@phdthesis{Grue1999, author = {Grue, Pernille}, title = {The physiological role of the two isoforms of DNA topoisomerase II in human cells}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-1369}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {1999}, abstract = {Unique functions of DNA topoisomerase IIalpha and IIbeta have been suggested. A human cell line which carries a homozygeous mutation of the nuclear localization sequence of the topoisomerase IIalpha gene expresses the isoform outside the nucleus at the onset of mitosis. At mitosis topoisomerase IIbeta diffused away from the chromatin despite the nuclear lack of the IIalpha-form. Chromosome condensation and disjunction was performed with the aid of cytosolic topoisomerase IIalpha which bound to the mitotic chromatin with low affinity. Consequently an increased rate of nondisjunction is observed in these cells. It is concluded that high affinity chromatin binding of topoisomerase IIalpha is essential for chromosome condensation/disjunction and that topoisomerase IIbeta does not adopt these functions. A centrosomal protein was recognized by topoisomerase IIalpha. This topoisomerase IIalpha-like protein resembles a modified form of topoisomerase IIalpha with an apparent size of 205 kDa compared to 170 kDa. The expression of the protein is constant in all stages of the cell cycle and it appears in proliferating as well as in resting cells. If there is not sufficient topoisomerase IIalpha present at mitosis the centrosomal proteins might adopt the function and a mitotic catastrophe in the cells could therefore be prevented.}, subject = {DNS-Gyrase}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Visan2003, author = {Visan, Ioana Andreea}, title = {The CD23 receptor-regulation of expression and signal transduction}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-5556}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Bisher sind zwei Isoformen des humanen CD23 (CD23a und CD23b) beschrieben. Beide unterscheiden sich lediglich in 6-7 Resten im N-terminalen, zytoplasmatischen Anteil. CD23a wird ausschließlich auf B-Zellen exprimiert, w{\"a}hrend CD23b sowohl auf B-Zellen als auch auf Monozyten, eosinophilen Granulozyten, Makrophagen und zahlreichen anderen Zelltypen durch Stimulation mit IL-4 induziert werden kann. Die beiden Isoformen vermitteln wahrscheinlich unterschiedliche Funktionen. CD23a gilt als Isoform, welche vornehmlich mit der Endozytose von IgE-Immunkomplexen und der Vermittlung von Antigen-Pr{\"a}sentation auf B-Zellen assoziiert ist. CD23b besitzt ein Phagozytose-Motiv und scheint bei der Phagozytose IgE besetzter Partikel, der Freisetzung von Zytokinen und der Bildung von Peroxiden eine Rolle zu spielen. Fr{\"u}here Untersuchungen legen die Vermutung nahe, dass die beiden Isoformen zwei getrennte Signal{\"u}bertragungswege miteinander verbinden. Die Gegen{\"u}berstellung von Ereignissen, welche in Zellen, die nur eine einer oder beide Isoformen von CD23 besitzen, stattfinden, legt die Vermutung nahe, dass CD23b cAMP und iNOS hochreguliert, wohingegen CD23a einen Anstieg des intrazellul{\"a}ren Kalziums vermittelt. Im ersten Teil unserer Untersuchungen haben wir die Regulation der B-Zell-spezifischen Expression von CD23a analysiert. Pax-5 ist ein auf B-Zellen beschr{\"a}nkter Transkriptionsfaktor, welcher f{\"u}r die fr{\"u}he und sp{\"a}te B-Zellentwicklung von entscheidender Bedeutung ist. M{\"o}gliche Pax-5 Bindungsstellen wurden in den proximalen Abschnitten des CD23a Promotors vermutet. Die Analyse des CD23a Promotors ergab drei mutmaßliche Pax-5 Bindungsstellen mit mehr als 50\% Homologie zur Konsensus-Sequenz. Eine dieser Bindungsstellen, namens CD23-1, kann mit einer hochaffinen Pax-5 Bindungsstelle konkurrieren oder direkt das Pax-5 Protein in Elektromobilit{\"a}ts Experimenten (EMSA) binden. Das Einf{\"u}gen von Mutationen an dieser Stelle verhindert die Bindung. Ein weiterer Versuch, bei dem die gesamte L{\"a}nge des CD23a Promotors durch {\"u}berlappende Peptide in einem kompetitiven Verfahren gegen{\"u}ber hoch affinen Bindungsstellen getestet wurde, zeigt ebenso CD23-1 als die einzige Stelle, welche direkt Pax-5 binden kann. In weiteren Experimenten f{\"u}hrte