@article{HeisswolfObermaierPoethke2005, author = {Heisswolf, Annette and Obermaier, Elisabeth and Poethke, Hans-Joachim}, title = {Selection of large host plants for oviposition by a monophagous leaf beetle: nutritional quality or enemy-free space?}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-47728}, year = {2005}, abstract = {1. Oviposition site selection is crucial for the reproductive success of herbivorous insects. According to the preference-performance hypothesis, females should oviposit on host plants that enhance the performance of their offspring. More specifically, the plant vigour hypothesis predicts that females should prefer large and vigorously growing host plants for oviposition and that larvae should perform best on these plants. 2. The present study examined whether females of the monophagous leaf beetle Cassida canaliculata Laich. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) prefer to oviposit on large host plant individuals of the meadow clary and whether large host plants are of higher nutritional quality than small host plants. Subsequently, it was tested whether the female preference correlates with offspring performance and survival. 3. In the field, females preferred large host plant individuals for oviposition and host plant quality, i.e. leaf nitrogen content, was significantly higher in leaves of large than of small host plants. 4. In the laboratory, larval development time was shorter on leaves of large host plant individuals than on small host plant individuals, but this could not be shown in the field. 5. However, a predator-exclusion experiment in the field resulted in a higher survival of larvae on large host plants than on small host plants when all predators had free access to the plants. On caged host plants there was no difference in survival of larvae between plant size categories. 6. It is concluded that females of C. canaliculata select oviposition sites that enhance both performance and survival of their offspring, which meets the predictions of the plant vigour hypothesis.}, subject = {Insekten}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Akimzhanov2005, author = {Akimzhanov, Askar M.}, title = {Epigenetic repression of the NFATc1 transcription factor in human lymphomas}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-12921}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {We examined the regulation of NFATc1 in different lymphomas and observed an inversed correlation between the methylation status and expression of NFATc1. Our data demonstrate that aberrant DNA methylation associated with chromatin remodeling within nfatc1 locus is a major mechanism for the repression of NFATc1 expression, suggesting that the DNA methylation-mediated transcriptional silencing of NFATc1 may be a critical event in the tumorogenesis of ALCLs and cHLs. Furthermore, the DNA methylation of human nfatc1 promoter region could be used as a novel biomarker of tumor progression. Our results indicate a close link between the loss of immunoreceptor signaling and NFATc1 expression in human lymphomas. For both ALCLs and cHLs, defects in immunoreceptor signaling have been described which result in a loss of receptor-mediated gene expression programs (Schwering et al., 2003; Bonzheim et al., 2004; Marafioti et al., 2004). In T cells, one indicator gene of these programs appears to be the nfatc1 gene whose expression is controlled by TCR signals (Chuvpilo et al., 2002a). In contrast, in T cells NFATc1 expression is unaffected by TCR signals, and NFATc2 was found to be expressed at normal levels in ALCLs and cHLs (L.K., unpubl. data). Moreover, the activity of NF-kappaB factors which can bind to certain NFAT binding sites and share a distantly-related DNA binding domain with NFATs is strongly elevated in cHL cells (Bargou et al., 1997; Hinz et al., 2001; Hinz et al., 2002) suggesting that NFATs and NF-kappaBs exert very different effects on generation and maintenance of Hodgkin's lymhomas. However, it should be mentioned that in Burkitt's and further B cell lymphomas in which NFATc1 proteins are strongly expressed and controlled by receptor signals (Kondo et al., 2003), they could exert a promoting function in tumor development. The genes of p53 family members p63 and p73 are prominent examples for mammalian genes whose products can act both as oncoproteins and tumor suppressor genes (Hibi et al., 2000; Stiewe and Putzer, 2002), and it is likely that more genes exist which encode both tumor suppressors and oncoproteins. It remains to be shown whether the nfatc1 gene is one of them.