@phdthesis{Batsching2016, author = {Batsching, Sophie Johanna}, title = {Behavior under uncontrollable stress in \(Drosophila\) \(melanogaster\) - Learned Helplessness revisited}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-145416}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {In order to select the appropriate behavior, it is important to choose the right behavior at the right time out of many options. It still remains unclear nowadays how exactly this is managed. To address this question, I expose flies (Drosophila melanogaster) to uncontrollable stress to study their behavior under restrictive circumstances by using the so-called shock box. Exposing animals to uncontrollable stress may have an impact on subsequent behavior and can last for some time. The animal learns that whatever it does, it cannot change the situation and therefore can develop something called learned helplessness. The term was first conceptualized by two American psychologists Maier and Seligman (1967), who discovered this phenomenon while doing experiments with dogs. They found out that dogs which are exposed to inescapable stress, later fail in a learning task ('shuttle box'). In this work the walking patterns of three different types of experimental flies, walking in a small dark chamber, were evaluated. Using the triadic design (Seligman and Maier, 1967), flies were either exposed to electric shock randomly (yoked), could turn it off by being active (master) or did not receive punishment at all (control). Master flies were shocked whenever they sat for more than 0.9 seconds. At the same time yoked flies received a shock as well independent of what they were doing, to ensure the same amount of shocks received and to create random punishment pattern for the yoked group. With this so-called no-idleness paradigm flies were conditioned either 10 minutes, which resulted in a short (3 minutes) after-effect, or 20 minutes that turned out to be more stable (10 minutes). In a second part, the behavior during the 20 minute conditioning and a 10 minutes post-test was described in detail. Female flies of the yoked group developed lower activity levels, longer pauses and walked more slowly than master and control flies during conditioning. In the time after the shocks while still in the box, the yoked flies also reduced the frequency and duration of walking bouts as well as their walking speed. Additionally, they took more time to resume walking after the onset of an electric shock than master flies (escape latency) and turned out to make less pauses lasting between 1-1.5 seconds which supports the finding concerning the escape latency. Male flies, tested under the same conditions, showed a slightly weaker after-effect regarding the difference between master and yoked during conditioning and post-test when compared to female flies. When comparing the 20 minutes conditioning with subsequent 10 minutes test in the heat and the shock box in parallel, one finds the same effect: Flies which do not have control over the shocks, lower their activity, make less but longer pauses and walk more slowly than their respective master flies. Despite the similar effect of heat and shock on the flies, some differences between the devices occurred, which can partly be explained by different humidity conditions as well as by different surfaces within the chambers. When the control over the shocks is given back to the yoked flies, it takes them about seven minutes to realize it. One could also show that dopamine levels in the brain were reduced in comparison to flies which did not receive shocks. Yoked flies also were impaired in a place learning task (place learning) and their reaction to light (exit from the box towards the light) directly after conditioning. After characterizing the walking behavior in the chambers, the study deals with the question whether the effects observed in the chambers transfer to different environments. In free walk they only differed from flies which did not receive electric shocks and no effect of uncontrollability was transferred to courtship behavior. Handling as the cause could be excluded. Since handling could be exclude to be the cause of losing the effect, I assumed that the behavior shown in the boxes are context depend. Not only were the after-effects of inescapable shock subject of the current research also the impact of the rearing situation on the response to electric shock was investigated in the present study. Flies which grew up in a single-reared situation turned out to be less affected by inescapable stress in both sexes. In the next part, the first steps to unravel the neuronal underpinning were taken. A mutant - fumin - which is defective in the dopamine re-uptake transporter showed less reaction to inescapable foot shocks, while a mutant for the gene which encodes an adenylate cyclase (rutabaga2080) resulted in a good score during conditioning, but showed no stable after-effect. Downregulating the expression of the adenylate cyclase gene (rutabaga) in different parts of the mushroom bodies showed, that rutabaga is necessary in the α'β'-lobes for expressing the differences between master and yoked flies in the no-idleness paradigm. The study further confirmed previous findings, that rutabaga is needed in operant but not in classical conditioning. As a result, the study could show that not the stimulus itself causes the state of uncontrollability but the fact that the fly learned that it was not in control of the stimulus. This state turned out to be context and time dependent.