die Expression von Pax-5 in 293 Zellen zu einer 7fachen Aktivierung eines CD23a Kernpromotor Konstrukts. Die Kotransfektion zusammen mit STAT6 zeigte, dass Pax-5 mit diesem Transkriptionsfaktor kooperiert, indem es die Transkriptionsrate eines vergr{\"o}ßerten CD23a Promotorkonstrukts erh{\"o}ht. Von besonderer Bedeutung ist die Tatsache, dass die ektope Expression von Pax-5 in der monozyt{\"a}ren Zelllinie U-937, die normalerweise nur die CD23b Isoform exprimiert, dann zu einer Expression von CD23a nach Stimulation mit IL-4 und PMA f{\"u}hrte. Unsere Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass Pax-5 in der auf B-Zellen beschr{\"a}nkten Expression der CD23 Isoform eine Schl{\"u}sselrolle zukommt. Im zweiten Teil des Projekts haben wir ein "Zwei-Hefen-Hybrid-System" (Cyto-Trap von Stratagene) verwendet, um nach zytoplasmatischen Interaktionspartnern f{\"u}r den CD23 Rezeptor zu suchen. Das System wurde modifiziert um eine hohe Effizienz an Transformation zu erzielen. Unterschiedliche „K{\"o}der"-Vektorkonstrukte wurden hergestellt. Das Screening wurde mittels einer humanen Milzbibliothek mit dem Zielvektor des Systems durchgef{\"u}hrt. Die anfangs benutzten Konstrukte -pSosCD23a und pSosCD23b - exprimierten sehr kurze (22 Aminos{\"a}uren) zytoplasmatischen Reste der Isoformen am C-terminalen Ende des Fusionsproteins (humanes SOS). Verbesserte Konstrukte (pSos CD23a+Linker und pSosCD23b+Linker) exprimierten den zytoplasmatischen Anteil von CD23a/b am N-terminalen Ende des humanen SOS und hatten folglich den N-terminalen Anteil als Andockstelle frei, entsprechend den Bedingungen in vivo. Eine flexible Verbindungsregion trennte die Fusionsproteine, um auf diese Weise die kurze Aminos{\"a}urekette deutlich „sichtbar" werden zu lassen. Ann{\"a}hernd drei Millionen Klone wurden mittels der verschiedenen Konstrukte untersucht. Dabei konnte keine tats{\"a}chlich positive Interaktion gefunden werden. Stattdessen fand sich eine vergleichsweise hohe Zahl falsch-positiver Klone. Diese wiederum wurden in einem zweiten "Zwei-Hefen-Hybrid-System" getestet. In Zukunft wird ein neues Konstrukt als K{\"o}der verwendet werden. Hierbei wurde ein Tyrosin-Rest im zytoplasmatischen Anteil von CD23a durch Glutamat ersetzt. Das System wurde bereits dazu verwendet, die Interaktion zwischen CD23 und p59fyn - einem Mitglied der Src-Familie von Proteinkinasen, welches mit CD23a assoziiert sein soll - zu testen. Jedoch konnte im CytoTrap "Zwei-Hefen-Hybrid-System" keine Wechselwirkung nachgewiesen werden. Zusammenfassend zeigt das zentrale Ergebnis der Arbeit, dass Pax-5 der Schl{\"u}sselregulator ist, der die B-Zell-spezifische Expression von CD23a erm{\"o}glicht. Zus{\"a}tzlich wurde ein "Zwei-Hefen-Hybrid-System" etabliert, mit dem zytoplasmatische Interaktionspartner f{\"u}r die CD23 Isoformen gefunden werden k{\"o}nnen.}, subject = {Antigen CD23}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Burkard2010, author = {Burkard, Natalie}, title = {Signal{\"u}bertragungswege und Pr{\"a}ventionsm{\"o}glichkeiten der kardialen Hypertrophie : conditional overexpression of neuronal nitric oxide synthase is cardioprotective in ischemia-reperfusion}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-51832}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Zusammenfassung: Wie fr{\"u}her schon gezeigt, wird der L-Typ Ca2+-Kanal durch eine induzierbare, myokardspezifische {\"U}berexpression der neuronalen Stickstoffmonoxidsynthase (nNOS) inhibiert. Gleichzeitig bewirkt diese {\"U}berexpression eine verminderte kardiale Kontraktilit{\"a}t1 (Burkard N. et al. (2007). Circ Res 100, 32-44). nNOS interagiert mit vielen verschiedenen Kompartimenten und Kan{\"a}len innerhalb der Zelle. In dieser Arbeit wurde gezeigt, dass eine nNOS {\"U}berexpression nach Isch{\"a}mie-Reperfusion kardioprotektiv wirkt. Dieses wird durch eine Inhibition der Mitochondrienfunktion und durch eine Verminderung der reaktiven Sauerstoffspezies (ROS) erm{\"o}glicht. In einer fr{\"u}heren Arbeit wurde der Effekt der induzierbaren und myokardspezifischen {\"U}berexpression von nNOS unter physiologischen Bedingungen am transgenen Tiermodell untersucht. Diese Arbeit besch{\"a}ftigt sich nun mit der {\"U}berexpression von nNOS unter pathophysiologischen (Isch{\"a}mie-Reperfusion) Bedingungen. Ein Isch{\"a}mie-Reperfusions-Schaden bewirkt bei Wildtyp-M{\"a}usen, sowie bei transgener nNOS {\"U}berexpression eine Anreicherung von nNOS in den Mitochondrien. Elektronenmikroskopische Aufnahmen von Mausmyokard haben gezeigt, dass bei {\"U}berexpression nNOS zus{\"a}tzlich in den Mitochondrien lokalisiert ist. Diese Translokation von nNOS in die Mitochondrien ist abh{\"a}ngig von HSP90. Isch{\"a}mie- Reperfusionsexperimente an isolierten M{\"a}useherzen zeigten einen kardioprotektiven Effekt der nNOS {\"U}berexpression (30min post ischemia, LVDP 27.0±2.5mmHg vs. 45.2±1.9mmHg, n=12, p<0.05). Dieser positive Effekt konnte bei der Bestimmung der Infarktgr{\"o}ße best{\"a}tigt werden. nNOS {\"u}berexprimierende M{\"a}use hatten eine kleinere Infarktgr{\"o}ße nach Isch{\"a}mie-Reperfusion (36.6±8.4 relative \% vs. 61.1±2.9 relative \%, n=8, p<0.05). Die {\"U}berexpression von nNOS bewirkte ebenfalls einen signifikanten Anstieg des mitochondrialen Nitrit-Levels, begleitet von einer Verminderung der Cytochrom C Oxidase Aktivit{\"a}t (72.0±8.9units/ml in nNOS overexpressing mice vs. 113.2±17.1units/ml in non-induced mice, n=12, p<0.01), was zu einer Hemmung der Mitochondrienfunktion f{\"u}hrt. Dementsprechend war der Sauerstoffverbrauch (gemessen an isolierten Herzmuskelstreifen) schon unter basalen Bedingungen beinNOS {\"U}berexpression vermindert (0.016±0.0015 vs. 0.024±0.006ml[O2] x mm-3 x min-1, n=13, p<0.05). Außerdem war die ROS Konzentration in Herzen von nNOS {\"u}berexprimierenden M{\"a}usen signifikant vermindert (6.14±0.685 vs. 14.53±1.7μM, n=8, p<0.01). Die Zugabe von verschiedenen Inhibitoren, Western Blot- und Aktivit{\"a}tsuntersuchungen zeigten schließlich, dass diese niedrigere ROS Konzentration durch eine verminderte Xanthin Oxidoreduktase Aktivit{\"a}t hervorgerufen wurde. Zusammenfassend hat diese Arbeit gezeigt, dass eine induzierbare und myokardspezifische {\"U}berexpression von nNOS unter pathophysiologischen Bedingungen (Isch{\"a}mie-Reperfusion) kardioprotektiv wirkt. Zus{\"a}tzlich zu der Verminderung des myokardialen Ca2+-{\"U}berschusses nach Reperfusion k{\"o}nnte dieser protektive Effekt durch eine Hemmung der Mitochondrienfunktion bedingt sein, schließlich wird der Sauerstoffverbrauch schon unter basalen Bedingungen reduziert}, subject = {Herzhypertrophie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Chen2022, author = {Chen, Mengjia}, title = {Right Ventricular Dysfunction contributes to Left Ventricular Thrombus Formation in Patients post Anterior Myocardial Infarction}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20414}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-204149}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Our current data demonstrate that besides the known risk factors, including apical aneurysm, reduced left ventricular longitudinal systolic function (MAPSE) and advanced diastolic dysfunction, Right ventricular dysfunction as determined by reduced tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE) or right ventricular fractional area change (RV_FAC) is independently associated with left ventricular thrombus formation in acute anterior myocardial infarction patients, especially in the setting of anterior myocardial infarction without the formation of an apical aneurysm. This study suggests that besides left ventricular abnormalities, right ventricular dysfunction likewise contributes LVT formation in patients with acute anterior myocardial infarction.}, subject = {Thrombus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hartmann2014, author = {Hartmann, Sonja}, title = {Relevance of antibodies targeting the beta1-adrenergic receptor for renal function}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-106285}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Functionally active (conformational) autoantibodies directed against the β1-adrenergic receptor (β1-AR) are supposed to have a pathogenic relevance in human heart failure, particularly in idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). Prevalence of anti-β1-autoantibodies (anti-β1-aabs) in the healthy population is