streamwater quality. Thus, neither natural forest disturbances in watersheds nor associated salvage logging have a harmful effect on the quality of the streamwater used for drinking water. Natural disturbances increased the α-diversity in eight out of twelve species groups. Salvage logging additionally increased the α-diversity of five species groups related to open habitats, but decreased the biodiversity of three deadwood-dependent species groups. In chapter III, I investigated whether salvage logging following natural disturbances (wildfire and windthrow) altered the natural successional trajectories of bird communities. I compiled data on breeding bird assemblages from nine study areas in North America, Europe and Asia, over a period of 17 years and tested whether bird community dissimilarities changed over time for taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic diversity when rare, common and dominant species were weighted differently. I found that salvage logging led to significantly larger dissimilarities than expected by chance and that these dissimilarities persisted over time for rare, common and dominant species, evolutionary lineages, and for rare functional groups. Dissimilarities were highest for rare, followed by common and dominant species. In chapter IV, I investigated how β-diversity of 13 taxonomic groups would differ in intact, undisturbed forests, disturbed, unlogged forests and salvage-logged forests 11 years after a windthrow and salvage logging. The study suggests that both windthrow and salvage logging drive changes in between-treatment β-diversity, whereas windthrow alone seems to drive changes in within-treatment β-diversity. Over a decade after the windthrow at the studied site, the effect of subsequent salvage logging on within-treatment β-diversity was no longer detectable but the effect on between-treatment β-diversity persisted, with more prominent changes in saproxylic groups and rare species than in non-saproxylic groups or common and dominant species. Based on these results, I suggest that salvage logging needs to be carefully weighed against its long-lasting impact on communities of rare species. Also, setting aside patches of naturally disturbed areas is a valuable management alternative as these patches would enable post-disturbance succession of bird communities in unmanaged patches and would promote the conservation of deadwood-dependent species, without posing health risks to drinking water sources.}, subject = {species richness}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{LopezArboleda2021, author = {L{\´o}pez Arboleda, William Andr{\´e}s}, title = {Global Genetic Heterogeneity in Adaptive Traits}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24246}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-242468}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS) have revolutionized the way on how genotype-phenotype relations are assessed. In the 20 years long history of GWAS, multiple challenges from a biological, computational, and statistical point of view have been faced. The implementation of this technique using the model plant species Arabidopsis thaliana, has enabled the detection of many association for multiple traits. Despite a lot of studies implementing GWAS have discovered new candidate genes for multiple traits, different samples are used across studies. In many cases, either globally diverse samples or samples composed of accessions from a geographically restricted area are used. With the aim of comparing GWAS outcomes between populations from different geographic areas, this thesis describes the performance of GWAS in different European samples of A. thaliana. Here, association mapping results for flowering time were compared. Chapter 2 describes the analyses of random resampling from this original sample. The aim was to establish reduced subsamples to later carry out GWAS and compare the outcomes between these subsamples. In Chapter 3, the European sample was split into eight equally-sized local samples representing different geographic regions. Next, GWAS was carried out and an attempt was made to clarify the differences in GWAS outcomes. Chapter 4 contains the results of a collaboration with Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Dr{\"o}ge- Laser, in which my mainly task was the analysis of RNAseq data from A. thaliana plants infected by pathogenic fungi. Finally, Appendix A presents a very short description of my participation in the GHP Project on Access to Care for Cardiometabolic Diseases (HPACC) at the university of Heidelberg.