@phdthesis{Daiss2004, author = {Daiß, J{\"u}rgen Oliver}, title = {Synthesis of sila-analogs and silicon-containing derivatives of drugs and development and application of the Si-2,4,6-trimethoxyphenyl moiety as a novel protecting group in organosilicon chemistry}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-11187}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2004}, abstract = {The present work describes the synthesis of sila-venlafaxine, disila-bexarotene, disila-AG-045572 (disila-CMPD1), a series of silicon-based allosteric modulators of muscarinic receptors, and a partial synthesis of sila-gabapentin. Crystal structure data of rac-sila-venlafaxine hydrochloride, (R)-sila-venlafaxine hydrobromide, bexarotene, disila-bexarotene, and disila-AG-045572 (disila-CMPD1) are included. Studies on the biological activities of sila-venlafaxine and of silicon-based allosteric modulators of muscarinic receptors are discussed. The Si-2,4,6-trimethoxyphenyl (Si-2,4,6-TMOP) moiety is described as a novel, acid-labile protecting group in organosilicon chemistry. The synthesis of chlorotris(chloromethyl)silane and tris(chloromethyl)methoxysilane is described.}, subject = {Wirkstoff}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kroker2011, author = {Kroker, Katja}, title = {Establishment and validation of hippocampal LTP for characterization of memory enhancing drugs as potential treatment of Alzheimer's disease}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-85412}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Die Alzheimer'sche Erkrankung ist eine neurodegenerative Erkrankung des Gehirns. Um geeignete Medikamente f{\"u}r die Behandlung der Alzheimer'schen Erkrankung zu finden, werden experimentelle Modellsysteme zur Erforschung von Substanzkandidaten verwendet. Ein solches experimentelles System ist die hippocampale Langzeitpotenzierung (LTP), welche ein anerkanntes in vitro Modell f{\"u}r die Erforschung der zugrundeliegenden zellul{\"a}ren Prozesse der Ged{\"a}chtnisbildung ist. Die vorliegende Arbeit besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit der Etablierung und Validierung von LTP in hippocampalen Hirnschnitten der Ratte um ged{\"a}chtnissteigernde Substanzen zur potentiellen Behandlung der Alzheimer'schen Erkrankung zu charakterisieren. Dazu wurde zun{\"a}chst ein Messsystem zur parallelen Charakterisierung mehrerer Schnitte aufgebaut, das Messungen bis zu sieben Stunden erlaubt (Kapitel 2). Dann wurden unterschiedliche Protokolle etabliert um Fr{\"u}h- und Sp{\"a}tphasen-LTP zu generieren. Dabei w{\"u}rde Fr{\"u}hphasen-LTP konzeptionell eher mit dem Kurzzeitged{\"a}chtnis einhergehen, w{\"a}hrend Sp{\"a}tphasen-LTP dem Langzeitged{\"a}chtnis gleichkommen w{\"u}rde (Kapitel 3). Da in Alzheimer-Patienten haupts{\"a}chlich ein Defizit cholinerger und glutamaterger Neurone vorliegt, wurden die validierten LTP Formen benutzt, um solche Substanzen zu analysieren, die potentiell cholinerge und/oder glutamaterge neuronale Funktion erh{\"o}hen. Die Effekte zweier ausschließlich cholinerge Funktion erh{\"o}hender Substanzen wurden analysiert: Der α4β2 nicotinische Acetylcholin-Rezeptor Agonist TC-1827 (Kapitel 4) und der Acetylcholinesterase-Inhibitor Donepezil (Kapitel 5). Beide Substanzen erh{\"o}hten Fr{\"u}hphasen-LTP, aber hatten keinen Effekt auf Sp{\"a}tphasen-LTP. Desweiteren wurden zwei Substanzen getestet, die ausschließlich mit glutamaterger Funktion interferieren: Der metabotrope Glutamatrezeptor 5 positiv allosterische Modulator ADX-47273 (Kapitel 3) und der Phosphodiesterase (PDE) 9A-Inhibitor BAY 73-6691 (Kapitel 5). ADX-47273 erh{\"o}hte Sp{\"a}tphasen-LTP, aber hatte keinen Effekt auf Fr{\"u}hphasen-LTP, wohingegen BAY 73-6691 eine erh{\"o}hende Wirkung auf beide LTP Formen aufwies und sogar Fr{\"u}h- in Sp{\"a}tphasen-LTP umwandelte. Die gleichen Effekte, wie bei dem PDE9A-Inhibitor, konnten auch mit dem partiellen α7 nicotinische Acetylcholin-Rezeptor Agonisten SSR180711 (Kapitel 4) demonstriert werden. SSR180711 