almost negligible, whereas it amounts to up to 30\% in heart failure patients with idiopathic DCM. As β1-ARs are not restricted to the heart and are also highly expressed in particular segments of the nephron, it is conceivable that such autoantibodies might also affect kidney function to some extent through the activation of renal β1-ARs. In the kidney, β1-ARs are highly abundant in the juxtaglomerular apparatus, the distal convoluted tubules, the collecting duct, and the renal arteries. However, the functional significance of β1-ARs at these particular sites along the nephron is poorly understood, as are the effects of conformational stimulating anti-β1-aabs on renal β1-ARs. From the available literature, it is well known that the β1-adrenergic system is involved in, e.g., the regulation of renin-secretion from juxtaglomerular cells. In addition, the β1-adrenergic system is thought to be involved in the regulation of the urine pH via type B-intercalated cells in the collecting duct. In contrast, the regulation of salt- and fluid-secretion in the medullary collecting duct appears to occur independently from the SNS. As a consequence, the present work aimed to unravel the potential pathophysiological links between renal function, alterations in the cardiovascular system, and circulating agonist-like anti- β1-abs. We analyzed possible renal effects of anti-β1-abs in a human-analogous rat model. After immunization with a GST-fusion protein containing the second extracellular loop (β1-ECII) of the human β1-AR, Lewis-rats develop functionally active, stimulating, conformational anti-β1-ECII-abs. Within the first 6 months, anti-β1-ECII-ab-positive animals develop a hypertensive phenotype, which after 9 months evolves into a DCM phenotype. In n=40 GST/ β1-ECII-immunized Lewis rats and n=40 age-matched, 0.9\% NaCl-injected control animals, we sequentially (i.e. at months 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18 after start of immunization) analyzed the changes in renal function on a molecular, functional, and structural level. We could show that the presence of stimulating anti-β1-ECII-abs - even though having detrimental effects on the heart - has only a minor impact on kidney function and structure. Within the first 3 months after induction of anti-β1-ECII-abs, the levels and activity of renin were significantly increased in immunized compared to corresponding control animals, which was confirmed by experiments on isolated perfused kidneys, in which anti-β1-ECII-abs were able to directly induce the liberation of renin. However, within several weeks the initial anti-β1-ECII-ab-mediated RAAS activation was counter-regulated by auto-regulatory mechanisms activated in the kidney. Similarly, glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and renal blood flow (RBF) were initially decreased in the presence of the stimulating anti-β1-ECII-abs, but returned to control values within 3 months after immunization of the animals. Although expression of several pro-fibrotic markers was significantly up-regulated in anti-β1-ECII-ab-positive rats, no significant differences were noted on a histomorphological level with regard to the occurrence of renal fibrosis, glomerular damage, tubular damage, and perivascular fibrosis. Only a mild decrease in glomerular filtration function was observed in the kidneys of anti-β1-ECII-ab-positive animals from immunization-month 12 on, apparent by increased levels of urinary protein. Even though anti-β1-ECII-abs were able to induce mild changes in renal function, their effects were not strong enough to critically damage the kidneys in our rat-model. Differences between immunized anti-β1-ECII-ab-positive and corresponding control rats at later time-points (that is, from immunization-month 12 on) are most likely secondary to the progressive heart failure phenotype that immunized animals develop in the course of the experiment. The present study is the first to focus on the effects of stimulating anti-β1-ECII-abs on the kidney, and on the prevalence of these effects for the heart (referred to as cardio-renal crosstalk). Although our results were obtained in a rat model, they might contribute to better understand the situation in anti-β1-AR-aab-positive human patients. Following the results of our experiments, treatment of such patients should focus on direct and specific neutralization/elimination of stimulating anti-β1-ECII-aab or at least comprise therapeutic strategies that counteract the anti-β1-ECII-aab-effects on the heart by standard treatment for heart failure (i.e. ACE inhibitors, AT1-receptor blockers, and β-blockers) according to current guidelines.