@phdthesis{Thelen2020, author = {Thelen, David}, title = {Erstellung eines genregulatorischen Netzwerkes zur Simulation der Entstehung von Zahnhartsubstanz}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20406}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-204068}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {In this dissertation, the author describes the creation of a basic bioinformatic model of human enamel maturation. Supported by the interactions found in the KEGG Pathway database, we were able to establish a gene regulatory network (GRN) that focuses primarily on the signal transduction pathways apoptosis, cell cycle, hedgehog signaling pathway, MAP kinase pathway, mTOR signaling pathway, Notch signaling pathway, TGF-β signaling pathway and Wnt signaling pathway. We extended this through further verified interactions and implicated the tooth-specific genes AMELX, AMELY, AMBN, ENAM and DSPP. In the subsequent simulation of the network by the simulation tool Jimena, six stable states could be identified. These are examined in more detail and juxtaposed with results of a GEO dataset. The long-term goal is to draw conclusions about the odontogenesis of humans through consistent optimization of the bioinformatics network.}, subject = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg. Lehrstuhl f{\"u}r Bioinformatik}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Zimmermann2020, author = {Zimmermann, Henriette}, title = {Antigenic variation and stumpy development in \(Trypanosoma\) \(brucei\)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-14690}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-146902}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The eukaryotic parasite Trypanosoma brucei has evolved sophisticated strategies to persist within its mammalian host. Trypanosomes evade the hosts' immune system by antigenic variation of their surface coat, consisting of variant surface glycoproteins (VSGs). Out of a repertoire of thousands of VSG genes, only one is expressed at any given time from one of the 15 telomeric expression sites (ES). The VSG is stochastically exchanged either by a transcriptional switch of the active ES (in situ switch) or by a recombinational exchange of the VSG within the active ES. However, for infections to persist, the parasite burden has to be limited. The slender (sl) bloodstream form secretes the stumpy induction factor (SIF), which accumulates with rising parasitemia. SIF induces the irreversible developmental transition from the proliferative sl to the cell cycle-arrested but fly-infective stumpy (st) stage once a concentration threshold is reached. Thus, antigenic variation and st development ensure persistent infections and transmissibility. A previous study in monomorphic cells indicated that the attenuation of the active ES could be relevant for the development of trypanosomes. The present thesis investigated this hypothesis using the inducible overexpression of an ectopic VSG in pleomorphic trypanosomes, which possess full developmental competence. These studies revealed a surprising phenotypic plasticity: while the endogenous VSG was always down-regulated upon induction, the ESactivity determined whether the VSG overexpressors arrested in growth or kept proliferating. Full ES-attenuation induced the differentiation of bona fide st parasites independent of the cell density and thus represents the sole natural SIF-independent differentiation trigger to date. A milder decrease of the ES-activity did not induce phenotypic changes, but appeared to prime the parasites for SIF-induced differentiation. These results demonstrate that antigenic variation and development are linked and indicated that the ES and the VSG are independently regulated. Therefore, I investigated in the second part of my thesis how ES-attenuation and VSG-silencing can be mediated. Integration of reporters with a functional or defective VSG 3'UTR into different genomic loci showed that the maintenance of the active state of the ES depends on a conserved motif within the VSG 3'UTR. In situ switching was only triggered when the telomere-proximal motif was partially deleted, suggesting that it serves as a DNA-binding motif for a telomere-associated protein. The VSG levels seem to be additionally regulated in trans based on the VSG 3'UTR independent of the genomic context, which was reinforced by the regulation of a constitutively expressed reporter with VSG 3' UTR upon ectopic VSG overexpression.