}, language = {en} } @article{KuehnemundtLeifeldSchergetal.2021, author = {K{\"u}hnemundt, Johanna and Leifeld, Heidi and Scherg, Florian and Schmitt, Matthias and Nelke, Lena C. and Schmitt, Tina and Bauer, Florentin and G{\"o}ttlich, Claudia and Fuchs, Maximilian and Kunz, Meik and Peindl, Matthias and Br{\"a}hler, Caroline and Kronenthaler, Corinna and Wischhusen, J{\"o}rg and Prelog, Martina and Walles, Heike and Dandekar, Thomas and Dandekar, Gudrun and Nietzer, Sarah L.}, title = {Modular micro-physiological human tumor/tissue models based on decellularized tissue for improved preclinical testing}, series = {ALTEX}, volume = {38}, journal = {ALTEX}, doi = {10.14573/altex.2008141}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-231465}, pages = {289-306}, year = {2021}, abstract = {High attrition-rates entailed by drug testing in 2D cell culture and animal models stress the need for improved modeling of human tumor tissues. In previous studies our 3D models on a decellularized tissue matrix have shown better predictivity and higher chemoresistance. A single porcine intestine yields material for 150 3D models of breast, lung, colorectal cancer (CRC) or leukemia. The uniquely preserved structure of the basement membrane enables physiological anchorage of endothelial cells and epithelial-derived carcinoma cells. The matrix provides different niches for cell growth: on top as monolayer, in crypts as aggregates and within deeper layers. Dynamic culture in bioreactors enhances cell growth. Comparing gene expression between 2D and 3D cultures, we observed changes related to proliferation, apoptosis and stemness. For drug target predictions, we utilize tumor-specific sequencing data in our in silico model finding an additive effect of metformin and gefitinib treatment for lung cancer in silico, validated in vitro. To analyze mode-of-action, immune therapies such as trispecific T-cell engagers in leukemia, as well as toxicity on non-cancer cells, the model can be modularly enriched with human endothelial cells (hECs), immune cells and fibroblasts. Upon addition of hECs, transmigration of immune cells through the endothelial barrier can be investigated. In an allogenic CRC model we observe a lower basic apoptosis rate after applying PBMCs in 3D compared to 2D, which offers new options to mirror antigen-specific immunotherapies in vitro. In conclusion, we present modular human 3D tumor models with tissue-like features for preclinical testing to reduce animal experiments.}, language = {en} } @article{HelfrichFoersterMoneckeSpiousasetal.2021, author = {Helfrich-F{\"o}rster, C. and Monecke, S. and Spiousas, I. and Hovestadt, T. and Mitesser, O. and Wehr, T. A.}, title = {Women temporarily synchronize their menstrual cycles with the luminance and gravimetric cycles of the Moon}, series = {Science Advances}, volume = {7}, journal = {Science Advances}, number = {5}, doi = {10.1126/sciadv.abe1358}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-231479}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Many species synchronize reproductive behavior with a particular phase of the lunar cycle to increase reproductive success. In humans, a lunar influence on reproductive behavior remains controversial, although the human menstrual cycle has a period close to that of the lunar cycle. Here, we analyzed long-term menstrual recordings of individual women with distinct methods for biological rhythm analysis. We show that women's menstrual cycles with a period longer than 27 days were intermittently synchronous with the Moon's luminance and/or gravimetric cycles. With age and upon exposure to artificial nocturnal light, menstrual cycles shortened and lost this synchrony. We hypothesize that in ancient times, human reproductive behavior was synchronous with the Moon but that our modern lifestyles have changed reproductive physiology and behavior.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Habenstein2021, author = {Habenstein, Jens}, title = {Neuropeptides in the brain of \(Cataglyphis\) \(nodus\) ants and their role as potential modulators of behavior}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24961}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-249618}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {An adequate task allocation among colony members is of particular importance in large insect societies. Some species exhibit distinct polymorphic worker classes which are responsible for a specific range of tasks. However, much more often the behavior of the workers is related to the age of the individual. Ants of the genus Cataglyphis (Foerster 1850) undergo a marked age-related polyethism with three distinct behavioral stages. Newly emerged ants (callows) remain more or less motionless in the nest for the first day. The ants subsequently fulfill different tasks inside the darkness of the nest for up to four weeks (interior workers) before they finally leave the nest to collect food for the colony (foragers). This thesis focuses