}, subject = {Lymphom}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Williams2005, author = {Williams, Tatjana}, title = {Untersuchungen zur Rolle des Phosphoproteins Stathmin in Listeria monocytogenes-infizierten S{\"a}ugerzellen und Molekulare Charakterisierung der listeriellen Zweikomponetensysteme}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-15388}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Das fakultativ intrazellul{\"a}re Bakterium Listeria monocytogenes besitzt die F{\"a}higkeit, eukaryotische Wirtszellen zu penetrieren, sich in diesen zu vermehren, fortzubewegen und zwischen den Zellen auszubreiten. Im Zuge des intrazellul{\"a}ren Lebenszyklus gehen Listerien Wechselwirkungen mit ver-schiedenen zellul{\"a}ren Proteinen ein. Als eines dieser Proteine konnte das zellul{\"a}re Phosphoprotein Stathmin identifiziert werden. Dieses Protein bindet an Untereinheiten des Tubulins und destabilisiert dadurch Mikrotubuli (MT). Es wird durch Phosphorylierung von vier spezifischen Serinresten in seiner MT-destabilisierenden Aktivit{\"a}t reguliert. Da Stathmin als Antwort auf externe Signale zellul{\"a}re Funktionen, z. B. Zell-Proliferation und Differenzierung reguliert, vermutet man seine Funktion in einer Art Relais welches verschiedene Signale aus dem Umfeld der Zelle integriert. In mit L. monocytogenes infizierten Wirtszellen wird Stathmin an die Oberfl{\"a}che intrazellul{\"a}rer Bakterien rekrutiert. Inwiefern diese Rekrutierung das Phosphorylierungsmuster von Stathmin und damit dessen Aktivit{\"a}t beeinflusst, konnte im Rahmen dieser Arbeit nicht gekl{\"a}rt werden. Stathmin knock-out M{\"a}use sollten sich gut eignen, um die Rolle von Stathmin w{\"a}hrend einer Infektion mit L. monocytogenes EGD in vitro und in vivo zu untersuchen. Es stellte sich heraus, dass in Stathmin(-/-)-Makrophagen der intrazellul{\"a}re Lebenszyklus der Listerien nicht signifikant beeinflusst ist. Nach intraven{\"o}ser Verabreichung von 5x103 L. monocytogenes waren drei Tage nach der Infektion in Leber und Milz der knock-out M{\"a}use allerdings signifikant mehr Listerien nachzuweisen, als in den Organen wildtypischer M{\"a}use. Mittels Immunfluoreszenzmikroskopie und einem anti-Stathmin-Antiersum konnte an mit verschiedenen L. monocytogenes-Mutanten infizierten Zellen gezeigt werden, dass Stathmin mit der Oberfl{\"a}che intrazellul{\"a}rer Listerien kolokalisiert. Allerdings konnten dabei die Angaben in der Literatur nicht best{\"a}tigt werden, wonach f{\"u}r diese Kolokalisation die Expression von ActA notwendig ist. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit sprechen im Gegensatz zu den publizierten Daten daf{\"u}r, dass Stathmin {\"u}ber einen bisher noch unbekannten Mechanismus ActA-unabh{\"a}ngig an intrazellul{\"a}re Listerien rekrutiert wird. Zweikomponentensysteme erm{\"o}glichen Bakterien eine rasche Anpassung an sich ver{\"a}ndernde Umweltbedingungen, da sie extra- und intrazellul{\"a}re Stimuli in zellul{\"a}re Signale umwandeln. Um die 16 in der Genomsequenz von L. mono-cytogenes EGDe identifizierten Zweikomponentensysteme charakterisieren zu k{\"o}nnen, wurden individuelle Mutanten konstruiert, in denen individuelle Response Regulatorgene deletiert sind. Die erhaltenen Mutanten wurden in vitro und in vivo auf ihr Wachstumsverhalten hin untersucht. Es zeigte sich, dass unter den angewandten Kultur- und Versuchsbedingungen keines der Zweikomponentensysteme eine signifikante Rolle bei der Anpassung an Temperatur, sowie an oxidativen oder osmotischen Stress spielt. Die Zugabe von 5 \% Ethanol hatte einen stark hemmenden Effekt auf das Wachstum von 4 Mutanten, wohingegen zwei andere Mutanten in Gegenwart des Alkohols deutlich besser wuchsen. Unter anaeroben Bedingungen konnte kein Unterschied im Wachstum beobachtet werden. Die Expression wichtiger Virulenzgene war in keiner der untersuchten Mutanten im Vergleich zum Ausgangsstamm ver{\"a}ndert. Die intrazellul{\"a}re Replikation sowie intrazellul{\"a}re Bewegung und Ausbreitung im Zellrasen waren durch die Deletion der Response Regulatorgene nicht beeintr{\"a}chtigt. Abgesehen von geringen Unterschieden in der Invasivit{\"a}t einiger Deletionsmutanten f{\"u}r Cos-1 und Caco-2 Zellen zeigte sich keiner der Response Regulatoren f{\"u}r den intrazellul{\"a}ren Lebenszyklus von L. monocytogenes erforderlich. Es zeigte sich, dass der in der vorliegenden Arbeit verwendete L. monocyto-genes-Wildstamm auch bei der f{\"u}r die Flagellenexpression normalerweise nicht-permissiven Temperatur von 37° C noch beweglich ist. Die L. monocytogenes \&\#916;degU-Mutante war dagegen auf Weichagar temperaturunabh{\"a}ngig unbeweglich. Die elektronenmikroskopische Analyse ergab, dass dieser Stamm im Gegensatz zum Wildtyp auch bei 24° C keine Flagellen ausbildet. Durch vergleichende Proteomanalysen konnte gezeigt werden, dass L. monocytogenes \&\#916;degU bei 24° C wesentliche Proteine des Flagellenapparates nicht synthetisiert. Mittels Transkriptomanalysen konnten die Ergebnisse der Proteomanalysen best{\"a}tigt werden. Es wurden neben Genen, die f{\"u}r Proteine der Flagellenbiosynthese und Chemotaxis codieren, noch weitere Gene identifiziert, die offensichtlich unter der transkriptionellen Kontrolle des Response Regulators DegU stehen. Die Ergebnisse der in vivo Studien zeigten, dass L. monocytogenes \&\#916;degU deutlich virulenzattenuiert ist. F{\"u}r die restlichen L. monocytogenes \&\#916;TCS-Mutanten waren im Vergleich zum Wildtyp die Unterschiede in Leber und Milz nur leicht ver{\"a}ndert und statistisch nicht signifikant.