}, subject = {Trypanosoma brucei}, language = {en} } @article{SarukhanyanShityakovDandekar2020, author = {Sarukhanyan, Edita and Shityakov, Sergey and Dandekar, Thomas}, title = {Rational drug design of Axl tyrosine kinase type I inhibitors as promising candidates against cancer}, series = {Frontiers in Chemistry}, volume = {7}, journal = {Frontiers in Chemistry}, number = {920}, issn = {2296-2646}, doi = {10.3389/fchem.2019.00920}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-199505}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The high level of Axl tyrosine kinase expression in various cancer cell lines makes it an attractive target for the development of anti-cancer drugs. In this study, we carried out several sets of in silico screening for the ATP-competitive Axl kinase inhibitors based on different molecular docking protocols. The best drug-like candidates were identified, after parental structure modifications, by their highest affinity to the target protein. We found that our newly designed compound R5, a derivative of the R428 patented analog, is the most promising inhibitor of the Axl kinase according to the three molecular docking algorithms applied in the study. The molecular docking results are in agreement with the molecular dynamics simulations using the MM-PBSA/GBSA implicit solvation models, which confirm the high affinity of R5 toward the protein receptor. Additionally, the selectivity test against other kinases also reveals a high affinity of R5 toward ABL1 and Tyro3 kinases, emphasizing its promising potential for the treatment of malignant tumors.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Michel2020, author = {Michel, Konstanze}, title = {Die kardiale Bedeutung des Hormons C-Typ natriuretisches Peptid (CNP) und dessen Guanylylcyclase B (GC-B) Rezeptor}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20021}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-200211}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {In der vorliegenden Dissertationsarbeit wurden die kardialen Effekte des C-Typ natriuretischen Peptids (CNP) an wildtypischen M{\"a}usen (Studie 1) und an einem neuen genetischen Mausmodell, mit einer Kardiomyozyten-spezifischen Deletion des Guanylyl-Cyclase B (GC-B) Rezeptors (Studie 2) untersucht. In Studie 1 wurden die Wirkungen von exogenem, synthetischem CNP auf eine durch Druckbelastung-induzierte Herzinsuffizienz in wildtypischen M{\"a}usen (C57Bl6 Hintergrund) untersucht. Daf{\"u}r wurde CNP parallel zu einer operativen transversen Aortenkonstriktion (TAC) {\"u}ber osmotische Minipumpen in einer Dosierung von 50 ng/kg/min {\"u}ber 14 Tage appliziert. Die 14 Tage TAC f{\"u}hrten zu einer ausgepr{\"a}gten Linksherzhypertrophie. Diese wurde durch exogenes CNP auf zellul{\"a}rer (verringerte Kardiomyozytenfl{\"a}chen) und molekularer (verringerte BNP mRNA Expression) Ebene signifikant gehemmt. Auch die durch TAC-induzierte linksventrikul{\"a}re Dilatation wurde durch exogenes CNP fast vollst{\"a}ndig verhindert. Diese kardialen protektiven Effekte von CNP traten ohne eine wesentliche Ver{\"a}nderung des arteriellen Blutdrucks auf. M{\"o}gliche mechanistische Ursachen f{\"u}r die sch{\"u}tzende Wirkung von CNP k{\"o}nnte die PKG-abh{\"a}ngige Phosphorylierung des sarkomerischen Proteins Titin sein. Eine gesteigerte Phosphorylierung von Titin an der elastischen N2B-Dom{\"a}ne verringert die Steifigkeit der Kardiomyozyten und verbessert somit deren Relaxationsf{\"a}higkeit (Hudson 2011). Die erh{\"o}hten linksventrikul{\"a}ren Volumina nach TAC (end-diastolische und end-systolische Volumina) wurden m{\"o}glicherweise durch eine erh{\"o}hte Steifigkeit der Kardiomyozyten provoziert. Dies k{\"o}nnte durch den akuten IL-6 mRNA Anstieg nach TAC beg{\"u}nstigt werden, da Kruger et al. einen Zusammenhang zwischen passiver Steifigkeit der Kardiomyozyten und IL-6-Expression postulierten (Kotter 2016, Kruger 2009). Diese Ver{\"a}nderungen wurden durch exogenes CNP verhindert. Es ist wahrscheinlich, dass die CNP-induzierte Phosphorylierung von Titin an Serin 4080 in die Relaxationsf{\"a}higkeit der Kardiomyozyten und somit die diastolische Funktion des linken Ventrikels verbesserte. Aufgrund