wirkt sowohl auf cholinerge, als auch auf glutamaterge neuronale Funktion. Dann wurde die F{\"a}higkeit der Substanzen {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft, durch l{\"o}sliche Aβ Oligomere verschlechtertes LTP zu verbessern (Kapitel 6). L{\"o}sliche Aβ Oligomere, auch als amyloid-β derived diffusible ligands (ADDLs) bezeichnet, werden zurzeit als eine mutmaßliche Ursache der Alzheimer'schen Erkrankung angesehen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde gezeigt, dass ADDLs Fr{\"u}h- und Sp{\"a}tphasen-LTP in verschiedenem Ausmaß vermindern. Donepezil und TC-1827 konnten die durch ADDLs induzierten Defizite bei Fr{\"u}hphasen-LTP geringf{\"u}gig wiederherstellen, aber sie hatten keinen Einfluss auf das durch ADDLs verschlechterte Sp{\"a}tphasen-LTP. Im Gegensatz dazu, konnten sowohl SSR180711 als auch BAY 73-6691 ein durch ADDLs verschlechtertes Fr{\"u}h- und Sp{\"a}tphasen-LTP komplett wiederherstellen. ADX-47273 hatte keinen positiven Effekt auf Fr{\"u}hphasen-LTP, welches durch ADDLs verschlechtert worden war, konnte aber ein durch ADDLs verschlechtertes Sp{\"a}tphasen-LTP teilweise wiederherstellen. Somit wurde der vorherige Befund der Arbeit best{\"a}tigt: Substanzen, welche die glutamaterge Funktion verbessern, scheinen nicht nur wirksamer im Bezug auf LTP-Erh{\"o}hung zu sein als Substanzen die ausschließlich cholinerge Funktion erh{\"o}hen, sondern sie sind auch in der Lage, durch l{\"o}sliche Aβ Oligomere verursachte Defizite bei LTP zu verbessern. Aus einem pr{\"a}klinischen Blickwinkel und basierend auf den Ergebnissen der vorliegenden Arbeit weisen demnach Substanzen, die glutamaterge Funktionen verbessern, ein hohes therapeutisches Potential als alternative Ans{\"a}tze bez{\"u}glich kognitiver Defizite auf. M{\"o}glicherweise k{\"o}nnten sie sogar wirksamere Ans{\"a}tze f{\"u}r die symptomatische Behandlung der Alzheimer'schen Erkrankung darstellen, als derzeitige Behandlungen, die ausschließlich cholinerge Funktion verbessern.}, subject = {Alzheimerkrankheit}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schiebel2013, author = {Schiebel, Johannes}, title = {Structure-Based Drug Design on Enzymes of the Fatty Acid Biosynthesis Pathway}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-69239}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {W{\"a}hrend die Wirkung der meisten gebr{\"a}uchlichen Antibiotika auf einer Beeintr{\"a}chtigung wichtiger bakterieller Prozesse beruht, wirken manche Substanzen durch die St{\"o}rung der Zellmembran-Struktur. Da Fetts{\"a}uren ein essentieller Bestandteil von Membran-Phospholipiden sind, stellt die bakterielle Fetts{\"a}urebiosynthese II (FAS-II) einen relativ wenig erforschten, aber dennoch vielversprechenden Angriffspunkt f{\"u}r die Entwicklung neuer Antibiotika dar. Das wichtige Antituberkulotikum Isoniazid blockiert die mykobakterielle Fetts{\"a}urebiosynthese und ruft dadurch morphologische {\"A}nderungen sowie letztlich die Lyse des Bakteriums hervor. Eine wichtige Erkenntnis war, dass Isoniazid den letzten Schritt des FAS-II Elongationszyklus inhibiert, der durch die Enoyl-ACP Reduktase katalysiert wird. Darauf aufbauend wurden mehrere Programme ins Leben gerufen, die sich zum Ziel gesetzt hatten, neue Molek{\"u}le zu entwickeln, welche dieses Protein verschiedener Pathogene hemmen. Die S. aureus Enoyl-ACP Reduktase (saFabI) ist von besonders großem Interesse, da drei vielversprechende Inhibitoren dieses Proteins entwickelt werden konnten, die momentan in klinischen Studien eingehend untersucht werden. Trotz dieser Erfolgsaussichten waren zum Zeitpunkt, als die vorliegenden Arbeiten aufgenommen wurden, keine Kristallstrukturen von saFabI {\"o}ffentlich verf{\"u}gbar. Daher war es eines der Hauptziele dieser Doktorarbeit, auf der Basis von kristallographischen Experimenten atomar aufgel{\"o}ste Modelle f{\"u}r dieses wichtige Protein zu erzeugen. Durch die Entwicklung einer verl{\"a}sslichen Methode zur Kristallisation von saFabI im Komplex mit NADP+ und