}, subject = {Phosphoproteine}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Stojic2005, author = {Stojic, Jelena}, title = {Cloning and functional characterization of novel genes expressed preferentially in the human retina}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-13746}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {The human retina is a multi-layered neuronal tissue specialized for the reception and processing of visual information. The retina is composed of a great diversity of neuronal cell types including rod and cone photoreceptors, bipolar cells, ganglion cells, amacrine cells, horizontal cells and M{\"u}ller glia. In response to light, a coordinated series of molecular events, the so-called phototransduction cascade, is triggered in photoreceptor cells and the signals from the photoreceptors are further processed by the bipolar and ganglion cells to the higher centers of the brain. The retina as highly complex system may be greatly susceptible to genetic defects which can lead to a wide range of disease phenotypes. Therefore, isolation and characterisation of the genes active in the human retina will facilitate our deeper understanding of retinal physiology and mechanisms underlying retinal degeneration and provide novel candidates for the retinal disease genes. To identify novel genes that are specifically or predominantly expressed in the human retina, a cDNA library enriched for retina specific transcripts was generated using suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) technique. In total, 1113 clones were randomly isolated from the retina SSH cDNA library and partially sequenced. On the basis of BLASTN algorithm analysis these clones were classified into four categories including those with I) significant homology to known human genes (766/1113), II) significant homology to partial transcripts and hypothetical gene predictions (162/1113), III) no homology to known mRNAs (149/1113), and IV) vector sequences and clones derived from mitochondrial genes (36/1113). After correcting for redundancy, category I represented 234 known human genes and category II a total of 92unknown transcripts. Clones from category I, were selected for expression analysis by RT-PCR in a great number of human tissues. This resulted in the identification of 16 genes which were expressed exclusively in the retina, 13 which were highly expressed in the retina compared to other tissues, 12 genes which were specifically expressed in neuronal tissues and 48 ubiquitously expressed genes. Thus, our expression analysis resulted in the identification of 29 genes exclusively or abundantly transcribed in the human retina. Of those, retina specific genes L25,L33, L35, L37, L38 and L40 were selected for further analysis. To characterize the complete mRNA sequences of these transcripts a full-length human retina cDNA library was constructed. The analysis of the L25 gene revealed three splicing variants of the ABCC5 gene, consequently named ABCC5_SV1 (SV1), ABCC5_SV2 (SV2) and ABCC5_SV3 (SV3).These isoforms comprise the first five exons of ABCC5 and additional novel exons named 5a, 5b and 5c, generated by differential exon usage. The determined lengths of the three transcripts are 2039 bp, 1962 bp, and 1887 bp in size, respectively. RT-PCR, real-time PCR and Northern blot analysis of ABCC5 as well as the isoforms SV1, SV2 and SV3demonstrated high levels of expression for all transcripts in the retina compared to other tissues. Analysis of their nucleotide sequences revealed that inclusion of exon 5a in splicing variant SV1 produced a frame shift and premature termination codon (PTC). Our data show that this splice variant is the target of nonsense mediated mRNA decay (NMD). This was shown by inhibition of protein synthesis with antibiotics puromycin and anisomycin in human cell lines A-RPE 19 and Y79. Our analysis resulted in an increase of the PTC containing transcript and a decrease of the ABCC5 transcript. Conversely, the amount of both transcripts (SV1 and ABCC5) returned to pre-treatment levels after removal of the inhibitors. Together, our results suggest that alternative splicing of the ubiquitously expressed ABCC5 gene in addition to NMD is involved in retina-specific transcriptional regulation of the mRNA level of ABCC5. In contrast, additional experiments demonstrated that the levels of expression ofSV2 and SV3 isoforms do not appear to influence ABCC5 transcription. Several of the cloned genes were selected for additional genotyping of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in order to construct their SNP maps which are going to be used for future association studies of complex disease AMD. Thus, identification of novel retinal genes and their functional characterization will further our elucidation of retinal physiology in general and in the diseased state in particular, by providing candidate retinal disease genes.