@phdthesis{Eidel2020, author = {Eidel, Matthias T. A. M.}, title = {Training Effects of a Tactile Brain-Computer Interface System During Prolonged Use by Healthy And Motor-Impaired People}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20851}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-208511}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Background - Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) enable their users to interact and communicate with the environment without requiring intact muscle control. To this end, brain activity is directly measured, digitized and interpreted by the computer. Thus, BCIs may be a valuable tool to assist severely or even completely paralysed patients. Many BCIs, however, rely on neurophysiological potentials evoked by visual stimulation, which can result in usability issues among patients with impaired vision or gaze control. Because of this, several non-visual BCI paradigms have been developed. Most notably, a recent study revealed promising results from a tactile BCI for wheelchair control. In this multi-session approach, healthy participants used the BCI to navigate a simulated wheelchair through a virtual apartment, which revealed not only that the BCI could be operated highly efficiently, but also that it could be trained over five sessions. The present thesis continues the research on this paradigm in order to - confirm its previously reported high performance levels and trainability - reveal the underlying factors responsible for observed performance increases - establish its feasibility among potential impaired end-users Methods - To approach these goals, three studies were conducted with both healthy participants and patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Brain activity during BCI operation was recorded via electroencephalography (EEG) and interpreted using a machine learning-based linear classifier. Wheelchair navigation was executed according to the classification results and visualized on a monitor. For offline statistical analysis, neurophysiological features were extracted from EEG data. Subjective data on usability were collected from all participants. Two specialized experiments were conducted to identify factors for training. Results and Discussion - Healthy participants: Results revealed positive effects of training on BCI performances and their underlying neurophysiological potentials. The paradigm was confirmed to be feasible and (for a non-visual BCI) highly efficient for most participants. However, some had to be excluded from analysis of the training effects because they could not achieve meaningful BCI control. Increased somatosensory sensitivity was identified as a possible mediator for training-related performance improvements. Participants with ALS: Out of seven patients with various stages of ALS, five could operate the BCI with accuracies significantly above chance level. Another ALS patient in a state of near-complete paralysis trained with the BCI for several months. Although no effects of training were observed, he was consistently able to operate the system above chance level. Subjective data regarding workload, satisfaction and other parameters were reported. Significance - The tactile BCI was evaluated on the example of wheelchair control. In the future, it could help impaired patients to regain some lost mobility and self-sufficiency. Further, it has the potential to be adapted to other purposes, including communication. Once visual BCIs and other assistive technologies fail for patients with (progressive) motor impairments, vision-independent paradigms such as the tactile BCI may be among the last remaining alternatives to interact with the environment. The present thesis has strongly confirmed the general feasibility of the tactile paradigm for healthy participants and provides first clues about the underlying factors of training. More importantly, the BCI was established among potential end-users with ALS, providing essential external validity.}, subject = {Myatrophische Lateralsklerose}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Seitz2020, author = {Seitz, Nicola}, title = {Bee demise and bee rise: From honey bee colony losses to finding measures for advancing entire bee communities}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18418}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-184180}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {My dissertation comprises three studies: (1) an assessment of honey bee colony losses in the USA between 2014 and 2015, (2) an exploration of the potential of reclaimed sand mines as bee habitat, and (3) an evaluation of native and non-native pollinator friendly plants in regard to their attraction to bees. While the first study focuses on honey bees, the latter two studies primarily take wild bees or entire bee communities in focus. The study on honey bee colony losses was conducted within the framework of the Bee Informed Partnership (BIP, beeinformed.org) and aligns with the annual colony loss surveys which have been conducted in the USA since the winter of 2006/2007. It was the fourth year for which summer and annual losses were calculated in addition to winter losses. Among participants, backyard beekeepers were the largest group (n = 5690), although sideline (n = 169) and commercial (n = 78) beekeepers managed the majority (91.7 \%) of the 414 267 surveyed colonies. Overall, 15.1 \% of the estimated 2.74 million managed colonies in the USA were included in the study. Total honey bee colony losses (based on the entirety of included colonies) were higher in summer (25.3 \%) than in winter (22.3 \%) and amounted to 40.6 \% for the entire 2014/2015 beekeeping year. Average colony