on the neuronal substrate underlying the temporal polyethism in Cataglyphis nodus ants by addressing following major objectives: (1) Investigating the structures and neuronal circuitries of the Cataglyphis brain to understand potential effects of neuromodulators in specific brain neuropils. (2) Identification and localization of neuropeptides in the Cataglyphis brain. (3) Examining the expression of suitable neuropeptide candidates during behavioral maturation of Cataglyphis workers. The brain provides the fundament for the control of the behavioral output of an insect. Although the importance of the central nervous system is known beyond doubt, the functional significance of large areas of the insect brain are not completely understood. In Cataglyphis ants, previous studies focused almost exclusively on major neuropils while large proportions of the central protocerebrum have been often disregarded due to the lack of clear boundaries. Therefore, I reconstructed a three-dimensional Cataglyphis brain employing confocal laser scanning microscopy. To visualize synapsin-rich neuropils and fiber tracts, a combination of fluorescently labeled antibodies, phalloidin (a cyclic peptide binding to filamentous actin) and anterograde tracers was used. Based on the unified nomenclature for insect brains, I defined traceable criteria for the demarcation of individual neuropils. The resulting three-dimensional brain atlas provides information about 33 distinct synapse-rich neuropils and 30 fiber tracts, including a comprehensive description of the olfactory and visual tracts in the Cataglyphis brain. This three-dimensional brain atlas further allows to assign present neuromodulators to individual brain neuropils. Neuropeptides represent the largest group of neuromodulators in the central nervous system of insects. They regulate important physiological and behavioral processes and have therefore recently been associated with the regulation of the temporal polyethism in social insects. To date, the knowledge of neuropeptides in Cataglyphis ants has been mainly derived from neuropeptidomic data of Camponotus floridanus ants and only a few neuropeptides have been characterized in Cataglyphis. Therefore, I performed a comprehensive transcriptome analysis in Cataglyphis nodus ants and identified peptides by using Q-Exactive Orbitrap mass spectrometry (MS) and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) MS. This resulted in the characterization of 71 peptides encoded on 49 prepropeptide genes, including a novel neuropeptide-like gene (fliktin). In addition, high-resolution MALDI-TOF MS imaging (MALDI-MSI) was applied for the first time in an ant brain to localize peptides on thin brain cryosections. Employing MALDI-MSI, I was able to visualize the spatial distribution of 35 peptides encoded on 16 genes. To investigate the role of neuropeptides during behavioral maturation, I selected suitable neuropeptide candidates and analyzed their spatial distributions and expression levels following major behavioral transitions. Based on recent studies, I suggested the neuropeptides allatostatin-A (Ast-A), corazonin (Crz) and tachykinin (TK) as potential regulators of the temporal polyethism. The peptidergic neurons were visualized in the brain of C. nodus ants using immunohistochemistry. Independent of the behavioral stages, numerous Ast-A- and TK-immunoreactive (-ir) neurons innervate important high-order integration centers and sensory input regions with cell bodies dispersed all across the cell body rind. In contrast, only four corazonergic neurons per hemisphere were found in the Cataglyphis brain. Their somata are localized in the pars lateralis with axons projecting to the medial protocerebrum and the retrocerebral complex. Number and branching patterns of the Crz-ir neurons were similar across behavioral stages, however, the volume of the cell bodies was significantly larger in foragers than in the preceding behavioral stages. In addition, quantitative PCR analyses displayed increased Crz and Ast-A mRNA levels in foragers, suggesting a concomitant increase of the peptide levels. The task-specific expression of Crz and Ast-A along with the presence in important sensory input regions, high-order integration center, and the neurohormonal organs indicate a sustaining role of the neuropeptides during behavioral maturation of Cataglyphis workers. The present thesis contains a comprehensive reference work for the brain anatomy and the neuropeptidome of Cataglyphis ants. I further demonstrated that neuropeptides are suitable modulators for the temporal polyethism of Cataglyphis workers. The complete dataset provides a solid framework for future neuroethological studies in Cataglyphis ants as well as for comparative studies on insects. This may help to improve our understanding of the functionality of individual brain neuropils and the role of neuropeptides, particularly during behavioral maturation in social insects.