}, subject = {Netzhaut}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Zhou2005, author = {Zhou, Qingchun}, title = {Molecular analysis of the sex-determining region of the Y chromosome in the platyfish Xiphophorus maculatus}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-13827}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {A large variety of sex determination systems have been described in fish. However, almost no information is available about sex determination in the classical fish models, the zebrafish Danio rerio and the pufferfish Takifugu rubripes. A DNA-binding protein gene called dmrt1bY (or DMY) has been recently described as an outstanding candidate for the primary sex-determining gene in the medaka fish Oryzias latipes. But this gene is not the universal master sex-determining gene in teleost fish, since dmrt1bY is not found in most other fishes. Hence, other fish models need to be examined including the platyfish Xiphophorus maculatus. Xiphophorus maculatus has three types of sex chromosomes (X, Y and W; females are XX, WX or WY; males are XY or YY). Its gonosomes are at an early stage of differentiation. The sex-determining locus on the sex chromosomes is flanked by two receptor tyrosine kinase genes, the Xmrk oncogene and its protooncogenic progenitor gene egfrb, which both delimit a region of about 0.6 centiMorgans. This situation should allow the positional cloning of the sex-determining gene (SD) of the platyfish. For this purpose, Bacterial Artificial Chromosome (BAC) contigs were assembled from a BAC library of XY males constructed in our laboratory, using the oncogene Xmrk, egfrb, as well as a Y-specific pseudogene called ps-criptY as starting points. The ps-criptY sequence was found to be closely linked to the SD gene, since no recombination was observed between SD and ps-criptY in more than 400 individuals tested. Two major BAC contigs for the X chromosome (about 2.5 Mb) and three major BAC contigs for the Y chromosome (about 3.5 Mb) were built up and analyzed by strategic sequencing. These are some of the largest contigs ever assembled for the sex chromosomes of a non-mammalian vertebrate species. The molecular analysis of the ps-criptY contig was the major objective of this work. The Y-specific ps-criptY contig has been extended over 1 Mb in this work with 58 identified molecular markers. Approximatively 700 kb of non-redundant sequences has been obtained from this contig by strategic sequencing. Numerous Y-linked markers from the contig including ps-criptY were also detected on the X chromosome. Nevertheless, major structural differences were observed between the X and Y chromosomes. Particularly, a large region, which is present at one copy on the X chromosome and contains several candidate genes, was found to be duplicated on the Y chromosome. Evidence for an inversion in the sex-determining region and for the Y-specific accumulation of a repeated sequence called XIR was also obtained. Such events might correspond to an initiation of differentiation between both types of gonosomes. Accumulation of transposable elements was also observed in the ps-criptY contig. A DNA transposable element, helitron, was isolated from the sex-determining region of X. maculatus. Three copies of helitron are located on the ps-criptY contig and one copy on the X-linked contig (helitron has roughly 15 copies per haploid genome). No in-frame stop codon, truncation or intron was found in these four copies, which present high nucleotide identities to each other. This suggests that helitron elements might be active or have been recently active in X. maculatus. A consensus open reading frame of helitron was also assembled from medaka (Oryzias latipes) genomic sequences. Two candidate genes from the ps-criptY contig are also located on the W chromosome in the X. maculatus Usumacinta strain (heterogamety). These markers show the relationship between the different types of gonosomes and allow to compare the male and female heterogameties in the platyfish. Several gene candidates were identified in the ps-criptY contig. However, some of them such as msh2, cript, igd and acr probably correspond to pseudogenes. Interestingly, a novel gene, called swimy, is exclusively expressed in spermatogonia of the adult testis. Swimy is a gene encoding a DNA-binding protein with several putative DNA-binding domains. The data suggest that swimy is a very promising candidate for the master SD gene. Another novel gene, which is called fredi and encodes a novel helix-turn-helix protein, is predominately expressed in the adult testis and currently under scrutiny. There is no doubt that the master SD gene of X. maculatus will be identified by positional cloning. Further molecular analysis of the contigs built in this work will shed new light on the molecular mechanism of sex determination and the evolution of sex chromosomes in fish.