losses per beekeeper or operation were higher in winter (43.7 \%) than in summer (14.7 \%) and amounted to 49 \% for the entire 2014/2015 beekeeping year. Due to the dominance of backyard beekeepers among participants, average losses per operation (or unweighted loss) stronger reflected this smaller type of beekeeper. Backyard beekeepers mainly named colony management issues (e.g., starvation, weak colony in the fall) as causes for mortality, while sideline and commercial beekeepers stronger emphasized parasites or factors outside their control (e.g., varroa, nosema, queen failure). The second study took place at reclaimed sand mines. Sand mines represent anthropogenically impacted habitats found worldwide, which bear potential for bee conservation. Although floral resources can be limited at these habitats, vegetation free patches of open sandy soils and embankments may offer good nesting possibilities for sand restricted and other bees. We compared bee communities as found in three reclaimed sand mines and at adjacent roadside meadows in Maryland, USA, over two years. Both sand mines and roadsides hosted diverse bee communities with 111 and 88 bee species, respectively. Bee abundances as well as richness and Shannon diversity of bee species were higher in sand mines than at roadsides and negatively correlated with the percentage of vegetational ground cover. Species composition also differed significantly between habitats. Sand mines hosted a higher proportion of ground nesters, more uncommon and more 'sand loving' bees similar to natural sandy areas of Maryland. Despite the destruction of the original pre-mining habitat, sand mines thus appear to represent a unique habitat for wild bees, particularly when natural vegetation and open sand spots are encouraged. Considering habitat loss, the lack of natural disturbance regimes, and ongoing declines of wild bees, sand mines could add promising opportunities for bee conservation which has hitherto mainly focused on agricultural and urban habitats. The third study was an experimental field study on pollinator friendly plants. Bees rely on the pollen and nectar of plants as their food source. Therefore, pollinator friendly plantings are often used for habitat enhancements in bee conservation. Non-native pollinator friendly plants may aid in bee conservation efforts, but have not been tested and compared with native pollinator friendly plants in a common garden experiment. In this study, we seeded mixes of 20 native and 20 non-native pollinator friendly plants in two separate plots at three sites in Maryland, USA. For two years, we recorded flower visitors to the plants throughout the blooming period and additionally sampled bees with pan traps. A total of 3744 bees (120 species) were sampled in the study. Of these, 1708 bees (72 species) were hand netted directly from flowers for comparisons between native and non-native plants. Depending on the season, bee abundance and species richness was either similar or lower (early season and for richness also late season) at native plots compared to non-native plots. Additionally, the overall bee community composition differed significantly between native and non-native plots. Furthermore, native plants were associated with more specialized plant-bee visitation networks compared to non-native plants. In general, visitation networks were more specialized in the early season than the later seasons. Four species (Bombus impatiens, Halictus poeyi/ligatus, Lasioglossum pilosum, and Xylocopa virginica) out of the five most abundant bee species (also including Apis mellifera) foraged more specialized on native than non-native plants. Our study showed that non-native plants were well accepted by a diverse bee community and had a similar to higher attraction for bees compared to native plants. However, we also demonstrated alterations in foraging behavior, bee community assemblage, and visitation networks. As long as used with caution, non-native plants can be a useful addition to native pollinator friendly plantings. This study gives a first example of a direct comparison between native and non-native pollinator friendly plants.}, subject = {Biene}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Redlich2020, author = {Redlich, Sarah}, title = {Opportunities and obstacles of ecological intensification: Biological pest control in arable cropping systems}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-17122}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-171228}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Modern agriculture is the basis of human existence, a blessing, but also a curse. It provides nourishment and well-being to the ever-growing human population, yet destroys biodiversity-mediated processes that underpin productivity: ecosystem services such as water filtration, pollination and biological pest control. Ecological intensification is a promising alternative to conventional farming, and aims to sustain yield and ecosystem health by actively managing biodiversity and essential ecosystem services. Here, I investigate opportunities and obstacles for ecological intensification. My research focuses on 1) the relative importance of soil, management and landscape variables for biodiversity and wheat yield (Chapter II); 2) the influence of multi-scale landscape-level crop diversity on biological pest control in wheat (Chapter III) and 3) on overall and functional bird diversity (Chapter IV). I conclude 4) by introducing a guide that helps scientists to increase research impact by acknowledging the role of stakeholder engagement for the successful implementation of ecological intensification (Chapter V). Ecological intensification relies on the identification