@phdthesis{Melzer2013, author = {Melzer, Juliane}, title = {Die Funktion der p21-aktivierten Kinase Mbt in Neuroblasten w{\"a}hrend der Entwicklung des zentralen Nervensystems von Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-85619}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {p21-aktivierte Kinasen regulieren zahlreiche zellul{\"a}re Prozesse, die w{\"a}hrend der Entwicklung, aber auch beispielsweise bei der Krebsentstehung, von zentraler Bedeutung sind. Mbt, das einzige Typ II PAK-Protein von Drosophila melanogaster, spielt eine Rolle bei der Gehirnentwicklung. Eine Nullmutation von mbt, mbtP1, bildet kleinere Gehirne mit stark verkleinerten Pilzk{\"o}rpern aus. In dieser Arbeit wurde die Funktion von Mbt in Neuroblasten untersucht. Mbt wurde als Teil des apikalen Proteinkomplexes in Neuroblasten des Zentralhirns nachgewiesen. Die apikale Lokalisation von Mbt ist Zellzyklus-abh{\"a}ngig und wird {\"u}ber Bindung an Cdc42 reguliert. Sie ist essentiell f{\"u}r die Funktion von Mbt in Neuroblasten. Trotz apikaler Mbt-Lokalisation in Neuroblasten zeigte die mbt Nullmutante keine Defekte des basalen Mechanismus der asymmetrischen Zellteilung. Mud zeigte geringf{\"u}gige Lokalisationsver{\"a}nderungen, die auf einen m{\"o}glichen Einfluss von Mbt hinweisen. Obwohl PAKs zentrale Regulatoren des Zytoskeletts sind, zeigte die mbtP1 Mutante keine offensichtlichen Ver{\"a}nderungen des Aktin- und Tubulin-Zytoskeletts. Armadillo, ein Aktin-assoziiertes Mbt-Substrat, zeigte ebenfalls keine Lokalisationsver{\"a}nderung in Neuroblasten. Mbt steuert jedoch die apikale Anreicherung von Cno, einem weiteren Aktin-assoziierten Protein, in Neuroblasten. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus beeinflusst Mbt die Zellgr{\"o}ße von Neuroblasten, sowie deren Proliferationspotenzial und {\"U}berleben. mbtP1 Neuroblasten sind kleiner als wildtypische Neuroblasten, haben ein geringeres Proliferationsverm{\"o}gen und eine geringere {\"U}berlebenswahrscheinlichkeit. Der Zelltod von Neuroblasten ist jedoch ein sekund{\"a}rer Effekt. Daher kann eine Blockierung von Apoptose den adulten Pilzk{\"o}rperph{\"a}notyp nicht retten. Signalwege, die Zellgr{\"o}ße und Proliferation regulieren, wurden auf eine Beteiligung von Mbt hin analysiert. mbtP1 induzierte leichte Effekte im Insulin-Signalweg und die Delokalisation eines nukleol{\"a}ren Proteins. Eine genetische Interaktion von mbtP1 mit Mutationen in Genen des klassischen MAPK-Signalweges identifzierte mbt als Positivregulator dieses Signalweges im Auge. Ein {\"a}hnlicher, schw{\"a}cherer Effekt wurde auch bzgl. der Proliferation und Gr{\"o}ße von Neuroblasten beobachtet. Eine 2D-Gelanalyse von Larvengehirnen identifizierte Bic und Hsp83 als m{\"o}gliche von Mbt regulierte Proteine. Diese Arbeit charakterisiert eine bisher unbekannte Funktion der p21-aktivierten Kinase Mbt in neuronalen Stammzellen und liefert damit Ansatzpunkte f{\"u}r eine detaillierte Aufkl{\"a}rung der Funktionsmechanismen von Typ II PAKs bei der Regulation von Zellproliferation und {\"U}berleben}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Hess2013, author = {Heß, Michael}, title = {Vaccinia virus-encoded bacterial beta-glucuronidase as a diagnostic biomarker for oncolytic virotherapy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-86789}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Oncolytic virotherapy represents a promising approach to revolutionize cancer therapy. Several preclinical and clinical trials display the safety of oncolytic viruses as wells as their efficiency against solid tumors. The development of complementary diagnosis and monitoring concepts as well as the optimization of anti-tumor activity are key points of current virotherapy research. Within the framework of this thesis, the diagnostic and therapeutic prospects of beta-glucuronidase expressed by the oncolytic vaccinia virus strain GLV-1h68 were evaluated. In this regard, a beta-glucuronidase-based, therapy-accompanying biomarker test was established which is currently under clinical validation. By using fluorescent substrates, the activity of virally expressed beta-glucuronidase could be detected and quantified. Thereby conclusions about the replication kinetics of oncolytic viruses in animal models and virus-induced cancer cell lysis could be drawn. These findings