@phdthesis{Kesetovic2016, author = {Kesetovic, Diana}, title = {Synthesis and biological testing of potential anti-tuberculosis drugs targeting the β-ketoacyl ACP synthase}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-131301}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {With 9.6 million new cases and 1.5 million deaths in 2014, tuberculosis (TB) is alongside with AIDS the most deadly infection.‎ Foremost, the increased prevalence of resistant strains of M. tuberculosis among the TB-infected population represents a serious thread. Hence, in the last decades, novel drug targets have been investigated worldwide. So far a relatively unexplored target is the cell wall enzyme β-ketoacyl-ACP-synthase "KasA", which plays a crucial role in maintaining the membrane impermeability and hence the cell ability to resist to the immune response and drug therapy. KasA is a key enzyme in the fatty acid synthase "FAS-II" elongation cycle, responsible for the extension of the growing acyl chain within the biosynthesis of precursors for the most hydrophobic constituents of the cell wall - mycolic acids. Design of the novel KasA inhibitors, performed in the research group of Prof. Sotriffer by C. Topf and B. Schaefer, was based on the recently published crystal structure of KasA‎ in complex with its known inhibitor thiolactomycin (TLM). Considering the essential ligand-enzyme interactions, a pharmacophore model was built and applied in the virtual screening of a modified ZINC database. Selected hits with the best in silico affinity data have been reported by Topf‎ and Schaefer‎. In this work, two of the obtained hits were synthesized and their structure was systematically varied. First, a virtual screening hit, chromone-2-carboxamide derivative GS-71, was modified in the amide part. Since the most of the products possessed a very low solubility in the aqueous buffer medium used in biological assays, polar groups (nitro, succinamidyl and trimethyl-amino substituent in position 6 of the chromone ring or hydroxyl group on the benzene ring in the amide part have been inserted to the molecule. Further variations yielded diaryl ketones, diaryl ketone bearing a succinamidyl substituent, carboxamide bearing a methylpiperazinyl-4-oxobutanamido group and methyl-malonyl ester amides. Basically, the essential structural features necessary for the ligand-enzyme interactions have been maintained. The latter virtual screening hit, a pyrimidinone derivative VS-8‎ was synthesized and the structure was modified by substitution in positions 2, 4, 5 and 6 of the pyrimidine ring. Due to autofluorescence, detected in most of the products, this model structure was not further varied. Simultaneously, experiments on solubilization of the first chromone-2-carboxamides with cyclodextrins, cyclic oligosacharides known to form water-soluble inclusion complexes, were performed. Although the assessed solubility of the chromone 3b/DIMEB (1:3) mixture exceeded 14-fold the intrinsic one, the achieved 100 µM solubility was still not sufficient to be used as a stock solution in the binding assay. The experiments with cyclodextrin in combination with DMSO were ineffective. Owing to high material costs necessary for the appropriate cyclodextrin amounts, the aim focused on structural modification of the hydrophobic products. Precise structural data have been obtained from the solved crystal structures of three chromone derivatives: the screening hit GS-71 (3b), its trimethylammonium salt (18) and 6-nitro-substituted N-benzyl-N-methyl-chromone-2-carboxamide (9i). The first two compounds are nearly planar with an anti-/trans-rotamer configuration. In the latter structure, the carboxamide bridge is bent out of the chromone plane, showing an anti-rotamer, too. Considering the relatively low partition coefficient of compound 3b (cLogP = 2.32), the compound planarity and correlating tight molecular packing might be the factors significantly affecting its poor solubility. Regarding the biological results of the chromone-based compounds, similar structure-activity correlations could be drawn from the binding assay and the whole cell activity testing on M. tuberculosis. In both cases, the introduction of a nitro group to position 6 of the chromone ring and the presence of a flexible substituent in the amide part showed a positive effect. In the binding study, the nitro group at position 4 on the N-benzyl residue was of advantage, too. The highest enzyme affinity was observed for N-(4-nitrobenzyl)-chromone-2-carboxamide 4c (KD = 34 µM), 6-nitro substituted N-benzyl-chromone-2-carboxamide 9g (KD = 40 µM) and 6‑nitro-substituted N-(4-nitrobenzyl)-chromone-2-carboxamide 9j (KD = 31 µM), which could not be attributed to the fluorescence quenching potential of the nitro group. The assay interference potential of chromones, due to a covalent binding on the enzyme sulfhydryl groups, was found to be negligible at the assay conditions. Moderate in vivo activity was detected for 6‑nitro-substituted N-benzyl-chromone-2-carboxamide 9g and its N-benzyl-N-methyl-, N‑furylmethyl-, N-cyclohexyl- and N-cyclohexylmethyl derivatives 9i, 9d, 9e, 9f, for which MIC values 20 - 40 µM were assessed. Cytotoxicity was increased in the N‑cyclohexylmethyl derivative only. None of the pyrimidine-based compounds showed activity in vivo. The affinity of the model structure, VS-8, surpassed with KD = 97 µM the assessed affinity of TLM (KD = 142 µM). Since for the model chromone compound GS-71 no reliable KasA binding data could be obtained, a newly synthesized chromone derivative 9i was docked into the KasA binding