of natural pathways that are able to sustain current yields. Here, we crossed an observational field study of arthropod pests and natural enemies in 28 real-life wheat systems with an orthogonal on-field insecticide-fertilizer experiment. Using path analysis, we quantified the effect of 34 factors (soil characteristics, recent and historic crop management, landscape heterogeneity) that directly or indirectly (via predator-prey interactions) contribute to winter wheat yield. Reduced soil preparation and high crop rotation diversity enhanced crop productivity independent of external agrochemical inputs. Concurrently, biological control by arthropod natural enemies could be restored by decreasing average field sizes on the landscape scale, extending crop rotations and reducing soil disturbance. Furthermore, reductions in agrochemical inputs decreased pest abundances, thereby facilitating yield quality. Landscape-level crop diversity is a promising tool for ecological intensification. However, biodiversity enhancement via diversification measures does not always translate into agricultural benefits due to antagonistic species interactions (intraguild predation). Additionally, positive effects of crop diversity on biological control may be masked by inappropriate study scales or correlations with other landscape variables (e.g. seminatural habitat). Therefore, the multiscale and context-dependent impact of crop diversity on biodiversity and ecosystem services is ambiguous. In 18 winter wheat fields along a crop diversity gradient, insect- and bird-mediated pest control was assessed using a natural enemy exclusion experiment with cereal grain aphids. Although birds did not influence the strength of insect-mediated pest control, crop diversity (rather than seminatural habitat cover) enhanced aphid regulation by up to 33\%, particularly on small spatial scales. Crop diversification, an important Greening measure in the European Common Agricultural Policy, can improve biological control, and could lower dependence on insecticides, if the functional identity of crops is taken into account. Simple measures such as 'effective number of crop types' help in science communication. Although avian pest control did not respond to landscape-level crop diversity, birds may still benefit from increased crop resources in the landscape, depending on their functional grouping (feeding guild, conservation status, habitat preference, nesting behaviour). Observational studies of bird functional diversity on 14 wheat study fields showed that non-crop landscape heterogeneity rather than crop diversity played a key role in determining the richness of all birds. Insect-feeding, non-farmland and non-threatened birds increased across multiple spatial scales (up to 3000 m). Only crop-nesting farmland birds declined in heterogeneous landscapes. Thus, crop diversification may be less suitable for conserving avian diversity, but abundant species benefit from overall habitat heterogeneity. Specialist farmland birds may require more targeted management approaches. Identifying ecological pathways that favour biodiversity and ecosystem services provides opportunities for ecological intensification that increase the likelihood of balancing conservation and productivity goals. However, change towards a more sustainable agriculture will be slow to come if research findings are not implemented on a global scale. During dissemination activities within the EU project Liberation, I gathered information on the advantages and shortcomings of ecological intensification and its implementation. Here, I introduce a guide ('TREE') aimed at scientists that want to increase the impact of their research. TREE emphasizes the need to engage with stakeholders throughout the planning and research process, and actively seek and promote science dissemination and knowledge implementation. This idea requires scientists to leave their comfort zone and consider socioeconomic, practical and legal aspects often ignored in classical research. Ecological intensification is a valuable instrument for sustainable agriculture. Here, I identified new pathways that facilitate ecological intensification. Soil quality, disturbance levels and spatial or temporal crop diversification showed strong positive correlations with natural enemies, biological pest control and yield, thereby lowering the dependence on agrochemical inputs. Differences between functional groups caused opposing, scale-specific responses to landscape variables. Opposed to our predictions, birds did not disturb insect-mediated pest control in our study system, nor did avian richness relate to landscape-level crop diversity. However, dominant functional bird groups increased with non-crop landscape heterogeneity. These findings highlight the value of combining different on-field and landscape approaches to ecological intensification. Concurrently, the success of ecological intensification can be increased by involving stakeholders throughout the research process. This increases the quality of science and reduces the chance of experiencing unscalable obstacles to implementation.