finally led to the elaboration and establishment of a versatile biomarker assay which allows statements regarding the replication of oncolytic viruses in mice based on serum samples. Besides the analysis of retrospective conditions, this test is able to serve as therapy-accompanying monitoring tool for virotherapy approaches with beta-glucuronidase-expressing viruses. The newly developed assay also served as complement to routinely used plaque assays as well as reference for virally expressed anti-angiogenic antibodies in additional preclinical studies. Further validation of this biomarker test is currently taking place in the context of clinical trials with GL-ONC1 (clinical grade GLV-1h68) and has already shown promising preliminary results. It was furthermore demonstrated that fluorogenic substrates in combination with beta-glucuronidase expressed by oncolytic viruses facilitated the optical detection of solid tumors in preclinical models. In addition to diagnostic purposes, virus-encoded enzymes could also be combined with prodrugs resulting in an improved therapeutic outcome of oncolytic virotherapy. In further studies, the visualization of virus-induced immune reactions as well as the establishment of innovative concepts to improve the therapeutic outcome of oncolytic virotherapy could be accomplished. In conclusion, the results of this thesis provide crucial findings about the influence of virally expressed beta-glucuronidase on various diagnostic concepts in the context of oncolytic virotherapy. In addition, innovative monitoring and therapeutic strategies could be established. Our preclinical findings have important clinical influence, particularly by the development of a therapy-associated biomarker assay which is currently used in different clinical trials.}, subject = {Vaccinia-Virus}, language = {en} } @article{KneitzKalogirouSpahnetal.2013, author = {Kneitz, Burkhard and Kalogirou, Charis and Spahn, Martin and Krebs, Markus and Joniau, Steven and Lerut, Evelyne and Burger, Maximilian and Scholz, Claus-J{\"u}rgen and Kneitz, Susanne and Riedmiller, Hubertus}, title = {MiR-205 Is Progressively Down-Regulated in Lymph Node Metastasis but Fails as a Prognostic Biomarker in High-Risk Prostate Cancer}, series = {International Journal of Molecular Sciences}, journal = {International Journal of Molecular Sciences}, doi = {10.3390/ijms141121414}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-97321}, year = {2013}, abstract = {The treatment of high-risk prostate cancer (HRPCa) is a tremendous challenge for uro-oncologists. The identification of predictive moleculobiological markers allowing risk assessment of lymph node metastasis and systemic progression is essential in establishing effective treatment. In the current study, we investigate the prognostic potential of miR-205 in HRPCa study and validation cohorts, setting defined clinical endpoints for both. We demonstrate miR-205 to be significantly down-regulated in over 70\% of the HRPCa samples analysed and that reconstitution of miR-205 causes inhibition of proliferation and invasiveness in prostate cancer (PCa) cell lines. Additionally, miR-205 is increasingly down-regulated in lymph node metastases compared to the primary tumour indicating that miR-205 plays a role in migration of PCa cells from the original location into extraprostatic tissue. Nevertheless, down-regulation of miR-205 in primary PCa was not correlated to the synchronous presence of metastasis and failed to predict the outcome for HRPCa patients. Moreover, we found a tendency for miR-205 up-regulation to correlate with an adverse outcome of PCa patients suggesting a pivotal role of miR-205 in tumourigenesis. Overall, we showed that miR-205 is involved in the development and metastasis of PCa, but failed to work as a useful clinical biomarker in HRPCa. These findings might have implications for the use of miR-205 as a prognostic or therapeutic target in HRPCa.