@phdthesis{Schmitt2004, author = {Schmitt, Thomas}, title = {Communication in the hymenoptera : chemistry, ecology and evolution}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-11267}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Insects exhibit complex systems of communication with chemical signalling being the most important mode. Although there are many studies on chemical communication in insects, the evolution of chemical signals is not well understood. Due to the conflict of interests between individuals, different selective pressures might act on sender and receiver. In this thesis I investigate different types of communication where either the sender, the receiver or both parties yield benefits. These studies were conducted with one digger wasp species, honeybees, one chrysidid wasp, and three ant species. Senders might benefit by exploiting existing preferences of receivers. Such sensory exploitation might influence the evolution of male signals that are designed to attract females. The sex pheromone of male European beewolves Philanthus triangulum (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae) might have evolved according to the sensory exploitation hypothesis. A three-step scenario is supported by our studies. First, a major component of the honeybee alarm pheromone, (Z)-11-eicosen-1-ol, is also found on the cuticles and in the air surrounding foraging honeybees. Second, it could be shown, that (Z)-11- eicosen-1-ol plays a crucial role as kairomone for prey identification of honeybees by beewolf females. Third, a reanalysis of the beewolf male sex pheromone shows a remarkable similarity of compounds between the pheromone and the honeybee cuticle, besides the co-occurrence of (Z)-11-eisosen-ol. The majority of the cuticular hydrocarbons of honeybees occur also in the headspace of foraging workers. These results strongly support the hypothesis that beewolf males evolved a pheromone that exploits the females' pre-existing sensory sensitivity. In addition, the male sex pheromone shows a significantly higher similarity among brothers than among non-related individuals, which might enable beewolf females to discriminate against brothers and avoid detrimental effects of breeding. Together with the studies on the possible sensory exploitation this result shows that both, male and female beewolves probably gain more benefits than costs from the pheromone communication and, thus, the communication system as a whole can be regarded as cooperative. To maintain the reproductive division of labour in eusocial colonies, queens have to signal their presence and fecundity. In the ant Camponotus floridanus (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) queens mark their own eggs with a distinctive pattern of cuticular hydrocarbons. Two different hypotheses have been developed. One suggests a form of worker manipulation by the queen. The alternative hypothesis assumes a cooperative signal that provides information on the condition of the queen. The results of our investigation clearly favour the latter hypothesis. Chemical mimicry is a form of non-cooperative communication that benefits predominantly the sender. We provided conclusive evidence that the cockoo wasp, Hedychrum rutilans (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae), the primary brood parasitoid of Philanthus triangulum, evades recognition by beewolf females most probably by chemical mimicry of the odour of its host. Furthermore, the adaptation of the chemical signature in the social ant parasite Protomognathus americanus (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) to its Leptothorax (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) hosts was investigated. Although this parasite is principally adapted to its hosts' cuticular hydrocarbon profile, there are still pronounced differences between the profiles of parasites and hosts. This might be explained by the trade-off, which the parasites faces when confronted locally with two host species with different cuticular hydrocarbon profiles. Non-cooperative communication in the sense that only receivers benefit was discovered in the exploitation of honeybees volatile cuticular hydrocarbons by beewolf females. By using emitted (Z)-11-eicosen-1-ol as a kairomone, the receiver, the beewolf female, yields the benefits and the sender, the honeybee prey, bears all the costs. The results of these studies contribute to the understanding of the evolution of cooperative and non-cooperative communication with chemical signals taking into account differential benefits for sender and/or receiver.