}, subject = {Platy}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schwenkert2005, author = {Schwenkert, Isabell}, title = {Phenotypic characterization of hangover at the neuromuscular junction}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-14977}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Ethanoltoleranz beruht vermutlich auf Ver{\"a}nderung in synaptischer Plastizit{\"a}t; da die Mechanismen, die zu dieser Anpassung der Synapsen f{\"u}hren, in hang-Mutanten offensichtlich defekt sind, war es Ziel dieser Arbeit zu erkl{\"a}ren, wie HANG zu synaptischer Plastizit{\"a}t beitr{\"a}gt. In diesem Zusammenhang war es besonders wichtig herauszufinden, in welchem neuronalen Prozeß HANG eine Rolle spielt. Antik{\"o}rperfarbungen gegen HANG zeigten, da das Protein in allen neuronalen Zellkernen larvaler und adulter Gehirne vorhanden ist. Gehirne der hangAE10 Mutante zeigen keine F{\"a}rbung, was best{\"a}tigt, da diese Tiere Nullmutanten f{\"u}r HANG sind. Eine genauere Analyse der Verteilung von HANG im Zellkern ergab, daß HANG in einem punktartigen Muster an bestimmten Stellen im Kern angereichert ist; diese HANG-Aggregate sind an der Innenseite der Kernmembran lokalisiert und colokalisieren nicht mit dem Chromatin. Auf der Basis dieser Ergebnissen wurde postuliert, daß HANG vermutlich an der Stabilisierung, Prozessierung oder dem Export von mRNAs beteiligt ist. Da synaptische Plastizit{\"a}t gut an den einzelnen Neuronen der neuromuskul{\"a}ren Synapse von Drosophila-Larven studiert werden kann, wurde die Morphologie der Motorneurone dritter Larven am Muskelpaar 6/7 des Segments A4 untersucht. Diese Untersuchungen zeigten, da Boutonanzahl und Axonl{\"a}nge in hangAE10-Larven um 40 \% erh{\"o}ht sind. Außerdem zeigen einige Boutons der hang-Mutanten eine abnormale, sanduhrf{\"o}rmige Form, was darauf hinweist, daß sie nach Initiation der Bouton-Teilung m{\"o}glicherweise in einem halb-separierten Zustand geblieben sind. Die Zunahme an Boutons in den Mutanten ist im wesentlichen auf eine Zunahme der Anzahl der Typ Ib-Boutons zur{\"u}ckzuf{\"u}hren. Die Analyse der Verteilung verschiedener synaptischer Marker in hangover-Mutanten ergab keine Hinweise auf Abnormalit{\"a}ten im Zytoskelett oder in der Ausbildung der pr{\"a}-und postsynaptischen Strukturen. Des weiteren ist die Anzahl der aktiven Zonen relativ zur Boutonoberfl{\"a}che nicht ver{\"a}ndert; da hang-Mutanten aber mehr synaptische Boutons pro synaptischem Terminal besitzen, kann man insgesamt von einer Zunahme der Anzahl der aktiven Zonen ausgehen. Die pr{\"a}synaptische Expression von HANG in den Mutanten rettet die erh{\"o}hte Boutonanzahl und die verl{\"a}ngerten Axone, was ebenfalls beweist, daß die beobachteten synaptischen Defekte auf das Fehlen von HANG und nicht auf Sekund{\"a}rmutationen zur{\"u}ckzuf{\"u}hren sind. Eine postsynaptische Expression der hangover cDNA in den Mutanten dagegen rettet den Ph{\"a}notyp nicht. Die Anzahl der synaptischen Boutons wird unter anderem durch cAMP-Levels bestimmt, welche somit synaptische Plastizit{\"a}t regeln. Da hang-Mutanten eine erh{\"o}hte Boutonanzahl aufweisen, f{\"u}hrte dies zu der Spekulation, daß der Ph{\"a}notyp dieser Mutanten m{\"o}glicherweise auf ver{\"a}nderte cAMPlevels zur{\"u}ckzuf{\"u}hren ist. Um dies zu {\"u}berpr{\"u}fen, wurde die Morphologie der neuromuskul{\"a}ren Synapsen von hangAE10-Larven mit denen von dnc1 verglichen, welche Defekte in der cAMP-Kaskade aufweisen. Einige Aspekte des Ph{\"a}notyps (z. B. die Zunahme der Boutonanzahl und das Verhaltnis von aktiven Zonen pro Boutonfl{\"a}che) sind sehr ¨ahnlich; jedoch unterscheiden sich die beiden Mutanten in anderen morphologischen Aspekten. Die Expression eines UAS-dnc-Transgens in hangover-Mutanten modifizierte den hang-Ph{\"a}notyp ebenfalls nicht. Auf der Basis der Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit wurde ein Modell f{\"u}r die Funktion von HANG erstellt, nach dem dieses Protein vermutlich am Isoform-spezifischen Spleißen bestimmter Transkripte beteiligt ist, deren Produkte f{\"u}r die synaptische Plastizit{\"a}t an der neuromuskul{\"a}ren Synapse ben{\"o}tigt werden.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wagh2005, author = {Wagh, Dhananjay Anil}, title = {"Bruchpilot" -molecular and functional characterization of a novel active zone protein at the Drosophila synapse}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-14989}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Chemical neurotransmission is a complex process of central importance for nervous system function. It is thought to be mediated by the orchestration of hundreds of proteins for its successful execution. Several synaptic proteins have been shown to be relevant for neurotransmission and many of them are highly conserved during evolution- suggesting a universal mechanism for neurotransmission. This process has checkpoints at various places like, neurotransmitter uptake into the vesicles, relocation of the vesicles to the vicinity of calcium channels in order to facilitate Ca2+ induced release thereby modulating the fusion probability, formation of a fusion pore to release the neurotransmitter and finally reuptake of the vesicles by endocytosis. Each of these checkpoints has now become a special area of study and maintains its own importance for the understanding of the overall process. Ca2+ induced release occurs at specialized membrane structures at the synapse known as the active zones. These are highly ordered electron dense grids and are composed of several proteins which assist the synaptic vesicles in relocating in the vicinity of Ca2+ channels thereby increasing their fusion probability and then bringing about the vesicular fusion itself. All the protein modules needed for these processes are thought to