}, language = {en} } @article{KellerGrimmerSteffanDewenter2013, author = {Keller, Alexander and Grimmer, Gudrun and Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf}, title = {Diverse Microbiota Identified in Whole Intact Nest Chambers of the Red Mason Bee Osmia bicornis (Linnaeus 1758)}, series = {PLoS One}, journal = {PLoS One}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0078296}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-97305}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Microbial activity is known to have profound impact on bee ecology and physiology, both by beneficial and pathogenic effects. Most information about such associations is available for colony-building organisms, and especially the honey bee. There, active manipulations through worker bees result in a restricted diversity of microbes present within the colony environment. Microbial diversity in solitary bee nests remains unstudied, although their larvae face a very different situation compared with social bees by growing up in isolated compartments. Here, we assessed the microbiota present in nests and pre-adults of Osmia bicornis, the red mason bee, by culture-independent pyrosequencing. We found high bacterial diversity not comparable with honey bee colonies. We identified a variety of bacteria potentially with positive or negative interactions for bee larvae. However, most of the other diverse bacteria present in the nests seem to originate from environmental sources through incorporated nest building material and stored pollen. This diversity of microorganisms may cause severe larval mortality and require specific physiological or symbiotic adaptations against microbial threats. They may however also profit from such a diverse environment through gain of mutualistic partners. We conclude that further studies of microbiota interaction in solitary bees will improve the understanding of fitness components and populations dynamics.}, language = {en} } @article{WiegeringPfannUtheetal.2013, author = {Wiegering, Armin and Pfann, Christina and Uthe, Friedrich Wilhelm and Otto, Christoph and Rycak, Lukas and M{\"a}der, Uwe and Gasser, Martin and Waaga-Gasser, Anna-Maria and Eilers, Martin and Germer, Christoph-Thomas}, title = {CIP2A Influences Survival in Colon Cancer and Is Critical for Maintaining Myc Expression}, series = {PLoS ONE}, journal = {PLoS ONE}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0075292}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-97252}, year = {2013}, abstract = {The cancerous inhibitor of protein phosphatase 2A (CIP2A) is an oncogenic factor that stabilises the c-Myc protein. CIP2A is overexpressed in several tumours, and expression levels are an independent marker for long-term outcome. To determine whether CIP2A expression is elevated in colon cancer and whether it might serve as a prognostic marker for survival, we analysed CIP2A mRNA expression by real-time PCR in 104 colon cancer samples. CIP2A mRNA was overexpressed in colon cancer samples and CIP2A expression levels correlated significantly with tumour stage. We found that CIP2A serves as an independent prognostic marker for disease-free and overall survival. Further, we investigated CIP2A-dependent effects on levels of c-Myc, Akt and on cell proliferation in three colon cancer cell lines by silencing CIP2A using small interfering (si) and short hairpin (sh) RNAs. Depletion of CIP2A substantially inhibited growth of colon cell lines and reduced c-Myc levels without affecting expression or function of the upstream regulatory kinase, Akt. Expression of CIP2A was found to be dependent on MAPK activity, linking elevated c-Myc expression to deregulated signal transduction in colon cancer.}, language = {en} } @article{RudelMehlitz2013, author = {Rudel, Thomas and Mehlitz, Adrian}, title = {Modulation of host signaling and cellular responses by Chlamydia}, series = {Cell Communication and Signaling}, journal = {Cell Communication and Signaling}, doi = {10.1186/1478-811X-11-90}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-97225}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Modulation of host cell signaling and cellular functions is key to intracellular survival of pathogenic bacteria. Intracellular growth has several advantages e.g. escape from the humoral immune response and access to a stable nutrient rich environment. Growth in such a preferred niche comes at the price of an ongoing competition between the bacteria and the host as well as other microbes that compete for the very same host resources. This requires specialization and constant evolution of dedicated systems for adhesion, invasion and accommodation. Interestingly, obligate intracellular bacteria of the order Chlamydiales have evolved an impressive degree of control over several important host cell functions. In this review we summarize how Chlamydia controls its host cell with a special focus on signal transduction and cellular modulation.