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Weidner2018, author = {Weidner, Magdalena Theodora}, title = {Brain serotonin throughout development - for better and for worse}, publisher = {Magdalena T. Weidner}, address = {Maastricht, the Netherlands}, isbn = {978-94-6233-940-8}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-163345}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The work presented in this thesis covers the effects of early-life adversity in the context of altered serotonin (5-HT; 5-hydroxytryptamine) system functioning in mice. The main body is focussing on a screening approach identifying molecular processes, potentially involved in distinct behavioural manifestations that emerge from or are concomitant with early adversity and, with regard to some behavioural manifestations, dependent on the functioning of the 5-HT system.}, subject = {Gehirn}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Muellner2004, author = {M{\"u}llner, Antje}, title = {Breeding ecology and related life-history traits of the hoatzin, Opisthocomus hoazin, in a primary rainforest habitat}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-13239}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2004}, abstract = {The hoatzin (Opisthocomus hoazin) is an enigmatic bird that lives in the riparian lowlands of northern South America. Among its peculiar attributes are 1) microbial foregut fermentation, unique in birds, to convert plant cellulose in the foliage which it consumes into simple sugars, 2) an ongoing debate about the puzzling taxonomic position, although a relationship to the Cuculiformes appears likely, 3) adaptive wing claws in the young which are used for climbing, and 4) co-operative breeding behaviour. Despite the information available on digestive mode and taxonomy little has been published on its breeding biology and behaviour and until now almost all knowledge was based on a study in the savannah of Venezuela. This is the first detailed study of the hoatzin's nesting ecology in a rainforest habitat. From 1995-1998 and in 2000 I monitored a hoatzin population which consisted of approximately 700 individuals in an Amazonian rainforest in Ecuador situated in the Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve (between 0°02' N, 76°0' W, 0°03' S, and 76°14' W). The area is composed of various black water lagoons and small rivers, flooded forests and terra firme forest. Primarily, I examined group composition and breeding pattern and success related to traits such as clutch and egg size, offspring sex ratio and the number of parents involved in a common breeding attempt. Apart from standardised observations and monitoring I took blood samples from chicks, which were later used for molecular sexing and for DNA fingerprints. Food plants were collected and determined and a rough habitat mapping was conducted. Since the impacts of boat tourism in the area became apparent I investigated the interactions of adult and young hoatzins with tourists and measured the plasma concentration of the hormone corticosterone in chicks as an indicator of stress. Each chapter has its own introduction to the specific topic and can be read independently. The main findings of this study are: The reproduction of the hoatzin was timed strictly following the bimodal rainy pattern in the area. There was only one breeding attempt per year. Only 18\% of breeding attempts ended successfully with at least one fledgling. Incubation started with the first egg laid and led to hatching asynchrony. In most cases only the A-chick survived and there is evidence for a brood reduction strategy. I observed egg size variation patterns both within the clutches and between the clutches. Approximately 80\% of breeding attempts were carried out with auxiliaries. Units with alloparentals had a higher breeding success than single pairs. The results indicate a trade-off between helping and group size. DNA band-sharing comparisons revealed the existence of joint-nests, where several females laid their eggs in one single nest. The clutches of these joint-nests suffered severe egg loss during all stages of incubation. Breeding success did not differ between single- and joint-nests. The primary offspring sex ratio was biased towards daughters. There was no differential mortality between the sexes until fledging. Individual breeding units employed an adaptive production of offspring of each sex according to their current group size. Rainforest tourism negatively influenced the survival and growth of young, not yet fledged hoatzins. In addition tourist-exposed young showed a stronger hormonal stress response than their conspecifics from undisturbed sites. In contrast, breeding adults appear to have habituated to tourist boats and exposure to observers.