be held in tight arrays at the active zones, and the functions of a few have been characterized so far at the vertebrate active zones. Our group is primarily interested in characterizing the molecular architecture of the Drosophila synapse. Due to its powerful genetics and well-established behavioural assays Drosophila is an excellent system to investigate neuronal functioning. Monoclonal antibodies (MABs) from a hybridoma library against Drosophila brain are routinely used to detect novel proteins in the brain in a reverse genetic approach. Upon identification of the protein its encoding genetic locus is characterized and a detailed investigation of its function is initiated. This approach has been particularly useful to detect synaptic proteins, which may go undetected in a forward genetic approach due to lack of an observable phenotype. Proteins like CSP, Synapsin and Sap47 have been identified and characterized using this approach so far. MAB nc82 has been one of the shortlisted antibodies from the same library and is widely used as a general neuropil marker due to the relative transparency of immunohistochemical whole mount staining obtained with this antibody. A careful observation of double stainings at the larval neuromuscular junctions with MAB nc82 and other pre and post-synaptic markers strongly suggested an active zone localization of the nc82 antigen. Synaptic architecture is well characterized in Drosophila at the ultrastructural level. However, molecular details for many synaptic components and especially for the active zone are almost entirely unknown. A possible localization at the active zone for the nc82 antigen served as the motivation to initiate its biochemical characterization and the identification of the encoding gene. In the present thesis it is shown by 2-D gel analysis and mass spectrometry that the nc82 antigen is a novel active zone protein encoded by a complex genetic locus on chromosome 2R. By RT-PCR exons from three open reading frames previously annotated as separate genes are demonstrated to give rise to a transcript of at least 5.5 kb. Northern blots produce a prominent signal of 11 kb and a weak signal of 2 kb. The protein encoded by the 5.5 kb transcript is highly conserved amongst insects and has at its N-terminus significant homology to the previously described vertebrate active zone protein ELKS/ERC/CAST. Bioinformatic analysis predicts coiled-coil domains spread all over the sequence and strongly suggest a function involved in organizing or maintaining the structure of the active zone. The large C-terminal region is highly conserved amongst the insects but has no clear homologues in veretebrates. For a functional analysis of this protein transgenic flies expressing RNAi constructs under the control of the Gal4 regulated enhancer UAS were kindly provided by the collaborating group of S.Sigrist (G\&\#1616;ttingen). A strong pan-neuronal knockdown of the nc82 antigen by transgenic RNAi expression leads to embryonic lethality. A relatively weaker RNAi expression results in behavioural deficits in adult flies including unstable flight and impaired walking behavior. Due to this peculiar phenotype as observed in the first knockdown studies the gene was named "bruchpilot" (brp) encoding the protein "Bruchpilot (BRP)" (German for crash pilot). A pan-neuronal as well as retina specific downregulation of this protein results in loss of ON and OFF transients in ERG recordings indicating dysfunctional synapses. Retina specific downregulation also shows severely impaired optomotor behaviour. Finally, at an ultrastructural level BRP downregulation seems to impair the formation of the characteristic T-shaped synaptic ribbons at the active zones without significantly altering the overall synaptic architecture (in collaboration with E.Asan). Vertebrate active zone protein Bassoon is known to be involved in attaching the synaptic ribbons to the active zones as an adapter between active zone proteins RIBEYE and ERC/CAST. A mutation in Bassoon results in a floating synaptic ribbon phenotype. No protein homologous to Bassoon has been observed in Drosophila. BRP downregulation also results in absence of attached synaptic ribbons at the active zones. This invites the speculation of an adapter like function for BRP in Drosophila. However, while Bassoon mutant mice are viable, BRP deficit in addition to the structural phenotype also results in severe behavioural and physiological anomalies and even stronger downregulation causes embryonic lethality. This therefore suggests an additional and even more important role for BRP in development and normal functioning of synapses in Drosophila and also in other insects. However, how BRP regulates synaptic transmission and which other proteins are involved in this BRP dependant pathway remains to be investigated. Such studies certainly will attract prominent attention in the future.