}, language = {en} } @article{MuellerFiebigWeidaueretal.2013, author = {Mueller, Thomas D. and Fiebig, Juliane E. and Weidauer, Stella E. and Qiu, Li-Yan and Bauer, Markus and Schmieder, Peter and Beerbaum, Monika and Zhang, Jin-Li and Oschkinat, Hartmut and Sebald, Walter}, title = {The Clip-Segment of the von Willebrand Domain 1 of the BMP Modulator Protein Crossveinless 2 Is Preformed}, series = {Molecules}, journal = {Molecules}, doi = {10.3390/molecules181011658}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-97196}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Bone Morphogenetic Proteins (BMPs) are secreted protein hormones that act as morphogens and exert essential roles during embryonic development of tissues and organs. Signaling by BMPs occurs via hetero-oligomerization of two types of serine/threonine kinase transmembrane receptors. Due to the small number of available receptors for a large number of BMP ligands ligand-receptor promiscuity presents an evident problem requiring additional regulatory mechanisms for ligand-specific signaling. Such additional regulation is achieved through a plethora of extracellular antagonists, among them members of the Chordin superfamily, that modulate BMP signaling activity by binding. The key-element in Chordin-related antagonists for interacting with BMPs is the von Willebrand type C (VWC) module, which is a small domain of about 50 to 60 residues occurring in many different proteins. Although a structure of the VWC domain of the Chordin-member Crossveinless 2 (CV2) bound to BMP-2 has been determined by X-ray crystallography, the molecular mechanism by which the VWC domain binds BMPs has remained unclear. Here we present the NMR structure of the Danio rerio CV2 VWC1 domain in its unbound state showing that the key features for high affinity binding to BMP-2 is a pre-oriented peptide loop.}, language = {en} } @article{ShannonHein2013, author = {Shannon, Graver and Hein, Melanie}, title = {Tumor cell response to bevacizumab single agent therapy in vitro}, series = {Cancer Cell International}, journal = {Cancer Cell International}, doi = {10.1186/1475-2867-13-94}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-97185}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Background Angiogenesis represents a highly multi-factorial and multi-cellular complex (patho-) physiologic event involving endothelial cells, tumor cells in malignant conditions, as well as bone marrow derived cells and stromal cells. One main driver is vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGFA), which is known to interact with endothelial cells as a survival and mitogenic signal. The role of VEGFA on tumor cells and /or tumor stromal cell interaction is less clear. Condition specific (e.g. hypoxia) or tumor specific expression of VEGFA, VEGF receptors and co-receptors on tumor cells has been reported, in addition to the expression on the endothelium. This suggests a potential paracrine/autocrine loop that could affect changes specific to tumor cells. Methods We used the monoclonal antibody against VEGFA, bevacizumab, in various in vitro experiments using cell lines derived from different tumor entities (non small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), colorectal cancer (CRC), breast cancer (BC) and renal cell carcinoma (RCC)) in order to determine if potential VEGFA signaling could be blocked in tumor cells. The experiments were done under hypoxia, a major inducer of VEGFA and angiogenesis, in an attempt to mimic the physiological tumor condition. Known VEGFA induced endothelial biological responses such as proliferation, migration, survival and gene expression changes were evaluated. Results Our study was able to demonstrate expression of VEGF receptors on tumor cells as well as hypoxia regulated angiogenic gene expression. In addition, there was a cell line specific effect in tumor cells by VEGFA blockade with bevacizumab in terms of proliferation; however overall, there was a limited measurable consequence of bevacizumab therapy detected by migration and survival. Conclusion The present study showed in a variety of in vitro experiments with several tumor cell lines from different tumor origins, that by blocking VEGFA with bevacizumab, there was a limited autocrine or cell-autonomous function of VEGFA signaling in tumor cells, when evaluating VEGFA induced downstream outputs known in endothelial cells.