Diphenylether-Inhibitoren konnten Kristallstrukturen von 17 verschiedenen tern{\"a}ren Komplexen gel{\"o}st werden. Weitere kristallographische Experimente ergaben zwei apo-Strukturen sowie zwei Strukturen von saFabI im Komplex mit NADPH und 2-Pyridon-Inhibitoren. Basierend auf der nun bekannten saFabI-Struktur konnten Molekulardynamik-Simulationen durchgef{\"u}hrt werden, um zus{\"a}tzliche Erkenntnisse {\"u}ber die Flexibilit{\"a}t dieses Proteins zu erhalten. Die so gewonnenen Informationen {\"u}ber die Struktur und Beweglichkeit des Enzyms dienten in Folge als ideale Grundlage daf{\"u}r, den Erkennungsprozess von Substrat und Inhibitor zu verstehen. Besonders bemerkenswert dabei ist, dass die verschiedenen saFabI Kristallstrukturen Momentaufnahmen entlang der Reaktionskoordinate der Ligandenbindung und des Hydrid-Transfers repr{\"a}sentieren. Dabei verschließt der so genannte Substratbindungsloop das aktive Zentrum des Enzyms allm{\"a}hlich. Die außergew{\"o}hnlich hohe Mobilit{\"a}t von saFabI konnte durch molekulardynamische Simulationen best{\"a}tigt werden. Dies legt nahe, dass die beobachteten {\"A}nderungen der Konformation tats{\"a}chlich an der Aufnahme und Umsetzung des Substrates beteiligt sind. Eine Kette von Wassermolek{\"u}len zwischen dem aktiven Zentrum und einer wassergef{\"u}llten Kavit{\"a}t im Inneren des Tetramers scheint f{\"u}r die Beweglichkeit des Substratbindungsloops und somit f{\"u}r die katalysierte Reaktion von entscheidender Bedeutung zu sein. Außerdem wurde die erstaunliche Beobachtung gemacht, dass der adaptive Substratbindungsprozess mit einem Dimer-Tetramer {\"U}bergang gekoppelt ist, welcher die beobachtete positive Kooperativit{\"a}t der Ligandenbindung erkl{\"a}ren kann. Alles in allem weist saFabI im Vergleich zu FabI Proteinen aus anderen Organismen mehrere außergew{\"o}hnliche Eigenschaften auf, die f{\"u}r die Synthese von verzweigten Fetts{\"a}uren n{\"o}tig sein k{\"o}nnten, welche wiederum f{\"u}r die {\"U}berlebensf{\"a}higkeit von S. aureus im Wirt von Bedeutung sind. Diese Erkenntnis k{\"o}nnte erkl{\"a}ren, warum S. aureus selbst bei Anwesenheit von exogenen Fetts{\"a}uren von FAS-II Inhibitoren abget{\"o}tet werden kann. Somit k{\"o}nnen die gewonnenen atomaren saFabI Modelle einen entscheidenden Beitrag zur Entwicklung neuer Hemmstoffe dieses validierten Angriffszieles leisten. Tats{\"a}chlich konnten die neuen Strukturen genutzt werden, um die Bindungsst{\"a}rken sowie die Verweilzeiten verschiedener saFabI Inhibitoren molekular zu erkl{\"a}ren. Die Struktur von saFabI im Komplex mit dem 2-Pyridon Inhibitor CG400549 hingegen enth{\"u}llte spezifische Wechselwirkungen in der geweiteten Bindetasche des S. aureus Enzyms, welche das geringe Aktivit{\"a}tsspektrum dieses derzeit klinisch erprobten Inhibitors erkl{\"a}ren. Diese Studien schaffen somit eine ideale Voraussetzung f{\"u}r die Entwicklung neuer wirksamer saFabI Inhibitoren, was am Beispiel des 4-Pyridons PT166 belegt werden kann. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Dissertation konnten außerdem die Strukturen des Enzyms KasA im Komplex mit mehreren Derivaten des Naturstoffs Thiolactomycin gel{\"o}st werden.}, subject = {Staphylococcus aureus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ahmed2014, author = {Ahmed, Arabe}, title = {Assessing particle deposition in a representative in vitro model of the rat respiratory tract}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-104912}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The aim of this thesis was to develop an in vitro model (IVR) of the rat lung for the purpose of investigating the deposition of drug particles in the rat airways. The model attempted to account for the affect of drug product characteristics and physiological parameters on deposition in the lungs. In addition, the model outputs were compared with in vivo lung deposition results from live rats and in silico predictions using published computer model of lung deposition in pre-clinical species. Initial