}, subject = {Nierenfunktion}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Liu2011, author = {Liu, Dan}, title = {Regional Myocardial Deformation in Adult Patients with Isolated Left Ventricular Non-compaction Cardiomyopathy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-55838}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Isolated left ventricular non-compaction cardiomyopathy (LVNC) is a congenital myocardial disease characterized by excessive and prominent trabeculations in the left ventricle with deep intertrabecular recesses. Trabeculation is, however, a non specific finding which is present not only in LVNC but also in other cardiomyopathies like dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) and even in healthy controls, therefore, differential diagnosis keeps puzzling clinicians. Therefore the present study aimed to comprehensively explore regional myocardial deformation properties in adult patients with isolated LVNC using strain and strain rate imaging derived from tissue Doppler imaging and 2D speckle tracking. It was proposed that the knowledge of deformation properties in LVNC would help to differentiate patients with LVNC and DCM. A total of 14 patients with LVNC, 15 patients with DCM, and 15 healthy controls were included in this study. The groups were matched for age and gender. Standard 2D echocardiography was performed in all subjects, and tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) of all ventricular walls was acquired using parasternal long axis, apical 4-chamber, 2-chamber, and apical long axis views. Deformation imaging data derived from both TDI and grey scale images were analyzed. Clinical and standard echocardiographic findings in patients with LVNC and DCM were similar. In patients with LVNC, hypertrabeculation was mostly located in the apical and mid segments of the left ventricle and strikingly more than in patients with DCM. The extent of non-compaction was poorly related to global left ventricular systolic function (LVEF) as well as regional myocardial function assessed by strain rate imaging. Regional myocardial systolic deformation in patients with LVNC was significantly impaired in the left and right ventricles in both longitudinal and radial direction. There was a striking difference on longitudinal myocardial systolic function between LVNC and DCM patients, i.e., an increasing strain and strain rate gradient from apex to base in patients with LVNC, whereas patients with DCM displayed a homogeneously decreased strain and strain rate in all segments. Results derived from 2D speckle tracking method were consistent with those from TDI method. Analysis of myocardial mechanical asynchrony revealed a lack of myocardial contraction synchrony in the LVNC and DCM patients. The time to systolic peak velocity was obviously delayed in these two patient groups. However, the mechanical asynchrony features were similar in patients with LVNC and DCM and could not serve for differential diagnosis. In conclusion, LVNC and DCM are both cardiomyopathies presenting reduced regional myocardial function and mechanical asynchrony. Nevertheless differential diagnosis can be made by analysis of hypertrabeculation as well as analysis of regional myocardial deformation pattern.