dieser Beobachtungen wurde in Studie 2 untersucht, ob auch endogenes CNP als parakrines Hormon im Herzen eine TAC-induzierte Herzhypertrophie und die kontraktile Funktion von Kardiomyozyten bei einer hypertensiven Herzerkrankung beeinflussen kann. Daf{\"u}r wurde ein neues genetisches Mausmodell mit einer Kardiomyozyten-spezifischen Deletion des GC-B Rezeptors generiert (CM GC-B KO). Da vorangegangene Studien in unserer Arbeitsgruppe zeigten, dass die basale CNP-Expression im Herzen sehr gering ist, nach 3-t{\"a}giger TAC aber akut ansteigt und nach 14-t{\"a}giger TAC wieder abf{\"a}llt, haben wir CM GC-B KO M{\"a}use und deren Geschwister-Kontrolltiere an beiden Zeitpunkten nach TAC untersucht. Die TAC f{\"u}hrte Genotyp-unabh{\"a}ngig zu einem Anstieg der kardialen Nachlast nach 3 Tagen und weiter nach 14 Tagen. Diese Druckbelastung provozierte eine progressive, signifikante Linksherzhypertrophie. Allerdings reagierten die CM GC-B KO M{\"a}use im Vergleich zu den Kontrolltieren bereits nach 3-t{\"a}giger TAC mit einer ausgepr{\"a}gten Kardiomyozyten-Hypertrophie. Zudem beobachteten wir nach 3-t{\"a}giger TAC in den Knockout-M{\"a}usen eine Abnahme der Ejektionsfraktion und gleichzeitig eine signifikante Zunahme der beiden linksventrikul{\"a}ren Volumina (end-diastolische und end-systolische Volumen). Diese fr{\"u}he linksventrikul{\"a}re Dilatation wurde in den Kontrolltieren nicht beobachtet. Daraus schlussfolgerten wir, dass endogenes kardiales CNP, dessen Expression zu fr{\"u}hen Zeitpunkten nach Druckbelastung ansteigt, das Herz vor kontraktiler Dysfunktion und Dilatation sch{\"u}tzen kann. Um m{\"o}gliche Mechanismen f{\"u}r die protektive Wirkung von endogenem CNP zu erkl{\"a}ren, untersuchten wir die IL-6 mRNA Expression sowie die Titin-Phosphorylierung im Herzen. Der akute Anstieg der IL-6 mRNA Expression nach 3-t{\"a}giger TAC in den CM GC-B KO M{\"a}usen korreliert mit der verminderten Phosphorylierung von Titin an der PGK-spezifischen Phosphorylierungsstelle (Serin 4080). Somit k{\"o}nnte der CNP/GC-B/cGMP-Signalweg zu einer Inhibition pro-inflammatorischer Gene beitragen, da der akute IL-6 mRNA Anstieg in den Kontrollen nicht beobachtet wurde. Auch die gesteigerte NOX4 Expression 3 Tage nach TAC, k{\"o}nnte zu der fr{\"u}hen dilatativen Kardiomyopathie in den Knockout-M{\"a}usen beigetragen haben. Die verringerte STAT3 Aktivierung in den CM GC-B KO M{\"a}usen w{\"u}rde laut Literatur zu vermehrter Apoptose f{\"u}hren, indem pro-apoptotische Gene wie Bcl oder Bax vermehrt transkribiert werden. Auch die erh{\"o}hte Cxcl-1 mRNA Expression in den Knockout-M{\"a}usen deutet zusammen mit dem IL-6 Anstieg auf vermehrte Entz{\"u}ndungsreaktionen 3 Tage nach TAC hin. Zusammengenommen deuten die Ergebnisse dieser Dissertationsarbeit darauf hin, dass der CNP/GC-B/cGMP-Signalweg in fr{\"u}hen Stadien einer erh{\"o}hten kardialen Druckbelastung und der Entstehung einer dilatativen Kardiomyopathie entgegenwirken kann. Die Phosphorylierung des sarkomerischen Proteins Titin und die Hemmung der Expression pro-inflammatorischer Zytokine (speziell IL-6) k{\"o}nnten zu diesem protektiven Effekt beitragen.}, subject = {Herzinsuffizienz}, language = {de} } @article{BaurNietzerKunzetal.2020, author = {Baur, Florentin and Nietzer, Sarah L. and Kunz, Meik and Saal, Fabian and Jeromin, Julian and Matschos, Stephanie and Linnebacher, Michael and Walles, Heike and Dandekar, Thomas and Dandekar, Gudrun}, title = {Connecting cancer pathways to tumor engines: a stratification tool for colorectal cancer combining human in vitro tissue models with boolean in silico models}, series = {Cancers}, volume = {12}, journal = {Cancers}, number = {1}, issn = {2072-6694}, doi = {10.3390/cancers12010028}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-193798}, pages = {28}, year = {2020}, abstract = {To improve and focus preclinical testing, we combine tumor models based on a decellularized tissue matrix with bioinformatics to stratify tumors according to stage-specific mutations that are linked to central cancer pathways. We generated tissue models with BRAF-mutant colorectal cancer (CRC) cells (HROC24 and HROC87) and compared treatment responses to two-dimensional (2D) cultures and xenografts. As the BRAF inhibitor vemurafenib is—in contrast to melanoma—not effective in CRC, we combined it with the EGFR inhibitor