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{JimenezPearson2005, author = {Jim{\´e}nez-Pearson, Mar{\´i}a-Antonieta}, title = {Characterization of the mechanisms of two-component signal transduction involved in motility and chemotaxis of Helicobacter pylori}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-15698}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Flagellen-basierte Motilit{\"a}t und Chemotaxis stellen essentielle Pathogenit{\"a}tsfaktoren dar, die f{\"u}r die erfolgreiche Kolonisierung der Magenschleimhaut durch H. pylori notwendig sind. Die Mechanismen der Regulation der Flagellensynthese und das Chemotaxis-System von H. pylori weisen trotz einiger {\"A}hnlichkeiten fundamentale Unterschiede zu den Systemen anderer Bakterien auf. In H. pylori ist die Flagellensynthese durch eine komplex regulierte Kaskade kontrolliert, die Regulatorkomponenten wie das Zweikomponentensystem HP244/FlgR, die Sigma Faktoren 54 und 28 und den Sigma Faktor28-Antagonisten FlgM enth{\"a}lt. Das Signal, welches {\"u}ber die Histidinkinase des Zweikomponentensystems HP244/FlgR die Expression der Sigma Faktor54-abh{\"a}ngigen Klasse 2 Flagellengene reguliert, ist bisher noch nicht bekannt. Allerdings konnte mit HP137 ein Protein identifiziert werden, das im „yeast two-hybrid" System sowohl mit der korrespondierenden Kinase HP244 des Flagellenregulators FlgR, als auch mit der Flagellenkomponente FlgE´ interagiert (Rain et al., 2001). In dieser Arbeit wurde eine m{\"o}gliche Rolle von HP137 in einem R{\"u}ckkopplungsmechanismus untersucht, welcher die Aktivit{\"a}t der Histidinkinase in der Flagellenregulation kontrollieren k{\"o}nnte. Obwohl die Deletion des ORF hp137 zu einer unbeweglichen Mutante f{\"u}hrte, legen die erfolglosen Komplementations Experimente, sowie die Beobachtung, dass HP137 in vitro keinen bedeutenden Effekt auf die Aktivit{\"a}t der Histidinkinase HP244 hat nahe, dass HP137 weder in H. pylori noch im nahe verwandten C. jejuni direkt an der Flagellenregulation beteiligt ist. Das Chemotaxis-System von H. pylori unterscheidet sich vom gutuntersuchten Chemotaxis-System der Enterobakterien in einigen Aspekten. Zus{\"a}tzlich zu dem CheY Response Regulator Protein (CheY1) besitzt H. pylori eine weitere CheY-artige Receiver-Dom{\"a}ne (CheY2) welche C-terminal an die Histidinkinase CheA fusioniert ist. Zus{\"a}tzlich finden sich im Genom von H. pylori Gene, die f{\"u}r drei CheV Proteine kodieren die aus einer N-terminalen Dom{\"a}ne {\"a}hnlich CheW und einer C-terminalen Receiver Dom{\"a}ne bestehen, w{\"a}hrend man keine Orthologen zu den Genen cheB, cheR, and cheZ findet. Um einen Einblick in den Mechanismus zu erhalten, welcher die chemotaktische Reaktion von H. pylori kontrolliert, wurden Phosphotransferreaktionen zwischen den gereinigten Signalmodulen des Zweikomponentensystems in vitro untersucht. Durch in vitro-Phosphorylierungsexperimente wurde eine ATP-abh{\"a}ngige Autophosphorylierung der bifunktionellen Histidinkinase CheAY2 und von CheA´, welches ein verk{\"u}rztes Derivat von ChAY2 ohne Receiver-Dom{\"a}ne darstellt, nachgewiesen. CheA´ zeigt eine f{\"u}r an der Chemotaxis beteiligte Histidinkinasen typische Phosphorylierungskinetik mit einer ausgepr{\"a}gten exponentiellen Phase, w{\"a}hrend die Phosphorylierungskinetik von CheAY2 nur eine kurze exponentielle Phase aufweist, gefolgt von einer Phase in der die Hydrolyse von CheAY2~P {\"u}berwiegt. Es wurde gezeigt, dass die Anwesenheit einer der CheY2 Dom{\"a}ne die Stabilit{\"a}t der phosphorylierten P1 Dom{\"a}ne im CheA Teil des bifunktionellen Proteins beeinflusst. Außerdem wurde gezeigt, dass sowohl CheY1 als auch CheY2 durch CheAY2 phosphoryliert werden und dass die drei CheV Proteine die Histidinkinase CheA´~P dephosphorylieren, wenn auch mit einer im Vergleich zu CheY1 und CheY2 geringeren Affinit{\"a}t. Außerdem ist CheA´ in der Lage seine Phosphatgruppen auf CheY1 aus C. jejuni und CheY aus E. coli zu {\"u}bertragen. Retrophosphorylierungsexperimente weisen darauf hin, dass CheY1~P die Phosphatgruppe zur{\"u}ck auf die Histidinkinase CheAY2 {\"u}bertragen kann und dass die CheY2-Dom{\"a}ne in dem bifunktionellen Protein CheAY2 als „Phosphat Sink" agiert der den Phosphorylierungszustand und damit die Aktivit{\"a}t des frei diffundierbaren Proteins CheY1 reguliert, das vermutlich es mit dem Flagellenmotor interagiert. Es konnte weiterhin gezeigt werden, dass die unabh{\"a}ngige Funktion der beiden Dom{\"a}nen CheA´ und CheY2 f{\"u}r eine normale chemotaktische Signalgebung in vivo nicht ausreicht. In dieser Arbeit wurden also Hinweise auf eine komplexe Kaskade Phosphat{\"u}bertragungsreaktionen im chemotaktischen System von H. pylori gefunden, welches {\"A}hnlichkeiten zu dem Syteme-Chemotaxis von S. meliloti aufweist an denen multiple CheY Proteine beteiligt sind. Die Rolle der CheV Proteine bleibt im Moment unklar, jedoch k{\"o}nnte es sein, dass sie an einer weiteren Feinregulierung der Phosphatgruppen{\"u}bertragungsreaktionen in diesem komplexen chemotaktischen System beteiligt sind}, subject = {Helicobacter pylori}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schaefer2005, author = {Sch{\"a}fer, Matthias}, title = {Molecular mechanisms of floor plate formation and neural patterning in zebrafish}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-15789}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {The vertebrate spinal cord is composed of billions of neurons and glia cells, which are formed in a highly coordinated manner during early neurogenesis. Specification of these cells at distinct positions along the dorsoventral (DV) axis of the developing spinal cord is controlled by a ventrally located signaling center, the medial floor plate (MFP). Currently, the origin and time frame of specification of this important organizer are not clear. During my PhD thesis, I have analyzed the function of the novel secreted growth factor Midkine-a (Mdka) in zebrafish. In higher vertebrates, mdk and the related factor pleiotrophin (ptn) are widely expressed during embryogenesis and are implicated in a variety of processes. The in-vivo function of both factors, however, is unclear, as knock-out mice show no embryonic phenotype. We have isolated two mdk co-orthologs, mdka and mdkb, and one single ptn gene in zebrafish. Molecular phylogenetic analyses have shown that these genes evolved after two large gene block duplications. In contrast to higher vertebrates, zebrafish mdk and ptn genes have undergone functional divergence, resulting in mostly non-redundant expression patterns and functions. I have shown by overexpression and knock-down analyses that Mdka is required for MFP formation during zebrafish neurulation. Unlike the previously known MFP inducing factors, mdka is not expressed within the embryonic shield or tailbud but is dynamically expressed in the paraxial mesoderm. I used epistatic and mutant analyses to show that Mdka acts independently from these factors. This indicates a novel mechanism of Mdka dependent MFP formation during zebrafish neurulation. To get insight into the signaling properties of zebrafish Mdka, the function of both Mdk proteins and the candidate receptor Anaplastic lymphoma kinase (Alk) have been compared. Knock-down of mdka and mdkb resulted in the same reduction of iridophores as in mutants deficient for Alk. This indicates that Alk could be a putative receptor of Mdks during zebrafish embryogenesis. In most vertebrate species a lateral floor plate (LFP) domain adjacent to the MFP has been defined. In higher vertebrates it has been shown that the LFP is located within the p3 domain, which forms V3 interneurons. It is unclear, how different cell types in this domain are organized during early embryogenesis. I have analyzed a novel homeobox gene in zebrafish, nkx2.2b, which is exclusively expressed in the LFP. Overexpression, mutant and inhibitor analyses showed that nkx2.2b is activated by Sonic hedgehog (Shh), but repressed by retinoids and the motoneuron-inducing factor Islet-1 (Isl1). I could show that in zebrafish LFP and p3 neuronal cells are located at the same level along the DV axis, but alternate along the anteroposterior (AP) axis. Moreover, these two different cell populations require different levels of HH signaling and nkx2.2 activities. This provides new insights into the structure of the vertebrate spinal cord and suggests a novel mechanism of neural patterning.}, subject = {Zebrab{\"a}rbling}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schindelin2005, author = {Schindelin, Johannes}, title = {The standard brain of Drosophila melanogaster and its automatic segmentation}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-15518}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {In this thesis, I introduce the Virtual Brain Protocol, which facilitates applications of the Standard Brain of Drosophila melanogaster. By providing reliable and extensible tools for the handling of neuroanatomical data, this protocol simplifies and organizes the recurring tasks involved in these applications. It is demonstrated that this protocol can also be used to generate average brains, i.e. to combine recordings of several brains with the same features such that the common features are emphasized. One of the most important steps of the Virtual Insect Protocol is the aligning of newly recorded data sets with the Standard Brain. After presenting methods commonly applied in a biological or medical context to align two different recordings, it is evaluated to what extent this alignment can be automated. To that end, existing Image Processing techniques are assessed. I demonstrate that these techniques do not satisfy the requirements needed to guarantee sensible alignments between two brains. Then, I analyze what needs to be taken into account in order to formulate an algorithm which satisfies the needs of the protocol. In the last chapter, I derive such an algorithm using methods from Information Theory, which bases the technique on a solid mathematical foundation. I show how Bayesian Inference can be applied to enhance the results further. It is demonstrated that this approach yields good results on very noisy images, detecting apparent boundaries between structures. The same approach can be extended to take additional knowledge into account, e.g. the relative position of the anatomical structures and their shape. It is shown how this extension can be utilized to segment a newly recorded brain automatically.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} }