}, subject = {Hoatzins}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ghafoor2020, author = {Ghafoor, Hina}, title = {Coping with Psychosocial Stress: Examining the Roles of Emotional Intelligence and Coping Strategies in Germany and Pakistan}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-19351}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-193519}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Maladaptive coping mechanisms influence health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of individuals facing acute and chronic stress. Trait emotional intelligence (EI) may provide a protective shield against the debilitating effects of maladaptive coping thus contributing to maintained HRQoL. Low trait EI, on the other hand, may predispose individuals to apply maladaptive coping, consequently resulting in lower HRQoL. The current research is comprised of two studies. Study 1 was designed to investigate the protective effects of trait EI and its utility for efficient coping in dealing with the stress caused by chronic heart failure (CHF) in a cross-cultural setting (Pakistan vs Germany). N = 200 CHF patients were recruited at cardiology institutes of Multan, Pakistan and W{\"u}rzburg as well as Brandenburg, Germany. Path analysis confirmed the expected relation between low trait EI and low HRQoL and revealed that this association was mediated by maladaptive metacognitions and negative coping strategies in Pakistani but not German CHF patients. Interestingly, also the specific coping strategies were culture-specific. The Pakistani sample considered religious coping to be highly important, whereas the German sample was focused on adopting a healthy lifestyle such as doing exercise. These findings are in line with cultural characteristics suggesting that German CHF patients have an internal locus of control as compared to an external locus of control in Pakistani CHF patients. Finally, the findings from study 1 corroborate the culture-independent validity of the metacognitive model of generalized anxiety disorder. In addition to low trait EI, high interoception accuracy (IA) may predispose individuals to interpret cardiac symptoms as threatening, thus leading to anxiety. To examine this proposition, Study 2 compared individuals with high vs low IA in dealing with a psychosocial stressor (public speaking) in an experimental lab study. In addition, a novel physiological intervention named transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation (t-VNS) and cognitive reappraisal (CR) were applied during and after the anticipation of the speech in order to facilitate coping with stress. N= 99 healthy volunteers participated in the study. Results showed interesting descriptive results that only reached trend level. They suggested a tendency of high IA individuals to perceive the situation as more threatening as indicated by increased heart rate and reduced heart rate variability in the high-frequency spectrum as well as high subjective anxiety during anticipation of and actual performance of the speech. This suggests a potential vulnerability of high IA individuals for developing anxiety disorders, specifically social anxiety disorder, in case negative self-focused attention and negative evaluation is applied to the (more prominently perceived) increased cardiac responding during anticipation of and the actual presentation of the public speech. The study did not reveal any significant protective effects of t-VNS and CR. In summary, the current research suggested that low trait EI and high IA predicted worse psychological adjustment to chronic and acute distress. Low trait EI facilitated maladaptive metacognitive processes resulting in the use of negative coping strategies in Study 1; however, increased IA regarding cardioceptions predicted high physiological arousal in study 2. Finally, the German vs. the Pakistani culture greatly affected the preference for specific coping strategies. These findings have implications for caregivers to provide culture-specific treatments on the one hand. On the other hand, they highlight high IA as a possible vulnerability to be targeted for the prevention of (social) anxiety.}, subject = {Deutschland}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schneider2011, author = {Schneider, Christof}, title = {Detecting the influence of different potential stress factors on the behavior of the honeybee Apis mellifera using Radiofrequency Identification (RFID)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-71344}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {This study was conducted to determine the influence of different stress factors on the honeybee Apis mellifera. The investigation was motivated by previous experiments that suggested the existence of an unspecific defense mechanism causing a generalized change of flight behavior after the onset of different diseases. This mechanism is thought to impede the ability of flight bees to return to their respective colonies thereby removing the disease from the colony over time. During the last years, the existence of such a "suicidal behavior" was supported by further studies. Thus, an unnoticed, potentially highly effective defense mechanism of social insects was revealed whose spectrum of activity and physiological basics require further investigation. Suggesting that the reaction by the bees is unspecific to different diseases as well as to other potential stress factors, this study was designed to investigate the influence of pathogens, insecticides, and different brood rearing temperatures on different parameters like lifespan, foraging activity, and foraging trip duration of worker bees.