}, subject = {Hautfl{\"u}gler}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Herzner2004, author = {Herzner, Gudrun}, title = {Evolution of the pheromone communication system in the European Beewolf Philanthus triangulum F. (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-11651}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Darwin's theory of sexual selection explains the evolution of flamboyant male traits through female choice. It does not, however, address the question why males typically court and females choose. This asymmetry is now thought to be the result of the dichotomy in reproductive expenditures: Females invest primarily in parental care and males invest predominantly in mate attraction or competition. Based on this view, several hypotheses for the origin and maintenance of female preferences have been proposed. They include the classical sexual selection models, i.e. female choice for direct and indirect benefits as well as the more recent concepts of female choice for genetic compatibility and receiver bias models. The complementary choice scenario assumes that females choose mates with regard to genetic compatibility. The receiver bias concept views male traits and female preferences within the framework of communication theory and encompasses various more or less distinct models, two of which are sensory exploitation and sensory trap. Both models postulate that male signals evolved in response to pre-existing perceptual biases of females. The sensory trap hypothesis additionally emphasizes that pre-existing female preferences for certain cues evolved in non-sexual contexts, like e.g. foraging. Males that mimic these cues and elicit a favourable out-of-context response by females may increase their reproductive success. This thesis examines the evolution of the pheromone communication in the European Beewolf Philanthus triangulum. Beewolf females are specialized hunters of honeybees and provision their progeny with paralyzed prey. Male beewolves establish and scent mark territories with a pheromone from a head gland to court females. The concordant occurrence of the otherwise rare alcohol (Z)-11-eicosen-1-ol in the male pheromone and in the alarm pheromone of honeybees, the exclusive prey of the females, suggests a sensory trap process as an explanation for the evolution of the male pheromone in P. triangulum. According to this hypothesis, we tested three predictions: First, foraging honeybees should emit eicosenol. Via chemical analysis we could show that honeybee workers in fact smell of eicosenol during foraging. The occurrence of eicosenol on the cuticle and in the headspace of honeybees is a new finding. Second, beewolf females should use eicosenol as a cue for prey detection or identification. Using behavioural assays, we demonstrated that prey recognition in beewolf females is accomplished by olfactory cues and that eicosenol is an essential cue in this process. The sensory sensitivity of beewolf females to eicosenol must be extremely high, since they perceive the trace amounts present in the head space of honeybees. This sensitivity may be due to specialized olfactory receptors on the antennae of beewolf females. An inventory of the flagellar sensilla of both sexes showed that females carry one type of sensillum that is missing in males, the large sensillum basiconicum. This chemo-sensitive sensillum most likely plays a role in prey recognition. The third prediction is that beewolf males incorporate bee-like substances, including eicosenol, into their pheromone, and possibly catch females in a sensory trap. A reanalysis of the male pheromone revealed, among others, eicosenol and several alkanes and alkenes as pheromonal compounds. Our own analyses of the chemical profiles of honeybee workers and beewolf pheromone disclosed a surprisingly strong resemblance between the two. Eight of the eleven substances of the male pheromone are also present on the cuticle and in the headspace of honeybees. Notwithstanding this similarity, the male pheromone does not function as a sensory trap for females. Nevertheless, the extensive congruence between the odour bouquets of the females' prey and the male pheromone strongly suggests that the male signal evolved to exploit a pre-existing female sensory bias towards bee odour, and, thus represents a case of sensory exploitation. In addition to the above described scenario concerning mostly the 'design' of the male pheromone, we addressed possible indirect benefits female beewolves may gain by basing their mating decisions on signal 'content'. We show that the pheromone of male beewolves varies between families and may, thus, contain information about the degree of relatedness between the female and a potential mate. Females could use this information to choose genetically complementary males to avoid inbreeding and the production of infertile diploid sons. Collectively, our results provide strong evidence for a receiver bias process in the evolution of the male pheromone of P. triangulum. They further indicate that the pheromone composition may subsequently have been influenced by other natural or sexual selection pressures, like e.g. complementary female choice.