gefitinib. In general, our 3D models showed higher chemoresistance and in contrast to 2D a more active HGFR after gefitinib and combination-therapy. In xenograft models murine HGF could not activate the human HGFR, stressing the importance of the human microenvironment. In order to stratify patient groups for targeted treatment options in CRC, an in silico topology with different stages including mutations and changes in common signaling pathways was developed. We applied the established topology for in silico simulations to predict new therapeutic options for BRAF-mutated CRC patients in advanced stages. Our in silico tool connects genome information with a deeper understanding of tumor engines in clinically relevant signaling networks which goes beyond the consideration of single drivers to improve CRC patient stratification.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Klepsch2020, author = {Klepsch, Maximilian Andreas}, title = {Small RNA-binding complexes in Chlamydia trachomatis identified by Next-Generation Sequencing techniques}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-19974}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-199741}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Chlamydia infect millions worldwide and cause infertility and blinding trachoma. Chlamydia trachomatis (C. trachomatis) is an obligate intracellular gram-negative pathogen with a significantly reduced genome. This bacterium shares a unique biphasic lifecycle in which it alternates between the infectious, metabolically inert elementary bodies (EB) and the non-infections, metabolically active replicative reticular bodies (RB). One of the challenges of working with Chlamydia is its difficult genetic accessibility. In the present work, the high-throughput method TagRNA-seq was used to differentially label transcriptional start sites (TSS) and processing sites (PSS) to gain new insights into the transcriptional landscape of C. trachomatis in a coverage that has never been achieved before. Altogether, 679 TSSs and 1067 PSSs were detected indicating its high transcriptional activity and the need for transcriptional regulation. Furthermore, the analysis of the data revealed potentially new non-coding ribonucleic acids (ncRNA) and a map of transcriptional processing events. Using the upstream sequences, the previously identified σ66 binding motif was detected. In addition, Grad-seq for C. trachomatis was established to obtain a global interactome of the RNAs and proteins of this intracellular organism. The Grad-Seq data suggest that many of the newly annotated RNAs from the TagRNA-seq approach are present in complexes. Although Chlamydia lack the known RNA-binding proteins (RBPs), e.g. Hfq and ProQ, observations in this work reveal the presence of a previously unknown RBP. Interestingly, in the gradient analysis it was found that the σ66 factor forms a complex with the RNA polymerase (RNAP). On the other hand, the σ28 factor is unbound. This is in line with results from previous studies showing that most of the genes are under control of σ66. The ncRNA IhtA is known to function via direct base pairing to its target RNA of HctB, and by doing so is influencing the chromatin condensation in Chlamydia. This study confirmed that lhtA is in no complex. On the other hand, the ncRNA ctrR0332 was found to interact with the SNF2 protein ctl0077, a putative helicase. Both molecules co-sedimented in the gradient and were intact after an aptamer-based RNA pull-down. The SWI2/SNF2 class of proteins are nucleosome remodeling complexes. The prokaryotic RapA from E. coli functions as transcription regulator by stimulating the RNAP recycling. This view might imply that the small ncRNA (sRNA) ctrR0332 is part of the global regulation network in C. trachomatis controlling the transition between EBs and RBs via interaction with the SNF2 protein ctl0077. The present work is the first study describing a global interactome of RNAs and proteins in C. trachomatis providing the basis for future interaction studies in the field of this pathogen.