}, subject = {Biene}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{KarabegneeLee2014, author = {Karabeg, n{\´e}e Lee, Margherita Maria}, title = {Differences and Similarities in the Impact of Different Types of Stress on Hippocampal Neuroplasticity in Serotonin Transporter Deficient Mice}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-115831}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Stress has been shown to influence neuroplasticity and is suspected to increase the risk for psychiatric disorders such as major depression and anxiety disorders. Additionally, the short variant of the human serotonin transporter (5-HTT) length polymorphism (5-HTTLPR) is suggested to increase the risk for the development of such disorders. While stress as well as serotonergic signaling are not only discussed to be involved in the development of psychiatric disorders, they are also known to influence hippocampal adult neurogenesis (aN). Therefore, it has long been suspected that aN is involved in the etiology of these illnesses. The exact role of aN in this context however, still remains to be clarified. In the present doctoral thesis, I am introducing two different studies, which had been carried out to assess possible changes in neuroplasticity and behavior as a result of 5-HTT genotype by stress interactions. In both studies, animals of the 5-HTT knock-out (5-HTT-/-) mouse line were used, which have been found to exhibit increased anxiety- and depression-related behavior, an altered stress response and decreased aggressive behavior. The aim of the first study, the so-called Spatial Learning study, had been to evaluate whether mice with altered levels of brain 5-HT as a consequence of lifelong 5-HTT deficiency perform differently in two spatial memory tests, the Morris Water Maze (WM) and the Barnes Maze (BM) test prospectively differing in aversiveness. Mice of the Spatial Learning study were of male sex and six months of age, and where subjected to a total of 10 (BM) or 15 (WM) trials. My particular interest was to elucidate if there are genotype by treatment interactions regarding blood plasma corticosterone levels and, if neurobiological equivalents in the brain to the found behavioral differences exist. For this purpose I carried out a quantitative immunohistochemistry study, investigating stem cell proliferation (via the marker Ki67) and aN (via the immature neuron marker NeuroD), as well as expression of the two immediate early genes (IEGs) Arc and cFos as a markers for neuronal activity in the hippocampus. The aim of the second study, the chronic mild stress (CMS) study had been to evaluate whether the innate divergent depression-like and anxiety-like behavior of mice with altered levels of brain 5-HT as a consequence of 5-HTT-deficiency is altered any further after being subjected to a CMS paradigm. Two cohorts of one-year-old female mice had been subjected to a variety of unpredictable stressors. In order to exclude possible interfering influences of behavioral testing on corticosterone levels and the outcome of the quantitative immunohistochemistry study the first cohort had been behaviorally tested after CMS while the second one had remained behaviorally untested. The objective of my part of the study was to find out about possible genotype by treatment interactions regarding blood plasma corticosterone as well as regarding aN in the hippocampus of the mice that had been subjected to CMS. For this purpose I performed a quantitative immunohistochemistry study in order to investigate the phenomenon of adult neurogenesis (via Ki67, NeuroD and the immature neuron marker DCX). Both studies led to interesting results. In the CMS study, we could not replicate the increased innate anxiety- and depression-like behavior in 5-HTT-/- mice known from the literature. However, with regard to the also well documented reduced locomotor activity, as well as the increased body weight of 5-HTT-/- mice compared to their 5-HTT+/- and 5-HTT+/+ littermates, we could demonstrate that CMS leads to increased explorative behavior in the Open Field Test and the Light/Dark Box primarily in 5-HTT+/- und 5-HTT+/+ mice. The Spatial learning study revealed that increased stress sensitivity of 5-HTT-/- mice leads to a poorer performance in the WM test in relation to their 5-HTT+/+ and 5-HTT+/- littermates. As the performance of 5-HTT-/- mice in the less aversive BM was undistinguishable from both other genotypes, we concluded that the spatial learning ability of 5-HTT-/- mice is comparable to that of both other genotypes. As far as stress reactivity is concerned, the experience of a single trial of either the WM or the BM resulted in increased plasma corticosterone levels, irrespective of the 5-HTT genotype. After several trials 5-HTT-/- mice exhibited higher corticosterone concentrations compared with both other genotypes in both tests. Blood plasma corticosterone levels were highest in 5-HTT-/- mice tested in the WM indicating greater aversiveness of the WM and a greater stress sensitivity of 5-HTT deficient mice. In the CMS study, the corticosterone assessment of mice of cohort 1, which had undergone behavioral testing before sacrifice, resulted in significantly elevated corticosterone levels in 