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Rost2020, author = {Rost, Isabell}, title = {Gezielte Anreicherungs- und neue DNA-Sequenzierungsstrategien f{\"u}r die molekulare Analyse von Fanconi-An{\"a}mie-Genen}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-15109}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-151096}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Fanconi-An{\"a}mie (FA) ist, mit Ausnahme von Mutationen in FANCR/RAD51, eine autosomal-rezessive oder X-chromosomal vererbte Krankheit, die sich durch eine ausgesprochene klinische als auch genetische Heterogenit{\"a}t auszeichnet. Neben einem fortschreitenden Knochenmarksversagen z{\"a}hlen zu den typischen Merkmalen eine Vielzahl an angeborenen Fehlbildungen, wie beispielsweise Radialstrahlanomalien, Minderwuchs oder Pigmentierungsst{\"o}rungen. Zudem besteht f{\"u}r FA-Patienten ein {\"u}berdurchschnittlich hohes Risiko bereits in jungen Jahren an akuter myeloischer Leuk{\"a}mie oder soliden Tumoren zu erkranken. Bislang konnten in 21 FA-Genen (FANCA, -B, -C, - D1, -D2, -E, -F, -G, -I, -J, -L, -M, -N, -O, -P, -Q, -R, -S, -T, -U oder -V) krankheitsverursachende Mutationen identifiziert werden, deren Proteinprodukte maßgeblich an der Aufrechterhaltung der Genomstabilit{\"a}t beteiligt sind und Komponenten des FA/BRCA-DNA-Reparaturweges darstellen. In der klassischen FA-Mutationsanalyse kommen meist Sanger-Sequenzierungen sowie MLPA- und Immunblot-Analysen zum Einsatz. Da im Wesentlichen keine Genotyp-Ph{\"a}notyp-Korrelation besteht, gestaltet sich, gerade bei seltenen FA-Komplementationsgruppen, der Nachweis von krankheitsverursachenden Mutationen oftmals sehr zeit- und kostenintensiv. W{\"a}hrend der letzten Jahre wurden verschiedene Strategien zur Anreicherung und Sequenzierung entwickelt, welche die parallele Sequenzanalyse einzelner ausgew{\"a}hlter Gene, ganzer Exome oder sogar des gesamten Genoms und somit eine kosten- und zeiteffiziente Mutationsanalyse erm{\"o}glichen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden unterschiedliche Anreicherungsmethoden mit anschließender Hochdurchsatzsequenzierung auf ihre Anwendbarkeit in der molekulargenetischen FA-Diagnostik getestet, um klassische Mutationsanalyse-Methoden zu erg{\"a}nzen oder m{\"o}glicherweise sogar ganz ersetzen zu k{\"o}nnen. Der erste Teil der Arbeit befasste sich mit der Etablierung eines FA-spezifischen Genpanels zur Genotypisierung von FA-Patienten. Nachdem die Methode zun{\"a}chst anhand von FA-Patienten mit bekannten Mutationen optimiert werden musste, erwies sie sich als effizienter Ansatz zum Nachweis krankheitsverursachender Mutationen bei FA-Patienten unbekannter Komplementationsgruppe. Durch die FA-Panelanalyse konnten 37 von 47 unklassifizierten Patienten einer FA-Komplementationsgruppe zugeordnet werden, indem deren kausalen Mutationen bestimmt wurden. In einem weiteren Ansatz sollte die Anwendbarkeit eines kommerziellen Anreicherungspanels zur FA-Diagnostik untersucht werden. Auch hier konnte ein Großteil der krankheitsverursachenden Mutationen von f{\"u}nf bekannten wie auch 13 nicht zugeordneten FA-Patienten detektiert und somit eine molekulargenetische Diagnose bei neun weiteren, zuvor unklassifizierten FA-Patienten, gestellt werden. Ferner wurden sechs ausgew{\"a}hlte Patienten, zus{\"a}tzlich zur Panelanreicherung, per Exomanalyse untersucht. Zum einen konnten Mutationen in bekannten FA-Genen best{\"a}tigt oder neu identifiziert werden. Zum anderen wurden auch potentiell pathogene Mutationen in DNA-Reparaturgenen außerhalb des FA/BRCA-Signalweges bei zwei Patienten mit unbest{\"a}tigter Verdachtsdiagnose FA verifiziert. So wurde bei mehreren Mitgliedern einer Familie mit unterschiedlichen Tumorerkrankungen eine zuvor unbeschriebene homozygote Nonsense-Mutation in der BER-Glykosylase NTHL1 nachgewiesen, f{\"u}r welche bislang erst zwei pathogene Mutationen als Ausl{\"o}ser eines neuen Krebssyndroms bekannt sind. Bei einem weiteren Patienten wurden compound-heterozygote Mutationen in RPA1 detektiert, ein Gen f{\"u}r das bislang noch kein Krankheitsbild bekannt ist. Mit Hilfe der drei verschiedenen Anreicherungsstrategien konnten insgesamt 47 von 60 unklassifizierten FA-Patienten 13 verschiedenen Komplementationsgruppen eindeutig zugeordnet werden. Es zeigte sich dabei ein breites Spektrum an neuen, bislang unbeschriebenen FA-Mutationen. Den gr{\"o}ßten Anteil an der Gesamtzahl der nachgewiesenen Mutationen hatten Spleißmutationen, die auf eine Auswirkung auf das kanonische Spleißmuster untersucht wurden, um einen pathogenen Effekt nachweisen zu k{\"o}nnen. Weiterhin schloss die Arbeit die Charakterisierung einzelner FA-Patienten bzw. Komplementationsgruppen mit ein. Dazu z{\"a}hlen die seltenen Untergruppen FA-T und FA-Q, f{\"u}r die jeweils ein neuer Patient identifiziert werden konnte. Durch die funktionelle Charakterisierung der dritten jemals beschriebenen FA-Q-Patientin konnten Einblicke in das Zusammenspiel der Reparatur von DNA-Quervernetzungen und der Nukleotidexzisionsreparatur gewonnen und die ph{\"a}notypische Variabilit{\"a}t von FA durch die subjektive als auch zellul{\"a}re UV-Sensitivit{\"a}t der Patientin erg{\"a}nzt werden. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus konnte das Mutationsspektrum in FA-I sowie FA-D2 erweitert werden. Eine genauere Untersuchung der Pseudogenregionen von FANCD2 erm{\"o}glichte dabei die gezielte Mutationsanalyse des Gens. Insgesamt konnten die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit dazu beitragen, das Mutationsspektrum in FA zu erweitern und durch die Identifizierung und Charakterisierung einzelner Patienten neue Einblicke in verschiedene Komponenten des FA/BRCA-Signalweges zu erhalten. Es zeigte sich, dass neue DNA-Sequenzierungsstrategien in der FA-Diagnostik eingesetzt werden k{\"o}nnen, um eine effiziente Mutationsanalyse zu gew{\"a}hrleisten und klassische Methoden in Teilbereichen zu ersetzen.