}, subject = {Philantus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hein2004, author = {Hein, Silke}, title = {The survival of grasshoppers and bush crickets in habitats variable in space and time}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-9140}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Die zunehmende Nutzung von Landschaften f{\"u}hrt zu einer steigenden Fragmentierung sch{\"u}tzenswerter Fl{\"a}chen. Damit verbunden ist eine Zerschneidung von großen Populationen in Metapopulationen. In solchen F{\"a}llen bestimmt das Gleichgewicht zwischen Aussterben und Besiedlung von Habitaten die regionale {\"U}berlebenswahrscheinlichkeit von Arten. Um diese bestimmen, braucht man ein gutes Verst{\"a}ndnis der Habitatanspr{\"u}che der Arten, sowie Informationen {\"u}ber ihr Ausbreitungsverhalten. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, geeignete Fl{\"a}chen f{\"u}r Heuschrecken in einer Landschaft identifizieren zu k{\"o}nnen, sowie einen Beitrag zur Quantifizierung der Erreichbarkeit einzelner Fl{\"a}chen durch Individuen zu leisten. Der erste Teil dieser Arbeit besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit der Quantifizierung der Habitateignung von Fl{\"a}chen f{\"u}r Heuschrecken. Dazu habe ich statistische Habitateignungsmodelle mittels logistischer Regression erstellt, evaluiert und validiert. Es zeigte sich, dass die Habitatwahl der Heuschrecken auf einer mittleren r{\"a}umlichen Skalenebene erfolgt. Dies steht mit der beobachteten Ausbreitungsdistanz der Tiere im Einklang. Neben dem nur grob klassifizierten Landschaftsfaktor „Biotoptyp" korrelieren vor allem strukturelle Faktoren sowie abiotische Faktoren mit dem Vorkommen der Heuschreckenarten. Bei der Bestimmung eines gemeinsamen Models f{\"u}r alle drei Heuschreckenarten erwies sich das Model der Art S. lineatus mit den Parametern Biotoptyp und Vegetationsh{\"o}he als am besten geeignet zur Vorhersage der Vorkommen der anderen Heuschreckenarten. Um zu testen, ob auch die Vorkommen von Arten unterschiedlicher Tiergruppen mittels eines gemeinsamen Modells vorhergesagt werden k{\"o}nnen, habe ich sowohl die Heuschreckenmodelle zur Prognose von Faltervorkommen getestet, als auch Modelle f{\"u}r Falter auf Heuschrecken {\"u}bertragen. Dabei erwiesen sich die Heuschreckenmodelle zur Prognose der anderen Arten weniger geeignet als das Modell f{\"u}r das Widderchen Z. carniolica in das der Anteil an geeignetem Habitat sowie die Vorkommen der beiden Saugpflanzen C. jacea und S. columbaria einfließen. Diese Art wird als standorttreu eingestuft und repr{\"a}sentiert damit auch die anderen Arten, die typisch f{\"u}r S{\"a}ume und Halbtrockenrasen sind. Die erh{\"o}hte Mobilit{\"a}t von Z. carniolica im Vergleich zu den Heuschrecken garantiert gleichzeitig auch die Erreichbarkeit aller geeigneten Fl{\"a}chen im Gebiet und damit ein Modell, das nur unwesentlich durch Zufallseffekte bei der Besiedlung beeinflusst wird. Neben der Habitatqualit{\"a}t/-quantit{\"a}t spielt vor allem der Austausch zwischen Fl{\"a}chen eine entscheidende Rolle f{\"u}r das {\"U}berleben der Metapopulation. Im zweiten Teil meiner Arbeit habe ich mich sowohl theoretisch als auch empirisch, mit dem Ausbreitungsverhalten von Heuschrecken besch{\"a}ftigt. In Freilandexperimenten konnte ich zeigen, dass die Annahme eines dichotomen Bewegungsverhaltens f{\"u}r Heuschrecken in einer realen Landschaft nicht zutrifft. Vielmehr wird die Bewegung in einer Fl{\"a}che besser als Kontinuum beschrieben das durch strukturelle Resistenz, Temperatur, Mortalit{\"a}tsrisiko und Ressourcenverf{\"u}gbarkeit bestimmt wird. Die jeweilige Kombination dieser Parameter veranlasst die Tiere dann zu einem entsprechenden Bewegungsmuster, das sich zwischen den beiden Extremen gerichteter und zuf{\"a}lliger Lauf bewegt. In Experimenten zum Grenzverhalten von Heuschrecken best{\"a}tigte sich dieses Ergebnis. F{\"u}r verschiedene Grenzstrukturen konnte ich unterschiedliche {\"U}bertrittswahrscheinlichkeiten nachweisen. Weiterhin konnte ich feststellen, dass Heuschrecken geeignete Habitate aus einer gewissen Entfernung detektieren k{\"o}nnen. Da das Ausbreitungsverhalten von Tieren in theoretischen Modellen eine wichtige Rolle spielt, k{\"o}nnen diese empirischen Daten zur Parametrisierung dieser Modelle verwendet werden. Zus{\"a}tzlich zum Einfluss des Laufmusters der Tiere auf die Erreichbarkeit geeigneter Habitate, zeigte sich in den von mir durchgef{\"u}hrten Simulationsstudien deutlich, dass der landschaftliche Kontext, in dem die Ausbreitung stattfindet, die Erreichbarkeit einzelner Habitate beeinflusst. Dieser Effekt ist zus{\"a}tzlich abh{\"a}ngig von der Mortalit{\"a}tsrate beim Ausbreitungsvorgang. Mit den Ergebnissen aus