5-HTT-/- mice in relation to their 5-HTT+/+ controls. Contrary, corticosterone levels in mice of cohort 1, which had remained behaviorally untested, were shown to be elevated / increased after CMS experience regardless of the 5-HTT genotype. Regarding neuroplasticity, the Spatial Learning study revealed higher baseline levels of cFos- and Arc-ir cells as well as more proliferation (Ki67-ir cells) and higher numbers of neuronal progenitor cells (NeuroD-ir cells) in 5-HTT-/- compared to 5-HTT+/+ mice. Moreover, in 5-HTT-/- mice we could demonstrate that learning performance in the WM correlates with the extent of aN. The CMS study, in which aN (DCX-ir cells), has also been found to be increased in 5-HTT-/- mice compared to their 5-HTT+/+ littermates, yet only in control animals, did show hampered proliferation (Ki67-ir cells) in the hippocampus of all 5-HTT genotypes following CMS experience. Interestingly, the number of immature neurons (DCX-ir cells) was diminished exclusively in 5-HTT-/- mice in response to CMS. From the Spatial Learning study we concluded, that increased IEG expression and aN levels observed in the hippocampus of 5-HTT deficient mice can be the neurobiological correlate of emotion circuit dysfunction and heightened anxiety of these mice and that 5-HTT-/- animals per se display a "stressed" phenotype as a consequence of long-life 5-HTT deficiency. Due to the different age and sex of the mice in the two studies, they cannot be compared easily. However, although the results of the CMS study seem to contradict the results of the Spatial Learning study at the first glance, they do support the conclusion of the Spatial Learning study by demonstrating that although CMS does have an impact on 5-HTT-/- mice on the neurobiological level (e.g. manifesting in a decrease of DXC-ir cells following CMS) CMS experience cannot add onto their heightened inborn stress-level and is almost ineffective regarding further changes of the behavior of 5-HTT-deficient mice. I thus propose, that 5-HTT-/- mice as a result of lifelong altered 5-HT signaling display a stressed phenotype which resembles a state of lethargy and is paralleled by baseline heightened IEG expression and aN. It cannot be altered or increased by CMS, but it becomes most visible in stressful situations such as repeated spatial learning tests like the WM in which locomotor activity is required.}, subject = {Serotonin}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schraut2015, author = {Schraut, Karla-Gerlinde}, title = {Epigenetic programming by prenatal stress in female serotonin transporter deficient mice}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-120270}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Early life stress, including exposure to prenatal stress (PS), has been shown to affect the developing brain and induce severe effects on emotional health in later life, concomitant with an increased risk for psychopathology. However, some individuals are more vulnerable to early-life stress, while others adapt successfully, i.e. they are resilient and do not succumb to adversity. The molecular substrates promoting resilience in some individuals and vulnerability in other individuals are as yet poorly investigated. A polymorphism in the serotonin transporter gene (5­HTT/SLC6A4) has been suggested to play a modulatory role in mediating the effects of early-life adversity on psychopathology, thereby rendering carriers of the lower-expressing short (s)-allele more vulnerable to developmental adversity, while long (l)-allele carriers are relatively resilient. The molecular mechanisms underlying this gene x environment interaction (GxE) are not well understood, however, epigenetic mechanisms such as DNA methylation and histone modifications have been discussed to contribute as they are at the interface of environment and the genome. Moreover, developmental epigenetic programming has also been postulated to underlie differential vulnerability/resilience independent of genetic variation. The present work comprises two projects investigating the effects of prenatal maternal restraint stress in 5-HTT deficient mice. In the first study, we examined to which extent previously observed changes in behavior and hippocampal gene expression of female 5-Htt+/- prenatally stressed (PS) offspring were associated with changes in DNA methylation patterns. Additionally, we investigated the expression of genes involved in myelination in hippocampus and amygdala of those animals using RT-qPCR. The genome-wide hippocampal DNA methylation screening was performed using methylated-DNA immunoprecipitation (MeDIP) on Affymetrix GeneChip® Mouse Promoter 1.0R arrays. In order to correlate individual gene-specific DNA methylation, mRNA expression and behavior, we used hippocampal DNA from the same mice as assessed before. 