work focussed on developing an aerosol exposure system capable of dosing small rodent to a range of airborne test materials. The system consists of two main parts; a fluidised bed aerosol generator and connection of the generator output to a nose only exposure chamber capable of accommodating 12 small animals in a single layer. In addition, an aerodynamic particle spectrometer (APS) was installed for continuously measuring the size distribution and airborne concentration of aerosol particles generated in the exposure chamber. System validation showed acceptable degree of variation of the test material tested, Fluorescent Microspheres (FMS) throughout the exposure chamber (CV < 15.0\%). Particle size (MMAD ± GSD) using the APS was shown to be stable throughout the exposure periods. The IVR model developed in this project was based on a number of euthanased (n=7), female Sprague-Dawley rats (weight: 372 ± 56 g), which underwent high-resolution micro-CT scans. The physical model consisted of five sub sections; Extra-Thoracic region containing the snout and nasophyarynx, trachea-bronchial region containing the trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles. All sections of the model were attached to one another in numerical order and housed within a containment unit. At the rear end of the cast, a flexible diaphragm was attached in order to collect the fraction of inhaled particles exiting the TB section and possibly reaching the lung, referred to as the Post-TB section. A study was conducted to assess the influence of inhalation parameters such as the breathing frequency and tidal volume on total and regional dose distribution using FMS as test material. The major finding of this study was the demonstration of the model sensitivity to changes in breathing parameters especially respiratory frequency, where the data showed increased deposition in the peripheral regions of the model with decreased respiratory frequency. Other studies assessed the effect of particle characteristics on deposition on the IVR model, such as particle size, dose increase and formulation changes. The results assessing particle size effect showed a slightly higher deposition levels for the 4µm sized particles versus 2µm sized particles in the head region; 90.8 ± 3.6\% and 88.2 ± 6.6\%. However, this difference did not reach statistical significance (P> 0.05) probably due to the polydispersity of aerosolised FMS particles. In addition, the regional deposition analysis showed an increased lung peripheral deposition with the smaller particles. In addition, the model was shown to be sensitive to changes in formulation composition mediated by inclusion of MgSt. The next stage of work was to validate the model in terms of comparison with lung deposition for in vivo rats. For lung deposition comparison, the absolute amount deposited in the IVR lung model (expressed as µg/kg) was shown to have a reasonably strong correlation with in vivo lung concentration measures (µg/kg); R2= 0.66, P < 0.05. Compounds were predicted well and within 2-folds of the measured lung deposition values. However, knowing the variability in biological systems and the multiple components required to estimate lung doses, predictions within 2-fold of the measured values would seem reasonable In terms of comparison with in silico model predictions using MPPD, similar deposition levels were noted between the two models, particularly when the data was expressed as percentage of total particles inhaled. The data showed the highest deposition levels were noted in the head region (> 80\%) and less than 5.0\% deposition for the peripheral lung fractions. With regards to using the IVR model to assess the relationship between dose, particle size and efficacy, an in vivo study using FP with different particle sizes (2.0 and 4.0 µm) but same doses ( 100 and 1000 µg/kg). This study demonstrated that exposure of rat to FP powder resulted in a dose-dependent inhibition of neutrophils in BAL fluids. However, a clear difference