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hartlieb2020, author = {Hartlieb, Heiko}, title = {Functional analysis of Mushroom body miniature's RGG-box and its role in neuroblast proliferation in Drosophila melanogaster}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-19967}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-199674}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Development of the central nervous system in Drosophila melanogaster relies on neural stem cells called neuroblasts. Neuroblasts divide asymmetrically to give rise to a new neuroblast as well as a small daughter cell which eventually generates neurons or glia cells. Between each division, neuroblasts have to re-grow to be able to divide again. In previous studies, it was shown that neuroblast proliferation, cell size and the number of progeny cells is negatively affected in larvae carrying a P-element induced disruption of the gene mushroom body miniature (mbm). This mbm null mutation called mbmSH1819 is homozygously lethal during pupation. It was furthermore shown that the nucleolar protein Mbm plays a role in the processing of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) as well as the translocation of ribosomal protein S6 (RpS6) in neuroblasts and that it is a transcriptional target of Myc. Therefore, it was suggested that Mbm might regulate neuroblast proliferation through a role in ribosome biogenesis. In the present study, it was attempted to further elucidate these proposed roles of Mbm and to identify the protein domains that are important for those functions. Mbm contains an arginine/glycine rich region in which a di-RG as well as a di-RGG motif could be found. Together, these two motifs were defined as Mbm's RGG-box. RGG-boxes can be found in many proteins of different families and they can either promote or inhibit protein-RNA as well as protein-protein interactions. Therefore, Mbm's RGG-box is a likely candidate for a domain involved in rRNA binding and RpS6 translocation. It could be shown by deletion of the RGG-box, that MbmdRGG is unable to fully rescue survivability and neuroblast cell size defects of the null mutation mbmSH1819. Furthermore, Mbm does indeed rely on its RGG-box for the binding of rRNA in vitro and in mbmdRGG as well as mbmSH1819 mutants RpS6 is partially delocalized. Mbm itself also seems to depend on the RGG-box for correct localization since MbmdRGG is partially delocalized to the nucleus. Interestingly, protein synthesis rates are increased in mbmdRGG mutants, possibly induced by an increase in TOR expression. Therefore, Mbm might possess a promoting function in TOR signaling in certain conditions, which is regulated by its RGG-box. Moreover, RGG-boxes often rely on methylation by protein arginine methyltransferases (in Drosophila: Darts - Drosophila arginine methyltransferases) to fulfill their functions. Mbm might be symmetrically dimethylated within its RGG-box, but the results are very equivocal. In any case, Dart1 and Dart5 do not seem to be capable of Mbm methylation. Additionally, Mbm contains two C2HC type zinc-finger motifs, which could be involved in rRNA binding. In an earlier study, it was shown that the mutation of the zinc-fingers, mbmZnF, does not lead to changes in neuroblast cell size, but that MbmZnF is delocalized to the cytoplasm. In the present study, mbmZnF mutants were included in most experiments. The results, however, are puzzling since mbmZnF mutant larvae exhibit an even lower viability than the mbm null mutants and MbmZnF shows stronger binding to rRNA than wild-type Mbm. This suggests an unspecific interaction of MbmZnF with either another protein, DNA or RNA, possibly leading to a dominant negative effect by disturbing other interaction partners. Therefore, it is difficult to draw conclusions about the zinc-fingers' functions. In summary, this study provides further evidence that Mbm is involved in neuroblast proliferation as well as the regulation of ribosome biogenesis and that Mbm relies on its RGG-box to fulfill its functions.