site, in order to derive correlation between the in silico and in vitro assessed affinity. For the 6‑nitro-derivative 9i a moderate in vivo activity on M. tuberculosis was obtained. The in silico predicted pKi values for TLM and 9i were higher than the corresponding in vitro results, maintaining though a similar tendency, i.e., the both affinity values for compound 9i (pKi predicted = 6.64, pKD experimental = 4.02) surpassed those obtained for TLM (pKi predicted = 5.27, pKD experimental = 3.84). Nevertheless, the experimental pKD values are considered preliminary results. The binding assay method has been improved in order to acquire more accurate data. Owing to the method development, limited enzyme batches and solubility issues, only selected compounds could be evaluated. The best hits, together with the compounds active on the whole cells of M. tuberculosis, will be submitted to the kinetic enzyme assay, in order to confirm the TLM-like binding mechanism. Regarding the in vivo testing results, no correlations could be drawn between the predicted membrane permeability values and the experimental data, as for the most active compounds 9e and 9f, a very low permeability was anticipated (0.4 and 0.7 \%, respectively). Further biological tests would be required to investigate the action- or transport mode.}, subject = {Tuberkelbakterium}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Merget2015, author = {Merget, Benjamin}, title = {Computational methods for assessing drug-target residence times in bacterial enoyl-ACP reductases and predicting small-molecule permeability for the \(Mycobacterium\) \(tuberculosis\) cell wall}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-127386}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {\textbf{Molecular Determinants of Drug-Target Residence Times of Bacterial Enoyl-ACP Reductases.} Whereas optimization processes of early drug discovery campaigns are often affinity-driven, the drug-target residence time \$t_R\$ should also be considered due to an often strong correlation with \textit{in vivo} efficacy of compounds. However, rational optimization of \$t_R\$ is not straightforward and generally hampered by the lack of structural information about the transition states of ligand association and dissociation. The enoyl-ACP reductase FabI of the fatty acid synthesis (FAS) type II is an important drug-target in antibiotic research. InhA is the FabI enzyme of \textit{Mycobacterium tuberculosis}, which is known to be inhibited by various compound classes. Slow-onset inhibition of InhA is assumed to be associated with the ordering of the most flexible protein region, the substrate binding loop (SBL). Diphenylethers are one class of InhA inhibitors that can promote such SBL ordering, resulting in long drug-target residence times. Although these inhibitors are energetically and kinetically well characterized, it is still unclear how the structural features of a ligand affect \$t_R\$. Using classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, recurring conformational families of InhA protein-ligand complexes were detected and structural determinants of drug-target residence time of diphenyl\-ethers with different kinetic profiles were described. This information was used to deduce guidelines for efficacy improvement of InhA inhibitors, including 5'-substitution on the diphenylether B-ring. The validity of this suggestion was then analyzed by means of MD simulations. Moreover, Steered MD (SMD) simulations were employed to analyze ligand dissociation of diphenylethers from the FabI enzyme of \textit{Staphylococcus aureus}. This approach resulted in a very accurate and quantitative linear regression model of the experimental \$ln(t_R)\$ of these inhibitors as a function of the calculated maximum free energy change of induced ligand extraction. This model can be used to predict the residence times of new potential inhibitors from crystal structures or valid docking poses. Since correct structural characterization of the intermediate enzyme-inhibitor state (EI) and the final state (EI*) of two-step slow-onset inhibition is crucial for rational residence time optimization, the current view of the EI and EI* states of InhA was revisited by means of crystal structure analysis, MD and SMD simulations. Overall, the analyses affirmed that the EI* state is a conformation resembling the 2X23 crystal structure (with slow-onset inhibitor \textbf{PT70}), whereas a twist of residues Ile202 and Val203 with a further opened helix \$\alpha 6\$ corresponds to the EI state. Furthermore, MD simulations emphasized the influence of close contacts to symmetry mates in the SBL region on SBL stability, underlined by the observation that an MD simulation of \textbf{PT155} chain A with chain B' of a symmetry mate in close proximity of the SBL region showed significantly more stable loops, than a simulation of the tetrameric assembly. Closing Part I, SMD simulations were employed which allow the delimitation of slow-onset InhA inhibitors from rapid reversible ligands. \textbf{Prediction of \textit{Mycobacterium tuberculosis} Cell Wall Permeability.