5-Htt genotype, PS and their interaction differentially affected the DNA methylation signature of numerous genes, a part of which were also differentially expressed. More specifically, we identified a differentially methylated region in the Myelin basic protein (Mbp) gene, which was associated with Mbp expression in a 5-Htt-, PS- and 5-Htt x PS-dependent manner. Subsequent fine-mapping linked the methylation status of two specific CpG sites in this region to Mbp expression and anxiety-related behavior. We furthermore found that not only the expression of Mbp but of large gene set associated with myelination was affected by a 5-Htt x PS interaction in a brain-region specific manner. In conclusion, hippocampal DNA methylation patterns and expression profiles of female PS 5-Htt+/- mice suggest that distinct molecular mechanisms, some of which are associated with changes in gene promoter methylation, and processes associated with myelination contribute to the behavioral effects of the 5-Htt genotype, PS exposure, and their interaction. In the second study, we aimed at investing the molecular substrates underlying resilience to PS. For this purpose, we exposed 5-Htt+/+ dams to the same restraint stress paradigm and investigated the effects of PS on depression- and anxiety-like behavior and corticosterone (CORT) secretion at baseline and after acute restraint stress in female 5-Htt+/+ and 5-Htt+/- offspring. We found that PS affected the offspring's social behavior in a negative manner. When specifically examining those PS animals, we grouped the PS offspring of each genotype into a social, resilient and an unsocial, vulnerable group. While anxiety-like behavior in the EPM was reduced in unsocial, but not social, PS 5-Htt+/+ animals when compared to controls, this pattern could not be found in animals of the other genotype, indicating that social anxiety and state anxiety in the EPM were independent of each other. We then assessed genome-wide hippocampal gene expression profiles using mRNA sequencing in order to identify pathways and gene ontology (GO) terms enriched due to 5-Htt genotype (G), PS exposure (E) and their interaction (GxE) as well as enriched in social, but not unsocial, PS offspring, and vice versa. Numerous genes were affected by 5-Htt genotype, PS and most of all a GxE-interaction. Enrichment analysis using enrichr identified that the genotype affected mitochondrial respiration, while GxE-interaction-affected processes associated primarily with myelination and chromatin remodeling. We furthermore found that 5-Htt+/- mice showed profound expression changes of numerous genes in a genomic region located 10 mio kb upstream of the 5 Htt locus on the same chromosome. When looking at social vs. unsocial mice, we found that a much higher number of genes was regulated in 5 Htt+/- animals than in 5-Htt+/+ animals, reflecting the impact of GxE-interaction. Double the number of genes was regulated in social PS vs. control mice when compared to unsocial PS vs. control in both genotypes, suggesting that the successful adaption to PS might have required more active processes from the social group than the reaction to PS from the unsocial group. This notion is supported by the up-regulation of mitochondrial respiration in social, but not in unsocial, PS 5-Htt+/- mice when compared to controls, as those animals might have been able to raise energy resources the unsocial group was not. Next to this, processes associated with myelination seemed to be down-regulated in social 5-Htt+/- mice, but not in unsocial animals, when compared to controls. Taken together, PS exposure affected sociability and anxiety-like behavior dependent on the 5-Htt genotype in female offspring. Processes associated with myelination and epigenetic mechanisms involved in chromatin remodeling seemed be affected in a GxE-dependent manner in the hippocampus of these offspring. Our transcriptome data furthermore suggest that mitochondrial respiration and, with this, energy metabolism might be altered in 5-Htt+/- offspring when compared to 5-Htt+/+ offspring. Moreover, myelination and mitochondrial respiration might contribute to resilience towards PS exposure in 5-Htt+/- offspring, possibly by affecting brain connectivity and energy capabilities.}, subject = {Stress}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Klinke2022, author = {Klinke, Christopher Matthias}, title = {Experimental investigation of the effect of distal stress induction on threat conditioning in humans}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-22556}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-225562}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Stress constitutes a major risk factor for the development of psychiatric disorders, such as PTSD and anxiety disorders, by shifting the brain into a state of sensitization and makes it more vulnerable when being exposed to further aversive events. This was experimentally in-vestigated in rodents by examining the effect of a distal stress induction on threat conditioning, where stress impaired extinction learning and caused spontaneous recovery. However, this effect has never been experimentally investigated in humans, so far. Thus, the aim of this dissertation was to investigate the effect of distal stress on threat conditioning in humans. Therefore, two subsequent studies were conducted. For both studies, the threat conditioning paradigm comprised threat acquisition, extinction learning, and re-extinction. In the threat acquisition phase, two geometrical shapes were used as conditioned stimulus (CS), from which one (CS+) was paired with a painful electric stimulus (unconditioned stimulus, US), but not the other one (CS-). During extinction learning 24 h later and re-extinction seventeen days later, CSs were again presented