in neutrophils suppression was demonstrated for equivalent doses but different particle sizes of FP, where the smaller FP particles (2.0 µm) induced a greater level of neutrophils suppression in comparison with larger FP particles (4.0 µm). In addition, a reasonably good correlation for the relationship between lung deposition in the IVR model and a neutrophils suppression level was demonstrated. Furthermore this data support the hypothesis that regional deposition is an important determinant in efficacy. Therefore, this suggests that the IVR model may be a useful as a tool to describe in vivo efficacy with in vitro data. However, further studies should be conducted to evaluate the validity of this model and relationship. The IVR model has a number of important limitations. First, the model is based on scans up to generation four of the rat respiratory tract as this represented the limits of the micro-CT scanning technology at the time of this study. Therefore deposition in the deeper region of the lung may not be reflected precisely in the IVR model. Second, the regional deposition data generated using the model tended to show an overestimation of deposition in head region and an underestimation of deposition in the peripheral regions of the lung, in comparison with in vivo lung deposition data. Third, the current model does not take into account lung clearance. However, the amount of the drug present in the in vivo lungs is dependent on numerous physiological processes such as dissolution, passive or active absorption into the systemic circulation, binding to lung tissue and mucociliary clearance. Consequently, the results generated using this IVR model for drug molecules with high lung clearance rate should be treated with some caution. Future work extending this research could go in a number of directions. In this research, a representative model of the rat respiratory tract was constructed from analysis of imaging data from a number of euthanised Sprague-Dawley rats. This model represented the "average respiratory tract" in terms of dimensions of Sprague-Dawley rats. However, there is considerable variability in the airway dimensions between rats. This variability encompasses a number of factors such as the strains of rats, sex and age, and disease state. Thus, it may be possible to produce a small number of airway models to represent small and large rats and scaled to represent the extrathoracic and peripheral regions based on literature reports of their dimensions in different rat populations. This approach will then enable the effect of intersubject airway dimensions for different rat populations on aerosol deposition to be thoroughly examined. In addition, due to the limitation of the micro-CT technology used to construct the physical IVR model, detailed morphology only up to generation 4 were captured. However, recent advances in MRI technology, such as the use of in situ-MRI based scanning technology have enabled rat airway morphometry to be extended to 16 airway generation. This coupled with improvements in the resolutions of rapid-prototyping process means it may be possible to construct a rat model that reflects the in vivo lung morphology more accurately, and thus enable greater understanding of the link between aerosol deposition and airway geometry. In conclusion, a model cast of the rat lung was developed and validated to allow the deposition of inhaled particles in the rat lung to be investigated. The model may be used to estimate the lung concentration in vivo rats in preference to exposure concentration measurements based on filter samples which have been shown to be a poor indicator of the lung concentration immediately after exposure. In addition, the model has the potential to be used along with live rats in an inhalation rig in pulmonary pharmaceutics research and may facilitate in development of inhaled formulations to target specific regions within the lung as well as screening of inhaled drugs in preclinical setting.