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kurz2020, author = {Kurz, Andreas}, title = {Correlative live and fixed cell superresolution microscopy}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-19945}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-199455}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Over the last decade life sciences have made an enormous leap forward. The development of complex analytical instruments, in particular in fluorescence microscopy, has played a decisive role in this. Scientist can now rely on a wide range of imaging techniques that offer different advantages in terms of optical resolution, recording speed or living cell compatibility. With the help of these modern microscopy techniques, multi-protein complexes can be resolved, membrane receptors can be counted, cellular pathways analysed or the internalisation of receptors can be tracked. However, there is currently no universal technique for comprehensive experiment execution that includes dynamic process capture and super resolution imaging on the same target object. In this work, I built a microscope that combines two complementary imaging techniques and enables correlative experiments in living and fixed cells. With an image scanning based laser spot confocal microscope, fast dynamics in several colors with low photodamage of the cells can be recorded. This novel system also has an improved resolution of 170 nm and was thoroughly characterized in this work. The complementary technique is based on single molecule localization microscopy, which can achieve a structural resolution down to 20-30 nm. Furthermore I implemented a microfluidic pump that allows direct interaction with the sample placed on the microscope. Numerous processes such as living cell staining, living cell fixation, immunostaining and buffer exchange can be observed and performed directly on the same cell. Thus, dynamic processes of a cell can be frozen and the structures of interest can be stained and analysed with high-resolution microscopy. Furthermore, I have equipped the detection path of the single molecule technique with an adaptive optical element. With the help of a deformable mirror, imaging functions can be shaped and information on the 3D position of the individual molecules can be extracted.}, subject = {Einzelmolek{\"u}lmikroskopie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Beliu2020, author = {Beliu, Gerti}, title = {Bioorthogonale Tetrazin-Farbstoffe f{\"u}r die Lebendzell-Markierung und hochaufgel{\"o}ste Fluoreszenzmikroskopie}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18962}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-189628}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Der genetische Code beschreibt die Ver- und Entschl{\"u}sselung der Erb-information f{\"u}r das universelle Prinzip der Proteinbiosynthese aus einzelnen Aminos{\"a}uren. Durch Erweiterung des genetischen Codes lassen sich unna-t{\"u}rliche Aminos{\"a}uren (uAA) mit einzigartigen biophysikalischen Eigenschaf-ten ortsspezifisch in Proteine einf{\"u}hren und erm{\"o}glichen die spezifische Ma-nipulation von Proteinen. Die Click-Reaktion zwischen der unnat{\"u}rlichen Aminos{\"a}ure TCO*-Lysin und Tetrazin besitzt eine außergew{\"o}hnliche Reaktionskinetik (≥800 M-1s-1) und erm{\"o}glicht eine spezifische und bioorthogonale Markierung von Bio- ¬molek{\"u}len unter physiologischen Bedingungen. Im Fokus dieser Arbeit stand zun{\"a}chst die Markierung von Membran- ¬rezeptoren durch Click-Chemie in lebenden Zellen sowie die Untersuchung der Wechselwirkung 22 bekannter und neuartiger Tetrazin-Farbstoff- Konjugate. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus wurde die Anwendbarkeit von bioorthogonalen Click-Reaktionen f{\"u}r die hochaufl{\"o}sende Fluoreszenzmikroskopie untersucht. Durch Erweiterung des genetischen Codes in Proteine aus der Klasse der ionotropen Glutamatrezeptoren (iGluR), TNF-Rezeptoren oder Mikrotubu-li-assoziierten Proteinen (MAP) wurde ortspezifisch die unnat{\"u}rliche Amino-s{\"a}ure TCO*-Lysin eingef{\"u}hrt und dadurch die Fluoreszenzmarkierung durch Tetrazin-Farbstoffe erm{\"o}glicht. Die direkte chemische Kopplung von TCO an Liganden wie Phalloidin und Docetaxel, welche spezifisch das Aktin-Zytoskelett bzw. Mikrotubuli-Filamente binden k{\"o}nnen, erm{\"o}glichte zudem die Click-F{\"a}rbungen von fixierten und lebenden Zellen ohne genetische Ver-{\"a}nderungen der Zielproteine. Des Weiteren wurden die spektroskopischen Eigenschaften von 22 Tetrazin-Farbstoffen, verteilt {\"u}ber den gesamten sichtbaren Wellenl{\"a}ngenbereich, untersucht. Ein charakteristisches Kennzeichen der Click-Reaktion mit Tet-razin-Farbstoffen ist dabei ihre Fluorogenit{\"a}t. Das Tetrazin fungiert nicht nur als reaktive Gruppe w{\"a}hrend der Click-Reaktion mit Alkenen, sondern f{\"u}hrt in vielen Tetrazin-Farbstoff-Konjugaten zur