den Untersuchungen zur Habitateignung lassen sich die f{\"u}r Heuschrecken geeigneten Habitate in einer Landschaft identifizieren. Somit l{\"a}sst sich die potentielle Eignung einer Fl{\"a}che als Habitat, basierend auf Vorhersagen {\"u}ber die {\"A}nderung des Biotoptyps durch ein Managementverfahren, vorhersagen. Diese Information allein reicht aber nicht aus, um die regionale {\"U}berlebenswahrscheinlichkeit einer Art bestimmen zu k{\"o}nnen. Meine Untersuchungen zum Ausbreitungsverhalten zeigen deutlich, dass die Erreichbarkeit geeigneter Fl{\"a}chen von der r{\"a}umlichen Anordnung der Habitate und der Struktur der Fl{\"a}chen, die zwischen Habitaten liegen, abh{\"a}ngt. Zus{\"a}tzlich spielen individuenspezifische Faktoren wie Motivation und physiologische Faktoren eine ausschlaggebende Rolle f{\"u}r die Erreichbarkeit von geeigneten Fl{\"a}chen.}, subject = {Naturschutzgebiet Hohe Wann}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hart2004, author = {Hart, Stefan}, title = {Characterisation of the molecular mechanisms of EGFR signal transactivation in human cancer}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-10067}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2004}, abstract = {In a variety of established tumour cell lines, but also in primary mammary epithelial cells metalloprotease-dependent transactivation of the EGFR, and EGFR characteristic downstream signalling events were observed in response to stimulation with physiological concentrations of GPCR agonists such as the mitogens LPA and S1P as well as therapeutically relevant concentrations of cannabinoids. Moreover, this study reveals ADAM17 and HB-EGF as the main effectors of this mechanism in most of the cancer cell lines investigated. However, depending on the cellular context and GPCR agonist, various different members of the ADAM family are selectively recruited for specific ectodomain shedding of proAR and/or proHB-EGF and subsequent EGFR activation. Furthermore, biological responses induced by LPA or S1P such as migration in breast cancer and HNSCC cells, depend on ADAM17 and proHB-EGF/proAR function, respectively, suggesting that highly abundant GPCR ligands may play a role in tumour development and progression. Moreover, EGFR signal transactivation could be identified as the mechanistic link between cannabinoid receptors and the activation of mitogen activated protein kinases (MAPK) ERK1/2 as well as pro-survival Akt/PKB signalling. Depending on the cellular context, cannabinoid-induced signal cross-communication was mediated by shedding of proAmphiregulin and/or proHB-EGF by ADAM17. Most importantly, our data show that concentrations of THC comparable to those detected in the serum of patients after THC administration accelerate proliferation of cancer cells instead of apoptosis and thereby may contribute to cancer progression in patients.}, subject = {Epidermaler Wachstumsfaktor-Rezeptor}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Muellner2004, author = {M{\"u}llner, Antje}, title = {Breeding ecology and related life-history traits of the hoatzin, Opisthocomus hoazin, in a primary rainforest habitat}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-13239}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2004}, abstract = {The hoatzin (Opisthocomus hoazin) is an enigmatic bird that lives in the riparian lowlands of northern South America. Among its peculiar attributes are 1) microbial foregut fermentation, unique in birds, to convert plant cellulose in the foliage which it consumes into simple sugars, 2) an ongoing debate about the puzzling taxonomic position, although a relationship to the Cuculiformes appears likely, 3) adaptive wing claws in the young which are used for climbing, and 4) co-operative breeding behaviour. Despite the information available on digestive mode and taxonomy little has been published on its breeding biology and behaviour and until now almost all knowledge was based on a study in the savannah of Venezuela. This is the first detailed study of the hoatzin's nesting ecology in a rainforest habitat. From 1995-1998 and in 2000 I monitored a hoatzin population which consisted of approximately 700 individuals in an Amazonian rainforest in Ecuador situated in the Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve (between 0°02' N, 76°0' W, 0°03' S, and 76°14' W). The area is composed of various black water lagoons and small rivers, flooded forests and terra firme forest. Primarily, I examined group composition and breeding pattern and success related to traits such as clutch and egg size, offspring sex ratio and the number of parents involved in a common breeding attempt. Apart from standardised observations and monitoring I took blood samples from chicks, which were later used for molecular sexing and for DNA fingerprints. Food plants were