}, subject = {Cataglyphis}, language = {en} } @article{KuhlemannBeliuJanzenetal.2021, author = {Kuhlemann, Alexander and Beliu, Gerti and Janzen, Dieter and Petrini, Enrica Maria and Taban, Danush and Helmerich, Dominic A. and Doose, S{\"o}ren and Bruno, Martina and Barberis, Andrea and Villmann, Carmen and Sauer, Markus and Werner, Christian}, title = {Genetic Code Expansion and Click-Chemistry Labeling to Visualize GABA-A Receptors by Super-Resolution Microscopy}, series = {Frontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience}, volume = {13}, journal = {Frontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience}, issn = {1663-3563}, doi = {10.3389/fnsyn.2021.727406}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-251035}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Fluorescence labeling of difficult to access protein sites, e.g., in confined compartments, requires small fluorescent labels that can be covalently tethered at well-defined positions with high efficiency. Here, we report site-specific labeling of the extracellular domain of γ-aminobutyric acid type A (GABA-A) receptor subunits by genetic code expansion (GCE) with unnatural amino acids (ncAA) combined with bioorthogonal click-chemistry labeling with tetrazine dyes in HEK-293-T cells and primary cultured neurons. After optimization of GABA-A receptor expression and labeling efficiency, most effective variants were selected for super-resolution microscopy and functionality testing by whole-cell patch clamp. Our results show that GCE with ncAA and bioorthogonal click labeling with small tetrazine dyes represents a versatile method for highly efficient site-specific fluorescence labeling of proteins in a crowded environment, e.g., extracellular protein domains in confined compartments such as the synaptic cleft.}, language = {en} } @article{PetersKaiserFinketal.2021, author = {Peters, Simon and Kaiser, Lena and Fink, Julian and Schumacher, Fabian and Perschin, Veronika and Schlegel, Jan and Sauer, Markus and Stigloher, Christian and Kleuser, Burkhard and Seibel, Juergen and Schubert-Unkmeir, Alexandra}, title = {Click-correlative light and electron microscopy (click-AT-CLEM) for imaging and tracking azido-functionalized sphingolipids in bacteria}, series = {Scientific Reports}, volume = {11}, journal = {Scientific Reports}, number = {1}, doi = {10.1038/s41598-021-83813-w}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-259147}, pages = {4300}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Sphingolipids, including ceramides, are a diverse group of structurally related lipids composed of a sphingoid base backbone coupled to a fatty acid side chain and modified terminal hydroxyl group. Recently, it has been shown that sphingolipids show antimicrobial activity against a broad range of pathogenic microorganisms. The antimicrobial mechanism, however, remains so far elusive. Here, we introduce 'click-AT-CLEM', a labeling technique for correlated light and electron microscopy (CLEM) based on the super-resolution array tomography (srAT) approach and bio-orthogonal click chemistry for imaging of azido-tagged sphingolipids to directly visualize their interaction with the model Gram-negative bacterium Neisseria meningitidis at subcellular level. We observed ultrastructural damage of bacteria and disruption of the bacterial outer membrane induced by two azido-modified sphingolipids by scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Click-AT-CLEM imaging and mass spectrometry clearly revealed efficient incorporation of azido-tagged sphingolipids into the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria as underlying cause of their antimicrobial activity.}, language = {en} } @article{HaackBaikerSchlegeletal.2021, author = {Haack, Stephanie and Baiker, Sarah and Schlegel, Jan and Sauer, Markus and Sparwasser, Tim and Langenhorst, Daniela and Beyersdorf, Niklas}, title = {Superagonistic CD28 stimulation induces IFN-γ release from mouse T helper 1 cells in vitro and in vivo}, series = {European Journal of Immunology}, volume = {51}, journal = {European Journal of Immunology}, number = {3}, doi = {10.1002/eji.202048803}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-239028}, pages = {738 -- 741}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Like human Th1 cells, mouse Th1 cells also secrete IFN-γ upon stimulation with a superagonistic anti-CD28 monoclonal antibody (CD28-SA). Crosslinking of the CD28-SA via FcR and CD40-CD40L interactions greatly increased IFN-γ release. Our data stress the utility of the mouse as a model organism for immune responses in humans.}, language = {en} }