}, language = {en} } @article{SchultzTerhoeven2013, author = {Schultz, J{\"o}rg and Terhoeven, Niklas}, title = {The bilaterian roots of cordon-bleu}, series = {BMC Research Notes}, journal = {BMC Research Notes}, doi = {10.1186/1756-0500-6-393}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-97161}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Background The actin cytoskeleton is essential for many physiological processes of eukaryotic cells. The emergence of new actin fibers is initiated by actin nucleators. Whereas most of them are evolutionary old, the cordon-bleu actin nucleator is classified as vertebrate specific. Findings Using sensitive methods for sequence similarity detection, we identified homologs of cordon-bleu not only in non-vertebrate chordates but also in arthropods, molluscs, annelids and platyhelminthes. These genes contain only a single WH2 domain and therefore resemble more the vertebrate cordon-bleu related 1 protein than the three WH2 domain containing cordon-bleu. Furthermore, we identified a homolog of the N-terminal, ubiquitin like, cobl domain of cordon-bleu in the cnidarian Nematostella vectensis. Conclusion Our results suggest that the ur-form of the cordon-bleu protein family evolved already with the emergence of the bilateria by the combination of existing cobl and WH2 domains. Following a vertebrate specific gene-duplication, one copy gained two additional WH2 domains leading to the actin nucleating cordon-bleu. The function of the ur-form of the cordon-bleu protein family is so far unknown. The identification of a homolog in the model organism Drosophila melanogaster could facilitate its experimental characterization.}, language = {en} } @article{BuchnerBlancoRedondoBunzetal.2013, author = {Buchner, Erich and Blanco Redondo, Beatriz and Bunz, Melanie and Halder, Partho and Sadanandappa, Madhumala K. and M{\"u}hlbauer, Barbara and Erwin, Felix and Hofbauer, Alois and Rodrigues, Veronica and VijayRaghavan, K. and Ramaswami, Mani and Rieger, Dirk and Wegener, Christian and F{\"o}rster, Charlotte}, title = {Identification and Structural Characterization of Interneurons of the Drosophila Brain by Monoclonal Antibodies of the W{\"u}rzburg Hybridoma Library}, series = {PLoS ONE}, journal = {PLoS ONE}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0075420}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-97109}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Several novel synaptic proteins have been identified by monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) of the W{\"u}rzburg hybridoma library generated against homogenized Drosophila brains, e.g. cysteine string protein, synapse-associated protein of 47 kDa, and Bruchpilot. However, at present no routine technique exists to identify the antigens of mAbs of our library that label only a small number of cells in the brain. Yet these antibodies can be used to reproducibly label and thereby identify these cells by immunohistochemical staining. Here we describe the staining patterns in the Drosophila brain for ten mAbs of the W{\"u}rzburg hybridoma library. Besides revealing the neuroanatomical structure and distribution of ten different sets of cells we compare the staining patterns with those of antibodies against known antigens and GFP expression patterns driven by selected Gal4 lines employing regulatory sequences of neuronal genes. We present examples where our antibodies apparently stain the same cells in different Gal4 lines suggesting that the corresponding regulatory sequences can be exploited by the split-Gal4 technique for transgene expression exclusively in these cells. The detection of Gal4 expression in cells labeled by mAbs may also help in the identification of the antigens recognized by the antibodies which then in addition to their value for neuroanatomy will represent important tools for the characterization of the antigens. Implications and future strategies for the identification of the antigens are discussed.}, language = {en} }