collected and determined and a rough habitat mapping was conducted. Since the impacts of boat tourism in the area became apparent I investigated the interactions of adult and young hoatzins with tourists and measured the plasma concentration of the hormone corticosterone in chicks as an indicator of stress. Each chapter has its own introduction to the specific topic and can be read independently. The main findings of this study are: The reproduction of the hoatzin was timed strictly following the bimodal rainy pattern in the area. There was only one breeding attempt per year. Only 18\% of breeding attempts ended successfully with at least one fledgling. Incubation started with the first egg laid and led to hatching asynchrony. In most cases only the A-chick survived and there is evidence for a brood reduction strategy. I observed egg size variation patterns both within the clutches and between the clutches. Approximately 80\% of breeding attempts were carried out with auxiliaries. Units with alloparentals had a higher breeding success than single pairs. The results indicate a trade-off between helping and group size. DNA band-sharing comparisons revealed the existence of joint-nests, where several females laid their eggs in one single nest. The clutches of these joint-nests suffered severe egg loss during all stages of incubation. Breeding success did not differ between single- and joint-nests. The primary offspring sex ratio was biased towards daughters. There was no differential mortality between the sexes until fledging. Individual breeding units employed an adaptive production of offspring of each sex according to their current group size. Rainforest tourism negatively influenced the survival and growth of young, not yet fledged hoatzins. In addition tourist-exposed young showed a stronger hormonal stress response than their conspecifics from undisturbed sites. In contrast, breeding adults appear to have habituated to tourist boats and exposure to observers.}, subject = {Hoatzins}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Rapp2004, author = {Rapp, Ulrike}, title = {Achieving protective immunitity against intracellular bacterial pathogens : a study on the efficiency of Gp96 as a vaccine carrier}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-9096}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Protective vaccination against intracellular pathogens using HSP fusion proteins in the listeria model.}, subject = {Listeria monocytogenes}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Reintjes2004, author = {Reintjes, Norbert}, title = {Taxonomy, faunistics and life-history traits of Dytiscidae and Noteridae (Coleoptera) in a West African savannah}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-10287}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2004}, abstract = {The studies inventoried the species of the families Dytiscidae and Noteridae (Coleoptera) in Como{\´e} National Park in northern Ivory Coast, West Africa and investigated the ecological role of temporary and permanent water bodies for the aestivation of these aquatic beetles. The ecological studies focused on the question how the beetles cope with the temporary loss of their aquatic habitats during dry season. The climate in the study area is characterised by a pronounced dry season from about November to March/April, in which the temporary ponds and creeks in the savannah entirely desiccate. The only available water bodies during dry season in Como{\´e} National Park are the Como{\´e} River, pools in some of its tributaries, and a few of the large savannah ponds. The taxonomic and faunistic analysis revealed a high species richness in the study area and yielded a total of twelve species of Noteridae in four genera and 95 species of Dytiscidae in 22 genera. Thirty of these species had not yet been reported from the Ivory Coast. A description of a new species in the genus Laccophilus is given, named L. comoensis in honour of the National Park. Strong incidences exist that the material includes more species yet unknown to science. Concerning the mode of aestivation, observations in pilot studies led to the working hypothesis that the beetles pass the dry season as adults in aquatic habitats. Consequently, presence of adults in aquatic habitats throughout the dry season and cyclic migration of adults between temporary and permanent water bodies was expected. Regular sampling of water bodies throughout the dry season and beginning rainy season yielded 33,705 individuals in 72 species and 26 genera. In all the sample periods Noteridae and / or Dytiscidae were recorded. The number of species per period was between 36 and 58. It is concluded that in Como{\´e} National Park a) at least parts of the populations of the recorded species pass the dry season as adults and b) aquatic habitats serve as a