Fluoreszenzl{\"o}schung. W{\"a}hrend bei gr{\"u}n-absorbierenden Farbstoffe vor allem FRET-basierte L{\"o}schprozesse dominieren, konnte photoinduzierter Elektronentransfer (PET) vom angeregten Farbstoff zum Tetrazin als Hauptl{\"o}schmechanismus bei rot-absorbierenden Oxazin- und Rhodamin-Derivaten identifiziert werden. Die effiziente und spezifische Markierung aller untersuchten Tetrazin- Farbstoffe erm{\"o}glichte die Visualisierung von Aktin-Filamenten, Mikrotubuli und Membranrezeptoren sowohl durch konventionelle Fluoreszenzmikrosko-pie als auch durch hochaufl{\"o}sende Verfahren, wie z.B. dSTORM, auf Ein-zelmolek{\"u}lebene. Die unterschiedliche Zellpermeabilit{\"a}t von Tetrazin-Farbstoffen kann dabei vorteilhaft f{\"u}r die spezifische intra- und extrazellul{\"a}re Markierung von Proteinen in fixierten und lebenden Zellen genutzt werden.}, subject = {Hochaufgel{\"o}ste Fluoreszenzmikroskopie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Becker2020, author = {Becker, Mira Caroline}, title = {Principles of olfactory-visual integration to form a common percept in honeybees}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-19919}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-199190}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The honeybee is a well studied and important organism in neuroethology. The possibility to train them with a classical conditioning paradigm and their miniature brain provide a perfect requisite to investigate the neuronal principles of learning and memory. Honeybees use visual and olfactory cues to detect flowers during their foraging trips. Hence, the reward association of a nectar source is a multi-modal construct, which has at least two major components - olfactory and visual cues. It is still an open question, how both sensory components are converged in the mushroom body, which represent the multi-modal integration centre of the honeybee brain. The main goal of this study, is to investigate the processing of multiple modalities and how a reward association is formed. This includes, how and wether both sensory modalities interfere during learning. Thus, in this study stimulation with UV, blue and green light was used to evoke distinct photoreceptor activities in the compound eye. Furthermore, three different odours (Geraniol, Citronellol and Farnesol) were used. These stimuli were tested in three different experimental series. The first experiment involved classical differential conditioning of the single modalities - odour and colour. Honeybees showed high learning performances in differentiating olfactory stimuli and also reliable responses for visual conditioning. Furthermore, a temporal discrepancy in the stimulus length for best learning in the olfatcoty and visual cues was found. In the second series, it was tested how multi-modal compounds are perceived. This includes, unique cues (configural processing) or the sum of the single components of a compound (elemen- tal processing). This was tested by combining single odour components with monochromatic light in a positive (PP) and negative patterning (NP) experiment. During PP, the olfactory- visual compound was rewarded, whereas the single components were unrewarded. In contrast, during NP the single components were reinforced, but the compound was not. In addition, the ability to distinguish between two different light stimuli presented as a part of an olfactory-visual compound with the same odour component during acquisition was tested. In a memory test, the light stimuli were presented again as a compound and in addition as the single components. The results revealed that bees used elemental processing with compounds containing green and blue light. In contrast, when UV light was presented the bees used configural processing. Finally, a third experiment was conducted at the neuronal level. Multi-unit recordings were established to provide a suitable method to analyse extrinsic neurons at the mushroom body output region, the so called ventral lobe of the pedunculus. Here, three different odours (Geran- iol, Farnesol and Citronellol), two colours (green and blue) and two combined stimuli (colour + odour) were chosen as stimuli, to search for possible variations in processing stimuli with different modalities. Two units could be detected that responded mainly to visual stimuli.}, language = {en} }