}, subject = {Fanconi-An{\"a}mie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Keppler2020, author = {Keppler, Sarah}, title = {Characterization of Novel Mutations in Receptor-Tyrosine Kinases in Multiple Myeloma}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-15572}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-155720}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Multiple myeloma (MM) is a disease of terminally differentiated B-cells which accumulate in the bone marrow leading to bone lesions, hematopoietic insufficiency and hypercalcemia. Genetically, MM is characterized by a great heterogeneity. A recent next-generation sequencing approach resulted in the identification of a signaling network with an accumulation of mutations in receptor-tyrosine kinases (RTKs), adhesion molecules and downstream effectors. A deep-sequencing amplicon approach of the coding DNA sequence of the six RTKs EPHA2, EGFR, ERBB3, IGF1R, NTRK1 and NTRK2 was conducted in a patient cohort (75 MM samples and 68 corresponding normal samples) of the "Deutsche Studiengruppe Multiples Myelom (DSMM)" to further elucidate the role of RTKs in MM. As an initial approach the detected mutations were correlated with cytogenetic abnormalities and clinical data in the course of this thesis. RTK mutations were present in 13\% of MM patients of the DSMM XI trial and accumulated in the ligand-binding and tyrosine-kinase domain. The newly identified mutations were associated with an adverse patient survival, but not with any cytogenetic abnormality common in MM. Especially rare patient-specific SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphism) had a negative impact on patient survival. For a more comprehensive understanding of the role of rare RTK SNPs in MM, a second amplicon sequencing approach was performed in a patient cohort of the DSMM XII trial that included 75 tumor and 184 normal samples. This approach identified a total of 23 different mutations in the six RTKs EPHA2, EGFR, ERBB3, IGF1R, NTRK1 and NTRK2 affecting 24 patients. These mutations could furthermore be divided into 20 rare SNPs and 3 SNVs (single nucleotide variant). In contrast to the first study, the rare SNPs were significantly associated with the adverse prognostic factor del17p. IGF1R was among the most commonly mutated RTKs in the first amplicon sequencing approach and is known to play an important role in diverse cellular processes such as cell proliferation and survival. To study the role of IGF1R mutations in the hard-to-transfect MM cells, stable IGF1R-knockdown MM cell lines were established. One of the knockdown cell lines (L363-C/C9) as well as a IGF1R-WT MM cell line (AMO1) were subsequently used for the stable overexpression of WT IGF1R and mutant IGF1R (N1129S, D1146N). Overall, an impact on the MAPK and PI3K/AKT signaling pathways was observed upon the IGF1R knockdown as well as upon WT and mutant IGF1R overexpression. The resulting signaling pattern, however, differed between different MM cell lines used in this thesis as well as in a parallel performed master thesis which further demonstrates the great heterogeneity described in MM. Taken together, the conducted sequencing and functional studies illustrate the importance of RTKs and especially of IGF1R and its mutants in the pathogenesis of MM. Moreover, the results support the potential role of IGF1R as a therapeutic target for a subset of MM patients with mutated IGF1R and/or IGF1R overexpression.}, subject = {Plasmozytom}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Zimmermann2020, author = {Zimmermann, Henriette}, title = {Antigenic variation and stumpy development in \(Trypanosoma\) \(brucei\)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-14690}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-146902}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The eukaryotic parasite Trypanosoma brucei has evolved sophisticated strategies to persist within its mammalian host. Trypanosomes evade the hosts' immune system by antigenic variation of their surface coat, consisting of variant surface glycoproteins (VSGs). Out of a repertoire of thousands of VSG genes, only one is expressed at any given time from one of the 15 telomeric expression sites (ES). The VSG is stochastically exchanged either by a transcriptional switch of the active ES (in situ switch) or by a recombinational exchange of the VSG within the active ES. However, for infections to persist, the parasite burden has to be limited. The slender (sl) bloodstream form secretes the stumpy induction factor (SIF), which accumulates with rising parasitemia. SIF induces the irreversible developmental transition from the proliferative sl to the cell cycle-arrested but fly-infective stumpy (st) stage once a concentration threshold is reached. Thus, antigenic variation and st development ensure persistent infections and transmissibility. A previous study in monomorphic cells indicated that the attenuation of the active ES could be relevant for the development of trypanosomes. The present thesis investigated this hypothesis using the inducible overexpression of an ectopic VSG in pleomorphic trypanosomes, which possess full developmental competence. These studies revealed a surprising phenotypic plasticity: while the endogenous VSG was always down-regulated upon induction, the ESactivity determined whether the VSG overexpressors arrested in growth or kept proliferating. Full ES-attenuation induced the differentiation of bona fide st parasites independent of the cell density and thus represents the sole natural SIF-independent differentiation trigger to date. A milder decrease of the ES-activity did not induce phenotypic changes, but appeared to prime the parasites for SIF-induced differentiation. These results demonstrate that antigenic variation and development are linked and indicated that the ES and the VSG are independently regulated. Therefore, I investigated in the second part of my thesis how ES-attenuation and VSG-silencing can be mediated. Integration of reporters with a functional or defective VSG 3'UTR into different genomic loci showed that the maintenance of the active state of the ES depends on a conserved motif within the VSG 3'UTR. In situ switching was only triggered when the telomere-proximal motif was partially deleted, suggesting that it serves as a DNA-binding motif for a telomere-associated protein. The VSG levels seem to be additionally regulated in trans based on the VSG 3'UTR independent of the genomic context, which was reinforced by the regulation of a constitutively expressed reporter with VSG 3' UTR upon ectopic VSG overexpression.