but without any US delivery. In Study 1, 69 participants underwent either a stress (socially evaluated cold pressor test; SECPT) or sham protocol 10 days prior to threat conditioning. Furthermore, context effects were examined by placing the stress protocol in the same context (context-A stress, and sham group) or a different context (context-B stress group) than conditioning. Results revealed that the context-A, but not context-B, stress group displayed impaired safety learning (i.e. potenti-ation towards CS-) for startle response during threat acquisition. Moreover, the same stress group showed impaired threat extinction, evident in sustained CS discrimination in valence and arousal ratings during extinction learning, and memory recall. In sum, distal stress on the one hand impaired safety learning during threat conditioning on a level of startle response. On the other hand, stress impaired threat extinction on a level of ratings. Noteworthy, the effect of distal stress was only found when the stressor was placed in the same context as later threat learning. Hence, suggesting that the combination of stressor and stressor-associated context exerted the effect on threat extinction. In Study 2, it was examined if distal stress induction could also have an impact on threat and extinction processes without the necessity of context association. Therefore, the same stress (n = 45) or sham protocol (n = 44) as in Study 1 was conducted in a different context than and 24 h prior to a threat conditioning paradigm. Similar to Study 1, weakened extinction learning was found in fear ratings for the stress (vs. sham) group, which was indicated by persistent CS+/CS- differentiation after the first block of extinction trials. Alterations in safety learning towards the CS- during threat acquisition were only supported by significant correlations between stress measures on the stress day and conditioned startle response of the CS- during acquisition. Taken together, in two subsequent studies this dissertation provided first evidence of impaired threat extinction after distal stress induction in humans. Furthermore, impairments in safety learning, as can be observed in PTSD, were additionally demonstrated. Interestingly, the effects were boosted and more profound when associating the stressor to the later learning context. These results have clinical implications as they can be translated to the notion that prior stress exposure makes an individual more vulnerable for later aversive events.}, subject = {Stress}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Siefritz2002, author = {Siefritz, Franka}, title = {Expression and Function of the Nicotiana tabacum Aquaporin NtAQP1}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-3053}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt die Korrelation zwischen r{\"a}umlichem und zeitlichem Expressionsmuster von dem Aquaporin NtAQP1 und seiner Funktion im Wasserhaushalt in planta. Immunologische in situ-Studien deuteten auf eine NtAQP1-Protein-Akkumulation in der Wurzelexodermis und -endodermis, im Cortex, in der N{\"a}he der Leitb{\"u}ndel, im Xylemparenchym und in Zellen der Atemh{\"o}hle hin. Das Aquaporin wurde auch in longitudinalen Zellreihen der Petiolen in erh{\"o}hten Mengen gefunden. Expressionsstudien mit transgenen Pflanzen (Ntaqp1-Promotor::gus oder ::luc) best{\"a}tigten die NtAQP1-Akkumulation in der Wurzel, dem Spross und den Petiolen, lokalisierten dessen Expression aber auch in Pollen, Adventivwurzel und Blatthaaren. Die Ntaqp1-Expression wurde w{\"a}hrend Wachstumsprozessen wie Sprossorientierung nach Gravistimulation oder Photostimulation, Samenkeimung, aber auch w{\"a}hrend der vergleichsweise schnellen circadianen Blattbewegung induziert. Die Expression wurde weiterhin durch Phytohormone, im Speziellen durch Gibberellins{\"a}ure (GA) und osmotischen Stress stimuliert. Weitere Analysen hoben eine diurnale und sogar circadiane Expression von Ntaqp1 in Wurzeln und Petiolen hervor. Die funktionelle Analyse des Aquaporins wurde mittels reverser Genetik und biophysikalischen Studien durchgef{\"u}hrt. Die Antisense-Technik wurde benutzt, um die NtAQP1-Expression in Tabakpflanzen zu reduzieren. Die Antisense (AS)-Pflanzen zeigten eine starke Verringerung der Ntaqp1-mRNA, eine weniger ausgepr{\"a}gte Verminderung der hoch homologen NtPIP1a-mRNA und keinen Effekt auf die Expression anderer Aquaporin-Genfamilien (PIP2, TIP). Die Funktion von NtAQP1 auf zellul{\"a}rer Ebene wurde mit einer hierf{\"u}r neuentwickelten Apparatur untersucht. Der experimentelle Aufbau erm{\"o}glichte die Aufzeichnung der osmotisch induzierten Protoplasten-Volumenzunahme. Die Reduktion von NtAQP1 durch die Antisense-Expression verminderte die zellul{\"a}re Wasserpermeabilit{\"a}t um mehr als 50 \%. Die Funktion von NtAQP1 in der Gesamtpflanze wurde z.B. durch die "High-pressure flow meter" Methode bestimmt. Diese Messungen ergaben eine Reduktion der hydraulischen Wurzelleitf{\"a}higkeit pro Wurzeloberfl{\"a}cheneinheit (KRA) der Wurzeln der AS-Linien um mehr als 50 \%. Die KRA wies eine starke diurnale und circadiane Schwankung auf, mit einem Maximum in der Mitte der Lichtperiode, {\"a}hnlich dem Verlauf des Expressionsmusters von Ntaqp1 in Wurzeln. Unter gut gew{\"a}sserten Bedingungen ergaben Gaswechsel-, Spross- (Ystem) und