}, subject = {Ultraschallkardiographie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Sbiera2022, author = {Sbiera, Iuliu}, title = {Possible role of epithelial to mesenchymal transition and its associated FGF/FGFR pathway in adrenocortical carcinoma}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-27745}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-277454}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Recent studies have hinted to an involvement of epithelial to mesenchymal transition, a mechanism often associated with metastasis in epithelial cancers, in adrenocortical carcinoma. In addition, the knowledge about the FGF/FGFR pathway in pathogenesis of the adrenal gland, a pathway often associated with the epithelial to mesenchymal transition, is sparse and fragmented. We assessed, in a large number of normal, benign and malignant adrenocortical tissues (a total of 181 different samples), the expression of canonical and novel epithelial and mesenchymal markers and compared it with their expression in typical epithelial and mesenchymal tissues. In addition, we also quantified the expression of most members of the FGF/FGFR pathway in adrenocortical tissues and compared it against well-studied epithelial and mesenchymal tissues as well as between malignant and not malignant adrenocortical tissues, in order to assess the possible connection to epithelial to mesenchymal transition and find possible drug targets. Surprisingly, both normal and neoplastic adrenocortical tissues lacked expression of epithelial markers (e.g. E-Cadhering or EpCAM) but strongly expressed mesenchymal markers (e.g. N-Cadherin or SLUG), suggesting a higher similarity of adrenocortical tissues to mesenchymal compared to epithelial tissues, reminiscent of the adrenocortical origin from the intermediate mesoderm. Despite their ubiquitous expression in all adrenocortical tissues, mesenchymal markers had a variable expression in adrenocortical carcinoma, associating either directly or inversely with different clinical markers of tumor aggressiveness. Lymph node infiltration was associated with high expression of SLUG (p = 0.04), and at the same time low expression of N-cadherin (p = 0.001), and the same pattern was observed for venous infiltration of tumoral tissue, Weiss score of tumor malignancy or Ki67 proliferation marker. In malignant compared to benign adrenal tumors, we found significant differences in the expression of 16 out of the 94 studied FGF receptor pathway related genes. Genes involved in tissue differentiation and metastatic spread through epithelial to mesenchymal transition were most strongly altered. The therapeutically targetable FGF receptors 1 and 4 were upregulated 4.6- and 6-fold, respectively, in malignant compared to benign adrenocortical tumors, which was confirmed by using two different quantification methods in both frozen and paraffin embedded tissue material. High expression of FGFR1 and 4 was significantly associated with worse patient prognosis (High FGFR1 expression was associated with a shorter overall patient survival of 84 vs 148 months (HR=1.8, 95\% CI: 1.01-3.25) as well as a shorter resection free survival of 25 vs 75 months ((HR=2.93, 95\% CI: 1.25-6.84), while high FGFR4 was associated with a much shorter overall survival of 50 vs 155 months (HR=2.44, 95\% CI: 1.41-4.22). In conclusion, epithelial to mesenchymal transition does not seem to play a role in adrenocortical carcinoma tumor progression, and the FGF/FGFR pathway, even if it is probably not related to EMT, is nonetheless associated with tumor aggressiveness. Furthermore, quantification of FGF receptors may enable a stratification of adrenocortical carcinoma for the use of FGFR inhibitors in future clinical trials.}, subject = {Nebennierenrindenkrebs}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Blocka2019, author = {Blocka, Joanna}, title = {Molecular mechanisms underlying Woodhouse-Sakati syndrome: characterization of DCAF17 with specific, polyclonal antibodies}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-174766}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Woodhouse-Sakati syndrome (WSS) is a rare multisystemic, autosomal recessive disease. The underlying cause of WSS are mutations of C2orf37 gene, which result in a truncated protein. Little is known about the function of C2orf37 (DDB1-CUL4A-associated factor 17, DCAF17) apart from it being part of the DDB1-CUL4-ROC1 E3 ubiquitin ligase complex, specifically binding directly to DDB1 and serving as a substrate recruiter for E3. There are two major isoforms of DCAF17: beta (65 kDa, 520 amino acids) and alpha (27 kDa, 240 amino acids), which is a C-terminal part of beta. The intracellular