} The cell wall of \textit{M. tuberculosis} hampers antimycobacterial drug design due to its unique composition, providing intrinsic antibiotic resistance against lipophilic and hydrophilic compounds. To assess the druggability space of this pathogen, a large-scale data mining endeavor was conducted, based on multivariate statistical analysis of differences in the physico-chemical composition of a normally distributed drug-like chemical space and a database of antimycobacterial--and thus very likely permeable--compounds. The approach resulted in the logistic regression model MycPermCheck, which is able to predict the permeability probability of small organic molecules based on their physico-chemical properties. Evaluation of MycPermCheck suggests a high predictive power. The model was implemented as a freely accessible online service and as a local stand-alone command-line version. Methodologies and findings from both parts of this thesis were combined to conduct a virtual screening for antimycobacterial substances. MycPermCheck was employed to screen the chemical permeability space of \textit{M. tuberculosis} from the entire ZINC12 drug-like database. After subsequent filtering steps regarding ADMET properties, InhA was chosen as an exemplary target. Docking to InhA led to a principal hit compound, which was further optimized. The quality of the interaction of selected derivatives with InhA was subsequently evaluated using MD and SMD simulations in terms of protein and ligand stability, as well as maximum free energy change of induced ligand egress. The results of the presented computational experiments suggest that compounds with an indole-3-acethydrazide scaffold might constitute a novel class of InhA inhibitors, worthwhile of further investigation.}, subject = {Computational chemistry}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Diwischek2008, author = {Diwischek, Florian}, title = {Development of synthesis pathways and characterization of cerulenin analogues as inhibitors of the fatty acid biosynthesis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and of efflux pump resistant Candida albicans}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-27532}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2008}, abstract = {The work deals with the synthesis and characterization of cerulenin analogues as inhibitors of efflux pump mediated resistance of Candida albicans isolates and as inhibitors of the fatty acid synthesis enzyme KasA of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Cerulenin was chosen as the lead structure, being a substrate of the efflux pumps in Candida albicans on one hand and therefore variations on the structure could lead to a blocking of the efflux pumps as in the case of tetracycline and inhibitor 13-CPTC of the TetB efflux pump. On the other hand, cerulenin is a known inhibitor of the FAS system but inhibition is unselective in type I and II FAS. Therefore, analogues could result in increased selectivity towards the type II FAS system in M. tuberculosis. The first cerulenin derivatives were prepared by coupling 2,3-dihydrofuran to the before synthesized 1-octaniodide, followed by ring opening and oxidation in one step by chromic acid and transfer of the resulting 4-keto acid to amides to give analogues 4a-d, 4e was prepared in analogy. To include the epoxide function especially with regard to the mechanism of action of cerulenin in the FAS system (considering known crystal structures of cerulenin and the KasA analogue of E. coli) tetrahydro- and dihydrocerulenin analogues were synthesized. Starting from the corresponding aldehyde, lactone 5 (tetrahydrocerulenin analogues) was obtained via two different routes A and B. Route A included the coupling of the aldehyde 1-nonanal to propiolic acid via a Grignard reaction with subsequent hydrogenation with the Lindlar catalyst under hydrogen pressure to give 5. Via Route B 1-nonanal was coupled to methyl propiolate by n-BuLi with subsequent hydrogenation under reflux with the catalytic system Lindlar cat./NH4HCO2 to yield 5. These hydrogenations were also executed in a microwave oven resulting in better yields and/or reaction times. The lactone 5 was then epoxidized, the ring opened by amidation and the remaining alcohol was oxidized via Collins oxidation to result in tetrahydrocerulenin analogues 8a-e. The same procedure was used for dihydrocerulenin analogues 10a-c except that to obtain the corresponding lactone 9a only route A was used and a further step had to be executed for ring closure. To obtain analogues with all structural features of cerulenin including two double bonds and the epoxide function, a third pathway was chosen. To obtain the future side chain, aldehyde 12 was synthesized by coupling protected 4-pentyn-1-ol to either crotyl bromide or crotyl chloride, which then was deprotected, hydrogenated with Lindlar catalyst under hydrogen pressure and oxidized via a Swern oxidation. The following synthesis sequence starting from 12 was executed similar to that of dihydrocerulenins via the corresponding lactone (51) with the major exception of the oxidation procedure in the last step via TPAP/NMO to result in (4Z,7E)-cerulenin analogues 15a-b. A fourth class of cerulenin analogues was synthesized with the aromatic analogues 17a-e. This synthesis pathway started with the formation of the benzoyl acrylamides 16a-e from benzoylacrylic acid via a mixed anhydride which was prepared with isobutylchloroformate followed by the addition of the corresponding amine. Subsequent epoxidation with H2O2 in basic EtOH gave the aromatic cerulenin analogues 17a-e. Pharmacological testings for the synthesized substances were executed on efflux pump-resistant and -sensitive Candida albicans isolates, on the fatty acid synthesis enzyme KasA of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and on other organisms such as Leishmania major, Trypanosoma brucei brucei, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa within the Sonderforschungsbereich 630.}, subject = {Organische Synthese}, language = {en} }