Blatt- Wasserpotenial (Yleaf)-Messungen unterschiedliche Werte in AS- und Kontrollpflanzen. In wasserlimitierender Umgebung zeigten AS-Pflanzen jedoch ein st{\"a}rker negativeres Y als Kontrollpflanzen, obwohl eine weitere Abnahme der Transpiration in AS-Pflanzen beobachtet werden konnte. Quantitative Analysen belegten eine st{\"a}rker ausgepr{\"a}gte Welkreaktion in den AS- als in den Kontrollpflanzen. Quantitative Studien der Blattbewegung von AS- verglichen mit Kontrollpflanzen hoben eine drastische Reduktion in Geschwindigkeit und Ausmaß der Reaktion hervor. Folgende Schlussfolgerungen konnten gezogen werden. NtAQP1 wurde an Orten mit erwartet hohem Wasserfluss von und zum Apoplasten oder Symplasten exprimiert. Außerdem deuteten das spezifische Verteilungsmuster und die zeitliche Expression von NtAQP1 in Petiolen und dem sich biegenden Spross auf eine Beteiligung in der transzellul{\"a}ren Wasserbewegung hin. Die Reduktion von NtAQP1 durch die Antisense-Expression verringerte die zellul{\"a}re Pos. Die NtAQP1-Funktion erh{\"o}ht also eindeutig die Membranwasserpermeabilit{\"a}t von Tabak-Wurzelprotoplasten. Die Abnahme der spezifischen hydraulischen Wurzelleitf{\"a}higkeit (KRA) befand sich in der gleichen Gr{\"o}ßenordnung wie die Verringerung der mittleren zellul{\"a}ren Wasserpermeabilit{\"a}t. Dies weist darauf hin, dass die Aquaporin-Expression essentiell f{\"u}r die Aufrechterhaltung der nat{\"u}rlichen Wurzelleitf{\"a}higkeit ist. Die Verringerung von KRA in AS -Pflanzen k{\"o}nnte der erste sichere Beweis daf{\"u}r sein, dass der Weg der Wasseraufnahme von der Wurzeloberfl{\"a}che in das Xylem den {\"U}bergang {\"u}ber Membranen einschließt. Die Reduktion von NtAQP1 resultierte in einem Wasserstresssignal, das ein Schließen der Stomata zur Folge hatte. NtAQP1 scheint an der Vermeidung von Wasserstress in Tabak beteiligt zu sein. NtAQP1 spielt eine essentielle Rolle bei schnellen Pflanzenbewegungen und der transzellul{\"a}ren Wasserverschiebung.}, subject = {Tabak}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Nietzer2010, author = {Nietzer, Sarah}, title = {Gene and environment interactions in serotonin transporter knockout mice - how stress influences gene expression and neuronal morphology}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-54391}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Serotonin (5-HT) is an important modulator of many physiological, behavioural and developmental processes and it plays an important role in stress coping reactions. Anxiety disorders and depression are stress-related disorders and they are associated with a malfunction of the 5-HT system, in which the 5-HT transporter (5-HTT) plays an important role. 5-Htt knockout (KO) mice represent an artificially hyperserotonergic environment, show an increased anxiety-like behaviour and seem to be a good model to investigate the role of the 5-HT system concerning stress reactions and anxiety disorders. As synaptic proteins (SPs) seem to be involved in stress reactions, the effect of acute immobilization stress on the expression of the three SPs Synaptotagmin (Syt) I, Syt IV and Syntaxin (Stx) 1A was studied in the 5-Htt KO mouse model as well as the expression of the two immediate early genes (IEGs) FBJ osteosarcoma oncogene (c-Fos) and fos-like antigen 2 (Fra-2). Additionally, the expression of the corticotrophin releasing hormone (CRH) and its two receptors CRHR1 and CRHR2 was investigated as part of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) stress system. Based on gender- and genotype-dependent differences in corticosterone levels, expression differences in the brain were investigated by performing a quantitative real time-PCR study using primer pairs specific for these SPs and for the IEGs c-Fos and Fra-2 in five different brain regions in 5-Htt KO and 5-Htt wild-type (WT) mice. Mainly gender-dependent differences could be found and weaker stress effects on the expression of SPs could be demonstrated. Regarding the expression of IEGs, stress-, gender- and genotype-dependent differences were found mainly in the hypothalamus. Also in the hypothalamus, gender effects were found concerning the expression of CRH and its both receptors. Additionally, in a second study, male 5-Htt WT and male 5-Htt deficient mice were subjected to a resident-intruder-paradigm which stresses the animals through a loser experience. The morphological changes of neurons were subsequently analyzed in Golgi-Cox-stained sections of limbic brain areas in stressed and unstressed animals of both genotypes using the computer-based microscopy system Neurolucida (Microbrightfield, Inc.). While no differences concerning dendritic length, branching patterns and spine density were found in the hippocampus and no differences concerning dendritic length and branching patterns could be shown in the cingulate cortex (CG), pyramidal neurons in the infralimbic cortex (IL) of stressed 5-Htt WT mice displayed longer dendrites compared to unstressed 5-Htt WT mice. The results indicate that, although in this model drastic alterations of neuronal morphology are absent, subtle changes can be found in specific brain areas involved in stress- and anxiety-related behaviour which may represent neural substrates underlying behavioural phenomena.}, subject = {Serotonin}, language = {en} }