refuge for aestivation of these adult beetles. In a rocky area in the riverbed of the permanent Como{\´e} River four sets of studies were performed during dry and beginning rainy season. According to the working hypothesis beetles should be searching for adequate aquatic habitats as long as temporary savannah waters are becoming inhospitable and are falling dry. Seven rock pools in the riverbed of the Como{\´e} River were artificially filled and thus offered for colonization at the peak of the dry season (end of January). After five days the rock pools were quantitatively sampled by completely emptying them. All the rock pools were colonized by Dytiscidae and / or Noteridae and with a total of 1,507 individuals in 26 species abundance and diversity were high. Habitats for aestivation are needed most, when the majority of the savannah waters are fallen dry. Little precipitation on February 18th 1999 had filled rock pools in the riverbed of the Como{\´e} River but no pools in the savannah, where the rain was immediately absorbed by the very dry soil. An inventory of beetles was performed in 21 naturally filled rock pools five to 20 days after this precipitation. The sampling yielded 8,456 individuals in 41 species. Except the smallest, all rock pools contained beetles. The result showed that Dytiscidae and Noteridae utilise the rock pools as aquatic habitat during dry season. Beetles adapted to a highly seasonal environment like the aquatic system in the study area should be good colonizers. Sampling of four, respectively five rock pools at two occasions within 24 hours after the start of precipitation examined the potential of colonizers at that period (March). Prior to these precipitations the pools had been completely dry. Dytiscidae were already present in all rock pools and a total of 434 Dytiscidae in 14 species was found. The working hypothesis of cyclic migration suggests that the beetles should leave the rock pools at the onset of the rainy season when precipitation had filled temporary water bodies in the savannah. After several precipitation events an inventory of 13 rock pools of the Como{\´e} River in May controlled for adult beetles. Only four species with 126 individuals were still found, of which Yolina chopardi contributed 81.7\%. This species seems to differ from the other recorded species in the use of habitats, since it was never recorded in the savannah. In general, however, diversity and abundance of Dytiscidae and Noteridae in the rock pools, as expected, was low after the onset of the rainy season. During the entire study of the rock pools in the riverbed of the Como{\´e} River 10,523 individuals in 44 species and 18 genera were collected. Thus, more than half of the species recorded in Como{\´e} National Park were found in the rock pools. The results suggest that the Como{\´e} River and the rock pools in the riverbed serve as aquatic retreat for adult Dytiscidae and Noteridae during dry season when temporary water bodies in the savannah are desiccated. The suggested cyclic migration between water bodies predicts that newly formed savannah waters are recolonized by the beetles at the onset of the rainy season. This colonization should be a) by adults and b) airborne. Two artificial ponds in the open savannah were offered only for aerial colonization at the beginning of the rainy season. The ponds were controlled for adult Noteridae and Dytiscidae daily during one continuous phase of eleven and a second one of 16 days (end of March to end of April). On every sampling date Noteridae or Dytiscidae were recorded. In the entire study 2,744 individuals in 44 species and 16 genera were collected. After precipitation, abundance and species richness increased. Thirty-five of the encountered species had been recorded in rock pools of the Como{\´e} River before. The principal species in the artificial savannah ponds had been principal species in samplings of the rock pools as well. The results support the hypothesis of cyclic migration: most species of Dytiscidae and Noteridae of the Como{\´e} National Park fly from desiccating savannah waters to permanent water bodies or water bodies holding water for extended times during dry season. They pass the dry season in these waters and fly back into the savannah after precipitation at the onset of the rainy season. Exceptions from this general rule are discussed.