}, subject = {Trypanosoma brucei}, language = {en} } @article{KrebsSolimandoKalogirouetal.2020, author = {Krebs, Markus and Solimando, Antonio Giovanni and Kalogirou, Charis and Marquardt, Andr{\´e} and Frank, Torsten and Sokolakis, Ioannis and Hatzichristodoulou, Georgios and Kneitz, Susanne and Bargou, Ralf and K{\"u}bler, Hubert and Schilling, Bastian and Spahn, Martin and Kneitz, Burkhard}, title = {miR-221-3p Regulates VEGFR2 Expression in High-Risk Prostate Cancer and Represents an Escape Mechanism from Sunitinib In Vitro}, series = {Journal of Clinical Medicine}, volume = {9}, journal = {Journal of Clinical Medicine}, number = {3}, issn = {2077-0383}, doi = {10.3390/jcm9030670}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-203168}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Downregulation of miR-221-3p expression in prostate cancer (PCa) predicted overall and cancer-specific survival of high-risk PCa patients. Apart from PCa, miR-221-3p expression levels predicted a response to tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI) in clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) patients. Since this role of miR-221-3p was explained with a specific targeting of VEGFR2, we examined whether miR-221-3p regulated VEGFR2 in PCa. First, we confirmed VEGFR2/KDR as a target gene of miR-221-3p in PCa cells by applying Luciferase reporter assays and Western blotting experiments. Although VEGFR2 was mainly downregulated in the PCa cohort of the TCGA (The Cancer Genome Atlas) database, VEGFR2 was upregulated in our high-risk PCa cohort (n = 142) and predicted clinical progression. In vitro miR-221-3p acted as an escape mechanism from TKI in PC3 cells, as displayed by proliferation and apoptosis assays. Moreover, we confirmed that Sunitinib induced an interferon-related gene signature in PC3 cells by analyzing external microarray data and by demonstrating a significant upregulation of miR-221-3p/miR-222-3p after Sunitinib exposure. Our findings bear a clinical perspective for high-risk PCa patients with low miR-221-3p levels since this could predict a favorable TKI response. Apart from this therapeutic niche, we identified a partially oncogenic function of miR-221-3p as an escape mechanism from VEGFR2 inhibition.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Michel2020, author = {Michel, Konstanze}, title = {Die kardiale Bedeutung des Hormons C-Typ natriuretisches Peptid (CNP) und dessen Guanylylcyclase B (GC-B) Rezeptor}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20021}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-200211}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {In der vorliegenden Dissertationsarbeit wurden die kardialen Effekte des C-Typ natriuretischen Peptids (CNP) an wildtypischen M{\"a}usen (Studie 1) und an einem neuen genetischen Mausmodell, mit einer Kardiomyozyten-spezifischen Deletion des Guanylyl-Cyclase B (GC-B) Rezeptors (Studie 2) untersucht. In Studie 1 wurden die Wirkungen von exogenem, synthetischem CNP auf eine durch Druckbelastung-induzierte Herzinsuffizienz in wildtypischen M{\"a}usen (C57Bl6 Hintergrund) untersucht. Daf{\"u}r wurde CNP parallel zu einer operativen transversen Aortenkonstriktion (TAC) {\"u}ber osmotische Minipumpen in einer Dosierung von 50 ng/kg/min {\"u}ber 14 Tage appliziert. Die 14 Tage TAC f{\"u}hrten zu einer ausgepr{\"a}gten Linksherzhypertrophie. Diese wurde durch exogenes CNP auf zellul{\"a}rer (verringerte Kardiomyozytenfl{\"a}chen) und molekularer (verringerte BNP mRNA Expression) Ebene signifikant gehemmt. Auch die durch TAC-induzierte linksventrikul{\"a}re Dilatation wurde durch exogenes CNP fast vollst{\"a}ndig verhindert. Diese kardialen protektiven Effekte von CNP traten ohne eine wesentliche Ver{\"a}nderung des arteriellen Blutdrucks auf. M{\"o}gliche mechanistische Ursachen f{\"u}r die sch{\"u}tzende Wirkung von CNP k{\"o}nnte die PKG-abh{\"a}ngige Phosphorylierung des sarkomerischen Proteins Titin sein. Eine gesteigerte Phosphorylierung von Titin an der elastischen N2B-Dom{\"a}ne verringert die Steifigkeit der Kardiomyozyten und verbessert somit deren Relaxationsf{\"a}higkeit (Hudson 2011). Die erh{\"o}hten linksventrikul{\"a}ren Volumina nach TAC (end-diastolische und end-systolische Volumina) wurden m{\"o}glicherweise durch eine erh{\"o}hte Steifigkeit der Kardiomyozyten provoziert. Dies k{\"o}nnte durch den akuten IL-6 mRNA Anstieg nach TAC beg{\"u}nstigt werden, da Kruger et al. einen Zusammenhang zwischen passiver Steifigkeit der Kardiomyozyten und IL-6-Expression postulierten (Kotter 2016, Kruger 2009). Diese Ver{\"a}nderungen wurden durch exogenes CNP verhindert. Es ist wahrscheinlich, dass die CNP-induzierte Phosphorylierung von Titin an Serin 4080 in die Relaxationsf{\"a}higkeit der Kardiomyozyten und somit die diastolische Funktion des linken Ventrikels verbesserte. Aufgrund dieser Beobachtungen wurde in Studie 2 untersucht, ob auch endogenes CNP als parakrines Hormon im Herzen eine TAC-induzierte Herzhypertrophie und die kontraktile Funktion von Kardiomyozyten bei einer hypertensiven Herzerkrankung beeinflussen kann. Daf{\"u}r wurde ein neues genetisches Mausmodell mit einer Kardiomyozyten-spezifischen Deletion des GC-B Rezeptors generiert (CM GC-B KO). Da vorangegangene Studien in unserer Arbeitsgruppe zeigten, dass die basale CNP-Expression im Herzen sehr gering ist, nach 3-t{\"a}giger TAC aber akut ansteigt und nach 14-t{\"a}giger TAC wieder abf{\"a}llt, haben wir CM GC-B KO M{\"a}use und deren Geschwister-Kontrolltiere an beiden Zeitpunkten nach TAC untersucht. Die TAC f{\"u}hrte Genotyp-unabh{\"a}ngig zu einem Anstieg der kardialen Nachlast nach 3 Tagen und weiter nach 14 Tagen. Diese Druckbelastung provozierte eine progressive, signifikante Linksherzhypertrophie. Allerdings reagierten die CM GC-B KO M{\"a}use im Vergleich zu den Kontrolltieren bereits nach 3-t{\"a}giger TAC mit einer ausgepr{\"a}gten Kardiomyozyten-Hypertrophie. Zudem beobachteten wir nach 3-t{\"a}giger TAC in den Knockout-M{\"a}usen eine Abnahme der Ejektionsfraktion und gleichzeitig eine signifikante Zunahme der beiden linksventrikul{\"a}ren Volumina (end-diastolische und end-systolische Volumen). Diese fr{\"u}he linksventrikul{\"a}re Dilatation wurde in den Kontrolltieren nicht beobachtet. Daraus schlussfolgerten wir, dass endogenes kardiales CNP, dessen Expression zu fr{\"u}hen Zeitpunkten nach Druckbelastung ansteigt, das Herz vor kontraktiler Dysfunktion und Dilatation sch{\"u}tzen kann. Um m{\"o}gliche Mechanismen f{\"u}r die protektive Wirkung von endogenem CNP zu erkl{\"a}ren, untersuchten wir die IL-6 mRNA Expression sowie die Titin-Phosphorylierung im Herzen. Der akute Anstieg der IL-6 mRNA Expression nach 3-t{\"a}giger TAC in den CM GC-B KO M{\"a}usen korreliert mit der verminderten Phosphorylierung von Titin an der PGK-spezifischen Phosphorylierungsstelle (Serin 4080). Somit k{\"o}nnte der CNP/GC-B/cGMP-Signalweg zu einer Inhibition pro-inflammatorischer Gene beitragen, da der akute IL-6 mRNA Anstieg in den Kontrollen nicht beobachtet wurde. Auch die gesteigerte NOX4 Expression 3 Tage nach TAC, k{\"o}nnte zu der fr{\"u}hen dilatativen Kardiomyopathie in den Knockout-M{\"a}usen beigetragen haben. Die verringerte STAT3 Aktivierung in den CM GC-B KO M{\"a}usen w{\"u}rde laut Literatur zu vermehrter Apoptose f{\"u}hren, indem pro-apoptotische Gene wie Bcl oder Bax vermehrt transkribiert werden. Auch die erh{\"o}hte Cxcl-1 mRNA Expression in den Knockout-M{\"a}usen deutet zusammen mit dem IL-6 Anstieg auf vermehrte Entz{\"u}ndungsreaktionen 3 Tage nach TAC hin. Zusammengenommen deuten die Ergebnisse dieser Dissertationsarbeit darauf hin, dass der CNP/GC-B/cGMP-Signalweg in fr{\"u}hen Stadien einer erh{\"o}hten kardialen Druckbelastung und der Entstehung einer dilatativen Kardiomyopathie entgegenwirken kann. Die Phosphorylierung des sarkomerischen Proteins Titin und die Hemmung der Expression pro-inflammatorischer Zytokine (speziell IL-6) k{\"o}nnten zu diesem protektiven Effekt beitragen.}, subject = {Herzinsuffizienz}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Goetz2020, author = {G{\"o}tz, Ralph}, title = {Super-resolution microscopy of plasma membrane receptors and intracellular pathogens}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20716}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-207165}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Humans tend to believe in what they can see with their own eyes. Hence, visualization methods like microscopy have always been extremely popular since their invention in the 17th century. With the advent of super-resolution microscopy, the diffraction limit of ~200 - 250 nm could be overcome to enable more detailed insights into biological samples. Especially the single molecule localization microscopy method dSTORM offers the possibility of quantitative bioimaging. Hereby, the repetitive photoswitching of organic dyes in the presence of thiols is exploited to enable a lateral resolution of 20 nm. Another, recently introduced super-resolution method is expansion microscopy (ExM) which physically expands the sample to increase the resolution by the expansion factor from four to even twenty. To enable this, the sample is embedded into a hydrogel, homogenized using an unspecific proteinase and expanded in distilled water. Within this thesis, both methods were used to shed light on plasma membrane receptor distributions and different bacterial and fungal pathogens. In the first part of this thesis dSTORM was used to elucidate the "Receptome", the entirety of all membrane receptors, of the cell line Jurkat T-cells and primary T-cells. Within this project we could successfully visualize and quantify the distribution of the plasma membrane receptors CD2, CD3, CD4, CD5, CD7, CD11a, CD20, CD28, CD45, CD69 and CD105 with receptor densities ranging from 0.8 cluster/µm² in case of CD20 and 81.4 cluster/µm² for the highly abundant CD45 in activated primary T-cells at the basal membrane. Hereby, we could also demonstrate a homogeneous distribution of most receptors, while only few were clustered. In the case of CD3-clusters were detected in Jurkat T-cells and in primary activated T-cells, but not in na{\"i}ve ones, demonstrating the activation of this receptor. This was followed by the application of dSTORM to three different clinical projects involving the receptors CD38, BCMA and CD20 which are immunotherapeutic targets by monoclonal antibodies and CAR T-cells. In the first two projects dSTORM was applied to determine the receptor upregulation upon exposure of various drugs to MM1.S cells or primary multiple myeloma patient cells. This increase in membrane receptor expression can subsequently enhance the efficacy of therapies directed against these receptors. Within the CD20-project, the superior sensitivity of dSTORM compared to flow cytometry could be demonstrated. Hereby, a substantially higher fraction of CD20-positive patient cells was detected by dSTORM