localization of the WSS protein is thought to be primarily the nucleolus. A murine ortholog protein was found to be expressed in all tissues with a relatively higher expression in the brain, liver, and skin.The aim of this work was to investigate DCAF17 in HeLa cells in more detail, in particular the redistribution of both WSS isoforms on the subcellular and -nuclear level as well as their chemical features. For these experiments, I developed, through recombinant expression and affinity purification, a specific polyclonal antibody against a WSS-epitope 493-520. Furthermore, three other specific polyclonal antibodies were obtained through affinity purification with help of commercially produced high-affinity epitope peptides.By means of these antibodies, I determined- through immunofluorescence and subcellular protein fractionation- that, apart from the redistribution of the WSS protein within the non-soluble = chromatin-bound nuclear fraction, a significant amount of both WSS isoforms is present in the soluble nuclear fraction. Indeed, treatment of purified nuclear envelopes with an increasing concentration of NaCl as well as urea confirmed a non-covalent binding of the WSS protein to the nuclear envelope with the detachment ofbeta-WSS at a lower NaCl concentration than alpha-WSS. In regard to the chromatin-bound WSS protein, I performed hydrolysis of nuclear and nucleolar extract with DNase and RNase. The results indicate that the WSS protein is bound to DNA but not RNA, with alpha-WSS being possibly located more abundantly in the nucleolus, whereas beta-WSS within other subnuclear departments. Furthermore, in all the above-mentioned experiments, a presence of an 80-kDa protein, which specifically reacted with the polyclonal high-affinity antibodies and showed similar redistribution and chemical features as alpha- and beta-WSS, was observed. In order to investigate whether this protein is a posttranslationally modified WSS isoform, I performed deglycosylation and dephosphorylation of nuclear extract, which showed no disappearance or change in abundance of the 80-kDa band on Western blot. While other ways of poststranslational modification cannot be excluded as the cause of occurrence of the 80-kDa protein, an existence of a third, yet undescribed, major isoform is also conceivable. Summarizing, this work contributed to a deeper characterization of the WSS protein, which can help future investigators in developing new experimental ideas to better understand the pathology of WSS.}, subject = {Humangenetik}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Michalska2013, author = {Michalska, Marta}, title = {Molecular Imaging of atherosclerosis}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-73243}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Atherosklerose ist eine aktive und progressive Erkrankung, bei der vaskul{\"a}re Adh{\"a}sionsmolek{\"u}le wie VCAM-1 eine entscheidende Rolle durch Steuerung der Rekrutierung von Immunzellen in den fr{\"u}hen und fortgeschrittenen Plaques spielen. Ein zielgerichteter Einsatz von VCAM-1-Molek{\"u}len mit spezifischen Kontrastmitteln ist daher eine M{\"o}glichkeit, die VCAM-1-Expression zu kontrollieren, Plaquewachstum ab einem fr{\"u}hen Zeitpunkt zu visualisieren und eine fr{\"u}he Pr{\"a}vention von Atherosklerose vor Beginn der Thrombusbildung zu etablieren. Des Weiteren bietet die nichtinvasive Magnetresonanz (MR)-Bildgebung den Vorteil der Kombination molekularer und morphologischer Daten. Sie erm{\"o}glicht, mithilfe von entwickelten VCAM-1-markierten Eisenoxidpartikeln, den spezifischen Nachweis entz{\"u}ndlicher Prozesse w{\"a}hrend der Atherosklerose. Diese Arbeit belegt, dass mit dem VCAM-1-Konzept eine vielversprechende Herangehensweise gefunden wurde und dass das, mit spezifischen superparamagnetischen Eisenoxid (USPIO) konjugierte VCAM-1-Peptid, gegen{\"u}ber unspezifischer USPIOs ein erh{\"o}htes Potenzial bei der Untersuchung der Atherosklerose in sich tr{\"a}gt. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit konnte im Mausmodell gezeigt werden, dass gerade das VCAM-1-Molek{\"u}l ein sinnvoller Ansatzpunkt zur Darstellung und Bildgebung von Atherosklerose ist, da in der fr{\"u}hen Phase der Entz{\"u}ndung die vaskul{\"a}ren Zelladh{\"a}sionsmolek{\"u}le {\"u}berexprimiert und auch kontinuierlich, w{\"a}hrend der fortschreitenden Plaquebildung, hochreguliert werden. Weiterhin beschreibt diese Arbeit die Funktionst{\"u}chtigkeit und das Verm{\"o}gen des neu gestalteten USPIO Kontrastmittels mit dem zyklischen Peptid, in seiner Spezialisierung auf die VCAM-1 Erkennung. Experimentelle Studien mit ultra-Hochfeld-MRT erm{\"o}glichten weitere ex vivo und in vivo Nachweise der eingesetzten USPIO-VCAM-1-Partikel innerhalb der Region um die Aortenwurzel in fr{\"u}hen und fortgeschrittenen atherosklerotischen Plaques von 12 und 30 Wochen alten Apolipoprotein E-defizienten (ApoE-/-) M{\"a}usen. Mit ihrer Kombination aus Histologie und Elektronenmikroskopie zeigt diese Studie zum ersten Mal die Verteilung von VCAM-1-markierten USPIO Partikeln nicht nur in luminalem Bereich der Plaques, sondern auch in tieferen Bereichen der medialen Muskelzellen. Dieser spezifische und sensitive Nachweis der fr{\"u}hen und fortgeschrittenen Stadien der Plaquebildung bringt auf molekularer Ebene neue M{\"o}glichkeiten zur Fr{\"u}herkennung von atherosklerotischen Plaques vor dem Entstehen von 8 Rupturen. Im Gegensatz zum USPIO-VCAM-1-Kontrastmittel scheiterten unspezifische USPIO Partikel an der Identifikation fr{\"u}her Plaqueformen und begrenzten die Visualisierung von Atherosklerose auf fortgeschrittene Stadien in ApoE-/- M{\"a}usen.}, subject = {VCAM}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hauser2022, author = {Hauser, Tobias Gregor}, title = {Mineralocorticoid-receptor antagonism and its metabolic consequences in haemodialysis patients}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-25938}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-259382}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Patients on haemodialysis are highly susceptible to different forms of heart failure. To date, the benefit of Mineralocorticoid-receptor antagonist (MRA) administration in haemodialysis patients remains subject to discussion. Biomarkers play an important role in therapy guidance and pose a promising tool to detect pathological processes of heart failure in an earlier stage. The randomised-controlled Mineralocorticoid-Receptor Antagonists in End-Stage Renal Disease (MiREnDa) trial was set up to investigate the effect of 50 mg of spironolactone once daily on left ventricular mass index in haemodialysis patients and several secondary endpoints. This dissertation reports findings from the MiREnDa trial on (a) the efficacy of spironolactone to influence serum levels of biomarkers of heart failure, fibrosis and inflammation and electrolytes and (b) the ability of N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP), Galectin-3 and soluble source of tumorigenicity 2 (sST2) to reflect left ventricular hypertrophy and diastolic dysfunction assessed by imaging characteristics. Treatment of spironolactone over a 40-week period did not alter serum levels of biomarkers of heart failure, fibrosis and inflammation including NT-proBNP, Galectin-3 and sST2. A small but significant effect on serum sodium but not potassium was observed. NT-proBNP was significantly different in the presence or absence of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) (normal vs. LVH (median [IQR]): 2,120 [810; 5,040] vs. 6,340 [2,410; 15,360] pg/ml, p<0.01) or moderate and severe diastolic dysfunction (DD) (normal diastolic function and DD grade I vs. DD grade II and DD grade III: 2,300 [850; 6,050] vs. 12,260 [3,340; 34,830] pg/ml, p=0.02). NT-proBNP further showed a significant correlation at baseline with LVMi (Spearman's rho=0.41, p<0.001), LAVi (Spearman's rho=0.55, p<0.001) and septal E/e' (Spearman's rho=0.45, p<0.001). No correlation was observed between Galectin-3 and the investigated functional and morphological parameters. sST2 was mildly correlated to LVMi at baseline (Spearman's rho=0.21, p=0.05) and NT-proBNP at baseline (Spearman's rho=0.37, p<0.001). In conclusion, spironolactone did not affect the investigated parameters but NT-proBNP proved to be significantly correlated to cardiac imaging measurements.}, subject = {Dialyse}, language = {en} }