}, subject = {Schwimmk{\"a}fer}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Luo2004, author = {Luo, Qin}, title = {Essential features of a PrfA-dependent : promoter of Listeria monocytogenes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-10341}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2004}, abstract = {The gram-positive, facultative intracellular pathogen Listeria monocytogenes is the causal agent of listeriosis. Most of well-known virulence genes are controlled by PrfA that belongs to the Crp-Fnr family of transcriptional activators. A PrfA-mediated transcription initiating at a virulence gene promoter, inlC promoter (PinlC) that regulates the expression of the small, secreted internalin C, was in-depth characterized by an in vitro transcription system to unravel the essential features of a PrfA-dependent promoter in this study. The obtained results indicate a dual promoter for inlC that leads to PrfA-dependent and -independent transcription in vitro and in vivo. The PrfA-dependent transcription requires, as expected, the PrfA-box, a conserved 14 bp sequence of dyad symmetry located about 40 bp upstream of the transcriptional start site of each PrfA-regulated gene. Another important structural feature for this PrfA-dependent promoter is the distance between the 3´-end of the PrfA-box and the 5´-end of the SigA-recognized -10 box fixed to 22 or 23 bp, which is observed in the interspace regions of the other known PrfA-dependent promoters, e.g. PactA, PplcA, Phly and Pmpl. The -35 box of PinlC is not necessary for PrfA-dependent transcription. The -10 box of PinlC and also that of the other PrfA-dependent promoters of L. monocytogenes closely resemble SigA-recognized -10 promoter sequences of the well-characterized gram-positive bacterium B. subtilis. Even the extended -10 motif (5´-TRTG-3´) considered to be a basic element for many SigA-recognized promoters in B. subtilis is present in PinlC. Primer extension studies reveal that both the PrfA-dependent and the independent promoter share the same -10 box. The PrfA-independent transcription of inlC depends on a -35 box located directly downstream of the PrfA-box, and the close proximity of the two sites inhibits strongly the transcription activity of the PrfA-independent promoter when the PrfA-RNA polymerase complex binds to the PrfA-box. Deletion of the PrfA-box results in PrfA-independent transcription from PinlC, which is no longer inhibited by PrfA. High concentration of GTP appears to be necessary for PrfA-dependent transcription initiated at the inlC promoter and at other PrfA-dependent promoters. Based on transcriptome analysis, Milohanic and his co-workers identified three groups of genes that were regulated differently by PrfA. Some of these genes containing putative PrfA-boxes in their 5´-upstream regulatory regions were selected for analysis of their transcriptional dependency on PrfA using again the in vitro transcription system. The data show that among these "PrfA-regulated" promoters tested, only the promoter of the hpt gene belonging to group I is clearly activated by PrfA. This promoter is also the only one that exhibited all essential features of a typical PrfA-dependent promoter as described above. In vitro transcription starting at most of the other promoters was neither positively nor negatively affected by PrfA. Transcription initiated at some of the promoters of group III genes (lmo0596 and lmo2067) is rather inefficient with SigA-loaded RNA polymerase, but is highly activated with RNA polymerase loaded with purified SigB. Addition of purified PrfA protein has no effect on the SigB-dependent transcription. These in vitro transcription results indicate that the in vivo observed PrfA effect on the expression of most of the new genes is either indirect or PrfA-mediated transcription of these genes requires - in contrast to the PrfA-dependent transcription of the known virulence genes (including hpt) - additional factors not present in the in vitro transcription assay. In addition to these new genes described by Milohanic, the promoters of two genes (lmo2420 and lmo2840) that contain putative PrfA-boxes with only a single mismatch in their upstream regulatory regions were analyzed in this study. However, transcription of none of these genes is regulated by PrfA, suggesting that these genes are either not truly regulated by PrfA or regulated by other global transcription activators that interact with PrfA by yet unknown mechanisms. By exchanging corresponding sequences between a functionally inactive promoter ParoAP2 and a typical PrfA-dependent promoter PplcA, it is found that PrfA-dependent in vitro transcription can be initiated from the hybrid promoter containing the putative PrfA-box and the SigA-recognized -10 box (TTTAAT) from the putative PrfA-dependent aroAP2 promoter, but it is inhibited strongly by the interspace sequence between these two sites apparently due to an additional RNA polymerase binding site [the -10 box (TAATAT) for the PrfA-independent transcription of ParoAP1)] within this region. Furthermore, a symmetric sequence downstream of the -10 box (TTTAAT) is also shown to be a strongly inhibitory for PrfA-dependent transcription from the putative PrfA-dependent aroAP2 promoter.}, subject = {Listeria monocytogenes}, language = {en} }