}, subject = {Ratte}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Zilker2019, author = {Zilker, Markus}, title = {The stability of finished pharmaceutical products and drug substances beyond their labeled expiry dates}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18069}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-180695}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Upon approval of a drug, the stability of the API and the FPP has to be studied intensively because it determines the shelf-life. If a drug is found to be stable, the expiry date is arbitrary set to five years at the maximum, if a drug tends to undergo degradation, the expiry date is set shorter. The drug product must comply with predefined specifications in accordance with the ICH guidelines Q6A and Q6B during its entire market life. The content of the active substance is required to be within a specification of 95-105\% of its labeled claim until expiry corresponding to the ICH guideline Q1A(R2). However, there is little or scattered literature information addressing the stability of drug products beyond their expiry dates. The objective of this thesis was to study and assess the long-term stability of a collection involving numerous pure drug substances and ampoules manufactured in the 20th century. The content and the impurity profile were examined by means of appropriate analytical methods, mainly using liquid chromatography. The results were compared to data being available in the literature. Assessing the stability regarding the dosage form and the affiliation of the drug class was conducted. The experimental studies comprise the examination of 50 drug substances manufactured 20-30 years ago and 14 long expired ampoules which were older than 40 years in the time of analysis, exceeding many times the maximum shelf life of five years. For investigation of the solid drug substances, pharmacopoeial methods were applied as far as possible. Indeed, results of the study showed that 44 tested substances still complied with the specification of the Ph. Eur. with regard to the content and impurity profile, even after more than two decades of storage. For analysis of the injection solutions, HPLC-UV and HPLC-ESI/MS techniques were applied, commonly based on liquid chromatography methods of the Ph. Eur. for determination of related substances. Each method was further validated for its application to ensure accurate API quantification corresponding to ICH Q2(R1). Quite a few ampoules were identified to show surprisingly high stability. In spite of their age of 53-72 years, APIs such as caffeine, etilefrine, synephrine, metamizole sodium, furosemide, and sodium salicylate complied with the specified content that is valid nowadays, respectively. Nevertheless, typical degradation reaction, e.g. hydrolysis, oxidation, or isomerization, was observed in all remaining ampoules. Various degrees of hydrolysis were revealed for scopolamine, procaine, and adenosine triphosphate, the contents were decreased to 71\%, 70\%, and 15\% of the declared concentrations, respectively. In the epinephrine and dipyridamole ampoules, oxidative degradation has been occurred, finding respective API contents of more or less 70\%. For dihydroergotamine, excessive decomposition by epimerization was observed, resulting in an API content of 21\% and degradation by isomerization was found in lobeline, still containing 64\% of the labeled claim. In conclusion, supported by the data of the present studies and the literature, defining and authorizing a longer shelf-life may be applicable to numerous pharmaceuticals which should be considered by pharmaceutical manufacturers and regulatory authorities, if justified based on stability studies. A general extension of the shelf-lives of drug products and the abolishment or extension of the maximum shelf-life limit of five years would prevent disposing of still potent medications and save a lot of money to the entire health care system.}, subject = {Stabilit{\"a}t}, language = {en} }