than by flow cytometry. In addition, we could show that by dSTORM CD20-positive evaluated cells were eradicated by immunotherapeutic CAR T-cell treatment. These studies were followed by whole cell super-resolution imaging using both LLS-3D dSTORM and 10x ExM to exclude any artifacts caused by interactions with the glass surface. In 10x ExM signal amplification via biotinylated primary antibodies and streptavidin ATTO 643 was essential to detect even single antibodies directed against the heterodimer CD11a with standard confocal microscopes. Albeit probably not quantitative due to the process of gelation, digestion and expansion during the ExM protocol, even some putative dimers of the receptor CD2 could be visualized using 10x ExM-SIM, similar to dSTORM experiments. Within the second part of this thesis, expansion microscopy was established in bacterial and fungal pathogens. ExM enabled not only an isotropic fourfold expansion of Chlamydia trachomatis, but also allowed the discrimination between the two developmental forms by the chlamydial size after expansion into reticulate and elementary bodies. Hereafter, a new α-NH2-ω-N3-C6-ceramide was introduced enabling an efficient fixation and for the first time the use of lipids in both, 4x and 10x ExM, termed sphingolipid ExM. This compound was used to investigate the ceramide uptake and incorporation into the cell membrane of Chlamydia trachomatis and Simkania negevensis. For Chlamydia trachomatis the combined resolution power of 10x ExM and SIM even allowed the visualization of both bacterial membranes within a distance of ~30 nm. Finally, ExM was applied to the three different fungi Ustilago maydis, Fusarium oxysporum and Aspergillus fumigatus after enzymatic removal of the fungal cell wall. In case of Ustilago maydis sporidia this digestion could be applied to both, living cells resulting in protoplasts and to fixed cells, preserving the fungal morphology. This new protocol could be demonstrated for immunostainings and fluorescent proteins of the three different fungi.}, subject = {Mikroskopie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Waeldchen2020, author = {W{\"a}ldchen, Sina}, title = {Super-Resolution-Mikroskopie zur Visualisierung und Quantifizierung von Glutamatrezeptoren und ADHS-assoziierten Proteinen}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-19283}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-192834}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Die Entwicklung hochaufl{\"o}sender Fluoreszenzmikroskopiemethoden hat die Lichtmikroskopie revolutioniert. Einerseits erm{\"o}glicht die h{\"o}here erzielte r{\"a}umliche Aufl{\"o}sung die Abbildung von Strukturen, die deutlich unterhalb der beugungsbedingten Aufl{\"o}sungsgrenze liegen. Andererseits erh{\"a}lt man durch Einzelmolek{\"u}llokalisationsmikroskopiemethoden wie dSTORM (Direct Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy) Informationen, welche man f{\"u}r quantitative Analysen heranziehen kann. Aufgrund der sich dadurch bietenden neuen M{\"o}glichkeiten, hat sich die hochaufl{\"o}sende Fluoreszenzmikroskopie rasant entwickelt und kommt mittlerweile zur Untersuchung einer Vielzahl biologischer und medizinischer Fragestellungen zum Einsatz. Trotz dieses Erfolgs ist jedoch nicht zu verleugnen, dass auch diese neuen Methoden ihre Nachteile haben. Dazu z{\"a}hlt die Notwendigkeit relativ hoher Laserleistungen, welche Voraussetzung f{\"u}r hohe Aufl{\"o}sung ist und bei lebenden Proben zur Photosch{\"a}digung f{\"u}hren kann. Diese Arbeit widmet sich sowohl dem Thema der Photosch{\"a}digung durch Einzelmolek{\"u}llokalisationsmikroskopie, als auch der Anwendung von dSTORM und SIM (Structured Illumination Microscopy) zur Untersuchung neurobiologischer Fragestellungen auf Proteinebene. Zur Ermittlung der Photosch{\"a}digung wurden lebende Zellen unter typischen Bedingungen bestrahlt und anschließend f{\"u}r 20-24 h beobachtet. Als quantitatives Maß f{\"u}r den Grad der Photosch{\"a}digung wurde der Anteil sterbender Zellen bestimmt. Neben der zu erwartenden Intensit{\"a}ts- und Wellenl{\"a}ngenabh{\"a}ngigkeit, zeigte sich, dass die Schwere der Photosch{\"a}digung auch von vielen weiteren Faktoren abh{\"a}ngt und dass sich Einzelmolek{\"u}llokalisationsmikroskopie bei Ber{\"u}cksichtigung der gewonnenen Erkenntnisse durchaus mit Lebendzellexperimenten vereinbaren l{\"a}sst. Ein weiteres Projekt diente der Untersuchung der A- und B-Typ-Glutamatrezeptoren an der neuromuskul{\"a}ren Synapse von Drosophila melanogaster mittels dSTORM. Dabei konnte eine ver{\"a}nderte Anordnung beider Rezeptortypen infolge synaptischer Plastizit{\"a}t beobachtet, sowie eine absolute Quantifizierung des A-Typ-Rezeptors durchgef{\"u}hrt werden. Im Mittelpunkt eines dritten Projekts standen Cadherin-13 (CDH13) sowie der Glucosetransporter Typ 3 (GluT3), welche beide mit der Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-Hyperaktivit{\"a}tsst{\"o}rung in Verbindung gebracht werden. CDH13 konnte mittels SIM in serotonergen Neuronen, sowie radi{\"a}ren Gliazellen der dorsalen Raphekerne des embryonalen Mausgehirns nachgewiesen werden. Die Rolle von GluT3 wurde in aus induzierten pluripotenten Stammzellen differenzierten Neuronen analysiert, welche verschiedene Kopienzahlvariation des f{\"u}r GluT3-codierenden SLC2A3-Gens aufwiesen. Die Proteine GluT3, Bassoon und Homer wurden mittels dSTORM relativ quantifiziert. W{\"a}hrend die Deletion des Gens zu einer erwartenden Verminderung von GluT3 auf Proteinebene f{\"u}hrte, hatte die Duplikation keinen Effekt auf die GluT3-Menge. F{\"u}r Bassoon und Homer zeigte sich weder durch die Deletion noch die Duplikation eine signifikante Ver{\"a}nderung.}, subject = {Mikroskopie}, language = {de} }